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i rWATERBUKY EVENING DEMOfcllAT. TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1908. IEAC0ER STRICKEN We Invite You to Dine With Usatlhe Elton $3.00 Shoes Ulsi Emmons ol MfatervUlc Bit ' an Allack ol DlplfccrU. AT JAPANESE CHINA. Rich and Artistic Decorations. Tea Strainers Bpoon Trays Vases Mustard Pots Olive Dishes Putt Boxes Hair Receivers Pin Trays Choice 25c Value 39c to 50c AUSTRIAN AND FRENCH CHINA. Beautifully Decorated. Salad Bowls Cake Plates Celery Trays Cracker Jars Chocolate Pots Spoon Trays Muffin Dishes Nut Bowls I Choice I $1.00 i Value $1.25 to $2.00 GLASSWARE Berry Sets Rich colonial glass, 7 pieces, regular 75c, Anni versary Sale, set 59c Punch Sets Rich pressed cut glass punch bowl on standard and 6 cups, regular $1.50, Anniversary Sale $1.00 Latest Fall Millinery. Exact Reproductions of Hats worn at New York's most stylish event, the Annual Horse Show. Evenine and Dress Hats. Ribbons. Feathers and Buckles. Allard & Blanchette, 124 South Main Street. FALL HOLIDAY MILLINERY A fine showing of Ready-to-Wear Millinery for Thanksgiv ing purchasers. A special made . hat assured it' the order is giv en early. F. L. MARKS Co., Inc. MILLINERS 109 Grand 102 Bank. Successors to A. F. COWLES. The Best That is the Magee Range. Full line Heating Stoves. Tin and Wooden Ware. Stransky Enameled Ware. Plumbing, Heating and Roofing. The Barlow Bros. Co., 61, 63, 65 Grand Street Brings a customer for that rent, or for that piano you want to sell or a buyer for that property you wish to dispose of quickly. Try it Once in the Democrat 25 Special Thanksgiving Offerings From the 14th Anniversary Sale. Eight in the nick of time it ing utensus, with its economies of uvuovniivoi .. .. housewives. It's a function all should attend. It's a supplying time for future as well as for present needs. It's oppor tunity to obtain the reliable, the dependable and the good at the prices of the other kinds. Snowy New Lin ens. Shiny New Cooking Utensils, keen edged Cutlery, bright New China and Sparkling New Glassware all will give added enjoyment to the THANKSGIVING DINNER. No store handles these things more intelligently than we do. We sell the best "without charging the most. And because ytu want the best without paying the most. We respectfully suggest that you will find many interesting items below. JAPANESE CHINA. Large Variety of Decorations. Olive Dishes Nut Bowls Rose Jars Plates Mayonnaise Dishes Sugars Creams Syrup Pitchers Choice 50c Value 75c to $1.00 THE ROYAL ROASTER. Self Basting, makes your roasts rich, tender and juicy, Spe cially Priced at. . . .79, 69 and 49c BARGAINS. Wine Sets Rich cut glass, de canter and 6 thin Austrian wine glasses, regular $2.50, Anniversary Sale $1.39 Table Tumblers kind, regular sary Sale .... -Thin blown 60c, Anniver- 39c Covered Vegetable Dishes Eng lish porcelain, decorated, reg ular 53 to 75c, Anniversary SaIe 29c Turkey Platters English porce lain, neatly decorated, regu lar 75c, Aniversary Sale 39c DO IT NOW. Order Your THANKSGIVING TURKEY, CHICKEN, DUCK, GOOSE, or Little Pig PORK of us, and you'll get the best that can be had at but little higher price than for the cheap, uncertain kind not the kind you want for your good Thanksgiving day dinner. Seeing and trying is believing. Don't wait to try. Come here and see. vm SPECIAL One package AUTOCRAT or NONE SUCH MINCE MEAT FREE with each Turkey sale. Please mention this adv. FRESH DRESSED NA TIVE POULTRY A SPECIALTY. DUESLER BROS. PEOPLE'S MARKET. Phone 469. 21 Phoenix Ave. AT ADT'S There are Posters and Posters, wenm'rnj. i mli r iSr ... have them. All the College Banners) and Cushions Fraternity Banners and Cushions. made to order. Don't forget those pictures you were going to have framed; bring them in early Adfs Art Store and Photograph Studio 54-56 Bank Street. NOTICE. Time having elapsed the follow ing pledges will be sold at private sale if not called for by Saturday. November 21. 1908: No. Issued. Article. 11616 Feb 8. 1908 i watcn 12171 May 13, 1908 l 8quare 12177 May 14, 1908 l wring 12190 May 15, 1908 l watch 13192 May 16, 1908 i watch 12195 May 16, 1908 i watch 12198 May 16, 1908 l watch 12204 May 16, 1908 2 rings 12205 May 16. '08, 1 dz silverw'e 12209 May 18,'08..6 knives 6 forks Great bargains In unredeemed and new' Diamonds, Watches and Jewelry. M. A. GREEN, Buckingham B'l'd'g. 200 Bank St., comes with its bountiful assemblage pleasine nrooortions and with its all THANKSGIVING LINENS. 20 pieces Bleached Damask. 60 inches wide, worth 39c, An niversary Sale 25c 10 pieces 63-inch All Linen Da mask, worth 65c, Anniversary Sale '. 50c 10 pieces 70-inch Bleached Da mask, worth $1. Anniversary Sale 75c 5 pieces 72-Inch extra fine Bleached Damask, worth $1.39, Anniversary Sale $1,00 50 dozen all Linen Napkins, worth $1.39, Anniversary sale. $1.00 FROM THE BASEMENT. Cups and Saucers Fine thin Austrian China .neatly deco rated, regular $2.50 dozen, Anniversary Sale $1.50 Cranberry Saucers Semi-porcelain and decorated, regular 5c, Anniversary Sale at, doz. . .J9c Cups and Saucers Japanese china, richly decorated, regu lar 39 and 50c a doz, Anni versary Sale 25c Chocolate Sets Imperial Ger man China, rich decorations, regular $2, Anniversary Sale $1,39 Dinner Sets Semi-porcelain, blue forget-me-not decoration, 100 pieces, Anniversary Sale. $8.98 Dinner Sets English porcelain v deep green border and floral spray, 100 pieces, Anniver sary Sale $14.95 MINCE PIE FOB THANKSGIVING. It seems more the day if a serving of a piece of well filled, rich flavored mince or pumpkin pie is had at dinner Thanksgiv ing day. This kind of pies for Thanksgiving, in fact we make such pies every day, but we de sire early orders for the mince or pumpkin kind for Thanks giving. WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS AND FRUIT. Thanksgiving shoppers can make a selection from an ex tensive variety of the choicest at our store. Woodruff Grocery Co. 'Phone 401. This is the Season of the Tear for Canned RisH of all descriptions. Anything In that line can be found at our place of business. We have a very fine Sardine In Oil at 6c per can, as good as others tell for 10c; come at 10c and 16c per can. worth ISe and 20; Mustard Sardines at 10c per can. Smoked Her- rlnff Rnnnlaoa Wrr1iT Salmnn r9 Soused Mackerel. 15c and 18c ; Kl pered Herring. 20c; Lobster, finest on th marbut it 2Se? CnA Fish of any description. Try a Can of our fit Charles Evanorated Milk at 9c oer can. it Is sure to please you, aud yon will conttnne to use It. Canned goods of any description, quality the finest. price the lowest; also a large line of Prunes at 8c to 15e per lb. PENN.nDSE. CO. 118 EAST MAIN STREET. PLUMBING. PROMPT ATTENTION OUR MOTTO Let us furnish an estimate on your next job. We will save money for you : : : : : D. F. McCarthy, The Plumber, BOYS CLUB BUILDING, 24 Coftare Place TdepboM 1209 V. .Try a Democrat Want. of linens. China. Glassware and Cook rcund importance to good, thrifty 25 dozen Large Size Dinner Nap kins, worth $3.50, Anniverr sary Sale $2.50 20 dozen Mercerized Tray Cloths, Anniversary Sale .J9c 25 Hemstitched Set Cloths. 2 yards long, large size Napkins, worth $6.50, Anniversary Sale $5,00 1 dozen Pattern Cloths with Napkins to match, worth $5.50, Anniversary Sale $3.98 10 dozen Damask Bureau Scarfs, . worth 39c, Anniversary Sale.. 25c HOUSEFURNISHINGS FOR , THANKSGIVING. Carving ! Sets Genuine stag handle, with 9 inch best steel blades, regular $1.69, Anni versary Sale $1,25 Tea Spoons Rogers Al plate, warranted to wear 10 years, regular $1.65 dozen, Anniver sary Sale, set of 6 for 60c Fruit Cranberry Press ur Po tato Ricer Regular 29c, An niversary Sale 21c Cook Pots 8 quarts, gray en amel, first quality, regular 50c, Anniversary Sale 25c LINENS FROM THE THIRD FLOOR. 200 Drawn Work Tray Cloths, values up to 59c each, Third Floor Sale Price 25c each 200 Scarfs and Squares, with three and four rows of drawn work, values up to 98c, ' Third Floor Sale Proice. .49c eaci 9 and 12-inch Dollies, scalloped edge or plain hemstitched, plain centers or damask. Third Floor Sale Price . . IfJc each 34-inch lea Cloths in sevevivl . drawn work designs, value $1.39, Third Floor Sale PrIce ' 75c each Evening Gowns and Cloaks are cleaned or dyed to perfect ion. SCOTT'S Cleansers TELEPHONE THE CONWAY ART CO OSTEOPATHY This modern and drugless treat ment, administered by Br Jerome D. ;Wirt, a graduate of the A. T. Still school of Osteopathy, at KlrksvIIla, Mo. If you are a chronic sufferer it will pay you to investigate this new treatment. Location -Suite 33 Buck ingham building. 'Phone 2010. Con sultation free. Office hours 9 to 12, and 1 to 5:30. Evenings 7:30 to 8:30. Licensed by State Board of Health. THE LEY CONSTRUCTION CO. Inc. (Branch of Fred T. Ley Co, Inc. of Springfield, Mass.) GENERAL CONTRACTORS. Controllers of the. Bone System of Reinforced Concrete Retaining Walls and the Reinforced Luten Arch In New England. ROOM 8, MILLINGS BUILDING, 05 Bank St. 'Phone 2153-1. G. B. Hall, Gen Mgr and Engineer. arge Vans for .Furniture Moving PIANOS moved by Hall's Patent Piano Mover. . . Teaming of All Kinds. Storage at Reasonable Rates. Ralph N. Blakeslee Cffk l29MeaoVSL BERNAT 199 Soifth U. S. DECK PAINT IS A FRIEND INDEED TO A PAINTER IN NEED OF A QUICK, RELIABLE DRYING PAINT. ApotHedaries Thanksgiving Sale ! Ladies, stop paying fancy prices for your millinery. Call and see our line of stylish and becoming Hats be fore you go elsewhere and compare quality, style and price. It will' pay you to call from far distances as our prices are the lowest In the city. If you are looking for a stylish and be coming hat to suit your pocket mark the name and number and come down to lower Bank street to the well known Bargain Millinery 265 Bank Street. Champion of low prices In the mil linery line. Wholesale and retail. Women's TAN SHOES For Fall. We have a fresh, new stock of stylish tan and wine foot wearnothing carried over from last season made by shoemakers for particular people correct and up-to date. BLACK, TAN AND BROWN CLOTH TOPS. $3.50 $4 and $5. THE ARTHUR BRADLEY CO. 52 Bank St. Holiday Season is nearly here and the question of a PIANO has no doubt presented itself. If you are considering- the purchase of a Piano give us a call or send for cata logues. ; RIGHT GOODS at RIGHT PRICES. Terms to suit. ' 1HE Driggs & Smith Co., 112 Bank St GEO. A. UPHAM. Builder. also Saw Mill and Moulding Mill, Cor. West Main and Mattatuck Streets. J, G. JACKLE & New Shoes for Thanksgiving. For Men "The Emerson Shoe" $3.50 and $4.00. All styles, Narrow, Medium or Wide shapes; all leathers. Patent Colt, Kid, Vel our and Box Calf, Heavy or Light Soles,' Blucher, Lace or Button. We can fit you with the best shoe la the city, the "EMER SON," Union Made. FOR BOYS. The HARRISON, t to 5. at Best wearing shoe for boys. The WALTON '. . $1, $1.25, Satin, Calf, Lace and Blucher. FOR WOMEN. The "RADCLIFFE" a .... The "BOARDMAN" Blucher, Button or Lace, any style,. In Patent Colt. Kid or Gun . Metal, Dull Calf; High or Low Hels, also Tan Calf Shoes, sices 1 to 9. j ' . . - 1 : FOR caRLK. ' Our "SPECIAL" Shoe, sixes B to 8, at. ... . . . ..... T5e . Sizes 8H to 11, at .... $l.oo - 8ises ilfc to 2, "at ....... $1.23 Sizes JV4 to C. at $1.30 i n HOLDER'S Mam Street. IN. Hall Company Get Your Order in Early on Picture Frames. The holiday rush will be on in a few days more. We are show ing the largest line of mouldings in town. Is 110-116 Ml HEAT WITH OAS HEAT WIATH S The United Gas Improvement Co. Center and Leavenworth Sts. HEAT .WITH OAS Framed Pictures For Christmas Now Is the time to select your Pic tures for Christmas. We have many good things for you to pick from. The Curtis Art Co. 135 BANK STREET. Christmas Picture Framing. Complete line of fine Enam eled Ware Smooth, bright flulsii. Heavy t'oobls coated, making them wear tnocn longer than the ordinary goods. Prices very reasonable to Introduce the line In the new ntara cf P. H. GARRITY, 342 South Main St. Scientific Plumbing' and Saaitan Work TELEPHONE IOG9-4. SONS, 75 Bank Street, Waterbury. $2.00 $1.50 $2.50 and $.1.00 - ..... $2.00 (PL A M Miss F. O. Emmons ot Watervllla, a teacher In the fourth and flftH grades In the Chapol street school, . Simonsville, was at her nost yester. I day apparently In the enjoyment ot good ncaltn, but to-day the school Is closed to bo fumigated and Miss Em- nions Is suffering from an attack ol diphtheria ,a malady which appears -to have made Its appearance In many towns all over the slate the past cou ple of months. At present there aro i fourteen or fifteen houses placarded In Watcrbtiry and the health authori ties are doing all In therr power ta confine (he disease to tho persona af flicted with It. . But it Is very difficult . to do this, for children not knowing tho danger will visit each other un less some plan Is devised to render such a thing almost impossible. Al ready a few deaths have occurred from the disease, but the most of tho cases now being looked after are light and there Is no reason why air tho patients should not recover. People should be on the lookout for symp toms or tne sickness and call in the family physician the moment thov suspect anything wrong. Look into the children's throats and see if vou can notice any white specks there, and if so call the doctor at once. To 4 oo effective medical treatment should be appliod before the- disease has made much and a headache should be sufficient to warrant taking all necessary pre cautions, even though no - white specks can be seen on the lining of the throat , . 8 BROOKLYN BRIEFS. Upson. Singleton & Cos cash ntor prices are money savers boys suits $1.97 up. Edward Loughman. the Brook lyn fireman who was thrown from a horse and Injured last week is getting alon well and will be himself again . within a short time. The drug stores in Brooklyn will observe holiday hours on Thanksgiving day. ' They will close from 1 to 5 in the afternoon and at 7 o'clock In the evening. "Joe'1 the barber, who worked in Rocco Di-Orio's shop on Bank street, until he left for Italy more than a year ago, Is. back at his old position. He returned to this country a few months ago and since that time has been working in New Haven.1. A well known Bank street busi- nes man has put out $100 to bet at even money on Brooklyn in the game with the All-Waterbury on Thursday. As yet it has not been taken. It la said that, he has more to wager the same way if the money Is covered. , No one who looks at the Nauga- tuck river In its present condition could hardly believe, if they had not seen it, that the same stream was al most up to the Bank street bridge last Feburary. But such was the case after one ot the winter freshets. Down near the sewage plant the wa ter rose to the level of the slope pave- v ment a height of about fourteen feet ' while at present there is scarcely enough water to carry a small piece ' of wood down the stream. Miss Gussle Danisevlcze, who' , was injured in a trolley collision on Bank stret near the old station .about a year ago, has fully recovered from' ' the accident and has reached a settle- -ment with the trolley company. The young lady was In a New York hos pital for some time and later brought suit for several thousand dollars against the trolley company. . It Is understood the case was settled for about one-fifth of the amount for, which the suit was brought. CITY NEWS. Cash buys more than credit. Up son. Singleton & Co s (Waterbury) $15 overcoats prove it. James A. Hyslop formerly a cor netlst of the Military and American bands of this city, but now of Dan bury was visiting in town to-day. ' The hearing of the case of Walter , S. .Atwood against the Connecticut Co for damages of $2,000, ,was re sumed in the superior court to-day before Judge Bennett and a jury. The arguments began at 10 o'clock. Mr Atwood while driving homo in a hack one evening a year ago last July ,was run into by a trolley car and laid up for some time. The de fense was negligence on the part of 1 the hack driver, who, by the way, was thrown off his seat to the ground and hurt In the probate court' to-day there was a hearing on the account of Mrs Susan Smith of Oakville, conserva tor over Mrs Sybllla Hitchcock. Mrs Smith's account showed that consid erable part of the estate has gone' in litigation, about $3,000 being al ready spent.- She resigned and At torney James M. Lynch is appoint ed In her place. Mr Lynch was also appointed administrator on the m tate ot William Hitchcock, who was the husband of Mrs Sybllla Hitch cock, and It is this estate that was in danger of being squandered. Jacob Metersky, wanted in this city for passing. a $100 confederate bill, was arrested in New Haven this morning by Detective Thomas Cole santo. Cblesanto had a suspicion' that be might run across (the man wanted If he visited the Elm city to-day and his supposition proved correct. Jacob passed the bill to a man named Suzleman, who In turn palmed it oK on Harry Johnson, a Grand street business man. When Johnson discovered the character of me diii ne nad Suzleman arrested. Suzleman was released undpr hnn of $200 and when his case came tn ma i ne was not present so his bond was called. But it was later learned that Suzlcman's absence was excusa ble, so a new bond wu nrri.r..i , Meanwhile the case was continued to give the detective a chance to cap ture Metersky, who, according io Suzleman. is the original nasser nl the bill .in this city.. W I