Newspaper Page Text
. r r t . V- if 1 I i;' Si' it "t I'.", -a NEW HAMPSHIRE FESTIVAL. A gathering of an exceedingly interesting character took place in Boston on Thursday lust. It was composed of the natives of New Hampshire who reside in Boston and the iciuity. Daniel Webster presided on the occasion, and of course made a speech, from which we qjote the following paragraph : "Ours is not one of the richest of the, States. It does not Compare with Massachusetts in it facilities of merc.i utile or commercial occupation and cnterpi ise. Its soil is sterile and stubborn, but the resolution to subdue it is stubborn also. Un relenting rocks have yielded and do yield to unrelenting labor, and there is production and health uud plenty and comfort, ov erall her hills and many of her valleys manly strength the nerved arm of freemen, each one tilling his own land, and landing on his own soil enjoying what he earns and rea dy to defend it theee have made all comfortable and all hap py. Nor need we be ashamed of her literary, her religious, her social institutions. I have seen, and others of my age have seen, the church and the schoolhouso rise in the very midst of the forest, and stand and be visited iu the midst of winter snows. And where these things lie at the foundation and commencement of society where the worship of God aud the observance' of morals, and the culture of the human mind, take hold of the organic forest, to subdue it by strong arms and strong muscles, depend upon it no such people ever " fail. Every where, on her hills and rivers are her school houses. The sehoolhoase! who shall speak of Unit all over New England as it ought to be spoken of? Who shall speak as they ought to le spoken of? of the wisdom and foresight, and benevolence, and sagacity of our forefathers, for establishing as a great public police for the benefit of the "whole as a business in which all are interested the great .system of public instruction 1 The world had previously seen nothing like it. But where, when you talk of fostering govern ments of protecting governments of governments which render to subjects that protection which the allegience of sub jects demands where is it, I ask, that as"here with us, it has come to be a great and fundamental proposition, existing before constitutions, that it is the duty, the boundeu duty, of governments composed by the representation of all, to lay the foundation of the happiness and respectability of society, in universal education, ti you can ieu 111111.1 -i,..,,,..., ... It you can tell me sucn a country oiu of New England, I would be glad to hear of it. I know ot ; none. 1 have read ot none. ' In Mr. Webster s closing remai n, he thus elo(1uenily al-. ludes to affairs m Europe: I We have all had our sympathies much enlisted m the , Hungariau cnon lor noeny. e e an 1 t - - veuiougni we aw a ...o,r .... - . ",r independence in Hungary man u. any oiuei p..ri o, r.ur Te , Where the question has been m agitation within the las t- twelvemonths. But despotic power Irom abroad mtervened , o. ...!..-.., it A nfl o-Hiit li'mpii what hi I come 01 ll 1 do not know. or n.y part, at Hub moment I fee more md.. nant at recent event, connected with Hungary, ban all those , v which passed in her s rnpjrle tor liber ly. ( 1 1 remendoiisj ; cheering.) 1 see that the Emperor ot Kusa.a deman. Is of, i . 5 I nrkev thai ine nooie rvosiun anu 111s iirni miiumis miuh j , , . . , . .: Civen up. And 1 see mat mis ot-mauu is mane 111 umwuu the established law of nations. G -ntlemen there is something on earth greater than arbitrary or despotic power. The light ning and the whirlwind have their powers, and the earth quake has its power. But there "16 something among men more capao.e o. m.amjruespouc power ....... ,Su - ll ..1 -i.. ... . .1 1--1.. wind or earthquake, That is the threatened indignation ol tlie whole civilized world. Gentlemen, the Emperor of Uus fact that he treats with nations-thai he forms alliances ; he j professes, iu fact, to live iu a civilized age, and to gr,yv. .. lightened nation. I say that if, under these circumstan-1 . . -i . ..... 1 I ccs, ne snail perpeir ue so jreac a violation 01 namra. .aw, 1 , as to seize these tJungariaus and to execute tnem, ne win uto,4 ms n fri.Tii lit. I nnrt f nrilt.fptnr til the view of the law. I Ind ht.zzas.,coi.tinued lor several minutes.) The whole 't; - . .. Worm win oe me inouiiai 10 iry mm, anu ne iiium o yea. i.c - fore it, and hold up his hand and plead and abide ils j .d.,mi mt. , . i, L ... .-L i . . . i ... 1. i... (lteiterated chee s) The Emieror of Russia is the supreme Lawgiver in his own country, and lor aught I know, the ex- " eculor of it also. But. thanks to God. he is not the supreme: lawgiver or executor ot the natural law, and every offence -f rI ..rainst that, is an offence against the rights of the civilized world ; and if he breaks that law m the case ot Turkey, or i6 JU any other case, the whole world has a right to call him out,'1; . Sand fo demand his punishment. Our rights as a nation arej .ii lull ti i u ; t held under the sanction of national law law which be- ' comes more important from day to day a law which none .who profess to agree to it are at liberty to violate. Nor let him imagine, nor let any one imagine, that mere force can f at of th 'senate ; the comptroller and three other State L subdue the general senti.nent of tmM.kind. It is much more , e,rs are cted bythe legislature m joint ballot for the , likely to extend that sentiment, aud to destroy that po"' peop.e at the general Mate : , ',. . . .......ui:i. ..,t '..!, m , lelet-i'n. An ettort was made in the committee of the whole! wnirn lie iiioki iitmirs iu nuiunui aniv. ... ine Dojies OI poor J on ll tvicKiine were uug oui u. o j;. aver ( ie ba.esof poor John Wickliffe were dug out of his grave j ventyyear gfte.r his death, and burnt for his heresy, and; .t.. r;.r;,,U-!M.; Sr.m ii nr-.Lr jv ... .1 . e 1. ... ..... .. A St h:s asties were thrown upon prophet of that day said " The Avon to the Severn runs, The Severn lo tiie sea, And Wickliffe'sdiist shall spread abroad, Wide as the waters be." Gentlemen, if the blood of Kossuth is taken by an absolute, unqualified, unjustifiable violation of national law, what will it appease what will it pacify ? It will mingle with the earth 1 . . . ... . I It win. ..'a Willi ut wnifisui uic iitTuu ii.c , uuir i.i nii u world will anoint in the air, and it will return with awful retri-' bulion on the heads of those violators of national law and uxii-i verbal instiee f(i.-eat enthnsi 1m 1 1 cannot sav when or ' L wl a b m"; btU dcmd upon it, that if such an act take! ..i it .i t , ; u..,t ln.a- lUL I "It 1 ,u !r?..r ml . useV cousiqiiincts. vt jp. - ' Narrow Escapk. Mr A. Hale, No. 4 t oil's liloek, tell from the third story ..r i.,;i.i,..., ... t-,.t-,aiL- r.. . 1:11 u iini.n- i- ...w . .... ........ .... Saturday evening last, while preparing to hook au article lo the chain, lor the purpose ol lowering it down. A. though falling in a position that must have killed him instantly, he j of mind to throw himsell erect in time to strike upon his feet. We arc glad to learn he is now doing j well, and is likely to escape without the serious internal injury, which it was at hist supposed he had received. Aurora. t i j From the Worcester &;t, Xorember 13. I kiiockim; accident. 1 Last evening, about 8 o'clock, an explosion took plaro f i at Allen &. Tliurhrr's pistol factory, which was heard I throughout the cilv. It look plac.i in th lo tiling loom. ' j . a sinaii sn.a i.Ke room, titint against me uiuskib ui a , t $ larger btiildino- ami used lor the purpose of loading the revolvers for proving their strength. The side of the! $ roitlrlinrr Kl-iiirn nnt i rrtl if ..lit .i,,.l k.riil.or4 In nifef XVUllUl,. 1. klf,, 111.111 I1LIT VMII llll'J OUlfVlU . V. ..VV-r. mi 1 " , , ...1 1.1 . r. 1 nere were tnrce persons in tne room, lmmer owiu, ? i l agd 18, whose parents reside in Quinsig imond village, ilwo mi es distant. Frank in Tnomuson of INorwicn lt., aged 23, both of whom were instantly killed, and Na thaniel Sherman of Norwich, who had a ball through his 1 leg, and a contusion on his forehead, but was able to . i i . i. i , , I , ., i .is -.i- i. ij jap ; Walk to his lodgings, 1 he corpses were ternhly mn- failed, and the projects have been entirely abandoned. A few) gled and burned, and it is a wonder how Sherman could j associations still remain unshaken confidence iu the plan, and have escaped with his life. The whole side of the headjthe point at which the American river is turned, near Mormon ' ui one oi ine persons was ca. neu awavauuv.. -Scattered about. ... ' 4. . I V- I. It 1.4 nut known how tie accident tianneneu. AS llie ? pistol barrels are loaded they are set aside breach down-! M . t ward one resting a-ainst another. More or less powder j i . , . ., ... -'iL u j j .. , i i i . r i .1 . . . i ij i f always gets scattered on the platform where they stanJ, i ! 4 and fire musl in so,ne Wa.y h:,lV:e. "0t iL, Whe,h,er . "3. ..... A.a.-wl l. n KU.i) i r-k flrit'imr Hrtum tlta nrttrlnr in! I was y n u.uw in u, , . ..g r. ... loading;, or fell from a lamp, can probably never be deter mined FOR THE MECHANIC. YOUXG MENS' LYCEUM. At the adjourned meeting of the Young Men of this city and vicinity, held in the Vestry of the Central Baptist Church, on Saturday evening, Nov. 10, for the purpose of organizing a Lycejm, the following business was transacted -The committee, consisting of Messrs. Park, Grosvenor, Forsyth and Crocker, appointed at the former meeting-, pre sented a Constitution and By-Laws, which were adopted, after which the following persons were' chosen to fill the several offices President John W. Stedman. Vice President Henry H. Starkweather. SecretarapCh arles L. Davis. Treasurer Charles VV. Avery. Committee on Lectures and Essays Samuel H. Grosve nor, Charles Tracy, Joseph B. Bromley. , Voted, That the Treasurer be a Committee to solicit sub scriptions for membeiship. S, II. GROSVENOR, Tres. pro tern. Cr TRACY, Secretary. Norwich, Nov. 13, 1849. FOUR WEEKS LATER FROM CALIFORNIA. ARRIVAL OF THE EMPIRE CITY. ine steamsnip empire City, Capt. J. U. Wilson, arrived; in New York on Sunday morning last from Chagres, by the ! way of Kingston, Jamaica. The Ohio brings 477,207 87 in gold dust, on freight, and ! a large amount in the hands of passengers. ' w e select irom out ttie details of the California news iu the New York papers, the chief items of interest. the state co.wiiXTioN. From the Alia California, Oct.,l This body, up to our latest dates, had been iu session a illtln AtTiipltir.a in.nlif AT.... ..I' .1 . " . . . lvo. j.iifri ui me provisions oi me pinposed coustitnt ion had been acted aud passed upon in ct.mmii tee of the whole, and ihsl. biiiiiumk ....... k. u. .... .. :.. dexof what will be the action of the house. ' ' vi toivcn as a lwir in- The bill of rights, as adopted in committee of the whole. embraces twenty sections, of the usual character of such Dro- n'l 1.. i - L r. r j v.i.... 1.UU1U.U vl duvii piu- ily point upon which it was supposed a con - arise the question of slavery passed with- visions. 1 he 011 troversy would arise the question of slavery passed with- out debate, aim unanimously, utterly prohibiting slavery. Some were in favor of submitting the matter to the people for a 'separate vote ; but it was not contended for with any show of Ktri.nil .. . jtl, i,.!) 1,H;,Ji T)e sl(Y Cwu was ,he S0UCe of considerable debate, but was finallv riisnosnd of lv admittinir all mala niti-rns f lhe L, s six molUils resi(1,.ni , California, and twenty-one I years of age, (Indians, Africans, and the descendants of Arricaus e letU ,0 tllfi .,riv:k.ffes of electors. j Tiie Legislature is to consist of two branches, an assembly and a senate, with such ceneral powers, privileges and duties, M are as to .such bodies. Banking corporations . ,.. .....hihite,!. and all other cor.ra. ions, exceot Uluilicim, Dllr' . are to be established under general , .. .... . .r . . I laws, mo stocKholdeis to be inihviduallv liable tor all debts. considerube di.Ute occnrrpd 'a provisioil which aI. ow co orations to formod fo rPeceivi; j of gold R thiU Kvisio ir. )s,L),e w otnbnU lniht ffrow u . but the sec - a....n. 1 , ------ - . , tion was finally so amended as to answer all objections, and, in that shape, passed. lhe members of the assembly are to be elected annually, hikI th mfin !.,, r .1 - uia .u..:. r- i... ...viiiuuio vl III!.", ociiaiC I.O UU1U 1 1 1 (.-1 1 ITVU years. One half of the senate is to be elected each year. jo person can bo a member of the legislature who has not been resident ol the .si.,.- vr 5 iii . .!., noalifi j . J " 1 The number of members of assembly is nt?ver to be less than ' "0' more ha" the 7lb of'"" h amoun to one hundred thousand - and after -t -uc t,o ha tho whole number of members snail never be less than thirty nor more than B0. The senate - . , , , , 7 , never to consist of less than one-third nor mare than , one-liulf the number of the assembly. U,"T d'vls,ul' of opinion arose on nrooositiou made by ! ircr, 10 nreveni iree persons ot co or irom sett nsr i f i ...... . . i . (. ..I- - , , ... . . . es " , ,, a' "'r PfCVe,U 8 "Vehddersrom bringing; '.., " ",c F"'t "OT";u 'S ', if assed " committee of the whole ; but it has been look- ; ! ed upon smc-e 7 . K. " ",ce jeopardizing me rauncauon oi me, th "g; and as this teelmj A' Use' probably, will strike it out tion by Congress; and as this feeling was gaining ground,: ., vr.i treasurer, attoniey.gen. r l.le executive department a tiutilanmil-iviinAriiAP cAArot:iru nf a!n.A pnm I. treasurer, attorney-gem r d, and surveyor-general, con--he exeCutii-A deiHrtmnl. Tilwv are nil lo hold their .. , - r . - - .or iwo years. i ne governor ana lieutenant-governor be elected by general ballot; the secretary of state is iu oc appointed by tm' governor, by and with the advice and :., , P;i. ... .. . .. , ..... ., , ... , . "T "ul u,e .Vu,,a,uu u ! ' f"' oe aS'" prewed m tl e house, and as the office I- to ally ; unillcessary, we trust the motion will be successful. lhe; governor has the usual powers, including the veto, and the privileges and duties of his office do not vary materially from those of all oth?r States in the Un o .. The other State offi cers correspond in duties and powers with those generally as cribed them. The article relative to the militia, as passed in committee jof the-whole, is substantially such as is found in other state ' -".vC . a. .u..uo.0...B. I ll o nn iinl'ii't' iiiriiniul bi.l tiTiifitimial - i a t ioiid morA unl , . f.d Pn ut lust advices, but ,t was supposed the cove - would adjourn in all tie first week m October. TME ijolden emigration. About 30,000 persons, mostly young men compos, the over and emigration this year. A portion ot this body is a - ready in the country, and parties are nearly every day arri - The arrivals for the month ending Sept. at this oort, by sea, aro as follows : ouiiiumi is uiiu vuuwuviviiui timiiLiuiia nrit, iiul Americans. ..... 4,271' !. .. , i 0.: j . - - - - x . .' i Total, ..... 5,802 Of which l'2'2 are females. N under of tons of shipping in the harbor ol au Francu-co, this day, 9 1,344. The constitution will be submitted to the people for ratifica- t.ou or rejection on ine. , in .oven,Der At tne same; un ul(l i ii will Ka-i riol.'l ttr n rrni-ornAf I iit t rrrtviriinr ciii- 1 tors and renresentHtives of the Stale Trislat.ire. and two! representatives to the Congress of the United States. i The legislature will convene in December, and elect two; eilators to Congress, and proceed to organize a State govern forthwith. fri.rH am ahoul mi:' hun.lri-fl tliniTRnml nersons in the n,jne8 . their average earnings are about 3per day each. American gold dollars sell in San Francisco at S3 a piece 1 he city of Sau Francisco at present contains a population!0," kinds; Choice Medicinal Wines; Perfumery and Cosmetics; thousand, not including the floating population, ' "UsU 1 eeU' a,,J 1 ol" A constant supply of Pure CODLIVEB number at least ten thousand more. ! 1 of twenty-tive which must A Frenchman, by the name of Daniles, will be hung in the Plaza, on the 2Gth iust., for the murder of a friend and coun trymau. ' ,,,,-. WD BII.SISB. i Companies organized for turning the rivers have fared but! :.r.(Tu.u. . ...TLt, r k..?.!. r u. :..iu, , ... I V. . An. n nm if nHAAmi b-.a . a n V .T' -..v,-.,,. ...u.u T,US3aW,,.u.r- tion of the bed of the river wh ch it ia nronosed to dram. ot' ,bef of r'VPr wllich il is proposed to drain.-- " e, the besl told- t!s, assoc.a .01, will have but realized a paltry amount, compaieu wivu ine laoor ana capital ex-' ,dej 1 1 : From the Middle" Fork we learn," says the Times,1 ....... . . . J lnat the diggings are improving, and that an ounce a day can be-ebtained by all who work." Aud "that most of the parties operating with rockers were doing well. There was a party of four who took out $6,000 apiece in eight days from oue opening, and are now on their way home." These certainly do not look like " discouraging prospects" r- .I. - J: The gold washings on the tributary streams of the San Jo - :.. i .... - 1 1 .-. . .) ... .... 1 . .ii....: iv......; a,-..' auu.u UU.11.I1UI2 Lti aiuai.1 111u1.11 aitciii.oil. iuicivinto i r , r .TDur aivti-, .in..ini nl 0 . . v ,, . r .u j o-. many cases of the following NLW AND DEfelRABI. (i. e. South Americaus) have been expelled from the different r, J. c , . mr ..n..w digging,and although every arrival contributes to swell thejGoodf; fo,r 8a.!f lT , 33 l;W IaiCt.vC0 number of Americans already employed, .he average result of their labor is such as to encourage and stimulate the mass. ; Sickness is abating aud success is more general than when ! we last prepared our summary of intelligence. MASON, No. 15 i Shetueket Street, Norwich, Coaa., KEEPS constantly on hand a good assortment of Clocks Watches, Silver Spoons, Rich Jewelry, and all other good usually kept in his line. N. B. Watches and Jewelry repaired at the shortest no lice. I. MASON. Nov. 16, 1849. 1 AMERICAN MECHANIC . AND HOME JOURNAL Published every Saturday, by AYER & CO Office No. 50 Water street. Norwich City, Ct TPiniQ HP TtTP l)urn . hi , 1 ArJlilt, One Dollar and t if ly Cents in advance. To' City Sub- scrioers, who receive their naner bv the Car - an rwli... .r.nil ,.nr.rp nf ' I'wwi,! ;tllM,r' of ,lie above goods, at the Urge, civnino.lious, and ! N. B, A, few p of the finest qualities Black Mohair Lus an .uiuilional cnar0e ot 1 itenty.Jue M l; hr gtore n7 BULKELEY & GO. Urea, the very best imported ; Black canton cloth, a new ., will hf nidi i -.., . . I . ner, Cents will be made Single copies Four Cents. All letters and communications must be addressed. to the publishers, postage paid, or they will not receive attention. TTT'lJATS HP imrWDTlJTVP lL,liAlbOl AD EKTlblAC. For One Square, three weeks 800 r..;.... . i. n" if " " i 00 15 j iiauuuuan;, mm; vvt'ChS j Continuance, each Week j For One Square, one year j Business Cards inserted conspicuousl V ; for one vear for ' 00 50 00 10 j 8 001 3 50 rr 1 , , " A(lVCrtlSpmp!lts not marKed, Will be i ni ill ili 1 till mKM.U., ...1 U.. l . l ! i1'"'".- i'. jv'i jn.n.n-n, aim tl V y''l.l aCLCJiu- 1 inrlv, No pnper or advertisement discontinued .. . : ..... , !untl' a'l arrearages are paid, unless at the op-' I tioil of tlifi nnhlivlrr ! j tion of the publishers, - '- ' ft S I mr - ; KC,aaI 1 1 ,CC Current tor IVoriVlCll. L, directed Wcckhi Pnnvismvc j. '. Beet, freeh per Jb 7al0 ,T I er noz ter box -2 Vp. corneJ calves Porkfresh 5a 3 per ib per bush J1 60 per lb 112 per bush 67 50 6i S-ellbarks Beans u30 ! wole "og 6 5' S(tuashes, Pi " 1 "V'"Be.ts ! Hams, Northern ! Western Ml " Laid- Northern, 25 Western c Flour, Ohio " per bbf&O so ral r .. i Ul U A J XJ V' tt A 1 ' T".e La b Geese I 7lu.rk,evs 4o Cad 7 9m unnm-ecumiiuin b 00 Howard st""1 y 5 Buckwheat per bag 75 Butter, I unucuj 10 Shorts per bush innii, '21 -"'---" Soutliern yellow firkin F-Ss Cheese, new milk ner lb 9 skimmed Oats Ft n r I . v FRUIT AND VEGETABLES. WOOD, bar.l Aeples, sweet per bbl $ 1 ftO 'sort sour 2 50 COAL, Anthracite oriel er lb 7 $4 60 3 2li $ 00a6 50 In Lisbon, on the Cth i ist. by Rev. Levi Nelson, Stanton Hewitt, Esq., of Preston, to Miss A. Kay, of the for iner place. In.this city, Mr. Vm. O. Hood to Miss Abby F. Allen. In Norwich, the 4th inst., Mary Duulap, aged 8 months, - , - , j daughter ol James II. and Eunice L. Hyde ' j Li this city on the 1st inst., bully Ann, aged 47, wife of Joel , Bnrdick. . ; ! In (janterbnry Oct. 19, Mary C., only child of Ebeuezerj C. and Martha C. Preston, aged 2 years aud 9 months. i ! In Plaiufield, on the 6th insl, M.sf Lydia, wife of Charles' Spalding, aged 73. j 1 i. d i Bl V.lviTT O. I. HEWITT, DRUGGIST AND APOTHECARY. : r . m . m h m a m w m m . i 7V,,7..,. :,. ir j; f i . ' K.-unmr i.i , uu- 1 vi k i . l' lata, JJijr wufjs, I)ru.sfie., lerf umei'tJ. Feather Dtlstcrx, SpovCS, Garden and 7 ' ci i e . '(Jll t.r Keelt, QC. alF'hours0"8 IrP1"re'l with tbe 8reate3t CiR,t an(1 !Gat . J B. BULKELEY, 15'2 Main Street, ! A 1 4. 5c tor l. mo.; P?VU R.emeilJes Trusses and Supporters ; Shoul.ier Braces of vari- i F. W. II. KOUEKN, jjiiiili, uiiu. j.iamiiuj i 1 1 , TTAVING taken the spacious Steam Power Manufactory on! XX Franklin S.juare, lately occu ied by Joshua W. Shepard. is now prej.ared to furnish every description of DOORS, DOOR and WINDOW. FRAMES. SASHES and BLINDS, of superior. workmanship, at short notice, and on liberal terms. Packing Boxes of alt kinds and sizes made to order. Nov 16. 1 j j ''I I . . . . " EKIIVOES, UASHMEKtJS, De l-Al.NES, ... ijAS unil kiiAIBAZIJV KS. re nninn.' the manv . ... ..... .7, J MW j Qcl Q s ree'd by BULKELEY d -0. 6w23 VOVEJIIIER, IS 19. BULKErEY & Co., Wholesale and Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS, Main street, at the old stand of Twkkdt $ Barrows. AVE this we.k received and are now opening at their 1 11 A A. Cloth, Slrawl and Print Store Yard wide Velvet Mrino do Rich Thibet Cloths Bombazines Mohair Lustres Brack Silks' Fancy ' do Lor.g Shawls Misses do - Velvet Ribbons Smyrna Edgings Gela Plaids Kid Gloves Merino Scarfs Silk Wrappers Oct 9 Scotch Linens Pillow Case do Demi Veils Pliid Cambrics "A'ool Gloves Scotch Diapers N. Y. Mile Whirlings 'anion Flannels Linen Cambric do do Hdkf. Victoria Lawns Gauze do. Owl New Carpet Store. BULKELEY Sc CO. AT the store formerly occupied by Tweedy & Barrows, have just received, from the recent peremptory auction sales in IVew York, and from the manufacturers, a large stock oi iiiree IIy, Iiisrralii, and Sitierfiiie Car el 'gether with Oil Clotlis, IirllJJgelS, IlHgs!OA P- cashmeres, Wool M Mat, &c, to which they would call the attention of cus-J Lyonese Cloths and ,ev turners, i Scarlet, Blue, Green, chaiigeabl 1 " ' ",IU ere wnai "'""cements are now oiiereu to pur- October 30. 1849. 6wl VESTIXOS. T)LACK Satin Vesting?, heavy, very heavy 1J Brocade Silk do rich Wool Velvet do a large assortment !Crav:it(. Rich chanceable silk and black Italian cravats. 75! Cloves. Fine buck and kid gloves for Gentlemen's wear. IllpaVV fifln-lxtft Ihlllliol. unit n noi Ft no I 1 Ken a and Pisk. Flanskls for infatits' blan-keu. dresses and sacks j .r.m - . f0r sale by BULKELEY $ CO Oct 9 nARPGTS, 6wl Oil Clolli, DRUGGET RUGGS MATTS STAIR CARPETS, STAIR LINEN, TOWELLING DAMASK CLOTHS, DAMASK NAPKINS SCOTCH DIAPER C RASH. Received at the store of BULKELEY & CO. Oct. 10, 1849. 6wC3 Small figured dc L-aiiur. high colors and pretty Alesigns ree'd this week by BULKELEY Jr CO. -JO Oct 9 6wl NEW OOIS. MIIE subscriber has now on hand a general and very complete assortment of wares in the line of Furniture and House Furnishing, to an examination ol which he con fidently, cordially and respectfully inviies public attention. asurins all that the qu ality of his wares is gaod, and any u 1.. l: -u 1 . . 1 :r... r I ain.euiu iy ui.ii us sucu, ui-.y ok .eiunieu, 11 nui ioui.u P('r'',c, a"4' l"e money will be refunded, 'riiose persons ' wno '"'end to commence Housekeeping are especially invi- ted, as they can here lin.I every article thai Housekeepers SI need in the line, from the most elegant Tailor Furiiture 0,down to lhe sma!l!.-t article of Furniture for the smallest 7.-, folks, whether it be in the line of chai.s, c.aJles, or baby 10 jumpers. I lease call soon and examine (or yourselves, while the assortment is moJ, and be assuied you need not go 0J away without buyin, for the prices will bs found right. "Boswell lluildiiigs, corner of Main and Shetucket street Xup stairs- CHAUNCEY E- BEACH. JNo.w'uh, .Nov. 16, ISI'J. 3v ' 1 IMPORTASTTO AM A. I IT is the f ishion of the times to extol the magnitude of the stores, the imme .sily of the stoc ks, ruinous piiees, ; !&c, hut wo would simply inform our old customers and the' puMie. generally 'hat we aie still at the same Roston Clothing Store, Nearly opposite the Post Office, A'orwich, Ct., with as gooff j a stock of Clothing and Furnishing (i. ods of every grade; jand description as can bo found in any other establishment : however extiavgaantly they m y boost We warrant our Roods to be faithfully made, and if anv ' 'article bnuyht of us does not prove as good as represented. we wdl make all proper deduction for it. I We do riot run down our neighbors' goods for the purpose. ot selling our own, ..... we are wining ours snouid stand upon . -yy ETCRNS his thanks to the public for the favor be baa re their own merits, and we aie determined to si ll , clieap as 1 reived, and would inform them that he is ready lo furntib ' anv other establishment, however strong llmir assertion11"1 n40ri'l"' il tho who see fit to favor bias with ( - , their patronage. - 7"Carnages furnished for f4Mir pmrHrm ml may be, i reasonable rates. 1 Not 16 i Ciislom Work. ; I We are prepared to make from measure garments of th I First class, and have secured the services of Mr. E. W . I BECK VVITH to take charge of this department. We have always on hand a choice stork of Cloths, ("as-j j niiiiere and Vestings, Ti iminiiigs, &c, to meet the wai.ts of this branch of our trade. j Call and examine before you buy ; we Lull be pleased to' i 1 . l ll- .t 1 show our goods even ir we uo not sui-cp. u iu si-n ng mem. 11. Ij. 13 U 1 I S iV CO Nov. 16. 1 and I5o, Look at this !. c m w m r . Ti'hn c n be a lisfn t si v minth or nrm in travel Arnii li it- CIotI.h frJnCs ,( cat &M? Of rail i,n WUUll L lO.Ulhg . They will be required to canvass principally with a work TO BE WILD AT THE j lately issued by the su'.scriher. and which has been got up under V S. Cf.OTlfllX STORE, clu"ve?v, wT' theub8CriUo ' e..u.nm,....ea PHIS season, embracing every vam.v end style of Gar-j A HiS.OrV Of UlC World, -A. meiil. at the following low prices, made up lor Fall and : Giving a complete history, both ancient and Modern, of every Winter 7". ade, lor 1819 and 50. ! nation on the Globe, brought down to the tresatit time, iucludinr I 1500 brown broadcloth overcoats, wadded and quilted, at f ss nn ir. ii mi $5 00 io 15 00 1 uuui i 500 superfine French and German cl th i ' sat ks 5 00 to 12 00 6Q0 brow,Iui.,,.k a h!uc l,caver overcoat sacks, 2000 business sacks, for Farmers, Me chanics and laborers, 500 Tweed satinet sacks. 400 frock and dress coats, made of Eng lish, French and German cloths, 500 paies fine black ilojskin and cassi- 6 00 to 16 00 2 00 to 2 00 to 6 00 to 2 50 to 1 50 to 00 i 00 ' ; mere pants, made spring or plain battoms, ! 600 pairs black mixed satinet do, 00 350 pairs fum y casimere do, with stripe ot,on the side, cut in good style, 00 to 00 to -0t) pairs AenlucKy jean , 300 p,.s plain and fancy , common v. car, 00 p-iirs Kentucky jean pants. 00 1 cassimere, for 75 to 00 lo 00 to 50 to 75 to 75 to 00 450 g.een and red jackets. 1000 faiicj- and figured vests, 300 fine black satin. 200 plaid and figured satin, 500 satinet and broadcloth, 300 pairs drawers and undershirts of red flannel, and knit d;, 200 cotton do, with bosoms, 600 pairs socks and mitts. 500 pairs buck n ittens, 75 to 50 lo 33 to 75 ! r,...-, n ..;.,,., f Pn.nK r..,.l.. nf Ui, I UCSIIIt'o Oil I I'.l lirta w M I ll av UUIISII'liC -vv i- va at - - - .t,rt.,l.l., hr.e.' ho,., rollara. ...d m.nv . . .. r .. . . -.. .. other articles loo numerous to mention, an oi wnicn win oe ; sold at enormous low prices. I Boys' Clothing. j 300 sacks for boys, 2 00 to 5 00 j 300 pairs of pants, m 1 00 to 3 00: 200 broadcloth and satinet jackets, " 1 50 to 3 50 j 350 vests of different patterns, 50 t 1 50 i also i 500 nieces Broadcloths, Cassimeres and Doeskins ; 150 ' pieces of rich Fancy Vestings, which will be sold by thej j Prn, or cut into garments lo sml customer,, at J1 .Haiti street. lYorivich. N 16. 1 CURRIER iT CO. Exchange Broker. ''pilOSE sending money lo their friends in the Old Coun. -L try, can be accommodated with Drafts at Sight, on the Banks ef Ireland, England, Scotland and Wales, which are paid, free ot discount, by calling on JAMES McCI.EI.AND, Nov 16. 6m J Norwich, Ct. V LARGE and extensive assortment of Drugs and Medi cines, including all the articles in general use. Piescriptions put up with particular care and attention by SAMUEL TYLER, Nov 16. eow3w . (1) No 146 Main street. Another Lot DRAB EOT3LIH PILOT CLOTHS.tbe JtW demi rable article for Sacks and overcoats now in market. Received by BULKELEY 4 CO. A"o 16. . ' . . 6wl DRESS GOOWSj" ,-.;.-; de Laines plain and' figurrd. everal eases Black, Crimson, genble Alpaca Lustres -receiveJ tins ween tide for Ladies Di esses. EUl.KEI.EY DO Aov 16. 6wl THE subscriber, having purchased the entire stock of goods I of Downine & Denison. and. in add tion to the same, bas njw landing a very large stock of Gioceries and Provisions l0f every kind, which he will veil for Cah or Country Pro- I:.. I I .1 -. t,- 1 . .1 . . 1 11... . . ' r ... - . . y uuir, a iiiim i.uuuci uinn anv es'aoiisnmeni n ine n v. A'l persons in want of FamilT Stores will find it much to their interest to call and ez mine ltVr lliv nnrrhiw elm. jwhure. All articles that do not bear the recommendation given, may be returned, and thermmy will be refunded. A hare of public patronage is respectfully solicited. ' PELEG PECKH AM. At the old Stand of Downing $- Denison., No 34 Water strevt, IS'ov. 16, 1849, (1) Norwich, Ct. Follow the dictates of reason, For in her bold is open truth." a. csia js a:sky & CO. j Successors to L'thxour. I"- CM -AIM that all who wish to buy ready mide Clothing, ' ought to give them a call for the'foll wing reasons : 1. Our goods are manufactured with the greatest caie, and under the supervision of those who know all about tbe Luni : hops. . ' 2. The sppan-Is aie all made very well indeed, f honest fabric snd good materials. f j 3. They will always say wha! they menu, and mean what they say. , 1 "ey n o unuer-oia, nor can mey well ne. on- - " peon ouvs an inicn-.r article 10 wnsl can be louna in .ii-ir esmoiisnmenr. 5. "They are bound to keep a good supply of the most fashionable and .lesirable Fall and Winter Clothing, wh ch is ready for examination, and as the week passes, new goods come, and new styles the customers will see. We claim the foregoing as sulfu i.-nt tt satisfy those who reason as we do. A. CHAMANtfKY CO. Norwich, Nov. 16, 1S49. I A VO 11 r.VT3 V C ! ! K TrATCHES. Jewelrv.Fam y Goods. Settacles of all kinds. ', ' and tlandurd Silver Spoons, can be purchased as low, with out the fatigue consequent on sl((i'iie ami bantering, at tht One Price Store, as t any other plate where they pay 100cen on thedollar for th-ir goods. U. B. FKINDLE, Xnrwich t'ity, November loth. 1940. 6 Strand. ilTr So competition with any one. v l.ose qualifications corn IX'1 them to wmk under price or ratli;-r advertise to do so to enable them to get any thing to do ZT tt" 1 G. B. P. L1TGKY STABLE, At Bentleys Old Stand, West Side, K. C. ROGERS S.TIxVII JORS I A NX) large ones, in Carpentry and repairing of every descrip 1 11 tion, aUendHl to at short notice by F. W. DOLBEARE. Over R. IL Coit's Coal Office, on Wharf Bridge. Nov 1G. 11 WAATEW Fifty Voims" len, business habits, intell-eence and enterprise to act akArenia i J in di'l'erent counti in the States of Maine, New Hampshire, i Vermont, New York, New Jersey and Delaware. Also Ti 1Ti ! XVill ill i f Vlf n ism 7 7 4-c. It is illustrated with a large number of beautiful engravings, representing the most important battlet, mrtmatiant, proetmion, costumes. 4-c . that are known in the world's history. Beside is attached to the woi k a iiiagi.iiH'ent chart, representing tbe tar of the riirtovs nations printed in colons, in the highest styl of art. The work is sold at an extremely low price, which places it within the reach of all. Being connected with the extensive publishing house of Har. i ot .V bi os.. New York, I furnish Agents with their book attbeir iiegular wholesale prices. I No Agent will he required to canvass territory previously oc 12 00 i '"upied. ami all books not sold may bereturned at prices origt j nally charged. An oi.i'ortunit v. rarelv r.lTered. rrsents itself to nrofem'onmt Uli men and school teachers, well as others wno wisa to engage. For further information apply at my office on Mailt streets 1 Norwich, in the same building, (id story) with the Norwich Co- , ner. or aonress ticiai cii-l.. 00 i Norwich, Nov 15. I19 tft IIAT3 A.I CAPS. "VTT I.. NTCHOL Manufacturer and Dealer in Hats and Caps VV . has on hand a I a ree and beautiful assortment of Hats and! ilia. a .it- aiicniidii in i'if?ri;i.ailTs aim an w ut wish iu ..ui uu , chase the ab ve. is requested to his stock, which will be sold & 4 00 , low as can be bought in the State. t 3 oj ALSO 2 50 ' j A larg. assortment of Fdncy Furs for t-adies. And I hare also j large atsortujent of Gentlemen's Fancy Furs: tbe eutta perch 2 00 : hats, gloves, miftenf, stocks, umbrellas, btiffilo robes, fane I 7t ' rhes, ire. All ot the above, and a little mo: e can b found a mvs ore. 16 and 1S7 Main St., opposite the Post Office, Norwich ! Nov 16 I ISITTTi:Sl and CHEESE. THE subscriber bas in st.oe and to arrir J- 600 firkins fair to rood Wes'em Butter- (60 do and tubs prime N. York Stale Dairies 200 boxes Cheese SO casks do 100 bbls Winter ipi'les. 100 do Extra HuperSne Flour. All of which M ill be sold at the lowest rates for Cash. F. M. HALE. Ac. " Norwich. Nov 16. 1349. 1 No. 4 Coil's Block.. CHTSZE2VS' MAHKET At the Sign-of the " IflG OJ,H NO. 47, WATER STREET, WHERE may te found constantly on hand a good asaortateaa. of Meat, such as Beef, fresh and tatted; Dried Beef; salt .. nd lresh Pork ; Mutton, Lamb, Veal, Smoked Haaas, Trip Sausages, and Poultry, which will be so'd as low ascaaba bought at any Market in the city. . F. C. CHAPMAH.- Nov 16; xtC