Newspaper Page Text
(I WATER BURY EVENING DEMOCRAT, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1908. FORDHAM AND VILLANOVA. Old Rivals to Met Thanksgiving Day in New York. The Fordham squad was put , through a vigorous two hours prac tice yesterday. Coach Gargan had as assistants Fred Smith, the old Prince ton back and for many years bead coach at Fordham; Maurice McCar thy, a Fordham coach in earlier days, and Bull McCarthy, formerly of Col umbia. A number of Intricate plays Iwere tried for the Villanova game at American League park on Thanks giving day. . Francis McCaffrey, the clever end, was out in football togs . yesterday for the first time in nearly four weeks. His broken collarbone has mended and he will go in against Villanova. McCaffrey was in the line-up for a time yesterday, alternat ing with Siskind at right end. His . arm is still far from strong, but he hopes to be fit by Thursday. Captain Leo Fltzpatrlck was on the aide lines, having been in the in firmary on account of a "kick: in the ' head he received in the Rensselaer game. Collard took his place at left tackle. . Coach Gargan shifted Jack Fitzpatrick and Kelleher, sending the former in at right guard and Kelle her at right tackle. They will play In these positions in Thursday's game. , The men will have their last scrimmage to-day, and Coach Gargan intends to make it an unusually long one. WED IN RAILWAY STATION. HUNTING IN ALASKA. Signal Corps Officer 1 Ignored Advice .and Was Found Dead. Washington, Nov 24. A thrilling story of reckless adventure on the part of one of the signal corps oper ators in Alaska has been received by General Allen, chief of the United States signal corps. Private William A. Bonney, who last June went to the lonely. post of Minton in central Alaska, recently planned to take a hunting trip and was given permis sion to go provided he was attended by an experienced hunter. Apparent ly this admonition was disregarded as Dn the 18th he left for a five days' trip, his frozen body being found the next day eight miles from Minto. Bonney had been in the service less than a year. He was the son of Wil liam Bonney of New Bedford, Mass. Hasty Marriage in Waiting Room uf Lackawanna Howl in Hohokeu. New York, Nov 24. Justice of the Peace Samuel Engler of HoboUen en tered the big waiting room of the Lackawana railroad in Hoboken " at 5:01 o'clock Sunday afternoon, swinging a white handkerchief in his left hand. He had not more than half crossed the room when he was accosted by a young man, and five minutes later the justice was marry ing the man to a young woman with the aid and presence of a man and wife they enlisted f nthe station. Ot the hundred or more in the waiting room at the time no one seemed to take any interest in the little group of five. During the afternoon Justice Eng ler received this telegram: Hackensack, N. J., Nov 22. Samuel Engler, Justice of the Peace. Hobnken. N J i Can vou marrv ns at I-npkawflnnji depot? If so, meet us at 5 o'clock. Carry handkerchief in left 'hand. A.H. B. Arthur Harry Bennett, civil engi neer, of 1941 Massachusetts avenue, Boston, was the way the man who answered the handkerchief signal de scribed himself. He introduced his companion as Miss Irene Messmer of Maywood, N. J. The justice invited them to his office, two blocks away, but they declined, saying they had to catch a train for Boston and did not want to lose time. When the justice raised the ques tion of witnesses, Mr Bennett solved it by addressing a couple who proved to be Mr and Mrs Robert H. Porter of Buffalo. They were waiting In the station for a train. Mr and Mrs Por ter had the situation explained brief ly, and consented to witness the ceremony. IRISH BILL IN COMMONS. aoratary Birrell Sayi It Calls For $900,000,000 Expenditure. London, Nov. 24. Another Irish land bill to facilitate the carrying out of the previous land purchase act was In troduced in the house of cemmons by Caief Secretary For Ireland Blrrell. The chief secretary dealt in huge figures. He said he found that the Mtimate of $500,000,000 made by one of Ms predecessors, George Wyndham, as the amount necessary to satisfy the land hunger of the tenants was totally Inadequate; $900,000,000 would be re quired for this end. NEW WEATHER INDICATOR. Government Experiment! With" Mete orological Kioeka In Cities. Washington, Nov. 24. A "meteoro logical kiosk," or automatic weather station, has been erected in this city, one of twenty ordered by the weather bureau for the principal cities. It shows on its four sides a barome ter, a standard thermometer, a hy drometer to indicate humidity and a precipitation gauge to show the amount of rainfall. Ttnplate Mills Open Up. . Sharon. Pa., Nov. 24.-r-The American Sheet and Tinplate company will put , twenty hot mills in operation on Nov. SO, giving employment to l,2CKi werk-ansa. TIMELY TOPICS. "Dodge Crowds!" People crowd where they get values or imagine they do. See what Dodge thinks. Saxe & Kioto have a fine line of Thanksgiving cut flowers. L. Becker, the tailor, has a fine line of the latest goods. His fit and price will please you. Reid & Hughes' store will be open until noon Thanksgiving. Note the prices on cloaks and suits. The Fulton Market is headquar ters for turkey, chicken and fowls. All natives and at low prices. The Hub Grocery Co is giving stamps to every purchaser. Free book given away to-morrow. J. G .Jackie & Sons quole some shoe prices to-day that are worth looking up. Colin F. Wilson at 115 South Main street has an up-to-date line of men's furnishings. J. B. Mulllngs & Son have every thing a man needs to wear to be properly dressed for Thanksgiving calling. The Speuro Clothing Co has the clothing you want and at prices to euit you. Nugent's pharmacy is headquar ters for the purest medicines, herbs and spices. Thonws Fcnton has some good bargains in houses and lots. Look him up if you want to buy or sell. The E. H. Towle Co is offenm; bargains in football supplies. Leath er balls 75c and up. The Miller & Peck Co has a nice line of laces and yarns for holiday work. The Langley Furniture Co is giv ing away an eight day clock. Look up this offer. The Connecticut Boot and Shoe Co's stork of boys' and men's shoes Is the best they ever had. See the prices. The Boston Furniture Co wants yonr trade, and in return will give you good goods at low prices. The Curran Dry Goods Co offers some very special bargains for Thanksgiving buyers. Bernat Holczer sells The Elton, a $3 shoe that is a good one. Wallace & Co. 23 Abbott avenue, ran sell you an overcoat for $15 and give you time enough to pay for It. Grieve. Bisset & Holland have la dies' tailor made suits for $17. SO that are a bargain. The Model Market has a nice dis play of Thanksgiving turkeys. The price la IS to 26c ' THE SL0CUM MEMORIAL Correspondent Who Wants One Erected In Stanley Park. Editor Evening Democrat. Please would you allow me space for a few lines in your oaoer to state the feeling of hundreds of people in Waterbury that the only proper- place to erect a monument to the memory of the very Rev Father Slocum would be in Stanley park, a little below the rountain. in such a place it can be seen from North and South Elm streets, Cole street, East Main and the center. It would be in the center of the people he loved so well, and it would be close to the schools, hospi tal and church he labored so hard for and many a person will nass and say God rest his soul that never would think of him if the monument were in the cemetery. He was a man that was respected by all the people, so erect a monument to his memory in such a place as to be seen by all classes of people. Hoping that the people who have the good work in their hands will consider the public in this matter, I am, dear sir, yours, THOMAS FLANAGAN. CUMMINS ELECTED TODAY. Succeeds William B. Allison as United States Senator From Iowa. Des Moines, la., Nov. 24. Just fif teen years since his candidacy for the United States senate was first an nounced, Governor Albert B. Cummins was elected today to that position to succeed the late William B. Allison. Cummins won in the Republican pri mary on Nov. 3 by 42.647 votes over' Major Lacey, his opponent. The Democrats put in nomination Claude E. Porter, who received the Democratic minority vote. Governor Cummins will resign the governorship immediately, and Lieu tenant Governor Garst will serve until State Auditor Carroll takes office as governor in January. Uphon, Singleton & Co's have some nice clothing for man and boy Get a new suit for Thanksgiving. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. TO RENT Saloon and fixtures. The old reliable stand af 147 Baldwin at, run as a saloon for the past 28 years. The best stand in town to transfer your license to. Also a beautiful three room tenement to rent. Daniel C. Sullivan, 147 Bald win st. 11-24-3 TO RENT Tenement of 7 rooms at 331 West Grove st. Inquire D. T. Farrington, 337 East Main st. 11-24-3 TO RENT Five nice rooms in three family house on North Riverside st, near West Main st; this is a fin i tenement at reasonable rent. In quire 50 Grand st. 11-24-3 FOUND Double lens spectacles which owner may obtain by proving property and paying for this adv. 11-24-3 FOR SALE Fifty buff Plymouth Rock pullets, 75c to $1.25 each; ten cockerels, $1.25 to $3. J. D. McGowan, Watertown, Conn. Tele phone 69-12. 11-24-3 TO RENT A six large room tene ment at 122 Round Hill st, $12. In quire Elbin on premises or tele phone 193-4. 11-24-3 TO KENT Tenement of 3 or 4 rooms, 225 and 229 Baldwin st, cor ner Pleasant. Inquire of Sheehy, 14 Laurel st, first floor. 11-24-3 " Annual Dance Of the Brooklyn Athletic Club at City Hall THANKSGIVING NIGHT Thursday Evening Nov 26 ADMISSION 25c. TO RENT Tenement of six rooms at 87 South Elm st; improvements. Inquire E. J. Finn, 17 Exchange place. 11-23-3 WANTED Salesman. Excellent op-' poriunnj ior up to aate active man. Applr manager. 78 East Main at. 10-3-tf TO RENT. TO RENT Tenemont of 6 rooms, also one of 0 rooms, at 21 Judd st, one minute from Railroad station; all Improvements. Apply Luke Sta pleton, 116 Union st. 11-23-6 TO RENT Tenement of four rooms, all improvements, new house, at 1-12 South st. Inquire for Ed Har vey, with J. E. Smith Co, 65 Bene dict st. 11-23-3 TO RENT Tenement of six rooms, third floor, all improvements. " In quire 118 Rownd Hill st. 11-23-8 TO RENT Pleasant rooms, first, second and third floors, Improve ments. Inquire S. VV. Chapman, real estate and insurance agent, 67 West Porter st. 11-23-3 WAINTBDi WANTED General housework girl; must be competent; good wages' and small family, Apply 2S Union st. . 11-23-tf J WANTED. Illustrated ballad, singer. ! male or female. Call at once. Dreamland theater, 87 Bust Mala st. 11-23-3 WANTED At once, lady canvassers. Excellent opportunity. Apply at 194 Bank St.- 11-20-tf S MEN WANTED quickly by big Chi cago Mail Order House to distribute catalogues, advertise, etc; $25 a week; $00 expense allowance lirst month. No experience required. Manager, Dept 501, 385 Wabash ave, Chicago. 11-20-6 Look at This Offer We Will Give You During Thanksgiving Week Only. Wewill allow 20 per cent discount on all sales on Suits and Overcoats. This offer we will prove to you by your calling and look ing over our prices, that it is true. We will sell to you on credit at this offer on weekly payments. We make this offer to prove to you we are the ONLY CREDIT I STOKE that will sell to you on CREDIT at CASH PRICES. We have a large stock of Overcoats and Suits to select from, all of the latest colors and designs. 1 S. J. Walsh & Co 111 South Main St., Up Stairs. FULTON MARKET Again we are the Cash Leaders on Fancy Native Turkeys a Pound. 25c Good Western Turkeys Native Roasting Chickens Native Fowls Geese . . . . Ducks .... 22c a lb 18c to 20c a lb 16c to 18c a lb . . 18c a lb . 20c a lb Don't be foolish enough to pay 28c and 30c a lb for Turkeys when you can buy Fancy, Native Tur keys for 25c a lb at the ' FULTON MARKET i : . e ...... " 3SS to 262 Cherry St, STUPfflDOU of Fine Linens, Special Low Prices Until Thanksgiving at the Linen Headquarters. , , Mountains of the best snow white linens are placed on sale at such surprising low prices that will amaze the most ex pert linen buyers. This being our first linen sale we .will make it a memorial event by selling the choicest linens at unusual low. prices. : . ; ; : . : : r Lunch Cloths 27 Inch, value 45c, at , 33c 36 inch, value 55c, at. . . . . 30c 36 Inch, value 75c, at..... BOc 3 6 Inch, value 89c, at ..... . 9c NAPKINS size, value 75c. . . size, value 31.19; size, value $1.29. size, value 1.75 size, value $1.98. size, value $2.49 size, value $3.75 , size, value $6.00 . . 49c doas . ; 89c doz . 98c doz $1.25 doz $1.49 doz $1.98 doz $2.98 doz $3.98 doz TRAY CLOTHS t Size 18x27 in. value 20c at 15c Size 18x27 In. value 25c at 10c Size 18x27 in. value 35c at 25c Hemstitched Sets Size 8-10, value $5, at . . . $3.49 Size 8-10, value $5.25, at. . $3.75 Size 8-10, value $5.75, at. . $3.98 Size 8-10, value $8.50, at. . $5.49 Size 8-10, value $8.50, at. . $6.98 BLEACHED TABLE LINENS 64 Inch Bleached Table Linens, value 29c, at. . . . ... . . 10c 60 inch Bleached Table Linens, value 65c, at.... ....,39c 64 inch Bleached Table Linens, value 65c, at.... . ... 40c 68 Inch Bleached Table Linens, value 75c, at.... .... R8c .72 Inch Bleached Table Linens, value 85c, at.... .... Oc ' 72 Inch Bleached Table Linens, value $1.19, at.... ,.. 89c Fringed Doylies Finest Quality. ... Value Dc, at. ..... . .. .. 2 Value 6c, at....... . .. ... 4c Value 12 c, at 9c Value 26c, at. 19c Value 35c, at. 25c Linen Towels Size 17x34, value 12yc, at.. Oc Size 18x36, value 17c, at. . 12c Size 19x38, value 19c, at 12Hc Size 20x40, value 25c, at. . . . 15c Size 20x40, value 29c, at. . . . 19c Hemstitched Cloths 8-10 H. S. Cloths, value $2, $1.49 8-12 H. S. Cloths, value $2.50 at. . . . i ...... . $1.98 Fringed Covers In plain white, red and white, green and red, white 'with red and blue borders, t 8-4 size, 69c, 89c, 98c and $1.25 . Value $1.25, $1.50, $1.89. ' 8-1Q size,. . ... 89c, $1.25, $1.40. , Value $1.25, $1.50, $1.89. 8-12 Size,.., $1.59, $1.89, $1.98 Value $1.89, $1.25, $2.60. ' All Linen Crash Value 10c, at. . . . 8c Value 12 c, at. . '. 10c Value 15c, at. . , . . . ... 12Jc Value 18c, at ........ . . . , 15c Wchanged our firm name from the Guarantee Credit Clothing Co to THE Misler & Liebeskind DRY GOODS STORE. 33 to 35 EAST MAIN STREET. Money Refunded on All Unsatisfactory Purchases. FOR SALE FOR SALE Odds and ends of furni ture, including a $60 folding bed, black walnut secretary; and stove with hot water attachments;, must be sold by Saturday. 68 Field st. ::- v 11-23-3 '.- FOR SALE Here is your opportun ity. Carriages, sleighs and buggies, all in good shape, at your own price. Come around and make an offer. John McEvoy, 126 Baldwin' st. 11-21-3 TO RENT TO RENT Four steam heated , flats within 2 minutes' walk of Exchange place. C. S. Redmond, 11 East Main st. , 10-5-tf TO RENT One 8 room rent in a new two family house off , Willow st C. S. Redmond, 11 East Main st. j- 11-1 4 -tf FOR SALE Thanksgiving dinner without one ot Maple Grove Farm's native chickens, ducks, turkeys, geese or a roasting pig will not be complete. Price is right. Order now; alive or ready for the oven. William C. Hungerford, Oakville, Conn. 11-21-3 FOR SALE Upright piano, $185; big bargain; easy terms. Come quick. The F. H. Lewis Co, 26 East Main st, up stairs. 11-20-6 FOR SALE 'six family block, price $8,000, rent $1,104 per year; $600 down. For particulars see W. R. Adams, 78 Abbott ave. 11-20-6 FOR SALE Apples, apples, at Bohl building, 594 West Main st; N. Y. state hand picked fruit, $2 to $3 per barrel, you furnish barrels. Prise & Horton. 'Phone 1636-5. 10-14-tf ' Miscellaneous NOTICE Tailor made suits $3.50 .up; shirt waists, 25c; , children's dresses, 35c. Mrs Trudeau, 909 East Main, 3 minutes' walk from Sacred Heart church. 11-23-6 FOUND Large key which owner may obtain by paying for this adv at the Democrat office. 11-21-3 SUITS made from Irish tweeds. The most reliable place to get a suit, overcoat or trousers is at the Irish Woolen Mills Co, 151 Bank st, room 4, Farrelly & Dwyer. Best material, best workmanship, latest styles. Made to order on the premises. ... . " 11-2-tf fl. A. DUXAC, builder and contrac tor, stair builder and cabinet mak er, store fitting a specialty. Office and shop with J. E. Smith & Co, 65 Benedict st, Waterbury, Conn. Res idence 62 Tracy ave; postoffice box DANBURY HAT STORE, 74 Grand st, is where you get that $1.90 and $1.40 hat that in yeats past you have found has no equal. Remem ber the place, 7 Grand st, opposite Democrat office. 9-U-tf NEW AND SECOND HAND FURNI TURE The cheapest place in the city to buy your furniture. I have whatever yon want at the lowest prices. If you' have any second hand furniture to sell let me give you a price on It Philip Miller, 249 South Main at 9-24-tf WANTED The people to know If they have not $7 for a ton of coal they can get a big bag of Otto Coke from their crocer for a dime try the Democrat treat adt tor salts! a wtrai 8 iftgl X3 TO RENT Tenement of six rooms. all Improvements. Inquire IZo Bishop st. 11-21-3 TO RENT New steam heated apart ments, all outside rooms, no air shafts; excellent janitor service Rates very reasonable to right par ties. Apply to-day, C. S. Red- mond, 11 East Main st. 11-21-tf TO RENT Tenement of 3 . rooms. modern improvements, Spring st. Inquire William Kennedy, attorney, 95 Bank st. , 11-20-tf TO RENT A meat market, including- a refrigerator and balance to anyone desiring to run a team, also place for one horse and wagon, $10 a month. Inquire 19 Laurel st. 11-18-6 TO RENT One six room rent in a two family house a little out of the center; very ' reasonable'. C. 8. Redmond, 11 East Main st. 11-14-tf TO RENT Five rooms on Fuller si, all Improvements, verandas front and back ; 5 minutes' walk to Sco vlll Mfg Co and 10 minutes' walk to center; $12 a month. Inquire 19 Laurel st. - 11-18-6 TO RENT A new 9 room house, 12 minutes' ride from the center; price right. C. S. Redmond, 11 East Main st. 10-5-tf TO RENT Tenement of five rooms, first floor, all improvements, 49-Ful- 'ler st. Inquire T. Brennan, 63 Ful ler st. 11-19-tf TO RENT Two private houses for rent, containing seven rooms each, a little out of the center. .(VS. Redmond, 11 East Main st. 11-14-tf TO RENT Tenement In McGrath block, corner Phoenix ave and East Main st, suitable for boarding house. Apply J. A. Hynes & Son, 43 East Main st, room 9. 11-17-12 TO RENT On Walnut st, two five room rehta, first and third floor, $10 and $15; all improvements. In quire George N. Marshall, 16 East Main st, room 2, evenings only. 11-13-tf - NOTICE. Time having elapsed the follow ing pledges will be sold at private sale if not called for by the 1st of November, 1908. -. - " 1536 watch Oct. 14, '07.' 2203 . ring Feb. 4. 'OS. 2487, ring Feb. 24, '08. 2494 watch Feb. 26, '08. 2544 - ring , April 14, '08. 2548 ring April 18, '08. 2507 watch March 14, '08. 2511 watch March 18, '08. 2615 watch March 20, '08. 2626 ring March 30, '08. 2532 watch April 1, '08. 2533 watch and chain April l, '08. 2539 watch ., April 10, '08. 2546 . ' ring . April 15, '08. Many other bargains on hand, come In and see them. S. 51. SCHNEER. Jeweler. 198 SOUTH MAIN STREET. FOR SALE A two family house located near Scovlll Manufacturing Co., rents for $22 a month. Price $2,200. , Dunne, Brown & Co., 05 Bank St. Room 7, riatt Building. WANTED I Cash will be paid for a thret family house in a good neighbor hood Call at the Real Estate ant) Fire insurance office of D. H. TIBRNEY, 167 BANK STREET. - Business Cards 9. H. GRAY A CO 285 Norm Main t. Funeral Undertakers, 'isle phone day or night LOUIS A. WALSH Architect. 61 Leavenworth st , C. JEROME BAILEY Architect, Apothecaries' Hall building. FRENEY A JACKSON Architects, si Ltfaveuwona n. t " f ""JV - - : IOSEPH T. SMITH Architect, II North Mala St TO RENT Five rooms, first floor, 68 Vine st; 6 rooms, second floor, 60 Vine st; 4 rooms, first floor, 93 Wood st; all improvements, fine 'condition; rent low for winter. W. R. Price. IS Willard at. 'Pnone 955-$. 10-14-tf TO RENT Storage room, $1 and $3 per month. Inquire John Moiiarty, over Poll's theater. 12-31-tf. TO RENT Stores and flats In the new block corner East Main and Cole sts; rents reasonable. Eugene Martin, 97 Union st . - 10-2-tf TO RENT Tenement with all im provements. John Morlarty, over atranea to Foil UtaUr. A-tl-tt ILQAN1 V--1 And Upwards . y EASY WEEKLY PAYMENTS. If Ml KM tn hmiI r9 u I- ... . . . . to pay the landlord. Um butcher or frooer, caui to ih and whal you want prlTatly. No 4. Java, no emhammment, no endorwr rMalrwL o tat the money thoam day yooapp?r. Nsmstnck, ThomsrtoB. WiterriHe, OakviUt and Meridea applications givea prompt attention. American Loan Go. Iclephone 13C8. -188 BANK ST. E0OH 1. Osea tialJO SLWe4seiiy mk SM .