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12 iWATEHBUItY EVENING DEMOCHAT. l'HIDAY, NOVEMBER 20, J908. THE ARMY AND NAVY JOURNAL says ordinarily one cannot see how the military power ot a nation could depend upon buttermilk, but investi gations Into the deterioration In the physical development of the popula tion In certain parts of Germany are expected to show that It Is due to the lessoned consumption of buttermilk. Lately the candidates for the army show an inexplicable falling oft phys ically but which were formerly tine specimens of manhood. Inquiries show the dairies have been Bending the buttermilk far, far away, and the result is the children and grown peo ple can get only the cheap skim millc or comparatively innutrltious substi tutes. The American Journal of Medical Association says Switzerland Is getting into the very same situa tion. Now then if buttermilk wilt improve ns In our physical develop ment we should drink it by all means, and you get the best at Phelan's Tea store. But this ad man claims for breakfast nice fresh roasted Coffee is delicious and healthy, and for dinner and supper nice, clean, good "quality Tea is very palatable and health bearing. But you must get the good kind, and Phelan's is the place to get it. We have a few more coal hods and never break clothes dryers which we give with each pound of warrant ed good Baking Powder, 45 cents per, at PHELAN'S T STORE 42 East Main St. Telephone Buy Jewelry at a Reliable Store. Make Your Purchases? -: - ; at JACOBS Everything in the jewelry line prices the lowest in the city. Special bargains in cut glass, china and silverware. Watch and jewelry repairing. Ralph Jacobs 61 South Main St. Piano Bargains AT 26 East Main St. r Room 2, Upstairs. Tel 137-2 F. H. Lewis Co., Washburn's Gold Medal $6.50 If you'll Give My Man An Empty. PI-NMA.NSHIP. PROFESSOR HOLUEY teaches every pupil (o write a fine rapid. bi';neii hand, in a course of 16 private lessens, and no failures. All kinds of . fta work executed in the highest de tree of art. 167 BANK STkEET. Wedding Gifts Ve have come pretty designs in Cut ( lass and Sterling Silver at special prices this month for WeJ- W. Its Baker Wedding RingsiL. J. T llMN, all styles and sizes. ' M GAFFNEY JEWELRY CO., V,V C2 NORTH MAIS SIR?4 MEETINGS TO-SIQHL . , Boys club. . Central labor union Division No 3, A. O. II. C. W. A. Dressmaking. Sheridan, No 218. N. K. 0. P. B. P. O. Elks, Waterbury lodge, No 265. CITY NEWS. Have you tried a "Simplex" shlrtf ?1.50 at Upson, Singleton & Go's. . Fulton's band at Buckingham hall Saturday evening, dancing at 8:30. Monday morning at 7 o'clock at St Patrick's church there will be an anniversary requiem high mass for the late Mrs Margaret Cooney of Dover street. Tuesday morning at 7 o'clock at St Patrick's church there will be a month's mind requiem high mass for the repose of the soul of Mrs Cath erine Kelly of Charles street. A Stop, look, read! We are head quarters for stove and furniture re pairs; also will attend to your plumb ing, tinning and jobbing. Telephone 1259-3 or drop postal to W. T. Cor coran & Son, 302 North Main street. Any articles of clothing such as warm underwear of any size, warm wraps or coats, bathrobes or klmonas, shoes, caps or gloves, will' be very thankfully received by Mary C. Gormley, Anti-Tuberculosis nurse, 95 West Main street. Prank Rathbun, formerly of Bris tol but lately of Waterbury, is re ported as missing from his home. He left home on August 24 and has not been seen since. The Waterbury police sent word to Chief Beldea of Bristol yesterday ot the missing man and forwarded a description of Rath bun. The will of the late Edward Lob del Jennings who was purchasing agent for the American Brass com pany was filed to-day for probate. It is a brief document. To his daughter Mrs Horace Richardson, Mr Jennings left $100, and the Balance to' his widow, Mabel Caffin Jennings. In the will be nominated the Colonial Trust company his executor, but is a codicil he removed that nomination and named Adelbert P. Hine of Tor rington instead. Orders for the inspection of the organized militia of the state by the inspector general, C. N. G., were is sued yesterday from the office of the adjutant general. Companies A and G will be inspected December 14. Uniform for inspection will the ser vice (olive drab), field duty, and the blanket roll, made up in accordance with paragraph 486, Infantry Drill Regulations, U. S. A., haversack, canteen and eating utensils. Com manding officers will have their or ganizations formed and ready for in spection at 7:45 p. m., on the dates assigned. Rents Large store, 9-11 Grand street; corner South Main and Grand Grand streets, .7 rooms, five of them front rooms; 96 Fairview street, three rooms. For Sale One roll top desk and large parlor stove, both in first class condition. JOHN J. SHEEHAN WAREHOUSE 223 South Main St. Telephone 249-3. WATERBURY. Tea 24c lb. Do you use it ? If not try a pound. DIRECT IMPORTING CO. 151 Bank S. Up One Flight. Ladies' Tan Shoes Lace, Blucher, Button. $2.50. r i r i ni m 25 Exchange Place. Kext to L Chase's Millinery Store. Thanksgiving Millinery OX OUR COUNTERS IX THK TRIMMED HAT DEPARTMENT WE ARE SHOWING KVCRY SHAPE IX VARIOUS STYLES OF TRIMMING AXH AT PRICES THAT ARE ALL RIGHT. I. CHASE & SON. TheMiller&PeckCp Boys Clothing A Sale of Boys' Clothing that .will interest you if you investigate 'qual ity and prices.' 'Mostly sample suits, and prices are about hart regular, j Bloomer .Style Suits Knickerbock er Knee Pant Suits, Sailor Waist Style and Boys' Double ; Breasted Goods. Prices range' from' 1.59. up to $2.98; values up to $5.00. ' ' WOMEN'S HOSIERY SPECIAL. values. ,;; SKV AT 19c, or 3 pair for' 56c,' '-Women's all black regular j made Hose; women's Black Hose with;, fancy embroidered figures, from 50c pair. GUARANTEED HOSE FOR MEN AND CHILDREN. Guaranteed to wear without darn ing for six months or replaced free, and sold lower than good guaranteed hosiery was ever sold before, 90 cents for a box of six pairs, in black only, Children's and Men's Hose. The Millsr&PeckCo A Fresh Arrival of BUTTER Our Famous 27c erade 4 lbs for $1. 1 1 1 IB 0. 2 cars or SINCLAIR & CO'S BEEF Must be sold by Saturday Night, to make room for our great stock of THANKSGIVING POULTRY The prices will be made low to move it. 30 Light Cattle, the ROUNDS IN STEAKS 9 to 13c THE SIRLOINS 13 to 16c THE RIB ROASTS 11 to 13c THE SHOULDER ROASTS.. 7c. 9c. 11c PLATE BEEF 4c. 4c FRESH PORK 4.000 SHOULDERS '. 8o- Pound 3.100 PORK LOINS (ROASTS), 11c Pound 5,000 YOUNG Being especially Fed and Fattened on our own Farms for Holiday Uses. 3.000 on our Plymouth Farm: 2,000 on our Watertown Farm These birds will be killed and dressed most! on Monday and Tues day before Thanksgiving, and will therefore be of the "Nice Fresh Flavor" that so pleased all usera last year. While the QUALITY OF YOUR TURKEY comei Ant. then the PRICE IS NEXT IMPORTANT. These Genuine Natire Birds we will sell at 28c Pound, AND IF POSSIBLE AT 28c We will also hare a CARLOAD 07 YORK STATE TURKEYS. ' At Not Orer 23c a Pound. CHESHIRE FOWLS AND CHICKENS. We will have several thousand of the well known Boynton Stock. FOWLS. 13c to 1 So lb. ROASTINP CHICKENS. 20c lb N. B. : Remember our Mark Down Sale: At 9:30 Saturday night everything sold in Fresh Meats. Vegetable! and Baker? Goods. THE STORE OF QUALITY AND CASH PRICES TELEPHONE 937. 68. 70. 72 EAST MATH ST. , BUYING A - RAZOR is like getting married something of a lottery, and in both cases success or failure depends largely upon the temper. Ours are fully guaranteed. Koch's , Celebrated Faultless Brand $1.50 to $3.00 Henckel's Best in the World .... $1.50 to $4.00 Star Safety Sets $1,50 to $20.00 Ever Ready Safety, 12 Blades. .$1.00 Gillette Safety Razor Sets $5.00 to $30.00 Glad to Serve You. Hamilton Hardware Corp. 0-04 Bank St Manufacturers ( National Bank V'.-iV: '."-.v ' General Banking, American Express Orders, . "v. ' Safe Deposit Boxes, . v-V-?ja;V Foreign Drafts. The Child-Heron Law Corporation Credit Ratings, Accounts Collected. 79 North Main Street, Waterbury. 152 Chapel . . 136 Fairfield. f ew Haven. . 'V. Bridgeport HARTFORD, 004 MAIN ST. Bonds & Stocks V , Local investments a svecialtf. HOLMES & BULL ! :. Successors to C. L. HOLMES & CO. Holmes Buildbur Grand Street THE KINGSBURY 150 Rooms, with Bath, $1.00. 40 Large Rooms, with Bath, $1.50. Central Location Modern Improvements. JAMES F. WILLIAMS, Manager, Center Street, Waterbury, Conn. For the Verv . Particular Our 29o Butter. 3V lbs for $1. V 0 ESTABLISHED 1840. : Waterbury's Oldest and Most Complete Outfitters to Men and Boys, High Class Tailoring, Rightly-Made Clothing, Furnishings,' Hats and Shoes. V COPYRIOHT l0 V TV A C l.BUMUk'C CO VV COILCSCMMOUOTHCS J Sweater Jackets from $3.50 to $8. Our line at $6 is very . Jaeger's very fine, close woven jackets, in knit and French knit Our jackets at $8 are extra heavy, made to our order, giving you a heavier jacket than you will find in most stocks. We have ah extra good jacket for $3 50, gray with white pearl buttons, better ones for $4, 4 50 and $5. Steamer Rugs, just the thing to; wrap around you while watching the game, or to sit on, come in handy in many ways, both going or while at the game. , Gloves, lined, or unlined, we carry the best of American and English gloves, $1 50 to $8 50 Caps, in all the new colorings, 50c to $3, one of the best selling styles in the Welch golf, $1.50. Soft Hats, the latest in the Knapp felt is the "Dobbins" melton , finish mellow Eton edge, in the new shades of holly and London green, price $3. CJJ. B Stetson & Co's new college shapes in soft hats, all colors, $3 and $3.50. Half Hose, don't get cold feet, wear a pair of our wool half hose, you will find them very comfortable;: we have silk and wool combined that are very fine and not heavy if you ob ject to the weight of most wool half hose. & Son. STREET TO STREET. J. B. Mullinas .1 Yale-Marvaird a me 000 To-morrow is the great football game of the season. We have a great many articles that you will need if you go to the game, such as heavy, warm top-coats, cut on the latest models, $15 to. $50. jackets in white,, gray, WE TRUST YOU The election is over. Let's forget sult. Restoration of confidence should now be the dominant thought. Let's a'l pull together. . Let each of us show in a practical way that we have confidence in our country's future and confidence in the proverbial honesty of its people. - Just Drop in and See Our Lines of ' ' FURNITURE, CARPETS, CROCKERY, STOVES, RANGES, V LAMPS, PICTURES, ETC. EVERYTHING NEEDED TO FURNISH YOUR HOME COMPLETE. CASH OR CREDIT. BOSTON FURNITURE CO., South Main, Scovill and Brook Street.. Oldest and Largest House Furnishing Establishment in Waterbury. Miss Loretto C. Mahoney Graduate of Notre Dime Convent, TEACHER OF PIANO Certificated Pupi! and Assistant of PROF. JULIUS BAIER Will Resume Teaching Sept 1). STUDIO 256 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone 671. Clock and Watch Repairing at short notics. All work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. ' F. P. BECTON, 25 East Main St. With J. H Deverau ft Co. J E W E L R Y J E W E L R Y Meat Sale SATURDAY. Freih Shoulders, oer lb 9c Fresh Pork Loins, ner lb 12c Smoked Shoulders, ner lb 9c Fancr Chickens, ver lb 16c. 20c 3 lbs Hambure Steak -..25c Hams, ver lb 13c Rams Roasts, dct lb....... 10c. 12c Prime Rib Roasts 10c. 14c Satire Veal :8c. 16c Round Steak, ver lb 12c Don't forget to inspect our big fine of Chickens, Turleys and Gese for Thinksgrvinj. ' Frank Kicly, Mgr. : large and contains Dr. white and gray,, shaker and heather mixtures. our elation or dejection over the re EVERYTHING FOR THE HUNTER Guns, Rifles, Ammunition, Coats, . Pants, Hats, Vests and Belts. -Everything in Sporting Goods The D. B. WJLS0N Co. 13. 15. 17. EAST MAIN ST. - When you need Iron Fencing, let us tell you about the "STEWART." The -price is reaonable, get the best. & TEMPLETON, INC. 85 South Main St, 34-46 Brook St it Whereas, during the year now past our conn try has expei-imced a financial crisis so severe that the facs- tories, their employes and all of as hare suffered loss, but as never be fore In thp world's history onr people hare shown their optimism and hare in 12 short months largely recovered from the depression, and, whereas, ' the financial future is bright before as, let ns look to the great Power above In thankfolness, and enjoy the blessings which are ours. Now, therefore, by virtue of my authority as the largest shoe dealer la this district, and, therefore, Shoe Governor, - I do appoint Thursday, November 26, as Thanksgiving Day. Given under my hand and seal this 20th day f November, 1008. - ; HARRY G. DODGE, Shop Governor. By'Hh Kxrellmry's Command, JL 8. COSCDON, Secretary. fCbeapar than wood. Will laat a tifatfaM. II CINCINNATI. O. II llOrvVIO falfuri Ira fwiaHibaal, Wm. Uw pricM will MrjriM m. . Cell tmt Vf Xji aaa aa. Q Wate rbuiy