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THE CAIRO BULLETIN. Daily Service PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING L. OF THE ASSOCIATED PRESS IN THE YEAR VOL XXXVI. NO. 84. CAIRO, ILL., MONDAY MORNING, APRIL 11. 1904. ESTABLISHED IN 1868 L RUSSIAN MILITARY CENSORS CLOSE UP SHOP TO GO HOME In Consequence There Is a Dearth of War News From St. Peters burg" Japs Did Not Make Promised Attack on Port Arthur. By the Associated Press. St. Petersburg, April in - The mill tary censors did not .sil up Inter than Hi o'clock tonight, and no news of righting was received up to that hour. In case official dispatches arrive later they will not he given out until noon tomorrow. FIGHT DID NOT OCCUR. By tho Associated Press. Si. Petersburg, April 10. The gen erally anticipated attack on Port Ar thur did not occur last night, alihou;;h a telegram from Crawl Duke Cyril reports that th l enemy's ships were sighted on tin" horizon. Ii is thought I hat the Japanese were warned of the extra precautions which had been taken to guard against a surprise. There was no Kasfr merry making at the front By special dispensation the soldiers and sailors were relieved of all religions ohservances on account of (he necessities of the military sit uation. Vice Admiral Mukaroff's torpedo tleei petroled the open sea while war ships vilh full steam up remained out side Port Arthur. CONFIRMATION IS LACKING. By the Associated Press. London. April II. Inquiry develops (hat no continuation has reached Lon don of the vnrioiis rumors most of : which came hy the way of Paris, of NO SLAUGHTER OF JEWS BY RUSSIANS ON EASTER The f aithful Execution of (iovcrnor's Orders at Kishinev By the Police Prevented Repetition of l ast Year's Scenes. By Associated Press. St. Pet rshurg, April II.- The As sociiited Press has received special reports from all the Jewish regions of Russia, regarding happenings of Raster. Up te - O'clOCa this morning according to these dispatches, the Rasstaa Raster passed quietly, and there was no attempt to molest the STEAM YACHT ROXANA HAS REACHED NEW YORK John W. (iatcs Makes the Trip Successfully l:rom Milwaukee to New York Was One Hundred and Seventy seven Days Making l ong V oyage. By the Associated Press New York, April 18 yacht. Boxana. !'.i Ions, built in Milwaukee l.e t ) The steam which was sir for John W. Hates, of Chicago, arrived today from CMcagO aBer a voyage down tM Mississippi, thrOUgS the (iulf of Mexico, and up the Atlantic coast The essol kas ITT days making the FORMER QUEEN BODY IS Clad in the Habit of the Sisterhood of St. i rancis l ies in a Catafa'que in the Palace of Cash illc- Dignitaries Pay Homage. L'v Associated Press. Paris. April If. The body of for mer QSMM Isabella, of Spam embalm ed and clad in the habit nf the .1 t riband of tenant Pvomss, tads mem ing was placed n a catafalque in the eetner of the great drawing room In THE STORM KING gv Associated Press Milwaukee April !' ntral Wi e..ntn is experiencing a severe Mi 7ard today and in some cases traffic i- interfered with At Oseeols six inches of snow has fallen ami the muds drifted full Ban ( laire. Shell lake and Blaine villc have sskh! sleighing. jjy Xsooclated Press St Psul Apill 9- hinuli tele- 'and lighting, landtag hy th; Japanese in l.iaotung reninsyd.:'.' capture of lapanese transports nf6; tie 1 Russians, tc. Dispatches from various points agree thai the Bussians have evacua ted Korea, hut beyond this then- is little reliable news. A Chefoo dis patch asserts that a Japanese squad ron with twenty steamers was MM CMklng for Port Arthur. NOT CERTAIN ABOUT IT. By Associated Press. Paris, April 10. The st Petersburg! correspondent of the Petit Paiisen caldes au Interview with Rear Admi- ral Hojestvansky, chief of the general stall of th navy in Which he admit-: ted he accepted command of llie Hal tic squadron, adding that he was not certain whether the squadron was. to go to the far east or not. WOMAN IS ENROLLED. By the Associated PrcL.s. St. Petersburg, April in The war ministry has (mated the petition of M ine Pouscp, daughter of Col. Ma iowcondu row, and has enrolled her in a Cossack regiment of rilL'iuen. Mine. Pouscp, who is ;;;! years old, was reared under the patronage of lexander III, and is a fine horsewo man and handles a rifle, revolver and sword well, often taking pari in the cavalry maneuvers of the Vya.etisky regiment She is a qualified Red Cross nurse, hut says there are enough women nurses, and wants to show that a woman can light. ! jews, the provincial governors acting j in accordance With Instructions from Bt Petersburg. VYe faithful execution of the gov ernor's orders to Ihe police prevented outbreaks, which were feared at Ki-di ineff. the ICeBe Of disturbances last Kaslcr. There was not S single CMS there in which jews and Christian were Involved, trip, slopping al various ports. The lloxana will fly the Mag "f tM Columbia Yacht club, and be used in these Waters during the yachting sea son. Note Tie- Boxana touched al Cairo at lur trip Mr, Hale-, and his son were aboard, but left the boat here and returned home to await the ar rival of the boat at New York. ISABELLA'S LYING IN STATE the palace astvnle. the queen s hme which had been converted into a: ehapell aide Ml. Only diplomats, Kreneh government officers and flplstl notables were admitted to the palace in Ihe morning. The public was adrniit l in the afternoon. graphic wires are reported down throughout the northwest t i.tay le'e giaafeir communication with North Dakota i'"ints is gradually being re stored Passenger trains in North ( m Minnesota and North Dakota an moving, today The heavy nw fad In North Dakota leads the railroad of firials to fear floods, and they are making effort to gee traffic- over their lines as soon as possible Irefore the general thaw begins. Th--1 mst depressing humidity is that iused by the ttarn of a woman UlURSQN WAS H Refutation of Palsc Rumor Re garding Island Queen. IS NOW AT MEMPHIS WHERE SHE TOOK OUT TWO LARGE EXCURSIONS YES TERDAY ONE IN AFTER NOON, SECOND NIGHT. A report was current about the city yesterday that gained considerable prominence thai the palatial exclu sion steamer, Island Queen, had been sunk. No details were given. As the boal is to give an excursion out of Cairo on Tuesday under the auspices of the K. at. K. C, The Bul letin wired its .Memphis correspond ent regarding the report, and receiv ed the following response: Memphis, April 10. Daily Bulletin, Cairo. III. The excursion steamer. Island Queen, has not MM sunk. She cir lied out an excursion party this af ternoon and has another large partv out tonight. There is absolutely nothing to justify the report. COMM KRCIAI. AI'PKAl,. How the report originated in Cairo cannot lie ascertained, hut now thai a quietus has been placed upon the false report, the public can rest as sured of another one of those pleas ant enjoyable evenings upon the waters. The Island Queen was huilt es A peeially for the excursion trade. She possesses live large decks, three com BKMHOM cabins with a capacity of :!. 008 per.-ons. a magnificent hall room the whole boat brilliantly lighted by myriads of electric lights and a man; nlficer.t orchestra. She will h ave ilu Cairo wharf at ,i :;e. 7:81 and !' p in., touching at Mound City and Wiekliffe and return ing here about midnight. THREE THOUSAND PERSONS LIVES ARE ENDANGERED Jamming of Ice at a Bridge Causes Waters nf St. Lawrence to Rise and Hooding Their Homes Drives Them ' mt to House Tops. By tho Anseclated Pre Montreal. April 18 Three thou sand pantM in Verdun, a Western suburb of Montreal, are tonight in the upper stories of their houses, whlie several thou -and more ai Point M Charles are In danger Karly today a Uig- quantity of lee Automatic Typewriters, a nevi typewriting Mchhne returns the carrlsge stitnmstlrslly when the entl of a line Is reached so that the operstor ;s not compelled to psnse. GUILTY OF BRIBERY. Br the Assncisred Press. Oreen Bay. Wis.. April 9. B. T. Webster, sewer contractor, wso today found guilty nf bribing an alderman in connection with certain contract for city sewers. Webster was lined 1,0Q8 and costs, which he paid. IN THE SNOW FOR FIVE DAYS Great Northern Passenger Train Re quired Five Locomotives to Pull it Out. By tho Associated Press. Sioux City, April III. -A Croat Northern passenger Irain arrived in Sioux City tonight from O'Neil. Neb. after having been stalled In a cut near Mcl.aln since Friday MOB. Five locomotive! were seat tS help the train through. Snow drifts are still over the smoke stacks of four locomotives and another was thrown Irom the track hy the snow. WATCHMAN IS FOUND DEAD Was Mrurlcrcd By Negro, It is leged For the Purpose of Robbery. Al- Hy Ihe Associated Press. I'hil id Iphia. April 10. John Thom as, 88 years old night watchman al Ihe Houston club of the I'niversitv of Pennsylvania, which Is it : ua ed in the heart id' the University buildings, was murdered this evening in the Ixiwling alleys in the basement of the (dub bouse. The motive Is believed to be rob b ry and a negro ,vas arrested on sus pienon. FORECAST OF THE CHICAGO CONVENTION. NEW YORK FEUDAL FIGHT. By Associated Press. New York. April 19, In a feud light today, line- brothers. Thomas, Wil liarn and Michael (iilhrides. wen- prcl tf fatally stabbed, and Harry Md John MeShane. were severely wound ed came down from l,ak St l. an: jammed at the Victoria bridge In few minutes the water began ti rim SSd in a short time had reached tie to), of Um dl;e. In s short time th water wa i feet deep n tie Ireei No damage in the elty limits of Mon In ST. Easier to Memcrie. t'nle Rsm has .V,r. mile? of rnat to defeml. This wonbl b a!ter to remember W the swrveyoffa had skipped three miles of it. Import Less Hosiery. The Imports in hosiery frm Eng land have fillen !n ten -a;s from l,50e,i(!0 b year tc $:00,000. E OF J RUPTURE Disagreement Existing Between Italy and Austria. THE FEELINC IS FANNED BY AN INCIDENT OCCURRING AT CATARO AUSTRIAN GEND ARMES BOARD AN ITAL IAN SHIP. By Associated Press. Home. April T0t- Signer Tltioni. the Kalian foreign minister, in sn inter view today, said he ami Count Coined owski. Austrian minister, were satis fied with meeting at Abbazia yester day, th result of which he would communieat" to Parliament. The following telegraphed from Vienna was printed in the Independ ent "The reanrrectloa of the agitation in Italy in which the agitators claimed ill Italian provinces still under Aus tria so !, trained the relations of the I vo countries that they were several limes on the point of declaring war. Austria was Indignant when Italy protested to Ihe cmp tor of l!er:nany. Which, according to the Tripple Al Hence Is the arbiter of Austro Italian disputes The emperor decided that Italy was wrong in not representing tii aal i-Aus' riau movement and that Austria would be wrong if she tried to occupy Albania and thus conflict with Italian Interest There being no appeal from this decision. Italy and Austria decided to Mmatste ihe accord obtained through (he m e lng nl Naples of Emperor Wlliuua and King Vic! I'jmmanuel. in Abuse toasts, contrary to Other similar manifestations. Km peror Francis Joseph was cordially al loded to. Beside;- ibis meeting at Abasia which oeeurr-I m tme of the Italian provinces : u h. i t to Austria, is to be eeniinneil in Italy s formal r nun' ia lion of those provinces." Had Au .liu Italian ft elirig in whith then is a risk of cheeking lM work at diplomacy, has haea aroused b) an la cident which occurred while th" m I iiiy hetWSU He minister., at Abha.ia was taking place. The Italian steamer M'dletta. on arriving at Ca ;aro, in Ihe Austrian province of Briiaatfti was ngSWMfMd hy Austrian a mlarmes, who sabl they wished t itiNtu-et the MSaci The captain of the Molfetla refuser to allow the gendarmes to come on board If they carried arms, ami the soldiers threatened to attack He Strip The captain displiycd the Ital ian flag over the gangway when the gendarnu I were ord' rf,d to fire Be fore the nrdei eostid be carried itit el the captlan yielded in DfdSf t' atoM hlootfattM' The l:alian govern m nt will bring the matter to the ,-it tent h m nf t'e ustrtan governmen and ask br an txplanatmn MANY Kit LED AND INJURT.D Br Associated Pres. Santa Barbara, ''sli . April M A tire' t ear ran off the track trvtsy and turned over, killing fhe persons ami injuring 2f All are believed to bo aaata Barbara rasidenl: THE KAISER IS ENJOYING GOOD HEALTH AND THE TRIP He Read Divine Service Sunday Aboard the Royal Yacht, Hohen zollern at Malta - Received the Captains of the British Pleet. Special to The Bull tin. It Is reported upon excellent au thority that one of Kmperor William's recreations on hoard the HohMSOl lern is the preparation of elaborate statistical tables about the navies of Germany, BnglmwJ and the United States. When he returns to Berlin he will present these tables in suit aide showcases to the reichstag. lie is particularly anxious to show the people's represetnatives that, al though the growth of the Herman navy has been accelerated, it must be hastened Still more If it is to keep pace with the American navy. Th. emperor is convinced that he has. far better material to man his ships than exists in America The men living In the coast district along the Baltic and North seas are unsurpassed, in his es timation, as naval material. The RUSSIAN EASTER FEAST CONTINUED TO DAYLIGHT Open House Was Kept Everywhere and Calling Upon Iriends Was the Rule--The Masses Spent Day in Merry Making. By Asroclateil Press. Bt I'.tersbuig. April Ht -Totlay was given up to Kiislor rejoicing. The long Russian feast, which began after midntghl and continued almost to day light was scarcely ended before the round of Ussier visits began. II is the duty of ev ry Russian at Kasb r to call on till friends anil to est anil drink with them. Open house was kept everywhere. Theoretically, Ihe beggar ntei m dlniiio r) e .i M off II,: imsetf to t i mi v i- YAQUI INDIAN LEADER IS CAPTURED AND SHOT Had Been an Instigator of Many Rebellions in .Mcxico-Anothcr Savage Who Confessed to Murders Treated Likewise. By Associated Press. ItertttOsUIOi Mexico, April 10, Man Ml (iuevesl. who has been lor Ihe yearn al the heatl of the Yaqui rsMla in BoBOfi, inrtlgatlng many upri-m:: : is dead tiuavesi was discovered among Ihe prisoners taken by Captain Barron in in engagement with a baud of sav ages near Balotieite an. I was iminedl Stoly taken out Md shol as CnptSlB Barren was not pretared to lake BB chances Ills pri toners mimic red al GALESBURG HIGH SCHOOL WAS DESTROYED BY FIRE Mailing l oss of $100.01)0 and Life of a l ireman W ho Was Crushed By I ailing Wall--Scminary of knox College Threatened. Bt the Associated Press. Ohttslnirg 111. Ai"'' i" Hm bighi 8satrwye8 'he Qalesbnrg high ,t bool causing a loss of 18MW. J'dm Staler, a fireaian. Ill iiistantly killed by a falling wall The tire started in the furnace rtxtm and had great start belon bs ing discovered. Plame- spread to the msntiel training dcparttneni and thenr' to the np;er f1te Dresblss TWO CROOKED POLICEMEN Inrtictfd F,-r Acceptej Hush Monty From Gamblers ac.d Violators nf I x. By ASMCSatesI Press San It Sic Msrie. Mith . April P -Pormer Ctio t of Police Neiwn A. Bui uic. former Police Cap'ain Prank Ste ens and Frank hp'l hae been ar fs'cl -n inJietmcnts fvund by tbt number of men in the German fleet at pr sent is 32,053 Next year It will be 34,482. and at the close of 190C 10,000 trained, i liable men. Kor a long time the Russian and th' Japanese navies chiefly concern ed Kmperor William ss a basis for comparison. Now it is the American navy. By Associated I'ress, Malta, April 10, Emperor William read divine .services on Imard the German Imperial yacht, Hoheusoitsrn, this morning, after which he received the captains of the British fleet. He (lien landed and visited all places of interest. The emperor dined aboard the Ho henzollern, the guests including the governor and British admirals. Kmperor William k in perfect health and Is enjoying his cruise. Ihe table, This Is no longer ihe case in the larger towns of the empire, hut it is still literally true in villages and rural regions. So on rious have Blaster riaRa be come thai Ihe Red Cross society this year evolved a means of relief by which a subscription of $r,o secured tin- publication ni th givers' name in the official mesenger. and Immun ity from Rsster calls. Many took ad viinta)" of the scheme The ineses spent ihe day in werr.v, , .; -, to-,. 'i., sK.ic elgh a-l ' 1 ' fll n were jamm. .1 SKMl a many men as those of his command It was Ousvesl who was In com mau l of the Yaqui force who ambush ed ami almost annihilated a whole company of the Twentieth battalion near Seanorata in the rebellion of two wars ago. Among other savages captured was me Maiaville. who confessed to th Killing of a nephew of (Jen. Torrea wh'i. while in the rear of a Mexican party was captured, tortured Slid flnall) killed. Marawllc was shot it through the r"f, the rpsrks thteaiened the enjjnsrj of Knox col ;. ge and tin college chspel. The girts lacked their personal effects snd many If ft the building seeking isfetj in iiriv ui homes ami hotels. The entire tire-tighting force .'f tbnre with the volunteer force "d the Burlington railroad at midnight ..nee led in Kintining 'he flames to the high school. trtii I jury, charging them With COO -.piracy In ctmnectine with lb" reetmt randals in th police department, it is alletel they accepted money ;aml'ler - and .nher v tolaltira f the !aw The Indicted t.ftt-ers left t lie service a. a result of the Invest! gallon by the police (mmi-i"ners. EP'VOPsL CHUBCH CONVENTION Hy Ihe .Vsttciafed press. Bt-n pr I 1') Awn''inreasM . iVit th i At ge eral convention nf the Bpictpsil ih'irch woubl he held m tfcwtnn. Uet ober 5-25. in Emannuei eburrh. Th Woman's Auxllisly u' hell hlr fa. eenisl cenventkm in October VHbfl 1