Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING MARCH 22, 104. 2 PRINCi t I f OF- SEASONABE MILLINERY Mm rcli 25th ' 4 Mrs. C. H. Brackett Invites inspection by the Ladies 702 Commercial Avenue. Our Spring and Summer Woolens Are In ALL LATES1 SIM I S We are waiting for yonr orders which will le appreciated. N. SANDLER, The Leading Tailor. CU COMMERCIAL AVF.NUE. BUSINESS LOCALS. M. G. stettger Una: Store, la the place to get excellent remedies for all your aches and pain , giving you John P. afockler'i Grocery and Meat Maiket Bvtry thing for din breakfast and supper It a pleasure to trade at thisi store. Harry W. Schuh':-. drug siote has a She line of brush .. comb and toilet attic that Ik la selUni at remark' IT l.i Com. ave. 'I grocery has a Ba Ketables It's an e- ably low pria W. R. OSh line of sound rollent place f trade 10 oz. to th pr.und and heaping measures. Kelly Biti.s. l.iitnbfcr Co. you going to bnild? Or if you nosd an) tlilri i:i liiniiier or huikhng n.aterial it's the best yard in Cairo. The Paul G. Schuh & Sons l)ru;i: store. 0o7 Com. ave . is one of th' best patronized drae stnre.1 in Cairo Reliability and politeness count. .loliu A. Miller jeweiy More, i or i Hth and Coat. ave.. is headquarter for anxious buyers of rellslde JeWetr) for i he leas) money, see our diamonds- Stone Brothers v.ill soon be on new grocery wagon he streets of Cairo. It's the filiest delivery wagon ever Brought to the city. Buy your dry goods, groceries aiui shot ", from Anthony i'. Khs, 2Hi9 2iui W i: h. nve. There aie others, bill none better, try it f.Uacle Joe'r. Hotel, best 51.00 a day house in the three states. Yon ret the best of everything to eut an i drink, and a nice clean b( d. H. R. Itothcnbarger, shoal btor sella a first class wearing shoe for 3.fM) and th? brsi ipiaiity leaue-r tor $ i mi. Try a pair of the :?.50 shoe-i John Beck Reliable Bakery will de liver to all parts of the city aB Kind of bakery goods, bread, cake plea and rolls. They are O. K Cairo Baud. Lime and Cement Co., (successors to FH.gerald Bros.) spec laities in lime, cement, hair, faster er's supplies, river sand aud lead 0. T Carnes dry goods istore, 700 Com! ave. Have you been Ilu re to examine the beautiful spring dr.- goods, patterns? Bring your friends Botto's reatauranl and bar is one of tin best patronized places in' Calm and you can get a line meal for as ordered. D. V. McCarthy's wagons always on time giving you plenty of heal Iron the excellent hard und soft coal b handles Phones 393 Cairo ICC Bell ("has. K Miller, reliable jewelr Btor, will be glad to show you i of watches itiai never fail to lo i ilu p ai curate time, very low prices. Kred l. N Ills best grades ol coa. rbr 'team and domestic purpoee thor ougbly screened and free from din It's O. K. und you ".ill like It. Banner Shoe and Clothing H are making the IoacsI puce, in i am on shoes aad clothing Examine tlx Block and you will Ik- convinced fecSM Drug Co., still take:, the lea : kgapiylWS the retailers in llitee mate they are the peoples choice Sp cial discounts on large ordi rs. tjuele toe's niand Hand Restaurant and Bar still takes the lead. Berriag the besi mi -ils and lunches iu a'l" it's the peoples' choice Oholson'H Star Clothing Mouse will rig you out with shirts collars ami an elegant line of new neckwear The 1901 styles are swell, see them C. C. Terrell & Co shoe store Gtiil takes the lead with Stacy. Adams 4 Co. The Walk Over and Queen quality shoes Comfortable, durable. The American steam Laaudry laua dries everything worn by man from his socks to collar and return it first class when von want it. , R I Cannon, coal dealer at Wbeelei s old stand, has a big trade in coal and kindling wood He saves you money every time Conant Ct Ronnie, grocery, dry goods and n?at market, and general merchandise b aiter-; for everything in theii line, leVlhem supply you. McKnight KeVien Orocery Co one of the bestNpat ron i 7. -d wbolesah bouses in ds am 1 3HU.W 1 lien n on - of CairUIK 1 awaki OPENING 1" i ; Special Brew on lap. . . ' WHITE I MM INN MERCHANTS' LUNCH J MjWh. Ave. f John MarvCt, Paof. ...... CAIRO A LOOSE TOWN Father Ijic pei. brock, of St. Joseph'"-. Ctttitrch, Urges the Taxpayers to Rtmonatrata Sunday morning at St. Joseph's cussed the evils of gambling in Cairo When iit'n by a Bulletin represeiita live yesterday Katie DtonwBtratik iald he whs aroused to his denuncia ticn oi ihla eMi by th pleadiaga ol nelio- D nun uy tne curaeu a they squandered everj " lie n He toll of one yoQBg man whose earnings are about Much per teat and who never nrltig. a cent home to his paron's. Another had b-eome a defaulter and wa onlv saved from the penitentiary and everlasting ills j grace through the plaadlugi of i i- 1 ter who her-elf working for a sal i ary is paying 118.66 per month to I repay UkO amount and save tfeW famih name t-om Mtl Ml raiher Diepetibrock Illell appealed t;i the lathers, and suggested that ai meeting m citizens be held and a re uionatrancc gotten up and presented to the maj ir asking for the supprei sion ol the jin-vailing evil He claim el that Cairo was the loosest town in the state ol Illinois and stated that he would not advise parents to brlnr their families here, where poolrooms ami crap games were running in open il. buiiee to the law. in his eera rr- Kaiher Diepeahrock disavowed any intention of carrylni. polittei Into the pulpit, saying it wa not the ulace for such diamine jew but wheti Hie morality of the heaatl all l the city were a slake he ifeeine'l it his out) to -peak on ihe p renew I J 4 f Send Your Orders To j franklin's Wholesale Mall Order Whiskey Mouse 407 Ohio I.tvtc, CAIRO, - . ILL. I WWsklM, Oiaa. Wine L ey l.lqi '! Walan) a mi ft f and mi . Widen. Vn- )f Alien ynai $4.00 (!lun. W hi 11 In Calf 11 HAMvl lN S CHLkf.N COOP II Kt, k Th- MHint iini'iiic .hIimiii in llllriuls. - e e e 1 LARK'S KIDNEY GLOBES Guaranteed Cure for All Kidney and Bladder Diseases. SMALL AS A BILL. AM Sit TO VAKK two dofcea give relief, and one box vill cure any oidiuary case of Kidney r Bladder trouble. Removes Gravel, urea Liabetei, Beunnal EmiSLiOus, neak And Lame Ba -k, Hbeumatism, .nd all irregularities of the Kidneys nd B:a Ider in both men and Women, (old at SO cents per box on the No :ure, No Bay basis by Paul O. Schuh c Sons, iio'i Commercial Ave., and lurry W. Schuh Drug Co, 18th A totonercial Ave, sole agente for to; tr sent by mail upon receipt ot DLL WON FIGHT with 11 iioii Mol iii ill? Mexican Spoits Kill- ill at Uin!:ttl .In.:, ; CUCKOO 100 GDNI I0ENT AFTER ADMINISTERING A SUP HOStO MORTAL THRUST WITH SWORD AND IS CORED TO DEATH. ti rai'.o. icxas. .varca 21. cucsoo, tike noted mala. lor aud Idol f the populace. WM gored to il arli ia i fit l'!a.'.;i Da Torus, at Clttded .lui. Mexico, just aeroBS tho river, Sunday afternoon ty a badly uouuied bail. Three thousand pimnm. m. M el whom were American! fighter die after he bad boweled, The spectacle aw thf bull been dtsem- in the w 1 1.. liexl' and ulace ir and. b v tu hi n in Spain, wa advertla put u death. The bull prov I ti be the la--1 that he will ever kill. The animal vvas a magalttC at . :.- imeu iroiu Sauialavuea with long sharp aorns and powerful should r - Cue koo. svvvrd in hand, me) the tafuri ated beast his sides tilled with ban thai should have reached the heart. The hull, contrary to expectatioas clung teiiaciou.-ly to life aft.'r falllnj to the c.ouinl t'uekoo Itepfad foi ward to ..-tab the prostrate animal in 'he bratn to end his Buffering when uddenly the dylag beaal sprang to feet and caught the 'I idiator n ; lOrai an 1 was then I 'oot. blanket wi am pied und. i thrown over Ijis mangled corpse and , tarried from the arena . -mm iienani. was in paiei.i : nent later. Stcckholdc-'c Mcrlir.rj. a meeting of the ktari-Whlte ! iooiis eompaSy will be held at ! Mlee Saiurdiiv April L'.'I. I p. r.i he purpose of increasing capital ito I ROY P. OHOL THE RED BOOK. Warner, who is becoming a r figure in magazines, and recent books pi uuise to in her fame, has a clever char VfcOM crease .i ter sketch in the April Red Book I A Very Superior Man," il is called Hiil ih" tv'ix' is one that will be ap ireciated by a wide drele -.f readers. Walter I. Knright's picture.-, are a listinct latistactlou in connection vith the story To I'.ure a Cold In one Dy. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab ets. All druggists refund tbe tnouey f it fails to cure. K. W. Orove's nig lature is ou each Uix. 25c Wanted Good Luck. Home women." said the Chestnut 'street reserve, "are so superstitious J that they seem to think It' - bad iuck ; to pass a pin will out picking it up. vVb-a tb'- streets are crowclwl with saoppera you would taluk they would- n't -nve much time to bother with! thlttgt, bu- that where yon are ,m . - m ! hiii aium I. '.Vl'Ollg. I nere .-. a pi-rini iiwvnn it my corner this gewrtlsSi all etaeed by an el It rly tetnale who had Caught sight of : DlS l)inK on the pavement At one- she Beget ed down without any regard for the other people who were walking along, and tried to pick It up. Sbe wore glov.s and tin pin eluded her grasp. Again and again she at tempted to capture it. but it always managed to 1 sgape her. Of course, all lata only took a tw rnouienu. but alreaily t!,. ; -,utte a block, aud people were walking In the street to iset around her. Finally what did she Jo but l ellbeiately remove the glove trom her right hand, pick up the pin with her bare Sagen Sad stock It Into the lapel of her coat. And. having satisfied herself, traffic was once morn raWWSW I " Philadelphia Record. Uncle Reuben Says: "I'ze t in t blBkiu' de nutter ober a good rt. al. an' I can't skaaaly sav dat I Beats a to 1 tinie st man. If yo' .1 nd dat sort of a man a dollar yo know be '.;!! iepa it Jess when he agrees to; if j.i 1 tke de batf-au' haM man yo' hev a chaie t.. wvjtT for a week or two as to nhethrr lie will repay or not an hav one agin u 1 if he don t pay tall den yo' mo' aigwuuit to put ford Bat Shapea Kitea. The bat.haped kite Invented by S. F. fody, F It M s , has b. en adopted by the British Admiralty TkSJ kite is made from bamboo and silk and will carry a man It may ! u .l for re connolterlng on laud or sea. and will he able to haul a sledge over Arctto ice with but one maa to steer it. Brings 'Frisco Nearer Gotham. The great Meiicsn railway, from Salina CrttT or the Bac'fle to Cottza coalci'S en tbe gujf will bring New i-w Orleans 1...00 miles sco win the i fOOU OOtS Mi- NO GOOD , li I Could O ilv Eat Without Mtrr Rebels v'HY ARE lHii.u QUESTIONS ASKED BY SO MAN V PEOPLE I s of N Have Wi Who stomach, liter and bo well ui.o. trouble than any other u the both There are tiious ands of persons whose Eood .lou t do them the Rood II should, laej have i. a. I taste in atouu coatee toegw ,t,st i pal ion. ftds m stomach, iulues of disttv.s after meals, bloating an bekhlag of wind. Taey often huv headache, are weak and aervoui : a have aervoui .d can't ner Sixth !- boki hatte sallow cot&ploxlon sleep Mr. c. s. lore . street ant) Ninth eves Va., says: . . , 1 praise Dr ureeaa'a Ner-. remedy lor th- j ai rvol sood it haa done me ., ?n aul ttiitii tat reu reai remedy ih;i' ,,, BOMkiug auv good got was iWoilen .-ore that 1 c hardly stand it and I was so 1 out 1 hurt i n a i a 1 hail al cougk that wa most jjlveii up could net er be Bat the Blei good medicine, r bad. se, Lord and 1 ha d me to a taken sev ne'a N.-rvm i . and can tan ail other ai It new life id I can lit HJj nl rec mmt ad ii In medicine Now I had coin.- back to soundly all night, every where I go. a car builder for t I travel along the j ihing in Dr. Ore and enjoy gtywelf ; hi do work Urnad, and as l can do any behall i Will ! do It My tdvtc to all will be use this fraud laediriue. Ir C.reeue'a Nervura blood and nerve tried so many riiiiedbs. bottle of Dr. Oreene'i He and nerve remedy and y well. It always cures,, commend it because it remedy." just try a rvura blood oil will get Doctors re is a great phy ician s discovery and because it makes p.-ople well Dr. Qreene is the mo 1 .-ueee tui special iai in curing office Is al lnl Fifth avenue, N,-vv York fit.., wlnie he ean be consult ed fre;-. personally or by letter, Hi comae BdOd and for sab- by all ilruggi. U Weighed Oniy Five Pounds. Restless, Cried Day and Night. Dr. Mttcr Nervine Did Wonders, Cured Her. Aiitir ever two years ,; I hd bide, serioun taby who wcihc-l u:dy live pundi st birth. At f.rtt sf." wa. r':-,tlr: s an.l imss n-i after i.'iewa. ktal UHSl utj she tried far and nijht, nd weald net siep wttSouv, qapxatie. mc wants aernnu that w did 11. t line 'o move When she did si:ep a short 1 i.i-. as sin; would wal e ...reaming as tlieu', ;.!ic wa.i s;,).i,e to havs a lit. Wt MJ-.-J a .iuctor: !.( , .-lid il ll.lautile COitC, 1 n.l he .. ni l rcliev her, . n il l ii"t 1 me her. 1 Alter h snort t.nn the tt'e. t id hn nifdK' VMi.e off and 1 was ill desr-asf. I (tied known home rrm'ilics an. I innumeial I" patent aedldttk. At l.ut I t,ave her Ur. Miles' ke-totalive Nervine and she Was easy -l.- t 't!; ,bl i.aKiisS. S.Bte Hut lime I Live ed 1 .loien Unties ' lad would not be without it I am now gi ' me it to amalui bit y and it lias the lime frf-.t. inunt liitr relief ala,v"- Mi. Vm eeat h Veroaa. N. L. "Thre.- reaitago 1 was taken with nervous p:ostratKrft, whicn brought on heart tr mble. a:. 1 my heart would palpitate at cvety attic ' noise. 1 had suolhcrm pells 90 Out at lim s I iv itlldneatll la.iy. I fot uue b s.tle t .. '. ol Ur. Miles' Neieine nJ Heart Cue and 1 coald fcel gnod results Ittun the tu-t lew dotes, i'tiey nave 'iiiieeffi t da peruuneni cur,:. 1 it -.rnmeii.i iti i i--. Keiiir. lies t.i all who aitf f a' I didf Mis w. i . ia:iK- ., i ann.uiit, .11 I Al' druccisli 'ell arid lie Ur Mdt V Keiiiediev un N-i ,..,, arid Heart I ;-:j..-J .,t- -J ' ', i lot , Uiseasst, AJd.aai o. sLic.sudatkh.ti BUSINESS LOCALS. Miss J sureleal. 1. Uavis. TraiAed Nurse, medical, oh-teti ical 4.M BUeveath Btn T B. Ree: evio a big salt in (suites' GDuall) underwear Cheaper man you can ouj u aomesuc All Slid In-: t OVW SOW III t'ano From this date. .March IV, ISu-l, Ij wiil not be responsible or any debts contracted l lay wife, Uuie l.ahauJ Signed. Ueorge U Latham All the latest Catholic- literature uow on sale at Mrs Frank Ca-sidy's, S14 Sixth street. Statues, crucifixes. rasariea and every rariet of prayer books. Three Slates Buggv and Imu Co sells more farm machinery buggie w aeons, carriages aul harness than any house in southern Illinois, p (- SeaUtt, the leading caterer. Reatauranl and bar. 213 Levee, right at Central station. The wants of travelers promptly supplied Best cuisine and service. T. B. Bees.', great sale of kid gloves at ie. these are regular $1 56 glOVCS, you can t artoiii to miss this oppor unity. The laities of the Method 1st church will give an atterno.ui tea Saturday afternoon at the reeldence of Mrs Aoodward. Eighth and Walnul streets froin to B:80 o'clock. Admission :." cents. Midi, iei .1 W'alder. plumber! steam and hot water healing, gas fitting a! ways tin i 1 1 1 1 Washington ave nue, pnone ii. Three states Bu farm macliinery 0 cheapest and beat gy aal Imp. Co., ' all kiuds. The place in southern Illinois to get evetythiag you heed Cut tktWers at Mrs. L Maddeu's ::::ui Holbrook, Cairo 'phone ISi!. FOR GALE A rubber-tired buyejv Cheap. Hood as new. Apply lift! Wtahlagton avenue. ffca wat 9 on between Stone Broth en and the credit grocers. Here are en hois froaa the Stone flottliia: 2 pounds be t teak. 15c: .'f cans toma toes, iic SO pounds granulated sugar $1; creamery butter, 25c. John O Shea, plumber; both 'phones .No. lTui Washington avenue. Sewer lag. gas fitting, etc. tf Your cash should do you greatci service at Stone Brothers than else where dOOdl guaranteed to suit you. Prices couldn't be lower if they were thrown in I well. Your friends are the people Who help you save your dollars. Qeaulnc white Plymouth eggs, set tine $1 OA, John N'olte, Mounds, m II Bmythe & Co.. are having a big trade on California peach brandy, it's J" ivhai the people want und need for family us.c. A Ma) ley, hardware Btor ington street, argute to set gard th i verythlng you b on Wash yvNt in re led in the ol hardware, call. QU Other A.- Wa'io. Modi! Bakery. win givo uslveraal satlafactloh for VeOrthinU in the bakery line. Orders f.u aociaJa promptly Blied, r:: Ml st. F. ; Buro&oeater has just rweelTed tic new sarfag Hue of drei goods. aOtlOUfl and line millinery, you will appreciate the low prices. 2imi Uoml Rugs. Oarpeta aud Matting. 1 have just received the largest conslgrirneiit of the very best pal terns in rO0fl&-eiM rugs down to door BSSfl ever ihown in tills lily. Also a lull line of Carpets in all grades. Mat ' tings we its showing in M dlCerenl patteraa, N eeata a yard up. foe I will save money by examining our : stock belore purchasing. B. MM AN I S Jit , so'.' Commercial avenue. THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Short Announcements Representing Their Wants, Trades, Profes sions and Various Ac tivities. Rates For ! . J Notices. One liewrUoii H vv.-el i or 0c Three InteitkMii H weeds of iun ... aoe rini week 14 WWeds ee kwa tise All wwrtwwliaet 1 l-Sc prt line uue inn r IkHSj 1. aef Inn- Hire, inni riioiiii; ih.- per tlM one wet-ic BSeeiai rates me see muutu wt leeeer. All uiftttrrset in Nnnnsrrll Ivt. SALLMCN WANTCD. Sili-wnian to trmvel id runniry suit nell upe- etaltit-fl to gvaefUl m.-n-ha-iN. Huod ge.. tii .wvl leMnn. Aililn !'.' S I'lh ntreet, HI. LeaU, Mo. FOR RtNT. Miiil. rn nuif rornn hnie. Ill ITIh ft , l-u j iBodern C men flat, to r.-ui. luqniri- ui vni 1. r Kii rkboS. lIIOI KSMfOHA I.. Dr. Ouan, ' vi . ear, 11. an t lliruat. Corni r Bun ami waabtaetmi. tr j It All.ltOAIr NO I ft I v Hperial oni- imy nerou.l rlan n.lonl-f ratt" to th.- went an.l iiOiwi-..t at arewlty r.-.ltir-.-.l fi urea via Iron Mouulain rowM from I'airo. FORTUNE Tr.LLER. Mr-. M;ilh-li-. t-'itline I I' I f I , ,111 SI l.'illl- t'hcle Jo. M. 'niila 1 Hotel ro 1 , 1 NURSE. iment niir.- Iw-.t ref.-reni-e. 21-.I A iii tf i' i I 'vi S. LUMBER INSPECTOR. Ml-- I.ukI hNSMI -ter twi trt v Tear, np'rienee in S..ulh rii l.or.l'rr jia I" .hsn.- pi si lion. AdUr. Is 1. Rerun, Hi.itaf eviile. Mo. FOR SALE. A eompMe et of the Century Kneir-lope.da an t da-lii-naiv. in r" d rondlt'on for sale ' IS Address W H M lliiiofti.. BUSINESS TOR SALE. For Sal,, or Ktrhaue, inv -l.-k ot an.- i'i h g '...t i.'isiiiifts part of Biilleliu . ShN AddufS s WANTfcU Vn m. m.t. with limit- eWlee exoet letioe. wtl i ing to start on moderate alarr with chanca of e4acr-. Addiaia UocJ frosptcla car of 1 V Beautiful Is within the reach of almost every woman if she will make daily use of SWEET CLOVER CREAM It is a combination of pure materials and has wonderful vir tue in Mraottlnj) rouahrest, healing ciups, and in the skin eott and clear. Its u-:e invariahly insurea grijtly beautified completion. II. C. Schiih Pharmacy Co. !j ) ' CORNER WASHINGTON AVENUE AND EIGHTH STREET. ANNA LAKE HAYNES JOHN A. WHOLESALE Ch oice miller, tiuns, intaKiasi ivacou, oiapic ami rancy i. .. ii if Grociries, Fine Canned Goods, Etc Special Attention to Cit Trade, Prompt Delivery Guaranteed bl9 OHIO LEVEE BOTH PHONES NO. 100. AN AFTERNOON WITH HATS AND IVIUSIO Tne ladies 'i to Attend the SPRING of fine irttllinery. Friday, We h ive paid special Miss r. L. W .Cairo Opera House.. O L. WILLIAMSON, v ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY, f W i i THE EVERLASTING SUCCESS! The World Famed BROTHERS BYRNE In a (iran l It -vival of their onornionly MOceSSfgl Si -i-taeular I'anOi miuiieal Production, the NEW 8 BELLS LATEST EDITION. twtrwdujetaf aU new PwatOawSSiO Tricks, New Mechanical Kffecta antl a Host of Novelties Positively the only Byrne i SEE The Piiiiny Horse and arriuge. Tlu-dreut Fire Hcene. ThM Wiunieiliil Revolving Ship. The Lively Octopus. The John Byrne Troupe of Acrobats. THE GREATEST LAUGHING SHOW ON EARTH. 1001 SURPRISES! The Acme of Pantomimic Coinoilv. Prices: M.fS), 7lie, 60e, S80. Seats on sale at bo "llieo Wednesday March 23d al 1:30 a. in. - a. a. ...S.a 4 .. MA l lNf .H AND NIGHT Flan lrss Ihftttiitatioii f lite iWirful Dmrna A LITTLE OUTCAST A Story Ola Woman's Love and Devotion : The Best Acted Production In Many Seasons Every Scene a Revelation Life aaaeg the ayiwer tea sad krweff SVl of New Vork.The Hatter at kgbt VaoptrX akia. Hoelrt; Hluwimius. 'the Dune ti.nd. china- loH ii i .-'n n n n i A . inn i 1 1. e iiiiaioj ii ii iii.i -. e i. The Play is Full and Unexampled 1 1 Portrayed By a k.-marksblc Cast of Clever Actors P Matinee 1(1- a ; K A-.r at box office Friday M.m. a I a Complexion HAYNES, AND RETAIL . i .. t'. l 1 r . nop re cordially invite OPENING March, 25th from l to 9 p. tu. attention to tailored hats tins season. Etllace, 01 I i 1 1 1 1 1 si. ONE NIGHT ON I Y. WEDNESD MAR. 23 f Shakespeare's Famous Comedy THE MERCHANT OF VENICE foseph DfGrasse as Shylock, t Supported by A Strong OrganiMtioa of Clever Players Kale of st ills opens at box office on j Tuesdav . .March ;:.M. Prices: 1.IK) ', ic, 50c, 25c. J March 24th ! Production before the public. ) oeeeee- March 26 ; SATURDAY, Every Act a Thriller : SEE: and wn-.noiw (naT. i ne mi'iiefas ol Fascinating Interest Finotionalism. .'; It 21 .Seats on salt t 5th at 8.30 a..m. i dp t V I : i 8 i m iisiiiisrssttiCssei 1 ttsits a t UkaUtio.