Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 15, 1904. 6 DR. MORRISON, Dentist Office 707 Commercial Ave. The Daily Bulletin. aailUDATTBIOAISOrOITOFrfOB roi TIAXS HllllOlf THROU6II1 TH Mi 11.1 AT CORD CUH lATIi SUBSCRIPTION RATES One week by Carrier 15 cents. One month by Carrier 60 cents. One year in advance $6.00. Weekly Bulletin $1.50 Per Year in Ad- j vance. PERSONAL MATTERS Notes of Interest Relating to Citizens, Their Fnends and Rel t atives. Mrs. M. E. Keith is confined to her home with ia grippe. Mr. A. P. Ehs. the grocer, is in St Louis on business. Mr. George Tounker has gone to Pe oria on a business trip. Mr. Oscar Tamm returned yester day from a business trip to Tararas. Mr. Douglas Halltday left yester day on a business trip to Nashville. Alderman James Meehan is spend ing a few days in St. Louis on bull tees Mrs. George Lattner is ill at her home on Eleventh street, with ma Ittria. Miss Floy Hau lier left for St. Louis yesterday to visit relatives ami friends. Mr. C. W Shaw and daughter. Miss Bli taoua, left for Chicago la;.t night Raymond, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Povi -s. of lTufl Poplar street, is ill vith acudles Bd bronchitis. County Clerk Lee B. Davis went to Saiem. Ill . yesterday to visit rela tives and transact business. Miss LucHe Penny It of Paducah., about Sunday in Cairo as the guest of Itiea Martha Boyd, of Twenty-first street. Miss Katharine Kelly, who has been ill at her home. SIX Nineteenth street, with measles and pneumonia, is .-.light ly on proved. Miss Katherine Jordan, of Clinton Kentucky, th 1 efficient correspondent of The Bulletin at that place, was in Cairo yesterday. Mr. John W. Eakin, secretary of the Cairo Electric and Traction com pany. has returned from a business trip to St. Louis Mr. B. K Brown and Mr, C. W. Bateman. of Thebes, were in the city yesterday The latter Is proprietor of )lts hotel ai Thebes Pi-f.T Kara, of St. Mary's Infirmary. ! l pen,i,ng a few days at No're Dame bid. She will probably return the lat j tor pjri i I this week. Mrs. Maud Kinder and child left yesterday, alter a few days' stay in j Cairo, to join Iter husband, who is en- ' gaged in the lumber business at Mem phis Mr Will Evans, formerly of the Pa-1 rttieah Ledger, was in Cairo yesterday ! en route to St. Ix)iils, where he will ! locate. Mr Evans is a linotype op eiator. Mr. Aaron Reeee, of Chicago, gener al agent of the New York Life Insur. ance company. Is in the city visiting his daughter, teacher of the Cairo ktnriergarden. Word received from Mr. A. E. Rust who is at Hot Springs. Ark., foi bis health, reports him much Improved and he expects to return to Cairo with Mis Rust this week. Mr. George Wessingei has returned from Chicago, where he went to acquainted with a baby son. which! was Imrr recently. Mrs Wessinger Is visiting with her mother, Mrs. Walk er, in Chicago Mrs. Mary Burke and rtsuRhtier Miss Katharine Burke, of Jack"ii Tenn.. who have been visiting their son and brother. Mr E A Burke and family, left for Shawn, .. Kla . ye, terday to visit relatives. Mr. Ualden Miller, the genial freieht agent of the Mobile and Ohio railroad, spent yesterday afternoon in town calling on shippers Mr Miller1 has always beep na loyal rriend to the Cairo gateway and his visits ar- look ed forward to with interest Secretary M J. Fambaker, of the : K. I. T. league, will return from Vin eenncH today, white he went on base ball business. During his absence Mr. John F. Rector Jr . of the Mound Citv Send Your Orders To Franklins Wholesale Mail Order Whiskey House 497 Ohio Ltvte. OAIHO, I L.L.. WMakiet. Rranrtio. 'One Winn. rrt rv l,iqtifr. WhukeT K.m per gallon KB1 Up IJ-nfH Dick $4.00 Pr frallr-n. When In Caere V,l HIANK LIN'S CHICKEN COOV BAR. The ranet itak)ite mlmn in llllaois. Enterprise, filled the position of tel "graph editor on The Bulletin. Miss Lottie Parks has aeeepteii a position in the office of Dr. Clark. Mr. E H. Holt, of St. I.ouis, has ae Cepted a position with (. N. Biiehan an. the music dealer, and has brOttgftl his wife to this city. Master Herman Katzinger is ill at his home. Hi Thirty-fourth street, with measles. Hon. and Mrs. Y. B. Gilbert leave today for a visit with their sons. Wil liam, at Chicago, and Barry, of Cedar Rapids la. Mr. Wood Rillenhouse has return ed from Greenville, Texas, where he went to attend the funeral of his lath er-in-law. 11. 1) Lewis. Mrs John Hartley and Mrs (ieorge S. Atcher have returned from a visit with relatives at Paducah. Ky. Mi. James Carson resumed his du ties at the Mobile and Ohio train (lis pateher's office yesterday, alter an illness of several days wiiu a light case of smallpox. Mrs. Wm Kiler and daughter have returned from a visit with relatives at Kvansville. Mrs. Mary Jones, of Metropolis is visiting Mrs. John K. Rector, of ,"il3 Walnut street. She leaves today for points in the south to visit relatives. Mrs 11 0. Farrow has returned from St Louis, where she purchased New York ! stock for ity last lis dry i -tore. Mrs Carl Jones has returned from visit with relatives in Wickliffe. Misses Ethel. Inez and Irma Win ter returned yesterday from a visit with friends in St. Louis. Miss Maynie Cushman, of Park Place West, has for her guest Miss Emma Bradley of Columbus, Ky. Mrs. Walter Williams is visiting friends in St. Lewis Attorney Hunter Bird leaves today for a business trip through southeast Missouri Mr. Win. Jones, who has been con liued to St. Mary's infirmary with a broken leg caused by falling from a ear while switching in the Illinois Central yards, was able to h ave the , hospital yesterday. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS Brief Mention of Events Concerning the people of Cairo and Vicinity. All tramps are being run out of Pa ; liucah by order of the chief of police. ! United States court will convene to-' day and take up the Klaehskamni case Wm. E Kilbitrn and Mrs. Ada M Harris were married by Judge Ros at 8 p. m. Sunday A force of men wen' busy yester day filling the mud holes between ihe tracks at Central Cnlon station. Wm. Peitit. an old resident of rhebes. died at his home yesterday nrrning He was 01 years old. 'Hi use in the river has caused the Mpe water to put in its appearance and Ike low places in the city are rap- Mf. dark-: Jam. s-in, formerly eac pittyed ai Charles Wundi rlich's bar lM f sin',', now has charge of the shop at tl.e I' anters' House. Maniage licenses have been issued 10 William Riley aged IX and Miss .'biggie Howard, aged )J. and William u. Kilburn. aged 'S and Mrs. Ida M. Cri.b. ged All of the parties re Rev Lew D Hill, of tlu- Christian church, preached his farewell sermon Sunday evening His subject was The Grace and Favor of God. " Rev. Hill will leave Wednesday for Hani man. Tenn.. for his health. It has not been decided who will fill his place Work on the piers of the Thebes bridge is being rapidly completed and 'he pier nearest the bank is now ready for the iron work to begin The pier" will soon be completed and the sand hogs" will soon be a thing of the past at Thebes There atSSBJ In lie deallll (if sleep ing Quarter! in I'airo at the iires,-nt limp and during the session of the cir cuit court and I nited States court many people have been compelled to sit up in the hotels and restaurants all night and get a few hours sleep in t hi.- way. K M il Manning was fined $.'.", in I i d yesterday for carrying conceal nl weapons Wm. Bird. Leona It. v nolds and 'ieorgi W ,i. were arrest ! Sunday by Ofleerl Madison and vVlisos) for disorder!) conduct The first two trt in jail and Cole will MI I i line There wa- no cnimdl meeting las' night as bad been expected, ami the matter o Winter Brothers' applica Um lot permission to erect an let suss ressaiss settles! The imibi ing committee voted to permit it. but il takes eight members of the council to adopt ihe te, nmnii nda'ion and it i- not eertaJii that thi- number will lavor it. A meeting of the order of Hon Hoos in argSSiMtlps of lumbermen, will be held at Paducah Saturday and elab SfSjaj preparations an- being made I he concatenation will take place at Iks' hall Saturday night at ! odor, oid after the initiation a banquet il be 8jveri at l!n Palmer HsSJM iih plates for alxnit Itsi guests It is expected that - veral Cairo mem ers of the order will attend thf meet Rev John Nye nl Paris. Ill . foreman f the federal grand jury, who preach d at the Methodist church Sunday norninfc. wB deliver an address at he Cairo Bay list church tonight for I he benefit of tho old soldiers Ret, Nye was chaplain of the Kighteenlh Illinois volunteer infantry. The lec Hire will be free and the general pub lie is invited. Rev. Nye is a cousin of the famous writer. "Bill Nye." de oeesed. The ,lno. A HayiKs lioat store is one of the oldest establishments of its kind in Cairo, it owes its blub standing and popular favor largely to the excellent management of the man whose name it bears and ,vho was a practical charge long before J its founder. Capt. 0, A. Williamson. ; died It will remain a fixture in Cairo j business life by decision of Miss Anna Havnes and under the direct ' management of Mr Kit llaynes. who ; has long been familiar with its de ' tails. Tit properly mark the importance from an artistic and social standpoint of the Elks' minstrel to be given at the ! opera house next month, a masnifl : cent souvenir program is to be pre ; pared and distributed at the perform , ance The program will consist of much interesting matter relating to i the order of B. P. O. Elks and the local lodge and will contain the program proper in detail. In addition some at tractive advertisements will be ac Icepted, and a committee of the local lodge will canvass the city with a view :- to offering this valuable medium to the local advertiser. THRESHER OR THRASHER A Difference of Opinion in Regard to Orthography The Puzzle Editor in Disgrace. Ihe Bulletin office was the recipient yesterday of various communications most of them friendly and notxl na regard to the proper spelling ot the until thresher, the answer to the fifth picture of the farm implement puzzle published in The Bulletin of Sunday March 'l li is contended that the word may not only be spelled thrasher, but that this spelling takes preference and more than one family dictionary has teen consulted as to the orthography of the word. The Bulletin is asked to state its authority and to explain why the judges of the contest disqualified ill answer where the word was spell As far as the gentlemen who kindly icted as judges ot the farm imlpement , pussie series are concerned The Bulls i tin hastens to disclaim any responsi ! biilty on their part. With the coupons , -vas delivered to them the printed ans wers to the puzzles in which tip- word was spelled thresher. The judges act ! ed only on the data presented to them !and accepting The Bulletin's informa tion as correct did not. consult the au 1 thorities. As to the authorities them ' selves The Bulletin has been guided bjf the Century dictionary, and on j pages MM and MM the word, spelled j both ways, is given. Thresher, and i spelled only in that way. is ipeClBcSil I ly stated as a farm implement, while ' thrasher is given as one who thrash es" and also as a small bird of the I 'hrush species. Even the individual j who "thre-hes grain'' is. according to this authority a thresher The Bullc tin does not lielieve that there is a i farm implement house In the I'nited States which disagrees with its spell I ing of the word The Bulletin admits Its liability to I nor but believes that thresher is I the best form of the word as applied m I the implement as distinguished from , the individual operator It also consid , rs that the judges acted fully in ac MTdaaee with fairness and impartlaii ; ty and in strict accordance with tie ondltlOH of i he contest. THE CAIRO CREAMERY cry Butter, Ice Cream. Fruit erButter. Ice Cream. Fruit Ices. Etc. Mr. B. N. Wing, proprietor of the Cain) Creamery, has the machinery , and fixtures of his plant installed in the ha-i mi nt of the building at Wi , Ohio Levee street, and is dally turn ing out the products "f the eoMere princiial among which at'- CTefJSjef butter and ice eream The machinery of the plant uch as ho large church ice (ream freezers it.d better machine are run by steam sever from a small engine The mini has a rapacity of loo gallons i b'it onh one half this amniint is Cftereed at one time. The butter ma hine i- iise in kneading the butter 'and pressing the milk from i'. making i il firm and solid All flavors of ice cream, fruit ices ate! brick in i ieam are manufactured land the CSpSjCitJ in this line is toe geikSM per day. Mr. Winy etl his milk and cream frosj twn creameries ootetde if Cairo anil receives a fresh supply deity. He is finding a big demand for his pro ducts and will no doubt meet with much SUCCest C FANCY JOB PRINTING. I THE BULLETIN HAS JUST f RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF NEW UP-TO-DATE FANCY STOCK FOR PROGRAMS, IN VITATIONS, ANNOUNCE y men in, ncuumu nus, ETC. AND IS PREPARED TO S SUPPLY THEM ON SHORT NOTICE TO THOSE IN NEED OF PRINTING IN THAT LINE. IN THE FEDRAL COURT Important Case Against East St. Louis Firm For Misusing the United States Mails. I he United States district court of hauls returned yesterday ami will get dOS n lo business again this morning. t. 'd important case is set for hear ing ioday. "The United States vs. the National Mercantile Co.." of East , St Louis, of which Henry Flachs kamm and R. W. Reeves are the prin cipals. The defendants wore in the .cheap jewelry business in East St. I Ottia and are accused of using the OUtits for k S. H-lt ) swindling operations in Jlspoetac f ii.' ir wares. The case i was tried in Spriimlield alsnif a year ago and comes lo the court here on an order for retrial and an original ver dict of guilty. There are a number of witnessses in the case, among then several ladies: Mrs .1 B Morgan Miss N. M Adams, of East St Louis: Miss Eva Williams ot St Louis: Mr. T. M Stein and C. F. Rodeuberg, of East St Louis. Among the attorneys in the case are Alex Flannigan. of East St l-ouis and Angus Leek, of Cairo. The war is on between Stone Broth, ers and the credit grocers. Here aro some shots from the Stone llottliia, 2 pounds be dsteak. de: '1 cans t una toes. 25c: 2" pounds granulated sugar, fl; creamery butter. Mc POOR MAIL SERVICE. The mail service between Cairo and Thebes is becoming almost tin I 'l iable The Cairo dailies are from tLiee to four davs old when thev over the. Illinois Central. An organ i '.,ii effort should be made at once. T abes Record. Notice. A special train will leave here at 6:4$ o'clock tsnlgfct tor the benefit of the members of the Kalchte of Pyth ias, df this city. Mounit City ami .Mounds, who desire to attend the cel ebration at Villa Ridge. All mem hor. are invited to accompany the learn. Your Cash should do you ureatcr service at Stone Brothers than else where Goods siuaranteeil to suit yon. Prices couldn't be lower if they weru thrown in a well. Your friends art the people arho help you save your dollars. The younK rnan held up Saturday niKht. mention of which was made in The Bulletin Sunday niornitis. Wejaj Harry Uerlxtldman. an employe of L"nlcr and Beno. German Bicycle Trade. Germany, rlurinc 'he first nine month" of !9"3. exiorted Hicycles to the value of 4.04(,M9, showinj; an increase of mure than LM per cent over the same period of 1001. Stockholders Meeting. The annual meeting of the stock holders of the Citizens' Building and Ixan association of Cairo. III., will he held in the secretary's office Monday evi mug. March :Mst, tiM for the election of three directors and such Other business as may come hefore the meetinc. All stockholders are requested to he present. E A BIDER. President J. (' ntoW'LKY, Secretary. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD COMPANY. $3.00 St. Louis and return via Illi nois Central railroad. Tickets will be sold March 24th, for trams leavirg Cairo 5:30 and 11:42 a. m. Good re turning to and including March 28th, Jesse Orra Hunt FINE Dry Goods Commercial Ave. and Seventh St DRESS MATERIALS Spring Dress Goods The latest Weaves, Voile:. Eolienncs. Crepes and English Batistes in Black Wrutc, Gray, Green, Blue and Champagne. Wash Fabrics for Shirt Waist Suits Plain. Dotted and Checked. CORSETS. Just received a new line of R. and G. air) G D Corsets in l?tet Styles including the deep hips These ire the two best makes of $'.00 Corsets. NOVELTIES. The choice assortment which we have ready for your inspection represents the latest novelties, styles not shown elsewhere in Csiro. LADIES BELTS. The styles shown here are strictly up-to-date, including the newest styles in Girdle Belts. BUSINESS LOCALS RATES FOR BUSINESS LOCALS. Onetime per line 10c Each additional insertion per line So Annual rates made known on application. Miss J. L. Davis, Trained Nurse, surgical, medical, obstetrical. 424 , Eleventh street. Cairo, 111. All the lalesf Catholic literature now on sale at Mrs. Frank Cassidy's, ;:14 Sixth street. Statues, crucifixes, rosaries and every variety of prayer books. ! The Baptist ladies will give a cof- j fee sociable at the residence of Mrs. Howe. SS3 Sixth street. Thursday af ternoon between the hours of 2 and C. i Admission ISc, I Coal, Lump and Washed, Quick de livery. Lump at $2.75. Cairo Phone 4, Bell 79, two rings. Office C. W. Wheeler's old stand on Teuth street. Cut flowers at Mrs L Maddens, i 2301 Holbrook, Cairo 'phone IS!!. Coal, Lump and Washed. Quick de livery Lump at $2.75. Cairo Phone 439. Bell 79, t.vo rings. Office, C. W. Wheeler's old staud on Tenth street, tf R E CANNON. John O'Shea. plumber; both 'phones. No. 1703 Washington avenue. Sewer ing, gas fitting, ete. tf Wanted-Inspector familiar with poplar and cypress grading. Apply, Cairo Mill and Lumber Co. COAL! COAL! COAL! HIGH GRADE BEST PRICES SEE NELLIS. 1305 COMMERCIAL AVE. BOTH 'PHONES 324. Hugs. Carpets and Matting. 1 have just received the largest consignment of the very best patterns in room-size rugs down to door mats i ever shown in this city. Also a full ! line of Carpets in all grades. Mat lings we are showing in tu different patterns. 2" cents a yard up. You will save money by examining our mock before purchasing. B. M'lf AM I'S .lit , So'.t Commercial avenue. the people's column. SHort Announcements Representing .Their Want, Trades, Profes sions and Various Ac tivities. Rites For Classified Notices. One iuscrtion t words or less 20c . Three insertions li words or Ins ;t0c One week M words or lew .0c ; All over two lin-s ? SS prr line one inser tion: c ocr line three insertion; fic pr line one week Special rates tor one month or longer. All matter aet in Nonpareil Use. " LUaT. UNVT-AUio K. IV dance or on oplar at. hetwe o biKhtb and Kighteenlh streets, a cold ., -:n with diamo" 1 n renter, surroundeil hy p -arls. Return to this office. ROOMS WANTED. WA VTKT -Two fu-nisbed moms inadesira- Me neichl((rn((()u. Address K. W. (i. BalletSS oHee. FOR RENT. Modern nine room house. -Ill lTth st , also modern R riHim Hal, to rent, Inquire ui Wal ter Eirhhoff. Modem nine room hoe, HI lTth street. In- ' (uire.of Walter Unhbotf SALEM EN WANTED. s i : kman -to trai el in country ami sell spe cialties to crcra! merchants. ( e tod wanes lo irood salesman. Address612 H. Kth street. HI.' iouis, Mo. PQOriMIOD Al.. Dr. Dunn. eye. ear, nose and throat. Corner Sixth and Waahingten. tf I! 1 1. K( IA 1 1 OTM Ks. Special one way second class colonist raU-s lo the west and southwest at greatly rerlureri flc u res tia Iron Mountain route from Cairo. NURSE. OaelaaeHet nurse bct reference Mis: James. UM ft MlaalasiSfl Lece. FEMALE HELP WANTED. WANTED A cirl for asISl house work. Ac ply lit t WaakUffeM Ave. SITUATIONS WANTED. Frrr Announccmenta of Those Not Employed, Who Desire Position!. Conditions of Advertisement. Ail'.rrliaeniPnts of wd eseesAffcf lhrr !htri will he ae.TptM fire fee eee WSSSrS tisis front any rcarlrr of The Rnllelin lo he hied ly ri vrrtiKer i" (ir-.on. on regular form, at thr oflirf of 'Ihf Hnlletin Company, TIW Ohio a re The Kiillt tir Company aaiim' nore iponiibllily or ai v art' ertiaement or alate mcnl made testSie and will not areept thr notice of any pemon known to le eniplo.rf. Inqiiiric and rr-pliea to advcrllacmenti" should hp made y mail. SITUATIONS WANTED. Younj man of j(Kd habit want position, clerical or outride ork; Ml SS Ml Pr month Cm kip psfeieisof S. Addrpn R-Hcare Bulletin BOOKKEEPER. An SStwrtSSeSa lady bookkeeper want a ;("nin fn jj.f flmt-daaa reference. Ad lrc n, ' M 1" care The Cairo Bulletin. BOOKKEEPER & STENOGRAPHER. Wantrd Positron bv onnf larl.v a biMtkk'-eper and tenoixraphr r orntenof raphr. Kxperien ed run furni.h ct,fl!rnt reference". Aridri-c I.l can- The Caim Mu I let in STENOGRAPHER. Recrni radiialr of fltiKineaa College with SSSMe4ttcSessefievw3l desire. poH ion refrren- sve fjies. Add noeMe Bulletin Yoimtjr SMf rerpntlv ronip!pP(l SSeffSS of in trrtle will work for nominal aalary foren periptid . Addic B. i. rare RnllPiin. Bi? Muddy Lump, Washed Nut. Clifton Lump or Nut, Best Anthracite Coal. . . . HI McCarthy, 303 COMMERCIAL. Phme Bell tfc nt fl., jflj. Si v i A Beautiful Is within the reach of almost every woman if she will make daily use of SWEET CLOVER CREAM It Is a combination of pure materials and has wonderful vir tue in removing roughness, healing chaps, and in making the skin soft and clear. Its use invariably insures 1). C. Schuh CORNER WASHINGTON AVENUE AND EIGHTH STREET. f ANNA LAKE HAYNES JOHN A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Choice Hiitter. Hams, Breakfast Bacon. Staole and Fancy f A . Groceries, Fine Special Attention to City Trade. 619 OHIO LEVEE PHONE 100. WVSrWVMtSSWWWWWv To Reduce Stock. I will make a reduction of $5. (HI on every snit, and pants the same proportion. Come early while we have a hip stock to select from. N. SANDLER, The Leading Tailor. fin r rtM Kit r Bto -1 a i awrunr I ..Cairo Opera House.. O L.WILLIAMSON. Manager. Tuesday, March IsTl -Messrs. Sam S. Shubcrt and Nixon & Zimmerman's (iORdl-OUSL Y BEA VTIFUL PRESENTA TIGS OF Till LNTfiRN XTI0NAL MISIUL-COMLOY TKILMPII The Merriest Prettiest and Most Tuneful Play on Farth A Chinese Honeymoon Not a vulgar line or suirtresth'R oodtiimo in the production. 191 limes ai Ihe t'asino Tliealre, New York City. Two Yearn In London and St II Running. The Best. Largest and Most Expensive Co. in America. John K. Henshaw, Wm. H. Clarke, Bdraund Vkw rettce, Ch.irles Prince, I'Mward Clarke, Toby Claude, Stella Tracy, Krancis Knight, May Tenbroeck, Francis Golden TOucnun with IOO--In The Grand Ensemble lOO Entire lower floor $1.50 First four rows dress cir cle 1.00, balance drcs circle 75 cents. Gallery 50 cents. i Scats on sale at box :30 a. in. ONE NIGHT ONLY t THURSDAY, THE EVERLASTING SUCCESS! ) The World Famed RUOTHFIl k HVI VT T, i v a a a. In ;i ' ir u K i il of their nnonn'UMlv MNMeeeful BpectfJtltW PlMfrtO' MiesiesJ Pwdaethwi) t 1j NEW 8 BELLS j& LATEST EDITION. fllrtKiucing all rev: Pant'itniniir Tricks, N.nv MecfaSBlcel BfTeutl mid s Host of Koveltics i Positively the only Byrne ! SEE Tho Pannv Hornp, snil Carriage. Thefirrat Pile S on. The Wonderfal Revolvlnn ship. The Lively OctofNM. The Jtihn HyniH Troupe of Acrobat. THE GREATEST LAUGHING SHOW ON EARTH. J 1001 SURPRISES' The Acme of Pantomimic Comedy. I prices: I.OO, 7.V. -itc. '. Scats on -stU' at ! offi-e Velii. - lay Mar' h i'VI a I s: :n ,t . m. Worms! For 20 Ytari Has led a!) WwrnRemedies. IOLO XIV At,T, (riwpu4 by s SOLO BY SCHUH DRUG CO. Complexion a greatly beautified complexion. Pharmacy Co. f. HAYNES, t I Canned Goods, Etc. Prompt Delivery Guaranteed f Millions Have Seen and Enjoyed It in America And England office Monday. March 1 fth, March 24th ij mm a j 4 Production before the public. WHITE'S CREAM VERMIFUGE B.ln Qiuliiy. DRVOOISTe JA..1E8 F. BALLARD, St Louis. ' lVlVNSNs'gSerri I '