Newspaper Page Text
TTTF f AIRO P JLLF.TIN. TUESDAY MORNING MARCH 22, 104. NEWS OF THE RIVERS. HOW THE TRAINS RUN. trains Arrive . . Trains Depart. . :onditions and Prosprcts a Shown, In the Government Report- Gen eral News. Danger Utage Change rung South 11:41 1 : 30 a.m. 3;00 p.m. 8:06 p.m. 1! : IK B;S6 a hi. olig South !! : i a.m. :;: 16 am. l :0 i in S : l:n a.m. 0;O0 a. m ii: I.', li in. NO. No No ill) M.IU It c if. South I I. J: 1 I a ai. Ntl IS; ti p.m. (No Hue feet wHter noun 1' 4 M Ho Nip. :'ii',. . in p m a in p in .1 in Mill No ah. M No A i ::!! II p ;d a in No. & O front South. i M. A; o. sing 8th 4 . f -.. i mc r a ir m II I PUN ' would venture to a mini uch P PHR NEGRO IN Ailto s-' S THh CAIRO nULI.r. IIN .., ; - ft CNq 0 OCt:efcllH.i iaS. flf. in I white house iii enacting I'.. I''- solo Cain i. as shown in the census rec ir y.. ,-: K W. TIM Kl.KCK K. Mux.... Kiiittu. - " , 1 'Ik .f ! 1UI SaUtJ 4 ILr i'ir 1'oiU.ace 3r..ud . -Jr ( V member imagined thai toe mere ,,!aliV Ml, i rs oi the race v . 3& W i Nai hvijle (!! trea nry with. mi .uitluin ul iaw ... OA ii,mo piepoiitieranec oi oaeuuere ..i y m V " 1 ir. negro. I.U! h tbej con gF sJ ?' .:, I.,.'. .n.-third otoiir tor.U pop f U! v "'L Jf "'V Bhrevepori NOISE IN THE AIR Will attract a crowd", so will a loud advertisement, but noise does not al ways please, and unless an advertise ment appeals to the reader and in spires confidence, it can never be made to produce gor J results, no mat ter how much space is employed or how good the medium. Yesterday was a flj thermometer was ekisi streets pari (if the tlnu eder. Th 111 i- in throw intr oiieii t h treasury without autitoiity 01 iaw roaM still ,- startR"! assault on rar InstlUMoai Hut the scheme it .If is as vicious SB th - manner ..f it: 1,1m i:i ( . i : r ,,! inlii- p.pii t and part) campaign pay-roll b ady a scandal it contained MS names la. t .luiic ami has sim ttoM run up to over a million Befnn tht it-.v awvteB p.-nsioii Intlation ii was costing about 14ft.00o,0M a '.ir it ha- i1 st from the hCgtmtBg iv-i t3.OOM.0M.0A0 Talk ahout siN-iaiisiu. niUtarian and It I politics' 4.) S9 it SI .'. rail i tali i rta u:. ris it ii l' 2 til l ii ri. i ii rfc Hi; I from lias: hi;: I goini I last i a.m. Cotton Bell froai Bonthweci No. 14, 1:46 I linn Mountain I from Wesl N.. Cotton licit dnii Bouth si 13. : IS I' m- Inai Mountain BOtag West, a. 21, :;:'.'n p m. MRS. FA RBANKS. River Forecasts. ho Ohio At BtraaavtUe ic falling otitic rapidly , will lunio' Coll nt ialisn he lie result tlndh B them is that ,!i isoac ntlal candidal d the Ataorlcaa lit ralutl i he i -r -I'h It mil hid. I one lie of of the fiauuh Important con- , an ittci :n:. l hem such measure id rc Having de mw canal we if we can ar t a now wait clear title ins to Rocsevelt now ha- ITS instructed tor him tt the chosen for the Chicago coin powers of Kurope. Oanailt ! tl Russia, coifthined. They ke lover two million men under arnis u delegates tim" ,r ,h"y haiv a" ,'" ? "n .... Uased in gf at wars since we have i ii i i i . i i ' hii ail, I mi , t more Ther ! nail ara bai . no on i negroes nti i an.l tie vast pead: . :10llS. i mtay The president torceti the conlirma Hon of Dr. Wood a major general through the genet , by playing poli tics. He pent In M!7 officers with Wood, each promotion contingent up on th late? '. These soldiers, coining from all part" of the Republic, had to be eared for by members of congress, and that Is on i reason why Wood his new star He is now a major-gen-eral, but the record is there, and that record accuses him of things which OC honorable man would wear The pit s Idflftl's action in the ease of Wood is in marked coiiirasi wuu u neighborhood case of Se hi V, wtiolii lie ueouerai;ij , .,, robbed of credit justly due him. to BB.V oothiag of his treatment of (iea Miles. pell n ha. Our Our Republican exchanges claim (ouch credit for the. Roosevell admin Istralioii because it has demonstrated that the Sherman law can be made effective against trusts; but they have nofhing to say in the way ul urging the enforcement ol the law against those trusts which are e ocdally oppressive to the people. On the contrary, the Globe-Democrat did Sl, not healtatc a few days ago to an nouuee thai no further steps would ho taken by the president ami his ul tnrm'v ceneral. Yei the Sherman law does not. leave it optional with kre talk in them to do or not 16 do according 'o gteri ao their views of what would be giHMl ! politicians politics. It requlrea them to act The the public t...ravn m the law is uoeuuivocal. always he to wit "It shall be the duly of the dWtrlet attorneys, under the dir.c twin of the attorney general, to In tl tute proceed iiu-,s in equity to prevent mid 'restrain such totathms.' 1 1 that sound tike a permixsioti it. go to sleep after the first victory ? The worst offenders remain to he attend ed to. What's the matter with the Ktandard oil trust, the anthracite trust, the Bteel trust and th" me it trust? ill hae to t .ir. lor oi ,1 tiom year to oar iu regular armies; jrel only $28,000 000 a yeai In Rtteeta 33,OO0,00v antl $19,((K.tsW We pay mot penf.ious on accounl ol .var .-mletl thlrty-aine years ago Kranco tpegttfa for maintaining army of M,00 men today The year the civil war I nde, wire paying 8US,1S3 tor Ten years later the (igu: I climbed lo 12,C3,1 16. In an cade the bill was, 65,G93,'J ; years later still it had m ! ii I0.9SS.3G1. It ha ever since il reached Ii iS. 1J (tell what il will be tllld Roosevelt ear rice pefBaion decrea, This subsidie.i patriotlam Ii an i . i suit to American low of country. I i Implies that of all the naiions til lb world ours la the only one who. pi ople will Ml light for it except o a cash bash. While Japan is disphV in:; an example ol soil : an uieing pai riotism we arc ofeflag "e" spectac! of a patrijitsni meaaured by the iaj ort ion t their num i than lis in a k , !er t. UUfe be d condemn i-r -manic t r d lu r Qi it! Tv itilOil t 1 in i ha ihe ne authorities, s ng them can lin good cltizi ones, without equality, urbane the oe e, and the rrimiaai t so numerous, nor proper efforts (ran hlle the law-abiding bt eacoiiragel to ii and become bet am talk about sc- ial r ir,:.' neur angerous onmunlt) llowed i :sr-d by to the well being of t h ileMtIllltf those who aj'.ii a! i irs Ihe IS UCC b 111 tt-atb nv I lis srtou a Ruincient number w in nil unprejudiced and level- n am. nig then to prevttit s results. I to say. therefore, that the i ir on 1 1 pen-ion system is distinct it is only a stop frOBI w age pensions for ev rybody. Win the supply of old soldier:, ll exhaii. 0i does anyUnly suppose that the di nan. I lor pensions w ami U loag as like Roosevelt reltare for votes n w and ever m Th. hard arge negro populatios reate aiiy unpleasant he illy; certainly nee I not alarm nt i.otiy. ii is probably no larWr hau Paducah has, not nearly io arge as many cities south of us have ml certainty no' any more lawless nd not nearly as overhearing, as the iraes of some of the northern i t is have shown thouselvoe to be, IfElKS AGO rODAY of pension' roll M Amln-. a breach M : tlsgranl by his slice eu nancy of i Msasos had eosioihti the MMttttsMkMi oae-tesji a.s that jusi perpetrat pjgejf in the scesaewtal 1 1 the whit - BOOM 111 hi mad hunt for dB4gtt I hi impe M ient would nevt r have failed hv OS otc In the senate NO TIME FOR QUIBBLING. Whilo from California comes Ihe news that the Democratic state cen tral committee has endorsed Mr Hearst's candidacy, because he is a native of that state, Nebraska Demo crats send forth the message that they are against their erstwhile f i . . .1-1 1 .. V . .11 vi i- Rrvan Insisted mi April I. t"r the state convention and the committee voted for June 1 It war, the Intention of Hie twice-defeated leadt r to i,el the pact for oth. r states by having an early convention and instructing the d gad s for a certain candidate I advantage t,, his cause Is It I lor by June 1 moit of the state cotiventi ii. Will have been held The anti Bryan Democrats are in the major;! Nebraska, and what lin y prop . tag Is dearly re.' ib-d in the follow lug statement by one "I them: The action of the (-.-nid't -aid Id Ceorge I. Milb-r, for twenty f'u.r years editor of Ihe Omaha Herald and the father of Nebra.-ka I fiii. : i cy, "was a clear defeat for Bryan ai il a turn down of his insisteal demands that the ir, to 1 p'llform be reaffirm ed. To me it reveals a widespread fleire i.n the pir' ol Nebraska Dem ocrats to express to Bryan ami the country at lare their dissatisfaction with Ihe Kansas City platform" ROOSEVELT THE LAWMATf N-w for World There has liw.-u an imprer.: we are to . I. . t nr. vidvnt veriter II !h a nic ;.!,. in RnSSin ' 'I be to ally at sea n thj nature of his office we elfv a czar No other sort of potentaf en the mikado or 'lit Ueima paror, eyh of whoa is iiamper The coal miners and coal operator in Illinois will meet in Joint coavei I tktn in Spriio'tit Id Thursday, Mare' i ti Ualeaa an ifjiweaMoit is promptl I reached, there is tlanger of BlUCh i II ness in the coal mining industry n i Illinois during the BBMSfBf motiths. The time tor staklMi soMraesa b I large consumers of fuel it Anrll I I Now that it has been decided by 1 vol of the miner to ace pt the pro; usilk n of the operator tot I rsdsi ,. ;i id pay at all hSt iBg points i the bitiimiiious cosJ-mlning imiustr if the so try, theft should hi I quibbim", oi the state cotvenlkiwi Ti. dlfferentialn filed In the past Be '.inly should remain iindtstwrbwl, Hi y will re.. i tin Hlfdl fhrbtfj, hBl n tlBM khooid be lost in tryini; t ehaai them The lime fof i . fiirin eoBtrscts in order to insure hulaij iml Work in the coat-SJIninJ lodwsvr is 108 short t" he Wl ! I la nets' less e. intention i vrangling Tie r owetloB la c.,al rad fro the east of tea edits b th; i.iilru.ii! is tfosaised, and if this promise i fullille I it will Bsac Illinois, Indians anil otlnr wesl rn states ;it a stil greater dismiv.nslagc ihSB at prea B regarding th h pr-- at comp. uii. ISlalklBI with Weel Virginia, Hot ! ing Valley and Pennsylvania coal IT the princtp!. of imp. titive quali y i; to be :it all recugahi i. the pies nt is the time t i show that It. I rt . iitfiiizeii in a pfBaltosI way OBl that tb short aiRhted policy displayed b; xt No west in coar.iiunilii in ti pa.-.t i Mr ' rWSBWaStMe lor th. great advant.u-. now cujoyed by the ea t. as again Die west an atlkantagt that till In .nrre.i: .tl to the lbs run nt of th west, unless existing conditions an persaiUad to continue condition which we wt I1 ki, iw are already tufti cieni ly f aon.u i'uci IVWVVVVVVVVVVVVN vwww w "rom The Oullctin of Mrch 22, ia';0. il I:, plea:.. I to learn of the rM II f religion in Cairo, lie n an- bj 'lis he is glatl it tlidn't lake place In uund City. Potter it i ais in ,n ad of roorslity as Bat Bd II pproach tit civilization, and sodulou i sogi it. The pSBwcratlc delegatioa in ean reei aanouBee themeelves opposed i he proposition to buy Kayll and Si loalago, corr.' tiy nrgiBg i-iit we dive alreatl) as la it", a aipply ol SS r ; as we A'atit, Charlie Thripp. the SNpervisIng ngineer of the flr .t sevsateeti mlkn ,f the call i ami Vmceaaes railroad, ias e tabli she i IB ofke in MouBd 'itv. BartoB, ot '.ic Chi ',ra,' is. in Sprirn-lielil pen and wt nt 10 ' ae theater and want i.idd tiie Baaofstaa eath bed. ami west to mil in He gallery ami went Ui sleep; wa I called to ;i private aitpurb ;: noo of tin capital ami seal I i sleep; , hugged a I MBP BO ' and WSfll 1 , j oil M idSt v. ell, he t then i. mi N ... hat's Th. i ii d !,: i mas Si lFHHM.lHN. I om , u,,,,",! do ' gel bald (LAsio'vv-vi 1 cause they never havo to rack j ; heli :.. iln for cx w tor i malning I la this SSBSltasMI all msaut r ef loful iu- , tfi h iim t.n uiatinu wilt he hriehf stveasrerj uy. suy etsttas asked i waasei eaaewslBg say of I " the aialiUssuwai aBaiis ef daily U W re- ih. in . i sang artiaticiy, ctirs sattfnt emHrtttTrirmn Ami gol themitevea encored aet at ti: i;!. T he moon still set ; l.ile The value of manufactun i la the I " Milwaukee Bentl United st:it a In HWO was over Ihli t ''j ' teen billion dollars; that of farm pr..- ' ducts $:!.;, i.iti.Tih;. ..Tl mottma B th- tommi Hat Iu tfkOa i her- were 1331 daily hews ! ' J,"v,.ry f(,, f chiblren.' pai ra IB IB0 ni e . , i - hv do yon think :.o'.'" '"BecatMH weekly and :v:i moBtwy. . ,iwV, asking them to com. .calendar Ibis is the year :.X. JM ooly because she has u grudg. The Ian. .st gold producing mine in I woman in the Oral Hat' Jha world Is the H stahe in Scutb Jcago Bventog ,'.., , 1 MENU 1 OR TODAY. I rentedlea are bicarbonate Ol .oda. pit TBSSBBy. March 22. j iloves and ammonia Rrsahfast. ' j Oh, Robin.' when you cot. to rdBg I Bally L.UBB8 tnd cheer us with roat ami Lunch. i ' i, . , r .... i nheese Poddbtg Your loseages along. ('ream Puffs Nes fork Herall. Dinner. . Sago Roop He that swiis in prosperity will i : - Corned Reef Mashed Potatoe ,ir. to shrink in a.lvt rsity Col .i Samry Cabbage JOBBf Cran-lma. I wii: o i e . i Walnut Salad jtoM you noi to ash jrodr irraadBUI torjCaBBed Kruii Sponge Cak iki," Johny "I'm not BSklng Ik s Coffee Will Colli ii aic, rat reanesase ohnsont in itial. Mobile 4i OhM tr;iins arrive ami dc- Htatlon, corner ol Ohio LeVee id iron Mountain All Illinois C and Cotton Bell Mil from Central ji eond street ami All Hie l-'olir i tralaa arrN and deparl from tnt Union station, Beeohd it reel ami Com mereisl avenue. Hail may be deposited in the box a the transfer station, located at I tB 1 1 ii i station, 8i parittro ol sBj train. todav Th CO UN 'I Mi i- ii - Prom bi ll r.fiifial Rivfr Nev Th stag of llu ri -ho r at I p HI Slit eon la Sunday had mort iimpl ion morning with p.-aput i tor this summer ah tali bad Poll Chit ayor, ci. a lerk, i! uiiii 1 1 lief M kgll II P 1 i rati nunty 16.M7. W INT K rCHER. DIRECTORY. mois, Pop- Alexander County, c tty Judge Win. B County Clerk JE8SE l Circuit Clerk, LIOK H J, Il ROBINSON, K PRICE Population 224NIS. iii Sunday, a away for M mphlf arrived and laid Ir. 1 1 The Be Sun, lav night The Bpeekeler arrived from, belos with I'dlP wood at I I iu. She go I i below with empties today. Mar) Mtachel i k it for Rarfleld wltl Coroner i A- sessor DAVIS. di: and M. DKWEl : MILLER. DAVIS. McMANIS it: nk E Board of CfOiinty CommlastonSrBi i 'bail man, JOHN A. jMILI.Isli )i'l Kf,i i U8E. hr: to tun. t iccess of an army I in-The i-. deneudant upon Ihe Th efflcb m y oi Its offlciSM and men. ol any buataags 13 like- sue 111 I Norfi P i n I, i Th ,1k at I i m James Mi ran with emptl s yi b Kx porter Ian led pas t.r. il p tin trains. Cairo liernoon i Siiln Wai lorh of tin tl hv Walt 'aclflc plerci am compels) nlv. A I d to come dw of coal ialro for I ediectei a sup ell II required place to llaih Ail in tiiu mil and CaC lill to nnde mil necessity oondnel exsmlBatloBS ami standard of effltoe high ernmeni Inspector servleo iStte thlflg, in a measure, the license la issued that if It 1 a ale- t len Ice steam en are a : pecial tO Whole inportanco nicy and place Ihe hut s th : the after last lUroads have ruu v booze lighter gteamboats havi from their mil ami are mm t THE BULLETINS' daily fashion plate j A sBeehsShs coal Bt r id nrty nesl MMdale 'New He vl I ted tin ip; be vi. Itod tO loop, hi nt Use iln' sleep, he I II h ei p; lilt l-l he matd irobably', has h n n id ng U - Spring !el I 'Journal ' .j for T.i;ts. left her : e:it nntl other side or thai No Acrour.i Th pr. m i II Willi over to t(i car to net away Ironi a pa . e: yrr who sriti lied strongly of tobacco. "I don't see how a man i an bear hi pill a nasfy old pipe in his BKMtth!" she mu tiered Hut she nattered it rather ladl Ha) I !y. She a- I I line b.d wce:, In v itwy . ip Ike bat;. ueil old en coin wl'Ti which she w.a . a!iut to I a;' h r ;u the mine has broken will be three or four day I befOf .. ,ii bi had from there. The St u.ud Coal company is having Iroubll In getting the Illinois Central to brihi Its i o.ii to Paaneah There are sever .il earloBds i twees there and thi mine i. Relief is espt el jreek. 1 A ooauBiftec of negro roosters cal lad on c.ipt. Leyhe at St. Uonit and .pi seed a willingiK ss lofga to wort hat the captain said Ills boftls were fullv BUHSBed Mates oo not tap kindlv to the while roBBtsW, The Wll lilirness w ith which lie does hi.: work bis failure to UBflermSBO iae his glory ami makes his big gnif" unnecessary, wars i ';uii say: an ordinary ladtVtdBBli WBO wan :i plank moved. WOWM say: "Move plaal over." A male would say . over that plank move that k over move il l ,rd ford with i! wilb It lord lord row ;,. i ii would si m, of ab t to pilots, would halve eaougl n and puri'is e i be at Ho be later t l ..bile on w There hi in tl ir haml I ....:ii r po i ihility and an ever pr-. ,:,! H WisthiUty of accident tr man' oo The br easing of a key rntghi reeS, ami i Be Bam suppi i iii BrasoriloB to the g sefs of .team 'I her.' 1 1 no placs where more const acn wate ireroi i 1 N.d'.Mth: taieliic; the .e fact: mi . b re ihe.- havt sornnctoncy. it would mate -, on the river had rul-s of oondBd by tin he piratical skipper of ramp steamer of years illL "O Idthetl With Httll 1 1 V , ' III II Hid The that some fori I their standard of the ocean age, who. bo brli I author struck men down lor minor oi- m and ostahHshed a bratal Jtspo 11 OB all ships, because he coubl. boeause he, bt sans If was a brute record of klllkag, cntiing ami ,L ri.-,,r ha . not 11 good and ol voic I thai I ted I thai lord Rngj t a in inbltii ,p to 1. The pick pood pnmnarlson to I letters thai itleman in belong to o!h t i wad a i nstti i tloB 'in ir, rw- , . , . . i do ,n i ales while r adln 'I here rateh ,. tfi imal s and ei i :i gone to steep u Thev have heea known ijp a ., ay the bu y bOQrS of a wnt -h .,, BBS M o'h r diversions could he Ml Weiry hours in lb of as eaghsei r who had his sad mind in his week. Steam have at Bt r IhiBSS !n ode the I I! I. 1 u ) Tuxifjrt i fare. The pettia? B 11 Witt I.. ems : with zur tb. i j Alt 1 WS li-S' 1" Iii 1 All MU ll t l I ' ggsaj I ,,1 thllM ll ' "Vt !lii SI Kul fehhSS' In hi Cel illto "ihyi Ittf. ill A RMOCI f.D BLOUBI Sn.tickini; Is iiwd for trlinniluc qhiti extenniv sBMeked blouse:- are quite, the saw ft est ih.o havi t ,". i .... . h..n .1 I.I.Mi-,. .f Hie: kill,!. ,Vlll il in-ep P lock. bfh cuffs, ami a pOIRt froli - e-h nhonld- r. This btottSe ;. ... i i,..,ii .i,.i,. ,-retK dcchme. The entire thing ac Jrdlon pi.-ai.-d. Tht bb-i: e fh" n i Ii! I r-I.eil ri!it) cut Ar. noire i 001 hsBSs ' An Bwrj -ii'-Tl. au:e r, d Iht n P way- Rcnein jr tr- rvsi A Lgjy? K252 B Ct ttt. aj-iJ ink...:. )jv. C'li. ... JV- rout ef problem !' coal nd with. I in difficulty i often Imm the roof li the l il on 0M a 'heir job . SB thewchod in the flattering unction' thai there art Botsf better to h i had It Ik the dry rot of iBaUfteiwaee whieh paralyses efficiency and cheats the n uiaj-i'ietit of xp ft- I r-snlts d k mi sohtlc and IRiMhsBI IBBJ i's Wrk i n t always BBBBTSBl at till a,lh! ' iiine. lint i- sho in in a gein-ral sun, mine Bp, Can it Be in the piasfBg SO , the P it luats froiii the rivr Ihe .. : stesmBiaf men hav also BUSft I ii w i ;i,ai many SBfJBct ra f.irnvr on every , arc now hj hotel boL 25c i plant ., hottlc plsats and breweries, fmnt : sbobM i THIS IS A Mllflt Cf ED. PINAUD'S EAU DE QUININE HAIR TONIC i.i. I.f it'' tn Fr-n -h f-'f itl'i t.4. riu i f .a" ! "' rttr:lfl I Ikf : ' '" '" tte ttk' "' I S ti"' 'I" 'ii pen. . .. i ... -.', . On ti. .. Iiwlllc I I Pi 'ul'l ft : iff Qui- ataii p"" --n ' ' ptc"it O.r U.'l i ,l"'!' ' Wfcaaaai SWh " "" ' i""" . . ,, , .., i,i, -i ... :. lUU.'i cio. ahJ C r t. ,:tlm 1 4.kJlilr5K. S:.kfid?l -,.U IVtllVWHt-li F.d PinauJ' j Import Ollice i IS . iii B'ltll if " : Vo,