Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, 1 UEibAY MUKNliNu JANUARY a, l?U4. Sour Stomach No appetite, lost of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bud breath, general debility, sour ris ings, and catarrh of the Stomach are all due to indigestion. Kodol curM indigestion. This new discovery repre sent the natural juices of digestion as they exist in a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures ail stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening ths mucous membranes lining ths stomach. Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Otvsa Health to ths tick and Strength to the Wek. Bottlee only. $1.00 Slz holdlut 2 Mints the trial sua, which Mils for tOc PraaarsJ by I. C. DeWitt Co. , Ckloafe. otii Ceaatarfatttaa 't'"i. What ape pared : be tla lo::s-buried paraphernalia of a gang ot couatrrfcit era recently unearthed by laborers who csrt; dlgfttH a tewcr tmicii 03 .Sixth street Just above Che'nut. A number of to! nr. fits attracted the at tention of th' laborers ami there v.hs iretaendodi excitement until they hud neci pronounced egfj BOOT lounter. felts. There were fl . e-cent pieces, uini's Uld carets Bad nun.' bote a date later than !S:i8. What ler.lR Rater to tb theory that thoy hnii hern hr.rien by counterfeit!1: was .li d t thai Blmoit at lb? came time (tVfirsJ ar.iivi re sembling mould! ani crucibles were dtt overed in the ranh, tup : her Ithg number of spoons end several bent and twisted metal torch lumps T'bil.tce: phll rtecord. tfeceeeiita fat Hun... Harry's mother handed httn two quart jut; .Sow," she observed, in a menacing mannet, "take these 10 gmilh, the ato 1 er, and tell him to .ivc jou a gnart ol the best treacle. And !i' jou hi n 0 a, und are a good bop jour t-io.f'ur will love you. If not. you'll thin!; you've been in a rail.vay accident." "Bat wh." said ilie lady il-iitor. when the boy bad departed ' oil! 1 Otl five h.m two jugs - o::e would hsu a been s.tifl. I ient for the treat If?" ".Mif.iu." said The gentle mother, "you don't Know m Marty 11 he has two juns he won't b nine to dip his fingers into the treat lo!' ilia Bsra "You ean't o inside, ' said the door keeper of the Vlllagl theater, Wherein a ertalu l tide Toia'i t'abin aggregation wan holding forth. ' You are drual ' "Zrunk?" echoed the appliiant for admission, who was lavishly ami luridly lighted inside. "Coufeh I m Wo runk! Why gootlgosh'lmlBhty ! dg von s'pose I'd hk wsntu see your darned old show if l fata 'I hie runl;"" Smart Set. Fonda T'.Ht I'iimIhcc Kticruj. The value of sugar as an enprgy-pro-dutlng food has been whfSl) noticed of iste, and no doubt the sale of randy la ' reased thereby. Sweet rbocoials sad bread is COaSlderad a wholeaomt? lunch for school children, but It need not be .-aid that it Is a loach and not a "bits bttween niesls " I'lgs and dates have much lbs Mime value as sustaining foods, yet how few peoplt use Lham Ralilas, too. afford both nouH ihaaeal and .itlnrilant. - BciaBCt, Hair Isspsssetaas. "I understand there sre some very lawes people in Atnerlia," bald one Russian "ffdal. "Yea," ar.swered the other: "I am toid thsi tome of the oldeet lahabllanta, known ai imiiar s. l ave organizes! massa-r-rfi without sei'lttg I permit from the aathorttiea. Washington star. Homeseekers and Settlers- Rates To the Sunny South. On Art and third Tuesday of each month to, and Including April. 1 904 Write Jno M. Beall. A. 0. P. A , Mo bile & Ohio R. It.. St. Louis, Mo., stat Ing to what point you wish rates. IvVaiI a!"i lhatami'" n. I -(it- ..i i .-f-.w SSwa ,V- i.m1" t Unit '?! I ! m "I '"' dxutato. Ill il't'l M i"thl Mrt". I '-ii ..nlf 2.'. . t. p ihw mtl illtiji ewrwHi ur WrTrr-i KMim . iTim.i,t-.a- 80 YEARS' EXPERIENCE m sw. - TNADC MARKa CXSIONS CnavniCHTS Ac. AnTon nendtne lirh und deerrlWIn qutrAlf afrji.i '-ur opinutn fre Mh id mnli"n I pr 'bj plnatlSvC',n iruui.- trtcilT r-.iiddantlal. hawffWI on Pmnn tr,-rr oid,t ti. y fotwrin(( pti,;L. i'micnta usn itarMivk Muns a I o. r-cT t(,- ial nol i.', mibnat hr. talk Scientific American, A htnStometr ItlaitnteS wefSty. T,reit f" i HlMlnn o( nj tdentlSc turaal. Teny. I. New Tork 1 PROBABLE PEACE I jeneia! Selling on Rumors o( Feilleintftt ol Par Hasl Trouble. BULLS SUPPORTED MAY EARLY SELLERS COVER ON DE CLINE OTHER GRAINS AF FECTEp LIVE STOCK. j By the Associated Press. Chicago, III.. Jan. 4 -WHSAT There was fair i ratio, active at the opening and more qutot later. The I market at times w:is decidedly perv ious and unsettled. The siart was ex I ceedlngly weal;, influenced by political news regarding the probable peace bo ! tween linssia am! Japan. The British consols aboard and I Stocks in Wall street were BtfROger j and the selling was general by com mission houaes, The market hal I chief support from the "I. nil" party In May. the many earlier sellers n!.-o covering on the decline. The break in Wall street started the late advance, the possibilities of ! war making tlie shorts eover. May closed c lower. July off C Kx- ! ports were large and 11 boatloads j were taken at the coasr Liverpool t0d higtstr, Tile vis ible increase was t.flf.OOQ bushels ! against B0.OM bushels increase of last j year. CORN -Corn was active and perv ious, with good general trade, the start 'was ft' 1 '(.( lower but later the sit.i ' it ion turned stronger, prices lvcove. ling "S(S' to, followed by ia-5ic. The Influences were mtlCh the same 1 in wheat, the more assuring political 1 new;; from abroad Starting the market lower, selling being genera! end p.! by provision Interests tim shorts bought on the decline and at the elosji , May was a full cent lower. July was off about a cent. Visible Increase : &5.OO0 bushels against SSfJMKt bit thel 1 deoreaae of a year ago. Liverpool was "k'iMi higher, ai ! seaboard only 3 boatliads were taken. OATS Oats were HtiselfhHl Wltlt I liberal j'.neral comm.. sPti btyiae trade. Many buyers bf Saturday were I sellers for profits and the ominlflalon I house! were buyers. Prices receded c recovered tiic Ids -, and closed igip i c tower ior May. July gras easy an i i was o loer. The tlsiid increas is 15M busnelf, agaltisi a decrease ' ol 1,1.1 -I .sss.ii bushels Of a year ftgn Receipts and Shipments. Bj the Associated Pre.- . Chicago. Ill . Jan. I - The following car load lots represem the rcc ilpl i and shipments from tin ket. Flour Wheat Com Oats Chicago mar- Ill 2n:: its L! 1 HI l"i7 Live Stock at St. Louis. CATTLE Receipts S.dOO, Steady; beef steers, $3.80f6.20; stockers and feeders, $ltSf)3.?5; cows and heifers. $2.2".tfi 4.2.'. ; Texas steers. $2.45Tr4.:SO. I H MJS Receipts MX) lie higher: range. $4.4mf; r on. PRODUCE. RNTTER-Firm: creamery. ISOI4e, f'HEESE Quiet large, small. 1Q 12c. BOOS Strong; wi . tern. L"if 37c. COFFEE Options closed steady at net advance of lvi)tl points. Sales Itl.OM bass. Jan Spot Rio firm: No. 7 invidce 7'ic; mild, lirm: cordova, lfilge. ItfOAR Raw. nominal; fair refin ing, :!c; centrifugal test W, :;t2c; mo lasses sugar 2c: refined, nuiet; con lectioner.s "A." $4.:m; mould "A" cubes. $4.70; eut loaf, crushed. SO; powdered 4.H granulated. t II, WHEAT. Cloi"S. .la n 4 Dec. SI H S2 81 H .. OpfD Hish I.nw May July Jan 87 Si '4 87' 2 8.V, ISW 80", CORN 11 42 LOWERED WHEA OATS Jan fiGVi 36 !0B j May .. :: ::k7h Mil I July ... ni HH Itii It YE I Jan N I Mcy i7 PORK jjan. IIM I1M IS.ftrt 1-1.27 I Way ll.r.7 I IN UM liMl LAW IJan '..!. 87 C.fto iMay 7 2i 7.22 7.12 7 17 . RIPS Jan fi.r.7 (kin 4.M ' May r. 85 r,.n 1 77 I So ST I.OI IS DRAIN .MARKETS. By Aejaoetated Pte?s 8t. Louis. Mo.. Jan t The follow ins was the ran of prices lor the day : The following was the ranee of price- oi ihe day WHEAT. Oteeiag. Open ttifh aiv Tml&v Dsa.ll Jan 92 May . ,. SP.ty, st s :!",, s:i7s s:" .Inly ,,, sn su StM 8tt T.s, CORN. Jan 4ti May ... 164 ttfi tlH H Mk July ... 15 45 44 ft 45', 13 OATS. May . .. :::i :!! :18V.. INs :'.KVs THE CASH MARKETS St. Louis. Mo., Jan. 4.--The follow ing .-:mt prices ruled here todaj tor vat ions grains mentioned: No red winter wheat. 9Qe392c No. 3 red winter wheat. 841190c. No. l' white corn, iSc. No. L' mixed corn. I I g I I '.e No. :! white corn. i:!'L-ii tle NO. '' mixi d corn. 12 (j I Ic No. i white otits. Me. No. l' mixed oats, ::T'4e. No. 3 white nats. StOtfte. No. tl mixed oats. 3037c. LOCAL CHAIN MARKETS. Cash prices in the grain markets yesterday wero a:i follows: No. .' red winter wheat. Me, No. :! red winter wheat. 87c, No while corn. 4 I e. No L' mixed corn, 4.'!':ie. No " white corn. 4"'c No. " mixed ctirn. 12,4C No. while corn, 4:i'4c No. '2 mixed corn, 42)40, No. 1! white oats, "."'i.e. No. 2 mixed oats, "I'.ijc No. :1 white oats, 'hl'.c. No. :; mixed oats. ::,ic. No I timothy hay, per ton. I8.SA, Kindly Take Notice that Ely's Liquid Cream Balm is of great benefit to those sufferers from nasal catarrh Who cannot inhale freely through the nose, but must treat them selves by spraying. Liquid Cream Balm differs in form, but not medicin al'. v from the Cream Balm that has Btobtl for vears at the bead of remedies for catarrh. It may be used In any nasal atomiser. The price, including a spraying tube, is 75 cts. Sold by druggists ami mailed by Ely Brothers "ii; Warren Street, New York. MftatCHSl H N I ? i i I tl . Modern occultists maintain that tht nutnb'r lour )days iiiite as an import ant a par: iti t:, lindane affairs as tut number t I, and lor the following rea ittms. There arc four cardinal points, lour Wlndj, lour reasons, four rule; foi anthmc:;,'. lour eonjusations and foni ciuaetert Of the men. Moreover, tin olympiad lasted for four years, a pack of inrdi is composed of four equal pa:'t3 and of four suits an hour Is CiYiued into lour quarters, and most plerei or furniture hate four legs. Tfti OtoUltlttl cen point out that every human being lias tour canine leethj i hat a fori, has four prongs, that corpses are plared bttween four pianu and prisoners between four walls, and i hat at a funeral the eofn la aauall) borne by hear persons. nerit m aii naaaaitaea. Tl e ehaatplon nnoaquftoea of thi srorfd, according to u travel1 r. are tli(s; of Taylor's island, on the Choptank river, Maryland. Thy are often hall in Inch long and are perfectly black, with whlie feet. They do not sinf, and their bite II like the sting of a See, Peo ple who are obliged to go out of doors ear as a protection a hoop on l:feetf beads from whkh hanja a netting, Which is belted to the waist. They i arry about them a pfect of fat pork, which when applied to a IttBg or bite SCtl ai an antidote. The Choptank rivi-r region Is the great mark -1 garden of Bajtiaaore Philadelphia and Other tastprn cities, and OM theory to account for the re markable size of ths BsosquHoss is that they feed on the splendid fruits and use tables which ftrow so iuxurlaiitly there and are thus fattened to a far greater itegree than their brothers who live In less isvored localities - Chicago Cbron- Lost The Use of Arm. Heart Trouble. Could Not Eat, Sleep or WalK. Dr. Miles Heart Cure Cured Entirely. "II It hadn't bee (at Di' Rrssediei I would not b here to iMile tin letter. Two rear so Isst June 1 lost the asi at BSf k tt aim, could not u e it and coaid "id itiove it wah tlie help . t n.i . : .. Mv heart was to weak I could not ilrrp tights ior l' -, 1 wa out ot lorn all over and settle eat nothing. I grew so weak mat I tould l.ot walk without stagi-erii.g l.kc a drunken man and nr, home ttOCtet laid h couid do nothi-ig for me. 1 wa in so much pain I wu almost wild. 1 could not take morpli iic uor opium at thev nue me worse. So I got to about Dr. Mars' Heart Care ai.d Ntrva.e and the BK M 1 thought about it the more 1 wanted to try t, 'm. I wrote to the Dr. Mrdicai Co. tot ad vice I followed to the If iter. I can ay today that 1 am glad I did as I sat a well woaian now; ; work ani can WS k to or three mu and not m ad it. 1 csa alto use my arm as well as tret. You do not know how thankful 1 am for those grand medicines Dr. Miles Nw Heart Cure and Nervine. I thir.k Dr. M.ic' Rem;a.ea sre the best in the vi r. Id. and if 1 llsoaM gel lick again 1 should take the same ealsrse The remedies also helped nr. daughter ida so wonderfullr that I shou.d hae written yoa before to thsnkyoa. but I wanted to br lure tbst the rate wai pe ntiannif, which 1 now kaow to le the cae.' Mrs. Fisak Loomts, Allen, Mich. All dnurf'.sts Mil an 1 suarantee first bot tle Dr. Miles' Remediei. 5enl ior (ree boo reus and Heart I)iea;ev Address Dr Mtisi Mtdisal Co NUsstij lad. I Oilier Events Beside Prospective Strujorje Interests Brokers. SHARP REACTION FEARED p r ( i m per cent big advance early tone of moving fails to Check decline. By the Associated press New York. Jan. Today's stock market was much less subject to tlie lafliie&Ce of war news than on Satur day. The leeline that sonic other evewt than the object of war between Russia and Japan night te ovoHtaag iBg the market which had SOSaeihtng to do with the sharp reaction from tlte early bttlg, Itut the InlueQce of war news was not entirely laying in t"ie reaction, as London its selling on advance here and Japan and in London did out hold all of their Ural ftain The recoveries of the first hour were quite violent and in some cases and were gaits generally as roach as i to 2 points All but a small portion ol these galas were lost in the second hour and the drop of prices was not checked by the marfcetedly easier tone of the call money tnarlie,and the pro tire Rive easing pf call loans during the day. This develops me n I robbed the bank statement of its unfavorable Influence and pointed to the conclusion that the i 8,600,000 loan increase was largely due to the annual Interest ami divi dend requirements, such as would soon be released to the Btarket again, This satisfactory out look In the money mar ket was a factov In tne t'.na; harden- inn of the stock market, which left fatr showing of net gains at the end of the day, Heavy corporal inn borrowing are still counted upon, but the reflei of the funds from tlie Interior is looked to replenish the local bank reserves. United states steel preferred was a leading feature In speculations, owing to the dividend meeting to be held to morrow. Much Interest Is fell also on the showing to be made by the statement of the earnings for the quarter, The Strength Of the London market for raw copper was the only news that would account fur the strength of the amalgamated copper. The reopening tiie anthracite mines after a ten day's shut down was a help to the coalers. Railroad officials continue to report traffic well sustained and to speak hopefully of the prospects. The market closed fairly steady but very dill. Government Bonds. Refunding !a regfed . . in; IAD Refunding l"s coupon . . IM m; Registered Ts 1054 1054 Coupon u's 160)4 1001 New t's registered .. . ft Igg New I'a coupon 193 I '!:! Old -I's registered HiT'i; 1H7H Old I's coupon ()1V3 107' ) Registered .Vs lilt 1.4 101 Coupon Vs lo, 191 Railroad Stocks. Atchinson 174 V Aachinson preferred .... 8!H Nti Baltimore & Ohio 7SU 77"H Chicago & Alton :ii H Northwestern IWH Denver & Itio tirande . . . L'u o1" Den & Rio firande pfi, . . H To Illinois Central Vl'i tN Louisville Nashville . . M7', Iff! Metropolitan 122 121 H Missouri Pacific !lTs 'Mi'h New York Central H7'2 I'ennsylvania 1177ti 117'ii Reading 41 tt Rock Island KM M4 Rock Island pfd t Kfc4 St. Paul 14n- 142. Southern Pacific 1H ;", Southern Railway WfJj M, . Cn'on Pacific "874 1$ i nion Pacific pfd 88 81 Wabnh IS Ills Wisconsin Central IflU it Miscellaneous. Arr.alsarr.ated Copper ... Brooklyn Rapid Transit . Colorado Kuel and Iron . . Northern Securities Pacific Mail Peoples Oas Sugar 1 Tennessee Coal and Iror. Unites! States Steel I'niter! States Steel pfd. West en Cnton I II N WA DRAGS ifl I7"2 48W, 18 2f 21 88 89 25 H n: fMI- 4 12 1 504 11 H 11 (4 "'' sr,.-v4 sr.U Money on call easier. 214i' per cent : closing bid and offered t, Tim' loans easier. Ifjg per cent, for ail dsts. Prime paper 5liC: exchans:.- firm demand 484 (84.45; Slaty days 481 in 481. 4. Har silver To accept aood alvice is but to increase one's own ability Qoetlse YOUR FALL OVERCOAT to be correct should bear this Unions mark pdi3enjamin5(9 MAKERS NEW YORK The "Manhattan": olive, tart, and gray coverts; short, snappy, and supremely stylish. The '"'Broadway Box": 40 inches long; blacks and Ox fords ; more conservative, but just as correct. Both have broad, concave shoulders, hand-padded; hand-made, I close-fitting collars ; unripable pockets. Both are hand shaped and hand-tailored custom-made ready-to-wear. The price i right. Your money bjck if anything jjoes wrong. We sre Excessive Distributors in this city. H. BERNSTEIK, 713 Commercial Ave. ta'astsea i Petaasi. The woman In prison is despoiled of her fine feathers The eoumlete nior- ; tlRcatloa of timt haraileM sort of trani- . ly whieb lllif so in n il of a wi.inans life lier durant I doubly vile. Iter hair is shorn of its last lock, while the ; face thai gazed with perfect passive i ness at the hHigS who sentenced Is raised in piteous protest When tile hair grows longer again there is gross blin because a thought less adminis tration provide.' no hatrpina. tine wom an ahlBlafee' the tu frofla her broth I after It had cooled lo flitter her erowu of slnry. an attendant relates One girt, envied to tlie point of marine! I certainly rouged. Kinally her secret I was out, She had drawn some red ! threads from her skirt, beWOd hem tu extract the color and used ii on get lips and cheeks. The most oppief.sivi penance Is lack of atrrora, Btlll, there sie no male hearts around to break, ! N. Y. Press. Humor by TfI-ki'HEi. R. L. Vcrthlen nlatnl an experience , Which Seems marvelous In the eyes ol i the uninitiated. A rOUttg operatoi i trott one of the stock broker's oRtrei In that city originated a bright joke one morning, and when the line to New York vvas not busy put it on the wire tor i the delectation of the operator there with whom he had often had long-die tame convcrsaiion by means of the t Morse alphabet Half an hoiir later i ! irieud of his frott an ofBci Serosa Ihr I street came In and - ii un .; the Name kii; l on bici. He said thai it was brand new as he had heard it frott New York BO'I I ten uiinutes before. Inveatigatlon stiowed that the N vv York operator hau I passed the joke along, and Inside of an hour at the utmost it bad been tuldal mOti all over the country, ami had com j back to the originator. Milwaukee i Wlaeonaia asritsh ronsaseati The following is a l unilm nt mtlee bj tin observant Londoner on the Anieri i an women Who vMted the afoglMh capital tlie past summer: "Their trite Dgarea in Deal and yel dressy tailov made trOGsfl pervade the town. Yo tl i. now tii" lair American tit a glance though you can hardly tell how y ui rlistingniih her; but there is -i look ol fragility cotnbtaed Hth reaervi strength tht reminds one of a raci bOTSC, and then there Is a sort of in dependence of beating, of self-reliant and assured confidence in tie world'i good intentions, that is characteristic and cbatminc In the Majority 01 ruses the Amcriem women look aftei one another; but If there Is a man It attendance he Is truly attentive -lirooklvn Kaple. !- Km Mis Mm, Magistrate (to wltnes.i You siy you liave known the primmer till yoiti life? Witness Yis, your worship. Maitistrate Now, in your opinion, do you think he could ., gailty or steal ing this money? Witness How nic h WM it? Btra Stories. TWO KINDS of CHILDREN Children that STOW too fast and those that seem hardly to grow at all, both need Si it t's Emulsion. It ives that rich vital nourishment wtttch is the secret of al! healthy growth. It rounds out the long limbs, and helps children to grow without using up all their strength in growing. Mothers ought to know more about the wonderful help which Scott's Emulsion would give their hildren. There is no secret about Scott's Emulsion. Nothing is covered up by obst lift references to "active princi ples " or " alkaloids." Scott's Emulsion is simply an emulsion of the best Nor wegian cod liver oil combined with the hypopho?phite aud glycerin. Wr t!ti yoa a sample free spon request si.'Oi ; I fcOWM. ., Narl SaiaM, Yurk. itW anas AT THE vii.f.w.i: Women play mi intpottar.: part m tl.. Sf the Mt stiali. Tl.i v .ipp-ar uv - : ah't they gu n'.oin.iti; siid veri.., ' Ai the sun-1 hour it ;o .. i-..i - .u .-. alp and ;ausht... ana ... i tt i:.v.- , It I a- traVelsd fur m! i.v v.uru n , Oi IV..-. lor n-wiiai.. i' an i:r.l.i. uviii it a : Kuttwsi sta'St jSsw-''. ri IF YOU INTENDED TO WAKE A TRIP TO Chicago, Kansas City OR ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST write for maps, tUne-tableg ami Lowest Rates CHICAGO & ALTON Ry. full Information ami details cheerfully given. Tbe equipment of "Tlie Alton" is null eh less in every respect, its sunorii ap pointments having carneil for it tlie title of "The Only Way." 1) BOWKS, Asst. ncu'l Pas WORMS For 20 Years Has led ai! Worm Remedies. ( WJmM l aoiiS XSV ACT. b, JAMES F. BALLAKD, 3t. UouM SOLD BY SCHUh'dRUG CO A Ptralesea1 tsu-ier. "One eertalnlx Beats iih qu-er e$ periencts while trs1 cling," remarks!! the person of roving tendencies, "On tlni", lor example, when on niv way Ii Chicago, I awoke lii tbe uiornlns to Altf a boot und i ihoe under tny berth in btemi of tin pair I had left there tie nil! lit before, Not wishing to appi ai thus in public, l sailed the porter tine showed him bis error, lie epga&rtfd someWhal bewliiU n.1, and tlnnl'y re marked In r. tOBS of mingled perplexlt) and Mtrprlse: "Well, dgl nm inlphty pe calltf. IIH'it tie rond time dlt'l bap p lied ills !i IWBln'." N". Y. TlUieS. Petite Tssteas o ltiiiib rlei ii Japan appear to be car rb'd on! very politely, A bund of 1 1 i. i- tives receatly entered an iron foundry at Oaaka, and carrlet oKaootabierable ram o.' taooe;', while before leaving tin toiu i tie wu; i iimea, whom they bad over aowered aad securely led tip, 'hut uicy iv i te tr ie patriots, Ritti were going to Toklo on a fcrea! ettterpriae, but i i" ig sbor1 of funds, were rati gelled to bur row the money, whieb tbf would duly rclnnil ivht-n tbeir ijim wax aceom ptished, -Golden Penny, o.i.i t-ttiu iiic-ri ii i: Praklaas, In Kigali Ml I lll ii'." tioiver iriuttmls flon lias from the Can very fuiis la tin Kolar gold mini I it: Mjl -ore, India. wMrf ws receatl) completed, tb Americai engineer employed to dti tb' worli ban o dfsl with some UBi onimon problems The line, m it t h loiif. I i rr; 4 on b.fty pole? t hrmiRti the Inngic, Hi rs t b" di p redatloaa of white ants and wild e-piiKiit- had to be preveMed The snt attacked the poles ami the elepkaati pniied at tlte wires Iron so i its sevea feet bisb Were r., iied in be effective u " ai". a tn' ;i!'i r eart :i; meei nremenis of the highest ri art of the el phant' truiii s. tli v.-In werestriich at a af" "i' i at e'aaslalwe I - 3 . Siir MtM BrdertetsU it afwayi to- a;ettini. h-r a';e. He vb don't pal it iwa 1 ' -Ob. .if.- nas 1 11 II doe ti or tat bet col it down several times, but it finest"! eetn to help taaitei Chicago Daily . llrr ' in-ill tn en I . .at hr portrait) Daal Ur, Van Brush BJU man r.ith'r pre' 1 y plc'nre of you t!,i;i!. taai m agei to rnaice 1 1 ine1 Bdlth Vet, he mvKb'.;. ,ifr Waai s r ! - Stray p,ir 11 leesasitt. ' I U ut ver ga Igfcfog with that luas head. Smit'u acain "Didn't !i any t ling, eh'" No and dasn't M) I mthl any. thlBi, for fear that ha Will tell taa UHth about tl " J ui,;e I Jill. Dies What nr' e j0U 0ojj K somn '1 in "i ''! man? Bigs o. aathlag. 1 was gjiieij trying to coiled my t htmitht's. i tuppoee you find thet eort nf raTlec ttga pieV.y Mi, tior. t you?',Chicsr. Dail Nrwa. iaj yJd I ! v. i:;.t, 1 1 ,n ;t i, i.i:hkm. - l. ::;. tor. of U- ttl I em. the birthplace i-r. j , ..-.; -8 at : i viliag sretl. ;i. ;.:. ..n. put it. ik ct drtnkhia watei, .,: i -, ' . v., :'r p.icant huurofgesfi :... .: .. pa .1 around. Ivth.aps !h. and i' pass - , e iisuin to h nstt. l; .. item i. n ' t.adlt.s! an n t altalioa. Aci I.OIMS, MO. VERMIFUGES iJIlUOCHWTM. "Thi- Kaar-Haod "i Itirnitty. In a went Iceture at Uerlln on the new views of the constitution of 'nat ter based on the phenomena of radium und other unbalances whose aloaag appear to be hying to pieces, Sir Wll liain Crook os Haiti : "This fatal qualitj I of atomb illssoclstloa appears to be nnivvfiittl, and , .vIi'T- ver ye brnsli a pie.e of kUksi with silk. It works in the sunshine and raindrops, itml in the litrlitninRs and (lunie; l prevails in the waterfall nnd the siortu Kea, and altiiough the whole range uf human expi rlence Is all too short to afford a par.illaN wberehv the date of tbe extinction of matter can be ' talculatpil. protyle. tae 'formless mlsf.''! ,,. : , ma v I'tiicti uii,,lfim., an.l lh hour hand of iternlty will have ,ai- I pieied one ruvolutioa. - 111 ;tb s otu ! paalon, riant Ha Ovra Garttaaae, "A 1 iant that is its own gardeaer is, j you would think, an inijiotislbility," saitl ,1 peanut dealer In the peanut, thotiKb. we have ueh a plant a plant, ii were, with a spade. The peaotlt grows in the air and sun, but when Die tiowi r fall off and the pod appears ft is necessary lor these pods to mature under ground, and. therefore, the plant bum Ihem. It buries them with a movement of the stalk, a downward bend 1 'i ' ' M b' lie- put beneaOi r lie soil, This is a strange thing to see; it ! mat ' ti peanut pat'h well worth a vtrt- j it. Co to one of thete patches at the season whn the ilowrs are falling and I if yoti are patient you may have the luck to catch a plant In the very ait : of burying its pods." Philadelphia j Record. Our IViiHllr. "Wealth has u penalties," aid th trite pbiiosiiph' r. "Yi." answered Mr fiimrox "Wealth j Is what compels a man to eat fancy eooklnc tbe whole year round, instead of bavins cakes hot from tbe griddle aad homemade pr serves.'' Washington Star. Fifty Years the Standard improvgs fht flavor and addt thg hgaHHfuintss of tht fedi. ;S BAKIWO POH" ll cmcAwO 1 mm mm