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THE CAIRO BULLETIN. Daiiy Service oi mi L JOB OFFICE IN THE CITV. ASSOCIATED PRESS J V p VOL XXXVI. NO. 45. CAIRO ILL., THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY II. 1904. ESTABLISHED IN 1868 RUSSIAN SHIPS ARE CAPTURED BY JAPANESE WAR SHIPS AND COMMERCIAL STEAMERS TAKEN IN TOW BY CRUISERS. JAPANESE REJOICING Dfmoial.z.ition Reigns at Port Arthur Aiming Russian and Chinese Who Distrust Each Other. ! h the Associated Press. Si. Petersburg. Feb. M. Viceroy Alexietv began today the tnoimluat ion of the army reserves In Baatern Asia Publication of extra editions of news papers containing accounts of ivport al injuries to Japanese ships during the Port Arthur engagements ; and sinking of Japanese battleship Shik inhima led to demand upon editors for source of their information. They replied, "it came from the British cm luiKsy." j These report.; were received every I where with manifestations of joy, but nothing continuing then) hi come i from Viceroy Alcxieqff. Tbe only ad- j ilitional intelligence the viceroy has, sent lo this hour is names of wounded officers, among waom were Lieut. Col ! nloniehkovsky, of artillery corps, wh i aM on board transport Angora, and a midshipman on board I he battleship BevastontH, CLAIMS RUSSIAN GUNBOATS BEGAN THE HOSTILITIES. lly Associated Press. Washington. D. C . Feb. 10 Japa peso Minister Talrtthlra has received advice from the Japanese loreign of lice regarding the naval engage, ni in off Chemulpo similar to those made public today by Minister Haynshi in London. Tukahira thinhs it i? es peeially important lo note that accord iug to these advices the first overt acl of hostilities was committed by the Russian gunboat KoreRs, which fired mi Japanese lorpi do boats Mmula evening. , PRESIDENT TO ISSUE NEUTRALITY PROCLAMATION. lly Associated Press. Washington. I). (V. Feb. 10 The president hns decided to issue the proclamation of neutrality. It prole ably will make its appearance tomor row. The proclamation is in stem tyiH' and simply recites and deplores existence of hostilities betwei n Japan and Russia and enjoins upon citizens of (Tufted States strict regard and ob sei vance of neutrality laws ST. PETERSBURG HEARS CONTRADICTORY NEWS !' the Associated Press st. Petersburg. Feb. hi a viudl vostock report has it that the Russian land forces have defeated the Japanese troops and have occupied Cbetnu Ipo, Korea. A Port Art bur dispatch says in third atinck three Japanese battleships and lour torpedo boats were damaged, but no credence is given. The city is wildly excited ov 9t these i iirnors, RAILROAD BRIDGE BLOWN UP AN J MANY KILLED lly the Associated Press. London. Feb. 10 The Shanghai COT respondent of thr Mail says an ini ixirtant bridge on Ihe Manchtirian rail mad has been blown up at:d thirty men killed JAPAN WILL ISSUE DECLARATION OF WAR Bjt Associated Press. Toklo. Feb. in. The formal declara tion of war is expected tonight. The proclamation has been prepared and Minister Komnra has gone to the palace with it for the empei ir's ap proval SHIPS LADEN WITH SUPPL IES FOR JAPAN. By the Associated Pnss San Francisco. Cal.. Feb. in. The steamship (Ja. Re sailed today with 1,100 tons of flour for Japan; I.20O0 bale:, fif cotton, ton tons of bad and live Ions of nails for use In niann baste re of footwear for Japanese army. In the steerage were about forty Japanese whn nrrrpnse to en)H-t in their country's army. JAPANESE POPULACE ARE REJOICING. Ry Associated 1'ris.i. Tokio Feb i" Though unofficial, rows of the buttle :ii Pari Arthur vn ,h-i'.iii In official circles and trans mitted in the palace Tin combined with homing mill destroying of two ships :it Chemulpo Tuesdaj Btlrred (hi' populace tu l In' highest i -n I hitsiasiu ami gave additional confidence as in outcome nl the war. IT the Russian Meet is erippled or destroyed it 1st j anticipated an order to advance the army will be given promptly. News paper extras containing news of battle ! produced first popular demonstration j of the war. Flags were raised every whore and the streets, excited crowds thronged DEMORALISATION REIGNS AT PORT ARTHUR Uy Associated Press London, Feb. to. The Chee Fon correspondes! of ihe Mall says: 'Com plete demoraliation reigns at Port Arthur. Advices received from Kwar Ting, Manchuria, say lo.ouo farmed Chinese, unofficially recognized as BOVSrtUMOJ Hoops, are operating in the district and are expected to attack railroad guards when they hear ot i Russian disaster. DECLARATION OF WAR BY THE MIKADO lly Associated Pres.?. St. Louis. Mo,. Feb. 10.--The follow ing cablegram was forwarded at 1:36 O'clock tonight to Ib'jine Ola. assis tant commissioner general of tin otbl's Pair from Japan from Aaatchc ilanihar of the ligation at km civ no n oi .NICHOLAS II. Washington: "His majesty declared i war against Russia today. Rii.-siat warships lired upon Japanese Iran i iMirt ai ChaaeolpOi and was replied h I by answering lire. Repott is almost ! the same a.- reported in newspapers j None wounded or killed On. our .war ' ships.'' i BIG NAVAL BATTLE EXPECTED IN ORIENT i By the Associated Press. chee Foo. China, Feb. i -The Hw I sian torpedo ttotiila is reported lo be at Thornton Haven Island, lilty miles llo seaward of Porl Arthur. Th.e re j port of a battle is momcntaiily ex ; pectcd. i The Russian land forces are con eentra'ing on the banks of the Yulu river, when' big sssignmwnts of fu 1 1 g.tns and ammunition recently am i riverl. It is rcKirted here that ihe hostile i armies will first meet tit Ting Yan northern Korea, as fas the case in the Chinese Japaaei e war. JAPANESE FORCES LANDED IN K03EA Paris. Feb in. -a telegram from Tokio reports that the Japanese have landed in force at Masampho Korev Masampho is in the extreme south , em part of Korea, directly opposite Japan ft la bat a eomimratively short , distance tr.rm Fusan. one of the ter mtnais el tn" Japanese rusan feotii natta-av arhloh loo.lj in thn Uanehiir- lau border. m bunrfo. ROME GIVES A DIVORCE ARTHUR GAUKLCR GETS DECREE ntOM POPE AFTER APPEAL FROM CHICAGO. t!y the Associated Press , Detroit. Feb. 10. -Arthur H. QasWer of Detrot. has beets ganted an eceles iKtjPa! decree of divorce from Marion Loomls of Chicago, )y Pope Pius X. after bis application for freedom bad been denied hy the Chicago archepis copal court. Rev. Fartehr haart. of Marshall. Mich., who was Gatiklor's ndtoCltb be tore the Chicago church court, who ap pealed the case in Route, has received notice that the propaganda ikride I lanuary 18th. that (lankier was En titled to his freedom. The couple had been legally divorced for over two rears. They were married in Chicago February 11. in I. but a short time. and lived together ami their divorce proceedings were highly sensational, The case was first tried by the lunch authorities of Chicago Aa just, 191, with Rev. N. J. Mooney as judge. The Chicago court sustained the marriage. Dr. Baart, the advocate for (lankier, took the case to the Cin etanatl church court on appeal, where, the decision of ihe Chicago court was lot sustained. The case was then tent to Rome for a llnsl decision. i - -r-Mwaisararm-rm,in,-,i umm&rmg:' V nSi ZMhdjCSXk. i r tH"""T 7 jSSJp tm '-J? wfJi JAHAN SEA I , - 2 , a-w . 1 . rr1 ' ,iCi W . B MAP OF KOREA. MANCHURIA AND JAPAN. THE FAR EAST'S ZONE OF TROUBLE. 11m strung ntratstic potnl shewn en the to ip I th Korean trait, whb b Is dofs'"tp0' hy Jupun bceausr of hir strong Oct t .u,it her fortMcStlons in the Tu iala tela niti! Wai bttwten J.ipan and The hItuii it tills ,-it i only lui uidfs wide, anil cnimnunli ulieii t.v wutr between vtsdivostek, on the notth Dii Part Arthin. on tb west, is thruugh it ladlvi st..k is IcrOoiind In winter, but RiiMla'i t'bineiw seaport. Port Arthur, is not Th Jnpunmi wrested perl Arthur from China, Out Kuwi,i i''e thi in ev.u mile Port Aftliur IS OflS ot the SOUihern termini of thf 'Hok-h. WStrn luilioad. whf It, ruunlna nortli, loune. t - (villi tte- TranMalUrliin railroad ovtr wMoh Ruasia's treeps has ik-ti latastiif for1 weeiis -ti rout- la ManetturUi Ta Jaaanvan Mltmad from PuaaA, Korea, to Heotil n teing completed i.v tii.- jaiuneup gov- araSHOt far nsrthai use gad J.;oiea rou.l runs Im-Ia. ii Seoul and t'liemulpu. The railroad from Seoul to WlJti til not ready lor umt. Tie JapaaSSC bav- rail SMU mualcattM practkaiiy tSaaatir lancth of their principal irtante. TRANSPORTS AND MEN CAPTURED OFF ASAN Hy the Associated Press. London. Feb. lu. A disptach Iron 'he Tnkio correspondent of the Cen rtil Ncis says, .that three iransportt n Ihe Russian volunteer f'.c.t. con vying Hliout t.lKiO troops have b-ee captured off Asan. Korea, by ihe Jap i lose. The news came aboul at the kami I noment of the czar's official declara lion of war YELLOW- JOURNAL NEWS FROM RUSSIA Ry the Associated Press St. I'eti rtdwrg, Feb. 1 imstcd tlat the Ci:ar Is pb used eVi r t he outcome U is re murh dis of the bat iles of yesterday and may recall Vice roy Alexieff There is also a rep. if that A I 'xieff may be shot as the re suit of the disaster to Russia on thi first move of war. CHINESE MAY FIGHT AGAINST THE RUSSIANS , By the Ass-xuatod Prear Rome. Feb. in The Chinese Miti ister here torhiy stated that while China is pledge I to strict neutrality if Japan has notable victories it mat' j be difficult to keep the Chinese in band. j nis siatemrni ot t ru mtnisrer t; r, p.irded a most i.minmw aaaaaaiallr tin view of the temotiax opgrtunity SHELL FLiES 15 MILES MIS8LE FROM 12 INI. II GUN MAKES WONDERFUL REC OUP. Special (o The TUilletin. Washington. Few 10. the battleship Missouri, been engaged in target Chesapeake Capes, came department today with ; n officer of which has practice off to the navy remarkable statement, He said one of the 12-lnclv.j quiet am! sleep during the day and guns being elevated 7 degrees lei. fly 'irritability id a boi stomach has again a shell which the strongest tlass could partially yielded in treatment. "Thy net follow lo tbe end of its Hip. Later sieians say no complication!) have de a passing .steamer reported the shut velope.l. It is ibis feature of the case had struck tlie sea within :ain yards the physicians are guarding .calo'i !' of her. The steamer was distant from t Missouri just lifted) utiles NEW YORK FIRE VICTIMS. Bf the Associated Pros New York. Feb. m.--Iti the ruins of the Brooklyn Chair company's factory which burned yesterday, three bodies were found today, making four dehd ACQUITTED ON MURDER CHARGE. Ry Associated Press, ('arlinville, 111. Feb. lo. Luther Hon on, accused of attempted mufde.' of his wife at Mod s'o in January. 1903, was acquitted by jury today. to force Russia out of Manchuria. .vhich is the universal desire in China, and la only restrained at present hreilgh fear of the Russian army If the Jasaneae aaocesses oontlnue to inflame the Chinese, it is proliabV 'he latter will be emboldened to at temiil an attack on the .Manchtiri ni lino. JAPAN SEIZES PORT IN KOREAN W ATI" Rc. Ry the Associated Press Tokio. Feb. in Japan seized Ma mmpao Sunday and dispatched a heavy force there. Japan will fortify tie pSfi and estallish a naval and nilHery bane there. Masampho e an fols the Koran channel. and Is an CXCI llcnt base for future ). rn ihins. . I CAPTURED RUSSIAN VESSELS ARRIVE AT . It ty .Associated Pres. I.oniln'i. I'. b in. Dispateli, . tl , Mail from Tokio and Nagasaki -.-(. rt the arrival ar Saseipo. Japan of two 'arge Russian steamers. f)tn t- a rntnnteer fleet aseoclation transport "'katorinoslav. which rec nily 1 tn !. d rtmiis and arms ai Port Arthur, and the other is tbe steamer Argun. Ik 'ondng lo ihe Chin"ae Kaste-n Rail ; ay company Roth were rgptur.-d by lapanee cruisers Ria Yen and Hd "' ';""" """" msan. r.nre.i . The F! T.Pirino-lav had iav-n fitted tin i a on auxiliary cruiser. gbe ksai HANNA'S CONDITION rfmain;; about the same anu crisis is anxiously AWAI TED. By Associated Press. Washington, D, C. Feb. 10. Sen ator Manila's condition remains prac tically unchanged. Restlessness which fatigued him last night has been followed by periods ot comparative against as they realise thai II uu complications develop In the senator's distressingly weal, condition results may he fatal quickly. Tin1 doctors are not yet able to pre diet with any certainly when will occur. They say they are j fled with the progress of the although they do not conceal , apprehension that nnforstvn 1 plicity may occur at any time. crisis sat i.- case their com STEAMER BATTLES WITH ICE. Ey Associated Press. Chicago, Peb. 1ft. The Barry line steamer Empire Elate, alter battling with ce since Mondny Right, released herself today Off Port Sheridan and proceeded on her trip to Milwaukee. thirty till s on hoard and was g dug on her way from Vlandlvostock. Ar I gnn w;ts going to Vlandivostocl; trnni Nggasawl. The Ruslali whalers Clor j ige. Nfcelai, Alexander and Michael, captured by lite Japanese have ah;o arrived at Saselio. RUSSIANS REPORTED MAS- SACREING THE CHINESE. By ihe Associated Press. Loatdnp, Feb. 10 The Tein Tsin rOTf ipoadenl of the Standard sends in a report that the Russians have M Matred loon CUftM at Llso Vang, in consequence of which officials at Shan Ilia Kwan are greatly alarmed and .ire appealing to Pein for protee ! t ion. The report lacks coiifirmation RED CROSS SOCIETY ASKS FOR DONATIONS. Bj As:o iat ,1 Press Washim'ton I) C . Feb In - Tin- i' ' eeaUrC aWHffiRtee of the Red Oo);s nciety lolay is-ued a call for dona tinns to be sent the treaaaraf of tin Vmerican National Red Cross. Wnah- ington. for rebel work in the Ru . Japanese ai' JAPANESE CAPTURE EIGHT VESSELS AND ONE WARSHIP v the r.. Press Wan Fine ... Cal. F lo ealaVgram i" ih.- l..t d Pre- BANQUET IN A TUNNEL ESS CLUB MIMfJfRS AT CHI CAGO DINE IN NEW FREIGHT TUNNELS. By the Associated Press. Chicago. III., Feb. 10.--A feast laid on tables three blocks long and forty feet tinder the streets were features of a novel banquet participated in here tonight by lino people, the g.iesis for the most part being members of the Chicago Press Club and tneir ladies. The banquet was given the Press Cluh b) Presidenl Wheeler and gener al Manager Jackson of the Illinois Tunnel company, Ttee banquet was held ill that portion of the company's Underground workings lying Ofl Jack son boulevard between Franklin and Clark streets. In twenty miles of tunnels now Hearing completion the Company proposes to handle much of ihe Chicago freight traffic, as well as to operat a telephone system A rule through three miles of tunnels was given ho guests between banquet, cars running by electricity, making an average speed of twenty miles an hour. LOCAL OPTION IN MONTANA. By the Associated Press. Helena, Mont., Fob. lo, The supreme court today decided! tin option law constitutional. slate local from Nagasaki stales that the Bus sian cruiser Vari.ig rapofted sank yesterday at Caen Ipo by Japaaeaa was captured and arrived at Sabo. The di .patcli also stales that In ad dition lo Russian vessels damaged by lorpulo attack at Port Arthur. teVCi other vessels were captured. GUARDING NORTHERN JAPAN FROM ATTACK. Ry Associated Press die Fell i0 Japatuse ship are cuarding northern htptf fearing Ru ,-ia itiigbt land forces from Vladl voKtock, and for further purpose of ! preventing four Rtis'dan CMlWll Join ing the lleet at oPrf Ar b II other Japanese war reooata sre ends iug lo intercept Itii sian reoimls com int: Irom flUnagoci RUSSIAN STEAMERS CAPTURED BY JAPANESE. By lle Associated Press. Tokio Fen 14 The Japamse have eptnred at I ast five RttssiaTi com iioreial t-amers inrlnding Rkaterin toslar . Mnk' Kosdan, Arsrun and b'tamlr The .-r" .-aptunsl hy HJn Jipan -' in K,.r -an and adjacni wafer? at various times since Safin dav t.v small crnisi rs Snsne of th- si 'TT.erv are rich nr!. The ..mall steamer Ka ig (s detain. h gt Yoko- hoina, it ftatu- not l-lng clear BIG LOAN FOR BALTIMORE MARYLAND LEGISLATURE GIVES CITY POWER TO BORROW $2,000,000. By the Associated Press. Baltimore, Feb. 10. About the most important action today was the de cision to ask the federal govern men r for troops to take the place of two Stan- militia regiments now doing po lice duty in the burned district and to efficiently guard Ihe millions of treas ure still buried beneath the ruins. The constitution of Maryland re quires no such request can lie made of Ihe presi the slate commute views ot lent except by authority of legislature. The legislative 1 was present la hear Ihe the mavor and officers nl the city on that point. This ;b shown to be unmistakably in favor of the request being made and tho com mittee announced ii would recommend immediate pa.--.age of the necessary res olution. The release of the militia from sen try duty will not only permit mem to resume their several vocations, but relieve the state of an expense of f a day. A number of large safes and vaults were opened today and the contents ni eaeii ot i hem found in good condi tion ttOO.uftfl was taken from i he vault . ni the Third National hank and sen! to the vaults ol a bank outside iln tire district, A heavy guard "t soldnrs accompanied the nbiitey Among i be telegrams of sympathy re reived today was one from Fmperor VVItlam and another from Ihe Trades men of Liverpool. Legislature Asks For Troops. By the Associated Press, Annapolis, Feb. in.- The Maryland legislature tofiliihl pawed an enabling act empowering Baltimore to borrow $'j,tiiio,ooo to mi el the emergency of the lire. Also pass.-1 a joint resolution asking this federal troops be sent tu ilaltimoi'e It is understood the ernor will ask for Luoo regnhire BEDFORD SUSPECT CLAIMS INNOCENCE Says it Was His Own Foolishness Id Wanting to Be Thought Wise That Led to His Arrst. C A OClated Press. Jeffe.rsoiiville, Intl.. FeJ). 10. - James McDonald, arrested last mglr In cot; noclion willi the inunler of Miss Schaefer. at Bedford, and who was brought to the state reformatory here for sate keeping, made a statement today in which he declares his In nocense. lie said: 1 got Into Hit.- trouble through rnv own fiilislino-s I made lalse state merits before ihe court of inquiry. I can't explain why I did It. but 1 sup pose it was because I wanted to make people think I knew something anoni the murder. I know absolutely nothing about the crime The nearest I wan to Ihe place where Miss Schaefer was murdered was over half a block away at a doctor s office I did not see her thai night, never did see Iter and did not now there was such a wiini.m living.' , TORPEDO BOAT'S CRUISE ENDED Cross Atlantic Ocean, Make Good Time and Behaving Better Than Expected. Uy the Associated Press. Washington. Feb In. The i .ry of the navy ha received a report of the passap of "le torpedo boat flotilla under convoy of the cruiaef Buffalo, from San Juan. Porto Rico, to Laa Palmas. Canary Island, timn I m man tier Kvr'tte The command er says: "Behavior of (bulla at so was excellent : only time when wind and sea gPrteiM i reianl their pro gri ss at ali wa when s. a Iwcanie swf eient lo can-,.- rnMng of the screws. No heavy water was taken aboard at any linn imr wax any dams r -- e.i. ! l.v ! - ..., .lllf calls.- WELL KOWN PRINTER DEAD. ' By AssrK-lated Preaw. San Fraarisco. Cal . Feb f'niiai.d. presidi si ,.f th. lo - W VV San Fran risen Ttuatgraphiral Fa inn is dradi as ihe result ot fall in f through an open el, vaitor shaft. 1 i