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THE CAIRO BULLETIN. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31, "04. dr. Morrison, MMtt. Dentisi Office 707 Commercial Av. The Daily Bulletin. SKTBBBD ATTHHClBlFOTFirB FOR TS4H MISSIOft THBOBUH THH MAILS At BCOBDCLASI BATBS. CHRONOLOGICAL March 31 In History. 1732 Francis Joseph Haydn, famous musical com poser, burn: died lsuii ISr-Bct-th.n en died; burn 1T7H. 1880-John Caldwell Cal houn. American man, died In Washing, ton. bora la the Abb vllle (S. C ) district ITS!. 1S87 John Oodrrcy 8x: htlBBSrOUl pot, dli-d l!) Allan : burn 1SK 1880 Admiral Stephen Cleg 8. N , dit.l In W MshiiiKi. Ir- land Isjv ISuw.m dinting ish d l..m elf early In the war by dashing li the harbor of Rllsabeth City, N C, with a nondescript flotilla, consisting Of 12 veM lii rigttwJ for w.'ir out 'f old ferryboats, tugs and river Bt earn era. MS British and Hners fought a sharp battle at Dooniboit (am. Hart's river PERSONAL MATTERS Notes of Interest Relating to Citizens Their Friends and Rel atives. Miss Anua Burke is visiting rela lives in WuMiffe. Mr. M. C. Wight well! to Springlie! vi -ierday on business. Mrs. I, W. D. Hatcher is reports very ill again, having suffered u rc lapse. Miss Orctie Rentlell returned yesti ; day from a visit with friends in Si Louis. Mr. Peter Thuman. a switchman 1"' the Mobile and Ohio. Is ill at his homt on Ten tli street. Mr. V. F. Smith went to St. Louis this morning to purchase stock to hi.-- jewelry store. Master Key Huinberd returned yes torday from Flora, Ind., where he ha; been attending school. Miss Emma Halliday returned frwn Chicago yesterday, where she hat been visiting friends several days. Mr. ('. I. Barr, manager of thi Cairo Mill and Lumber company, wen to St. Louis last night on business. Mr. James Galligan. cashier of tin Alexander County bank, has gone ti New Orleans for his health. II'1 wll go from there to Galveston, Texas. Barney, the little son of Mr. am Mrs. J. M. Myers, of 233 lUteentl street, is very ill With bronchia pneumonia. Mr. Jiiiie Wright, who has been vi. Iting his brother, Mr. M. C. Wright left for .Memphis yesterday fron where he will return to ills home ii Now Orleans Mr. W K. Wodd, who has been em ployed in I he jewelry store of Ml Chas. K. Miller, has resigned his po sition and left last night for St. Louli to accept a position. Mrs. Jane s Harding and daughter Miss Maude, lormcrlv -if this clt) were guests of Mr. Frank A. Carl, and sister yesterday. .They were ei route from Dubuque, la , to .Mounds where they will reside. Mr. Ktnmett Howling ha.-, retornet irom Denver, Colo., and points n Mexico, where he recently acceptei positions with a view to Improving his health, which has bet n poor foi some time. The change of finnan failed to help Mm and he will leavt soon for St. Louis to haw an opera tion performed for the removal of a tumor from his neck. Miss Martha Halliday will return from Chicago tomorrow where le : attending school, to spend thi Eastet vacation With tin- parents, Maj am Mrs. B. V. Halliday. she will be ai companied by two Bchnolmatcs, t);i Misses Charlotte Dodge, of Pennsyl vanla and Fernettc Simpson, of in diana. who will he guests of the (am By. Mrs. John R. Goodwin, of Chicago formerly Miss Lena Felter, an rt yesterday morning from Little Rock Ark., where she accompanied the re mains of her husband to thir last resting plan- Mrs. Goodwin will re main in Cairo a couple of weeks vis iting her sisters. Mrs. Joseph Hal! and Mrs. John Una, before returning to her home in Chicago. 'Du yon believe he ever tell tj traxhT" Nil He used to be an expert witness in murder trials ' Adm Itnwnn I v hA i GENERAL LOCAL NEWS Grief Mention of Events Concern'ntj the People of Cairo and Vicinity. Tun divorce suits have been Med with Circuit Clerk Lee B. Davis to b tried at the next term of the circuit court as follows: Isabella htarston vs. George Mars ton; Mai tic , Brow vs. Hurley BrOWU. Special 8 o'clock mass will he beid this morning ar St. Patrick's church in observance of Holy Thursday. The children of the parochial school will march from the parish house to the church In a body. Sergeant G. R. Stephens, who baa been in charge of a roc rutting office here for Hie United States army, has office. He enlisted about fifty ra: emits during his stay here. Party dogs caught last week on the (treats of Paducah without any license hecks on them were Killed Moadaj night l"' dispatched in a simitar mau- ier. The Paducah author! ten paid S5 i er.ts per head for every dog captured. I md the small boys "got busy.' Albert Whcatlev was arrested by r.c v;i,..i .,i iffui.. veto.-. lay on a charge a 1 1 ru . l ileal- I uercial avenue yesterday. He is in !ail and will probably get a different ,;ind of time in Judne Robinson's ourt this morning. he greatest feasts in the Jewish "or eight days 1234 5C6 , ,G. .6 . .0 . .0. . hurch, commenced yesterday For tight Hays the worship and ceremo lies all bend toward the celebration 1 if the passing of the children of is ael from the land of L'gypt. liurie : his period, unleavened bread is sat n and sweets are abstained from. A negro named Jean Duproe. en! r id the grocery store of Otto J Fahr. ! t Wti Washington avetiue, yesterday 1 norning about W o'clock while Mi "ahr was using the telephone in t hv neat market next dtnir. Dupree at , empted to force the money darew vith sonn blunt instrument, but w.i lightened away before accomplishitr: is purpose, by the entrance of some inc. The negro fled, but a descrip ion of him was procured and he ma treated shortly afterward. Dupret aid to be a tougli character and sev ral robberies are credited to hln ! tfl was tried at the la-t term of cotr.l m a charge of robbing the reside1 e ' f H. C. Steinel. at Thit ty-four. h 1 treet and Washington avenue. lu' ! TODAY'S CONVENTION. 5elegation for the fifti:th Senatorial District Will Meet at the Court House Today. By ti ion irder of the Republican senator immlttee, a deiegate conven tbf the fiftieth senatorial ist rlf-t is called to meet at the ourt hotuM thiit afternoon ai l o'dnri or the put-pom- of nominating a eandi late for State senator, two candidate ir representative and select a new enatorial ConunittCO. Following is th representation lo .hieh the various counties are enti led. Alexander county. It: Franklin ounty, 11: Ptllaakl county. 10; Union ounty etL'ht: Williahsoa county. He Judge W. S Dewey, .vho was an lointed chalrnaan ot the raeaptioii onimittee for the convention has tuned the following on his committee : '. A. Mareliildon. W. H Wood, John 'nyder. John S. Aisthorpe, Sidney I! liller. Charles ) falter. Waller War tor, Mils s Qttbwrt, William H. Fields Villiam N. Butler, Charles Hamilton, 'ohn Van Vactor, James 8. Roehi . lohn A. Miller. QoOrgS Parsons. J. .1 iennelle. N B ThlatrSWOOSl, F. K )avis. Stephen Bradley. H. U Day 'harles Scott. David Brown, .lolin (' Raker, f, M. Cnfty, K J Oanas .Hen amin Jones, P. A. Dootf, w. l' Grnane) '. D Nellis. F Nordman. Jr . William VI "fry man Charles Hudson, I R Ha (M, W W. Watte, H t. Brown Hen y Harper V F. Barb. e. J W. T. lexander. K K Bills, Graal Kdmund on, J S Young, I.' roy Hedwe. Isaac i I ton, J. F. Rector, Richard Taylor Vhil Larry. H S. Cande, T W War ick, John Hoard, W B Walker. I'et i laap. J. 8. Zcraa Jesse I Miller. Sam id Hast in,.- . John w King II. A. Haanon. BOND PLACED AT $3,000 Frank Walter and Bob Williams Are Held For Grand Jury in Above Sum. The preliminary hearing of Frank .1 Walter and Bob William 'hatged with killing John Biattunan. was held m -terday afternoon before Judge W s 1 1' way The defendants were repft -nt'd by iftorneyi Aagaa h-k and Frank f,.,,li wLlle fSlatf ; ,tte,rney WjllOfl -nod or ted the prosecution The evi lenre Ktibmitted was practical!) in an an given at the coroner's is The hearine of the case consumed iln-'..t tt(. entire afternoon and Jndee Howey decided from the evidence that Walter and Williams were guilty of mansianahter and hiti tbeas for Ibe appearance at the meeting of the grand jury In the sum of $3.ho each f mm f if I uM JKT 1 C, F. Lastenlay. pre: serving his second year : wort has been earnest at hnBdbsga, thorough grads Commencement exercises towiislntis lias awauenou a men nueiisi m me mim '"vw, .... . . l . At years- ot age: laugnt me peais in inn "' "" " coflaga as teach-. r of stenography, sewing at the same time as Circuit court stenographer; appointed poitmaater at Vandalia by President Cleve land in I Sis t : elected county superintendent of Fayette county in lS'.'S, ami again in 1'."'-. He is a nephew of Mr M. Basterday, of this city. J THE BULLETINS' SPRING OR SUMMER COAT FOR LITTLE GIRLS. Here is a pretty model for a lit tic girl's spring or summ r oat With the double military-shaped crape Watteau plait in the back, and double breasted front, it is ;i verv -m ot an ! pn-'iy style. Made in while cordu toy without trimming, except p ar! buttons, it would be very practical, as it would launder .veil And for the summer months a beautiful little coat is made from this model in white limn or pique, with the trimming of felt At a late hour last Bight bail had not been furnished for the men. bet they will probably be liberate I toddy There are two people Who decry matrimony h- who desires it and h who whiles to escape from its bond age. PROF. JOWH SNYDER. 3UPCRINTE jf AN OEM A naturalised Egyptian ,h.-- - school teachers In hebalf of the rdara city. jfew. , BBBBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBk 6 t C. F. EASTERDAY. nt of the County Superintendents' Section, is county superintendent of Fayette county. His energetic to school libraries, better school n of country schools, and efficient teachers, the count rraduat I held ill the respective t.i:n m&mII u.,.1 ..,.. v...., r it, daily fashion plate j . DROPPED DEAD. Ily the Associaietl Press. K ii 1 1 a.- City. Mo.. Mar. 30 Jndgl 11 1:. Johnson, of Denver, attorney general of Missouri in lSt;s. dropped dead in the lobby of a hot I at F,x eel lot Sprint 1 Ho., tonight. NDEI r f- SCHOOLS FOR ALEX COUNTY. - ; fcffoqrnidB to flbf lot ot I coaatj and the convention NEWS OF THE RIVERS. Conditions and Prospects as Shown In the Government Report Gen eral News. Danger Stage Change STATION line of In 24 feet water hours Pittaburg i".' 10.5 1.2 fall Davis I Ham. .. " I I I .o fall Parkersburg, . . M -'". s u s fall Cincinnati 50 42.3 l.o fall Louisville JS I'd.;; 1.7 fall Kvansville ;l." S0.1 0.7 rise Ht Cartnel. . . . ti 2.". 5 1.1 rise Nashville to 3ti.2 0.7 fall Chatthnoga, ... SS 11.1 1.3 fall Florence It! 1 I S 1.2 fall .lohnsonville, .. 21 Rlverton 25 Paducah 10 in 0 1.1; rise CAIRO I. 4.1 li 1.7 rise Si Paul II 5.0 n.l fall Da van port ii !..", 6.1 fall Kansas City 21 10. S 0.0 St, Lonia 30 2.1.2 0.7 risr Chest, r 30 New Madrid. .. 31 ;:t.s O S rise Memphis 39 30.3 1.2 rise Fort Smith 22 !L2 I S tall Vicksburg 45 35. ti d.' rise Shreveport 2'J 12.4 1.1 rise New Orleans. .. 18 12.2 0.4 rise Stage at Cairo March 30, 1903, H 3. Note. --A crest of 27.5 is expected at St. lx.uis by Saturday. River Forecasts. The Ohio. At Kvansville, will con tinue rising during the next 12 to 21 hours, come to a stand, then fall. At Paducah, will continue rising at a much decreased rate during the next two days. TI: - maximum stage at Paducah will probably be as high as 11.5 Of 12.0 feet At CAIRO, the rise will continue for at least four days The rate of rise will fall off material ty during the next 21 hours. The rest stage at CAIRO will probably be between 17 ami is feet However, general rains are indicated for this section during the next 21 hours an I if heavy, the maximum stage at CAIRO may exceed IS feet. The T nnfiaafo At Florence an. I Rlverton, will continue falling At lohnsonville. will fall tonight and Thursday. The Mississippi From Chester in Cairo, will continue issuing duliring next four days. P. II SMYTH. Ob servt 1 General River News. The stage of lb ! river at I p. nt yesterday was lb.2. showing a ti.e of 1.0 In twenty-font hour.. Stacker Lee lett for St. Louis at 1 :'. a. m, yesterday She bad a goo I trip and unite a number of passen gcra. Notwithstanding the latanesa of Hie iMMIf of her arrival, quite a number of her passengers struted Hp and dow n Commercial tie nue. One gentleman made anything but manly appearance laadlag his .vife's pel dog wirh a lorn: silver chain, it was a little "yaller." dog with a hunch of red ribbon around Its neck and com nanded the loving and solicitlous at tention of both of th m. It must have been Hie observation of cases like this that gave tise to the race suicide dis mission we have had in the papers lately, City of Savannah arrived from St. lnis last night at 10 o'clock and lefl tor Tennessee tiver soon after She look the wharfboat which has beM lytttg at Kast Cairo since Sunday to Padm-ah City of Memphis passed to St. lmis at 10:30 yesterday without landing The Dick fowler was detained by the high wind ami did not arrive till " p. 111. yesterday. She was win I bound at Joppa. Mr. Phillips from New Madri1 ,va- here yesterday trying to get a boli to go to Number Kight to nio.e 500 bead of cattle to Ihe high land It N Madrid. Burlington. Iowa, March 30.H0W COCO! from Dallis City that the JOSS Hill, a BurHngtOU Uat, was burned 10 the water line late last night. HOT Bsww narrowly ticapad, Bepnbtfc. CARBONDALE. W T Hampton, of Murph boro. was a business visitor yesterday. Bd Patton war, a business visitor in Du Quoin yesterday afternoon. Beu Conner arrived m the ejty from St. Loads last night R. S. ShHton transacted business in Du Quoin yesterday, Mi.- Lucilc Rayburn. of Centralla, who was the guest yesterday eveaifeg ,,f Mr and Mr M K Batson. depart el this morning for St Ixiuis. Dr. Win II lt n' I- v. of Marion, wa a guead a' the New Hundley la: t night Oeorgn K Kstrhner, imto, transacted bu Inr nf Murphy in the rit terdav aftertuHiD. -i wa in DuQuoili tOBgf on insurance business The Young American society of the i hnstian church gave the first of their entertainments to a good audi m e A plav of four ai ts, entitled "Intelligence." was presented by Cy ma London. Harry Vfood, John Thompson. Homer ftMie-:. Vort-v Land, Frank Hayden, William Bairu and Doigk Fdmore Recital tons were rendered h) WNNnoi Rstrd Fred com Oork, Harry Woods The sorirty ea (,,is d yogfeg men and Ht tertaHl n,i-n refiXted credit on their ability In nn mnth 1 The Court-hip of Miles BtsndMh" will he presented Cit Clerk Frsnk M CWdwell Harrna tonigh lee wterbo on H I nc s ,'ta'" tLUiltVt x'msM was a dss sener to Makanda this momlne Kent E Keller a well known pro motor of Mexican copper interests, and family, of Ava. was in the city this morning, leaving later tor lleiiin and Johnston City. William Musselman, of Jonesboro, was a business visitor In the city to day. Daniel Roe, of Anna, was in the citj today, leaving later for Simpson on business. 1). B, Parkinson was in Makanda today repairing the telephone tinea, which were damaged by the high water. Doweii Parker, who has figured in several sensational episodes in police circles, was lined $n.7.'i for disturb ing the peace He attempted to as sault his wife in the streets and was placed under arrest by Chief Robert son. Powell is colored and only a lew weeks ago lost his eye over the charms of a colored damsel. Charles II Miller was fined 110.75 for disturbing the peace of Mrs. If. J. Russell, a boarding house keeper. Miller is n book agent. Sheriff Thompson, of St Clair conn ty, was in the city last night returning home from Anna, where he had taken patient to the boenital. He reports that of the thousand patients confined at Anna over one hundred are from St. Louis or over onetneth of the number, while there are Iff counties within the jurisdiction of the Anna in st it 11 tion. JttdgO A- S. Caldwell transacted bualnjaaa at the comity seat today. J, II Bradley. Hie Makanda nursery man. was a business visitor in the city tiHlay. Sheriff Harris, of Williamson conn ty. having In charge John MeOill, re cently convicted at a special term of the circuit court for robbery, arrived from Marion this morning and later left for the Chester penitentiary with 1 the prisoner. Mcliill will do an inde terminate term. NEWS OF THE WEATHER Results of Government Obscrvationc Witli Prospects for Cairo and Vicinity Today. Indications for Cairo and vicinity to lay: Occasional rains with thun derstorms: brisk to hieh southerly wools. 4 Tfl General Weather Condit oris. An extensive area of low borom eter or disturbance, overlies the He tion of country lying between the Mlssisalppl river and Rocky moun tains. It is causing cloudiness and unsettled wcaiher aa far east as the Ohio valley. The temperature has fallen In the middle Rocky mountain region; else where it has risen or remained nearly stationary, within the Inst 30 hours rain has fallen in tin lower Ohio val ley, in Middle Tennessee, la the upper Mississippi and lower HlSSOUli val evs and the B Oft hertl Rocky moun tain region Heavy rainfall, Rtfhsis City, 1.40 Inches. street thermometers yesterday re i tared the following temperatures X a. m.. 54; nKn. 74: ii p. m , f.; mi.! night. 03. War,lonr'on Btillrtoi. By Associated Pmaa Waahlngton, March 30, - Bttnoii Rain Tharsday, Colder in central gad south portion; Friday fair tospt tain in extreme noifhern portion. hfl I north anal winds shifting to north a est MIHSOI RI Ftir in north wc-st SBOWcrs and colder in onth and east portion'. Thursday ; Friday fair. lIVItiNU VOU lODAYJ Thursday, March 31. Breakfast. Grape Km i Cream and Bngni 1-resh Fish Balls Saratoga Potatoes Bntf) l.unn- ('n,"e Lunch, pot oo i b (cr HftTi Bread Cocos Umner. t'tfitti of x .paragns Soup Broiled steak with OyhtWfa Ma'-hd f'otiitrns ' irrot Tii'!iale i Ksearole Ftnch Dressing Wafer- ( h i m Charlottes Coffee Th niaM ot Piqeens PlfooFa It -. s'"' 0M "Poi rnS-pir-n nf:tt-(0 the ftc: (nr trd-n, bt their 9,ree f!;e? Is only at the rata of about fcur EUe; an tour. AMUSEMENTS. Saturday, Aptil 2, M. E. church, an nual Caster market. Monday, April 4, Elks' minstrel, at Cairo opera house. Tuesday, April 5, Miss Ida Benfey, it Cairo opera house. Tuesday, April 5, euchre party by St. Joseph's branch, No. 23, C. K. and L. of A., K. M. K. C. hall. Saturday, April 29, Lost River, at Cairo opera house, afternoon and evening. The massive and intricate age lettingi necessary for the proper din play .of Joseph Arthur's big BCOUlC melodrama, "Lost itlver," aro a lource of much interest. The bicycle race Of life forming the tableau of the first Set is a line piece of stage realism, eojuaUey only by the massive tffects and beautiful Hoosier scenery lisplayed in the tollgato of the West Baden road. One thrttihsg effect la sained by Blessing (the lieroi break ing open the barred tollgate with an ix to allow the little Hoosier girl, Ora, lo dash through on a spirited horse, bearing the money to pay her father's workmen on the aqueduct ver Lost River. ra is hotly pur mod by two mounted desperadoc.-. vho have ihe gate closed upon Umm is they gallop up and the little hero ine rides on 10 safety, leaving them looking into the muzzle of Blessing's revolver. The picturesque valley of Uost River in Southern Indiana, is Ihe locality of the play, and the quaint characteristics of the natives of that out of the way section are the chief provocation of the hearty laughs and oomedy scenes. Contrasted with these are the citified visitors of the fashionable Wool Baden Springs Ho tel and a pretty love story is inter woven with the exciting episode,, tmong other accessories ate three thoroughbred horses, a host of super numeraries, a holx) Quartette, a conn ry orchestra and some laughable ninor comedy characters. "Lost Rlv r." will be the attraction at the opera house on Saturday, April 2, matinee ind night Tuesday, April 5lh, an artistic en tertainment will lie given at the Cairo opera house by Miss Ida Benfey. Fol lowing are a few remarks from erit fes: Steele Meek aye "Yon displayed a repose very rarely seep." Morning Patriot Mis;, Benfey i , a genius witjl subtle power." Dally Examiner, Sag Francisco: 'Miss lb nfey is a leader of rare aldl it y . with a matchless voice fu1 realistic action ." d grat 1 Reports from other cities Indicate that Paul Hilmore has Scored very heavily In the role of bbfd "Jack1 Liimley, in ' The Mummy an I tho Humming Bird," formerly played by Sir Charles Wyndham and John Drew. Willi all Its sharp satire and pretty dumor. tins modern and high cleftfl omed. which by the way is to be teen in thins city very soon, is said to be full of pathetic heart Interest in its story. Jackson and (ireen in their laugh abb- sketch, The Washer Woman on Parade, are by long odds the heel laugh provokers in their line of busi ness Dressed as two washer women, i le v da I song and dance turn, which never fails to bring down the hou f, This team will introduce i a Cairo mdience for Ihe first time, the gnpal rag time absurdity, "Niger. Don't I'sr no Pinner Bolt on nie " IV II. Schiib as a rapltl change artist, has 1 n placed by the great amusement lov lUg pohfll as the king of them all. His rapid changes, not only of costume but also of demeanor are c-rtatnly wonderful, the change from an old n' gro preacher preaching a sermon over the dead body of a little piekaniny fo (Be giddy Johnny boy. all done in lb ; twinkling of an eye, must bo se -n to j be appreciated The above are only samples of what will be seen at th Cairn opera boUSC, April Hh. when tin- Bretf Ilka1 Minstrels hold the boards. TicVets on sale at Ihe boy of gee Monday morning at 8 do o'clock Free list entirely su ipefedod for thiH engagement. Most of the things a man says would benefit the world ju. t as min-h If h didnt ssy them Ilk' Fir.t stranded TTti plan -I've bm written i touch to mv brother for llo- ftreond Thn-.ptan WtH pfeg tnst -irdo n ..i,e foi n thni4i,l. bd' I '! ' know where to fend it 1 ft -