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To Build Robust Health start at the foundation of life ami health. Assist your organs to do tlicir work properly. Food and drink cannot nourish if your liver is not working right. Dyspepsia and Indigestion follow if your digestive organs are out of order. Constipation cannot exist if your bowels are free. A short course of Beecham's Pills will soon put you riht and an occasional one will keep you so. BEECHAM'S PILLS will do more to build up robust health and maintain it than any other medicine. They have done this, and are con tinually doing it for thousands all over the world. If jrojU start now and take BEECHAM'S PILLS occasionally you will certainly benefit to a remarkable degree. Sold Everywhere in Boxes, 10c. and 25c. 97w Jm My slater need It whii,. . r '. . Mother wd rouod that it made childbirth lireh eMJ nd utt.-r the ehud v. an that it hel(ieit lu-r tu regaiu her ntteu(jth. QUiXD nine ot t arant cures mno out of menstruation. These cures arc eonipiicatoil c not. Wine of Cnrdoi mires the sickness of young girls, relieves the weakness of adults, banishes leucorrhoea, headaohes, backaches and nervousness am! eases the crisis attendant on the change of life Thousands of mothers besides Miss Root's sister have found grateful relief from tin' pains of childbirth and havn had a t j tiit-k and happy recovery from its use. You cannot altorl to sutler uhcu $l.uo dnurjrists, ANNA LAKE HAYNES JOHN A. i G ROC t WHOLESALE AND RETAIL 7 Choice Butter. Hams. Breakfast Bacon, Staple and Pitney f I (iiucciit-'s, i'iiiL' Canned (iuods, lvtc. f Special Att-iiiioittoCuv Tiade. Prompt QfcKvery Guaranteed f 619 OHIO LEVEE. BOTH PHONES NO. 100. $ Yiiir ntrr mur i i tit dll tiivt I Manufacturer Home Made Candies ; TAFFY (All flavor:.). PEANUT, COCOANUT. FUDGE (All Mavors), : NOUGAT. BUTTERSCOTCH, ICE CREAM, ICE CREAM SODA, f a KLONOIKE9 AND FRUITS. f a Thomas Rodriquez, 1109 Wash. Ave. f SALES 6,000 A DAY ROBT. Dopt. 3. PET A HOME IN THE NORTHWEST. LOW ONE WAY SETTLERS' RATES TO THE NORTHWEST AND CALIFORNIA. From March 1st to April P.ntli, 190t, the Burlington makes very low one way Colonists ratps to Montana, Washington, Oregon, Maho. California Th rplurtlon is from 2. to 40 per cent, from the regular rates. THE WAV TO GO. "The Burlington-Northern Pacific Express," with chair cars and Tour ist sleepers, is the great daily through train Into the Northwest via Billings, Montana. Through rates and tirkpfs to the Northwest via St. Paul and r 0 i The Effective Remedy Waihjs is, Iowa, April i, 1003 it Ml virtually npBivMlnn. A heavy cold i uperinrluced this vomtitluii .uiit iiDlliiiii; 1 iuiil.1 !ii teemed to Ih Iuiul. in- oulv eOecllvc remedy I evor fuumt was Wine of C.uclul. Withm two weeks 1 f-H .(.....: etketa of the lued ieiiieuiitl after I hail uik-it 13 twittle-i in all 1 wi;a M healthy xiiil i l'.'iiUi- iw o ... 1.4 i. ... i... 'i...'.....,;,. .. compara- ) she fouud U-... , IjLl I I . " e. ..A v w v WOBTHY AlSOCJATH, SONS 0 TmirEKAHel. of Every ton cases of the disorders permanent, whether the trouble U bottles are sold by all V AYUl HAYNES, ERIES, Ai&inu iiTniaril ? mm mi until of all Kinds of ... i Watclies This is the Injrersoll Dollar Watch, which sells at the lowest price, carries die strongest gtUIWtC3C and has a larger sale than all other watches. Perfect in accuracy, size and style, other Intfersolls ;t fl.50, 1 1.75 Ukd f iSolil by dealers every where or portpsld by US fOf pl.OO. ttooklet Free. H. INGERSOLL & BRO 5t MMden Lane. NEW YORK the Croat Northern and Northern Pa cific roads. HOME SEEKERS' EXCURSIONS, on the first and third Tuesdays of each, month. TO CALIFORNIA. Join the Burlington's personally con ducted weekly California excursions In through Tourists sleepers via Den ver, throuith Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake City by daylight. Write for rates, routes, train ser vice, folders, berths and other infor i mation. j C. B. Ogle. L. W. Wakeley, i Trav. P. Aft, Oen'l P. Agt , 604 Pine 8treet, St Louis, Mo. Cost of House and Senate. The houe of representatives costs t,(SM.900 a year and the senate $1,- 400X00. LIKE STOCK I! LI Cattle Sold ai low Pr e s in Chicago. HOCS RANGED HIGHER SHEEP ACTIVE AT UNCHANGED PRIC.r.'i THE NEW YORK MONEY MARKET. By Associated Pmi. Chteag i. III.. April l - CATTL18 roday's off rinrja mostly ordinary hi luality, sold ui low prices. The week 'ocojpts . ill reach about r.'.t.iMM again. .1 Q,QO0 last weel . HOOS. There war. 0 food Prlday'i supply. 10,400 bavins been Kit ovoi unsold lat sight, but tin- gen ral de niand was quite animated, prices were Qrmer ami largely m cents higher Week's receipts a'erd 177,100 gains! 94,800 last w.ek. SHEEP. Trade war. quite active at unchanged prices. Receipts tor week .vere 78,200 against hi. 000 li t weak AT ST. LOUIS. By the Associated Press. St. Louis, Aprill. CATTI.R Re ceipts 1,000, Steady: beet steers $:'.,70 5.10; atockers and feeders $:!.2r.(jf 4.00; cows and heifers S.204.10; Texas steers $;!.2.ri(fi 1.35. HOClB. Receipts 0,000. Five cents higher, Rang $4.606.40. New Money Market. New Yolk, April 1. --Prime paper iusii.r cents. Exchange nominal; de mand 48730fi 187.3S; sixty days I484.75C IK IS... BUSINESS LOCALS. Have you seen the latest pins. rtugS, and charms at W. F. Smith's Jewelry Store on Washington avenue? Tie v would make line Raster presents too Lancaster & ltice have a fine line if paints, oils and varnishes, lie sure md get prices from them hefort paitttlJtg, also putty and glasses. 20 lbs. granulat d sugar $i ; fresh iates, 5c per pound; seeded raisins, per lb. 10c; tigs, per lb. .c. C. A. PRT1T, 2021 Washington avenue N. Sandler, the leading merchant tailor, has the largest and best stock ; cf suitings ever brought to Cairo, none ! can duplicate bis work or prices. Ritchie It Gillespie, grocers, oppo- site postoflice.are carrying a big stock i of froth groceries and meats. It's get' I ting a big trade, will grow rapidly. Guy's Loan Office, lady's aand gent's clothing cheaper than ever. See our ! jewelry, t ings, watches, pistols, rifles Sttd shot guns. 507 Coml. avenue. The Qoldea Ragle Clothing and shoe House tells shoes and clothing that never fail to please. Fit anr workman ship guaranteed, coi Com. Ave. Listen to Stone Bros. Salt $1 pet barrel; Mothers' oats, 3 for 25c: creamery luitter, 25 01 tomatoes, '.'! cans for 2"c; pure lard, 10c. Coing to build or repair this spring? See Kelly Bros., Lumber Co for anything In lumber or building material. Fred Slieher, the grocer, Coml. ave. and 10th st., has a line line of all kinds of canned goods, fresh eggs and excellent dairy butter. M. C. Met (get rung Store, is the place to get excellent remedies for all your aches and pains, giving you ease ami comfort. Wash, and 20th St. Wallers and Sherick grocery ami meat market, is the best, patronized grocery and meat market in Cairo. Welcome to all. Eighth street. Sour Stomach No sppetlte, loss of strength, nervousness, headache, constipation, bad breath, general debility, sour ris ings, and catarrh of tho stomach art sll due to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion, This new discovery repre sents the natural juices of digestion as they exist In a healthy stomach, combined with the greatest known tonic and reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure does not only cure In digestion and dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cures a 1 stomach troubles by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and strengthening the mucous membranes lining the stomach. Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT Olvti Health to tnc Sick an Strength to tha WhK. Bottles or.rr. St . 00 Sits koMln.i 2'4 tht trill atta. w.-.lcr. Mil for SOe. Prepared D? I. 0. DtWttt Ca., Cklaaja. ' It. ft. Oannoa, coal dealer at Wheelers oJU stand, has a Mr trade In coa.1 and kindling wood. He saves i you money every time. James Meohan, c;roe.r find leader lr. !:ood things to eat. fresh eftgs, good dairy butter, Swoot milk, butter milk, gamo in season. i!i;h phones. John 1'. Moekler's Grocery and Meal Market. Every thinfr for dinner. Iireskfasi and supper. Its ;i plastr to trade at tills .-tore Miss J. L. Wallace, for the meat correct and up-to-date stylos iu tail ored and Uroaj hats. L'o:i Kighth j street. M v line of men's sho ia snd BWoll j Oxfords are uow in stock. Try a pair of Crossstt's, Hollows: V or Nettl- ton's; no better made. I!. IfcllaniU Jr. Haas i clothiers. loth tug people Ml 3 one of Cairo's wideawake lie BUS his store with and gents,' furnishings thai ;e to wear. CIS Coml. ave. WEATHER FOR APRIL. Dtat Covering Thirty two Yenrs Cor.-. Piled from the Weather Bu reau record at, III. The following d.ita are hWttft i show the condition.-, thai have pre .ailed, during, the month in question I for tho above period of jfears, inn must not be const rued as a forecast lot the weather conditions tor the con ing momh. Month, April, for thirty -two years. TEMPERATURE. Mean or normal temperature, .",! de grees. The warmest month was that of ; lSKO, with an average of GO degrees. The coldest month was that of 18T4, with an average of Bl degrees. The highest temperature was Sit de greeS on April ts, I8tt The lowest temperature was 21 do- 1 greees on April it, 187". The earliest date on which "killing" i frost occurred In autumn. Beptembei SO, 18!)9. Average date on which first "killing" frost occurred In autumn, Octobet I 27. Average date on which last "killing' frost occurred in spring, March 2f. The latest date on which last "kll ling" frost occurred in Spring, April I IU. 1887. PRECIPITATION, (rain or melted i snow. ) I Average for the month. 3.C8 inch Average number of days with .04 ! on an inch or more. 1 1, The greatest monthly precipitation I was S12 inches in 187 1. Tiie least month!) precipitation wai n.n7 inches Is 1999. The greatest amount of preclplts I tion recorded in any 24 consecutive I hours was 2.27 inches on April .V(i 188::. The greatest amount of snowfall recorded in any 21 consecutive hours I (record extending to winter of 188 ! I only) was fl.c Inches on April 14, 1998 CLOUDS AND WKATHKK. Average MOlher of clear days. 8: partly cloudy days, 12; cloudy days, lb The prevailing winds have be i frrrm the south. The average hourly Velocity of th j find Is 10 miles. j The highest velocity Of the wint' wis 99 miles from the west on Apr!' I 1'. ISSIi. p. ii. smytii. Observer, WANTS $10,000 DAMAGES. Henderson, Ky., April i.s. w. Gib son today SUOd the National Life an Accident insurance company, of Nssfa vill , Tenn.. and N. N. Nicholson, local manager, for 10000 damages for al leged malicious prosecution. Plalntlfl was urea ted and placed In nil tn OwenSboro January 19, on ihe eharg of embezzling g.M from the Company, ami was dli missed on call of las G ii i Ballard's Horehound Syrup. Immediately relievfesV horse, croup cough, oppressed, rattling rasplig and dlfAcnlt breathing. Hoary c Steams, druggist, Shullsbiirg. Wis., writes, May 90, 1991: "I have been selling Ballard's Horehound Syrup for two years, and have never hnd n prop aration that has given bSttST sal is. faction. 1 notice that when I sell a bottle they come back for more. 1 can recommend It." 25c, 500. 1.99 Sold by Schtth Drug Co. LIFE AND FORTUNE GONE. a . Louis. III.. April 1. Afd contesting his wife's will, which eat him off with 9990 and left 996,000 Us European relatives, and winning the suit, two weeks ago, for 999,099, John Thorn berg rejoiced to such an ex tent thai he broke his leg and today died of blood poisoning The 99t,0OJ estate srlll g i to reiativws here and in Bui tips. Cures Coughs and Colds. Ufa, C p tersoa, 999 Lake St., To ,. ':n. Kansas, says: "Of all cough - r.-y :: i ite'la it's Hatobound Byntp Is rs.. v lie; i' 13 done and will do all that is claimed for It to speed ily cure all couching and rolds-and It Is so sweet and pleasant to the taste." 2".c, .'i"c $1.00 bottle. Sold Schuh Drug To Cost of Fires. The ann ml loss fressj '.ho burning of buHdfne in the Pnlted 8Utes is atKjnt $1199 I not including cost of Insurance and the appliances for fire protection. Stops mere pain, relovo more suf fering. pr vents more heart aches and IsSSHSSOS han any otthtt remedy That's what HoTisStSr! Rocky Moen ! tain Tea will do .";." cents, in tea or tablet form. P. O. Schua & Sons. GRAND ILCW Of Russian Ships Sunk By Japanese at Chemulpo. RUSSIA WILL DEMAND IMPORTANT CONCfSSIONS FROM tut pownns in case sue WINS IN urn WAR WITH JAPS. ity Ass Odes: feeling idea a iclvej Ivoriel '. teiated Pn il 1. Expressing Ihe whole Russian nation I today enthusiastically re the carvlvors of the gun boat and cruiser Variag, desirove.l y tho Japanes in Ihe batile of Cheat alpo. A Beet ot steamers and yacht loaded with cheering passengers and 'i.tnds piaytngg national airs met the returning Bailors at the sea and 68 eort si them to the docks atnUlst sal Vols from great guns. Thousands of frantically cheering people welcomed them at the landing. The streets through which the escorting column passed wer packed with people and the heroes were given an ovation. RUSSIA WILL ASK CONCESSIONS. By the Associated Press. St .Petersburg. April 1. The vie tnry of the British expedition to Thtb et will not attract much attention in official circles because Russia's bands are full With the present war. News papers, however, discuss the matter and it is being talked about in dlplo matlc circles. OttS Of our best inform ed diplomats is bold enough to pr diet that the basis of settlement differences between Russia and Croat Britain, regarding the far eastern questions will Include giving Rossis if victorious, what she wants in Man churls, the open or neutralization of the Dardanelles and an outlet to the Persian gulf in return for absolute guarantee of Creat Britain's Indian frontier and of her predominating in luonce in Thibet. MANY RUSSIAN SOLDIERS Hy the Associated Press, Paris, April l Figaro's St burg corespondent claims semi-official authority for th pan! that Russia now has shurls L70.000 Infantry. l"s Peters 0 ha v 1 state n Man M cav rtry and ISO cannon. The correspond nt says: "Although th. bulk ol roans is concentrated opposii i Korea he Rtragica) point extends from Vlad Ivostoh to New Chwaaj on the left bank Of the Iji'io river, the right bank being considered n.ntral territory By June 28, 130,909 infantry, 30,000 cavalry and 959 cannon will have bees sen! out. it is estimated that the Japanese troops do not SJM. d 90,000 and that Lin. ouo are waiting Utttll this eonnnissuriat is assured before belni transported, as It Is Impossible to feed i hem in Korea. There is nothing so important In acing seVSN cold weather as a well trgnnlkSd digestive force. When the itomach properly digests nntritkma food it creates new, rich blood; anil fortifies the system against cold. Wallhor's Peptonized Port, to be lOOnd at all drug stores, is an Ideal BOmblnallOS of pure, rich port and the best quality of pepsin. II strengthen the weak digestive organs, restores the appetite, builds and tones up the entire system. For invalids, convalescents and worn out people, there Is nothing so beneficial as VV'alther's Peptonized Pert Small size 5 cents, large size SI. 00 MUST NOT MAKE LOVE H t S ; Oliio Woman Enjoined From Making Love to Her Own Husband. Toledo, Ohio. April l.-Daisy W Ceroid Was today enjoined by an or der of Judge Tyler in the common pleas COOrl from making love to her bus band, from whom she is separat ed. Ceroid Is the manager of the Hoekesbersjef saloon. Tho couple were married In St. ixuis in November, po2, but OeroW says his wife abandoned him the next August. There has been SnasM erable trouble in th'- courts about all nvmy for the woman. The husband asks the court for an injunction to enjoin her from ratlin:' Ihm hi. by phone, following him. held Ing to him in pubrle, "hectoring him pestering him and hindering him." He says she Is assiduously making love to him. A PRACTICAL MAGAZINE row THE GENTEEL HOUSEKEEPER sack SSSUS c?TA!u ccAurmjLLr ILLUSTRATED O'SMES. DICOWATIOMS FO THE TAflL ' DAINTY MENUS ro ALL OCCA3tONS, arc rr is tmc AsssSaSM AUTMoaiTv OM CULetA'T TCr.CI Ar fASMiONS. Cuaarar !lJ? c $1 00 Va TACL PL'3. CO.. Pm:LA. aoLICiTOAt WAT Ill CHr,mtr St Fifty Years BAKING POWDER Improves the flavor and adds to the healthfulness of the food. 9 PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. CHICAOO. lOO in the Shade 3ft! MbmUmm " V . WWtii& ' " .',.e . A Good Time TO BEGIN To Save Is Now A GOOD PLACE TO DEPOSIT YOUR SAVINGS IS THE Enterprise Savings Bank 609 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Capital, $50,0:0.00 Reserve Fundi $100,000.00 INTEREST PAID ON DEPOSITS. IF YOU INTENDED TO MAKE A TRIP TO Chicago, Kansas City. . .. grr,"1 1 I OR ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST write for maps, UnS-tablOS and Lowest Rates t ! to ths Jt i CHICAGO & ALTON Ry. Full Informs tlOH and details cheerfully Riven. Tho equipment of "The Alton" U matchless in every "respect, ILs auperh ap polntmentB having earned for It the title of j "The Onlv Wav." D HOWB8, Asat. Oen'l Pass. Arkansas Texas Louisiana An Ideal country fur cheap homes. Land at S, $1", $'' per acre; (trows corn, cot ton, wheat, oats, grasses, fruits and vegetables. Stock ranges 10 months In the year. South east Missouri. Ar Kansas, Ieiisiana and Texas are full of opiortunitics the climate Is mild, the soli is rich, the lands are cheap. Lnw home-seekers' ratm alKiut half fare- via the CattiM it It twice a month First and third Tuesdays. Fur descriptive literature, maps and excursion rates, w rite to E. W. LABEAUME. G. P. A. and T. A. Cotton Belt, St. Louis, Mo. Homeseekers and Settlers' Rates To the Sunny South. On Art and third Tuesday of each month to, and including April, 1904 Write .Tno. M Besll. A. O P A., Mt 9tSS A Ohio It R . Pit. lw!s. Mo , stat 'ns. to what point ynn ish rate. the Standard This sounds pretty warm Just now, but it is not half so warm as you will fe. when you need the money to get ,hi nargain you have eet ycur heart . ... a I a tJUMtiM Agent, BT. LOUI3, MO. Once A Reader of tha Chicago Journal Always a Reader . . . THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN ILLINOIS 58 Years the Home Paper. ' A paper that has the most com plete news service obt a i B a bl e from all parts of the world. Its columns are most competently edited. Society, music ami drama, literature and art are ably commented upon. Its financial, ' comtnercia and live stock re ! views are acknowledged to be ! thoroughly complete and most ; reliable. 6 CENTS THE WEEK BY CAR - WER. S3 THE YEAR RY MAIL Winter at Citronslls. haithful, restful, inexpensire rs- ?ort , the pjnM of Alsbssaa. tUrtjr nikM north of Mobi)ft n a4 ,,.y A(If)rP88 jno. m. Bsalt, Mobile I Ohio milniad. St. Louis, for illustrated t.ookiet. 1