Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING MARCH 15, 904 SMOKE A J Oct. CIGAR FOR Bachelor and Newport Club Cigars Formerly 10 cents Now Sold For 5 All this week we will sell these two popular brands 7 For 25c $1.75 a Box In Clear Havana and Dcmestk Goods Wc Carry Foneda. Regent urg's American, Seidenbur& s, La Rosa. Robert Burns, Mrs Fiske, Cm Sir Au gustus. Continental, Gen, Arthur NEWS OF THE RIVERS. Conditions and Prospects as Shown in the Government Report Gen eral New. Danger Stage Change line of In 21 feet water hours STATION Mttiburg IbftviH I Dam ti fall 14 fall 1". u Tall 1.3 tall fan 1 7 rise 9J rise 4.2 fall 14 fall 0. 2 fall 1. Q rise 2.7 rise 2.1! rise 9,7 rise Parkerslmrg . . Cincinnati .... Louisville .... (Bvansville Mt. farmed . JVa,sli iile Chattanooga, .. Klori'iK Rivctton Joiinsom ill". .. ftnducab CAIRO St, Paul Kansas City. . . Si i Dttie Cheater New Mm. hid. .. Moulds Fort Sm it li. . . Vivkshurg Shreveport. ... New Orleans, . . Stage ai Cairo River lit; l.Ye t'U 17.1 :!(i.2 10.7 is.:: 8.5 M U'.T ItJ 14.1 9.1 17 in 4& 14 21 30 4 2i l 2 2 use ;;;; 22,." ::. i rise 22 $.3 0.1 rise 45 21. r, gj 1.9 M fall 19 i; I 0.1 rise March 14, 1993, 50.6. Forecasts. I Ti ...CAIRO BUSINESS DIRECTORY.., JOHN B. SHEA, ..,,,,.,, MANUFACTbRr.R OF S.ddleg,Harne8S, Collars, Bridles. Whips and Horse Equipments. 1008 WASHINGTON AVENUE. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY. Eatabliahed 187H. M.J. HOWl-FY a Estate Acen and Notary Pnbht. 702 H Commercial Avenue. Real Estate bought and gold, rents collected, tsxef paid and conveyances written. IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE Elegant Ne Service, Quickest and Most Reliable Route " T- - Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Paeitk Coast, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico arid Hot Springs. Observulion PhrlortJafe Dining Cars, meals a la carte ; elegant Drawing Ror rnHleepers, lighted by ele.:trieity a n 1 ,1 I... aIa . .... ...... ...... S. . vim uuue ii ii rifji . 1 1 . ii!n, o'w x .e dining Chair Cars (seats free); com -ortsble Day Coaches. tpeelst Indacementa oBered to horse seeker, for point, (oath and onthwaat. 1-nw tinrlt, rat, to Rocky Mountain resorta and Pacific Coast from Cairo, fit. Loata, etc. TBaiira lba raiao 1:19 r m ranota a.aiva t rn.i Hon iiaspm t.iii mnna eoorr Local PfAight and Taaaenger No. c a te Hum hot" T tan misrr Loss rratsht and Pawng.r No '.-- S:ie p rn U. 0. TOWH8BHD, Oest F Agt M PaeSr .ft. Leula, Mo. C. . Jpt.LlR, OHt Tlck-t 4se.t,rMro, Piles! Piles! Piles! IV. William.' Indian Pile Ointment la pre- m . nnaa er i- .1 Ce. JlaST to apVly, rrery bo gnaraatoad. Ms wftliaVsrv fee cats tw W. F. emtes. 1M1 WiaalBftoe sffHsASSsttL thk OHIO. AI BraasviD, will 'commence falling within the next 12 or 24 hours, and continue falling for several days. At Paducah. will con tinue rising during the next 34 hours, come to stand, then fall. The maxi mum stage at CAIRO SB proaoal rise will ba between ;!." ami 'M' font THK TIONNKSSKK -From Flor aatee to below .lohnsoiiville. no mater ial change gnrtag the next 3d hours thk MISSISSIPPI. From beton St. bonis, to above CAIRO, very little change during th" next 36 hunts. r h. Smyth, observer. General River News. The slage of the river at I p in yesterday was .!5.0. showing a rise of 1.0 in twenty-four hours. The Harrett 1 ft at 1" a in, y.-ster day with two barges of lumber and one of oak logs for St. Louis Tlios. A Nevens passed to I'aducah from Memphi a yesterday morninj with empties. Tom Boyle cam" down en 1 1 1 Stacker Lee ami is op n for a berth Sam Shoemaker has tendered hi resignation as chief engineer of tin Pacific. Th" General Casey arrived ifenrtaj from St. Louis and departed Fester day morning She will correct the Louis. The H. L Abbott, Capt left for Point I'leasant Ike Nesaei The engi- neeis have bushed extention Of the M survey for the last Dpi levee tt Awful Headaches Are sure indications of some form of stomach trouble, biliousness or a Ixvi liver. Malaria will next overtake you. Don't risk it. and above all. don 'ttnki calonul or quinine both arodangerotis HERBINE has all their virtues- none of their deadly effects. HERBINE taken regularly will forestall boad aches, pert (he digestive organs in parfoet comli lion, head off biliousness, headaches, liver ills, keep you in good health, TRY IT TO-DAY. 50a a. Bottle. All Druggist. 'B,CYCLE REPA,R1N0 " (Inn Repairing, Safes Opened ano M of keyg mMe Locrwork . L?iiw, Fishing Tackle. H. E. INCF. 412 Commercial Ave., - Oaiiso 111 F. Teichman, Manufacturer of Fine Cigars and ... . T . . ... Jobber Of TobiCCO and Cigars. 7Cl)IIRRCf.VL AV. ev-Tn largait eieinaJte otgar and tobaoo, dealer In Boathvrn i illnr.ia n. x i ransponaiion ..LEE LINE STEAMERS.. For Memphis and Way Landings, FERD HEKOLD, Thoa. staid, Master; Tuesday, 5 p. m rees lee, John Flanninaan, Master; Wednesday, 5 p. m STACKER ire, jamcs Fltgeraid, Master. 8aturday, 5 p. m. For St. Louis and Way Landings, REES LEE, John r.anningan, Master; 8unday, a. m. 8TACKER LEE, James Fitzgerald, Miter. Wednesday, a. m. Reserving the right to pass all land tngs deemed unsafe For freight or passage apply at ,horfKrofo . wuarjooaie. j ROBT. B LBB, Oenl Mgr General Office, 294 Front at. i Mempblf. Tene Wolf Island, and will do gome levee; work from Point Pitta tail to Henrico. The Fred Hardwig arrived with! three barges of lumber for Sondhe: mer and company. She went down to Rippenlam's lor two barges of hick ! ory and left for points below with one empty and a dot rickboat Fester Cm afternoon. Snagboat Wright arrival from St.. Louis at . p. m yesterday She go back up ihe river this morning as tin river is too high to do anything n The Pnepckpc arr m. yesterday with tat Tug Hart L Mole Memphis and .v lit t yesterday morning, purchased by MottOd from I Yy part ii s li tow logs. She has a nineteen inch ami all things being able to tow some. nal. slioui TM l iiartoito uoeeKoter arrive! from below atRh I wo bnrgea of pal .vood. and went to the bank at Kight'r ii rent Curie '. went below with two enip i s and a derrick boat CltJ of Memphis passed up to Ten lessee river from St. Louis, The movement of logs in this vic inity has been Conducted srith marked many are exposed, but Hie number 01 logs on UM bank at o'Hryan's. Head ot island Two. Prttnaard'a Point, Met lie Hound. Norfolk. Illasourl Polnl Bird's Point, Greenfields, Pond Lilly ami Hurrican" field are in excess ,u the facilities to move them in tinn to save them from, iu man) Cam any more water. AI Missouri Point 'he hunk is caving badly and man are going in and Wonting away. The Stacker Lee was at the .vhar' Sunday night bound to M mphis with i good trip She has a white crew o Bfty roiisb is They are all Italian tnd but two can Bpenh Knglish. The) are a steady set of young men, and bv eorriparisnn with the negro rooster ii the matter of appearance, have goi him skinned a mile, all being comfort ably and decntly dressed. They an billing workmen and trill BOM over come their awkwnrdness and do tin work of a ronstT with the aMM slight and aaaoothnesa of the negro who has bail years of experience Tie shite lou ler has come lo slav Steam boat owners have had Iheit bnelnesa dominated by the negro rous iirs until they are Ihoroiishl. exhausted. The boats are going t run and tin y are not going to be rui by negro roust. His eliminaiior must be charked lo his own reckles shttSS oi his .special adaptability fo this special work Vhleh m aste gt nies. but with a little paMenc" on th part of mates, th" dago can be taught. There are a great many negro rous lers. who have been on Ihe river for years who dmi'l know the horn of a cavel from the horn of a delemma. HOW HYOMEI HELPS THE HEALTH Kills the Germs of Grip. Catarrh and Colds, "Costs Nothing If it Fails." Says Paul G. Schun 4 Son. Patll C. Scbnl & Soil ll.tve see) HI) man remarkable cures made by the Hyotmi treatment, thai they sell ii with 'lie positive agreement lo re turn the Btmsnf if it faiis to cure. A complete outfit costs bag fl. and consists of the ockel inhaler, medi cine dropper and anflfoienl Hyomel to last several wiu ks. Ii effects a (tire in the wurst ra 'arthal troubles and if breathed at the commencement f a cold or the grip, will clu ck it Qjvjchly and prevent aiek ness. Extra bottles ol Hyomel can be obtained for S0c At this season of Ihe ear, tn i "IU SbonM have Humiei nil! fit to prevent ami cure eatarrah troubles, and ward ot Bttnckj "I grig, pneti- monls ami almilnr germ il esses Suggestion for Hen. "I want a hero lor a new stor " aid the author "lyt me see," said a friend. "Suppose you tal." a man who has road all your Looks? " - Atlanta The Name Witch Hazel. The nanie Witch Ha'd g much alms, d K V iV Witl K ('.. Chicago are the inventors of the miglMl and only genuine Wlteh HeseJ Salve. A certain cure for Cuts, Hums. Rruises, Keema. Teller. Piles, pic There are many counterfoils of this salve, some of which are dangerous, while they are all worthless. In buying Witch Salve see that the name B. C. DeWitt & Co, Chicago, is on the box and a cure Is certain. Sold by Metr ger's drug store. Matches Save Time Before matches came into common use the average workingman wasted ninety hours a year in kindling fires with the tinder box. Seventy years ago the working class household lived in gloom after sundown. Colds Cause Pneumonia. One of the most remarkable case-. d a cold, deep seated on the lungs, causing pneumonia, is that ot" Mrs. Qertrwte lv Feign, of Marion, lnd.. who was entirely cured by the use of One Minute Cough Cure. She says: "The OOnghlag and straining so weak ened me that 1 ran down in w eight from 148 to 92 pounds. I tried a num ber of remedies to no avail until 1 used One Minute Cough Cure. Four bottles of this wonderful remedy cured me entirely of the cough, strengthening my lungs and restored me to my normal weight, health and strength. " Sold by Metzger's drug store. cranoerry Culture. Cranberry tultu'e !a the crpatest gamble in the entire fruit Industry. In a successful year a good bog often nets the grower 20 i er cent on his in vcslment. Hut the very next season he may lose his entire crop. Machinery for Engbsh Farmers. Kngland makes hut a third of the machinery used by its farmers. Of the remainder 1 1,301,000 worth of It come.-, from America and $I1 2,00 trom Canada. Happy. Healthy Children. Any child can take Little Karly Risers with perfect safety. They are harmless, never gripe or sicken, and yet they are so certain in results that robust constitutions requiring drastic means are never disappointed. Thev cannot fail to perform their mission and every one who uses OeW'itt's Lit He Karly Risers prefer them to all other pills. They cure biliousness. Sold by Metger's drug store. THE GREAT SOUTHWEST Many Seeking Homes Where lands Arc Cheap and Climate is Mild. low Rates for Homeseekers and Col onists Twice a Month. Many farmers In the northern and eastern states are selling their high priced lands and locating in the south west in Missouri, Arkansas, Louisi ana and Texas. Many who have been unable to own their home in the older country are now buying land at the low prices prevailing in the new coun try f7, $1'), 111, per acre and up. These lands aro mostly cut-over Um ber lands, borne of them possessing a deep rich soil producing corn, wheat, oats, clover, cotton, fruit and veg etables. Well Improved farms are fcatlered throughout thla country. Many places with small clearings and somn Improvements can be bought very cheap. Our do serlptivo liternlure gives a fairly good Idea of this coun try. It tell ; about the soil, crops, cli mate, people, schools and churches, water, health. It. contains maps show ing location of countries, towns, rail ways and streams, and given nnmo and addresses of real estate dealers In the towns. Reduced rates for homcreckers and colonists are in effect first and third Tuesdays of each month, by way of Si Loui.;, Cairo or Memphis ami the Cut urn Holt Route. I-ct us send you nr Nterntare and quote yeu rate Addn:u Or M. ADAM!, E, W. LaBrAUMt, Trav. P. Ayt., Gen. P. A T. A, Cotton Belt R'te, Cotton Belt R'te, Cairo, III. St. Louia, Mo. A PRACTICAL Magazine fo. TMI GENTEEL HOUSEKEEPER racM issue contains nrAimnnxY IL.LU3T.ATgD OtSMrS. OeCO.ATTONSl eo. THE TAOLC. DAINTY MENUS PON ALL OCCASIONS, irrc IT IS THE AME.lCAN A OT MO "STY ON COLINA.Y TOSMCS AND FASHIONS Cu s.rsr taxoe IOc $1 OO f Yea. TABLC TALK PLie. CO., Th la tavSVfiata w.Nrrr, CM-gT-UT LMESISL TfSM, 5cts. cents of Cigars Carried In Stock All The Time Arc The Popular Brands Globe Democrat, (ieo. W. Childs, Puridad, ; Merito. Owl, Agent Rices .iO.i Cremo. :: :: :: Plato and Diogenes. Plata entertained some of his friends at dinner and had In Ihe cham ber a couch with costly furnishings. Diogenes came in and got up on the couch and trampled it, saying, "I trample upon the prido of Plato." Plato mildly answered, "But with greater pride, Diogenei;." Do You Want Strength? If you want to increase your strength yon must add lo and not take from the physical. In other words, tht food that you eat must be dig" t ed, assimilated and appropriated by the nerves, blood and tissues before being expelled from the intestines. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure adds to the Dhvaleai. It gives strength to and builds up strength in the human sys tem. It is pleasant to the taste and palatable, and the only combination of digestants that will digest the food and enable the system to appropriate all of Us health and strength-giving qualities. Sold by Metzger's drug store. Value of Last Year's Wheat. The winter a heal anrenge last rem s placed at tdL610,SlV, yielding on an average 11.1 busiu Is, aggregating 199,867,260 bushels, marketed at an aversge price of Tt.l cents, repre senting a total value of $28i;.L'i2,Si9. Gives Health, Vigor and Tone. Herbine is a bnoa for sufferers from anaemia. Hy its use the blood is guickly regenerated and the color becomes normal. The drooping strength is revived. The languor is diminished. Health, vlgof and tone predominate. New life ami happy ac tively results. Mrs. Hello II. Shirel. Middles boroogh, Illinois, writes: "I have been troubled with liver com plaint and poor blood, and have found nothing to benefit me like llerbine, I hope never to be without it. I have wished that I had known of It in my husband's lifetime." 00c. Sch i ih Drug Co. Millions Speak Spanish. Though there are only itJMQflOG people i" Seain, there are neverthe less ot000,000 in America spakiug her tongue. There are lie Spanish Anieriean writers and ptats, all horn outside of Spain. Cured Consumption. Mrs. H W. Kvans, Charwator, Kan , writes: "My husband lay sick fur three months. The doctors said he had piick consumption. We procured a bottle of Hallard's Horehound Syrup and it cured him. That was six years 9gO, and since then we have always kept a bottle in the house. We can not go without it. For coughs and onld it has no etpial. 25c, Ode and $1 (Ml. Scliuli Drug Co. Interesting to Maidena. Mrs I am certainly sur prised to hear you girls discussing student.-" in tnat unmaidenly fashion, and on Sunday, too, May Hreo,y Oh. but they're theolo?lcal students, you know. -I'hlladelphia Tresa. Invaluable for Rheumatism. I have been suffering for the bid few years with a severe attack of rlem matlam and found that Hallard's Snow Liniment was the only thing that gave me saM-faction and tended to alleviate my pains. March 24, 1992) John C. Degmna, Kinsman. Ills., ltd and $1 00. Schuh Drug To. Million of "Sleepers" Used. A million acres of forest are rut dievn. every FMU to : unply Huropean railwav OUSgpSJllea with sleepers on which the rails are mid. The Best Ccugh Syrup. S L Apple, ex I'rohate Judge, OtU w Co. Kansas, writes: Thi-. Is to say that I have used I!all,ird'. lime hound Syrup for years, and that I do not hesitate to recommend It as 'ho host rough syrup I have ever used." Ha, its. and $1.00. Schuh Drug Co. Hair Used fnr Wigs. Most "f the Mark hair used In wigs and ' switches'' comes from the Italian and Spanish convpnts. and most of the Idonde hair from tho heads of Swedish fianish, Russian and German peasant girls. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. $3.00 St. Louts and return via Illi nois Central railroad. Tickets will be sold March 24th. for trains leaving Cairo 5:30 and 11:42 a. m. Good re turning to a"d including March 28ln. Note. A fern in a jardiniere and two 1 it tlo sprouts in tin runs if put in a window j are sufficient to five the woman who i owns them the right to use the word emery. Atchison otoue. Do you need more Idond, I flesh, more strength tbifl sprinn? llol-j Itster'l Rocky Mountain Tea will 1 j bring them all. It it tails your money , ; lac!;. 38 cents. Tea or taldet form j fail! li. iiehuh A; Sons. Tallest German Soldier. The tallest soldier of the German army, and one of the tallest men liv ing, Franeis F.hnike, la 7 ft, 4 in. He married the other day a little gir! typist. CM ANCKRY N'OTICK. state Of Illinois, Alnnndr County, ss. In the Alexander County Circuit Court, Mnv I term A D. teas. Is Oksoosvy attatas. August . W. Behtsdlmr, who me lv hi next trieinl Au-kuti-t;SH'liindlt'r, Complainant, v- Nbigilalana We ! trr. Oanifl Weber. wtUiSM W"ber. Maggie We ; her, John W cIhm . Philip Weber, Chas. Wehnr. j anil Nelson Morris, Kduarrl Morns anil Ira. N. ' Morris, pa itners doing husiness under tlrm name style of Helton Morris A' Company, Bud ; William Winter and Claude Winler, partners doing husiness under tirni name and stvle of 1 Winler Hrothers, NftiHilen H. Tliistlt-wood, ' htfisk Harlh and William Walhaum Da I fondants. Bill in Chancery for par ,1.000 and an a eoiinting. The ahoved named defendants are liertliy BOtlled that said I'oinplaiuan! has this day Hied I Is aul eourl sosrtsil bill in Cham-ery for ' partition and an aceonntiug agalstt t hem and ' thai Summons hiis issued thereon returnable on i the first day of Ihe next term of said court, lo be holdeu at the omul house in Cairo, Illinois, - on Ihe Kill da of May next. Caro. Illinois March nth A. D. ItSt. I KK B. DAVIS. Clerk. I ansden A l eek and Dsvid f.'sden, Com plainant's SoUeltefSi D M 1 N I st gafOgfg W T 1 0 g rjitate of GtasMaeas SeMadtaf, Daaasssd Tin' ninli rigni il, hn iiik been aiKinteri mi nimi trator of the eslnte of Cleninu ns Schinil krkatsel the county ef Alexander and the State nf tlUBOtt, deSSSSSd, herei.y givea notice that he will appear before lh' couaty court of J Aleiander eiiunty. si Hie court houne in Oairc j at the Mav term un the Srt Momlay in May i next, at which hue all pronK having nlslsaf against saul i-tate are noticed ami rcipieated , Ui al tend for the purpose of n . Ine name I aljualed All person, indebted tu .aid est ale are re,nired to make iintneiliate payment to , tiie ssdsisasssd. I Paled this lt dv nf March, A. I. IHfU. Acucht SciiiMu ku, Adiiiiu ist rater. 1 a dm imtrr Aion'8 k. i Notice ii hereby given, thai on Sattitday, the I 2d day St April next, hdween the hours of M ! o'clock in the foeennoii anil 5 o'closk in the af- tsraosa ot ssM day, M the lata residence of t U nimen-, SH'hiimli r. ih coas--., t ear Willanl. ta the county of Alexander, ntul state of llb- Sit Hit property "f naM decedent. , oosalsttag of horse. SMS, hogs, yearlings, wagons, huggics, hay. corn, a saw mill, igricoi- taral Imptamaeita usd toots sad other articles, i , ill t e sold at public sale. Terms ol .Sale . PaKhases of L l- ivc i Dollars to be paid in hand: for that amount ; and over, on a Credit of six (S months. th, -pur-! chaaer giving note, with approved act aril) . At (o sr Seiuspt Kit. Adtninistralor. March id, MM. Alexander Countv National far Bank Commercial Ave. and Eighth Street, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CAPITAL " $100,000.00 and i mm mlnVkoi its " $50,000.00 OFFICERS: E. A. BLUER President CHAS. FEUCHTER JR.. V. President. J. H. GALLIGAN Cashier F. SPENCER Assistant Cashier Directors K. A. Buder. J. II QaJtlgaSL Tims Bogdj W B. Hholson. ('. M (isterloh. 0 Palier. Win. Kluge. C. V. Neff. Chas. Fetichter, ,Ir. .1. M. Herbert. Accounts of corporations and in dividuals especially solicited. Ex change furnished in any part of the world. Alexander County Savings Bank CAIRO, ILLINOIS. E. A. Buder, President. Thos. Boyd Vice-President. J. H. Galligan Cashier. F. Spencer, Assistant Cashier. CAPITAL - $50,000 si ipi i s ei; amj AND lnf04VIOD PttOI ITS 4t,tnrV Strictly a Savings Hank. Inlrrctt Paid on Time Deposits at rate of three per cent per annum. Dont Be Foolf.di Oenuine HOCKV HO'INTAIN 1LA I. put up intvhife pactagf.. nanufacturrd ,flllt.lvlv hv th Un tit n Mmritilni, Co.. Madttfn, M'i.:. "sells at ,tj cent., a ' package. All -illlc-M are rank unit Oiorli I and substitute '. don't risk .-ur health t.v taking litem . HtfcObNI IM-. makes sick . people ll. kres ot, W.I! All tone.l Dealers ell til. (h n-iiue. Hot ' IS! ' 9m FRISCO SYSTEM. St. Imi:-, Memphis S'luthonstorn It. It. Bt. Imis fc Gulf Ilallwar. TO THR 81TNNY SOCTHWRST Through the Ozarks, to the New Lands of Oklahoma. Indian Terri tory and Texas. Homeseekers' and Colonists tickets on sale at very low rales on third Tuesdays In each month, until April. For descriptive literature and fur ther particulars, adresa nearest agent, or, W. R. POWE, Genera! Passenger Agent Care Glradeau, Mo ILLINOIS CENTRAL. Corrected to Jan MA, 190-1. TH1 FAST MAIL ROUTS, Hhortest I Quickest Roule to St. Souis & Chicago Itumi tIM CAIRO Makiag Sfsaa contierlion for all point. North, East and West. -Trains leavi Cairo: 1 180 . St. Daily ( htengo eatlbuie I. unite,!, arriving in Chicago at I0.M) a. m. connecting with afternoon trains for all points eat and north. 9t20a. st. Mailyst. Loots Night Limited arriving in St. Louis at 7:6 a.m., connecting at I'nioh Station for all dointa west. Sleeping cars open at t:tl a. m. Sl30s.m., ChlcaSTO Kaylieht Kipreaa, except Sunday, makeN alt stops between Cairn and Chicatro, arriv ing in Chicago at 6:00 p. ni. This train makes co&soatiotis at Ashley for gvaaavtllr and Henderson, at Oeatrslia for all points on the Air bine, at Ogdon for all xiiiit on theB. ,v O. S. W. K. K.. inhluiling Cm. in I aatl and Louisville, at Kfflafhaoa with the Van ; dalia Line for Terre Haute, tsdlssaaolia an points east, at Mattoon 4or Terre Haute, In disnspolis ad pststa east and al diau'paign with Ine Big Fori for point., east and weal. 5 ::',) n. in.. St, l.ouia .Morning Kxiireaa, except Sunday, arriving in St. LtKllS M ll-U J making al! stops. I 1 149 a. in. t. l.uuia Kaat Mail, arriv ing in St. 'jouis at 5:15 p. m. I Iitd9 Uhicasro M id-day Special, arriv ! ingin Chicago. In 00 p. in. ..:imi . in. iiniiv t. I (iui. Limited, ar riving in St. Iuis at aN p. m'. eonnecling at I'nion Station for Kansas City, Omaha, Den v er. an Francisco and all Doiuta west. JlrOO p. in. I nst I v press lot- Odin, Kf- nngnum, .xiauoon, toiona, Coatupi cage. llgS Thebes Accommodation. Chi- HtOS p. in. blesso and Kastern Rt. ' srea arriving in t htcasnat sat, a. m.. Indian- : atmlis, ,:.;, I tnciiinal i, 10:4. a. in,, llufial". :i"i j ii. in., New York 7., Ml a. in. Sleeping can to Chicago. 1 Pocviomrorc '"r N' fori and eastern thattb, Illinois Central IS the iiuukist rottt. I hj many hours, b-av itig Cairo at '.e.'lh p. in. and larhritig in New Voik at 7:40 th second incru I ing. SOUTHERN DIVISION. rHH ONLY IMRECT I.ftfn TV HKM 'HIS NAflHVI'.LB. CHATTAWOOOA AT LANTA, JACKfiONVtLcK, A. VANNAH. VICKSRUBH and NKW OKLKANH Si I A. Ha Dixie Kl.v, r,'' Mcniplils. Nash- v tiie and Jacksonville, solid train, baggage ear oach. - and sleeper to Nashv ille, via Martin, through sle.per to Jacksonville, arriving- in Nashville at a. in., C hattanooga at 2:35 p. j in.. Atlanta al 7 :10 p. in.. Macon. iu.. at 11. 10 ! p. at.. Jacksonville, Florida at llttaP n ;;:;!."", a. m Memphis and New Orleans Limit - ltd via M, n. f ins. ai riving in Memphis al 8:15 ; a. ni. and N,-w ( Irleans 7 U p. in. i Itm a- st.. daily, rwltes, radttoah asrl Loste v i .c I ,X'i re--s, arriv ing in ruiton nee, x. in. Paducah II :10 a. n, and Louisville .'e l.', p. n, I lHI p. :n . daily. Memphis and N' w Orleans Fast Mail arriving in Memphis at 7:10 p. ui. and etvw Orleans at S 'ift a, m. I :Otl p in . daily, Nashville, Chatanoega and Southwestern, bunted, Ihroimh coaelova to Nashville sod through sle, ping car for Nash ville and Chin (anmiga with coeneclions for all : aotttheaatcru points, rca. rail . 9 1 hville aS:M p. m., t nattanooga at nx a. in.. Atlanta 7 ::to a, ni. Macon II 10 a. in. and Jacksonville at Wl9 p. m .::1'2 p. m. Mempliis and N, w Orleans Specta arrive in Memphis at 10:00 p. m., New Orleans 10:00 a. ni. For liio.ugl. tichets. alssptSS ear atco.ii modal ions and further information appiy al I Illinois Cential liailroad depot, Cairo, III. A. n. HANSON, den Pass. Agt. Chicago. Ireland's Population. The population of Ireland II 874. and the decrease for 1 90S was 16.003. BIG FOUR ROUTE. Best and Quiekcst Line to - Bvgnsville, Paducah, Vincenties, Danville, Terre Haute, Indian apolis, LrOtligvillet Cincin nati, Pittsbttfg, Baltimore Philadelphia, Washing ton, New York Bos ten, and all Kast ern Cities aarTralna leaving Cairo: No. a-llH a. ni. Cincinnati, IxinLtllle, Nw York, fast mail and express. Only one change of cars to New York and Boston. No. 2 3 00 p. hi.- Chicago. Indianapolis, Ola Beat line forln , dlanapolli, can get sleeperat 9:20 l. m. No. M -1 :0t. p in. Ix.eal auoommodatlon. SS-Trains arrive at Cairo 12 noon, 7 M p. ni. and 10:11 a. m. All tialns dailreiocpt Snndajt For rates, maps, railroad gnidea and genera Information, cation or address F.LMK.KHMITll Ticket Agent. Union Deocdor W.J.LVN. H ... P. T A.. Cincinnati. O 1 W. P. DRPPB, A. O. V. A., St.. Lnula, Mo. j J. M. HTONK. T. P. A.. Cairo. III. SMITH BROTHERS The Big Store 1300-8 Washington Ave 06dl8fS ill 1 EVERYTHING That Is Good to Eat Use and Wear 4 3TWl$$VH0N STATION CAIP0 MOHtCdFltet jAtujowntit i (Mb OF TRAINS Af CAIRO NORTH BOUND No. J Laa (daily) I :1 p. m l: a. m I on i m No. Leavea (daily) . No. 11 Loaves (week days) SOUTH BOUND No. 1 Leavmi (daily) . I :ta p. m IS.R :W a. ra No. t LsWYta idailr) No. tl Leaves (week days) C. . CLARKE. Oft. i. Manager. ST. I Oct., c. m. SHCe-afto, jno. m. be all. 0 I I ,M ' J.nt. .A .. t ' , n ' f.M . (, -t. BOSIKS S " '3-ij Fl If THAI MiP.otAN aw M "08ue sa i