Newspaper Page Text
4 vm Cairo nui i mtin, Thursday morning, march 31, mi, THE CAIRO BULLETIN Cotabllahxd lane. fatillfthcri Dllj by The Bulletin Company lit 703 Ohio tiTVeo. I'tionpuB). K. W. THIF.I.KCKK. MiumsinK Kdltor. Kutmrlplion ltte. Odc month by crriir -. oniB. j W-00 n advance, $1.00. One year In Klmnce - . Wkly Viper y PoatoBi a Socond-claas Knlered t the ('air Mall Mull ARCH m I THE ARRIVAL OF SPUING. Calls for activity among the busi nesB men of the city and advertising is one of the needs of the time. The Cairo advertisers cannot afford to lose sight of the fact that the surrounding territory offers a rich field for him and that The Bulletin makes nearly every county within fifty miles of Cairo. It cornea sure sign o watching a b. k up. authority f spring i: that a i a oat th bet If ludec Parker will keep on sawing and saying nothing, like he ha :io far, he will have the Ian: I wood done wood pile in St. Louis. As a wnote wees nas passed with out some kind of a sensation from tin strenuous one, there Is reason to be llcve that there's a lieu on. One of our exebane-s asks will Democracy, repudiates ii past pen forms?" Well, let s sic. the Demo racy of p6 repudiated Its platform of 189'.'; why may not the Democracy of 1904 repudiate the platform ol lno? The St Louis Kepul dli yi derdai stater, that th- Phlllpinos will delegates to both national conveii tions. lu view of the actions of tin delegates at certain past Kepublkai gatherings of this nature it i- to i hopM that our new citizens will not teach the delegates tie- (.nil,- art ol bofo throwing. PadUcah News: "Paducah. the lie, i ball town in tin- hicii". must win th pennant this year. It a fit team is not chosen Paducah will be throwing thirifis at the club officers before the season is over. We believe in giving fair warning." Steady, mate i.-ad. Consider what your club officers are up against. Mow can they be expected to pick a team that will beal fiiro" Congressman Champ Clirt, if Mir aourl, has placed the Democratic is BtK of the coming campaign strongly before the country, in a ipeech do llveied in congnss a few days ai;o from which copious extracts are ci en oiaewhere. A tariff for revenw only with Incidental protection when It is needed. Is the doctrine of (he party. Such a doclrlne will yield t b needed revnue lo the eWornmont; will fester weak Industrie.! and will renuue iiio prini,n cau thai pn duces and -urtains the gigantic " I of the country. Mr Clark's ; p eh was free from any reference to can dldates. pa t or pro pcetlve or to i' sues that have been fought oyer and discredited He i in f.nm- id a unit cd Democracy upon llm w prva upon h we live the SUCC lln's whi ipproMd bf thn i I and Teaeherj of Southern srnve in thi city today. H I will scort'- from a of the M amities In thi end and tgere will be frrm the i antral md repi .i-iiMim northern part o the :,fatc There will he iimltO u- nvci a thousand men and women In Cain during the next three days, who are aagigud in one .,f the mow I itii'iott ml Adds of life's greit work -edtlcatinR the children one of thp most dli flcult rleldM as well Thai they u- all well CfTllippo.l ff,r tho work gor. ttith out saying: that they may bvon i still better equipped Is one of the purposes of fh"ir meeting here tin week. All this entitles them to run profound si ri peel and to ever) eon ftderattoa which their ((.mf,,rt and pleasure may call for miring their stay here Cairo has every reason i -feel pleased that tbet-e ladle . and g'-n tlemen have come heir , and -ho i. . it to herself, ar, well as to her vi .itori that nothing be left undone th,o mil tend to produce Ukc feeling amoi them The Bulletin will endeivor ' give this ocra ."ii uch notice to the exclusion of other ;nplor a . IhP im pertinc of the rv-asion demand The assertion of thr V, . -Iio M.r itcoing member of the city . ton I Aldermen MsseniaegT. mov. ood. Iwler. June and f'ull't W fnf-irierl a conspiracy to prevent bold Inc th' Cttv Plection next nwith in or dcr that thr". might hoi i ever. wonld h amu ing were it nt uftcrir fa! and r..ntemijti!..!n no o.o far rmlv one of the geatlomen nsmerl baa declared openly that he will stand fcr reelection and several of the M iff Other declare! some limn ago thai limy would not mil again, .'.mi Th. Bulletin at that time expressed the hope that they would change their minds because their experience an i services are needed by thai people Whither any of thcai have changed their minds ha:, not t ran piled, but it wmild seem that, m view of the Infamous charge lodged against them hi Uu Anna, they owe it to them solves as a matter of self reap cl to stand for reelection, li Is no) fl1N ,,, ,,,,.. ,.,;. niJleatlve None of them has done anything thai nil for this. Hut th( people need them in the council and there is reason to helieve that they wish lot be opportunity to express Heir i onfl h nee in them. Weil, the New Vorh Democracy has spoken anil its voice la tot Judge u ton H. Parker In the primaries on Tuesday, in the mod important conn ties in the state he received more tin:' enough to insure him the New York delegation la the notional Democratic convention and his friends are accord ingly much elated. Judge Park r i the opposite of the man now in the White House. contemporary Bays of hip: "Possessed of a rjulel dignity he would command universal respect; I averse to aaaeccnary I would strive to avoid thi lain and sell exploitation become bo nauseous in administration: with a i teams: party. he would with mail hi in and in Uona judicial, be would before commuting the ci or daageroas policies: c friendships ami with a race in dealing with m eschew Intimacies like wide Id Ing IQaUtiea of mind and heart which an "s-ential to a successful chief mai: rate ho Would perform the whole duty to all the people." "The delay raMOggbtj giVM rise t -uspicion' said the aVrgus rpeakiai ol the failure to call the cttv election in gopd time, and tii-n i'( continues BapeciaUy when th council in pow H is like the majority of the preacnl inc. who are ruck less of the peopl-'. rights and interests, and are got gi ill Coosistenl in their course ttUB ugly being liable to do gsoat any liing. an I apparemiv havmg lltttk egard for the- organic law upoi vhich the citv corporation tests Vs a matter of tart, the council hat at been luoousisteBt It is the na ir who has been ini'iasistent and ias shown "little ragard lor the or tanie law uposj which the city ecu Hiration rests. Declaring in hil oeMMge ihii municipu ownership ol lighting plants was not possIM; undei mi -ent coaditioaa, he utterly ignored Uial declaration and has trie I t( iiutige the citv into darksess on tb dea that a municipal plant i mid bi .i iidished. Declaring himself en busiastielly in favor of public In Htovemest, he has pnrakrteetly io-;-eci cl and refused to do anything il 'hat direction, even (Ding SO far as to repudiate a contract which hears he iwn signature as mayor In the mat 'or of violating the organis law. m ittayOT that Cairo has over bad Ins dared to go so far as Mayor Wmtei hM gone in that direction, as every ne knows. According to yesterday' dl patch R ita pn crying "stop thief at 'lima. Ttu complaint coatea from Si Petersburg that Japanese ship-) ap icing coaled and Victualed at 'hi,.e . ' and the threat i. made that II this is persisted in a ib-mam! for com psnaattea win he mad upon China. li has nol transpired what merit then is in Km - m.i pita No news ha heon received on thi- subject free ny aoarce, eneept St. Petwrshuci ami it may or may not he true, Hu' ir atgl day ; before thi word was re ?lved from the same i, tiire" coolly ii, ormiag the authorities at wa. hington hat Rnsaia had "mincii" the mouth ol Mao river, which i - a Chines, "op n mrt.' or Wl I ; uch until If ti ia clo serf i without aaytaj "boo" to anybody Whet, now, I Our WM" lord and hi ecretary with that ion,-; h.t .f nsi itfteent "diplomatic m t,.- al-o '.huh wo have beard o t, n i ' Who '!,, heer,ni( i f that ' i;m,i ! wai .one." and thai Chtmna sddiipistra Ive entity," which oar secretary so mudi) announced aa accompli bed through bis tamou note to thi P9W rs? Now, ol eonr ,e. .. . v ill Iron Japan prate ting at . I da'a high handed pro, ending, i" ii Ru and p.. then it win be in onb-r : ret it fwe d famou qui Hon what an vou going to do about It?" I1 i ea -. ". . . i'io geeretar) Haj mndafls omenf - ha. placed Hu inuoio m another BTOdleMMMIt, When must play eithr the bully or n i ra'. en CLARK UN TAKHF HttOHM. Washlngfoii. Mar. h ." t;. t.. . Itlvu Champ Clark, of Missouri, a ll s cawaprnhwnslvt chapt r to eimpalgn maoenii of th D rath part for the coniing t,r" id'i.ini i Hon in the delivery of a carefally po j.irr i ipeech bu th tariff i" Hon in the hon ( a day or t . Mr Clark -aid n nffcatng 'W gj forth lo l.atfle wi'b 'tariff rdie I g'-nnin" recipr x-itv' Inarrit"! npr "ur banner " He then dee , ,,f demarkatinn between th' tarifl d . of iho two partte und Oweti it length m the 1 tan I on -ation of the Repnblleaa H called att-r lien pi th-- dissenting element of 'ho PWrtT, who. h" wMd mir. I). l unt r the hanner of th ' Iowa W i a nd m ' ferenMally he classed tbH eir-mpt ts! I rn. rats. H' predicted th rrwin -n " of pre-iden' R" . m led that the K lie able. b book and t crook t srel ii :i QEORGE D. RESIDENT Or 'asocial! Wham Is oget hat hut said Mich li amount to r, a irh i Hepburn pxiaxy ana pie of proti He pictur war horses dde in the asionally i ifoul of ea d these i in their ro Ri publl i n seat i side !y remarked, ' oc ly these i i i bate men fall ea li other; but their . p u -r's quarrels. They soon klrs ie up aRain. and nsuall) fight " CoittmniBg, he said: 'Tfihe an from Ohio t ik- toon peculiar domain, occaaUmall into history a 811 1 w. gg into i 'try. white the g -nil -im Iowa nsuallv conflnea him- u purs renllenj is his lipping la noi a proo inuntry," and t follow : "lly m wittingly utl (entleman fron njetely all the ditorials and the t o iff help hat one declaration, re I. n i nembt, iho Iowa answers corn Republican sp ech . says as to how high i in- r ii mere " Mr. Clarl 'he enorpr ii luced in the ixportatioe ilgniflcaal i gave itatlstlea Bit aing corn ci..,. annual!) pro t'nit'-d State . ine Mrg this eereal and th in port at (on -f the And yet.'' he remarked. Mfarm expected lo whoop it up tor ' publican candidates because the) i srotected -orn raisi 1 stent thai Miff He from diurn fe touch' ii i ait the iiterar keen int I for nearly ' ItS Itjotl ot Southen late .lata. THE S. I. T. A. ' Public Schools rinteudt nt of the pi iii- nt of th s .vtiiu: at St. I .nui liinoifi and rec i if oiney Packer's thorn Illinois hunt) attribul ignoring th the raiii. I!' favorable g d to the tariff, utterly uni bine, the ri"h coil delightful climate, the ranhical location and the labor ol I crats and Republl- can alike in th ii gwUil couaty.' Mr. Hepbui a cl ttm thai the price of steel i all had been redue -d in the Pnlti i State from $ I '." a too end- r td Wall er tariff to $-1 n ton now. through an industry built up by n Republican tarifl and American in genuity wa i an ci irk, whh h ml ;: irtloa, said Mr " i tatlf) Repuhli iii n . hut would - Iligent man els- of this reduet"-ii I wa- the diseov ter process of man canmeml r of coi not deceive any mi where a : tie- e ;ii- in the pile I it ory of the 11.- j .-no tifacture, he added: burn, with hi. 'le cm ry thing for the i : - a Col. Hep po ittioa t'i cl tta protective tariff .i for not clam that it was responsible Hour reetpre e I ia I lie f r h iat ;! die in ru I'ti'- i'-'iitii p ion principle of which was itedexpr aed by President McKluley ;ii tatc I Buffalo in thepje words: "Wo must 000 UOl ' pose m fancied security thai we re t can forever sell everything ami buy hat Httho or nothing." Pro oil. -ni Roosevelt had indorse I thi McKinley ilea of reciprocity, Mr : Hark as terteet, by ana ling to the en ii- an extent Ion of i Une for the rati D cat ion of ihe reciprocity treaty nego tinted v ith Pnmos nnder the direct loe ( Pn Ideal McKinley. This treaty mtained I Cdr and i cores of ar th ! produced in Prance and Nigeria and ai o in the United state on which a reduction of tie tariff v rata nrot ided for. a. ' ' P' lo 'uiMioan reciprocity on Feb R '.'". IM," aid Mr. Clark, "the da- a. which the KenMemea from ion Pi Ivattll made bis np-cch was lie- "hat he tfoelared n to hu, then a hi va .( i hange bad cm rvtf the H- ,., nuhlicafl d rears nfnce those two Re- pull in preaidenU rent tnbae ims j treaties to the nenate." ! lie i toeratlc position on reel- let Pi ty D Clark fated had been sot ,. . dWH MILL! t of hi ideal St. CBWl aorth "t ihr Bellvtf!, th. 0 I'm" I : 'ate- tenaf nrs n mtn, and a few mfln ' : of Ka- t : I I oui. w ith n hnppil a aociated with 1 i a - Hind .iiidfc,(neo'. I .. o ha i" n eng Mped la th Iron! of la books and in atTiir ,, the ..on of th: F . of Ulinot i. paw i can an t you enable the r elsewhere in into these recip the product at commuter in Cuba an; country cBtertn rocal relations, to i B cheaper price. That to bay more of our p enables those who have it to buy more and en eh have hitherto not been hiv to buy some, and i ineroa- ihr volume , of tha meriea!i products tmcriean producer m sell more goods md tiros both pari 'eaetited." 'The Iowa idea," jert to which Mr attention. As expt Cummins, it was, i (instance as folios r tariff rate-; are consumption ofj and benefits thoj by enabling him j at the old profit, B to the trade are was the next sub ' Clark turned his ended by Oo . aid Mr Clark, in ot the stand pit d evpommunlcatt Mean church a Ith nni from ih Repul mi di la v. and without hey not afraid that, li .viuld poll down I tie ter bend ; a - well a., upon l t ins eoadiilun in t part brough Mr. ciat boyhood again and t lines of which ho gave Bt auty is but afcti "I'gly to the I -iii " "Tiiat is a p 'tfoot reason wen - Samson, in Heir nan he . Iptlon dir." ; id he Republican co he. "RepubUean they pell with a n th" surface, wl tension pervadt : l uid through. 'I'lo iiiwil and by oro did bi th. siate hunt I III IBM d.-partmwtit all tnanm-r nf t'.rinali'iii mil hr briefly givrn pi-fr qsei "ii tshed avscwasri osaotnii mful in Hay. anv C any i.f the mull iiu.iiii. .us agatn oldaU) lite vr.u st i civc c if fnl . ytiHi.l. rat i ii Today the mm will use at tiH ami et ;u t; S3, The moon will ri o a' 6; I". p. m. Th. re .in "on oi'O . gnare mile i il il Bekta in Japan and China, almoot i teat an ar a a in all the n t ol he worM ii i. estiaaated that tie void, I s know n supply of coal is enough lo SUppl ail m i d: for oils tioai and rewn Tie re acre ,4SJ in an - p-rpons ni the i niti d Btal : In 1800. of whom , thv pa r' . a- e , in line i not to h ai rapldl vw vw wsaa ivw "wv wvs 35 FEAti i( WMY. aAV WW WW VWV IrWVl Vy From The bulletin of Maroli 31, ISM, i ferday'a dispatBhei pom wash tegtea any thai the preaidant hi bent on th- rswognttlon ot tkn repress nta ttVM of the Cuban in urg nts; but many prominent radicals are averi;c to thi1. prematura' action, an they appreh nd i' may Involve u in war; not oriiy with Spain, hwl HU iat'y in rofve mir relations with ih powers of Burepc. ih"! iteimcn nei i i 1 1 . Carrie Oni I ami!' Bt itt and J' all luirm I Bt M Ji hn03, Hen: J ChaftCS Arm-nil nnic .-ii i . were mmi two nights '"a; w irk. nr. W. 6 C T nn i Jot n Tay f t ,p Vfavor Obfffy for , hotter entorr emeat of the urdlnJUC I apain-t Sunday liejuor traffic; and be r. p prom I Ing to do . nui ihem lo do their part to "woo ebrlate from the love nj th" b" to convince the men who I .-I.- thai thap hOM not Rb , . if ,.. . -.. lion nt of i oeb ditilng ho t trsfffa amrtng th- urging the in irt and sacred wo; aft w ill lie hour id the .--i.tilMth no ii ful in this work you enabled to do what no ordinance can IN!'li!M1T!,vj FUN AND PHILOSOPHY. We fret Regret, And y( Forget - - Vol! bt t' New Orleans Times-Democrat W dream, We chooas W e . I. W e lo e N V. Bun. W e sigh For pie. We try. W e vie. Fly hi eh nd die. 1 1 v h has mo t patience best in iys i In- world, it la often naked who Istrodwc d lit ptuk into the navy? Noah, wh ii a took Ham into tie- ark. He thai reigns within himself and m trots passing desires and fear, is he has siood there hltus if sawing through a dyke, ewtn drown a ntion GOURT ORDERED (Conctudnd rrom tint pagn.) however, Baying: 'Tfour honor, iudg3 S' biard has male a statement taat i contrary to a tact and I w ish to re pudiate it. It inn i he -t.iio.l rlght" Tiie court replied; "Mr. f'ryan. I hould think that you ought lo know (hat when the court has made a nil Ing .nui cannot break it. tHettse ; i' dawn." Mr, Bryan thereupon seated himself oi l judge Stoddard waa allowed an objection The i iters referred to an- said to contain an announcement of tin- in tention of Mr Bennett to withdraw the letter he hud already written, In which he had expressed a wish that Mr. Bi 1 an should have IS0.000 Irom I itated that, although Mr I: one time .i iie i Mi Bryan to I ."."in. .L accordance With thtti d Hi. "sealed letter," he had I in- Intention and had he I b Would have withdrawn tho torney Hewitt, on behalf of the ap pellants, who ouoted from aeveral eases m which ho claimed the same condittoni existed aa in this case ami made a strong plea for Ins side. Attorney Newton, one of Mr. Bry ins counsel, argio. 1 for the admis sion of tin- "aealed loiter" aa uvl lie contended thai Mr Bi n rtatnly Intended that the nun of 160,000 should go (0 Mr. Hryan. si id Mr, Bryan n ruse it," hp said "Mr Beam it Intended that the money aboutd be divided for educa tloual and cbaritible purposi-s We protest agaia t the charge that Mr ' tin an i- trying M gat this ISO,noo for himself, and sm his atorm ys it bt OUf duty lo .ay that il h.t . bteU hi PU1 pose lo fullill llo- trust made by Mr Bennett to the letter." THEY MUSTN'T SELL WHISKEY '.outs Court of AppBall Potbidi Phj u cutij t r'jiu f-'illiny Own Preariufioni. ;-t Loul . Mar -h l'h ,-.t tjr.ii . court of appeals Tuesday atteraoou j banded down a decision which will; 0 . . "I ph . ii las i . who pre a: n phir mac I r . from Biting iba-ir own pie 1 i riptiou -, the prim lp1 in .1' do nt of which Cr- wbi ky. T. S Manning, of Audrlata county, via., found guilt) d vptfkttng the drug . drat A hop 1 1 'v and wa RBed fie" He app"aled. I'i d-'leii was two pre tcrlpttoni written by him tdf. for II- ni; Hiv- re II. .aid to- t . t I it righl to preacrlbe win ky a a phyitctanj ami tut the prescription aa a phar rnaeb t. The eour: boM : that th- re pi I re j mi n' ot a pre . Hnlion i Intended as a cheek on the pharmacist and thai If tin- ijmn m.oi It psfmltted to -. rtlt and till tb" pfSwrtpOoa tthel -he. i i vtrtnaJl) refWrved. Il admits 'hat mnav bard hip m i - he worked on a physictea who write - that kind of a pruavrtaion and la compelled to. ban- ji URcd at a remote drug tore, but it i held ii't' hi' hardship can : am be permuted to frustrate the tn taM of th. law Th. ... nit ays this would hu no graver in fortune than the instance of a nOent rcqtilrinr ttanlnnta wNhin on v reach of a rlruggta bavin- RgMf in -took ami no phy P lan a' hau l to preserihe thejr I " t -r ",iu.nd U r 3'JICIDEb. '.y tho A, asocial Mil Prenti Hrunfti. Neb . March 30 DiespoM . nf Iwrctuse hot Bamm, Ren tat Lanek . dnwp d -bad last Mondav. Ada Roan, aneai IV. pii!"neil bersOtf ami died teffny l denci I netl HOW Tilt TRAINS RUN. ig Bouvn 13 a in. : 30 a in. :00 pin. :0S p.m. : is a.m. :;;ii a.m. No. 10:50 a.m. No U: Ifj p. in No 6:04 p in. No 10: H p.m. No I No LC. from South , 1. C going South No. I, 8:06 a. m No , 5:33 p.m. No. 304, ":ll a.m. No. ::. :::".' a.m. No. t, IS: IS p. m No Jo:!, I.i a.m. No. 6, 2:&S p.m. No. 6, 1:06 p.m. No. s. 9:00 p. in. No 35, 8: JO a.m. "No. Ig, H:J8 a.m No I.:. 6:00 a.m. No li. 0:50 p.m'.No.41, 0:15 p m. - Paducah. M ft O, from North ! M. & Ogoing N'tU No. I, I : :il p in No. ". l :::t p.m. No. 3 , 8:04 a m jNo. -1, l';5 a.m. U.feO from South. I M. 4S ( ). going S'th No. ", 1 "JO p.tiiJN'o. 1, l;36 p.m. Na I. 8:20 a.m No. ;i, 8: Of a.m. Rig I from Cist. j dig I going Hast. No ::, l":iin p.m. No. S, 5:.'!iam. No. :, 1:00 p in. No. '', 8:06 p.m. Cotton ihii Cotton Bell From Southwest. going Southwest No. 1 1, 1:48 p in No i ::. 8: 15 pm, in n Mountain iron Mountain from West I, going West. No. S3, 12:36 p.m.No. 81, 3:30 p.m. All Illinois Central. Mobile X- Ohio laud Cotton Belt trains hrrive and du part Irom t'eniral station, corner of Second si n ot and Ohio l.oce. All Big Pour ami Iron Mountain trains arrive ami depart from the i nton si;, lion. Second street and Com- merctal av nue. i Mul may he deposited in the boa at the transfer station, located at Cen tral station, "" minutes bofoi - the de parture ol any tram. CITY AND COUNTY DIPCCTOHY. Cairo. Alexander County Illinois, Pop ulation 11,1-17. Mayor. CLAUDS WINI'CK Clerk, li A HATCHER. Comptroller, P, R. Powell. Polio. Magi Irate. ,1 II ROBINSON. chief of Police, T B. PRlCHi Alexander County. Population Count) Judge, wm. s DKWCY. Count) Clerk JR843K K. MtLLBR, Circuit Clerk. LKJ9 B. DAVIS. Sheriff, J as. s ROCH& Coroner. Hit .IAS. M. MeMANI'S. - . , and Treasurer, pkank n. DAVIS. ' Board of County Ccmmls,r,loners JOHN MILLRR. Chairman, JOHN A. BOCRCOIS. Dr. J. 8. 0AV86. BUSINESS LOCALS. Haas is one of fair clothiers. lie till.. I n Ide awake liis store with furnlahlnca that 0 1.. Coml. live. 'lothlng mid gout: peoplo IlkO to Weal Have yon soon th" latest ptn ,. ring . and charnta nt W' F Smith's Jewelry store mi Washington avenue? They would make fine Ka ler presents too. Unn caster k Rice havn n km Itaa bf paints, oils and varii. lies Be sure and :- i prices from them before painting, also putty ami gtanmn, "" Ih s granulat- d BUgUr $1 ft h dales, 6c per pound: toodud . per lb IPs; figs, per Ih. tie, c A. PffltTF, 1031 IVashlngton avenue N, Sandh-r. iho i.-ading merchant tailor, ha: the largest and lust Stock i f suitings ever brought to Cairo, none can duplicate hlS work or price.-. C C, Ten. 11 K- Co rcllabli tore, our 2 50 and I3.S0 shoe pet e.tu il in ( aii.. the wt arlng plows what we i;ay. Kllchtn ft. Hitle pie. grocers. have piality oppo i;ite poatof flee .are currying a big stock of fresh groceries and meat It's get' tine a big trade, will grow rapidly. Ony'a tana oitiee, btdy's a ami gegt'a clothing cheaper than ever. Ben our jewelry, ring , watchea, pi tola, rifles ad shot guns. B07 Coml, avenue. I he (, ...en K i:-.l" C.. bin - BBd ;-h"e Hon.,.- ,11 ho. s and obrfhing that npvi r fail to ploor K.t ,-iur :;hip guaranteed, SO! Com Ave. la ten to Stone Bros. Salt $1 per barrel; Mothers' bats, 3 for 26c; cream ary butter, 25e; tomntoea, ;; CM for L'tc ; pui'b lard. IPC, Coing to build or prtegT Ben Keffy Bra i toi anything in repair tins taaiher . ur building material. Pre.i St hrh er , the gracwr, ComL ave. md I Ith St., baa a tin" line of all kinds of cinncd good -. fre::h egg.; and . . ii. at dairy buttwt m c Metsget brnfj Bjorn. u the place to get CM "II 111 roTe,i , f,,r all your achci and phins, giving vou ea e and comfort Wash and ;nth ; t. Walters and Shcrlcl; BfmjeO and meat market, is the bent patronised grocery and meat mart til m ''alto. tVeftoms to all. Eighth street. P I Oanmxg, coal dealer at Wh' . I odd stand, ha. a Mfl iiadp in coal and I ueilm- wood Ho saves you money every lime .lane . Mi ehan. grocer a Rtiod thing! to eat, (., I, dalVV flutter sweet mill- ler in r""d milk. Defined. Who la wise We who ran RWI from every huny who is ttroag? He who can control his ps;)ni. Who i- rich? He wh. r:-r,J a,ff, fciH lot Who la honorable J h who hon ori others. -Naaj VurW w. t i