Newspaper Page Text
1 THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING MARCH 15, 1904. THii CAIRO BULLETIN better teain sbrvick Ctb!ishod I8S. Imp "1 'JUDGE JOS. P. R08ARTS j :n some directions. It will probally Pabllihcd Dl1y by Tft Bulletin Company at not be easy if g I jusl want Exc ires in His Honor 'In this (lcpi)t'npnt all nmruWf cf nsSfsl in formation will 1'" bth Bj Wwl " f . j MitlUOn n?ltd1 hy rmdfn .-..tin rniri: any n 70S Ohio Let sc. Thonee . ,'.T, oat night, I: )".! for' perhaps some improvi I ji:ni i'' prop r efforts i in tho rigM directioi tbe A'cx-jrr County Circuit Court. jEOKE. Managing Editor. in nuatm of o'hstderstlon. li wit! JWtTroiltSATIffil. Siitucrf rt ion K'mii One week by carrier - . - One month by carrier On rear In advance.. .. J5 Unll. 10 cents. nci' a Second-class Rate red at theCair.i pojtrfll.-. Mill Matter. of business if you advertise in The Bulletin. It is true newspaper advertising does not make every merchant rich who uses its columns, but no mer chant gst rich nowadays who docs not advertise in the newspapers. The Bulletin wants to see a Demo crat in the White House a year from now. and it is willing to let the na tional convention select the man. Observer Smyth needa to keep weather eye on March 17. There will be trouble for him if It rain.; on thai day and of right there ought to be. In Memphis they have a large Cleveland club and n large Hearst club. If neither of these men is nom inated these two clubs will be thrown on i he market for wha worth. they may be ' ! . ' Returns continue to show that the Hon. Joe Chamberlain hs failod in ! convince the vote the tax on bread, to collect from tl: tho foreigner. 8 of England thai which he proposes m. veill be paid by There is another young Republican in this county who deserves something j from his party because of services rendered without money and without price Mr. Miles Safford Gilbert. It is about time Mr. Qltbert received some recognition trom the party or ganUation. other than thai of a boost-1 er for others. Perhaps the r.v.-t important pee importa;:' plec tin this raorainp e supr . in the Norlfcec la Important b of news in The liall-'in this mo-ninir , cause its immedal on the great railroad effect up combinatior against which it is directed, but also and much more so In the general ef feet which It may have as a preced ; ent fen similar adion in oilier dlrec 1 Hons, if the merging of railroads, for the purpose of preventing competltl 11 and controlling rat"s in a given terri hous-es for a like purpo e ' Judge Butler, w underi 1 ind tool little fall out of Tie- Bulletin : 1 1 day. on account of Its reference ! the bond ol the Hie: r.on ran It a; pears that, in so far as thi: r- fereuc may have reflect d upon the court. II ! trae not Just, nor was it s) Intended The judge followed precedenl 111 lix ing the bond al MJmm), which in thi kr.veet usually fixed in cases win the charg- la murder. Ordinaril; this is not excessive and dots not serve as an absolute bar tothi lib n;- of the prisoner, which, manifestly i- not the purpose of a bond, in any 1 case. That it has served so la thi case is, perhaps, a roe. ill of the sane combination of things that alway:; Ne up and smote poor old Mipawber. 1 The Bulletin Is pleas d to cxhonerat. Judgt; Butler. K ib geuera.i, i,,.. n m tngton that not one quarter has been ioia in ine posioince scan.ais; ana the defeat ol the Democratic demand for a thorough Investigation, by a Tote of 141 to 125, is said to have bei n brought about through the president' Influence. The Marlu n disclosure ore !,aid to be nothing to whal could be fllBdosed in the department nf ' 8. Bchalienherger. seeond inslsiani boat master general. Ii b. enmmou rumor that many Ikon and- f dot lars have bet-n "I'cil'dc! ed in I department m paym'-nt,. in looinset for carrying Ibc maih Ii wa d' -.'i opo'l l,i t Friday that He- pi ,bb til . I the (Tnlto-I t;ta'' - ' .m-l an iute-.tjci tlon ol the roll, n bin.- in . it I lie ib fSUlmi nl Me Ib' si 'it for Bpeakt I Cannon and the house ;r agers. and told them that it must not he. Acting upon his command. Cm no, PByne and a few othe r H put li I ... 1 . ...U.. 1 1.. ..... 1 1 . yu iea.u- u.i --.. ..... .... Boas? applied tue ia-n upon ti.e i of their servants, and the result i- inai an mve go- is men uowu. i this is ine same president woo baa heretofore talked and issued feVOr of ! : - govctnr-:-' .:: . : - - Bght In al! dtr! -.:- b.-viku IWaiVs v. ia U lavy hti to seep z . aw a. m. . . vlng broken, j w . peri; ipa a cel.::. die.iified pres. -at a . an of the esse to the proper officers -vi:: hat some brar-.'iHal eft'--!. j v- : :" r.i ! .-fry j :JJ. ,. .in . nori , sp.i;-, d rt h - :t nr. l -f ., ,, .),, .-.,. d thirl; 1.v. Cairo inn a very excellent s rvice for all the purposes of travel and of hns iness. Nor is there much cans: for complaint, and only la two or throe cases Is ir.-. prove me in much nee k-U. Tho service to T'aebes, for instance fs r.ot as pood as i't might be, but It till probably be Improved In due time It Is anderstood that the Illinois Cen tral company is working toward that B8d and allowance must be made for newness of the road. The train leaves Cairo now at 2:45 p. m., and returns the next day. There is nr. mail service cation has b service and i the prospect led In the v But the tr, "onipliii in and I roe. fo iiwr ariiw:', on this train but appli-i ?en made for a pouch t has bom granted, with that it will be inaugur ery near future, o instances where most nade are the Cotton Belt a;: tain trains,. The for- ;U i-tt mmn 'Mill IftleCW at 2: IS p. ni.: rat latter arrives about f noon and leaves at 3:20 p. rx. The? trains are of littl- ua to poop; . h .vish to visit Cairo on business, bi cause they do not give time enous'n , for business; and they do not serve the Btcda of Cairoit.s who wish to - make In sinews trips along those lines beca'.; lose t on th hey make it necessary to inch time. The mail service trains is al poor, becaue aj of arrival and departure ing up or disposing of bus iness by mail is thus scriouily ham per d. A morning service don those vvo line s Of road would be of value to the city a morning train south and an evening train coming north would serve the public better in every way. It would enable people te come to Cairo. Bp :i ! lite evening in attend ing to their buslaem, ge; a good night's rest and return home in tin . meriting, and it would enable Cairo! business to give some atl al t- to their iii3H or.iere. ana c-en.i eneu patron's repli.s in good time. The matter is Important enough t invite the earnest attention of thosi eoncem.d in the commercial develop ment of the city and if property pre tented vill doubtless receive respect fed attention by the railroad officials 5 y mrmric r:rT TnrA V 7 v r .1 rwr iujai, . (ywvW(WMAAiW - ..vSA.'J Tuesday. Marr.h 15. BrMMaat. ' i;hl Sugar and Creaui Hash Fluted Potato, s pets Coffee Lunch. Hashed Potatoes Lima Beans French Dressing 5 Ch("-se Caramel Cut tarda Coffee Escarole Wafe SURPRISED BLACK THIEF nd Ordered Him Out of Houic. Did Mrs. c. Fred Berry, of Ninth Street. M'"' " ,'!l"'ti '" terday morning Mrs. ' Fred Berry, ol I Hi Ninth street, wife of ijiipinteiideiil IJerry, ol the Chicago Mill and Lumber com- pany. was attracted to her lied cham bei b some- unusual noise and when he entered the room wa. very much surprise i to find a negro ransacking the dresser drawers, The n-gro als and wh'-n asked muttered some about coming to ppeared sarprlsed hal he was doing particulate reply e the lady of the :1os,.. Mrs i: rry did not like his method of calling, and ordered him out. The (ettow backed away and m his haste to gain safety In the Mo bde and Ohio freight yards, forgot to leave hi, card, consequently Mrs. Iter- rj. ,p,,s not .n.,w his name. l.. pro cured a card case, however, which was the only thing missed from tho house end h" may morp strictly oh , .;H ,.s.(om n ,(,,. f,,)r. Mrs Berry ilescriben the fellow a ing about 23 years old. btaek an noli and heaw set. HE COULDN'T PAY BOARD And Mrxjiulci C"unty'3 Ja-'T Ins Fed Him for H.; Patl T .vo Wrrki. w. :; Bfcrncs came to I alro vera I sri ks ago and registered at lb" Hotel Illinois. He was a genial fallow and grew quite confidential to Land lord Allep. Confiding that he owned rateable mineral lauds In Alexander ,... ,,,;, , ,,,,.,.,, aUMlt $JM, worlh u lhe M, money vhat was coming U him, but w 0ojn nt.v,.r fa. , r , . ,.. , ., a5 ' Mr AIIun i..,,,,.,, a Warranf f, starncs arr. st and he boardi I with egfe '.mil i (rr,ljv v ii-.t h' ,., i ... 3 .' VI. ' j I f. .'.'-Tr letters that te'iSg to ctHer pecple. b bath house 1 Irawiug ten feet rise., two fslnp from fresh water to Inches fn Great trv.ibl? is beim; expovlcased in conveying tV- bi t ilmbeW. v'iie'i woieh about 21.IWO peunds, from the j California fore.-ts to the St. Louis ox-j position grounds. Tie- gian! redwoods are 'to occupv a pltce in front of the1 When the head ami the ttpper part the body ie- crowded with blcyid. a; I in sever.- hold ach is or Inflamwatlon of th? b'.ngs. or ordinary sore throat. ! the exc-s!ve blood nnist have c;:ne I from the lower etremltios. leftVlBl c.ild fee'. In all such cases a hot fcot ; bath !s beneficial. In t nen caaea red DeSBsr, or mustard shonl.1 bo nut m pmosoPHy. There ;n )p jf future c is little p,-ace and. oc:nf we are always anxtoea a ents.--Coleridge. to Sna'or 3hu,tar ' I re that Senator Sniffikirs ft landtag out a great many persona! notes to delegates to the Na tional Convention." Senator Bteole "I should at? see And they're nearly pty r.Vgaur purse in ,-udin of crocodile Pea or know the nTtfFerei eht and an lTTtfrgllff I n in a light. sail the little stream v. hat we must elo. eat Yon Mtvtx til yen "Give. And F I: gifta and wedding g:ft. ... , "' Christmas gifts and New v Wi Tlv .vho can b- nothire serious, or not hi:.-: but ra; rry, k i,t. ."tr frier t! and l-rolher was laid to res half a man. -Leigh Hunt , with beautiful ceremonies, and by at feciionatei hands. "You can't eat your bake and have i Further carrying out the object cf it, too," remarked the Cheerful man. (the committee, we present in open "You can't, eh?" growled tjbe dyspep-1 coujt, the following tribute, to his tic, as h swallowed n couple of tab- m-moc from the tar: 'ets. "That's all you know about it." Hon. Jorenb P. Robarts was born at (iodfrev, Madison county. Illinois. A man ie. .-: r.:.-a: r I by what he; , ;.,.lrch 2nd. lv.. His father. In thinks he know, but by what hoJame3 Robarts. afterwards located al "! ' sMr"1 Carbondale, Illinois, was a prominent NEWS OF THE WEATHER Results of Givernment Observations With Prospects for Cairo and Vicinity Today. Dona tor Cai' Parity cloudy in tcinm-raturi atnl vicinity not much General Wiather Canditiont. The crest cf an aret of high barom- renters ln North Dakota v ith a rid.: ndiug southward to the gulf coaat. A disturbance centered As a lawyer, he devoted himself to yes ter lay merging in the upper Ohio baa profession, with ambition and en valley. A . i eom! low prgfsurc area thuslasm. and war zealous and appcan to be moving in from the faithful tp hfa clients, alway-, ready north Pacific coa " eappttee their ettuee, fearb-sly and Within tl,-- huri IH hours, pswdpita foieibiy. to i m j ec--ir rr.l In the we;. tent golf W ie it ( ejft:- DpOg tlM I" 'ei, lie ttatos, stid throughout ttt- lower lib gae hi time moal vtiuwe ty. to ot , ": .i .ippi and Ohio t ilb v,, the (K-rformanrc oi his -lutie . to Fan v. ither has mntlnucd In th-. '-. '--m abiltti. "m enabled him (,n4 Honthwepl tg preside otei the Hta 'n hi aff Tar '- ("mpe.rainVc repoHH caH, with determination, abttlty, ami '. - i. rdat mini .. was i degree i i -. atel hi aer 'imntodatiM 'tfttM above tAtrr, ,-.i Mlb City. Mofll ar-tei and ' line m id 41 po itton Preczlng lemperatur' i were reported j on the ood wilt of litbjwu, nrrs. i Fat onth a we tern Tenne?ifiee. 'and li- .; A'thiMiah nsiine. and Slre! hirmom"'er:-i yesterday quick in in naiure, he was ready In - Cf St ' re. I t tell- W uliingtci Bulletin. ' the Associated Press Washinxton. March 14. I Uolr paT Tuwday except snow in extreme norih (Kirtion: Wednesday fair, warm er; fresh northwest winds. i Missouri Fair and warmer Tues Wtdnt Uy tti'.'ra :-g Ugenfi Car iUAi inCr.o D..-. Cr 2 t.. , : I i ail orf-r, a:i l oi'tr was .. i a dd fjr taak.'-g tuo r, It a le !;:f.n.-it oi tho service.- Of the late Judge J. P . B.-'mtrt--. The c urt having dlrpoeed tot the regular, business of tho day Hen. Miles Frederick Gilbert, as .'.niy.aan af tho c:nm:;;o i app.-inte 1 6r the purpose, presented the follow r;; report?! F le committee appointed by the t. carried out the duties suggo. tei he presiding judge, and on the da; of appointment, the fo!!:.v!ng circular wae. promptly issued: IN MCMORIAM. HO.. JOSEPH P. ROBART.. ' The undoreigned, bavirg been ai pointed a committee; by the circuit urt of Alexander connty, Illinois iion. A. K. VieUcrs. judge presiding, to make arrangements for the general at tendance of tho member.-, of the bar in f Ci and throughout lit. ut the funcr. He thai you make amrogeiceDta to attend th-- friaeral, and so far as possible ROtlfy other members of the bar in your locality, to be present at Carbon ! dal, on Tne-day. October 27th. 1W3 j at which time and place the interment ; will be made. The hour of tho funeral has not yet been named, but will be J published as soon as sseertained. All j of the bar arrivi ire expected to n dley Hotel, so as t in Car- JHI.ICS FUEI")I5R1CK GI ntT JOHN M. LANBIHEN, RKKP OHKKN, WAI.TKR WARDFR. WILUAU N. BI TLKR. Comniiitee. A large attcadance of the bar, not nls ot Cairo, but of the First judicial circuit, met at Carbondale, October 87tJi, I !:;, to honor our late Judge to attend bis funeral In a body. Tl having in eharro the obsequies, se cd as honorary pal' bearers, two oi profession from each county, in district. The funeral was the lar in the history of Southern Illinois. iicjan. Judge ttoDarts was edu d a' Carbondale, and at tho ill: Mili'ary Academy, at Fulton, Ilii noia. Hi- erred his term faithfully as ' .v Working in a n.imber of larger offices in 1873, he ( stabllshed the Jackson ; County Era, at KBrphyehOro, the first Republican paper there. White pur suing lii-, vocation as a priatey, hi industriously applied himself to the stnd ol the law. Ho was admitted to the bar, in 1S7S, anil began thi practice in Murphyatoro, Illinois, and the lolloping year, removed to Mound I City, fUi. in 1881, be was elected stairs altoraoj of Pulaiki county, to Hoilthern Illinois penittntiarj He was elected county Judge, ol Pulaski ewiiMy, m IV" ,-md In l9t, wa elect id judge of th- circuit court, re-- bet cd in 197, end again in June, 1lH:; II' bi all It In I in the Hummer of 1903, and he sight the Pacific coast accompanied by bis devoted miUt, in the ho; : of improvement, but this never came, and he passed away at 8:40 o', l ie;., OetoBer "nth, 190:?, at ! Judge Roberta pesse.-S'd, in B won detfad lew, those magnetic 'juaii BS which both attracted and held friends, and trim early manhood, drew around htm, a host of admirers always n : . follow him. who was b) natures leader. Ig an error, and aiwajs in tnuh w;HC- wiih tie se dif ih him. snd by bi generosi magi: ii.imity. al-.vavs eapti ad r: aries. He was par suneepiibie lo I be cause of rated b; tlcnlarl) the iv,ir,.si i. and ( ...l i ie.1 iitip , readily responding, with prompt aid to those whom he thought deserving ' lof rotectlon. His long experience up I . n tb- ben oh, n-ad- hint a gotwl law-1 yr II. h3,J a ... I I iud! i Is prtmcunctBa .. ..-nttn-Ic " - - - felt keenly, the duty, and not Infre quently, with visible emotion. it cm be truthfully said, he was the embodiment of liberality, and true generosity, always giving even be vend Ma m -ana. He was a warm h.eaet. i. able judge, a valuable and ev.:i. i: citizen, a lover of his coun try. an affectionate and devoted hus band, and qng will bis memory be eheifthed by the people, the profes sicn, and his associates upon the bench. It is the desire of this commi.t ie and the bai f Ca.i -.. that this report be maeli a part of the records of this court, aad that an engrossed conv ,BER JOHN M. LANBDEN, REE1 ORBEN, WALTER WARDER, Witt N. BUTLER A page In the records of the court waii set aside for the report and the proceedings, thort addresses were (nade bj Hon, Wm. H Qilbert, ttor ney An? 1 l'ek, Judge W. S. Dew;y, Attorney M J. O'Shea, and Hon. Wal ter War-', r. The last named sp ik In part aa follows: 'May it please liic evert, gentlemen of Hie Alexaiuler ctinnty bar, ladiea and gi mil men: Dihlst menibei afti 1 uiember oi profession, we, thi urviving r -entaiives of (lie Alexander county I bar have i on wont to njoct together ii open ovurt, and in solemn and for mal mauutu 11 pK..i it. and place upon the pages f)f fh tifflcial records of the court, some lasting memoril thai will la-ar licyond the na row span of our day and general io the testimony of our love and respei for onr departed brother whose nam has be n. by the decree or tbo al wise le-iivi-v-nre ftrici'en from th redls of the living. It has likewise ; the adjutant general at Springfield baen 'tor em torn to give personal ex 1 i; 'Robarts' Provisional Regiment of Ion ol our esteem and apprccla-1 Illinois Volunteers to the Spanish tlon of the good qualities that have i American war.' been most prominent and character istic in his life. "The fregnent occurrence of these occasions during the last decade gives mi added melancholy to the sad duty wc have this day met to i.. if. ; tit. Among the loved and famltl oi those wc have thus hon or, d i i oil lo mind Judges McCai I ney, Baker, Albm, Royer, Browning and Oreen. And BOW another bright net shining light of our profewhm has gone out forever Jtidgn Joseph P Rr.bari .. th in wboiri re. inn In Sotilfi ern Hbu ed it lit. hilred by me . highly i em r ntor. leu - nnd A ih and Fife n lb" pen "Hou..iaid.- Joaeph P. Robaris sprang from the hmnble aad staph walks of common-place life, hut neither the narrow v. ays of home n-.r the dull atmosphere ol poverty could chill th" warmth of his icbiwiuic SOttl . ,. vi t,:i, ,i,: linn 11.. had the dualities nnd en- , . , , , ( , ,h ,n Mr bavc m,t offfn ... .kiiii. n,r.i. ;l7 or ticca prtace a qaality ci Eanhoc-d 1 IV A L.T H E Ft is simply a combination of port wine and pepsin it contains no drtlgs or chemicals. Doctors recommend it as a good, common-sense tonic; as a remedy lor dyspepsia, indigestion and kindred ailments for invalids, convalescents, old folks, nursing mothers, and debilitated people generally. Two sizes, 50 cts. and $1.00. THE WALTHER PEPTONIZED PORT CO., PITTSBURGH, PA. For sale by HERMAN C SCKL'H. PHARMACY CC, C (that "uail- before no enemy and 'halts' 00 tB I . , , . ed in feesion, Judge Robarta developed we hardy, independent, strenuous man bodd that won for him honor after honor, and finally plaCad him em the bench where he was retnined by the choice of the bar and the epople until the end, oi his life. ' As a judge he Jtnned to a fair khi wtedge of tii.- lave, a dee pinslght Into human nature, and a plain, prae tlcal, etry-day. common sense, that aiMti hits to :,nccesttili deal with the Intrtnatb and nernlexlng Qttea 1 times surprised counsel upon both . j sides by pursuing novel and unex-: 1 peetOd routes to reach a conclusion. , ! but when arrived at it was generally ; found to be the result that establish !d the real justice of the cause. "An every constellation contains, 1 . m bright, particular star, and ! every cluster of jewels some gm of I pure) t ray serene, so bad Judgo Ro-j harts bad en- attribute ol char i er that, sboni Mil. ritb er reflplendcnl above ci ilii patriotism w winji and a burning realism I bis country and bis Bag h led hi:, life and bis honor, ami ii life end honor be cheejfttUl of d upon the altar of bis country fl hour of her need. After the :,iul of the Maine and declaration of n i war with fpain. he was among lb (irit to tender Ins aervjeei M the chelf executive 01 HlnOls, Krom l.o'. liernor John b Tanner be received a I j COmffllBeofl to enlii.t a regimi nt of 1 volunteers tot the Spanish Americiu , war. lii l abort time the regfmenl i , vas enrolled and a full and complete I j roster of Offieera and men placed on ' hie With the governor at Springliel.i. i it was known and designated, and ilaow stands op the offlclal register of "In the dome tic an ! social spheres Judge Bol.e:: . araa faithful and pano UliOUU in the hlg'uoot degree in the ill eharir" ot "very duty and n-spon .i- bfMty that devolved upon him ia MM I relations to family and friends. "As a friend and comrade lie bad no j otiMTior. Mic, fund of good humoi md rlieeffutBess was Innsbauntihlr I p.. loved Hfa and cuaghl ,i if h Ub J ,,.i.i. tils aa tie v fl. v. IBs love and' ,1,-, -iy .for rrtbora wa h broUsj as Humanity h elf and whearei sW"! ,ve..i Ik- made fn nd-- Innumerable j The high end lie- low. the rich aim lhe floor were alike drawn to MM b) the bonds of I inetnetui and sympathy 1. II... .1.1.. u.. " I tl'ifi,;iii .iji.i. ii . . ' 1 1 i.i. - j note or his life ;utd the Inn- secret of his ; tic-. and great popularity. "He had a love for nature in her wild and rud aspects, and for sport and r. creation be sought the CompaU-ion.- hip of forest, lake and rock bound .-.ho.e. It was my pleasure to spend several summer vacations with him in Washington Island in Lake Mic'i Igan, f.nd I have accompanied him en tnsny a happy cruise snd fishing ex r '''it! H had a m! par. Ira for anrling'ami 'i an tpt?? v.ith red and reel He wa a! a gs.i i ailor .! --.n -ed aathtgg xr than a all! on the water of La'..e iSU.viigia, atrasc mb4 nip . Ugh nap, v.-... k..: mair..-..! esie f&&? and hla tana tiller; he was cool ami colec tho hour of danger and neve i nerve In trying moments." A th ' a bad egg, but the whipped into shrape. )t b Ba.ckaxhe, in Side, Hips and Groin In most cases are direct results of WEAK KIDNEYS and INFLAMMA TION OF IBB llLAIdU-iR. The strain on the i(jjjjncv,a and inflamed membranes lining the nc-rk of the Bladder producing these paius. Lark's Kidney Globes WILL CURE IT. Two doses j;ivc relief, and one boa will cure any ordinary case oi Kid ney or Bladdci Tioeblc. Elemovea Gravel, cure. Diabetes, Seminal I'mi'siors Wc.-k BHo Lame Mo- k. Rheufnatitm, and all irregularities of the kidneys and Bladsler, hi botb tncn .-iinl women. S'Jd at f'n cents pet boa on tin No Cure 7so Pay basis 1.- Paul Ci. Bchulift Rons, 6tiCom inerciffl Ave , ,-,fl Harry W. Selmb flru;T Co., VP .'v Commercial Ave., lc ageti's for C. no; r sent by mail upon rcc iit of jm e 1 v Lark Meet' i ilie Co., Louisville. Ky. ItatSl nontr. or ed; pinaud's EAU DE QUININE HAIR TONIC Made t ' e Mffta rftcn fwfumf Pfl pin: ! I. -If all tftt ' it ti ttqpit r0,I(,t (i ' I iM i I ifprttionsfrwffc cotiftf ittirp tt Uk. t.e rstl art-v It ovt in ptckifjc, ',' ptmg narne fMtMl tftie are twffte mi ti Firtail o 4 Qui pr n x pulic Jit,irnff -nr- It prnua?r f ftgf td trMfjw rtvg( rn ''. Ct r-' t t"r f tee---fifWf'!tt r j ' J ' ' i r -'i tttv 9 c:rrg 1 Is kilt . tl.M ' . .,-iio I.r.p rtOUit;