OCR Interpretation

American mechanic and home journal. (Norwich, Conn.) 1849-18??, December 22, 1849, Image 3

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:, . ' . Written ft the Mechmnic
Man's happiest aud most blissful pleasure,
A fift supreme, ef Nature's rare and choicest treasure ,
Reflection's solace, and Memory's joyful theme,
Youth's innocence inspiring with electric gleam ;
Ceeapeseieu'e M hand-maid" and affection's guide,
The world's r.eat solace, en life's tumultuous tide.
All Nature smiles with glad delight, aud in syraphouious song
unite ;
Ye means, ye stars, ye give your light to earth's gay song-
etcrs of the night.
Let Man aud all his works of art, with Nature's chorus play
a part ;
O'er 1 ntid aud sea, from heart to heart, let each a share of song
' impart.
Renewed strains of Music's charm, shall quiet every grief to
Norwich, December, 1349. E.
From the eu York Hermld, lltk.
On Saturday evening the steamship Herman, captaiu
Crabtree, arrived iu our port from Bremen-haven iu Germa
ny, Raving on board General Couut Ujhazy, the late civil
governor of Comorn ; Mine Apolenia Jagello, aud other dis
tinguished refugees from Hungary. We weut early on board,
J esterdsy, morning, to meet ihem and accompany them to
e Irving and Astor Houses, where they had been invited to
take up their quarters.
Here we were introduced to the noble refugees and had the
pleasure of ttking tliem by the hand. The Governor, La
dislas Ujhasy (pronounced Wehazy,) is a venerable looking
Id man, apreully about 60 years of age. He wears a
long flowing grey beard, and has a singular striking- aud vene
rable appearance. His manners are simple, unaffected and
unostentatious ; yet he is a nobleman by birth, and was the
possessor of a large hereditary fortune, ihe greater part of
which has been siesed upon and confiscated by the Austriau
government. His lady and daughters are like himself in
meaner simple and nnpreleuding tho' belonging, by birth,
habits and education, to the highest class of European aris
We were much pleased with the personal appearance and
manners of Mis Apolonis, the Hungarian heroiue, who, as
rumor reports, has fought iu many a battle for the liberties of
Hungary. She is at the Irving House. She is a fine, bloom
ing, handsome young lady, about twenty-four or twenty-five
years ef age, of pleasiug address aud manners, with a fine
color on her cheeks, and quite femeuine and lady-like in her
manners. No one would suspect on seeing her, that those
'tlicaie hands, enshrouded in delicate white kid jjlovea,
anv-ifam slender form, had ever been seen dashing among the
crow,r combatants on ihe field of battle, mounted as a hus
sar ou h..back, and dealing out wounds and death to the
enemy with flushing; sword in hand. She seemed herself
quite unwilling - admit the fact, or speak upon it, yet she
showed us her har jacket. iu which she was attired.
She would not, hower te, U8 how many men she had kill
ed. We learned from otnr sources, however, that her
chief participation in the Hungarian war had been at the
hetd ef one of the military wiepitals, where, with her own
hands, she had waited upon and wounded, and had
nursed and taken care of litem wJ, all a woman's tender
ness. We also learut that she had ou:-fol)rht when driven
by necessity, on tne approach ol the enenv to the citv of
renin, auu uiou sue urru upou inem i rum we window, and
en several occasions mounted on horse-back and Moisted to
drive them from the place. She together with her fellow
refugees, on stopping at Southampton, in England, was
much noticed, as we were informed, by the gentry of the
place ; and the ladies of the town of Southampton vied with
each other in showing honor and respect to them all, inviting
tnem to tnetr nouses. Where is there a geneious people who
have not felt eymp-tthy and admiration for the brave Hunga
rians ' aud the ttuglish are unquestionably among the for-iut-of
gr-nerees-peopter - . . ,-
The Governor ef Comorn whs accompanied by his lady,
two dauirhters and four sons. Of his family, three were
mere cdildren, of unripe years, not yet able fully "io appre
ciate the loss of country, home, fortune, title, connections
all lost to them. We were much interested with the appear
ance, manner and behaviour cf the whole family; and es
pecially the unconscious children attracted our sympathies,
for they seemed rather to enjoy the excitement of the nov
elty of their situation, and their advent into a new world.
To these poor little creatures all the change, vicissitude and
adversities of their family, were, in their innocence and igno
rance, good fun," and we doubt not they enjoyed it bet
ter thau they would have done had they remained at home,
to go to school, and live in the regular monotony of daily life,
uninterrupted by the shock of empires, the collisions of mighty
armies, the revolutions of nations. Happy innocence ! happy
ignorance of youth ! happy carelessness ! Our troubles com
mence soon enough ; let us, then, protract, as loug as we
can, ihe days of simplicity and enjoyment. We addressed
these interesting children in Latin, as that was formerly the
language of Hungary, which all their youth were educated to
speak, and which was s(okeii iu their legislative halls and
courts of justice ; but the mother answered for them, and said
they did not understand it. Kossuth, among the many re
forms of which he has beeu the iustigator, has also succeeded
in causing the use of the Latin language to be abandoned,
and the guttural Magyar tongue, as more national, to be sub
stituted iu its place. The Governor conversed a good deal in
Magyar, the genuine Hungarian language, and we could
perceive it was a tongue not destitute of harmony and force,
from the ease and richness with which it flowed from the lips
of thoee who spoke it. Meautime the two little ones, uncon
scious ef their parents' and their country's disasters, played
about the grand saloon of the Hotel, smiling, laughing aud
admiring the crowd of visiters and spectators the beginning
of new world and second life to them iu a new hemisphere.
We were much, interested with the accounts we heard of
the siege of Comorn, in which the gallant Governor, the brave
Klapka, the gallant Pragay figured so largely before Europe
and the world. They bravely held out a long time against
the combined forces of Austria and Russia, with all their im
posing artillery, and only yielded at last on houorable terms
terms which were strongly expressive of the bravery of the
besieged and the fears of their enemies. At one time, to
wards the close of the siegn, the famine raged severely a
rnong these last aud bravest relics of Hungarian indepen
dence. The price of a goose, at this period, rose to the in-
cradihlq sum qf.fort vA msriran
ed chicken sold for fifteen doll
XM.re iu . m.lh.lf-.l.r..
tteen dollars. Jb.ven rats and mice had
their value, and sold for considerable sums, so great was the
want of food in the besieged place. They were more happy
who parted with their money to obtain a mouthful of food,
i than thoee who filled their purses with the high price. We
were told of a man, rich and fond of money, who sold the
last mouthful he had for sn immense sum, and perished for
rant in the midst of his treasures, wishing, wheu it wss too
late, to have parted with all his wealth, for only oue day's
mere existence so far more valuable is life thau money, and
90 incapable is money of prolonging life.
We heard with horror of the numerous cruelties and atro
cities of which the triumphant Austrians were guilty over
the conquered fo conquered, not by Austrian bravery ; no
nor yet even conquered by the overwhelming force of the Rus
sians, but conquered, sold, betrayed by the base and sordid
mind of the traitor Georgey, who, for tho sake ol personal
wealth end abundance of gold, sold to the enemy the army
which had been confided to him, and the people who had
placed confidence in hie integrity. We read iu the Bible of
- the croelty of Herod, and, as we read it, are tempted to
believe such atrocity impossible. Little did we think that, in
the nineteenth century in the heart of civilized Europe In
what is called a Chriatiau country, and by those who call
them selves a Christian- people worse and more wanton era
elties and atrocities have been perpetrated. We were told
ot 300 infants in one Hungarian city, on the borders of
Wallackia. who were taken and butchered by the Austrian
soldiers. They took them from their mother's arms, and put
them to death in the most wsnton manner, holding the little
innocents by the feet, and dashing their brains out against the
walla ef their parents' houses, and in some eases throwing
them into holes in heaps alive, aud burying them alive. The
Russians, it eaid, were not half so brutal and cruel as the
Auetnene, after or before their treacherous conquest.
The following is the nomenclature ef our amiable and dis
tinguished guests:
Ladielaa Ujhazy, late Civil Governor of Comorn.
Theresa Uthazv, his lady.
Clara and Ilka Ujhasy, their two daughters, Clara about
twenty-five. Ilka eleven years of a ere.
Wolfang, Theodore und Ladislas, their three sons, the two
former grown up tine young men, captains in tne Hungarian
service, the latter a child ten years or age.
Anolouia Jagelio, ev Polish lady by birth, who has been
devoted to the Hungarian cause, having waited upon the dy-
nsr and wounded iu the hospitals, and tired at the enemy
when she had a chauce, aud pursued them on horseback,
sword in ha id, when she.had an opportunity.
Captain Vilheira Vaise.
Captaiu Henry Radwich.
Lieut. Henry.Deahn.
Colonel Pragay, second iu command in Comorn after Klap
ka, aud
Colonel Fernot, of the Engineers, who directedthe batte
The Senators have wisely concluded not to wait for
the organization of the House. They have gone to work
upon Executive business. Nominations, treaties, &c.,
are now before them, and the prospect is that they will
have an abundance of tune for the dispatch of all the
business of this kind before the House is organized.
The House is in a most deplorable condition. I here is
no crospect of its immediate organization, akhousrh more
than two weeks have been spent in balloting, debating
and righting. The only real progress that has yet been
made was the vote of Thursday last, that cut on all de
bate. It is to be regretted that this resolution had not
passed in the beginning, that, for the sake of our national
character, we might have been spared the debate of
Thursday last, and the scenes that grew out of it. It
was utterly disgraceful from beginning to end. The
threats of the Southern members to withdraw from the
House, and leave it without a quorum for the transaction
f business, in the event of the passage of the Wilmot
Proviso, will undoubtedly be carried into execution.
The end is not vet. Aurora.
To keep a Stove as bright as a Coach-body, bt
two Applications a Year. Make a weak alum water,
and mix your ' British Lustre" with it, perhaps two
teaspoons to a gill of alum-water: let the stove be cold,
brush it with the mixture, then take a dry brush and
dry lustre, and rub the stove till it is perfectly dry.
Should any part, before polishing, become so dry as to
look grey, moisten it with a wet brush and proceed as
Ixjafers at the Mines Honestt. Theie is a set of
loafers constantly going round with pans and pickaxes'
on thier backs, "prospeoing," as they call it. but in real-
ity pretending to look for gold and praying to the Lord
that they may not find it. On due deliberation, my
party cf four started out "prospecting," too, and luckily
stumbled on a little El Dorado, where we easily took
out two ounces per day, and where I should now be, but
for a giant in the shape of dysen'.ery. which has brought
nie here again and laughs at my longings for the dura
illia messarurn of old Horace, or a fresh supply of Mrs.
Kidder's cordial. Two things I have learned at the
mines one to rock a cradle, and the ot'ier to be a capital
grave digger, for I have dug holes half way to New Zea
land. Every man able and willing to work, can get an
ample- remuneration for his labor but to feather bed
miners it is hard work. One thing at the mines struck
me as strange, viz. the great order and honesty that pre
vails. A pickaxe, or spade in a hole secures it to the
owner as much as a title deed, and I heard of but one
act of dishonesty during a stay of some weeks.
Removal. Epaphras Porter, Esq., Inspector of this port.
has been removed, and Capt. Daniel Havens appointed in bis
stead. The appointment is a first rate one, though we re
gret Mr. f . s removal. JSorwtch Aurora.
" Elopement from Massachusetts" Love and Dishones
ty. Officers Edwards and Smith, of the Third district po
lice, arrested, yesterday, a mau of genteel appearance, by the
name ot Allen ts. t -lough, ou a charge of being a fugitive
from Lynn, Massachusetts, where he stands charged with
having embezzled, from Atkiu Pierer aud Thomas, managers
of the New En. I nid Protective Union, Divisiou No. 46, the
sum of 1,200 in money, a check on the Bank of Lynn for
6C0 and iwo promissory notes, one for $13, and one for
iyjX!. in ihis society dough was the chief clerk and book
keeper, and was thought well of by the firm, who owned a
large country store. The accused was doiug well, aud re
sided happily with his wife and child, until within a few
months past, and would probably have continued to do so, but
tor the visit of Clough 's first cousin, a s'out, healthy-looking
young woman, of shout seventeen years of age, of good pro
portions and wt-ll-favo eJ. The visit was net of !ong duration
before an intimacy took place betweeu them of a very iru
proper character.
This secret attachment continued between them until
the 2eth of October, when Clough, prompted by the tempta
tions held out by his cousin, consented to elope w m her, and
abandon h s own wife. He did so, and in order to support
themselves in the evil passious of their hearts, Clough em
bezzled the sums of money, as above sta'ed. They left
Lynn together, went to Boston, passing for man and wife,
and from Boston they came to New York, arriving in this
city aboot the Zbth of October. On their arrival in this
city, they put up at Isaac's Hotel, iu Greenwich street, and
from there they went to board at 5UJ Orteuwich street.
Shortly after, Clough weut into business, by opening a bowl
ing saloon at No. 385 Washington street, and from that time,
he and his cousin paramour have boen sporting about from
one place of amusement to another, as man and wife, under
the names of Mr. and Mrs. Allen. A few days since, a let
ter was intercepted in Lynn, sent from this city by Clough,
to a friend, wishing to know all the news respecting his dis
appearance, and to direct a letter back to New York, under
the name of Llhan Allen. 1 he letter was sent accordingly,
and the above officers notified to watch tbe Post Office, in
order to arrest Clough when he called for the letter; bat by
some misunderstanding respecting the time, Clough called
tor and obtained the letter in the absence of the officers.
However, next day (yesterday) the officers, haying been
furnished with a daguerreotype likeness of Clough, espied
the gentleman in Broadway from the resemblance of the
likeness, and at once took him into custody. Ou information
beinsr given to the prisoner's cousin, or paramour, she im
mediately flew to the prison in ord-'r to shre a portion of
his troubles and incarceration, absolutely refusing to leave
the prison, and, ou permiaaioa of the magistrate, she was al
lowed to remain in the same cell with her 'beloved cousin.
she termetrutiii m .L .the miaou yesterday evening,
end there beheld this female locked in the arms or eiuuk,
and at the appearance of a stranger, she appeared to cling
firmer to his person, fearing that every moment he might be
torn trom her side. 1 his young woman states that she al
ways loved her cousin, and will now and forever remain
with him, notwithstanding the misfortune that has befallen
him. Justice Osborne committed the accused to prison to a
wait a requisition from the Governor of Massachusetts. N.
Y. Herald,mThurtdtiy.
Something New. The Republic states that a gentleman
from New York, now in Washington City, proposes to con
nect the President house, aud the Capitol and the several
departments, with gutta percha speaking tubes, laid under
ground, and to guaranty that ordinary conversation can be
carried on between these remote points with as much fidelity
as if the dinerent parties were in the a me room.
Lancets are tempered with the steel raised
to a yellow color, or four hundred and thirty
degrees oi r ah. Kazors and surgical mstru
ments at a pale straw color, or four hundred
and fifty degrees. Penknives, scissors and
chisels at a brown color, or four hundred and
ninety degrees. Axes and plane-irons at five
hundred and ten, or brown dappled with pur
ple. Table knives and large shears at five
hundred and thirty or purple color. Swords
and watch springs at five hundred and fifty, or
light blue. Saws and augurs at five hundred
and sixty, or full blue. Large saws at six
hundred, or dark blw approaching o black.
Two plants, the one producing a malig
nant poison, the other an 'article of health-
n i i . .it 1 - J . : .
IUl diet. Win grow sue uy siue, extra; i. nig
their elements from tne same sou.
The tendency to migration is a powerful
instinct in many animals. Button says that
young quails, kept in cages almost from
birth, and which, could consequently neither
know nor regret liberty, experienced regu
larly, twice in a year, lor lour years, a sin
gular agitation and anxiety, at the custom
ary times of migration, that is in the months
of April and September. This uneasiness
lasted about thirty days each time, and re
commenced every day at ari hour before sun
set. The great Sphynx of Egypt represents
the head of a man, with the body of a lion,
carved out of one solid rock, it is one
hundred feet long and forty feet wide. The
head is twenty-six feet high, thirty-five feet
round, and fifteen feet from the ear to the
chin, the fore legs are fifty-seven feet long
from the breast to the extremity of the paws,
which are eight feet high, and the summit
of the head is sixty-five feet from the base.
The power of draught decreases as speed
increases, thus, if when moving at the rate
of two miles per hour, the force of a horse is
represented by the number one hundred; at
three miles per hour it will be eighty-one, at
four miles sixty-lour, at nve miles lorty-nine.
and at six miles thirty-six.
The plant called " Four o'clock" opens its
flowers every day at that hour. .
Starch, sugar, gum and lignum, or the
fibre of wood, are all composed of the same
elements, (carbon, oxygen, and hydrogen) uni
ted in the same proportions. The difference
in their properties being due according to
chemists, to the different arrangement of their
atomic elements.
A negro, having purchased a hat, was oh
served to take it from his head, on the fall of
a shower of rain, and to manifest considera
ble anxiety to preserve it from the wet. On
being remonstrated with for his supposed stu
pidity, in thus leaving his head exposed, he
wittily observed, Hat belongs to me, head
belongs to massa.
The blood contains about eighty per cent.
of water, the flesh about seventy-four per
cent., and it is assumed by physiohgista that
the entire human body contain nearly seventv
five per cent., or three-fourths of its weight
of water. x
" Sally, don't I like you ?"
" La, Jim, I reckon so."
Hut don t vou Know it &aiiv. uoti t vou
think I'd tear the eyes out of any tom-cat that
dare look cross at you V J.
I spect you Would. l
" Well, the fact is, Sally, ii-
"Oh, now don't Jim, I "feel all overish.
And Sally, I want you ton
" Don't say anything more, I shall "
" But I must, I want you t4- "
" O, hush, don't I, oh" 4
" I want you to-night to get "
" So soon ? oh no, impossible. Father and
mother would be angry at me."
44 How ! be mad at you for doing for me
such a favor as to m "
" Yes, dear me, I'm so agitated."
" But there's some mistake, for all I want
to have you do, is to mend my shirt collar
Woman The fairest work of creation : the
edition being extensive, let no man be with
out a copy.
Correspondents who write to us, must send their names. We
do not ask this for public benefit, but for our own. The name
of a correspondent will not, under aaj consideration, be per
mitted fogo abroad.
E. B. B. We will give your " Lines to the Departed" sn In
sertiou next week, Should like to have you send u " some
more of tbe same sort.
Published every Saturday, by AYER &, CO
Office No. 50 Water street.
Norwich City, Ct.
TERMS OF THE PAPER. Ohb DoLLAI u Fibtt Cmmrm. in
advance. To city Subscribers, who receive their naner bv the
Lirrier, an uumnnii charge oi tweniy-nve cents will be made,
ainrie copies thbbs cbsts.
Alfletters snd communications nest besddreased to tbe nuh-
j liners, rosTACs vaid, or wey win ao( receive ettentl e n.
For one square, three weeks -'
to nlinuance. eacb week
Half Square, three weeks
Continuance, each week. -One
squire, year 1 , .
8 00
a so
Business caras insect ea conspicuously for one yeas, tor
ITT" Advertisements not marked will ha ouhiiahsd fit! forbid
den, and charged accordingly.
no paper or advertisement discontinued anal all arrearages
srePAID, except at the opt ion of the publishers.
Retail Price Current for Norwich
Corrected Weekly.
Beef, fre?h per lb 7sl0 Raisins.
corned 6 Figs
Veal eeS-ellbsrki
Cslves Beans
Pork, fresh 7al0 Squashes, .
wholehog OS Onions
per ant
per bos $ 87
per lb
per bush
gl 60
pet lb 1 1-
uer bosh 87
mess perbbl 12 00 Rets
Pics, roasting
I sO Potatoes
Hams, Northern
Lard, Nortnern,
Butter, lump
Cheese, new milk
per lb iJ.Patsnips
Turnips -9
1 xr rTTT ivn RS1IH
Flour, Ohio . per bbl f S SO
Ueaessee common e w
fancy 8 60
Howard st.
Buckwheat per bag 76
snorts per butn
Corn, Northern 84
bout barn yellow 70
perdos is
per lb
- . white
Rye 76
Osts 4J
Bsrley, 76
WOOD, herd 4 60
Apples, sweet per bbl $t 00
soft 8 86
- oried
8 60 COAL, Anthracite m 006 60
lb 71
ANEW supply ef this were, which is etresed st unusually
prices, at the ware reesss ef 8w C. E. BEAC
In Greenville, on the 18th ulU by the Rev. Mr. Doggett,
Mr. Simeon Lavender, of Province Town, Mass., to Miss
Mary Jane Bid well, eldest daughter of Rev. J. M. Bid well.
An iv ew ajonuon, aoui, jvuu a vi ivii, ,v .icuiwjr
Rogers of Norwich.
In this city, on the 11th inst, with the bilious fever. Elis
abeth WUber, aged 77 years.
Dearest Mother! thou hast left us,
And thy loss we deeply feel.
But 'tis God thou hsst bereft us.
And He can all sorrows heal.
A long time thou hast been wiih us,
A ministering to our every wish,
But God thought best to take thee from us
To dwell with him in endless bliss.
In Willimantic, 4th inst., of consumption, Mr. W. C
Boon, aped 65 years. ICT Western papers please copy.
Iu East Haddam, INov. 12lh, Mrs. Alice J. Bauer, wiie oi
Josiah J. Baker, aged 69 years.
In California, Oct. lath, on ooara tne uov t transport
schooner Invincible, on his way from Sutlerville to Sau
Francisco, near Benicia.on the Sacramento river, of t.hro-
nic dysentery, in the 39th year of his age, Shubael r.
Bartlett, M. I)., a son ot Key. S. uarueu, oi t.asi ino-sor.
Ct. He was on his way towards his tamily at Lyme, it ,
expecting to lake the regular steamer from San Francisco
ou the 1st of November.
In Moulville, Dec. 11th, Mrs. Sally Champhu, aged c8
In Montvule, Lec 17lh, Miss Xancy i nompsou, ageu uu
JYb. 82, Main street.
JH. fcT- M. GALE, grateful to their friend and a generous
public for the support thev have received since opening their
Confectionary ana uysier aaioons, wouiu iiuuru iuc uuin auu
gentlemen thetlhey have fitted up their two rat-oa on the se
cond floor, expressly for the coming Holidays, where may be
found the most extensive assortment oi
Fancy Confectionary, Suar aud
Wood -Toys, I'erl nines, fancy
French Boxes, Cornuco
pias) Arc. &c. &c.
ever before seen in Norwich since the flood.
By this arrangement the ladies will have their goods put up ny
l.rlir rti will also avoid na&ainv thrcurh a crowded store.
They are also prepared to furnish to the entire satisfaction of
selves with the luxuries of a Confectionary and ttetreahment
ail laaies inu ceniiemen woo mmj ictti univcu
Est ablithment, Oysters In every style. Jellies, Ice creams, cnar
lotte Rousse, Tea, Coffee, Chocolate, together with Pastry,
cakes, snd s variety of Refreshments, all or tne very oesi inu.
. v a a a STn ST a 19
Norwich Uec. 23. e J,n. i.ea. uaa.c.
rpiHOSE who wish an easy shave, or their hair cut in a superior
X and becoming style, will please call on Prof. GOB DEN,
Anttucfitt stiver t yortcicn.
Prof. Gorden's Celebrated Hair
TONIC wlitjprevent the Hair from falling off, eradicate dandruff,
and increase the growth of the Hair. It will eep tne ilair al
ways moist, giving it a beautiful gloss, io be naa si s sue
tucAet St., Norwich. Dec. 2. trB
Tin Plale, Copper and Sheet Iron
w oruer,
Alio Agent for Culver's Hot Air Furnace, the best in use.
Norwich. Conn.
Always on hand, all kinds of Tin Ware. Plin snd Japanned,
wholesale and retail. Jobbing and Repairing done at short no
tice. 6 J615
Ale and Iectar.
mHE unders med beins Aeent tor tne saie oi tu.iati
I THF.RS 'l ROT ALE. will keen constantly on
THEKS' 1KU1 itt, will aeep tnnw
tand a full
supply of sll the common Ales, comprising
These Ales are warranted to be of superior quality ,ut up in
rvu. casks 31 1-i galls, each, and will be soU at the lowest
NrrriR This cetebrated Belelan Double Ale is pure, brilli
ant and sparkling, when drawn, ot a ricn, ueucaie
flavor, and wart anted equal to any
this country.
Norwich, Dec. IS,
article manufactured in
A. R. HALE, Agent,
No. 4, Coil's Block.
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains.
ACHAMNSKY Ac CO.. aie selling now their stock
of Ready Msde Clothing st prices never before offered
in this market. Their entire stock must be sold within a
very short time to close the concern, as she partnership is
shout to be dissolved. Csll and you will find ni humbug.
119 Main-street,
(juinebaug Bank Building, Norwich.
Norwich, Dec. 10. 184.
A PRIME new lot of Geese Feathers just received, and
-will be cold at unusually low prices. Also a medium
quality st a very low price, for cash only. Now is your
lime ! . Call without delsy it you woui secure a good swan
bed for j a little money. Corner Main and Shetucket sis.
Q3tP srsirs. C E. BEACH.
Norwich. Dec. 5, 1849. '
iev Carpet Store.
AT the store formerly occupied by Tweedy & Barrow,
hsve just received, from the recent peremptory suction
sale in New York, snd from the msnuiscturers. a large stock
of Three Plr, Itisraln, and Superfine Car
pets, together with Oil Cloths, Druggets, Rugs
Mats, &c, to which they would call the attention of cus
tomers. Call and see what inducements sre now offered to pur.
chssers of the above goods, at the lrge, commodious, and
"iifrW store, 117 Main-st. UULKELEY Sc CO.
October 30, 1849. 0wl
LACK Satio Testings, heavy, very heavy
Brocade Silk do nrh -
Woof Velvet do a large assortment
Cravats. Rich changesble silk and black Italian cravat.
Gloves. Fine buck snd kid gloves for Gentlemen s wear.
IImvv A Is xa Uer Flannel and urer fine Canrso
and Pikk FiAjrt for infant blanket, drawees and sacks.
NoaV wt
ACTIVE and intelligent men. ho are dii posed to eefafe la
d'CClng gold, without the espease snd dancers of s journey
to mo vatiey or tne Sacramento, csn una a ncaer mine maa
any yet discovered in this modern 1 Dorado, by circulating
the valuable books published by the subscriber, and sold ezc tu
rn y mrouga uim travelling agents.
His Pictorial Hittoru afM.cu and U Mtxican War." by John
Frost. LL D., stands unrivalled. It Is a continuous history of
that country, from its Srst discovery to tbe doe of the War
with the United States, written
happy style ot its author.
It is s work of most thrllliac Inter
est,1 he events described by him with sucn lile-like vivldaesa
, be
have an interest deep snd dursble beyond sny which have oc
curred in modern times. It is illustrated by 600 beautiful ea.
gratings. In fact it is tub Book of the season.
Girting a complete history, both ancient snd modern, of eve
ry nation on the Globe, brought down to the present time, in
cluding the late MEXICAN WAR, CALIFORNIA, ye. fcc. It is
i Uustrated with s large number of the most beautiful eagva
vings. representing the most important Battles, Coronstiosts.
Processions, Costume. &c. thst are known in the world's his
tory ; besides is attached to the work s magnificent CuiaT, re
pr senting the Flags of the various Nations, printed in colors,,
in the highest style of the art. The work is sold st sa ex
tremely low pTice, which places it within the reach of sll.
"Thi Genbbai. View or tus Wobld," by S. Augustus MitcheU,
is a work of merit, and very popular.
"The BiooairBT or thi Siosih or tub Dkcua,tio or Is..
Dirmoinci," with beautifully engraved portraits cm steel, IS
slso a very attractive and saleable book.
Many oiher valuable standard books can be found in his se
ries, some of which are published in tbe German language.
tne business is at once sate, nonoraoie ana prom sole to l
of rood habits and perseverance.
Beine connected with the extensive Book Publishing
of Thomas. Cowperthwaite Co.. I am enabled io ftraisa
Agents with sll American and Foreign publications at the low.
est city prices, with the privilege of returning all books unsold
(if uninjured) the same as charged.
Tnose who wish further infoiroattcn coicerainc tbe business.
t an obtain it by calling on tbe subscriber, or addressing him at
North Lyme. Conn. JAMES A. BILL.
north Lyme, uec. i. i
NEW supplies of new and elegant Furniture, consisting of
Parlor, Chamber snd Kitchen Furniture, in everr style and
quality, together with a general asserlment of House Furnishing
Articles, sucu as nruaniiia anu n uutirn . mi wwb
and Oil do. Oil Table-cloths, Door Mats. Ruggs, Matti asses.
Feathers. Feather Dusters. Fancy painted Window nades le
threat variety and at greatly reduced prices: Fancy Baskets, (s
new I tl ; wiilow nasxeis ana triaies. ldoeike uishct, biocu.
Sc. &c. The variety of Housekeeping article Kepi oy me sub.
scribei would be found to be quite too numerous to be mention
ed. Persons wanting Furnituie, snd especially new housefceep
eis, or those about to commence, are invited to call, being ss-
ured that goods bought for cash snd sold tor cssn, cannot ran
of being cheap; and as every article sold by tae subscriber is
warranted, it may be safely presumed tnat all will be suited st
the Housekeeper's cheap cash Emporium," corner of Main a4
Shetucket s" reels, J up stairs.
JJec. 1, 3w x,. x-. om,M,a.
The People's Fire Insurance Co
Worcester, mass.
nnHIS Company commenced operations in Msy, 1347, snd has
X received such a liberal patronage that it has sttained s per
manent character tor prudent management not surpassed bv aT
comj any inNcw England, taking so great s variety of risks
w r. uiv.i jtgrai.
OrSce at tl.e Sign of the Good Samaritan. tfl
SI A S O 3V ,
Nu. 15 J Shetucket Street,
Nobwich, Conn.,
KEEPS constantly on hand a good assortment of Clocks)
Watches, Silver Spoons, Rich Jewelry, and all other
goods usually kept in bis line.
N. B. Watches and Jewelry repaired at the snortest no-
v s a art f Sa.P
tice. I. MAOUil.
Nov. 16. 1849. 1
Dealer in Drugs Medicines Camphene, md
Porter's Fluid, Dye Stuffs, Brushes,
Perfumery, Feather Dusters,
Sponges, Garden and
Flower Seed, --c. - -
jr7Prec.lpttons prepared with the greatest cabs snd eiearv at
152 Main Street,
POniECARY, and Actnt for the mo3t popular Remedls
I. the day
Trusses and Supporters : Shoulder Braces of vsrl-
ons kinds; Choice Medici
nal Wines; Perfumer,
and cosmetics;
Dentists Teeth and Fo:l.
A constant supply of Pure COD L1VE&
Nov IS.
Sash, Blind, and Door Manufacturer,
HAVING taken the s a:ious Steam Power Manufactory ot
Franklin Square, lately occu ied by Joshua W. Shepard, ts
now prepared to furnish every description of DOORS, DOOaV
and WINDOW FRAMES. SASHES and BLINDS, of superios
workmanship, at short notice, and on liberal terms.
Packing Boxes of all kinds and sizes made to order.
Nov IS. I
Wholesale and
Main street,
Retail Dealers in DRY GOODS,
at the old stand of Twitsr 4
Harrows. -
AVE this werk received snd are now opening at tbesr
Cloth. Shawl nnd Print Store
many cases of the following NEW AND DESIRABLK
Goods, for sale at
Yard wide Velvet
Merino do
Scotch Linens
Pillow Csse do
Demi Veils
PUid Cambrics
'A'ool Cloves
Scotch Diapers
X. Y. Mile ohirtiogs
"an ton Flannels
Linen Cambric
do do HJkCs.
Victoria Lawns
Gauze ds.
R.ch Thibet Clothe
Mohair Lustres
Black Silks
Fancy do
Lor g Shawls
.Misses do
Velvet Ribbons
Smyrna Edgings
Gels Plaid
Kid Gloves
Merino Scarfs
Silk Wrsppers ,
Nov9 ... - -
QA PS. rsshineres, Wool M de Lsines pi sin and figured.
&J Lvonese Cloths, and several cases Black, Crimson.
Fcarlet, Blue, Green, cltsngesble Alpaca Lustres -received
this week.
y. B, A few ps of the fiaeet qualities Zflsck Mohair Las
tres, the very best imported ; Black canton cloth, a sew ar
ticle for Ladies' Dresses. BULKELEY d CO.
IK Sol
'PHE subscriber, having purchased tbe entire stock efgonde
of Downing 4 Denieon, snd, in addition to the same, baa
now landing a very large stock of Groceries and Provision
of every kind, which he will sell for Cash or Country Pro
duce, a little chesper thsn any establishment in the city
All rontons in want of Family Stores will find it much to
their interest to call and ex mine before they purchase olos
where. All articles that do not bear the recom mendatiosi
given, may be returned, and the money will bo refunded. A
khare of public patronage is respectfully solicited.
At the old Stand of Downing 4 Denisoa. -No
34 Wster street,
j .a, Bin 1 I
iVOV. IO, 18, .J '""- v
WATCHES, Jewelry, Taecy Goods, Spectacles of all Mass
and tiUr Silver Spoons; csn be purchased as low, with
out tbe fatigue consequent on shopping and bantering, st the
OmtPrtc Store, ss st sny other place where they ray 1 00 cents
on the dollar for their goods. G. B. PEtNDbE,
Norwich City, November 16th. 1S48. .-.-r . ftrojid.
fry No competition with any one. w hose raallt,aAto"S sesa
oeHhem to work under prioo or rather atterrtao to do so to
easbte them to get any thing to do frf 1j O. S. F.

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