Newspaper Page Text
I EVERY J j IN TML 1 THE CAIRO BULLETIN. Daily Service OF THE , ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL XXXVI. NO. CAIRO, ILL., WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 30, 1904. ESTABLISHED IN 1868 G RIVERS Southern Indiana Now Peels (he Terrible Effect. WABASH BRIDGES CONE AND THE EVANSVILLE AND TERRE HAUTE RAILROAD SI & PENDS GREAT LOSS BY MICHIGAN FLOODS. Uy tho Associated Press. indiannpoiis. March 29. ah river tributary ii the Wabash and Ohio ui overflowing and area) da mate ha: I been done to the farms and building) I throughout southern Indiana. At Vio l cennos the danger seems atest Nearly nil Hi ' manufacturing plants i nve been force. 1 to close. The Evans viiie and Terre Kaute railroad baa ens pended Operation In the While! river bottoms ten thousand acn s ol wheat are inundated. At Petersburg the river backed into several mines forcing them to (lose, llazleton is coutplei ly Isolated. Between Kvans- Vllle and Terre Haute several b vei have broken Hooding hundreds of valuable farms. Today the east Bpafl of ihe big st1 el bridge at Bloomfleld, I the only remaining bridge across the White river for a distance of fifty miles was swept away. LOSS IN MICHIGAN. fly tin' Associated Press. Detriot, March 2!f- Five lives have be- n lost and probably upwards ol 13,000,000 damage to property ha; been done by the Hood which lias de vastatated many parts of Michigan during the past five days. Tonight the indications are that the end i;. In sight although conditions are still very bail asl Grand Rapids and also along the course of the Saginaw river At Grand Rapids the water has fal len two feet today and at Saginaw and Bay City this indications are lav oralde. THE BENNET WILL CAUSE Appealed by W. J. Bryan Now on Trial Will Admitted at Com petent. New Haven. Conn., March 29 Phfe o S llennelt's will was admitted as a competent document for probate by Judge Gager, of the supreme court, as a result of th, llrst day's hearing in the appeal of William Jennlngl Bryan from the decision of the pro hate court which disallowed the. "seal td letter" found .villi the will giving Bryan IS9, The chief Contention was III" ad mission of Hie sealed letters" as ev idence was being argued by the conn w I at the time court adjourned for the day Form r Judge Stoddard, who i senior counsel for Mrs. Bptiw hm se,o, n.ui it,. mtB. I Hennell and oilier heir , fought -ver.v I l. ,. ..... .1 , . .., I , . 1 1 I ... i ... mo..,,., ...-. .,.. moved In their eftorts to introoiMK , evidence and at linos he directed bit ter invectives and sarcasm against Hie opposing side Hryan's attorney win reply tomorrow, WILL SHUT DOWN MINES. Ry the Associated Press. Des Moiiits, March 29. A joint meeting of miners and opt rators to day resulted in no agreement as to a wage scale. The operators hare RAGIN WO C DAMAGE greed to abide by the Indianapolis 1 -aSTeti mead in all cases and the miner , in a Wreck on the Milwaukee Road refuse to so far as districts Now. 1 : and I are concerned it w io4 unlike ; Switch was Thrown t.i h that Ihe oiierators will shui down i their mines until more satisfactor arrangements can be mad 1 - 4 ' INDEX TO CONTENTS. PAGE ONE Associated Press news, Special telegraphic ser- XI J vice. Important local matter M ml X i PAGE TWO A ssociated Press news, Special telegraphic X service. Important local matter 4 4 and People's column. PAGE THREE Correspond- I ence from neighboring towns J 4, and Animal stories. PAGE FOUR Editorial, Use ful information, Fun and Phil- osophy, Fashion Plate. Of Pub- lie interest. How the Trains Run. City and County O.rectory W t and Personal Opinion. a PAGE FIVE-Senal story. PAGE SlX-Sporting (Base- ball and Racingi and Mircellan - 4 PAGE SEVEN Grain and A Stock Markets. i T PAGE EIGHT Chronological, T rscnal ,,ems' 2 nel,r t News, Amusements, Weather, A . . , A R.ver Co umn Peoples Forum I u J f ! iTHE INTERESTS F II m MAN Are Attacked in Bankruptcy Pro ceedings Instituted. ELGO GRAVEL COMPANY PAID HON. RFED GREEN ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS " WITH INTENT TO MAKE HIM PREFERRED CREDITOR Special Id The Bulletin. Springfield, ill, March 29. A petl- courl for Southern UlinoiK bv Llew- n.. u .. . . rut ..i ellyn Morton, ol Chicago, aaking iiiai the Novacuiite Paving company, of Baal St. Louis, be declared bankrupt, i Mr. .Morton claims that the defend-; ant corporation is Indebted tp him In the sum of 113,824 and that they com mitted acts of bankruptcy on Decern-1 her 23, 19o:i. by mortgaging their I quarry at Blco, Alexander county, to Malbern M. Stephens, Deal Q, Hunt and J, August Mayer to secure prom- issary notes aggrcgal mi; $2. Ion, and at on February 25, 1904, they paid j Reed Green of Cairo. $l,iMiu and other 'creditors 1 1,290 with the intent of j making them preferred creditors. Mr. Morton asks that these be cited to appear in court and answer as C3 defendants with the Novacullte com pany. IS SHROUDED IN MYSTERY Ayed Couple Thought First Suicides Now Turns Out Were Murdered. By the Associated Press. Keokuk, fowa, March 29. An ex imittati.m of ih bodies of C. Lender uid wife, the aged couple found burn d to death in their dwelling at Mont rose, disclosed the fact that each had bullet wound- through their beads revolver with two empty chambers was found in tlr- kitchen near where the man was found. The coroner's jury found that Lett) lee hud killed Ids wife, set lire to the house in hide Ids ciime and shot him self. The police are working on the lb I ory that the couple were nne'dered by a stranger, who set fire to the house I afterwards, robbery being Hi.i mo Hve. THE HEALTH OF WILLIAM I-, At a Low Ebb Owing ta a Hcctu descent e of Old Throat Trouble. By Hie Associate,) Press. Paris, March ui. Accordui:' t-i ihe .,,. nmHnrtndonl ,,l ih. Hnlin a ', ,,.,, was , ,1V( f U iUu ,ii-ri:i(? the uig. t. comlna frm a huh ,,,. ,.,,, , say ii ' 'iiii', ie I had been receive I concernia 1 1 health of Rtjnperor William, owing to i recrudescence of the throat tronbl for which the emperor was up rated ipon last year. ONE KILLED TWO INJURED Cause Accident. Pv Associated Press. Ashland. Wis. March L" F-nglnecr j Kdward Heniiou killed and Fireman, Thompson and White fat- iallv inii.r n a wreck of a Irnin. a4 'last freighl on the Milwaukee rotd by unknown persons at Ferons today I ne uain lan 0110 in iii' u f-wio.-n with the result that clefcteen cats and . I . 1 IDI J r, ........ 'ne engine were n stsn iwhwi ant ion les ram l ie ,v,li.ll was authontlea claim the thrown open Intentions JEFF DAVIS' SECRETARY DEAD. Hy the Associated Press. Washington. March 2:. Ih'tt. n Norvlll Hainson. a lawyer of New the husband of Mrs Burton . .. ' , , ., " ,, , er of ( oneressman Harr.stm. is dead, .. .iced f..".. H .,,.,.,,,, ,,.,,,, A MURDERED UNKNOWN. ! By the Associated Press. N,ir,,(i, N(i) Malch . A ,u, " d ternoon nomlered ne-"- Humphrey. He , " I w h" Ibrongh the !tt tP.niple and the body thr,.w,. , i ii. MOB AFTER arch fiend; Seeking to Lynch Him for Assault Upon Ten-YearOld Girl In Dying Condition. Hy the Associated Press. Lacrosse. Wis., March B9, As the j result of an alleged assault by CharleB Powers, a Milwaukee brakeman, upon Inez Drake, aged ten, l Lanes bdro, j Minn., a mob stormed the village jail I in an attempl tp lynch the prisoner, The moo was repuiseu ny aruieu officers. The jail is still surrounded a! a late hour tonight, but it is thought the lynching can he previ tiled. The girl is Reported to be dying, DROWNED WHILE HUNTING, By the Associated PresB. Chicago, March 29.- Four men were drowned today In Lake Cahimei by the capsizing of their boats, while hunting ducks. The dead: Tunis Peter Blertmo; John Brandt; the lake was very rough and just as they lire. I at a Rook of ducks the boat eapalted and all were drowned. COAL COMES CHEAPER. By the Associated Press. Philadelphia, March t. The e companies touay gave nonce in a dUCttOB In the price of domestic si Anthracite of SO cents per ton, ell live April I. Woman's Age. Woman's reluctance to tell her age is unite as old as woman. Notice In i lit' Bible Ihe age of onl) one woman. Surah, is recorded, MARRIED LAST EVENINC Cupid Causes Cairo Man to Renounce The Dark and Lonely Paths of Bachelorhood. VI. ....... n.. , . . .....I i ' - ' 8eveHth : 1 1 : . i Be wountng was a quiet affair only .1 ew .11. ,,- ' i ;1 n I 111,. w- earM w as aerforned by Jujga , I'lllllilM' v..,. nn,rn an ....ii- lie. was considered one of Hie sill - dantial and confirmed bachelor, of Cairo, and when The Bulletin an nounced his approaching marriage s lew weeks ag'i. he emphatically de - nled that he had any such Iftteaticn, Inn was doubtless biding his time and wailing until the girl of his choice attained In i majority which wa Sunday j Mr I and Mrs. Vincent have minv ! friends who will wish them much bap i piness in their married lite. They are at home to their friends al 2.e'' Holbrok avenue, where Mr. Vincrnt I had a home fumiibed for his charm i ing young bride. Currency Preferred. "So far as I am concerned," 0b- r.-ved Speedahl. "I don't care wheth- r wr Kinm-.t- currency or not (.(urge. Id Ilk to have it a """'""" ' "-' , aww gen Hro,, re "tarried last night th. numero :i 0'lwk ' ""' residence ,d UKIwhiCk have , hrlde'S mother, Mrs. Nellie Scot-, of! Mr (Cell r i little 'iitre adhesive:" WALLACE HAM is sentenced j for Cmberr :f Mil lion Dollars Long Term Creating a Dittui IB Pen. puties' Narro i By Associated Press. Hlooailield. Mo. j Boston, March 29 -W allace II I Jones shot and kill Hum, formerly the Boston manager ol Geo, w Qrear of tb tin1 American Surety company wail Jones bad b an drtn sentenced today loser-,,- not less than I troubjc ail day, for 29 nor more tban 155 years in the placed in jail early state prison at hard labor. Later lie was. releas, I Ham last ,veel, pleaded guilty to j to a neighbor's ho two Indictments charging him with j shot-gun, slipped up eml ezzle-yeiit of nearly a quarter ofmlf;sd Hie r, who t j million dollars from Hie company and stial Henry Colin i troiu St Luke's h . ne for the conval resulting in no one ascents in Koxhuiy. ran home, followed I tlreor entered 'th I WASHINGTON IS INFORMED. him in tie- breasl an. deputy, but missed By the Asi iciated Pr.r.s. returned the fire, Washington, March 29.- Minister (the right arm Conger has cabled the Stale Depart-j TO EXAMINE ment from Pekiu that Russian author- -ities have declared Biartial law in I Now York, .March ! New Cbwang. The department will, lor. one of U)C I wo make no move until it is shown to lie 'suspended cotton fi necessary for protecting American In-1 Sully ami company. NEGOTIATIONS ABANDONED. By the Associated Press. London. M arch 2!L The Times correspondent at Moatrvideo, I'm - gnay, says peace negotiations have been abandoned and the governim lit is raising fresh forces in preparations for a winter campaign. The Greatest Ccnqucor. There is no greater conqueror than he v ho conquers difficulties, and out ui ad vers ttrung wil dit of ids AN IDYL OF THE PA: NEW STORE FOR CAIRO P. J Keller of Decatur Has Purch, Dry Goods Stock from Mrs. H. O. Farrow. ral slot. eiitly come lo C dill add largely purchaiuil th Mrs, II n Fi ion -, . row formerlj tl.lttMtAMl reel m i'linery . . -... ;- .il. l'-o,:i Stock and occ ersi dry coo row forn j depart me 1 to 233 S exclusive liner) A is. nded i Cenatorla' Representation. Btntea having lssllian SM ilath of tie. population . huost, a miijoiit) .,; the entire senate of the United Stal while more than five sixths of 'he p- o- pie ol inp country are repr. s -iae.i e i a teai,n' N tht hodv : Characteristic of Doq-. A sn tllve dg wF! follow the trar of A MARSHAL was killed i , While in U. When II. Mil dav that lamination of Edwin I law by fcrti j Frank Kay. alleged partners or Bull) j in Ihe big cotton deal which result.' I in Hie suspension of his tirm. Tie object of lb examination will be t' j Rttd" mor about stilly s assets, TQ AN AGREL MENT. CAM' Hy the Associated Press . ! Springfield, ill , March 29 Th joint scale committee of operators and miners today made a settlement ol i the Franklin county scale by fixing the rate at 45 cents per ton. WILL MOVE TO CHICAGO d I Lake Superior Piling Company Leave? Cairo Monday Ettablisbed Of ficers in New York. ,. The Lake Superior Piling Compinv lo I II' '. .1 (' ago next Mondaj DeWItt, the I'-. ac :,,n New Ko. ieen in CalSvi inc if the . ffi. -s'hei-; i. and has u .ti'c will r -grot to b'ar.i ore. He will still uablishnient. . i KAtHi Average Railway Journey. the t'nlted States the di-Unee he average railway journey is ity-Oinc miles; Li England it is eely ten miles while in Gr.nany it tteen mih s in France twenty-one s and in Russia sixty five miles. t tai American and German Iron. r sparing American Iron tires with 0 las and taking into account the highei urcntage of iron in the Am.r i, ,r ii is tound that the average price idedly lower than that of Ibe ij. ; urea. jjjljj P IBT(11 APprAi du !L WILL HtW By Judge Adams This Morning U- Cot,rt AN ATTORNEY'S VERSION IN WHICH IT IS CLAIMED THAT PURITY OF ADMINISTRATION IS NOT THE RULE BUT THE EXCEPTION Si. Louts, March 29. II is expected thai iudg Adams, in the tfntted states, District court will Wednesda) pas.; on the .apphcatlon of the United .state:; Senator J. if Burton, convicted Hon day of accepting a tee for the wan ol his official inllnence in behalf ol' the Rlalto Grain and Securities company, lor a pew trial and for an arrest of judgment. The e motions were filed Tuesday morning and were taken under advise ! incur. If the motions are ibllied. the do fense has until April t to tile a bill of except Ions, no that the ease may be heard in the r cited Stales Conn of Appeals at St Paul on May j It i i exp -cied that ih opportunity of g -t I tin.", ihe ease thus early before the Colin of appeals will lie taken a I i vantage of, K rum's Statement. it is supporj.Hl Hie aliov e. in. .titer St. Lou c, March L'!. , fudge Ches- version of the enga'meal at er II. Kriiai, S nalor Burton's in i or In alieady been reported from Run- icy. made Ihe following statement rel- dan sources dive to the decision in his client's SjISe: By the Associated Press. "Senator Burton was ckarg i with ' at. Petersburg, March 29.- The Km tavlng received compensation fromlporor has received a dispatch from ii Riatto Grain company for services Gen, Kuropatkln giving a lengthy Ottdorod by htm in the postofflcc de-1 report from General Mishtchenko, lailment. the service being allege. I to dated In p. m , March 28. which says lave been lo Influence tb' post office I that an important ensageaient took ifftclals bo licit no fraud order would! place near the town of ('hong Jnn In in- lashed against the company. j which tic Russians were defeated, "The charge was nol .hat i a r. retiring in perfect, order, The Japa il r was employed to appear in thelneae suffered heavily, lint the Russian department and merely appeared I losses are not stated. Civalry and That Was not the charge. The charg infantry were only the arms engaged, I was alnQ that lie suughl to in Aden o The Rusklans occupied a commaneV or did Influence Hn- officer, of the -Ie line, position. The Japanese fought rI- nar'jnent and tts paid for so doing, lantly, but owing to their heavy "As to the charge as laid. Hie'- was losses were unable to occupy the posi I no evidence to sustain it. Chief Post liion abandoned by the itu. -Ian K, t I office Inspector Cochran, tic only I three consecutive days our small witness on tin claimed all not tried 'o Infiuei ,.', the only i ,Ver He mv II l! e S"l,l ' i ,(lo coi tern, v I-. i in ns . tup rmd Louis and cm ubjeei ha i spector.i as "No words s result locally i usatlon. The vict", I of havi in- rennereu n not paid for at fusion of Idegi an I tiie wcle dav assails e. PLACED ON RETIRED LIST A Machinist Disabled Cicw on Meiriit At Sanliai ENGACE LLK. Ry live Mexicans Mus Be 3ow Mexican AMPRIPAN F if m " rL?L. 15 HAULtU DOWN H;gh Hamcd m irated By the Russians. WASHINGTON INFORMED A DECLARATION Or MARTIAL I AW DESCRIPTION' OF RUS SIAN REVERSE ON THE LAND. A JAPANES'" VuSOIGN, u ir Tne forts tai k id it I WO oft II I The Hr.'.i Japai iiitpoids attempted to draw the Jnpa nese cavalry into action, hut their pe trols, after contact was estahtlshed, retired Seyflhd Chong Jnn. H.ivinK learned that fonr :-;(!iadrons of tho nemy wre posted live vends beyond ('heng-Ja on March 27, six companies 'narched toward Kasan and March '8, reached Cliong-Jhi at 10:30 a. in. As soon us our scouts approach. .1 i be town Hie enemy opened lire from x biiii'ire,! yard: distanli igageasenl ensued, in the imp in ' of infantry and a of cavalry were lying in it odr men were reinforced Ompanles and attacked the hie, and our com, .landing ie Japanese gallantly held ud. and it was .nil', after fiai Japan. ill men ortunate St - pmoff and V.i. el Sc'iilnikoff I in the ield. Three MERICAN FLAG HAULED DOWN. esp,n iwani; ui law complet. iv paraly, ciuauierce of this port in on in- ..i.iibiii i;i.l. .lo COM Us.ts 1