Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, 1904. BUSINESS LOCALS. Ouutlur & Walke, Model Bakery, will give universal satisfael n for everything la the bakery line )nlrr:; for petals promptly filial, Stti A. HfJlry. hardware store on Wash Ingtun fctfeet, want.-, to ; you it- r i'.u ', to everything you need i t!i hiu of hardware, call. I'owers Livery and Transfer, spe. )al attention plveti to transferrin. 1 baggage to all parts of the city low price, 1303 Coml. ave. A. n. McComlck, corner 32nd am Vordai it., will upholster and repal your furniture and make you an el fe-ant hex eonrh for little money. No jewelry store in southern Illinois wells a better stock of watches, clocks I rings, pins and charms that Chas. F Miller, 806 Coml. ave. V. J. Parcell, k ncral Insuranc writer, represents thp strongest and hest companies. All Baltimore fire losses have been fully paid, l'hone 110. Three States Buggy an 1 Imp. C i aclls more farm.' machinery, busples, wagons, carriages anl harness than any house in southern Illinois. T. B. Reese, great sale of kid glove? at 09e, these arc regular $1.50 glovi you can't afford to miss this oppor tunity. Michael J. Walder, plumber; steam and hot water heating, gas fitting al ways the best. 1111 Washington ave nue, phone 106. Three States Buggy anl Imp. Co . farm machinery of all kinds. The cheapest and best place In southern Illinois to get everything you need Cut flowers at Mrs. L Maddens 2301 Holbrook, Cairo phone 1S3. Do you want one of the new crush Angel and llrst communion ur. i-;, . a variety of Egasler gifts In religious ankles and Catholic literature on sal . Mrs. Caasidy's, 3H Sixth street Anthracite coal ia at bottom figures In April. All orders for April delivery will be filled at 50c per ton less than winter price. Cairo City Coal company. John O'Shca, plumber; both 'pbooes. No. 1703 Washlngtuti avenue Sewer Ins, gas fitting, etc. tf It. Smyth cv Co., are having a big trade on California peach brandy. It's; just what the people want and need for family use. , Frank Thomas & Co., popular drug store, cor 23th and Poplar streets., is n splendid place to buy your drugs. Prescriptions carefully compounded. If you want to ;eo the awellest and daintiest lln of ladle: ' n ek wear call a( Carries' and . i e the tiful j i Band-made stuff. M. C. Metisser, the WaKhinjon and 20th st. drupgist, sells the cough cure that cures the cough, and some fim beaJnrhe rentcdics, ask about them A. M. fiponre fi Co.. therreaf ; for farmery to g?t their general chandlsc. Money saved on every ar .tide. 2023 Wash. ave. l'hone 07. P. A. Doiid. the grocer, has some of the choicest tabic d licaciea and nil the staple groceries, good dairy butter and fresh eggs. Walnut st. lk) you care for your teeth? A clean mouth and good teeth .are nee sary to health. Teeth examined free; of charge by Pr. Morrison, dentist. j Fred 1) Nellls, the coal dealer, will fill your coal bin for a small amcunt of money. Put in your winter's sup- In ply before winter comes, Oazzola Confocllonery Store, leader In line Candles and choices! 1 ruit . Trj our chocolates, creams and bon bons ice cream furnished In any quantity. Stop at the Hotel Illinois, right In the heart of the business center Hates $2.00 per day. Both lines of I street ears paps main entrance. Your cash does greater service at j Stone Pros., than elsewhere, Mood in guaranteed to suit you. Prices , couldn't be lover if thrown In a well w Ocnuino white Plymouth egga, act- ting $1.00. John Nolle, Mounds, III. MIrs J. L Davis, Trained Nurse, surgical, medical, obstetrical. 424 Eleventh street, Cairo, 111. T. It. Reese Is having a bis sale In lajrjlg rnn- 'in i;r.derwear. . ''heapi-r than you can bey the domestic All new and best ever sold In Cairo J. F. KolbV Ualon Bakery will si 11 you bread, rakes and pics for less money than you can make them for Phone No. 275. Rugs, Carpets and Matting. I have just received the large;.f Consignment of the very best patterns In roorr ri'o rag down to door mats ever shown In 'his city. Also a full lino of Carrets in all grades. Mat tins we sre showing in 10 different patterns, 20 cent:; r yard up. You will save money by examining our Stock beforp pnrchn.dng. H. M'MAN- PS JR.. 809 ( ommerclal avenue. SI Ixml Meinnhis & Southeaslprn It R. St. Louis 4 Gulf Railway. TO TUB SUNNY SOUTHWEST. Through the Ozarks, to the New Lands of Oklahoma, Indian Terri tory and Texas. Homparkcra' and Colonists ticket on sale at very low rates on third Tuesdays in ca' h month, until Aiil For inm ilptltl lltfraturo and fa tker particulars, ad resa nearest agent, W R MWE Qiera! r i . ml?' M ,:et ft e"' UAP AT j'J (.ro,!linoi5.l, no.. TELEPHONE COMPANIES Propcsc Ex i, CUrksville, and J,ickson. f I' i phonf ct', u i!on meetlni iu t held by r n .vas to coofer with .1. A. president of the U D( Telephone company, o? I tii tance Kent! ' r, -,i ljust traffiee ference ended. it i Be h- a arranged to orsnizo a t:af Mall, or mere properly spoik lau distance lines extending v-. r.ii coaaties In Western K n ameut wi re also eut n Into v Padncyh i-vs'c us of lone di; wlie: nee communication are to be great Increased and enlarged during tin xt few month ', it Is Intended thai ilpe He contrutted from Padncan Ifi mphla. Term . hy way of Clarks Mo Had Jncksoa. Another line v.-'il eted from Paducah to Cairo, ill. following cluacly thr- present by wav of the new Cairo division on the ti. Cairo, ill., will take in a large nam : bur of small towns that are tributary to Cairo jobbers and which arc net t; Impi rtance to the wholesaler: lanuf aetu r rs and business men ger ,. , Work cn the ex ten ion is expects I. during h'- pr DANGER GREAT AT V By th Ao;i,ited Prcsa. 1 1 grci'ly Increased the damages in Law- , , r w , , , , ' m:,t ,:r.pi. t-iy .: Ing the ate i m tacti be d at h Bin lia KETOHT CF TH K CONDITTON Ol 11m l.nierprisc Sainxs tiank. -,. . , , v, , , ,,, ,, .., ,,. . ,. ,h,. r, , '"" ' 1 '""in. Ih B'l . .. . , i i iii'mu i: i;s. uri- rml- , n.-inkinx II..M-..- $5.08tW i in . r II e . , .1 lv wt H.m Due Irum Nuti'.nal Itatik-. I I A Bll.n IKH. ipi'1 il - r pnirt ii ..y , . TbM.'.Vi' - r- ' ''i,.1' RTATt "1 It.' INOIS. Cfimtv f AltxaMar. i I. I. H. Aitthorix BM ' I ,- H . ... a ,4 I. I,,. .r q .'.iwiti..-. fv-rti .I . . ' Ill I iKickspoo Worr, 1 WELCOME I 1EKHBS Reception Committees Witt .Keep Uusv Todav. ESCORTS FOR VISITORS LL BE FURNISHED TO CON DUCT THEM TO THE VARI OUS PARTS OF THE CITY. .A toei Una ol lca j ea i Boon snura r.iiiov inx tt 1 'i ai!i Ohio at 1:81 and j'.i:-. font 12 .and 7. All of these trains t I tnd( r county, i m i gtrts of t; .villi act a i e inimi latlons ha e be n p- enr nrivalp homes for about OM of! Planters' and ITnele Joe's hoteta will ar Iteg boufaa in WO c.-y. liienen has received 00- j :it;. WOnM furnish dele- i illows- St. Clair. 100; Pu-1 iVhlti irardSi i Qalla-' Bfflngh. i. In llamtlt Monn I loiph, Richland. Ballne, Washington, j i'.'i of ibe c iunt; Bctlon. presided ovi nts and has a repti.-ai i ' n.c t inly county avperinteiidents of nfuslon hits re il mi i l. i having two pre-i(i nt ilalned in this man.n Wham of O'ik '. is l I'pon their arrival here the teach r i will enroll. Riving the position ox-cu- lied by them in their cchonl, and th n- i aufal or In the aaaoclatk 'hen be ffiti I a badge er printed on it. 'UK i were thda held durinr tin in r month il and continued 'hne yeagl agl) when the time wns Hanged to the spring vacation wed.. The prescni meeting win pro. aidy he one of the l ire ..t in the history 1 f the UMelattion and the program is named IrIhs furniahed by the Osr aanitt Maeim- r hor. S. I. N. V. Quar tette, and the Sixth grade pupils of 1 1. H. . cbooL v . - TO Z ! T. The Bulletin ill CWtain complete fepcrta of the con vention proceedings, includ ing, tU8 of ipiatttfl and meinbara of tha ttt eclat ion, ?nd matMfa of interest to the visitors.. It will be on : !lfl at the vr.c-i r.-.-ws . : rc'-. in On City and by r ows boys. O-derr. v. ill be t.:ken st The Bui letii off co far comp'ste cets ct Mttmpa pcrs containing the f u I sc CMirit of th conve.-.t-c". which will be mailed to any addrerr it the regular pr ce of 5c. pt.- copy, postige pre paitt. Visitors ara especially invited to csll at the office of Ohio i lcvco. anc; inspect ine most ccmplctc nev:oiper plant in Su them llliflaia, Merqcnth Icr Linotype tyne-'.auting ma- W'!' ;erfe$ttng praa ea, and .ill modern apparatus a ify to the oubli'. it'cn WARSHIPS ARE COMING Nashville ar.d Tcrir-.lo Boat Dettroj 9 crs Will Arrive in Cairo I Afccut Anr.l 18. ill". "oni Fla.. will a 'Xl d( . , T'ni aril blue and mimm Aud Not Without Very Goo Cause. IT ALL. RESULTED FROM WEAI KID'FYC A'.'D TORPI ) LIVER. to reel .veil. 'illlev.i r.lld Ifver ' 't;:;:. will surely suae tin bml b!. . i.1 and '!'- ,ii r-s. Tho eoinptexlon soon caiaa palo or sallow, ant dark li ! appeir under the eyt . I Otaer t-yt-.tptom;-. aro sura to foil . ; t.cli as dm tat P in mouth, P .; jUm gtoiuach, lose of :vp-.; . wsjipusnes3, nstiiotion, sleeplcssai m In'd exhaustion. . "'" " ' Every oik- of these conditions leads Ul SCrl0US ,lis;":!se U 11 " cnceJccd- JOkfl MOOro 1'::'" Is i Hi ci the o.iU'-t 1UV aeers t! United i 1 i ifUl il 8 ' l''a- ' ha without mueli la gylppe i doctor fM that l wa Oreene'a Nervura Wool sstl i :";ly has made nr. burden J liv lu:;l ling up my run dov, n 1 The ailmonl of groat ' nov vifa aas luuit me up m b li. Ijr prononnce it the any proprietary medicine thai l can $ Mip rh r Known. Dr. QrMBQ. Ner Wt nerve rMBMtT to the d I'r. (In-ine. of lol elfth lew York City, the most nuccesaful pccllllsl In curing nervoun and hnmfe disease;!. ie can lo onauit BatJ in St. ll, M; im- r ported Intent! u of I u n to li'iy i hi.' On en B 1 i :.,)! 4 to ihe . n II at the ,- were awai I U BCCl i - For Dffath Or Relief Heart Disease. Dizzy Spells, Fain and Choking .... . . , Dr. Milco Heart Cure Saved My Lfo. fr. Milr-' ilirtr'ore i tM tn d what ao other mediciac can !". li v"':r h 'i n ujrm not afiord ileh y or am- r.e t it others. It ... '- net throat I 1 h,lV'.: " VI ' t I lrrnu?nilr nan i of lend . ' I V; e : ght I have beea a'.le to da I lr daTaa ai5- 1 r- M--' " pir If Ifeart Cure f ived my Lis." Mr. K. IL : Bwch, Bar h,S. I. V: P 1 Ei B ;f ( 1 All draoists sail sad roajatre tet bo- tie !r 'filrV Remedies. Mtli-.rfre.- book cr. : r ...-i HcartjBea . Addreaa DrMiksMccalCKiSHla. the people's column. rt Aiinouncert'.cnta Representing Their Wants, Trades, Profes sions and Various Ac tivities. K.iti-s For Clwsiflfd Notices. One intrrtion 1 J u.inN ,.i eu - - 'Or Ttin r Insertion! M words or tew Ml On u, N ! 1 wr! -. .A- .it over two linos i l-'Je pw liae on iur- l lieu; $upvr line liirto iinertluna: iV it lijifj OM wc-k fipraiAl rattl I oai iiiniith or ( longer. 'V Aii inatlt-r orl in No unroll tvi" FOR Rfc-NT. - Modern nine room hoasa. 'II lTtli "1 . aim -I . niM. mnnera ti loom !!.it, I u-iii, liluir. I tor Bicbboff. l'liOKK.UINAI.. Dr. fliinn, yc. r ir. n..r..' nJ t!irnt, C'uruor Kijth and Wanliiutrtoii. tf RAIUtOAD so 1 1 i . Special one way MOOBd class colonist rnt. I tlx- rrt atnl Kmtbwel Si (rrratl v r. U-i.-oit !( i' ri'i via iron lloantaiu roun CraasOalfo. Continonent Jamrs. 2lst .V Bt'SINEC-C FOR SALE. fwt gale ae exchange, ray stoek of gfooatii : in a (fi,e,l jmr! . i l.iwu. A...trfR8 S. I in I It i in iiflice ROOM V ANTED. wanthi) - a ntat furntahairfiom 'ceatrnllj i.'i'.eoii. ddfni B van- of BallcUn sin'm: ,ri,-e and l04;Uion. FOR SALE. Applv io W&U&lv C, Gore. Jt ('hoap, ivn t: , ! K Mm. MHii-i'.'l.:. t'utur POSITION W ANTED. M vMnald ei letter carrl i -.. - !. in. -ition hv first claw Hrnoffraslli n to start. Address. U .', BuMttiii. SALEMEN WANTED. tin ( ntM ., .' i - Aim iu m tiiin ui vt ti in Uoul, Me. FORTUNE TELLER. Mm ItatfcNa, Fortiin.-Ti ller trein : 0 iVu-iungton Avenue. as 4 J Spcial Brew on Tap. . . j WHITE IMIVI HORSE 1 !3 IM MtiRCH ANTS' LUNCH tit Waab, Ave. John Harvey, Prop. tttllt : ! B U D W E I S E R ; 10c STRAIG H T . River Transportation ..LEE LINE STEAMERS. For Mernphli and Way Landlnft, FERD HEKOLO, Thoo. Staid, Master; Tuesday, 5 p. ni. j REES LEE, I Jehn Flanninqan, Master; , Wednesday, 5 v. Hi ! STACKER LEE, James Fitzgerald, Master. J Saturday, 5 p. m. For St. Louis and Way Landings, REES LEE, John r.'anningan, Master; Sunday, a. m. STACKER LEE, James Fitzgerald, Matter. Wednesday, a. m. ReqpTvlur tho right to paaa all land- lap deemed unsafe. For freight or passage apply at wharfboate. ROUT. K. LRR, Qon'l Mgr. -nnral Ofllea, m Front 8t, Vempbla, Tenn IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTH Elegant New vim Must Reliable Routs -TC- Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Pacific Coast, 1 . . t ... : T,,. rk insas, Louisiana, Texas, j T'0 II ' M Afvt.! nuA frit SnririTS- ObicrvntionP&rlori feDininrrCars. ,o.l. nari- ele.'-int Drawine RocM Sleejiers,,l by electricity ar.l roolr.l by electric fans; new Re- r-lininf Ciiair Cars (seata free); com - nrtable Day Coa h s ft rrd ta howe'Mrrer. aaMtat. bn toniiu retorts aaa t-Kiuc from ('.- iro, St. Ixini,'. TBI!I; i" a i in" ,.l -J r 1 Taai.- "a T eaJM .UWpia Ff,(tM prpi No ? . S Maa- ..,' . it at rar sorst uaal riaUM aa4 faas m I n ;f M . c. TQWajBrjfP ?e 1 t ' t .r; ' - f-Ti. .nr, ( xl BB SliriH D. r A , Oaf IU r A Beautiful Is v.ithin the reach- of almost every woman if she will maka daily use of SWEET CLOVER CRL-AM It Is 3 com! ination of pu.o "ijterialu jd has wonderful vlr tue in removing roughness, healing chaps, and in nukina the skin eoft and Its use invariably Insurea H. C. Schuli Pharmacy Co. CORNER WASHINGTON AVENUE AND EIGHTH STREET. New York Store MEHC4. 1 1! 11 COMPAS V, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,Plainand Fancy Groceries and General Merchandise Wholesale and Retail. Corner 19th Street and Commercial Avenue. n.Casro Opera House.. D. L. WILLIAMSON. MaNSOCR. S 5 MATINEH AND NIGH m su -m m m m -m Last Season's Big Success fult ; urrv S3 : 5 Lf ' mm z A Pastoral Love Phenomenal 1 1 I 1 M.-l oamtnaiK v a. I 5H j) O c and Splendid Compdny. Magnificent Scenery, ml Three Hioroughbred Horses Carried 1v Lost River Company. Bicycle Race, Old Toll Gate, Etc. Si m Prices: Matinee, 25c, 75c, $1.00. Seats on sale at '.'"iuniiiim5,n(iin't?)iJf"fn''' EASTER MONDAY APRIL 4 The Event of 75 SINGERS GANGERS COMEDIANS 75 ELKS BIG MINSTRELS 75 STARS All Previous Attempts 5 a $5,000 W 11 ol ost a DON'T FORGET THE DATE EASTER MONDAY APRIL 4 I'rii't-v I ait thrill few 74 rnl haiftnr-r l.-wrr floor II .00 Dfvwi circle Movata flallrry 2." eCTt. Merit- oa le MuniUy Bora lag, April Uli M n. m. : 1 TUESDAY, APRIL 5th, 1904 1 I Miss Ida Benfeyj , I Bishop Vincent's 1 2 Letter to Miss Heniey: J A " 1 -1 ' fov- ,,,lr n :"1 CbaUurjua .vas wonderful. 4 It permitted M breath of adTcrsc . critlcisB. on f. el what yen r ad. 4 Yen are wl:,jt yoq read Too are v - 'li'T.e ' Chaiiuqiia at'tin. Bring : nr .. ,,,,,r nittii... vie-,r i, , v--r. 4 ;., jnmr If frrrRetfalr J Tntlt roera, JOHN H. VI.NTFNT. ('halauqiiii. 1.'", T la Prices: 75c. 50c. J j 0 "' Complexion a gre.itly beautified complexion. - T, SATURDAY, Pra a S; Scenic Production of Joseph Arthur's VERl Story Direct From Its Run in New York Musical, 5; Seusational, Wholesome. 5 50c. Night, 25c, 50c, ft box office Friday, April 1. 2 M a' a a' 9 a ml The Season DIRECTION THE S. A. GRUBBS MINSTREL SYNDICATE CHICAGO Completely Outdone unies. electrical euccts. etc a a ! Repertory tM ffflHTAfff IT A TAI K OK TWO CITIKS ' "CHRISTMAS CAROL" i a ! AHAM IJKDR" HE MILL ON THE FLOSS av l a a a' a a a; a: a a' a M a ) 1 1 a' a' a av Cape &lraleau; mo , -