Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, TUESDAY MORNING, APRIL 12, 1904. . .;. .j. .;. tjfy .; ,j. . -f .;. , j. .. .j..;,.;,.;..;..;..;..;., -, .;. Wf ill MffffMf TTTTTTTTf Filigree Ball K it By ANNA TTTTTttTT Author nf "The Mvsterv of ffvvvtvvv ' " - - 1 MM ,. MM '.j.J.4.. J. .J. j j. Copjrlght, 190.1, by 'v'l'vv'!' 'J .J. .;. .;. .. .;. 4, ,5. ,;, .j. .j. ,., ... ... ... .j. ... ... CHAPTER 1. For a defective wfcoao. tnlenti lind not been recognised at ! headquarters I possessed an BRtbltlon which, fortunately for my standing with tltu lieutenant of tni precinct, bad not jet been expressed in words. Though 1 bad small reason I for expacting great things f myself 1 hail aiwavs cherished (he hope tint j if 11 bif case came my way I should ho! found ahic to do something with it-j something mure tiiat is. than 1 had seen accomplished by (he police of timi ii,strict of Columbia since I ball hair the honor of beinil ono of their mini-' her. Therefore, when I found myself plunged, almost without my own voli tion. Into tin1 Jeffrey Moore affair, I be lieved that the opportunity hail eome Whereby I (Bight distinguish myself, it hail complications, this Jeffrey Mooee affair; creator ones than the public over know, keen as the interest In it ran both in and out of Washing ton. This is why atory of this sr ow n standpoint, risk the charge I propose to toil the eat tragedy from my even If in so dotig I of attempting to ex ploit my own connection with this rele hratitl ease, in its eo.'rse I encounter ed as many disappointments as tri umphs and brought out of the affair a heart as sore as it was Sfttisftcd, for I am a lover of women anil - l'.ut 1 am keeping you from the story Itself. 1 was nt the station house the nlgbt Uncle David came in. Qe was always The drtective railed Cnele Dnvld. oren by tltr ur chins w ho followed hiln ill the street, so 1 am showing him no disrespect, gen Itfmati though ho is. by giving him a title which as completely characterised llltu In those days as did his moody Ways, his quaint attire and the per sistence with which he kept at but side his great mastiff Rudge, 1 ha l long since heard of the old gentleman as one of the most Interest ing residents of the precinct. I had von soon him more than once on tlie avenue, hot i had no-, or before boon brought face to face with him, and .oiiseiuctitly had much too superficial n knowledge of his countenance to de t ermine offhand whether the uneasy light in his small gray eyes was nat ural to them or simply the result of present excitement. Rut when he ho gjM to talk I detected an unmistakable tremor in his tones and decided that he was In a state of suppressed agitation, though he appeared to have nothing more alarming to impart than the fact that he had seen a light burning In some house presumably empty. It was nl so trtftal that I gave him imt scant attention till ho lot a name fall which caused mo to prick up my nrs and oven to put In a word. "The Moore house." he had said. "The Monro houseV" I repented In nsSasement, "Are yon speaking of the Moure housoV" A thousand recollections came with the name. "Whs I other ."he grumbled, directing toward me a look ss keen as it was MH patient. "Do you think that 1 would bother myself long about I house I had no interest in. or diau Rudge frOBJ Ins warn rug to save some ungrateful neighbor from a possible burghtryl No. It is my In. use which some rogue has efeoSff to cuter. That is," he suavely Corrected, as be saw surprise in every oyi', "flM boUae which the law will give me. If anything over happens to that chit of a girl whom my brother loft Behind him." QfowilM some word a; the dog, Win showed a decided Inclination to lie down where be was. the old mall made for the dour and in another me meat would have been in the Street, If I had not stepped after htm. "Von aio a Monro gml live in or near that old hou wT I ask' d The SWpriSS with Wjlcti hi' mot this Question daunted me a little. "How SMg have yon been in Wash ln''n. I should like to ask ." was bis net ;d ri tort. "!:. sane live months." His good nature, at what passed for sw ,i in this Ira setftis old man, returned In rn matrix, and he ,-urtlv but nut unkindly remarked: Tow h.'nen't ieafw tlmr." Then, wish a SBOHSM I than many bow, lie added, with l tnttdi In thnt Nasi more ,-ere- atsstpef Bsnn'i tkldf dfarnltyt I am nf the esJet bra': the ml tap fri!ing the ii ami !i- n old id-i-e. I am the only rr-iiilpiit on ti e Mack, ffhet) jii-j bavo livel lure HMiger you vrill know v, by Hint aafMeJli neiebbor hood is not a favorite one -v ills those nb" ranSjai tioast of the Moon blood, j lor the pnacots let us attr!taie the, bad nani" that It holds to iuilaria "i And w ith a itnificant hitch of his lean shoulder. daks set in uaduLsfi. xq j I 1 -V. 1 n ft ...,..-.. ... g. ! .'. ' iMI . f ; : : ; i : -p -i : .;. . M .;. .. ,$. flDfe 4 !! xx ft u ii KATHARINE GREEN, A?stha Wckb." "Lost Man's I ane Etc. the Robbs-Mcrrill Company :: v ".-' ISSSW ".vvvvrrJ mi rusmonca again for the by this lime knew more ;ave mo cred read the pa man connect ry ti I won rtcd lint my curiosity was roused to fever heat. ! aboul this house than he it for. No one who had pels of late, nilli h less a Od wilh the police,, could help being well informed in all the details of its remarkahle history. What 1 had fail ed to know was his close relat inuship to the family whose name for the last two weeks hail been in every mouth. "Wait:" I called out. "Von say that you live opposite the MoorV house. "Von can then tell me" Rut he had no Blind to stop for any Kossip. "It was all in the papers," he called hack. "Read (beta. Rut lirst he sure to lind out who has struck a light in tlie house that wo all know has not oven a caretaker in it." It was good advice. My duly and my curiosity both led me to follow it. Perhaps you'liavo beard of the ills tinguishtnjl feature of this house. If so. yon do not need my explanations. Rut if. for any reason, you are Ignorant of I he facts, which within a very short titno have set a (ton! seal of horror up on this old historic dwelling, then von will bo glau to read what Ik mailt and will continue-to make the MoorO house in Washington one to bo pointed ! nt in daylight and shunned after dark. not only by superstitious colored folk, I but by all who are susceptible to the most ordinary CiBOtious of fear and j dread. It was standing when Washington was a village. It antedates tin- eapitol nnd the White House. Built by a man of wealth, it hears to this day the In press of the largo Ideas and quiet sis ; gaucc of colonial times; but the shad ; oV which speedily loll across it made it a marked place oven 111 those early days. While it has always escaped thq hackneyed epithet of "haunted," families that have moved in have lift ipilckly moved out. giving, as their ox cuse that lie, happiness was to be found there il'Ud that sleep was impossible under lis roof. That there was some I reason for this lack of real within walls which were n d without their ! tragic reminiscences all must aeknov.l ( edge. Death had often occurred there, : and while this fact can be slated in I regard to most old houses, it is not i oft Oil that one can say, as in this case, ! that it was invariably sudden and in I ; variably of one character. I A lifeless man, lying outstretched on certain hearthstone, might he found once in a bouse and awaken ho special Comment, but when this same diseov cry has boon made twice, it' not thrice, during the history of a single dwelling, one might surely lie pardoned a dls- 1 trust of its seemingly homelike ap ! pnlntinonts nnd distvrn in its slowly darkening wails the presence of an 811 which if left t;) Itself might perish in the natural decay of the place, but which, if met ami challenged, might strike again and make another blot on ! its tbrlCO crifflSOOed hearthstone. Rut those are old fables which I should hardly presume to mention I had it not boon for the recent occur rence which has recalled them to nil j men's minds and given to this long I empty and Slowly crumbling building! an Importance which has spread its fame from one end of the country I" the Other, I refer to the tragedy at tending the wedding lately celebrated j there. Veronica Moore, rich, protty and will ful, had long cherished a strauge liking for this frowning old homo of her an Castors and. at (he most critical tlsUO 111 her life. Conceived the idea of prov j lug to bersolf and to society at Inrgo that no real ban lay upon it sate in the Imagination of the superstitious. So. being about to marry the choice of her young heart, she caused litis bOO M to bo opened for the Wedding core Uncle Dm id innny rritli raat re.rult ynu knew. Thuitiih the occaatoQ rras ,i Joyon one and accoinpanied by nil I bat coold Sive i-heer to such .1 ntlSPtlon, it had not escaped the old time sli idn.v. ( lue nf the quests StntTins into tie- !T)OU1 of ancient and Hnhaltow-ed metBory, the one room whieh h:.d not heeu tlmVl oten to the crowd, had bent found w ithin tin- minutes ( f the cere nosy lylag sat iN dtJatHH iMMrtsastssw deai', and. though the liridev. ns spared a knovrledKr nf the dre.i.Kul fai-t till the botj words were said, a panic bad SetMsJ the quests and emptied the house as suddenly and completely ss llioucb the piagae had lc'n diM-overcl there. This, is why I hastened to follow I'nele Pavid when he tol l me tbat all sais not ritrht in tbi honsi of trii-ie memories. (To 1 e continued.) Glass Mdrtg of NMfMt Olass modeN "f mines are msde showing all the workings. now BUSINESS LOCALS. o r bang- Dtmg or paper Randolph and street. Phone Been- del. ir,iio Walnut Buy your dry goods, groceries -hoe;' from Anthony IV Ehs. 2009 ami .1)11 Wash avo. There are others, but none hotter, try it. Renter. La Craft ,t Co., are showing -,i beautiful lino of 1904 wall paper. Make your home Cheerful with nice clean paper. See them lirst. Ask the man who has used D. P, Mc Carthy's coal, he will tell you it sives the most heat and that it is clean and desirable. II. Sander & Son, popular grocery, 814 Coml. ave.. are making a Bpechtlt) of line Mocha and .lava coffees, try them with your next order. IV T. Imgan wisb can your attention screen doors and win time will soon he here low; Fl; To secure prompt service order early. The prizes offered hy the Ain rican trading Stamp Co., are on exhibition it Mrs. Farrow's nilliinery store. Boofca are rt'deemed there. Schuh Drug Co., still takes the lead, supplying the retailers in three states they arc the peoples choice. Special llseounts on large orders. Goodwin A cleaner of 30 pen up a stea practical dyer ami years experience, will cam dyeing and cleaning isUblishment at 214 Eighth street, in Monday, April 11. Radios am! gentlemen's work done perfectly. John 1". Mockler Grocery and Gen ral Merchandise Store, 'JSth and Pop hxr streets. Kvory article in his store s t'resh and strictly tlrst clas. Soh; house, Specia money Just Co., wholesale drug paints, oils ami window glass discounts on large orders, saved by patronizing them, irrived beautiful lino of pictures in hardvviK Nkcb. Han LANCA8TI Iramos for 2tic to $l.on imo novelties. It Ai & 'R, 21" sth street it. amyu Schlitx Hock Go's spring specials: or. California Aprieot Kentucky Whiskies. Brandy, Phones Old Kll g for Dm - ambroid' dross, we VII NFS. of copy r a pros- tor baby's you want. GEO. T. c specialty propriate f- nt to your friends. Th very latest publications always in stock. lust received a full line of ehil Iron's and misses' school hats. Mis C. Duncan, HOT Washington. W. R O'Shea's menu, strawberries, tomatoes, lettuces, radishes, celery, green onions, spinach, apples, line ap pies, oranges, dressed ehieken. Qholson'S Star Clothing House Just mean suits make a fin men ii an new in lor and do; anxious The pri buyer. Wo have the dimities for hahy'-, dross, also line Batista and Sheer Nainsook for baby's dress, and India linens all prices, ufo. t. carnfs fat an up-to-date Oxford In tan or black, or ladles' pat, kid, vici kid shoos, all prices, call on B. MoMauui Jr., 809 Commercial avenue. Jos. Volmor, merchant ttiilor, 21 K 9th st., will make yon a practical business suit to order, clean, press and repair ladies' and gents' clothing C. S. Jones, grocery and hoarding house. Is a good place to buy good things to eat. Orders will he carefully elected and promptly delivered. Mrs c. H, Braekett, milliner, la Uvvays busy attending to the want: if her many Customers. Hats for all tOCSSsionj artistically trimmed. The American Sli am Laundry laun dries everything worn by man from his socks to collar ami return it tlrst class when you want It. Uucls Joe's Gland Hand Restaurant ind Bar .-tiil takes the load, servin; he best moa's and lunches in Cairo .t s the peoples' choice. Cairo Iron and Machinery Supply store, J. it. Reed, Prop., loi Laove, iron, steel and I. uvv hardware, mill supplies, belling, pumps, gl pipes, only Your American Steam l.aundi lirst class laundry in the city. shirts, collars and cuffs will wear a ' onK UaM when lailll.'lried by ua. Three States Pusrpy anl Imp. To. f irm machinery of all kinds. The he;ipest and bSSTt place In southern Illinois to pet cvci thing you need U. B, Cannon, coal dealer at Wheeler's old stand, kindlins; wood at ntfjt low price. It will ay you to put in a Sttfr&iy while price is low. First class millinery Maker wanted. lood salary. Miss W'allaci 203 TeicBman s ceienraise uamm ci.rars arc the smoker's choice. Is never better satished than smoking this choice ciar. Hyman Dry Ooods and Notion will make it. interest log IV ir j Jack j Man j when M. : Store 1 'hose who are looliins for bargains. ! splendid assortment to select from. Mr FatTD ha. BMfad her Moeh of j nillinerv to the Cilhert block A bean j itu, lim- of ne v ,,od:, in, c-io, Planters Hotel, it's the licit plac I for the money in Cairo. Ask tho man i .vho has tried it. he is a good jiulrc ' ind will recommend it. N. Ssndl'-r. merchant tailor, n BjOfC suits to order than all Ota ra ombined. Ilesf proof of good work ind low prices. Leave your measure. Pen. W Alha's Opera House Barber Shop, the finest parlors in Cairo, elec tric massace, hot and cold baths. Sveryliody likes it. Welcome to all. Henderson's hardware store is hav ng a wondeful sale on the electric kerosene oil burner. A perfect light used on a common kt rosene lamp. GOT HIS HAIR BACK. Was Perfectly nalil In n lie Started to lac wlro'n lleriilcldr . Frederick Manuell, Maryland biock, ButM, .Montana, bought a bottl,; of Nuw bro's H.rplclde. April C, '99, and began to IUM It for entire baldness. The hair fol licles In his scalp were not dead and In 20 days he had h.ilr all over hU head. I On July 2 he writes, "and today iry hair 13 as thick and luxuriant as any ono could wish." Newbro's Horplcldo works on an eld principle and whh a new d s covery destroy the cut e and yon ro movo the effect. Herptoide destroys the perm that causes dandruff, ratlins hair, and finally baldness, so that with the cause gone the effect cannot remain. Plops fnllinpr hair at nnee and a new growth starts. Sold hy leading; ilrugslKts. Send 10c. In stamp-; for sample to The Hcrpicldc Co., Detroit, Mich. Paul G. Shut) & Sons, Special Agents. JThe Boston Dental Parlor.;, painless dentistry a specialty. They will tell .on how to take the proper care of your teeth. Relnhard. photographer, maker of line photographs. Try this gallery, you will get line artistic work at sales fac tory prices. I'll Sixth street. Harry W. Schuh'S drug store has :he cough cure that euros the cough. largo bottle costs only 25c. It jan't ho bMt Try it. P. C. Scullin, loading caterer. Res laurant and bar, 21 3 Levee, right at Central station. Travelers promptly ! supplied. Rest cuisine and service. The Paul G. Schuh & Sons Drug store, 607 Com. ave., is one of the best patronized drug stores in Cairo. Reliability and politeness count. Protecting His Dead Pronson Tuttle, a rich of Naugatuck, Conn., has t Body ii'onu mister inried, asket, if. hut according to his will, in a steel r which is not only burglar pro, cannot in any way be Opened the use of dynamite, a man tent close to the grave keeps night and day. tnout in a vigil Ballard's Hrrehound Syrup. Immediately ivlicvfos' horse, croup) ! cough, oppressed, rattling rasping and difficult breathing. Henry C.I Stearns, druggist, Slntllshiirg. Wis., writes, Mav 20, 1901: "I have been' selling Ballard a Horehound Byrup for (WO years, and nave never Had a prep iration that has given better satis faction. I notice that when 1 sell a hoi tie they come hack for more. I ran Sold recommend it. by Schuh Drui no. Co. Uneducated Officers. The reorganisation Of the military establishment found more than one thiid of the officers of the army des titute of any martial education except tne empirical W it they had picked up in the field. A Dandy Fcr Burns. Dr. Pergin, I'ana, 111., writes: "I have used Ballard's Snow Liniment; always recommended it to my friends as 1 am confident there is no better made. 'It is a dandy for burn,' Those who live on farms are especial ly liahel to many accidental cuts, burns, bruises, which heal rapidly when Ballard's Snow Liniment is ap plied. It should always he kept In the house for cases of emergency." 6c, SOc, $1.00 bottles. Sold hy Schuh Dm Co. Castillian Lands. la Castile ii- in greater part iii i lie production of wheat, Lam voto ami during planting and harvest laborers, sjtperially reapers, '.relight hither from Oalicla. i in Health is Youth. Disease and Sickness Old Age. Herbine, taken every morning be fore hrtajtfaat, artfl keep jron in ro- luist bealtb, lit you to ward off (lis ens,". It CUreS constipation, MlloUB nail, dyspepsia, fever, skin, liver and kidney Complaints, It purifies the blood and clears the complexion ftfrs D, W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes April il. K".: "I RAVSI used Herbim . and find it the best medicine for con stlpatlon ami liver troubles It does recom- all me Sell ("in title, sold i, tirtt Scup. its used for loops ar thiiiKs mada up prii The birds1 a little gelatlnotti eipally from ih China Cures Ccughs and Colds. 4. (1. Peterson, C2S Lake St , To Kansas, says: "Of all cough Itet Ballard's Hofsiioond Syrup pel. a rente Is mv favorite: it has done and will do all that is claimed for It to speed ily cure all couching and coldsand it is so sweet and pleasant to the taste." Me, oc. $100 bottle. Sold .Schuh Drug Co, Usmri Short L.imp Wicks. CdttiOR piece of flannel or cloth Hy the w ; ith f irk nnd sewing It on ui ' induct oil to burner An Or-pcrtun o Visit the World's Fa.r City On Thursday April 2S. the Mobili Ohio will run a ft.0 cxcirsion fttMi Calm to St. Lpaja, and r turn tW U i i lag old for all trains of that date, and (tatted to return on all laiitaaf traias to aid 1 11 eliding May 2nd. H. gl. UMta and return Ofdf $:! On Via Mobile i bio. Thursday April I! Of Iwtwesl to Wrmen. The Hedicsl press nnd Plresilar has learned th?i. Sfl lMa a skirt bac'a are fastened round the waist, corsets or stiff material should be worn. Election Notic Cairo, 111., Mi ! Office of the City Clerk: Public notice is hereb I on Tuesday, the- l'.nh i ; 1904, a general election ay of April, will ho In Id S in the city of Cairo, Alexander county, Illinois, for the purpose of the elec j Hon of one aldonn.Mi from each of the ! seven wards of the city for the regular This said election will ho hold at the i following places, viz: Street, north side of Sixth street, he tween Commercial ami Washington avenues. In the Second ward, at the store room No. 704 Washington avenue, oast side ot Washington avenue lie Seventh and Bfghtfi streets. In the Third ward, at the barber shop of Charles Anderson, No. 110,") Commercial avenue, west side of Com mercial avenue between Eleventh ami Twelfth streets. In the Fourth ward, at the store room of Fitzgerald Brothers, No. 1313 Commercial avenues Between Thir teenth and Fourteenth streets. In tlie Filth ward at the court house of Alexander count v. In the Sixth ward, house on the south second street betwc Pine streets. In the Seventh war bouse of the Anchor Polls for said elect i, at 7 o'clock in the m at the hose ide of Twenty en Walnut and i. at the engine Fire Company, n will he opened orning and COP ; jek in the after I mile open lint il ',-i noon Of said day Nomination papers for the said elec tion can he secured in this office am mu d he Apr tiled il 4th or of in this office on or bo , 1904, the City Council of the By Sty 11 A. HATCHER, City Clerk. Cairo to St. Louis nnd Return. April 28, Via Mobile & Ohio Rail road. . t ali Ickots ains. good i to St. LOUIS and ro wlll be sold for all rog Thursday April 28, and will be good returning on all regular trains to and including Monday, May 2nd, 1904, John M. Heall, Asst. G. P. A., SI. Louis Alexander Countv National Bank Commercial Ave. and Eighth Street, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CAPITAL $100,000.0(1 and UNomoRU pk'orns $50,000.00 OFFICERS! E. A. BL'DER President CHAS. FEUCHTER JR., V. President. J. H. GAL i. IG AN Cashier F. SPENCER Assistant Caihier Directors K. A. Budor. Tboa, Boyd C. M. Osterloh. Win. Kluge. ii. Qalltgan. h. Oaelson. O. Patior. V. Ncff. C. c Chs I, Fauehtar, Jr. J. If, Herbert. Accounts of corporations and in dividuals especially solicited. Ex change furnished in any part of the world. Alexander County Savings Bank CAIRO, ILLINOIS. E. A. Buder, President. Thos. Boyd, Vice-President. J. H. Calligan, F. Spencer Assistant CAPITAL SI UPU S AN!! I NDIMULII I'KOI I f S Cashier. Cannier. $50,000 $22,000 Strictly a Saviiiyrs Bank. Interest ratt of Paid three on Time per cent Deposits at per annum. Once A Reader oftha CmcAdo Journal Alvvavs a Reader ... THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN ILLINOIS I 58 Years the Home Paper. A paper that has the most com plete news service obt a i n a bl e from all parts of the world. Its 'columns arc most competently edited. Society, music and drama, literature and art are ahlv commented upon. Its financial, commercial and live stock re views ;ire acknowledged to be thoroughly complete and BtOdt reliable. f CENTS THE W EEK BY CAR RIER, .) THE - EAR BY MAIL Arkansas Texas Louisiana An ideal country for cheap homes. Land at $5, $10, $ir, ton, wheat, oats, grasses, fruits and vegetables. Stock ranges 10 mouths in the year. South east Missouri, Ar kansas, Louisiana and Texas are full of opportunities the climate is mild, the soil is rich, the lands are cheap. Low honie-seekcrs' rates about half faro via the Cotton Belt twice a month First and third Tuesdays,,. For descriptive literatHfo, maps and excursion ratus, write to I. W. LABEAUME, G. P. A. and T. A. Cotton Belt, St. Louis, Mo, W St. Louis, Memphis Southeastern R. : R. St. Louis & Gulf Railway. TO THE Sl'NNY SOUTHWEST. Through tho Ozarks, to the New Lauds of Oklahoma, Indian Terri tory and Texas. Homescekers' and Colonists tickets on sale at very low rates on third Tuesdays in each month, until April. For descriptive literature and fur ther particulars, adress nearest agent. :or, W. R. POWE, General Passenger Agent Capo Glradeau, Mo. River Transportation ..LEE LINE STEAMERS.. For Memphis snd Wsy Landings, FERD HEROLD, Trios. Staid, Master; Tuesday, 5 p. m. REES LEE, John Flannlngan, Master; Wednesday, 5 p. m, STACKER LEE, James Fitzgerald, Master. Saturday, 5 p. rr,. For 8t. Louis and Way Landings, REE8 LEE, John r.'jnningan, Master; Sunday, a. m. STACKER LEE, James Fitzgerald, Master. Wednesday, a. m. Rerprvlng the rlpht to pass all land iiiRS deemed unsafe. For freight or passage apply at srharfboat, ROBT. K. HU, Oen'l Mgr. Qeneral Office, 292 Front Btreet, MemphU, " em, SMITH BROTHERS The Big Store 1300-8 Washington Ave EVERYTHING That is Good to Eat Use and Weai SendJVourJIrders To Frsnklln'8 Wholesale Mail Order Whiskey 41,7 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, laWtss. Whiskies, Brandies, Gins, Wisss, San er Liquors, Whiskey il.00 -r fallen and up. niaar sis' nick $4.00 ass ease. W hen in Cairo is 1 1 PtlMUfi CIllCkLN CtJOH BAK, Tlie niitst uiii'i -.i i.tin in lllinnn. MALEY'S K. C, SAL )( )X AND Wholesale Mai1 Order WHISKEY HOUSE 311 Ohio Levee Cairo, 111. Ii ic le Repairing; Gun Repairing. Safes Opened and all kinds of keys made. Lock work. Bicycle Sundries of Ml kinds for sale, alto Guns, Re vo'vers, fish-eg tackle, etc. BaB, C INCat. 112 Com'-nercial Ave Csiro, III. HOLLISTERS Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets e form. v. r-n, a tT. Genuine nisste he BdaVtlStcs t)i ; '. i-a, Hadi. Was, GOLDEN NUCCETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE DR. MORRISON Office 707 Commercial Ave. Illinois Central Corr-ctort to April trd, 1904. TIIK K. N I MAIL ROOTS HhnrtcM and Q-iu kcat Routt to 1 St. Louis & Chicago Traina leT Cairo: 1 mo a. m. Kaily i liicmcu Vwititinlw l.iniitcl, arriving In Chicago at I0.M a. m. onniwctlng wi'li adi'rrumn tralnn for all points caft and norlii. -2:t20a. m. Daily l. I.eiil. N icht t.imimt arriving in St. Lmiixat7:6S a.m.. -,ir,ctlog ai Union Station tor alt poinU wt. ui. rpiug cava open at 9:4a a. m. .": I . a. in.. liiraeo lln.rllebt K. p--., encept Hnuday. m ilrpsall utopi hetaer i Vri ; and i liicago, ai rivinif in CbioaswMW9 p. ra. .', : I .', a. in., v. I i. Morning K.rp, i-t.'ij.t Mniulav. ilk- !-. i.-,irfi U:tt niakiiiK all top. 19:3 " l. m, -i. l.oula Kh.t vrull, nrriv ; ittf in Bt.l-)Ul ftl 6:i ri.'l", p. in i liii-iii, Mi SiHviMl, arriving in hivaen. v'(- p. m. t2:3Up. m !.. . l.uu, Limited, ar rivingtnHI I.-min at T.J6 p. m, connecting at I'tinin Station tor Kanaaa City, Omaha, Den ver, San Kranciseo and ul pointa weat. -"-' P- . t-'SBJ Kiprew for Odin. Kf flngbam, M ittotiMq'oloaa, Champaigu, Chi- minodation, :05 p. in. ( hn-uiro nnd Katrn K. pro arrh nig in Chicago at :(& a. ni Indian polla,7:XS I Inctnnati, 10:11 a. in,, Buffalo. S:M p. in.. New York 7:40 a. in. bleeping can to Chicago, laAn(r,r : "' Vnrk and eastern i tuiu . , ;W h).ar in mln(1 that the Illinoia I entral ia the auickeat route , by many hours, lea' ing Cairo at S:0S p. m. and I ai riving hi New York at 7:50 the aeeond morn- SOUTHERN DIVISION. TIIK (INT. Y DIRECT LINE! TO MKMPHtS, . NASHVILLF. CHATTAWOOOA, AT LANTA. JACKSON VltLR. A VNAH. VICKSKI'Kd and IACKSON VIl.Li:. til 1.1 ii. in. The Dixie Flyer, " Memphis, Nam , ills and .laekaonville. ttslOa in Memphla and New Orlaama Lindy t ed aia Venif hi, arriving in Memphis at 8:15 a. m. and Ni Orleans 7:1S ai m. Ni'JOa. m. daily. I'nltou, 1'iducah and Lou la -villi.- Bxpreaa, arriving in Fulton lO-.J.S a. m. Pad iieh 11 in a. in. and Luuitvllle 5: p. m. I Hit! i. n.. daily. Memphla and New Orleans Fast Mail arrivniK in Mecaphia at 7:10 p. in, and New Orleans at !r)6 a. m. 1:0(1 p. in., daily, Nashville. Chatatioogaand ; Atlanta. TtfiO p.m. Memphis and New Oi ieans Specit I arrive in Memphis at 10:90 p. in., New Orleans 10:00 a. m. .litiS p in. I'aducah. llopkuisrilte and I.ouia- ville. Si-Fur through ticket J, sleipiug car acconi modal ion-and further information apply at llliunis (,'enltal Passenger Station, CAliro, III. J. IL JONAS, Tkt. Agt, A. II HANSON, (leu Pass. Agt. Chicago. IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTK Elegant New Service. Quickest and Most Reliable Route Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Pacific Coast , , Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and Hot Springs. Observation Parlor Cafe Dining Oaa, meals a la carle; elepant Drawing Ro rn Sloe pore, lighted by eletricity jnd cooled by electric fail; new Re clining Chair t'an; i nests free ;; com ortable Day Coaches. 0 pacta! inducements pBYrcrt lo home seekers torpnints south anil southnuat. Imw touriu rates to Km ky Mnuntain returta and Pacific Ccast from Cairo, St. 1Oiiin, etc. THAI NS LKA HCAIHU No. 11 S:10pni THHIKS AKRIVR AT CAIRO Ko B U:S8pm TP.i i.iiAvs staas WtSaj Local Fr-lKht and 1'aaa nfrrr No. 71 8:t0 a THAI NB A all V H AT HIROS 1111 XT lx-al KrlRhtand Psssenger No. "8... 8:10 f BJ H. 0, TOWNHKNK, QaB'1 V a AKt Mi, PacRy . St. Louis, Mc. r. a. MILI.EB, Cits Ticket. Aaent, Cairo. KLMKB HMITH. D. T. A.. Oalr - 11! JnOS ffj.ieiOtrftu i 'Mb OF TRAINS CAIRO NORTH BOUND No. 1 l.rsr Sail; 1:81 p.m Nr. leases rlailj I:a. rn No. II Leases week dajrai . 1 :4S p. ai BOCTH POI ND No. 1 Leases (dally - LSI p. No. Leases rlsils I. No. 11 Leases week data) - :'1.S C. 8. C LARKS, 'JssMtai Miur r, St. loriv r. as M!Pit(i. jNO.M.BEAwi- : r ksatsssaftasysat s a. N a H.bM BIG FOUR ROUTK. Best and Oiieksjat Line TO- Evansville, I'aducah, VincentKS, Danville, Terrc Haute, Indian ajKilis, Louisville, Cincin nati, !,:tt!urg. Baltimore Philadelphia, Washing ton, New York Bos ton , and all East ern Lilies. .... rl ra'n leeelnjrcairr'- InUrrltle, Nasi alj oa cfcaaaja RLMEKSMn L'lnelaaat'.. O i". Ma. T-rket W.J L' W. P. I j non ii ST.L0VIS V SIGN STATION caipo m HtBlDIANW feKCNTOOeirtt m T. x m i;no3ne