OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1???-1928, April 12, 1904, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93055779/1904-04-12/ed-1/seq-3/

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The "Thack'Team" ot the high
MAin'nn - 1 school la practicing everyday tor ;!i
MOUiNDS, Leel al Carrol, May Q, 1904
April 11. 1904.
?.I r. and Mr;. Wnf,er Morrow, of j
Bird's Point, who have been visiting
relatives here, Uournod today neco,.i-1
paaicd wit h their niece. Miss Ha:'. ! I
Mcademss Cgl Bushman
('rain. J. . Harding, K. 1
Keohler and Misses Maude
am Nellie McMttrry were al
of Mound City Monday.
services at tin- i ingregiumnai cnaren
Sunday afternoon, Kev. Sutherland
being in Pc'ina.
Mrs. Monahan and Mrs. .1. Lewis
are visiting .Mrs. Otto BettS, in Mound
Mesdatues icst( r Crandstaff and S
C. Has- :i Were 'n f';ir on fewfctem
o'clock p. in.. Patrick Hlgglns, h.v the
7t.Ui year 'of bis i.'.r". His death was
caused by an injury he receives sev
eral month:, ago in KotttiiK a fall on
the pavement.. The weund did not
heal and tinnlly Inflammatory rh nin .
tism set in. From this he suffered for
one of the oldest of Mound city's in
habitB&tS, lv was born in Ire! m I
bul came to the United States when
young man; lie located la Mound
City about the close of the ettil War
and had resided here continuously
citizen. Surviving him
Perks Ac Hlggias, and Miss Mary Hig
glsa, the milliner. Deceased was a
long-time metttbet of the Catholic
Vi",'f.h ,,f itla .,.! n,.,
that society, The date for the obsi
jtpSes has not.' as yet boon named.
I 11. Cham !w irtalBi who was in frotn
America today. ,sas it ronditions are
laorable he will .ship two thousand
cases of strawberries this season I
Whtch he expects to produce fruin fit
teen acres,
John McCainnion, of Cubondah-. n !
piking a two weeks' visit with his
(rand parent.-', Mr. and Mrs. f, ft Mc
Anrll 11. 19:4.
Mlsu Mel 'ti Cis'hy, of Jcne.iboro
.vho has beet) visiting b r sister. Mis
vi. poii.-. of this city, retained has i
yesterday (Sunday) by way of C. an;
K. I.
Miss Ci ra Burn -it. v. ho has bet
visiting In St. bOhifl for some tine. ! ry surrounding the Bittrder Of John true and I expect that time will de
returned heme this week. Thomas, night watchman at Houston moostrate it.
Tnl young mi n of the town arc
tyring to organise s band, thev Hav
they hae an instructor ami fonrteoti
Mr. ami Mr XI llunsal.er, of St.
lniis, are lu re visiting Us rather,
Mr. J. B, Hunsaki r,
In the sky cct.m
' the star of health
to th wsak snd
famcus remedy
does f.ir !;,c stom-
wearv c3Con-
A de; Idyspsptia,
aca that which ll
i ku , ,tn. V S
1 ,, Ft .11
Itself, even if but
troubles and
.!!.. I.. J: I A
ngnoy uisora-rC . dipestlve
or overburaensd. , j.'.j...
sup-!'ea the natural 1 '
. jl'. ;,1p
uu;coi cgc3i;on an . i - i,a
dorn h wcrk nf tnc 1
Sti na'-h, rf.iaxit.i? the 1
nervonj tension, while
Pie In'laxed mm les
and mmbrsnes of
t,-st a-. ,,: A n Ki", M U
r- t a-'d !..-.,. t; ; M . "Ii
palp.tation cf the heart. Iffitftffiv '
'' WS,;-- '
iiicn.Dra i ol Itlff stoia- V 1 -j
achand rgsaa, y y
Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure
Tour DfiVr Tjn Snf! Tin.
th tnl n, h,r i for tor.
For Sale by Met2ger's Drug Store, j
-, in tho sky ccmns Fj
: Assistant Postmaster Gcrcr
Briotcw For H.s Harsh
Associated Press,
ashlngton, April 1 1. - The Pa
the report of the Mcf'all co:nm
will criticise Fourth Assists
master General Briatow for d
!"-'"'u,iium U,L i",iHV,d -
'"K members document and will not
censure any member of the house.;
Th." basis of the criticism of Brjs
low" the I'ost savs -is that ''e caused
, ,' , , , " , i
io be prepared an official document, In
, 1 :
Which the names Ol senators and rep-
rosea tatlVei wore connected without j
my reasonable excuse, wan the
guilty of descretlon In the pursuit of
objects they had every riltht to ttUf-
. , . ,, , ,, , , ,
.-...UK- .ne.c.e.., .. uirvuwus
that mignl subject them to criticism
were II n 1 that the methods had time
bonon i precedents,
"While the methods may be eriti-
did lb,, members Who fill met'
"' i
1 ' ;' Bou "'' ''" censured because,
ui the judgment 01 tile committee, no '
member was guilty of moral wrong." ',
if Postcffics 1
Ucc of Ms
Relating to
Washington, April II. The .-c
n of the Unit td S ates supretnt
u'rt tedaf tffljj nerltidJcals publ!ah
! in the Torm of Srerbils or HLrarle.
e not antttlod to rat0;; as oecdnci
he nilin.T; n ade by Third AVsistan
"ostn-a. ier Genera! Madden.
Commenting on the department'!
he cont ention id the depart ir.eni thai
i.Toiid Class i lies were plainly (le
m I generally accepted meaning o!
'heso terms, and not for books, serial
Named .7. boon Killed T!ioma;
At Univcrtity of
Pcmoy Ivanla,
Associated Press.
Philadelphia, April 11. The toys
dub of the University of Pennsylvania
Si evening. ..as cl at . I today by th"
! irresi and confession of Lnwrence
Olbaon, a liegro who was tor yean i
mnioyed as uUhty man al Houston
tt j By the Associated Press.
Gibsen says ho w nt to tfouston hall j saulte St. Marie, Mich., April n.
to call on Tho-nau. Ti; nigh water .Today'.-, developments in the polio
man, Gibson say;;, evidently mistook 1 aopartmeet seandsj laciuded threend
'dm for a thief and attacked him. I:i j ditional arnst, mnfcing a total "1 si
tho strugta he unlnlentioualty klllcu .,jnee the rebori of the Rrand iur
Thomas. The police rcvenga for ba- wax submitted
Ing dismiss d EroBi ifetistan ball wait
the motive for the murder. u0 marrlaae ceremony ha evea
Decide Upon Temporary and Per.-na
rent Chairmen of the 3t le
By Associated Press.
N-w York. April 11, The Rspobii
I cin vtate Committee tonbihi decided
I upon Senators Depew for IsmjifS ir
i chairman ami itreno K. Payne for
J ptrmani at chtlrnttn of ths uato con
I ventlon tomorrowi Governor Od II
j will he chairnwui of the new Mats
I cepmittee.
The platform ,Whire Strongly en
cm;, ing the adminisi ration of Pt si
! dent Hoo; evelt and Governor Odll
I w ill withoel ing into details, polo!
oat the great hen - fit; to the -t - SO I
I saltos of he BepnhMcaa admlcistra
J Deh 'ale l at lar .e to the M-
tkmsl uveiiiion will he Thorns:-; C
Phut, of Tioga, itin.b o-ied, of Oi ttge
Chaphcey M. n.pew. of Kcw Terh
Mud Frank R. Hlack. Of Reesnelaer.
To the p.i'dm and ' - ehott It maj
"oae ra Butter (a hereby girrn
We have m r been !; ina'a out I j ani I
lanndry ner hsv we qui' becinerj
and We do ao. intend to tivs Bp 't.'w
bnslness or aocmnasodatilag ocr pi
I from;. We do not want to 6 fesj re
pre rn:i.'' by other 1 1 e; ; wig "
jbr-net . " .,'. a a bgl", and ilr ,i ior,
! srn ail of our fitrons. K?llt;y tt
n Her. Proprietors V.htP- !-';a
Mra. Ii;!.vrs' rirsi Letter Appeal"
bag to .Mrs. Plnkbam for Help:
" Di:.u Mr.s. Pr.iiii am : 1 have been
under Boston dOeti rs1 treatment for a
long time without any relief, They
tell mo 1 have " fibroid tumor. I can-
t f.it down without p
! the soreness extends u: ray Bpine. I
have hearing-down pains both Kick
and front. Sly abdomen it swollen,
md I have had flowing spells for three
J'crrs- Myappetitawnoiiraod. I r.n-
uoL walk or be on my foot for any
length of time.
The rymptoms of Fibroid Tumor
given in your little book accurately
nesertne inv ease, ; , i writ- t von ior
' (Signed) Mrs, EL v. Hator,
S Dudley St. (Ko.vbury), Boston, Uaaa.
Mrs. Hayes' Second Letter:
"DsAn Mas. Pcr&BAH: Sometime 1
ago I wrote to yen describing my symp
toms and asked your advice. You re- i
p,ie.;, and 1 followed all your tiiroo-
pUod, and 1 followed
lions carefullv, and lo-dav I am a, well
"The n: of Lydiu K. rinliham's
VoffetnWo Compound entirely 4s
P!0 tamor and strengthened my
whole system. I can walk mil's BqW,
"Lytiia E. Plnkhani'B Vcgo
titlle ContpOttnd is worth five dol-
,trj a drop, i advise all women wdio
are afflicted with tumors or female
trouble of any kind to give U a faithful
trial." fSirrned) Mrs. V. V. IUm,
! S59 Dndley St.. (Boxbnry), Bceter , Mass
95000 f.irf it if criij'rnl if ulxi'O Iciif S P'W l
sssfatasM saiwwl b vt Atom
Of Lawyer in Daytime But Pocket-
hook 3natcher at Niriht
Allege Police.
By the Assocla'ed Pre-'S.
Chicago, April ii The police
high! arrested Lucins v. Mallorv on
a e'larae of inatehtna bock itb fa
from women. It is asserted by the
police that Mattery, who Is an attor -
ncy, practiced his profession In the
day tune, but became B poeketbook
.matcher after dark.
!. declares, his innocence, but has
been posltvely identified by two WC-
men. who declare he is the man who
We. Theresa and Frank O'LaUgh
B, Who arc mention;';! in The CitlsStl
Saturday ni.clit. by giving them two
files on Friday an ! Saturday, Wish to
i O'ljaughlia also state thai I wvs n
i the sweetheart of any of the prism
lers, and that I entertained any affei
I tton whatever for Hickson is a ml;
b Theresa O'Liughlm, state on ary
honor as lady, that, the above 1$
i iiKKEaA utiAi UHL.IN, i
additional arrests made.
a gone IIiioiii;!) wdlioiil a bile'
n . groom.
Is.cka. chc,
P3k.in lf vSide,
In mor-t eases are direct results of,
1 ion OP THR BLADDEtl, The
strain on the Kt-'sc -. end inflamed :
stem bra r.ea lining the nerh of the
lliaddcr prodm tug these t,ai.?s.
Kid my
1 1
G ?oros'
will cm IT.
i w! i;o'?r, iv; r: J.cl, no-t one l--.r .
will enre any crdiiet) cmm Ktd-j
wey or Hladdei Ti'.; nT-. RetmVes j
GruVcl, cares Diibtie, Sen iva! j
limif.sjo: '-, Wet: m d '..arc Bvk. I
kavumatirm. swdaii im guiaritits of j
the '' idiic s and BlsddWr, In both
sen rml wotmn. Sold r '' cc.itsi
p r l S Ml Iht No I. ere tip P, hosts
h-. Pal . Ii huh & ? as, .. C in '
oicrcial Avt . and Harry W. fkdsh
p u
fall kit tir. .ft rrt b baiI
-vtiii i i I'Jti r ujr I s ,UCUI-
, T. r'r.-il!c Kv'.
;cs are pleasant, our u&ugsj;
net Uhl3 to linger on the si:
; tering wedi
j , ... ?(
1 , ,
: "'
! ' ;; 1 ;-'
i i. ,,..,.
I e.si pieasui
;.y for our
;i; t. jt
'.i.d make things b
ilies. When rinaaej
not amiss to Indti
i t hem often
i trttVaganCi
the family togothi
dress and ornaments if ni
umI msgaslu1
its. Let thei
special tali
sou rag "a
out no noDu
ind Inspiration
pass only too swiftly, before thoy wtl
leave US all alone. Nothing, hew. v
j 1 B"uu,u ' ' '
' ., ,. ,.' i
nether, more than to tno tatacr, !ia
been given the cues, rejporndbilltie
r6ttlt do -ear children Justice aft
io-Jave ourselves from temoree, sel
i lll,l;it b8 ,'1':lt'
V.'nen 1 visit tie.' schools and ree I
1 tnteroal In them alt. i lev to antic
pate what capable women and !'-'
taey will be When we p opto an- gojli
Their bright, intelilgenl faces bar:
M and I always wish that some i
l;rse (!('ar ,!,)i'H auJ KUKl w re ;i:in
' want then to stay young and put
rreatest treasures it
"at, now have patience wlul
ak of our little ones, who
there wi
m her happy bosom. How she B ll
ed her liiie etc - against its smali
Into her care. How she p,
ss in duty and d ration. Vet, whf
iia net. heard of the miinv who BT
In n and hande
late to do it IhesMelves because i
tncied duties elsewhere. j hi
rem their families a great pari o
heir time, Busy, er unt rusty ser
proper attention, the children wsn
la, or oat, of the lottse, or an th
ttrcet with whatever companions woe
hance to come along- What th :
! ian cd or did, day aft-r day. thosi
vdhers ( ui r, l;no-,v. IV rhgpji
i.tiv V did right, t r p irhaoi wrong. h
dial! say? If they grow to be esemi
iary men n d wofflefl, it Is bj chaaee
;nd hi I by care. The point is this
'f those motfcesa gave the time am'
be family, as no 0M can !,(, j;i
alac".; at the same time. N'o one
; TVS two masters at ree. TI
lags Bed llopecps are fregumtly
heard fro: i by th" pupils. T'lty
"r littje things, nte Mragghag m
io as their eMerg do
Wlei. . tria) nin ml it n . sre all
W they get he better efl
tear eare fn a play, with
v!: n W fo' 1 that these IUUe i o
ire t' t nr.d mol loveatlt of
:: st's erealiiCe.' why hi or a
iard to char..1 UMB ialo Uttk taSC
md vomer. Fa the Bfs of an r.dul I ;
iwret, ro pure, so happy th.t ve D -.
ry i thrust theso innocnt? into It !
Vfere ( tin,,.? Ritbr-r lioald
i' id ut m Net fra the aaka -v ,
tSnprfl!ltnCTtta -r-a. '-. ri..
'eirtaches that overtake us all. Oh' I
i Ithe r. let your children be yceng
tContinur d on Eighth Page
I Tamil . mJ 1 j
..iui induce sound '-hi-! rc.Viu'1 : iov. id try 1 1
I m
The pepsin corrects tlic ovcrwt
Ami saMi "I'll never m:in
For taitt In dress oii In
I'- say, 'Mr tar, come By with me
And be tpy sweetheart true.'"
not rarr,
PMJ 'i
"You reed not f'- t " tlii crow refilled-
'Td nsr aurry thss. '
wir true you hats a greenback rare, -
t sanaM spa4ttssff )
Who has It. In u pSl ft.
And not a iKpttlng buHfreg held
Wita greenbacks on his bark."
- IM;.,.. n l Disji.itch.
Tiirlv Mil I.i I .
"That last speaker," said the tirit
t at the batmnst, "was apiite cntcr-
"Ve ," replied the other, "and lie's a
self made man tOO."
"I tboaghl bis delivery rather slow,
Thai s pntnraL He began life ns a
messenger boy." Denver News.
, . ,
:',A'r' """"""'' " 'i
rich man until be loses his riches.
Correct Clothes for Men
1 1 p n y ,
wardrobe should
conta i n a n
irtpiaiAtrf' v""
Coat. Here's a
real rain mat
one that ac tually
CcpyrltiSU lit);, . ii. & Co.
keeps vou drv
without heating you up or smell
ing musty. This label
and the word 'LmtArrfk Suar
intee everv coat. You don't have
to wait for wet weather, either;
it's a stylish dry weather overcoat
n the bargain.
fqi.;l to f,n; custom-made in all but
prut. The makers' guarantee, and
our, with fvtry wmil. Wt are
Lxclujivt iMuibutmj m Ian chtj-.
III JSCSk V" Z.'s -JH .... .. ...
AO AO'rr;! Story For j
Litili FolKc
SBuHfrpgandtheCrOfV 1
j .
Tho iMillfroir hn'ctl the Widow t'row.
keeps uiem u
i v-r ,. ize? :; is. m
V ( I ,tr : n i t on Iwi
N" i t : ' Cairo, Illinois.
Fred Stlchcr, the gnocer, Com!, ave.
J". ',' .' '' " tailor, lias (lie larpeyt and best stock
" ' ! ;f suitings over brought to Cairo, none
M. C. Metasger Drug Store, is the can duplicate his work or prices,
dace to t'-'t exeell nt remedies foe ;. ideas new novelties in cirds
II your aches and pains, giving you . ,,. nd up-to-date lightings and
atto and comfert. Wash, and 20th at. i W.it.r. u. g. niockley, Shoemaker'
Wall rs and Sherlek crncerv and Studio, 8U7 Washington avenue. i
neal market, is the best patronized1 lb Michael Clothing Store and LoM
rocery and meat market In Cairo. Ofitcoiis doing a fine business. Hun
Welcome to all, Bightti rtreet. dreds of satisfied customers tako ad-
R. B. (lannon, coal dealer at
CV1 ti ler'l old stand, has a Bin trade
James Meehin, grocer and leader in
things to cat. freafa eggS, good
Jdilry batter, sweet milk, butter milk,
game In seeson. Beth phones,
3phM p. Mockler's GrocerV and
I breakfast and supper. Its a pleasure
j to trade at this store.
I Ifria". Is nil1 of Cnlro'a wide awake
ftli-fctrr He fine 1,1, mr -,il
lothttg ami gents' furnishings that
I people like to wear. BIS Coml, ave.
mi eh mi' I a
r ami ail good
" Bighth strc
Store on Washington avenue? They
would make Bnc Raati r presents loo
i,. i,., a hoi i .a.- at.-
.iiinii ..(iii i ... ... ij .."... i
!)t.,, rml V1, u in,,,:,, outers,
'or anxious buyers of reliable jewelry
'or the le : i-1 iev see our diamonds'
- n
itati You
in : nest "i ei rytning to eat sno
,i iM nlmn 1 I
. r s1l(
s,M. Try a pair of the 3.
' ha Berk I
rr's i iipt'lir ii' or i and and fe
and ) "ii a
! as ordered.
"I a flue nai i!
BUU Clothing House wil!
e,t wPh shirts collars and
ant line of new neckwear. The
vies an swell, aee them.
UeCarthy"! wagons always on
vlag you plenty of heat from ;
clleni harl and soR coal hej
Phones 55S Cairo. 1C6 Belb I
F Miller, reliable Jewelr
,!l ! " t'ad to :-h',w you a lin
The port B 1
per pjiind; seeded raisins,
lb. iOe fi'Ts. per lb. 5c.
F'KTIT, 2021 Washington aveuuo
aula oi the lug bargains onereci.
lioy', misros' and children's foot
rear. I lie most comnlete lino in the
Pi tbi ; ii it. I!. McManus Jr.
F"c:; llran l" high grade groceries.
Good all the lane trade supplied by
Cairo's Tailoring House will make
'.mi a (,ii', pants and vent as cheaply
. in can bay a ready made suit,
order your Raster suit. RIO Coml. av.
W J. Cochran, prescription drug
ist. nil W.i hingum av Watch this
tore grow, Read bis prices on his
(i A Swolioda, the grocer, the dry
goods man, the meat market, will sap
ply your wants and you will have
money i"ft '.'Til Coml. ave.
Wo"d am! It-mnetl company, holc-
! sale grocers. Mail oriK
prompt attention. We a
lers g.v. n
illicit Hie
trade of merchants only.
Marrv W. Sehuh's drug store has a
fine line ef brushes, combs and toilet
articles that he is sidling at remark-
hr com
W. 11 O'Shi
cer . uiier s duiut, .-
a its, Helnrs 51 va-
go ids on the market.
White Horse Inn, neatest, e leanest'
- - pi .ee in Cairo for yoar faP'm!
ooti and afterniKin refreshmeDts. A,
bat will convince you, S10 WashVM
;:-. '; Loan office, lady's aand gentli
i ip r than ever. See oejjP;
t ;tig . wan ''es. pistols, rlflca
- gun i. 507 Coml. avenue.
!' anr w orl.man-
1 Com Ave.
f,,r a
In (
a gao
:.,c ; pun
i build
Pro-. La
in order to be papular forget to sajf
t 10c j
; - m

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