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THE CAIRO BULLETIN Official Helper OF THE ..City of Cairo.. ...JOB OFFICE.... VOL XXXVI. NO. 13. CAIRO ILL., TUESDAY MORNING, JANUARY 5, 1904. ROOSEVELT'S OWN STORY OF THE PANAMA QUESTION OR "SHALL WE 0 BOTH SIDES OF COULDN'T THINK HA QUESTION the t'i JI I IIL ANAL; II n ana Tumi, tne i. an. i four offlcen 'anaina in the inn in OF 111 President Explains ami Excuses His Course in Isthmian Revolt. had an organized they had be, ps anil wished thi maintain by in ("Dhiii sent over -,, strongly a lermii. anil verbally ' of peace, fend that in I he interest vent the possibility could not in r hp ESTABLISHED IN 1868 IOWA CAPITOL J i MASS OF RUINS a Beautiful State Building Reduced to a Smouldering Heap. WA INSIDE HISTORY OF CASE W8CttS8ed in Senal Vcstm,a Was What Hay fold theColom official corri sndence or A Her (he Message. bian Qovernment. ii. i MANY HOT CRITICISMS LETTERS MADE PUBLIC FROM BOTH DEMOCRATS AND ; COLOMBIANS DOUBLE DEAL AND THE REPUBLICANS STIR- TREACHERY BROUGHT ON RING INVOCATION. THE REVOLUTION. Associated Press. By Associated Press. Vashlr.gton. I). c, -Ian. 1 The' Washington, Jan. t.--Accompany in' president's message tmlav was uiHia) recess was ieoteu ontnety j i iv correspondence between Genera ana ma. . Reyes ,,n behalf of Colombia and See President Roosevelt sent in his DM I ut. u... PANAMA FLUTTER SHOWN THE SENATE. TO THE SENATE AMI HQfJSK 0 RKPRESBNTATIVES: r lay before tht congress for Its i. toi niation a statement of my acttc it(i to this time in executing an a. Entitled "An act to provide for ti: construction of a eanal connecting tli waters of the Atlantic and Pacifi oceans." approved June 88, tW. By the said act tlie president wa Colon ai neiween tne arrival troops of either nartv i ... . . ' 1 P""' i agreement of the ne even- lietng late in the evening. I sent and withdraw to Mi ' ' eVenlBg ot IB the morning of Nov 4 written no-1 Colonel Torres' o " - oi .o. tineation to the genera) superintend- II was unheal. t al he arrival of the IT. W of the Panama railroad, to the Iteration of Mb love ' in was relieveil . pertepl of Colon, and to the officer persistence in his bl Commander 9, lefl in command of the Colombian py Colon, should ( j troop;!, later ascertained to be Colon-f Klve blm direction I (he arrival of the.oi lyres, and i prohibited the trans- o n,.. ,,.. .' , :" p' m 00 i""',ali"11 'f troops in eltner direction n a m. the Cotombl n the lath- tn order to preserve order and unin- to colon, but did ras tain oi terrupted transit on the isth ice of Pana-: Copies Of these letters are hereto LOSS A HALF MILLION FIRE PARTIALLY DESTROYS CAPI TOL DESPITE EFFORTS OF FIREMEN. an, i orcfi i of Nov At daylight pot t was found I pn limine the riv inu in Panama prapoettioi nade to Colon natives ot tj una. Insamuc nai sage on the subject which was re- Reyes lint letter Wfe8 dated Decern reived with great interest. The dis-1 ber 8, in which he Inquired as to th( elusion continued throughout the day. attitude of the Unite States in tin speeches In ins made In defense of and against the policy which has been pursued. MeComas defended the president ami asserted that his action would stand in th- courts. He maintained that even without recognising the new republic if Panama It would have beep established and maintained In definitely. , Stewart of Nevada s-cve.-clv crlticfs- vent of landing troops in Panama. The feature of Hay's reply, dated tecember it, was his answer to Rey s Inquiry, On this point Hay said. "The government n the United talcs would regard with the gravest ncern any invasion or the territory ! Panama by Colombian troops, lot Canal company and the perpetual con that tim trol rd" a strip i! miles wide across the i province Isthmus of Panama. It was Wither g the provided that "should the president ' that I be unable to obtain for the Tatted landing States a satisfactory title to the prop o'clock erty of the New Panama Canal com manding pany and the control of the necessary ; Tubal, with four other trritory ol the Republic of Colombia' went over to Panama " wuinn a reasonable time and rang-mont ,.". umu ii. i ,niiM un I ugeni nn return to the port of Car .lent id Colombia was at tagena. and it was In answer to thll i undisputed control of the proposition that Colonel Torres mad. Panama. I did not feet, the threw and tool; the action re port nee of any instruct ions, ed In my letted No. 90, of Nov. f,, tm Justified In preventing the The Cartagena lefl the port just aftei tb.-e troops, and al 8:3fl the threat was made and it did pot disembarked. The com- deem it expedient to attempt lo de ueneraia A may a and tain her, as such action would certain amedlately ly, in (he then state of affairs, havi i malic ar- nercinltatu a cmt'iei , Ivthf ami quarter i was not prepared to the reason that bloodshed and disord jer would inevitably result throughout the whol fxtont of the lathunuts. , I On December SO, Has replied in a ed the Ungota government for ts self . . " similar manner to the second let- IshncsR in preventing t:ie construction I ter from Reyes practically repeating of Hie canal. tlu, inquiry made in his letter of De- Morgan staled his preference for the i comber , adding that the time which Nicaragua route and maintained the j ha, elapsed since December 1 1 had on (nurse of the administration was be-1 )y tended to deepen the painful im tween tin established policy of thelpreaatos which would be created in Halted State., and neutrality. He said phis country by an armed invasion oi the pTCSldefil now desired the assist- j Panama's territory by the Colombian vice ol the Democratic senators to troops and the BSBM of the resnonsl maintain his policy. ' nility which would thereby be lapoaed R'-verend lOdward Everett Hle, the on the government of the United newly elected chaplain of the senate 1 states. ofl'er-d a stirring invocation when the He said he had been hjttmcted to I aenate was called loonier. His pray-1 Inform Keve; thai this Kovernmenl ' er was for the wisdom Of heaven in : has only the iriendliest itnentions to- affirs of the government. He J ward Colombia and w ot be lightly referred briefly to the Chicago dis-1 provoked Into assuming a hostile I aster and asked a Idesing on the j attitude against republic stricheti city. Touching also, he al I The two letters written bv tfikiatetl liided to the death of the wife Of Si fetor Hoar of Masachu'-setts. 0. R.C. OF A. CELEBRATE The Installation of Their Officers With .1 Spread Have a Large aniia. ot t-anama. to the secretary if state also made a par? ot the eor respondence sent to the senate. Both letters are tinder the date of Decent- ations of tars of t Mrmb? rship. Tlte Cairo Order Railway Clerks o America, met last High! at their hal over the Alexander Cintnty hank build lag and admitted two Dew applicant; for iiieinliership after which they in stalled officers for the ensuing tern as follows: chief Clerk Jacob Held; vici.-chief clerk, R N. Adanison : re cording (buk and cashier. v H Milne; chaplain, W. O. Adams. Th( following appointive offices were alsi filled: Receiving clerk J. J, Quittn: check clerk. Herman Dowling; sssist ant check clerk Herbert Mat'ihall According to arrangements t h r members present then repaired to tin Blue Front restaurant where a feast be later enm tad been prepared for the ocrassion. ihere were about forty-five present to this ether I hi left la the i'nitod stales treasury He suggests the convening of a special convention Covering this point if it meets the approval of the Cnited Slates. The second letter informs Hay that dent" should endea Vfe rills had received a telegram from canal by tl his government that Panama fee soon language qui as its independence was recognised Bess and pr by Colombia. Intends to assume part done, and w nf Colombia's exterior debt of which has been do 'he principal was settled at. two mil-, authorized ti lion pounds by a special convention ! route only if ind which is now accrued tiy unpaid he could not Interest. j necessary ter Panama esaressed rendlness to as- Colombia." A; ' threatening demeanor of the previous ', ' approximate loss of a day. The American women and child.! "'''"'"" went again on board the Maroentania wmoer of the house of repre- land City of Washington, and through tvee ,s -'l tnass of ruined debris the Brttlah vice consul l offered ,.,. . '"' aiu""' '"' l'xt'11 "P iii time for the tectkm to British subjects as directed j rocaS -session of the l.gisla ! in the department's cablegram A ' ' eopy of the Hrliish coasnl'a fecknow-1 origin of the lire is a mystery ledegment is hereto son nded Thi uovernov Cummins will order Isv I got under way as on the previous j m !"v,'s'i.gation. The suppo- day fend moved close in i() protect i s!""n is ''lat W started either from a the water front. During the afternoon !' ''af iie carelessly left burning several prasfttons were mad. to Colon ! ,,r from nn eletrlc 'Utht wire. .I Torres by the representatives f nmds of the state trustees were i the new government, and he was loail'''l 1111 wagon and carried to a finally persuaded by t n to tmbark f"r ''''i'0'- fh? governor clad i on the Royal Mall steamer Orinoco ln rebber boots and a rough coat en With all the troops and return to ! 1,1 ih" w'"'k "r Anting the lire. Cartagena The Orinoco left her dock I "'""if'-1'1 fhe beautiful stale eapltol with (he troops ITI till told- -at T:.",r, ; m,"',Us a cee of desolation The j P-m The Dixie arrived and anchored B'fl stair 8 are covered with j at I.fiB p. in., wheti I went on board:'''''' "oors 'lowing with water and , and acquainted the commanding of- Wen are flooded. Many beaut i fteer wiih the situation a portion of:1'"1 frescoe in the chamber Of the house the marine batallton was landed and 1 ran hever be repaired. The lows the Nashville's force withdrawn. j eapltol Is one of the most beautiful in " P" the evening of Nov. I Major the United States. It Is built along William M. Black and Ltuetena&l lim's "f the eapltol at Albany. It Mark Brook, Corps of Engineers, c. s. j has been the pride of the state, and army, came to Colon from Culebra '"'"-I $".oh.i.iiui). ond voiinteered their services, which j The gthfo cat ties no InsntrfthOO on were accepted, and they rendered very I the tHilidthg. t cfiiceitu help on the lollowing day. 1 t as: ttre the departrffehl OR WORr.Afj nr: i pm I Kffl I I I ' that I had tm pan whatever in the ne- j TION. gotlations that were carried on be-i , 1 ' " I, Colonel Torres and the repre-1 The declination of the Rev. Qeorg setjtatlvoa of the provisional govern Brinley Morgan, D. D., of his election ttfht; thai I landed an armed force as bishop coadjutor of Springfield has i now, with much regret been received (ConUaggd gn Third Page.) k The UvUtg Church. COMMITTEE REPORT FA VORABLY FOR GEN. WOOD ' Associated Prosi nrsmmgion, Jan. i. Senator ffori eie r. niemebcr of the committee on hi litary affairs in executive session 1 Ha1 lay submitted a brief la favor of g ic ral l.eimanl Wood's conlirmtilien Co be major general and !50 PERSONS MADE HOMELESS IN A CHICAGO APARTMENT HOUSE FIRE j By Associated Pi I Chicago. .Ian. SOMETHING COING IN THE TEMPESTUOUS TEAPOT. inn reasonable terms, n uleavor ti Nlearacui returned ti will INVESTIGATION INHOUSE FOR PERFECT ATTENDANCE dearscntn wh tide lime l( BIG LUMBER FAILURE excellent talks were made as thf Hucnce of fragrant cigars began hrotk the mystic srxdl. Mr I, D Richardson acted as ti: RMSter, and Witt a pleasant talk amusing narrative, he paved the for srveral short talks and feaecdb which followed durinar the even in: The n R f nf prganlZatlon in Cairo having been fitarted on April ' of last year, yef F. H. Smitli Lumber Company, of St hers and are rulill. ,' ' ' LOoiS. Said fo b? liSOtvent irrn ano are rapmiv increasing that number. The Utterances last even- Owing $3 50,005. iig prove that they have the proper , spirit and are taking much Interest r... . , n asso tai'ii r res Sr. Ixmis. Mo . .Ian. I. An involun J ' tary petition in bankrtptcv against F I There are persons going about ff. Smith Lumber eomonny was filer 'whose at nils are ns an orchestra to today by creditors Petitioners aP), verybody that is near them Henry that the company is hnsoireai an- Wsril Reerher. owes I:: mono I . . i w ' an at Th fhe pTOVrsV omplled with marked the elim; IS part of the I 'nit ntdrawn SH ad agreed ime (rival excuse in hi - agrei-minl an int on M P.y Assoclats I Pre Was hlngton D. r , re-assembling of cm into : prn) had .lap. iperintenderii .fudge W 11 make tm prescntati sec-tr'1 ;i treaty for this one of the Centrai Vim t lad bee:: "ipcrin' in the work. u.y riarf would be needed the situatir he trsasportathie of tne serious as ft. raooo, when I retaiBed Imswdlatel the notice from the general snperin- tio iHitienf of the railroad that he had re- pa Oem ra! Tr cognizant of. and spi aker re became uqite as A ptur UNI .YE R MEETINCS. 1 -pounders and moun itform cars behind pro! ib-sired to offer j ostofflce committi on resulted in a ti iaertty i l'. i u.