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WATERBUHY EVENING DEMOCltAT, FItlDAY. NOVKMHEJt 20, 1908. COMID OF FIMRCE JUDGE DENNETT BUSY TEACHERS CLUD Surd Parlies Discuss fbe Eill- males For WW. Will Clear Oil Uaojr Cases Be fore Holidays. Mavor Thorns and the couimissiou. era' of the department of finance hold a moetlng In the aldermanlo cbanw . bur yesterday afternoon for the pur- ; pose of hearing parties who desired to have a word to say regarding the estimate for 1909. John O'Neill, president of the board of agents of the Bronson libra ry, was the first speaker. He said he would be brief because he had a notion that the less the speakers' said the more they would get, but while he was on his feet he wanted to say that at the very lowest he hoped an appropriation of $S,000 will" be made : for the library with an addition of between $1,100 and $1,200 to pay an assessment ' levied against the li brary for the widening of Grand street. Smiling at the cussedness of e the. thing, Mr O'Neill stated that tn.9 city cut into the library lawn, taking away a very valuable piece of proper ty and. assessed them big benefits for the privilege of losing their proper ty. ' The total Income of the library, he said, is $11,500, and something In the neighborhood of $8,000 of this Is pnld. out for labor, leaving a very - small sum for books and such other Items of expense as are necessary to keep the institution up to the times There will be some expense' this year In fixing up the lawn, planting shrub bery and getting the place Into keep ing with property in the Immediate neighborhood, and this, added to keeping up the regular work of cir culating books at the library, in. the schools and at deposit stations, could not be continued without, a liberal at proprlatlon from the city. . "You took bur property away from us and now we want something in return for it," said Mr O'Neill. , "Give at leasi . $7,, 000, and as much as you like over that." . , B. H. Fitzpatrick, principal of the Croft, school, for many years a mem ber of the board-of agents of the Bronson library, the librarian, Miss Sperry, Miss Bossidy, principal of the Washington school, and Miss O Neill, principal of the Mulcahy school, also spoke regarding the library matter, and between the whole of them they made out a pretty good case in favor of an appropriation large enough to enable the library to keep up with the procession. .William E. Kennedy, superinten dent of the water works, and Com nilssloner Scully represented the de partment of public works. Mr Scully said that a good deal of work or dered done by the board of aldermen in still on the waiting list, and that the board would like to be In a posi tion to take up the whole of it next year, but they knew this was out o the question and kept down to sub' stantially the same amount as they had last year, and, therefore, they hoped there, would be no cutting. He thought, though, that the sum total should be added to so as to enable the board to purchase a sprayer to enable . the' superintendent of parks to cope, with the elm leaf beetle in cage it Rhould make war on th) trees next season. Superintendent Kennedy explained the need .of, a larger main in lower Baldwin street as far out as Cherry street, also the condition of the reservoirs and what should be done In order to guard against contamina tion. The mayor asked Mr Kennedy several questions, all of which were answered In a manner which showed that the superintendent Is on to his job. . . . - About $25,000 is asked this year by the board of public works for the bureau of engineering, so that the department may-have its own appro priation, but the item "Streets, new work," Is made about $25,000 less than last year, so that the engineer's appropriation is not in excess of what the board had for 1908. . Superintendent Beach of the police department. Fire Marshal Snagg and Commissioner Minor appeared for the police and fire departments. They want a new grade in the police de partment to which officers will be eligible after two years' service, the wages to be $3 per day, tne same as men get In nearly every other town of this size all over the country. At present tne maximum salary for na- trolmen In Waterbury is $2.75 a day and the minimum $2.25. The board also desires to make an additional title to the detective force, the men to be known as detective sergeants This does not carry with it any in crease--in pay and will have to be passed upon by. the aldermen. They want nve new men, or. in the lan guage of the speakers, they are ask ing for Ave, but they need at least twenty-five. Many sections of the city are poorly policed, but the de partment Is doing the best it can with the number of. men at Its com mand. The principal thing desired by tne nre department is an nuto chemical apparatus which can be had for about $5,500. This would nut the Leavenworth, street house In a position to take care of still alarms and small fires without running any risk of being handicapped in case a - bell alarm should come in while they were out on tne other. .jur John D. Freney, president of the board of health, represented that department, and he did his work well. He said the board hadn't asked for an appropriation for a new crematory because they knew they would not get It and besides the crematory busi ness Is still in the experimental stage and after a few years Waterbury will have the benefit of the experience gained by other cities where Incinera tion plants are now being construct ed. He paid a high compliment to the efficiency of the health officials, specially Sanitary Inspector Calla han, whom he considered one of the most efficient officials in that line of business in New England. Superintendent B. W. Tinker. John McDonald, Edward B. Reiley, Jr. and Walter A. Monagan appeared for the board f education, Mr Tinker con fining himself to school matters gen erally.' Mr McDonald declaimed upon the necessity of keeping the educa tional Institutions of the city up to inc. highest possible standard, so that the youth of the community .may have an opportunity to go into the battie of life equipped with a liberal ' Apparently Judge Bennett proposes to get away with a lot of business In the superior court between now and the holidays, for at short calendar to-day quite a number of cases were set down for hearing. If the pre ent case on trial, Walter. S. Atwood against the Connecticut company is disposed of to-day, business will be gin next Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock with the two cases of John renrose against the railroad com pany to be followed thus: Mildred Somers vs the . city and Patrick Barnes vs the same. ' "Wednesday: Concetta Crlstlnb.vs Maria Chiodo, Thomas Martone vs John Fernandez, and the two cases of Anna N. Cottle and Adolph Miel lez vs the railroad company. Tuesday! December 1: Michael Rlccio, Italian consul, admlnlstrlx, vs the Connecticut company, Rosanna Lynehan ys U. O. Church and other officers of the Republican town com mittee and Andrew J. Kenneally, Catherine Allen and Robert Allen vs the Connecticut company. . December 2: Martin Dalton and George Lutz vs the Connecticut Co, two cases, Fred B. Price vs Police man Flnton Tehan and Superintend ent of Police George W. Beach. December 3 : . Mary Lehr vs the railroad company and Thomas O'Nell vs the Connecticut company. Roosevelt to Harvard. ' Cambridge, Mass, Nov 20. Presi dent Roosevelt In a letter printed in the Harvard Illustrated Magazine, has expressed his good wishes for the Crimson , eleven in its Kann Kt New Haven to-morrow. Prosldent Roosevelt's letter follows: "Accept my greetings and the expression of my heartiest good wishes for the team. Theodore Roosevelt." Will Oppose Reduction, i Denver, Nov 20. The News to day says: On the ground that any further reduction in the price of lead will force many of the mines in CoU orado to close down, , the American smelting and Refining Co will join with the commercial organizations nf Denver in fighting any effort on the part of the next congress to. vpfl urn the import duty on that metal. education. Mr Monagan talked on salaries, and Mr Reiley's theme was school property and how it should be cared for... He explained why the board wants to purchase four or five lots at the Walsh school and build an addition there, and also why the Mulcahy school should be fenced and the lot put in shape so that it may be used as a play ground without tnn much risk to life and limb. All an swered several questions regarding items in the school aDnrenrlRHnna and from their point of view mads it plain that their estimates are modest and should not be reduced; I wo action was taken on nv nr estimates, but they will be consid ered at a meeting to be held this afternoon. 181 laslroelors Iff ( and Organ ; Izrd for tfaloal Benefit. The School Teachers' 'association of this city was formally organized yesterday afternoon when 181 of the Waterbury instructors met In the as sembly hall of the High school and elected officers. A constitution and by-laws were also adopted, no noth ing remains now for the 'teachers to do but start planning for a raise In pay. More salary is the foremost purpose of .the organization. Prof M. C. Donovan presided. The voting for some of the officers was rather spirited, this being espe cially true of the presidency. On the first ballot Miss Nora A. Muhaney of the Merrlman school received sixty-one votes, Miss Katherine F. Seery of Driggs forty and Miss Nellie A. Browne of Croft twenty-five. , The others were scattering. Miss Ma haney was elected on the next ballot. The other officers chosen were as fol lows: Vice-president, Michael C. Donovan - of Crosby- high; . recording secretary, Miss Nora C. McEllIgott of Webster;- financial secretary, ' Miss Alice C. Fitzpatrick of Croft; treas urer, Miss Elizabeth F. Devlne of Duggan; executive committee. Miss Edith Mills and Joseph Wallace of Crosby high; Miss Mary Coyle. Web ster; Miss Nellie Browne, Croft, and miss Katherine Seery of Driggs.' i.nere was some discussion m tn whether the town teachers should be allowed to Join the association and it was finally put to a vote with the result that the town teachers were declared eligible. . . The objects of the association nre. first, to secure all rights and m-lv- ileges to which teachers are entitled; second, fo Increase the efficiency of the teaching corps; third, the consid eration, of all subjects essential to the welfare of teachers as a body. - FALL WAS FATAL. Man Workine at Soovill Co Bridee Died on Way to Hosnital. Edward Shrive, aged 34 years, an employe of the Berlin Construction Co, fell from a scaffolding at the plant of the Scovlll Manufacturing Co yesterday, receiving injuries from which he died while being removed to the Waterbury hospital. He was standing on a plank on the second story of the South mill opposite Dub lin street when he fell, striking on his head, breaking his neck and frac turing his Bkull. Lunny's ambulance was called and the injured man be ing still alive it was decided to take him to the hospital, but he died at the corner of West Main and Willow strets and then the vehicle was turn ed around and Btarted for Lunny's morgue on Grand street where the body was prepared for burial. The deceased belonged in Dunmore, Pa, and the remains will be shipped there to-night by Mr Lunny. The deceas ed was a very handsome young man and those who knew claim that he was a. .first class mechanic ..and of good habits.; . SOCIAL AND FRATERNAL ' ; Events of Interest to Man Water birr reople, - Then will be no rehearsal of the St Francis Xavler choir this evening. On Tuesday evening the Queen's Daughters, will hold a whist at Elks' hall on Grand street. The Washington Jllll club will run one of their weekly dances this even ing at their hall du Washington street. ' , . On Thanksgiving eve Brass City lodge, No 250, U A. to B. of K. R. T.v will give their annual dance at City hall. ,A dance order of sixteen num bers and a short concert is on the programme. Lalller's orchestra will furnish music, , To-morrow ' night will be the night at City hall, Lalller's band and St Anne's drum corps will give their concert and dance, and no doubt the visiting drum corps will draw a large delegation from the surrounding towns. Watch for the big parade to morrow night. The beginners class '. which will start at Rick's dunclng academy, 43 East Main street, Monday evening, November 23, Is filling up rabidly. All ladles and gentlemen desiring to learn to dance nre invited to Join. This class meets twice a week, Mon day and Thursday evenings. Each pupil receives individual attention. No new beginners taken in after the third lesson;' that means that each pupil will learn to dance quickly and correctly. '-. On Thanksgiving night the Brook lyn Athletic club will celebrate their twentieth anniversary with their an nual dance at City hall. The affair in former, years was one Of the big gest events of the season and has al ways proven a big success which was due in a great measure to the atten tion which the members of the club gave to the aranging. . This year a great deal more time has been spent in attending to the details of the af fair and the members will endeavor to make it the banner event. Lal ller's orchestra has been engaged to furnish music for dancing and for the short concert which will precede the dancing. The Glad Tidings circle held its annual fair at the Second Congrega tional church yesterday afternoon. The tables were in charge of the fol lowing persons: fancy work, Mrs Al len, Miss Elsie Branch, Miss Grace Brackenridge, Miss Lillian Goedecke, Miss Jennie Wilson, Miss Louise Claxton; household parties, Miss Bessie Richardson, Miss norence Blake, Miss Edith Thomas, Miss Lucy Richards; cake booth, Mrs Robert Dennlson, Miss Florence Hal las, Miss Violet Brunt, Miss Clarke, Miss Idabelle Bradley; candy, Miss Thalia Carver, Miss Helen Bracken ridge, Miss Miriam Croft and Miss Margaret Croft; ice cream, - Miss Grace Claxton, Miss Beth Hanchett, Miss Helen Cross, Miss Anna Schneider, Miss Eleanor Williams, Miss Fanny Ford, Miss Violet Harke, Miss Charlotte Bucher; dolls, Miss Ethel Hanchett, Miss Dorothy Brack enridge, Miss Alta Chlpman, Miss Beth Burritt, Miss Elsie Dechand. The committee of arrangements con sisted of the officers as follows: pres ident, Mrs Harold White; vice-president, Miss Grace Brackenridge; sec retary, Miss Thalia Carver; treasurer Miss Bessie Richardson. Waterbury's Largest Outfitters to Man and Boy-Hats to Shoes. - Overcoats for To-morrow's Game, and for Every Other Day a Man Wants to Look Fit. Great big comfortable great coats, fur coats, fur lined coats, dampproof shoes and the h dispensable steamer rug. Our "Carlton" is a typical football overcoat. . Made from fancy Scotch cheviots, in light gray tones and the popular browns and olives, 52 inches long, with roll collar of self goods, cuffed sleeves, great big patch pockets a wide, sweepy classy looking garment, full of comfort and gingery style, $20 to $35. . Button-to-neck military collar topcoats, as illustrated in browns, olives, and gray mixtures, $20 to $38 Regular overcoats in black, Oxford gray and self stripes, $10 to 850. Fur Overcoats $(8 to $75.00 Fur lined overcoats $50 to $150. Damp-proof shoes of heavy calfskin in tan and black, Oxford or high cuts, S4 to $7.50. Steamer rugs $10 to $25.00. - Jones, Morgan h Co., Inc. War M Goods. Soft and .. Easy Comfort Shoes for Old Ladies. Warm and Com- f ortable. . Just , the. shoe .for house wear. IMPERIAL SHOE STORE, SO South Main. Down Three" Steps. JOHN MCELLIGOTT. YOUR BOYS They Need an Overcoat or Win ter Suit All sorts of tastes in Boys Clothes ean be Fully satisfied here. What eve your idea, you'll find Something here to meet your wants. , R. R. Harder & Co. lOS Bank Street, Straight Knee Pant Suits, fl 1-2 Price. Dinner Ware For Thanks giving 112 Piece Sets at $8 00, $10.00, $12.00, $15.00, $18 00, $20.00, $30.00 and $35.00. See Our North Window Roasting Pans, Baking Dishes, Glassware, Silver ware and Cutlery. AT FENNER'S, , , T8 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone 16S-4. The Very Best Makes of overshoes and rubbers for every member of the family. Our stock of these winter necessities is most complete and consists of the BEST QUALITIES ONLY. THERE IS NO PLACE HERE FOR INFERIOR GOODS. Every pair is guaranteed to wear sat isfactory. Ask to see our high cut shoe for men for $2.00, worth $2.50. FRANK, The Shoeman 156, 158 and 160 South Main Street. Telephone 173-2. VIOLETS FOR SATURDAY. Order Early. The FLORIST. 32 Union St. 119 Grand St. 26 North Main. ' Telephone 418. At Manufacturers Prices Mattresses, Pillows, Couches, llrau lid Iron Beds. Rugs, Oil Cloths, etc. We manufacture all our own mat tresses, pillows, etc. We cave 70a money. Hair and Cotton Mattresses made over. GENERAL . FIRE INSURANCE AND STEAMSHIP AGENCY. Full information concerning any ocean voyage cheerfully furnished, and complete arrangements made for any c ass of passage Travelers' checks and foreign money orders issued to any part of the world MRS JOHN RYAN, 507 North Main St Telephone 507-12 Flowering Bulbs of All Kinds. . Tulips, Daffodils, Hyacinths and . all Other Varieties. Special Sale on Boston Fern. ' Saxe & Floto 205 South Main St. ALWAYS OPEN. Waterbury Bedding Mf? Co. 250 East Main Street. Stylish Clothing. Now Is the time to set measured for a NOBBY SUIT for FALL or WINTER. r. DUCK. 132 North Main. Tel. Call Fashionable Tailor. Ladies or Gents Garments People Whose Garbage Is neglected will And quick relief by sending a postal or calling by tele phone. No lOfil-t. H. M. SIGNET. WATEEVELLK RECOMMENDED BY PHYSICIANS for Kidney, Liver and Stomach Trouble. ,j . BUTTERMILK By the quart, glass or gallon at J, E. WATTS' CAFE- Sonth Main St IMPORTED MUNCHEN LARGER BEER. Fine Variety of Delicatessen Lunch at All Hours. DRESCEER & KUL 16 and 18 Harrison Ave. Thanksgiving Necessities Stamps Free Citron per lb . . . . . t 25c Lemon Peal per lb . . . . . . 20c Orange " " . . . . . . 20c Grapes " " . . . . .15c Oranges per dozen . .... . . 30c Lemons " " ... . . . 25c Sultana Raisins per lb . . . . . 15c Dried Peaches " . . . . . 15C Dried Apricots ' " . . . . . . 15c The Hub Grocery Co. 118 SOUTH MAIN STREET Martin Berlin's Sons UNDERTAKERS, Cor. Scevil! and South Main St Telephone 94. Night Calls Answered by Thomas F.Berf in, 75 Sooth Elm Street Tel. 132-2. Patrick S. Bergin 102 Walnut - Street. Tel 571-2. HACK and COACH STABLES. Finest Hacks and Coaches in the City. Experienced and Careful Drivers. Tel. 132-14 ALWAYS OPEN. HIS NOSE KNOWS. when he Is up against the right kln of Feed. 'The wise horse know what i good for him, and he generally comes nosing: around when he geu , near any of our Oats, Meal or Corn. ' We guarantee every bag we aell to be ' clean, fresh and free from any ob-, jectlonable mixtures. The best grown and most nutritious Grain we can se- cure Is none too good for us to keen, in stock. If you let the horse do hi own choosing he wlfl come to ua. - JOSEPH PEPE : ELEVATOR and MILL 51-54 CANAL ST. . COAL and WOOD Orders promptly delivered. Tard, 171 South Leonard atreet. Office 6 Bank 6t, Exchange Place. One Flight Up. Tel. FRANK FLAMMIA & CO. C O A WOOD and Charcoal. JOHN BYRON Vtrd tintr Plus. Atvaodl. Vf ton n(flo with I. H. IWrmesui, tJ Kil ma kt. TaWplMM.