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THE CAIRO BULLETIN. Daily Service PUBLISHED OF THE EVERY MORNING , ASSOCIATED PRESS IN THE YEAR VOL XXXVI. NO. 84. CAIRO, ILL., TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1904. RUSSIAN MILITARY PLANS ARE OF GREAT MAGNITUDE But Will Not Mature Until Fat- in the Summer -Army Designed to Reach Total of Half Million Men- Baltic Squadron For Port Arthur. RUSSIAN MILITARY PLANS. Py I he Associated Tress. St. Petersburg, April 11. Kxcep tiniiaiiy reliable information regard' ing Russian military pl&na con firm the reputed announcements mads by the Associated Press that these plans will Dot mature until late in the sum mer. They are of far greater magni tude than is generally believed abroad iiihI take in t account all possible eon 1 ingeneles. (Jen-. Kuropathin has insisted that the men and guns placed at his dis posal shall cover the extreme limit re quired to settle the fate of the cam paign. The army is designed to at tain a total of half million at time scheduled for the reinforcement ol Maliaroff's Qeel with the Haliie squad Kill The Seventeenth and Tenth army c ups, now drafting, are expected to reach Manchuria by I he middle of June. Mobilization of lour Other corps, Ht least two of which will be from the Volga, will he announced by the middle of May and will start east ward a month later, reaching their destination at the end of August. Rear Admiral Ilojostrensky will hoist his flag as commander of the Baltic squadron early in July and will sail Immediately for Port Arthur. The Korean government has not complied with Japan's reported de mand for the recall, of the Korean minister at St. Petersburg, who con tinues in official relations with the Russian foreign office. General Ron- nenhampl's Cossack division, number ing ten thousand men, has arrived on PLANS ARE IN PROGRESS TO BUILD NEW RAILROAD From Kansas City to I (ninth With Cross line From St. Louis to Sioux City French Capitalists Take Huge Bulk of the Bonds. Kam a.'. City, April It.- Th Times says; "Plans are now in progress for building a railroad system reaching from Kansas Ci:y in Duluth. with u cross line from SI. Louis to BioUX City. Iowa, bv the wyn of Council Hluffs and Omaha, and a Connecting branch from MttfOSltttO, Mo., through The various lines of the B w sys lies Moines. Iowa, to connect wHb the lenis have bOM surveyed and active Duluth line at Coon llapids Iowa construction will begin at lane Creek, The eompauy is said to have floated clay county. Mo , next week. GOVERNOR OF COLORADO OVERRIDES LAWS OF STATE Declared By .ludjie Stevens to Be A Clash Between the Authorities T By Associated Press Dnrny, April n District Indgs ens today declared Adit. General Hell and PsgtafO Wells in contempt of court for not complying wiih the writ of habeas corpus which required the officers to bring before the court to lav Charles Moyer, president of the Western (fate fntlon of Miners, whom they are holding in eonlliioment al T UnridJO, The court ordered Sheriff Cm belt to arrest the two officers. Bv the Associated Prens. Ouiay. Colo, Apiil II If tin- mill tary continues to disregard tin orders of the court and refuse lo release Pr -blent Mover. Attorney K f Rich ardson. representing the WBStSftt Federation of Miners, will apply to the sta.'e supreme court for a writ of habaes corpus. The return on th writ made by lini Bell, through Assistant DtS trie: Attorney David Howe. Da the ground he deemed it unsafe bring IsnffOI lo Ouray at in reduce the mill tary fon in San Mignet i.mnly by sn doing and that the governor has ordered him to disregard th,. writ Judge Steven.- said. . The people of Ourav will gladlv IVOUll UM imputa tton thai Qenefttl Hell or CttgtttlS Weill rovM not cmm alow Mad in -afety with Pn i (-nt Mover before this court "A very grave question Is presented as to wh Iher it In the striking miners or the governor of Colorado and the national guard that are engaged in insiiirertion and rebellion against the law of the state if thee Is 'o Iw a reign of mili tary d'spotum in this stste, an -I the upper Valu river. The Fourth army corps reached Harbin ten days ago, VladivostOCk is held by 13,060 linemen. An officer and fifteen Cossacks, who were left south of the Y'alu lo reeon D oiler after the Russians retired, sue eeeded in locating the Japanese posi tions without discovery, swimming their horses a mile and a half in re- crossing the river. RUSSIA MAKES PROTEST. By the Associated Preen. London, April ll.-The Tien Tsin correspondent of the Standard says I that Russia has again protested I against the presence of Chinese Hoops ion (lie Mam Ionian frontier and has I demanded their withdrawal within the i live mile limit of the great wall. RUSSIA TOO WEAK. ! By the Associated Press. I Loudon. April 1 1 The correspond en! of the Times at Seoul, cables: "I: is believed the Russians north of the j Valti river are not sufficiently iiumer i ou.s hi withstand the Japanese advance j for any considerable distance hevond the river." DENY THE STORY. By Associated Press. Tokio, April II.--Official denial is made here of the story that ill the light at Cheng .lit. March 1ft, the .lapi nose troops took refuge in a building occupied as a hospital over w hich was a Red Cross Hag. The Japan se had g bandage StaftioS in the rear of their Bring line and it .ais used exclusively for the care of the wounded. 180,900,000 with Ft neb capitalists al Sn cents on the dollar. The Company .vhieh will have i:s bendquartera In Kansas City has toenail incorporat ed under the name of the Interstate Hallway eonipanv. and ther Is an nip iliary const ruction company in Rebellion and Insurrection Military and Ci il hreatened. civil authority Is tn have tin ittrietflc Hon. the latter might as well go on' of business " Judge Stevens refused In pertttll the tiling of the return to Hie ertt'ttttd ordei d that Charles II Mover be dtl rchnrged from custody and issued an order of attachment against Bell ami Wells, BSSOBSfng a line of fjjftf each ami expressed regret that tin- govern or was not before Ihe court as he considered him equsrty gntKy with Hell and Wells. Wh'-n Vn. Hell wag informed ai TVIIuiide today Ihat Judge Steven hail ordered himself and Cttptaltt eiis arrested and ronlsml in the Ouray county Jail on the charge ol contempt, he said' H Sheriff Corbet; takes us to Ouray i; will have to In oved Hie (load Ixxlles of all the sol diers under my eiunmand in this county. Ms has noi gi' men enough lo do that. The situation demand that we slay in Telluride. "Mover will never be produced in oonri net II Oovernm Peahod) ovdten inn lii do so unless It ' escapes and goes npr the range on .now shoe WILL NOT RECOGNIZE WRIT. Ity (he Assoi iated Press. IVnver. April II Qoi FVahnly tated tonight that he will no reeog ni.e Judg" Steven's writ ff attach menl for lien Hell and t'apt Well that the military authorities will not appear in eonrt. nor will they give up Mover Hi' claims the courts have no right to enjoin or atr-it soldierx while on doty, and if thy were al Iowk to interfere il would render the militsry ebsolutf-Iy powtrle DRAFTED 1 BILL ETJE1 Moody Does" Not Favor Staff Like That of Army. HEARING GRANTED HIM DY HOUSE COMMITTEE ON NAVAL AFFAIRS BOARD SHOULD BE IN THE HOLLOW OF HIS HAND. By Associated Press. Washington, April U. Secretary Moody does not favor a general staff in the navy modeled after the general staff of the arm?. This fact he coin munlented to the house committee on naval affairs today in the hearing granted him on a bit ot Ids own draft ing "to increase the efficiency of the navy." The bill authorises the secretary to constitute a general itoard in his dis cretion, by detailing seven officers on the active list of the navy ami marine mips, not below rank of cap'Jiin for such duties as the secretary may from lime to time direct. Tlie secretary explained thai this hill did not really enlarge his present authority in matter of an advisory board. He now has eight to create ich board of any number of officers and continue (hum on the board for tiny length of lime. Such board, the secretary explains was absolutely "in the hollow of Hie hand of the secretary of the navy." lie could create at will and discon tinue it at will. Its functions would he purely advisory. No board, be said, should he created which could usurp the power of the secretary. The board provided for in his bureau, he said, would have executive power nor jurisdiction over bureaus of the navy. The committee took no action on the bill. Which as yet has not been in troduced in congress. EDWARD'S DENMARK TRIP TO NEGOTIATE A TREATY Which Will Insure Absolute Neutrality in the Fvcnt ol a Anglo Russian War--Description of Proposed Neutral Zone. By Assoeial'd Press, lmtlon. April II King Kdward' risM to Coponbagen, acoordlsg to tim eorresHindenl of the Mail al that cat dal. has rsnlte (n t h- begtttttiS -f BjOgntMUOM for a new treaty b0tWOjN t;reat Prttnia, Itenmark and Itus i replacing the enrnentions with D I triarh coneluded by the late emperor Alexat der HI. PENAMA STRIKE ENDED. Hy Associated Presa. P-tnams. April IL The strike on the Panama railroad ended today mot of the laborers returning to weak undti old condition. POLICY GOES AT ST. PAUL The "Washerwoman's Gig" Wins and Slipc are Being S-rirnbled For. Special to The Pitllei in St. Paul, April II. The magic figures "iinti" put John Deegan, a Minnesota street negro, on "easy" street yesterday, and now St. Paul's colored population has gone policy mad. How paAny policy tickets the agent:; of the syndicate put in circulation after John's lucky strike, is not exact ly known, but every negro in the town la. t nigh! had a piece of pnsteboerd wilh mystic figures on it in hi:; pock et. Policy promises to be the bane of St. Paul, and already the Minister's association and reformers have be gun their attacks on the game, in the business districts the agents of the syndicate controlling the game have lie u doing a land office business. Mayor Smith said yesterday that if policy was being played in St. Paul tn any exteni he was not aware of it. "It used to be played here ra'her heavy," be said, "bill the DOild got after the people behind ti and I thought they were all driven out of town." The game can be played lor us small sum of Ti cents, and for Ibis reason it funis many d votees whose spending money Is limited. Depart ment store girls, it is said, play the game regularly and those who peddle the tickets have even Invaded the high schools. No secrecy Is maintained regarding the location of Hie headquarters where the drawings are dally held, and Ih agents of the syndicate are conspicuous in tlie boldness with which they peddle Hie policy tickets. HIGH SCHOOL BURNED. By Ihe Associated Press. Onion in. April ii. The high school building raid COttl en ' s w to burned today. The loss la twenty-thousand. THE QUEQUE IS LIKf.LY "O BlitAK ANY It is understood the proposed ai tangetnent will ensure Hie motrali'v ot Denmsrs in the evest of an Anglo He MS COnUet, or at least that the lireil BeM la wide channel In th- Mil H separating the Island of Km ie n an I Eealandl and the Found (between Zealand and South Kweden) will ! declared neulral in "ent itf war PETITION IN BANKRUPTCY. By the Associated Press. Omaha. April II A elithM in in voluntary Iritnkruptcy Mi -d -od i against the Kelly. Sllger and eonipany dry goods No schedule of as. i ts and liabilities are given hut the ron'-m carled ,to:l. in t-i;i., of Sloenu. EXCELLENT SOW SI I THEATRE Dr. Herberi L Flint Entertains a Fare Audience. EXHIBITS HIS POWER ;OVER A CLASS OF SUBJECTS BE WILDERINO AND AMUSING HIS AUDIENCE TWO MIRE PERFORMANCES. Dr. Herberi L Flint, thai clever hypnotist, opened his engsg?tneul of three nights at the theatre before a j large audience of Cairo people. Doctor Flint prepared his nlertain moot by .stating that Mrs. Klin:, Hie fun maker was so seriously indis i posed (hat she could not leave h t bed and had been in cutis iquenCC un able to appear upon the stage or to take any part in the performance for i ..ome weeks. His reQUCSl for volunteers as usual brought uion Ihe stage a large nam her of subject's, some 17 in numb r FYom this number he selected II after the usual tests to ascertain eenttve menial qunUtl?s to the n accei suggestions, The class was above Ihe average and furnished an endless amount of amusement to the audience, p a) .if 'M peal of laughter greeting Hie lud icrous antics and dssed appearance of th subjects' visages when a reali sation dawned upon them of their position. The pregfsmmc was a vari d one and demonstrated that Dr, Kliut. in addition to possessing a wonderful and mysterious power, is ingenious In arranging a bill, not tit some in repe titions, 'nit replete .villi variety and unique innovations. The eliinav of the evening came with the closing aid, for it can right fully and very properly be termed an act, of Hie performance when Dr DAY. ''lini. with sevea subjects, alto I borough I) inducing the snggenUot arranged (bem in gsrmenUi of the skirt datiwr, had the light" turn-.; nit and in Hie tterce glow of a "spnl 1 light and Its kal Idoocopte changet j nMOn the seven ive an exhibition o. skirt dancing, freqiientlf SSSg in Bl I trsvsgsnia eontpailen There ws nothing nneonth aiKiui i;. and th' I grace ami lithsoni' ties , liiaplayed bv I his aibjeets was really astotindin;. (ConulSdod on fourth page PAIL TO REACH AGREEMENT By the Associated f're.s Hs M f -i n Iowa. April II 'lie conference between miners and opet a nrs held h' re Nwlay fai'rd lo re.Vi an Bgreeseni r la ive lo the slrik - in the town mine;; The operator expert a proUOSfllon from the miner ItO lie sahmiMi I tomorrow. T A FT AT PEORIA. By the A vso iated Pre; s Peoria. Ill, April II gueialM of war Ta't via- eh,, prjurtpai so. ike at the tianquet of the Kleaaimo cltt'i tonight. ESTABLISHED IN 1868 NASHVILLE AND LAWRENCE ! BOUND UP RIVER TO CAIRO Both Warships Will Be Hen; About April 15, But Will Not Go Further lip Ohio River-Description of the Lawrence. Relative to the arrival of the gun boat. Nashville and the torpedo do I stroyer, Lawrence at Cairo, The Bul letin wind Hon. (leorgn W. Smith making an iiuptiry regarding the re sponse made by Secretary of the Navy Moody to his request for Ihe two warships lo stop at Cairo and the date when they would be here. The following dispatch was nvdv ! ed yesterday 6 Vetting: Washington, D. C, April 11. The Daily Bulletin, Cairo, III. Secretary of the Navy Moody at my request has wired Commander of the Nashville and Lawrence to stop at Cairo if possible, but cannot give at present the exact date of the arr v al at Cairo. The navy department advised me this morning that the commanders would communicate with your mayor when the vessels would reach Cairo. GEO. W. SMITH. Mayor Winter, when Interrogated TORPEDO DESTROYER LAWRENCE. last evening al S o'clock, said that un to thatJfeno hs hi i not been advised regarding Hie time of ihe arrival of Ihe two boats nl Cairo, iul BO will undoubtedly be OOUIod within the next two days. It can be staled t hat the boats will arrive hero nn or about Friday, April 15, ami remain in port until Monday morning, April IB, which, by the wax. is a coincidence Hie Nashville leaving the port of Cairo on her (rip up the river jusl live years to a day. Tic Nanbvllle and Lawrence are to day probably at Nstchis, stopping yesterday at Bston Itougo, The Nashville will probably pTW fed up Ihe Ohio river alone, leaving the Lawrence here to await her return stopping at Paducnhi Henderson and Bva&SVllle arriving al Ihe latter plaer on Ihe 30th, She will only slop one dav at each town, bul there is a VIENNA PUBLIC BURNED An Austrian Political Meeting Storm the Town Hall- Serious Riot ing Follows Which Necessitated Use of Soldiers With Artillery to Oucll. Hy the Ausociaiert Press. j Vienna, April II. Political meet I legs at Samovar, near Agram Hroatla yesterday ended with serious rioting ,,,,.1, ,,f nna ,, , . I , n-1,1. , I I lie I " ....... 1 Wgjaag, ball, enrried out the public records , auihorl(le ef Agratn have din and burned them in the Street patched a detachment of Infantry (o Deputy Kip o h. who had presided Samovar In order to prevent a recur ai Ihe meeting, and the town notary, rCttCS of ihe disorder. . , ; ,r MAY BECOME EMBROILED WITH CHINESE GOVERNMENT United States RefwW lo Permit Duly Accrediled Chinamen to World's I air to I nter Country Arc Detained at San Francism. By Aswielaled Presn St. Lonl. April II The Rrpublic pr4iila a di.-patili from Wa hitmt' ti 1 'aiming in have infei mai inn from "source rlohel) i lentitied with diplo malic cireb-s.'' to the effect that MM pllcntiCtta betOel I China ami He ITS Hod Slate, have arisen t," KMC of th- harsh matin ' in which the hi ncse exclusion laws are opersttng against tdnani' ii In conscnueeco el DUICHERG ON A STRIKE. Ity Associated Press Chicago. April (I Two thousand ,! bull :: r- 1 mp!ove, at the van ons plsnU of Swift St Co have Im ii orrtfred to Ktrike N-eanse it is alleged the company refuses to relniosle e. : tain union m u wh have hen 't ( harted possibility that the Nashville will not go up the Ohio at all as can be observ ed by the following meusag0: J II Powell. Mayor, Henderson, Ky. Regret very much ship will not go into the Ohio river. HHBBARD. This message from the eommand er of the Nashville is at variance with a letter that Congressman Heriienway sent to Postmaster James D. Par v hi. of Bvansvllle, as follows: "Secretary Moody has assured mo that Ihe Nashville and torpedo flotilla will visit Bvansvllle if the stage of water wall permit." From Hubbard's telegram It can bo discerned that he doubts that there will he a sufficient stage of water in the river that will afford the Nash ille a margin of safely. So. if people living along ihe river and inland that Ii:. ire to see the lioals had Iwst make preparations to come to Cairo. The torpedo boat destroyer. Law renCC, was built by the Pore River Ship ami Engine company, of Qnlncjf, Mass. Her length on load water linn hi Mb" feet and lo inches, wih an ex treme breadth of 232 feet and " inch es Her mean draft i- fl.W fee and with a (ltsplaeemenl of 140 ions. Her .engine", are ol the type known an tho j twin acrow vertb-al Inverted trip'"' expansion with Thornyeroft bnltns, developing en bei trial fl.37$ horse power, giving a speed of 28.1 knots per hour II. t maximum draft when ready for sea with litinkers full . 'in', fret Her armament consists of twn long is inch Whitehead (orpe in Two ."ineli rapid tirers and Sve li-pounUers. Her complement of men includes three officers and 69 men. She was put in commission April H 1003 and cost 1381,000 exclusive of armament. RECORDS IN THE STREETS wen evcrelj beaten A battery of artiller) dispersed the rioters, in course of the struggle a title was acci- ....... . , ... i . i , i - deiilailv discharged and Ihe bullet panne I thioiigh a and d ho hue bn.iine n this txm try at the St. lmls Worli'n (sir. Sir Chentung Uang Cheng, the Cui nene minister, has fUed a formal pro t in the mattte-. "The pr"tes j8 said to refer to the leirn'um at San 1 11 risen of two Chinamen It mad for St I' 11-, who had nrtiMcates fro,n He ir go-,, rnmi ni and p.t""s indorsed by tin Aeierican eonsnl general at Shmghal The sitSMNioe. arrntittg to the RepnMie - di patch, is const I- I ib lb-ate. nnt to say seriona. AS HOSTESSES. Py the A.oc ated Prew. si I.1.11,.. Apni 11 Al a meting of the Illinois World's Kair r mimi-sioo--rs today ti n deedei thar th 1 b- o-n i ms shotttt ai a. hcvtessvs ol the lllinea.i huibl iiig Mrs Yati-s. wile nf t',iierec Yates. wiP he requeeted to act ax i