Newspaper Page Text
Tl IF CAIRO BULLETIN. TUESDAY MORNING JANUARY 5, 1901 mm STGRi Av't,,c!,iblerrt?iafiltonrorAs simila I his Itic I lhvJ andBegula Unit, tl k S iuuwdis and Bowc Is of Protnolcs Dieslioi;,Cheerful ness andPpst.Confahis neitrscr Opium.Murplutte nc Mineral. Not Narcotic. fvmpkiii SertC Ml ' ' .ie Aarnnf MiimSml tinthni btger Aperiii l Remedy forConsliM- Rtm.Sour Slouvach.UwrrtKV . tv.,-..., r. ,,,..,.1. r,-.. r,.ii ;i iu ss ivnl Loss of Sleep FacSunitc Signature of NEW YORK. iv or ail lite and spirit 1 1 ' I t H H - IPBisra p(QTf1DA EXACT COPY OP WRARFCR. Jh UrV&jl I ftf iflilfl ' " " T4i ICSTSUS! lOHMSr. KCW OB 1ITT. fan bjm .v v 1 i uzi7 rvjfaa H CAIRO BUSINESS DIRECTORY III JOHN B. SHIiA, MAN! RtTThTK OP Saddles.llarness, Collars, Bridles. Whips and Horse Equipments. I (Mill WASHINGTON' A KXUK. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. EsUbliidied 1H76. M. J. HOWl FY al Estate Agent and Notary Public. W&M GVjnimereisJ Avenue. Koal Estate boughl and sold, rents collected, taxes paid a:ul conveyances written. The Glad Hand Welcomes You. Jot. Steagaia, Prop. Dor Bth Street & Ohio Lovoe. EWNYROYAL P.i.L llr. lotl tiit " ' CfittiltM RAM- l '. . MUe. -m i- f.f rin iii.mi ft " r..i.ii til WW B I.-.M : : : . ' ' wad MM rtbtsM 'lukr no ittht '. !! it.. Vtiftritt ul'ftiiuttoi." k'J tl ii- wf juw ".rr' i f MM rrtlfu:itr. I ilmnl. MU "Utlltf frTai I ," hJ IUM V.U 1. i "'Hi 4,'' ii-attXfif i'hi hlrr ht m' a! -, ill! Hiil"v I'Mll t' IRON MOUNTAIN liOVJV. Elegant New Quickest and Most Reiiabie Route JVIi.iSniri , Kan , , " Colorado, Utah, 1' Ark iv. , Louisiann, Texas, New Mexico and II ' :V Obaon'clion Pk-rlorCafe DinlngCsrs, BKtais a !a t ar . Hot m hl ej r : . and cooled by : rii fa Re- cliinng Chair Cars (seats fr ortable Day Coat , Special iodncemoi.t. Berr , V forpdnts south and outhwe ,!. i Ooasl fr.on i airo. L--Kf. Ttas LBS i ll:) Sls.ll. - silSpni Taaitvs anaivR at ah." .'.Han - - - U:pai f, Tt'lSI KlVf tllSDS '-OIS-T BpaSjll'relgSi and Pas.'-ee - TRAies isin-i at Riti'. 1 " Blrelgfc'-SII. I'ssr,, s O. TOWBHSNU. l.en i" A! M- ' acrtr , T-" C.O. V I..: i:n,y ..-. Agnt ' stt.VKi; ?TH ft. r 4. - i Piles! Piles! Piles! Dr. William.' I jaradt''-..r- i . war. Ky te pp n Pih Oint -ienl d In ih IT in short rery bos rnaranteed. 'se AT w- WkslStjaC- AU rimaglstsorht fUlJAMli TO ' Star sale bj W. f, Simon. Uul V ashiugio,. CASTORIA For InfantB and Children The Kind You Have Always Bough! Bears the Signature In Use For Over Ttiirty Years t .'eable rtM.cuy, a svinuloui.-, make yottr heai-.l gtxxj. At ir ij -. p J in BICYCLE REPAIRING... (lun Repairing, Safes Opened and all kind of keys matin. Lociwork, llicycle B ltiilrieu of ali kinds for sale, also Ouns, Revolvers, Etc., Fishing Tackle. H. E. IfVCF. 112 OommercisJ Ave., Ca:sj III Uncle Joe's Hotel Cairo, Illinois. First-Class Accomodation BsaSsaboal and Ferrv lnding Opyslta Two blocks from all Hs'l Koad Depot. Rales Si.oo Per Day. W. C. Steagaia. Lessee J Htesgala Pmp When in Cairo Illinois. ...aiEKT ME AT... Uncle Joe's Saloon , km Commercial Are. iALA, lJart Owner. J IS. F. Teichman. Mani.lacturcr of l ine Cigars ant' Jobber of Tobacco and Cigars. 70S OOMMEkC'AL avk. iTTba largest scIusItb cigar and tubaoc dealer In 'liuthrn Illinois. s h'-Hateem is ofli n the partnef of tnbilion, but it should be the sllf-nt River Transportation ..LEEUtif STEAMERS.. For Memphis and Way Landings. GEORGIA LEE, Thos. Staid, Master; Tuesday, 5 p. m. It. -en ine the rlc'it to pais all land ings deemed mi ate. For freight or passage apply at wharf boat e. BOOT r. LCR. Ccr.T Mfrr. CcnerR.1 OEice, 2f4 lYowt St, Mertiphis, Tenn Ad is i i ir .VS xs i w :: -':,' ' . ! ' c The Mississippi Bubble 33 EMERSON HOUC!! A u thvr of Tht Stary of the xr i Tliai mglii u i! lean. od U jit, i, i nd ii as in ..u:e Uirui I lie a:ui buJtU4 aim lainUiU lire: m. In hU viskiB he no UM tow ivio: nor t lie matter man thl In wliii M he lay. With ed Btone, iUl door pi imu Liratiim aad ma ot tonsh-hswa slabs. He saw the diair of the prison ceil j win:: oprii : saw near it the IftlM of a noble ypung girl, . .:h lai'Ke and IrUhi.aed eyes and !ip.s hall tWBtt lons. To tnis vlstoti hi mi tat retched bis h.'tnis. Hp was almost coasdottsj 4 iiiu 'ti.p lUJOs! iir: .' word Btipplrcaiingly, i i 1 1 bag I name. v little kno i of drama, it , e sh pi un. d tht iam' burn tag i other, lie in- own i something gleaming in i ho light , .ret ii, giowusSi teauuiuai i.ji", of i ho woman whom be found D alKie him. He reached out the i 11 st i II. ' .fe hand ol '!::r.v Cuimynse! dcr Is i - grasj word spoken, I here was no luiMiei He toseed the knife inti buck beyond htm, M. itht aim doubled nittlei ragged masses of shadows. His left ; arm. round serosa Ihe ii he had force tide him. i isc and pai Ones he fe!' ic aoath his i red his !,r : fi muscular, laj woman whom n th couch ho- the wri.hin', of the be4 It was not far from nionung. la time thr gray dawn earns creeplne irt at the window, until at iettgUl th; iliinks between :ho Itga in the littl" sqsare-eut windOM sad the IH-fltliaj tfior weie Hoi nil J Witil a .-'-a Of I, aw awaj f:ire heskl hair him. Out of the tangle ol l.lo iuhl or to tie- MEL lOscr to hoii M He calmly puiiei a tiiiyit noi sroman beside: shirt whose ieflniti' B Lad I Lit::! uli.w r It: lie Bgld no attention to bis wounil which Ii" ite. was nothing gcrtoua. . n and BnallJ htg "tiri Bp." said ii" i imply, and the V Oil! ' T IBd tii BP "Madam " Ntld Ll the morning meal ms ig silence. "I Sfcsil i: calmly. , tt i u bid , ". , Mary Cor.tin,e o bin m'.o the ppes ai npon h had i " 1 ' , . , a , ,, 1 1 y. i ih ' "" let pi ,1 rtfreel a. e wi piitoe-'i- in i.i'"iis granasj : u.-. ami ruu m sard . but igs aotnan ) Bsj l;.t . f 1 3 llj as o'i have me " The nenrp Irefore M up. li' lilaire; f lli ' otiie. twite, lime. Ie f y -i Cotvbov, t ht Git-t at th ,. . i;i . i-ti-o n r i i i. no more t . -o-..i o'of iiowi as in- una .vtiii, atv.iati ou uei nu will ant rbcts is ' You tlie cii! i alted hi jharply aad raei and lm itensi i me en c Im ran. T! uii lite for me is exchange; ; yon (Continued Toniorrow.) A VEoT POCKET DOCTOR. Ni esfi I i take, pleaaanl and mtUn in results are DeWitt's I Early Risers. il of t! Ittth IS. torpid liver ami aU of the ittlting from constipation. They and strengthen the liver. Sod ills Thi a young man from D With somethi sooth, 1 on :URED AFTER SUFFERING TEN YEARS. R. F yde H if lendanl M Middtetown ,1 ft cine an , ,vith dxxttors without recei tag ,'iny pernrumeAl Benefit. He -uy "One night while fooling exceptional! iu the paper regarding themerita of isoiini Dyspepsia Cure. I concluded io trv it ami while 1 had no faith in Uter using two bottles i am itro and better than I have been :m -. and I recommend Kodol pepaia Cure to my rriends and trouble." Sold bf Motztrer's drug s CASTORIA, for Beart the figiii.ure of M Ktrgj fn Haw Wwm Be neral ie Ugh' thick est. f lot ham -Church Is that a fact' oil. yes: stiy. even wli r.iinr r t , I ; 11 annian, UWCagO, writes , Man'i 1. '": "Having bOM t SOU bled ; with Limihmto at dilfi n nt t int-s and tried one physician after another: j I taefl &tTtt ointments and lina- ments. ga.- it up altogether, so I tried once more, and got a bottle of Ballard's Snow ointment and gave me ! SimOtt instant relief. I can choerfuiv . : recommend it. ami frill add my bane tn your list of former sufferers." 28c, 50c. II. Hold bv Sehuh I trig Co. i-iononng Clergy eriincatcs uur i ng January 1904. Arrount of delay in the adoption of ! Clergy rites for irl. the S L) S W Uld Si L I W. of Ti'xa (CottOD Heltt hotl .Joint W. u n W. LABfcUUMB, O P A T Sleeping Cars to Pullman California Points via The Iron Mountain Route. Ltwl.Bg St Uinia S;N a. m daily for Ixis Atig Rtt, via "TlM Southern How," nNo loiiti-t sleeping curs on this same train for ls Angeles and San Francis eo very Wednesday ami Timr-day lie t trtgtm route to Call fornia fOU fur'hir iiil'orin:ili,irt call BSJ or nddrea:s, c o MBhr, a iv a . Catrs tii i Hner Smith. I T. A., Ciiro. III. il C T...Ml-,ld. 0. IV & t A., is I J i THE GREAT SOUTHWEST Many Seking Homes Where l ands Are Cheap and Climate is Mild. Low Rates for Hfiiu-seekers and Col onists Twice I Month. in Hie norfheiB and it selling Hieii hiKli locating in the soniii ii. Arkansas, Louis: Manv Who lia' o been ripest in Missi ana am! Tevas UHsVbte lo owu '.neir home in the older country are now buying lain! tt ow prtcas prevailing in the new coun try 17, $le. $1", per acre and up. These lauds are mostly cut-over tim ber lands, some of them possessing a deep rich soil producing corn, wheat, oats, clover, cotton, fruit and veg etables. Well improved farms are scattered throughout this country Ussy places with smal) clearings and some Improvement can be bought ery cheap. Our descriptive literature ios a airly sWd idea of this coun try. It tells sbOtM the soil, crops, cli- uiute. people, schools and churches, water, health. Ii contains maps show ing location of countries, towns, rail ways and streams, and gives names and eddresses of real estate dealers in the towns. I Reduced rates for homeseekers and colonists are in effect first and third Tuesdays of each month, by way of 3t Louis, Cairo or Memphis and the Cotton Beit ROUtS. Let tis send you OUT literature and quote you rates M. ADAM 1, Trav. P. Atjt., Gotten Belt R'te Cairo, Mi. E. W, LaBEAUME. Gen. P. & T. A.. Cotton Belt R'te, St. Louis, Mo. CASTORIA For Infants ar.d Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Sigiiaturo ot KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN R'Y. 'Straigt as the Crow Flies' City to the Gulf. KansM I'a islng tl.nni"b a msitsr diversity cnglh. .Along Its liiios are the finest lands, ulted lor growing small orn. rcharils, for other ir ar.d Mines potaio, iai ms ; for commercial cantaloupe, tomato and g.'iu ral tTUCV for sugar cane and rice culti vation; for morehantabie timber; raising horses, mules, cattle. In iheep, poultry and Angora goals, prices ransiing from free governn homesteads to twentv-five dollars at nt up homeseekers and one way colonists .tickets on sale tlrst and third Tues das of each month. Write for a OOPI of Current Kvents published by the I Kansas City Soittltern Kailway the short line lo "inexpensive and BOBS' forfab!" homes." S. O. WARNER, 0, T' T A Kansas City, Mo THIS 13 A Presidential Year AND VIII' MUST Keep Posted The way to do this is rend the WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL HENRY WATTERSOM, , , Editor. Twelve Pages. Issued Every Wednesday. $LOO a Year. RBVBNIJB REFORM lOClAls WKtOUM, MORAT, RfSrORM. The Courier "ourml irue'' Almanac put.Ht'ied. Send 30 i copy by mail. I RR JOPRNAJi COMPANT LOriSVil.l.K. KV. fly a S,t.ial BtTSBIgSBaSfrl yen can g?t THE WEEKLY BULLETIN WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL Beth one year for $1.50. is for cash MthwCi lUtirSTS i.elr. r-eriptUdts tinder ttsfg combit a Lsl be e:ii iiiroug.i Ihe i'.ulletin kDMINlHTB V TOR'S mi I l K. KKtulc ol JiUPi-s Kri-xan. deces.-.. Tht uniliT.ii:ni il, linmj bt'n apjuiinlcil :ui- . mioiatratria of tht tat iJiiiell.MgMi. iU' oftbe comitv ol Alftiandtr :mil the ntntc of. lllinoui, dtCMUWd, herebj fiVM notice that !-lie will appear before the Oooaty Court of al an.ler county, l ibf ofinrt house in Cairo, at the Peoruarj tetjpi, on the tiri MoMuiy in I Kehrunrv next, il wlurli time all pertODl h in,; i !:n in- :n,'iut -iiul i siaK' re nntiflf.1 and i requested to atten.l fur the ut liavitiit the mine ailiuste.t. All persons imlehteil to said estate hk- reitnrnl lo make iumiediate pavnu tit lo the uiuler-luneil. Paled thi Artt day ol Deeembef, V. D., IMS U v HV KKEQAN. Adaialatratrix, u.vNt i: o t h i: State of Illinois as. Ali vaiol r I uuntv, ( I n foe Alexander tvtinir Circuit i on i . Pen- ru.i r tena A. IL, 190. I" Chanoery .-iiiiiix. i w Ill and W. 8. Stiiiivs. ilrteiidams. Kill in I haacer) for si itii iierformaoce. The above j ...Ml riKfendanls are here notified that said complainant hue this da filed ii said oiirl a cirtain lull ill v ll'lln ' v lor sp -uiui; iirviuim- niaurcuuKniui .ini'iiiutiii iuuiis tor an poiui -ance against von and that summons !m issued ('east and north. thereon returnable on the first day of t he uet 2tt8 a U. Unily M 1 on is Niht I. iiuilni t. rm of id court, to be hotden .it the court ; arrixioa la St, boulsal r :6S a. m., connecting B ise la Cairo, Illinois, oa the Ighth day of j at Union Station for all doints west. Steeping l- bruar next lbk a. u i m, t. ins. i t at ro, Illinois. Dec. sth. A n. irm, DAVID W. KAUKAKlli. i oapleia uit't Solieltc r i ham rt; NOTH E STATU OF ILLINOIS, Ahtasader County ;ss urt. In the Alexander County niarv teim A. D.. ISM. In Chaaeen Bfttiag. Matilda I'oul. C Ki !. :ltlt. Lewis Pord, Uefonilaut. Itiii in Caaaoerx for dlvoeo. The abwve named defends nt I hereby noti fied that said coniplainaiit has this day tiled in ii,l ,'imi'l a certain Ml! ni (naucei v lor Ol lois-e against oii and that .-c nino:;s lias is sued thereon returnable on thr- first da) of the nasi terai ol laid court, to be boideo at tat court house in C lira, Illinois, on the i igln daj ol tebrunry m M. K II D-W IS. Clerk, d.i Mb, Cairo, liiinoi.s. Dec tn John k. MeOBB, i 'otnplaiuaiit's Do N'T B FOOLED!) H.l '.;..IN Ti: A ! C.eneine KUVn. I pal up m white pa:fccaos. nun I eacuslvely by the JWediioa NHIiHt Co.. Masliioa. ''. sclli ,.t 53 seat u ! wckae. All others are ri.-t i ftatlaa! jr.d atiastltctaa. dnrii risk li.aitu bv I takhm the n . I'tltiOtNU inske kk ' people tVell, Kiwi' yen Watt. Alt llnm-st Dealers .-II the litnalns, 1 II U.US1:.' IVKKi CO. 'laii i Wis. City National Bank No. 6oy OHIO LaHVEE, CAIRO - ILLINOIS. CAPITAL SURPLUS. $100,000.00 5175.000.00 M. C- WRIGHT, President. H. S. CANDl.L, Vice-President. S. AISTHORPE, Cashier. GEO. F. OR T, Ass'tCashi-;'. SAFETY DEPOSIT VAULTS, BOXES FOR RENT, $3 AW D UPWARD. Your Business is Solicited. f.-avelers Cdewks aad Letters of Credit is?uo5 on ali pans ol the worlJ. Enterprise Savings No. 6oo OHIO LL EE, CAIRO, - ILLINOIS. CAPITAL, RESIIRYL. FUND, $50,000.00 $100,000.00 3 Per Cent. Interest Paid on Time Deposits, J. S. AISTHORPE. President. ANDREW I.OHR. Vice-President. tiLO. P. ORT. Treasurer. We Solicit Voiv Account. Alexander County iNational lltink OeWSWaaraBal Arnu A Klgbth Street, O AIRO ILLINOI3. Capital JKW.OOl; Reserve Fund $20,01X1 ...OFIICER8... K. naoss. President K.A. Hvvhk, Vlc Pr ;. H. naitiasn. Cablr K. Heaneaa A". Oa ...DIRECT0R8... rSwaSS ..Cairo '.Vm.KLOua Cllrf i'hos Born ' Cjtaa. PjrooNraat, Jr ' . m. outibloh " w. K. OesnaM.. ' a, Imsju... " J. H. NtLiiosa .. " Aowmnts of aotaaiaMaaS and Indlrldnals eerctally solicited. Kxchaiie furn.shed in suy part of Ihs world. A 1 s !. Hboss Pr'-'idi' BoOnaVlcePrr J H 't "..- Csh, wOVaiasje y. SeswoKa Ass tCssf Savin (a BanK W W CAIRO. ILLIN0I3. CAPITAL $50,OOC Strictly a Savings Bank Interest paid on Timp Depoit at rate of three pnr cent ppr ar uum. I ... HENRY S. CANDEK, S OX. President. V " -e-Presidcnt ashier. Asst. ( asine-. EFFICIENT no FROW FT ATTENTION TO ACCOUNTS OF MERCHANTS MANUFACTURERS and INOiVIDUALS SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES. ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Corrected to Dee 18th, 190S. I ill. i i mam. ROI7TK. St. Souis & Chicago Tlic Onlv Line Running FIVE DNLI IRIS KlttiM 1(11 M comu-etiui Makine CtMM couuecliuii for all polnls ,Mrui, cast hhu Trains have Cairo: 1:1.'. a. m. Unily I h'eaitw Vestibule I.imtesl. arriving in Ohtraaoat a. m. cats open at v-1 . a. .". : lo b. in.. ' hfcairo Ilayltcbt Rxuress. except Sunday, makss all stops between Cairo and Chicago, arr: ing iu Chicaifo at fi:(Kl p. ni. This liain maki s eonneo)ion at Ashley tor Kvanviilr and llende.-sou, at Ccatralia lor nil points on the Air I Ine, at Ogdfli for all points on the U ,(). 8. W. B U.. inbluding Ctnciii Dati and Loins i lie. at BgtBgftani with Ihe Van ilaha Line for Tern Haute, Indianapoli- and iHUtits east, at Maito, u sir Terre Ha., In. ilianapolis a d points east ,.n.l at . bampaiitn w ith the Bin l ovr t"r points east and wesl. 5:ilO a. ni.. t. Louis MotuIuk Kxtirps. except Sunday, arriving in St. Uyuis at 11-21 matclna ail stops. i i -fi . in. St. I onla f ii-t Mall, arrlv lac In si. pmis ni ...I,, p. iu. I I . I '- 1 I ileum W iu-, lay SceetaJ. arrlv ' iuiti Chicago, 10 oo p. in. ,,mio p. in iimi m, i. out. Limited, ar riving in St Louis at SlSS p. tuj, coniieetinj; at UalOO Station tor Kansas City. Omaha, Den ver. San Francisco and all points west. ittfMl p. in, I list Fr's lor (Id in, I'l tlngliam. MattOOn, Tolona. Champaign, Chi cago. !:0."i p. u. hicii.-.. nnil I :i., rn '. i press arriving iu t 'liieago at s:u, a. in.. Indian - spoils, ' : 5 1 fneinoati, 10::b a. iu Huffalo. s:2. B. m.. New York T: l a. in. S'ceping cars to ObieagOi ' Pisientrcri 1 v" V.-rk and eastern i u.' . cities ibouM bear ia mlad that Hie Illinois Central Ii the quickest route by innny bonia, ''-a iagOatroal s::V, p. at. and j ar ivingin New York ut T:u the seeoml nioiu SOUTHERN DIVISION. UK OMIT D1USCT LIMB TO UKUimiS NASflVI't.K, CHATTABOO'JA. AT LAN1A, .'ACK.SONVai.K, SA. V ABB AH, V1CKSBUUU and NliWORLr'ANg. AtlS. 'The D:ie Flyer, ' stMSphlm. Bash ilie and Jacksonville, solid train, hagiiatfe ear I coaches and slaaaaf to Noshille. via lai,..i, I through s'.sepi r to Jacksonville, arriving in I N:ihvllle at t a. batlanocg-t at ':;$. p. iu., Atlanta at 7 :m p. in . Macon, (in., at 11:10 p. iu., Jacksonville, Florida al Mia, in. Memphis and N. w Orleans I. imi -cd via atentaaia, aiming in Memphis at MiFi I a. ni and Ne llrlcars 7:15 p. in. I s-JOn iu , daily, Fulton, Faducalt and Loui- -' ii ie Fxdress, arriving in F'ulton ISlM a. m.. PadttOaa ll M a. m, and Louisville S: p. ni. I iQO p. .in. daily. M staph is arid Nev. Driesas j Fast Mailarrirint in Memphis at 7:io p. ta, and N Orleans at :2."i a in. I p. in., daily. NasUvi' e. Cliatanoogtt and Southwestern, limited, tfiroiieh coaches i,. itashrule and through sleeping car for Nash rille and t hattanooga with connections tor all Southeastern points, reaching Nashville a$ t:W d in , Chattanooga at I: s a. m., Atlanta 7:30 a ! ,u Macon i: IU a, m. aud Jacksonville al ll):i: p. in fig 9 p. nt, Mempki- anil New OtlSanaSpl da ! arrive iti M niphis at 1U:W p. m,, New Orleans 1:11 a. in. t. Knr through tickets, sleeping ear ai-com-I luodatloas auti farther Inlorntatuia apply al Illinois Centtal Railroad ai pot, Cairo, in. J. II, JONK8 Tkt. Agl. A. H. HANSON, Hen Pass. Agt. Chicago. BIG FOUR ROUTK. Host and Quitkest Line -TO- Evansville, Paducah, Vinceii'ies, Danville, Terre Haute, Lndian apolis, Louisville, Cincin nati, EHttgbarg, Baltitnbrc I'hiladelpl.ia, Washing ton, New York Bos t(n, and all East ern Cities $mT rains leaving Cairo: No.s- 5 :m a. in -Cincinnati, LoolaTllle.New York, fast mail and eipress. Only one change Of Carl tQ New York and Boston. No.J-:00 p. m.- Chicago, Indianapolis, CI u ciunatl and naalern ei press, liest liu? for lu dlanapoli,; cao gi t sleeperat 9:20 p. in Bo. M 1 :0ti p. in. Local acocmniodutlon. a. Trail, an at Cairo 11 noon. 7:00 p. m. and lfl'Ufta. m. Alltiains dallyeioept Sunday For rates, maps, railroad yaldM aad gi nera liifiirmalion. call on or address KLM KK HM n il Iicki t Agent. Uatoa Derx.tor W. J. LV'SJCH (. p. a T A. ClnrlnnatL O, W. V. DWPPB, A- ti. P A . St. .mils. Mo. J, M BTONB, T P. A., Cairo. 111. , 3tlOWS 1 mm mmion CVPO i-ONTCOMtStr eio"t jAswiue i iME OF TRAINS At CAIRO NOR'rn KOl'ND No. 2 Lares Irtally) IffJ p. is No. 4 Leaves daily) 2:2fia. a, No. il Leaves week days, mixed; UM p n. BOCTUBOUNn No. I U ares 'daily 1 : p. , No. I Leaves (oaiiy No. 11 Loaves :wrrk days, mlied; .. i m a. m I n, C. S. CIABK5. ,,'l'"c C. Wi. SHEfAdO, JHO. M. BEAU., ti, 1 1'... r v.ii..i ltMr t. ' n-i'-fii HAIR BALSAM awe snd iK..i'irs bis Bali niM a Iui'iru4 grnwth. rr Falls 'o aestore Orav lit to ea Vouthf.l Ci'or. . w-tt p tii.w . a haxsBBta, . o.. -M 1 1 ' ' l 1)1 I IK. " f 8 FI ...WW -..VS.-SV 1