Automobiles to Rent.
Large Touring Cars In charge of competent, chauffeurs. Our cara
are large and comfortable to ride In. v Give us a trial. . Special at
tention to wedding parties. :
The E. H. Towle Company,
25 West MalH Street. 'Phone 1445
$100 REWARD.
A reward equal to $100 in value will be Riven to the person who
first Anils the "mysterious Mr Pike of the Empire theater, who Is
even now walking about the streets. All that la necessary to do is
to ask htm if he is Mr Tike from the Empire ' theater. If he In he
will hand over an envelope which contains two' seats good for tho
entire season at the Empire theater, (jet busy. lie a detective Just
for fun. You may get this reward. Pike's movements will be fol
lowed from day to day until caught. 11-19-tt
Joseph Brooks Presents
In the Greatest American Rac
ing Play A
By George Broadhurst, and George V.
. PRICES 25o to $1.50.
A ' Real life-Like . Drama, ..
The Choir
Full of . Heart Throbs and Tears,
America's .Answer to ."'jThe Devil "
t v ' Oeorge Gber in f.
By John 6liver Hobbes ( Mrs Craigle)
,as played at the Uarrick, London,
-, , ' for two seasons. ?
, Prices, 1.50, ft, 75c, 50c and 25c.
Sunday! nov 22. -V
Moving Pictures
Hear t Eddie .Weston Sing,
Prices -15 and 25 Cents.
. The Sparkling Comedy' Success, '
Written by Hon Geo W. Peck.
Dramatized by Chas F. Pidgen.
and ?5. cents; evening, 15, 25, 33 and
60c - - ' v r
DAY, nov. so;
Wednesday, Matinee. ,
, . HENRY W. SAVAGE Offers
The Merry Widow
Original New York Company AVlth
tbe English Grand Opera ;
. . Orchestra, ;
Night Orchestra, 13 rows. $2;
orchestra, 8 rows, $1.20; orchestra,
3 rows, $1; dress, circle, first three
rows,, fl.50;-- dress circle, next 3
rows,,$l; balcony, 75c; gallery,
f rent, 5 0c, and back, 25c.
Matinee- Orchestra. '13 rows,
$1:50; orchestra, .8 rows, $1; or
chestra, 3 rows, 7ac; dress circle,
first 3 rows, $1: dress circle, next 3
rows, -75c; balcony, 50c; gallery,
. Mall orders now being received,
and will be filled In the order of
fheir receipt after Monday, Nov 23.
Enclose check or money order made
payable to H. E. Parsons, Manager
Poll's theater, and a self addressed
stamped envelope. , Mail orders will
be scut, out before the opening- of
the regular. Box Office window aale
pa Friday morning, Nov 27. .
Black and Grey Orereoats -"just
came in for this fall' wear; new,
neat and ityliah; right In cut, right
la length and right In every way
from $8.00 to $20.00, and all prices
The Spearo Clothing Co.
50 Grand Street.
' SUNDAY. NOV 22. , ,
Moving Picture Co.
' - NEW ACTS! ' '
Week of Nov 16 with dally matinees,
Manager Poll Presents
and the
Redpath Napanees
Funniest of all School Room Musical
V'and Comedy Acta,
All-Sfar 'Supporting Bill 4 Pro
vosts, "Fun In a Turkish Bath," Liz
zie Evans & Co, George Armstrong,
Johnson &'Hardy," Boutin & Tlllson,
Carney. & Wagner. Electrograph.,
, Poll's prices,1 1 0 to ' 50 cents; : no
higher. Phone 1090. ;
Week 'of -'. Nov 23 c: L.v?Water
buryVBrtlUaut Success; ED 4YOfNN
& CO In ".'MR busybody.".",;;; V
Grand Concert and ; Sociable r
' Lalfier'8.' -Military . band and '. St
Anne's drum Icorps at.C(ty. haH
Saturday Evening, Nov. 21, 08."
Music by Lalller's Orchestra.
: Annual Dance ;
Of the Brooklyn Athletic
Club at City Hall i
Thursday Evening Nov 26
' ADMISSION 25c. ;
Given by
In aid of St Patrick's, Friday Even
ing, November 27 lo City. Hall.
Doors open at 7:3(h Admission 50c.
Teacher of Brass and String Instru
ments. ' - .
Band and Orchestra
74 Abbott Avenue. Telephone 480.
Music for All Occasions.
Roller Skating
Casino Rink
'- Music -:
Every Afternoon and Evening.
The Only Rink in the
.- City."'-'"'
Fred E. A. Ward Mgr.
Formerly ol Eagles Ball Rink.
Theatrical Supply Department.
Everything needed for Theatrical
or masquerade parties.. Beards,
Costumes, Wigs, etc.
A. W. DIVI8 & CO,
The Tailor. - 142 South Main St.
' - ' Fur Repairing of all Kinds.
Arithmetic,, Algebra. Bookkeeping,
. also Languages. .
H. 8. GULLIVER, M. A. (Tale),
II Walnut st Tel 1X29. , 11-H-U
Tb$ National Ltigue Will Uit
But Serio Umpirti Nxt
' Season.
Chicago, Nov 20. There will b
seven umpires In tbe National league
next teuton, President Pulllam hav
ing passed up his plant to have two
official for each gamo because of tbe
tcarclty of reliable men. Tbe Ameri
can league will bave tbe double um
pire ayatem In 1909, and President
Han Johnson will announce toon the
names of the men who will compote
bis staff. ,
The latest umpire signed, by the
National league Is 8. P. Cuaack, who
has had experience In the American
association and Eastern, league. Cu
aack Is a Cblcagoan and was highly
recommended to Pulllam by mana
gers and players wbo live In that
city. Last season tbe National leag
uers bad six umpires, so the engage
ment at Cusack gives them one more
atone does not resign or get the hook.
The first thing Pulllam will do
when he goes back to New York will
be to request Johnstone to affirm- or
deny the report that he was displeas
ed with Pul!am because he had not
been selected to umpire in the re
cent world's series. If Johnstone says
he did not entertain ill feelings be
cause his name was left off the
world's series list of umpires and was
misquoted, he may get another trial
from Pulllam.
Pulilam would like to have two
men act at arbitrators .In each game,
but scarcity of good material, caused
him to .past up his ideas , of having
the double umpire system. ,
Mr Pulllam also has another YleW
about the wisdom of assigning two
men to each contest. He thinks' that
with two umpires for' every game
some of them would go stale for lack
of exercise. " ' ' "
Pulllam's plan for his umpires next
year includes a scheme to work one
man alone whenever It is necessary
for him to ginger up a man. Ems-
lle,. Rigler, Cusack and JohnBtone (If
retired) will generally be neij um
pires, and in the future the scheme
of switching the men from behind
the bat to the . bases will not be
followed. The man with the keen
est eyesight Will calls balls and strikes
Emslie thus probably being called
fof field duty all year. -Lanigan,, the
umpire from the New England league
Is not likely to, be -on the rsatioimi
league staff. He is slow In covering
nlavs. and Pulllam does not want a
referee of this kind.
Since Comlskey of the Chicago
White Sox offered $10,000 cash to
the Boston Americans for Catcher
Lou Criger Manager Lake of the Hub
team has concluded to make this pro
position to the owner of tbe Windy
city team: "Lake will sell Criger
for $10,000 providing the Sox will
trade Pitcher Smith even up for Cy
Young. The Boston club silready
has three clever young catchers In
Madden, Donahue and Carrlgan, bo
that Lake thinks that he can spare
Criger. But before Criger Is sold 11
I. I, n k I n .hot T.a1rA.wlll VAftalv, O
Btrone protest
pitcher Cy Youcg, who has been
paired with Criger for a dozen years
and thinks that the latter's services
are indispensable.
But Doe Game Fhyfd" Last Night
and Bridgeport Beat New
Bridgeport, Nov 20. Bridgeport!
took such a lead in the early stages
of tbe game last night that, Its victory-over
New Haven, 7 to 4,. was
easy. It was 2 to 1 at the end of
the first period and 5 to 1 at tbe end
of the second. In the .third period
Bentze got two goals and Gardner
one,- while Bridgeport was scoring
twice. Line-up and summary
New Haven.,
Lewis- . . . .
v -.
Roberts ,'v . .
Canavan- v. . .
Carrlgan . .
Harper . . . .
Won by
Bridgeport.-. ,
Bridgeport: v
New Haven .",
.Griffith, "Bentze
. . Suttoh
. . ;71:00
. .,m3:55
s -
. .;,6:44
. . ,.3:35
. .'-'.2:11
Halfback. .'
' Goal.
Caged by
. . . .Lewis;
-. .- .Roberts ,
....Bone ..
Bridgeport .Carrlgan
. .Lewis
New Haven .Bentze . . :r. :54
New Haven Gardner ....4:03
Bridgeport.. . ... . .Lewis . . .-. .3:02
Bridgeport.. .'. . . .Lewis . 35
New Haven Bentze- . . .ii . 1 :.l 5
Summary Score, Bridgeport 7,
New Haven .4; rushes, Lewis 8, Bone
6; stops. Harper 25, Sutton . 35; ref
eree, Leahy; -timer, Smith; attend
ance, 900. ; - , - .
National Polo League Satntling.
Pawtucket .14
' 5
-7 .
: l :
. 7
Bridgeport . .
New Haven
Fall River ..
New Britain
Eddie Dillon failed Jo. .show .his
former great ability In ciicning back
kicks In tbe Yale game, but his Bold
generalship In the first balf . was
The football situation as regards
Harvard, Yale, Princeton and Dart
mouth, could' not have been arrang
ed In a more satisfactory manner
than the outcome of the games last
week left it, as far as furnishing a
climax in the last conteat of the year
at New Haven.
Toa bavs something to tell. If
you want purchaser the people
must know where to find yon. lt
them know by placing want adv in
the Democrat 85 words S days (or
S3 cettts. -
Yale Has nothr Star Hurt and
, There is, Gloom Around tbe ,
J Campu$
New .Haven, Nov 20. In tbe final
bard practice of the year at Yale
field yesterday John K. Kllpatrlck,
Yale's star end was so badly Injur
ed that he had to be carried from the
field and Yale Is without any end
wbo can take a forward pass or an
onslde kick. Kllpatrlck was not to
be used in the scrimmage for the
coaches were afraid of Injuring him,
but in the signal practice before tbe
scrimmage' he was put In at left and
while Captain Uurch was at right.
He Jumped In the air to pull down a
high forward pass and when he came
down he fell' on bis knee, which was
Injured several weeks ago. The knee
pan dropped .down and Kllpatrlck
was unable -to rise. Roraback and
Foster Sanford took him on their
shoulders to a carriage and he was
taken to the Yale infirmary.- As a
result Logan and Captain liurch will
start the- game ugalnst Harvard.
Haines will be first substitute. The
students . yesterday afternoon march'
ed to the jleld and. the procession ar
rived Just, as Kllpatrlck was being
carried out.- This was not very en
couraging and he cheering was with
out J If e;' The coaches and Uie team
were also affected by the in Jury v and
It was decided not to have a scrim
mage lest some of the other men
should be hurt. . v ...
In'a desperate effort to relieve the
situation the Yale ticket department
decided laBt ' night to Issue" a very
small number of aisle tickets for the
Harvard-Yale football- game. - This
wilt allow the holder to nit on the
step of a . section aisle. This, move
will relieve only , some of , the yer.t
worst-cases .on-the hands of the de
nartment. and will still leave thou
sands of, applicants unable to get into
tne grounas. .
The manager of the ticket depart
ment said last night that the num
hr of Seats available to meet the
regular undergraduates and gradu
ate Yale demands was approximately
19.000.- The number of seats, culled
forby early Yale applications, .those
received - on or before November
was 27,000. All late applications
were refused and . the total money
thus far sent back Is about $8,000
New Haven city officials this year
will not get tickets to the1 game as
heretofore. ' Manager Thomson iuwt
night said he regretted that he had
to 'treat 'the New Haveners in this
way, but that the Yale applications
had to be taken, care of first
A tremendous impetus has been
given to -the movement for a new
stand, which probably, means a new
field, by the deplorable Insufficiency
of the accommodations for the pres
ent contest. . . -
, Yale worked the waiting game
against Princeton with success both
this year and last, wearing the other
side down and then striking hard and
effectively when the time came. Har
vard b plan against Dartmouth was
much the same and with -the same
three games Harvard has displayed
tactics of that sort. . The question
then arises, will each', try it on the
other to-morrow? If so there, la
likely to be a scoreless first half and
with some fierce attacking in the sec
ond. ' However, it is a sure thing'
that if either team can slip a sctre
across in the early part of tho itame
It will -not-pass up the opportunity,
and the. moral effect of a scoro first
In a game of this sort is not to be
sneezed at,
Yale teams fight like sin when the
game Is going against them, t-t that
doesn't always mean a victory, es
pecially .wjben the other side flgrhtir
like sin too, i; The Harvard team has
Shown good fighting stuff all season
and' reports 'from Cambridge say the
men . know 'football Individually,
that they are, in condition to play
hard from the start and that there
Is a machine like precision in their
formations' which make them addi
tionally effective. How hard put to
It they must have been to win their
games is something that Is known
only to those on the Inside, but with
reserve 'to back 1 what they bave
shown they are a team that may roll
up a big score if they get going early.
Yale's play hasn't been as comprehen
sive as Harvard's, but at West Point
and Princeton they were powerful,
even if belated streaks if sustained
team play, With almost the same
eleven men composing the varsity
team all season. Harvard has Just
that much, advantage over Y'ale, who
on account of Injuries had to make
many changes. These things and the
money that is on hand to back Har
vard would Seem to make the crimson
a logical favorite.
- Captain-elect Selgllng of the Tigers
weighs 218 pounds,
v Princeton ; scored 84 points this
season - and j Dartmouth scored 97.
Twenty-five points were scored on
the Tigers and 17 against Dartmouth.
Yale will be back atNew Haven
to-morrow to get the signals moving
smoothly under whichever man the
coaches will play quarterback against
Harvard. - f; ,
Pennsylvania State was tbe team
that held the Navy down last year, 6
to 4 so that Saturday's close result
did not dispel the Middles' hopes of
beating the Army."
Farmington, where the Harvard
team - will remain from Wednesday
afternoon until Saturday morning. Is
about seven miles from Hartford, and
an hour's run to New, Haven.
The Micblgan-Syractfee .came at
Syracuse. Saturday, closes tb,e season
for ,Yost's eleven. , In spite of the
defeat by Pennsylvania the western
ers are fairly confident of . winning.
Since 1884 Harvard'and Williams
have played 23 games, not meeting
In 1902 and 1903. Williams hns
won 14 games, Amhertt seven
games, and there have been 'two tie
Allerdice of Michigan who play
ed practically the whole Penn game
with a broken collar bone certainly
has nerve. According to the report
his tackling was brilliant even after
tbe Injury.
Harvard and Yale have won eight
and seven ' games respectively this
season, each hat played a tie. Har
vard C to 6 with the Navy and Tale
Eleven Teams in long Grind at
Boston Hit Up a Terrific Pace
Toward Closing Day.
Boston. Nov 20. At breakneck
speed eleven speedy pairs of riders
were last night breaking records xor
six day bicycle racing nt the Park
Square coliseum. Between 8 ana
o'clock 25 miles and 2 laps were cov
ered by tbe riders, and still tbe pace
continues hot.
Devonovitch and Mulligan last
night made up one of the two laps
which would again draw them up
with the leaders, but were doomed to
disappointment, as they were forced
by the Erueling grind to lose it
again. At 9 p. m. the score rtood
Clark and Fogler .867
MacFarlana and Moran U7
Hoot and Collins 867
Lawson and Anderson 867
Hollister in.l De Mara 867
llardgett and Hill 867
Mitten and Logan 867
Krebs and Ruprecht 867
Vanonl and Williams 867
McKay and Drobek. 867
Devonovitch i.nd HalllKan. . . .867
Such a swift oace was maintained
in the first hour yesterday that all
records were broken. All the eleven
riders covered 25 miles, whicn
smashes the figures for the hour.
Notbius approaching a steal nat,
yet developed. So closely are the rid
ers watching one another that the
tllghtest move up of any man has
the others on edge In an Instant.
None of the old tricks win worn tnis
year, and the clever riders will have
to spring something new if they want
to gain a lap on their rivals.
Walker and Palmer, the Australian
team, have been forced to withdraw,
the former teing- unable to eat any
solid food on .account of the cuts on
his mouth received In one of tbe
spills. . Vanoni and several other
riders who were not believed to be
extra strong at the start, are show
ing up wonderfully well. Hill, Dro
bek and" McKay, the ex-amateurs, are
proving a surprise. Hill is exception
ally fast, and It looks 8 If he and
his partner, Walter Bardgett, would
weather any storms in :l,e lap steal
ing line.
Elmer Collins has proved to be a
high grade six day rider and no mat.
tor how miick the Jump is or how
long the sprint lasts, he Is there In
good shape. Pat Logan and his lit-
tlftiini tner. Mitten, are gciag strong
er every hour, and Pnt 1 confident of
getting a good slice or tne money,
- i i s
Walter Rutt and Jrhn Stol, who
composed the German-Holland team
which captured tho ftrt honors at
last .year'is six. day cyela race at Madi
son Square garden, hsvo sent in their
entries for tnis year s grina, Decem
ber 6 to 12. Both Rutt and Stol
have been riding In great form dur
ing the past season on the European
evele tracks. Rutt kept pretty much
In Prance, but Stol made a tour of
the different courses tnrougnou
. If poaaibla this team Is in even
better shape for the day and night
week long grind at the garden that
It was last year, and witn stoi s piug
ein abilities and Rutt's famous
luniD thev will certainly be the dan
ge.ous factor In the race. This team,
In coniunction with the other Euro
pean riders' who will come over for
the event will sail from France in a
week or ten days. .
Old Time Runners Watch Italian in
Ten Mile Run.
Dorando Pietrl, the little Italian
who is here from Carpi. Italy, to race
with Johnny Hayes at Madison
"Square Garden Thanksgiving eve, can
rim all dav. Such K0OQ juages. B4
Harry Tuttle and Peter Hegieman,
the old time six day champion, saw
Dorando in his first work-out at Col
umbia university. The little Italian
ran ten miles at an hour gait, and at
the end was not In the last tired. He
perspired" rather freely, but showed
no trace of being winded. His style
Impressed Hegieman. "He Is a good,
strong runner, and looks as if he
could travel any distance," said the
old timer. He has an easy going,
tinilefia stride, and runs with his
arms well extended from his body,
The last two laps- of the ten miles
he covered like a hundred yard man.
After this, his first trial In this
country, Dorando expressed nimseu
as beinK pleased with the Indoor
work. Up to yesterday he had never
run oh an indoor track In his life
He walked all the way from Colum
bla university down to his hotel, and
seemed to enjoy the sights en routo,
He will work three days at Columbia
and do the next three days. on the
roads in the Bronx. He says inside
of a week he will be ready to run the
race of his life.
10 to 10 with Brown. Neither has
been defeated.
The Harvard management has re
sponded to Yale's call for tickets and
Is giving the New Haven manage
ment.jBupport similar to that which
came from Yale when the game was
played at the Stadium last fall.
. Leon S. Pratt is spoken or as
Williams's possible captain next fall
Next Saturday, against Amherst, he
will be playing on Pratt field. Am
herst, which was named .after this
famous family of Amherst graduates,
New Haven Is preparing for the
usual harvest that comet at the time
of the big football game of the year.
For the benefit of those who are
coin for the first time It might be
(Veil to say that money doesn't go
very far in New Haven on that day,
Pennsylvania was great against
Michigan, but the players who have
been out of the game part of the sea-
son on account of injuries were
many of them forced to retire. Mik
Murphy has a hard job on his hands
to get the eleven in shape for Cor
The Princeton game, while It may
not have had a great effect on the
physical condition of the players,
undoubtedly caused the coaches on
tbe side lines to lose several pounds
of weight. It was a rough time for
Yale't football tutors in the first halt
of tbe contest, -
No One in Sight Yet Fit to Tackle
Nelsoo-The Freckled One
Still lives.
Th iy round' elove fight between
Packer McFarland and Tommy Mur-
pby in Philadelphia ou
night showed conclusively, in m
opinion of competent ring followers,
that neither man has any license to
challenge Battling Nelson for - the
lightweight championsnip.
land had a slight advantage
Murphy, but the latter finished
strong. That botn men canuuv
with power enougn to warrant
statement that tney are oi
pionship calibre cannot be
McFarland has a good left hand and
Is a fast, scientific boxer, but he can
not waiinn with the right hand
enough to score knockout. In look
ing back over former great usm
weights who have shown real class
It cannot be said that either McFur
land or Murphy rate equally with Joe
Cans, Kid Lavlgne, Frank Erne or
Jack McAuliffe, all of whom at dif
ferent times-held the title. Murphy
is a ahowy boxen but that Is about
all. If he should meet McFarland in
a long mill the opinion is general that
he would be put away, but tnat noes
not mean that McFarland is a world
beater, for if he had been one he
could have stopped Murphy In the
early -rounds of Wednesday's battle
when he had the Harlem boy in trou
ble. A pugilist without a kuockoui
ounch never won a championship.
Nelson has repeatedly declared that
McFarland is not in his class ;tna
many, sporting num said yesterday
that the present lightweight cham
pion has a correct line on the Chica
go fighter's ability. .
The conditions governing the
Papke-Ketchel iniddleweight cham
pionship fight, which will be decided
Thanksgiving day in 'Frisco, call for
twenty rounds at 158 pounds, tne
men to welsh in at 11:30 a. m.. or
about three hours before entering the
ring. The way the money will be cut
up has not been made public. At
present the betting Is 10 to 7 on
Papke, with some takers, but It is be
lieved that the odds will by then be
2 to 1 before the day of the fight.
Both men are doing much road work
and their handlers say they will be in
Splendid shape when the bell rings.
As Papke beat Ketchel to a stand
still the last time they met he has the
Indian sign on his rugged antagonist,
and the Indian sign In pugilism has
always been a factor In deciding ring
contests. That is why Papke is re
garded as practically a sure winner.
After being knocked out by Larry
Temple in Boston the other night,
Joe Walcott. now a back number,
went to Easton, Pa. where Jack Rob
inson, a Chicago welterweight, treat
ed him to another sound beating.
Walcott is but a shadow of his for
mer self, but he Is fighting still be
cause he needs the money.
Freddie Welsh, the English bose?
Is at present a 10 to 8 favorite for
his fifteen round battle with Feather
weight Champion Attell, which will
be decided at Los Angeles next
Wednesday night. This is said to be
due to the fact that Attell will go out
of his class to meet Welsh at 130
pounds.. f-
Not so very long ago rumor had it
that Bob Fitislmraons, of the sorrel
top and freckled visage, once the
greatest heavyweight fighter in the
world, was posing as a model for
some prominent sculptor. Undoubt
edly Bob would hake a fine model for
a statue of Truth, not because he has
been "crushed to earth so often, but
on account or nis aunity to rise
again." . Fitz's latest is that he !s
going to Europe to fight as many of
the heavyweight fighters as can bo
herded tosether for the slaughter,
Bob has finished his theatrical en
gagements in Mersey and now his
home In Dunellen, N. J., Is the senne
of busy preparation for the trip
across the ocean which "Ruby Rob
ert" Intends to make on board the
steamship Celtic, which sails to-mor
row. The European, trip will be the
result of a proposition made to Fits-
slmmons some time ago by the man
agers of the National Sporting club
of London, in which, they offered to
guarantee the ex-champion $25,000
to fight four battles' at that club, two
of them to be with Gunner Molr and
Jem Roche. Between packs yester
day Bob declared that he Is good
enough yet to beat all of the "easy
money getters" In England, and after
he gets through with them he U set
tie down and conduct a "mammoth
athletic : retreat" , for broken down
business men. In conjunction with
tbe retreat will. be a physical culture
academy. ... ,
A clean knockout by Jim MtCul-
lough. the bantamweight, of Belfast,
Ireland. Wednesday night, over
Pinkey Freeborn of East Providence,
opened the new East Side Country
club boxing show at Boyden Heights
and caused the police to stop the
main bout between Dyson and Tickle
on the ground of prize fighting. Ref
eree Abbott announced that the mat
ter, would be immediately taken into
B. A. C.'vs ANNEX A. C.
The Brooklyn Athletic club foot
ball team and the strong Annex A
C. team of New Haven will meet at
tbe Driving park Sunday and a good
battle Is expected.' The Annex team
is made up of the strongest players
in the Elm city and will be composed
of the same players that will line up
against the strong All-New Haven
team, which , played the All-Water
burys and the B. A. C. team a tie
game, on Thanksgiving day In New
Haven for a side bet of $200. Tbe
B. A. C. team was out for practice
last night and. will meet again to
Paper Mill Starts I'p.
Uncasvllle, Not 20. The mill of
the Falk Paper Co at this ' place
which closed more than a month ago
with no reason given at the time
for the shut-down, hat reopnod oi
full time. '
Jil a Democrat JtuU
There's a close connec
tion at this season, be
tween turkey and foot
ball. Here's the overcoat to
watch the game in comfort
and here's the correct
dress to enjoy the dinner
Overcoats from $10
to $30.
Fur trimmedr Plush
lining $22.
Fur lined $50. I
Upson, Singleton & Co, :
Use - our Stairway between Bank
and South Main St
The Eagle
Brewing Co.
11 v
Brewers of the Choicest . ;
Waterbury, Conn. -
A Big Clambake
Or an excursion to the shore or aar
outing In the woods will not bt
complete without a supply ol
"Pallida" lager
"Alpha" Ale '.
It will make you better enjoy the
good air, the woods, the sea and1
nature in general. Take soma alonj
with you. Brewed by
- v.; -in;- - - -
HeMann Brewing Co
WHISKIES. . . Per Gallon
A good Rye Whisky $1.30
Still better , "8.00
Golden Star . ........ 2.50
Golden Valley Monogram . . 8.00
Mount Morris Club, reg price .
$4.00,-,. :, 3.50
Old Fashioned & Stamp, regular
price $4.00 .............. .50
Mt Vernon Club, regular price
$4.00 . . ... .... . . . . i 150
Old Empire 2 Stamp, regular
price S4.00 8.SO
Corning Distilling Co 2 Stamp.
regular price $4.00 ........ 8J5
A good Brandy . . .......... $1.50
Still better Brandy .,
Choice Old Brandy ......... '2.50
Good California Brandy, regular
price $4.00 $3,50
American . . .
No. 2 Gin
No. 1 Gin .......
RUMS." ' -
Jamaica --. ; .'. . . . .
No. 2 Rum -. ; .-..-,
No 1 Dit .-.
Annisette, Rote and
Per Gal
, , "X.50
....... f2.l0
...... 72.50
Per Gal
. . . . ... 2.50
Per Gal
reg price $2
All kinds of pure California
Wines, per gal . . ... $1, $1.50, $2
Whiskeys. . 85c, 50c, 75c and $t
Brandies, 50c,- 75c, $1, $1.25, $1.50
Gins and Tom Gins, 50c, 75c and $t
Rums . . ....... 50c, 75c and $1.00
Chrygtallzed Rock and Rye ....
SOc, 75c and $1.00
Cordials: ' .
Cream de Mentha - - 7Ro
Annisette v. ... .'. . . .50c and 75c
Kummel . . . . . . . . SOc and 75c
Rose .... ... fiOe
All kinds of California Wlnet,
bottled, at 25c, 85c, 50c, 75c, $1.
1 bottle Whltkey. worth .60 -1
hot Port Wine, worth .50 - ;
1 bottle Sherry, worth -.80
1 bottle Blackberry
Brandy, worth . . i . . .60
Total $2.00 for
N, B.--Ordert by mall or 'phone
will receive prompt attention. - -
213 South llaa St. TeL 474, Ris J