Newspaper Page Text
fHE Cairo bulletin, ihudav mgmni:, f Y II, 1904. CONSUMPT CURED AT LAST. Dr. T. A. Slocum, the Great Chemist anil Specialist, Will Send IVee, to the Afflicted, Pour Large Samples of I lis Newly llt&ov?red Remedies to Cure Consumption and all lluoal, Chest ami illillg Troubles. Nothing OAtlM he fairer, more philanthropic -r carry mora Joy to the afflicted than tltis offer. Ctiiiliili'iii tliai ha lias discovered an absolute ,-nro for Consumption and all pulmonary complaints, and to make Its. great merits know n. lie will send hit '-rtIl Treatment, embracing four larne samples, to any reader who may ! siifferin;; from coughs, colds, ca tarrh, bronchi), thrift, and lung troubles or consumption. Already this "N,w Scientific t'oursi' of Treatment" has permanently cured thousand.-; of apparently hopele ;s cases. There will lie no Mistake, in Bending the mistake wil. be in ov .1 !m.I inj1, I he generous invitation. A Remedy Free to All. To olilain f-OUR FREE PREPARATIONS have neVet vol f illed to cure, ail you have to do is to write Dr. T. A. SLOCUM, 93 P ut Strict. New ork. diving full postol'iiee and express ad Iross. The free remedies will he sent yon at once, direet iro.n laboratories, with full Instruction! for use in every ease. a. ! h 4 f j 4 4 J f r fh 4 $ ? X f M. J. PINK & CO., I f Millers' Agents for f I High Grade Spring, Winter Wheat and Pure ifye Flours! V Also Manufacturers of Puritv Meal ami t' (irouiv.i Feeds, f 4 i M A Hie l inest tirade of Winter Wheal Hour 4, "iTlLwVJrl Made- Never Competes, Always Leads. r I flOLl) MKDAI. WMt &mf wttT KpRN'S Wisconsin Pure Rye Plour. $f DEALERS IN 0 N GRAIN MARKET HUB WELL n,..Bsij.rf STOCKS WEAKER ADVANCE LOS I 4- v r a, 1 $4 a fjj 1205 gjjc Slre.l, CAIRO, ILL. LOUIS HERBERT wis Ohio Levee, &M$); ILL. Wholesale Denier in. ? ? ? Liquors... Keg and Bottled Beer. Representing ffe fdTOWfilf breweries: Cliristian Moerlein, Cin cinnati; Indianapolis Brewing Co.; W. J. Lenin's I lira Pale and lalstaii. Miller's "The Best" Milwaukee. New York Store MllRCAMILE COMPANY, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,PIain and Fancy Groceries and General Merchandise Wholesale and Retail. Corner 19th Street and Commercial Avenu. Wiieat ClosesJlYiili (tood (iain ; Corn ami Oats I uvicr. HOGS GO VERY HIGH REACH THE HIGHEST PRICE OF WINTER CATTLE LOWER SHEEP FIRM. By Associated Press ( liie:ie,o. 111.. fob. 10, WilliAT--Actual war in far east an.l higher i.rain markets abroad caused a strong opening hero. May Whs to f c higher at 95 to 96c, whll was to on POWDER Improves tht flavor and adds to tht healihfulnoss of tho food. mice bakinc. rowt co. ClilCACO aired to e hislu r. at S7c. Large quaatities for advance and nuukel quickly Jul 8S sal lost ' er,J rtrength. iletoM end of first ( y liotir May detdined to IH'ric. July to 8(i;Hc. Much of this sidling Rata t have lic.-n for the account of th. principal hull operator, urgent demand for July from com white oats, mixed oatj white oats, mixed oat:- tic. , 4 UC. tile. . Me, No. 1 timothy hay. per ton, 8.60. the Associated Press. LIVE STOCK. Ohiftsro; III., Peb. H1.--C VTTl.E A general sHfpirse was manifest this morning when receipts were posted at iHt.ono. hut later reports indicate mission house developed and shorts supply but 27,A06. .Market was weak wee fair Imyers of both .Mny and with this hig supiily. prices on aver July In absence any special pre:-.-1 age bing IOQfl( cents lower, best sure the market turned strong anain. j excepted. Buteker stock met with July steadily advanced to Mtg'c. May ; fair denuinil at reduced prices. Stock 1 The strons; c.ish sitnnti.m in the hortlweet was an important factor !h fdrWtIB prices upuard. Decreaseil locks and small receipts at Minne apolis and improved cxiKrt demand Wire hull actors late in the day. Liberal profe '.akin;; during last hout caused the market to lose much of it.i strength, allhougn closing prices shov.- gains, May being 1C higher. July r better, Uvornooi 'i'o'd higher. At sea n,,.ud IS Imal loads were ac'epted. ctiKN' Liquidation in May and July by a proiAlsienl operator was the principal feature of trading. The ftuothftllons rapid within wide range. Th narkct was Influenced to a great extent by the action ol th( big hull iradersi who sold on every advance .tad Ik. bac-l; again oa docMnca. Tito weakness of oats had a depress ing Influence, May dossed c lower, iu& down c. tlvcnxxd was stogdy lo v higher. 'tin c.ia.t host loads wore accepted. (1 vp.'. , large 'Volume of trade .i'i. heavy selling of May, supposed In be for account of largest holder. the main feature. The market lei.ived good suppoli at times but oat.-! continued to oonte out nnd buy ing power was not sufficient to cause rally. Shorts were the best buyers nil tiie decline May closed weak le oluer. July Was relatively firmer with olilv I , c loss. 11 ami fMrter trade fairly large at ruling pricis. HtMlS-i-Fir first time this week there a liberal supply offered, receipts being 50,000 with :,'. nun car ritod over from last night. There was a lively local and shipping demand: price strong about B$iQ cents hi price, strong about .".fi in cents hlghem Hogs sold at $ I.T'.fi ." 111. be ing Higher than at any prevHis time this winter. SI IIOKl' - Supply oral scale, being f Week;; h(l a year continues mi lib r aheail of recent igo. but continued active demand from all classes of buy ers hold prices pretty firm as a rule. II Yesterday's Uaiits Soon 0rr nunc tut Ki-asoris (ioknown STEEL CET8 A SETBACK COPPER GROWS ACTIVE AND STRONG BUT LOSES BEFORE CLOSE Hy Associated Press New York, Feb. in. The average level of prices in the stock market got back about where it was Monday night, the recovery ol yesterday hav ing been lost. There were no new developments 10, account for the reaction. The prln eipaj factor in clucking advance was distrust felt as to the character of operations which carried prices up warda yesterday. This was empha, sized by the very patent profit taking in United States steel preferred by a proniineni trailer, and the very obvious manipulative tactics by which it was sought to offset this by bidding up a few specialties here and then'. The presence in the city of the see reta,ry of the treasurer to discuss the method ol effecting Panama canal pav uiuufs directed attention anew to that subject. , although in the secretaries' opinion could Ik? concluded without dis lurhance to the money market, and BVen With actual additional resources of .suc.h portion of the Canal payment as is withdrawn directly from the sub Ll'easury. The rumor of the coming issue of Si. PftUl stock, which was officially ills claimed, was a factor in weakness of that stock. Heavy offerings of Penti sylvania on slightly early advance created a bad impression The sharp rise in Amalgamated Cop per divided influence with weakness of I'nited States Steel preferred for a time, but weakness gained on the w bol i market and the (dosing was at nearly ihe lowest. BONDS N Have You Indigesttoo? 3 11 have liHliekfitkin.liltAdfcltllvp pouela fur- will cure yon. It. has I cured thousands. It is curing, people 1 every day every hour. You will con j tfhuo to suffer until you try it. There I Is no other r.ombilioti of digestanl:; I thnl dlouiui mi, 1 ..!...; 1.1 ! ' '"' 1..1111M u i i Sil llie : r. , 1 . , , . , , flelitiuline a's eoutxin time Kodol rtoes both. Kod.d curett. kMcre.! 3's strengflienfl .arid rehulhla .at Hie sa Coupon!; er s drug si.ii time, flold by Metal Mother Have you taken your cold baih yet, W illie.' Willi,. Totter wasn't any cold water warm enough. Chit ing is day: day Ml) July May July July May Ilk, Feb. the 10.- T price ' follow for the Are You Restless at Night and harrasaed hy a bad coiujhf ITae Ballard's Horehnund Syrup, it will secure you sound steep and effect a prompt and radical cure 25c, 50c, and one dollar. WHKA1 Ol.. 11 IIikIi t.nw !l5:i. It'll !'C:, 7 CORN QATS. I e's IP, RYE. 9C 87 Clotins 111 l-Yli 'J 115 1 s (Mitt Women enjoy they give than t in Roche Hsd re. more Ihe pleasure pleasure they feel. MM OASPOBIA, Ik.ri lit A I'm K:rtt Ion Km RoupM i st . Paul , JKi a . y Soiitltern Paeilh Mai I4.ffl May May To PORK 14.M 1 1 MS LARtK 7.85 ' 7.70 IllliS. tH 7. in 1 1. .7ii 7.15 1;:! 1 Utfl 7.7H 7. 1 2 THE CREAT SOUTHWEST Government Bonds. I Refunding 2'l registered in I ;, ItH Kill inn New I'm registered St 1 , New 1 s coupon l;ni;.. t hi in refilstiored 1117 Old Cs COt I DO!) Ill7 Railroad Stocks. Today. Vest Atohlaon , n7 1 .. Atemton preferred s(H , Baltimore A Ohio ' . TH1 , nbieafb & Alton :it Northwestern lilt1. Delivrr tSi llio (irantle . 20 len. it ftlolOrande pfl. of ',, Illinois Central 17 !, Louisville Nashville . 103 .Metropolitan 117 Missouri Pacilie 39 New York Central 111', 11. 4 l)a 6l) 131' . t JO'.. 77', ii?4 igt. Pennsvlvania liuutling llock island. itock island pfd. Southern Railway Union Pact tic I fnton Pacific pfd Wnbith Wisconsin Central , . . . Miscellaneous. tiuiiv jawvnienj issiw nncrc Amalgamated Copper lands Are Cheap and Climate is Mild. Low Rates for Homeseekers and Col onists Twice a Month. GET A HOME IN THE i NORTHWEST. LOW ONE WAY SETTLERS' RATES TO THE NORTHWEST AND CALIFORNIA. Write lOi rales, routes, train ser vice, folders, bertha and other infor mation. ' j C. B. Ogje, L, W. Wskaley, Trav V A'Tf , Ceu'li.t Ag-J, 604 Pine Street, St. Louis, Mo. (!rsl gave us our relatives. Thank QesJ we ran choose our friends Cal endar of a Cynic. ST. LOUIS GRAIN MARKET. St. Louis. Mo. IV b. 10 The follow ing was tiie range of prices for tht day: vrrrrJAT l.ot, i oaay Brooklyn Rapid Transit. Colorado Fuel and Iron Northern Securities Pacific Mail Peoples OaS Sugar Tennessee Coal and Iron United States Steel 1'nited States Steel pfd Western I'nion May Julv Ul'.i Hish May July May 5u 12" 111 St CORN .'ill't. M OATS. 42';i ilVi !H", j..Many farmers In the northern and eastern states are selling their high prtewl lands and lor at ing in-the south west in Missouri, Arkansas, ItDitM ana and Texas. Many who have been utiaW" to own their home in the older country are now buying land at. the -nm,. paper "4 i5', lo; 41 i :il 1 HS 28' M 12-t :t! II1 m 58th Annual Statement of the Connecticut cMulual l ie Insurance CdmpM, Of tk&fmd, Conn. Net ,sseis, January l. 1008, itKcicivKi) in i'oii Por Premiums . S,3S3,0tS.0fl Poi Interest ami It. m 2.'f,,3 15.8! 0 : is:'.7!tl J! I401.C26 ''I $.1411417 S3 I USUI (tSRD IN I'm : for claims by death, matured cnqowfttenta, ami anniijiies, tf.T07J79.4t surplus retttfned to policy holtlers 1. ::".: Si I I I Lapsed and Surrendered Policies . . 579.854.C1 Total to Policy-holder! . (,40,345.47 Comniission to Agents, Salaries. Medi cal i:aminers' Fees, Printing. Advertising. Legal. Real Estate, all other Expenses . . ' si!s,:ll:'.l t 'fjixes I2J.H45.28 ProQl and Loss . , . IC.ViN.'i. is llabtnee Net Assets. Dec. 31, IMS, 8,25-2,888.31 1(1:1,2 1 1 '-'s sa SCHEDCLK OF ASSETS. Lotms upon Ileal Estate, tirst lien . t-1.8.10, 1 1 S Of Loans upon Stocks and Hotids . . ... 30jB0O.QH I'remiutn Notes on Policies in bpec ... 577.ii2l.-l Cost of Home Office l'roeriy ... I !H3,7tW.5i Cost of Real Estate owned by the Company . 9,327,910.10 Cost of Bonds i , 25.077,3t4.Ai Cost of Hank and Railroad Su'ks . . SSO.OTtlss Cash in Itanks . , 808,931 Mta ll.'ceivable , ftfjfl Ae.i nts' Debit Halauces ... . . 110"! 103,211.528.89 (I J I ADD Intertat due and accrued . . . I010.t09.ftl Rents due and accrued . LI, 1 15,55 - ( .Alarkei value of stocks and bonds over cost f.i:!,2:i2,8l ' ' N'ei uncollected and deferred premiums 158,782.0 Less Hill Receivable and Agenls' Heliii Balances . , 1.7W,018,;i4 592 ;!i $1,721,125 it.'. 101 1 0 1 -, lllli ()0 m4 Hi7 Ift7 el'dav 08 SO 1 , 7t,l 118U li;t 20' , UN 1 2S , lo:i 117't 80 Ij 117 114? 2'.. 02 IIP, lli', 91 7S 89 IS!, Admitted Assets. December 31. P.IU3 LI.Vmi.lTIKS: Amount required to reinsure all out standing Policies ml, Coin pjuiy's staaOard tf7,9l3lHil.wi Ail other liabilities . . 2,39,826.29 Surplus . . . lM,32,9al.81 $00,303,1 12.29 4,39.gfl I . Ratio of Expenses ol uiaiuigenient to receipts In Itts . . ... , 12.U.S ht cent, policies in force Dec 1003, 7u,l5u, inaurlag 10C,SO4.4t040 JACOB L. GREENE. President. JOHN M. TAYLOR, Vice-President. HERBERT H. WHITE, Secretary. DANIEL H. WELLS. Actuary. ILLINOIS CKNEKAI. AGENCY, li I The Monadnock, Chicago, in. Money and Exchange. Money on call was easy at dosing hid J'4; 2 per cent; at . 'I'ime loan II skh !K)' , 29,'., US', 124 V 37 m 87 I D offered steady and ; day- ffi'i 5 lit: From March tal to April 30;h. 1904, the Burlinglon makes very low one way Colonist- ratal to Montana, i Washington. Orc-on. Idaho. California ?'l"lie rednclion is from 25 to M ier (r ! cent. rroM the regular rat' THE WAY TO GO. f "Tho llurlington Nurlliern Pacific Ftpress." with chair car- and Tour 1st sleepers, is the ureal daily through tiain into the Northwest via Billings. Montana. Throng!' rates and Ibl-eis to the Northwest via St Paul and the Norlle rn and Northern Pa : rifle roads. HOMt SETKERG' EXCURSIONS, mi Hie lirst and third Tuesdays ol : h Ill'tUib.' TO CALIFORNIA. Join the Burlington's personally con- ' ditcted wfcehl;, California excuroioas In throiiifh Tourists sleepers via Den- i ver. ihrour.h Scenic Coltrrarto and Salt ! Lake Chv hy dayiisht The reason some people look so well is because they keep their countenance. 50 Exchange weak, demand 485 55; (ill days 182,05. Bar silver. 5fl. 185 50fl It i a great t lev, hnss tjtf know how to conceal our rlevOjyas.-,-Rochefoueauld. 4 BO YEARS' EXPERIENCE i anna low prices prevailing in the new conn try $7 $10, $15, per acre and up These lands ar I mostly cut-over tim ber lands, somo of them possessing a deep rich soil producing corn, wheat oats, clover, cotton, fruit and veg etables. Well Improved farms are scattered throughout this country M'.inv nlnpf a with cmnll lanrlnirtt ami Oonie, 4rarieterMa "ri ! bp poueht The Kind fou Have Always Bought o i I ' 1 1 wmi. -r wiieat ini' I H 1 .e.i verv chejin Our descr r.l vb Ht.rntnr.. ;,y0 wmtJtT Svifllt 2 Wtrrlr rotl(rfc iHlllllllllllllllllllllllllllilUllll IIIUIHIIIi lUIUUllU UUIIIIilllllllllUIIIUUIIIIIIIIIIi 1 Uncle Joe's Hotel, 3SS 603 Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. RATES $l.QO PER DAY. 1 ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST-CLASS. EE Steamboat and Ferry Landings Opposite. Two Blocks From All Railroad Depots. Joseph Steagala, Prop'r. S: Uncle Joe's "GLAD HAND" BAR, a Strictly First-Class Saloon, Next Door to Hotel. THE CA4H MARKET. St Loiii--. Mo. Feb id The follow Inp spot prices ruled here today !lor iifli'd ' CASTOR I A For Infants and Children, various grains m !! I runt mRss DfilGNS CoevmcHTs Ac. qntcklf ir-",OHti i.-tr iiMtiim fre i,H!ii i n innllnn n truhtii.lf llBttilWe Tiniini, w ihmairn i.l-i,ii,in,!il. HANDBOOK i'".i, - r.i lr. 'I'lft nrv f,r M-ann .. CrtlwrTH llnli ItirfMlt, Mnutt 4 I ... r etv i li'Jkf, W'lantt tHrq. lu If Scientific American. A andi07iilr HSiiRrta nWr. Irt rtr. cuwion of sny wnitS,- Jntrl. Ternn, 13 a rit: fi-or nnnitba, jL fDid bjell tiel ir. MUNN ft Go New York Ritmb oifl., rfCt y !. 1 No. No No. No No. No. No. No. No. Offj inof. mixed corn, 6Vifi I" white corn 1349 4 mixed corn. I I Ic white oats. .44'c. mixed oats. 12c. white oatfa, Itfl I r mixed oat tu'e tn'e LOCAL GRAIN MARKET. Cadi prices in the Cairo fi terda were as ltdl.iws: No 2 red (f inter wheat Me No ?, red winter wheat, fte No. 2 white corft IJc'. No. 2 mlTcd corn, tic No, white corn .lie So. '; mixed corn J 'gives a fairly goodtdea'of thlr, conn try. It tells about the soil, crope, cli ' mate, peoule, schools and churches, water, lv-alth It contains maps show ins location of countries, towns, rail ways and streams, and gives names and addfesa CM of real estate dealers in the towns. RedUCcd ratei for iMMMNRflfM nul colonists are in effect, first and third Tuesdays of each month, by way of S7 Boers the Iff Signatuio of L&Z FRISCO SYSTEM. St. Lotlis, Memphis ft Southeastern It R. St. 1niin 1 Onlf Railway TO TI1R SCNNY SOITHWRST TkraUftJi the fzarks. to the N( I Land- of Oklahoma Indian Terri tory anil Texas. Homeseekers' and Colonists tick, St LMMh. Cairo or Memphis nnd the "ii ale at ten tow raws M IMrtl Cotton Bell Route. lt in send you Tuesdays in each month, until April -our literature att rpiote yon rate for desert Hive literature and rur i Addross Or titer pnrttenlan. a.lrers nearest ag nt ' M. ADAMI, E. W. LaBEAUME, Trav. P. Agt, Gen. P. A T. A.. VV R PWC Cotton Belt R'te, Cotton Beit Rte. Oeneral Pntaeagei fWl Cairo, Htj bt. Loun, Mo Cape IMmrX, Mo I . . - ' i 4 PLEASANT REFLECTIONS You don't always have them whoa the shirts come back, but if you pat ronize us you wll have reflected In the imsorn the polish which pleases Not the highly glossy coating over a yel lowish shirt, which hetnkena poor washing or had water, but the clear, well finished bosom, bands and cuffs American Steam Laondn. L C. HEItBeiT Prsarietef. Roth Pkee ItU. m eiOrfTh jTtrtl The milkman hath a cunning air. There was a young man named Polk, The financier bath manner sly; Who at the race track went hi, .Ik, There's water, water everywhere. Now, had to eatj ( Yet imrketistoks are noing dry. So in Water street - W ashntiVBiMur lb- Lett hi new itlater in solk