Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN TUESDA Y MORNING, APRIL 12, 1904. (. ANNA LAKE HAYNES Why? W "wr s ii xi r 1 f l I m 'r j Oil S ill tut Don't! Why do a s;ick or t he bafu ', Pdit't yon know tint it is absolutely safe in the immense Steel Vaults aod Safe of the CITY NATIONAL BANK, 609 Ohio I.cvee, C A 1 R O, I IJJNOl S. Capita! and Surplus $296;000.00. New York Store NtEPCAti 7 ILB COMPANY, Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,Plain and Fancy Groceries and General Merchandise Wholesale and Retail. Corner 19(h Street and Commercial Avenue. titf, 'Sto sii '''':k. : ' : '! Un :fTWv HERBIPfE m im -ts-i' v v 1 JOg W fl . 1l lilf Jslil V lsj W 1 'Vt ll "" Coj Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. RATES $ 1 . O O PER DAY. ACCOMMODATIONS RRST-CLASS. Steamboat and Ferry Landings Opposite. Two Blocks From All Railroad Depots. Joseph Steagaia, PropV. KS Uncle Joe's "GLAD HAND" Bar, a St: icily First-Class , GET A HOWIE IN THE linRTIIlif TOT NORTHWEST. LOW ONEWAY SETTLERS' RATES TO THE NORTHWEST AND CAl IFORNIA. From March 1st to April 30th, IM4, the Barlington makes very low nne wav Colonists rates to Montana. Washington. Oregon. Idaho, California, j commercial apple and The reduction is from 25 to 40 per peach orchards, for other fruits. and cent, from the regular rates. ; rrrieg; for commercial cantaloupe, THE WAV TO GO. potato, tnnia'o and Reneral trick "M Burlington Northern Mm f'"' f,,r 8"n! mm tn,J riw c":ti lApK.s," wit i Chair ears and Tour-, vatfon ; for mrn hnota'.ilo timtwr; for lat sleepers, is the great daily tbmugh raising hufaes, mlcs, e.iitle, bogs, train Into hJ NaHMsosI via Billing , hrep. iiuHry and Ancna goals, at Hart. Through rates and ticket.; ,;,. , rsmgftsg from frc pivornnu-nt to the N uiiuv. t via M Paml mijhnM httdk to twenty five dollars or the Of-at Northern and Northern l'a ,,,,.. , r a ie Cheap rrund trip ciflc road?. tif.rrr eekets anl ore way colonists 110111 ItlRIWI" IlfrtllfHOWl ltd ' alS tr,l und tlilr(1 7.10; on fhp lri and H od Tuesdays of each month. TO CALIFORNIA Join th Rnrlington's perconally con- ducted w,tkl California fxeur.lons In through Tourists sleepers via lien- j ver, thmuch Scenic Colorado and Salt Lake CKf by daylight. Write for rates, routes, train ser- vie", folders, ttrths and other In for ,-,(, ,.n ; 6. B Ogte. L. W. Wske'ey, Tsr r ;e. Oea I P Agt,j 601 Pine Sliest, St. Loui, Mo. ii in Lie 01 ill U till can under 1 -jkm, ; mvaaxmss&u s m,, 9 mm tlicafiom .-t mrr. fnrMt 0! et.o"".'i-. K Daci uvcr. . . utana win ovo all, ' aritv i-j! . i-.11, :i i'.e ..''.''. ' ':i f .1' 'Innac '. 1 ut. V btltonono teaAohea, iive: ills, keep yott i:a good houlth. IH , t,l1.illI , .'ti...Ii'J 4 l.-VIA Hb I'l IT 704AY. All OtucsSsw. ilHUIC e Joe's Hotel, I i , J ; j Saloon, Next Door to Hotel KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN ft'Y. 'ttralgt as the Crow Flies" Kansas c, ou. 1'asslng through a greater diversity of climale, SOll and rer.ourcp than any ' 'her railway in the world for Its j latftk Along its lines are the finest lands ulted for growing stnal: Kra'n. orn, 3 ' n 'n'n- wnw wr n csjpy !r,r Current Bfents published by the j Kansas City Southern Railway the 1 short line to "ineipenslve and com- 'ortaldp l.omes." a. U WAHNUh. O P T. A Kansas City. Mo i Homesekers ar.d Settlers' Rates To the Sunny gnuth. On Art and third Tuesday of each month to, nn m-iwdhag Anill, l?oj Writ 3nr. M. Beall, A ' P A . Mo m t'o R R . t. Ixifs, Mo . sUt ng ;o what point ytw wlsa rates. I wttrt.iii n i.- Mpmw. . bsjbj i MM mJWH'w isn. 'AiisaMu4P'wMM t - - r mm i i a m i s ... ... j gggg . 4 .VAKMSER WEATHER. LOWER CABLES WORLD'S SHIPMENT AND INCREASE IN PAS SAGE EASIER OPENING. Hy the Associate:! Press. OATS Receipts 149,000, Chicago, ill-. April 11. WHRAT ea.-y: 2 oats ft; standard whi Warmer treat h r. lower Liverpool ca-18 white ! 7 i . bias, liberal world's shipments and the lacrosse in the amount an p.s:. iv '. Cereals, caused an easier opening, July betaxloy Associated Press, a shade higher to lowr af 96 Or Minneapolis, April ll. Nu if tb3 lat nd wai first hour a firmer reeling devetopad. Chang: was duo larg iy to a precaU' tionary covering of early sabs, the reason being fear of possible ttlsap- figures on the condition of the crop. Proa K!)1, July advanced to 87i' 'v. I According t a proluinenl trader who had just r turned from the south and west, the losses In Oklahoma, Kansas and Nebraska were much moi Bertous than the majority of tra ders real .- I, There war. a Rood com- crease 5. crease a ll Bt , ,, . '0 was a heavy lnjui- Old a consequent io - ,ricc on tnat delivery. firm Inflneneod by Bnortly nfter a nun'i- CORN- Featt datioa of May MarKoi of i ! higher cablt i per of to&gi i Parted downward. Btqp-lOM orders ! came out on decline causing addition oj weakness. Alter May droppeJ j from S.T4 to 72, the market received j support from a big bull interest, which re ulted in a ftnner tone. Distant I deliveries influenced bv the action of d unchanged. On the ei ds were taken. Trading was light an held i toady during lie.' he improvement i:i wi is was the principal Special to The Entllotln. Chicago. April 11. The folinwlni j ; t!i ! range r,f prices fur the day: WHEAT. Open Hijh Low April B, Apr; I 8 i!ny. ...!3t6 91H M SlU Ml-, u:iy, ...S7 8S 87 Ms 88 S77 CORN, OAT8. ;;s 38v MH 38 38 i 12.60 12.6J PORK. 12.2S UK RI). C.flJ .. ST. LOU 1 1 G fi A I N MARKETS. Bpeclal to The Bulletin. St. UwiS, Mo. April 11. -The fol lowing tin da) May, July, . ! W11FAT. Cloning Open High Low April a. April r. I !i:;i, 93H W gj2 Ma; OATS. Z9 31 Mi ;7'2 n ;;r'i 'I HE CASH MARKETS. SL Loula, Ma, April It - The fol M hit; spot prices ruled here today r various grains mentioned; N . I red winter wheal, 99Q v No. red winter wheat.. 'x,oi 101, No. .vhite corn, 18 'i' Ol !. No. " mixed com. 49fM9C. No. white corn, ISC No. ;; mixed corn. IS'w-Wc. a 2 white osds, ICC No - mixed oats. -i:!c. No. I! white oats, HfitOc. No. 3 t::i ;ed oats. t904te, LOC tL OR ' IN M HKKTS. Cash erdgy were as follows: Nr. 2 red winter wheat. tSc. S'o :: red winfr wheat. 'M',c. No. I '.vhite corn. IC No j taived corn. HC. No. :: while corn, ITe. N11. 2 mixed com. 4'. No. I white eats. Oe. No. i mi::ed oat: . ilH'ic No. ! white oats. ;::( No. 3 mixed oat.-.. :J 1 1 He I timothy hay. per ton. ? RECEIPTS AMD '.-.HIPMCNTS. Uy AsSf,riatfd Pr (tcajja April It, -Th' MtowMg n. the r ipts aod shipments !i en! load V from th marl I I lav H 1 e1 flaw Corn 2" 41 1 tr. 212 4." U NEW YORK GRAIN MARKETS. New York. Anril IL WIWAT Receipt:- SgWe. Bp I 1 tut . 2 red 100 nominal elevator; 2 red 1", llfl noraiaal f. o b. afloat. Option . (1 cd dull at partial ' ntt declme. M.y "Ports 48,090; 1,008. Spot (hill; an i -.( '-I : September 825 hard f, ft t northern I Oo tp- Liverpool Quotations. By Associated Press. Liverpool. April 11. WHBA' LIVE STOCK MARKETS. By the Associated Press, was generally anticipated, country shippers sent in too many cattle. mar - ket dull about 10 lower except for well bred, well matured lots, which sold aelivelv at r.toadv nrices. ibitehi v i and runner stock met with very good HOGS -Su&plio i ligt oek men being unwlll day's supply ,vas so small that prices . ' mn Atffrj 11 " ;!l avera5! or "',;:'a,,,t, !otu- BHHEP There was an active gan- 0!'al ll"u;iin'1 9derte suppli rnmtttcufl in linn In 'il htlritAr niir ior ooin unecp ami tames, exporters and slaughterers were free buyers, Spring keel's very scarce. I By A St. At. St. Lauis. iated Prt'sa. t. Lotus, April 1 1. - CATTUv -lie pts 4,000; beef steers 4,0005.50 ; ekexs and feed rs 3.504.50; Tax- IOCS- -Receipts MOO. Kivi her. Range l.455.36. Prevision Market. l!y Associated Vross. BUTrKR 8 itcaidj : cream ry Fias :'irm: western firsts IK. COFFEE--Options closed firm a IJifl'M points higher, Sales D2.&0 hags. May 6&6jj 595, Spot fllo firm 7 invdtoc 7; mild st I cor.lova la BUOAR- -new steady; refined quiet. TO SINGERS AND PUBLIC SPEAKERS C. Schuh A Sens Urge Them to i . , . ,. .. n Use Hyomal. Willing to Sell ,t On Approval. A new aad specially voluabb : i : 1 1 - valual l'' !!.-: for Hyomol han ho n disct vered, one by singers and public spoaKers The free nee of Hyotnel hrttt ii j throush the Inhaler that conies ov ry outnt, carries neaiins Dsisaoii to the head and throat, aod strength ens, the voice Paul O. Scduh : 'id Rons have had several of their eu- tamers spealt to them in regard to the good effects following the asa of Hyomel tor this purpose, and will ' - i , , ,, , , glad to sen ll ,,n approval to any sing- cr. minister, teacher, Of public Bp, is I er. There is no dangerous uMimacu drugging with Hyomel; .-imply breath it through tb comes quickly Oik '.an t tit urious thin;; to bornr aooui a money etermin From Inflammatory Rheumatism Would Have Killed Our Son. Dr. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills Saved Him. "We Vrin to BM Dr. Mir.' Nrrrf and I Llwf mil lii JflTI sen My wile had liver , I trouble aad a acsgbhof gave her some ol : voar liver pilli to try, after which we bosgsj ' a r,'ic of ti, on and my wife used them an- ! i 1 1 i-.'. Smcc ihca 1 have aatd tatm asal : ! 1 D 1 .., 1h.1t I luS Stmt ux?d any pnlt , hf . 1 11; tV- : I'lsf irtion these have. j r .ii.., t MikM AsSi-Paia Pmswtfl : k 1. .,;rre years ago tt - o 1 1 j; v ha,! tanmSJSton rh"amitim He had wlfeted so MSctl rHat I bflltvt if we . , had id mves him Ik Miles' Aco-P-.m Pls j I wni'.h Tefieved him almo-t instandv be would i have die '. 1 a- alwstiflsd oi th opor i 1 rceity for praoinc Or. Miles' Rcmediea."- j y . o, 1 u. "I its a'fi trd will neuralf ia for ar .nd r.. vi r f .u. I a ,y ixi.nantnt re.iel till I u 1. Dr. Maes' Anti I'a.n IHU. I I'tjey are a sare tare for headatlie and neu raigK M 1 Daly this tuorainy i ircom. Maded USHS t S tnen I a 11 1 a ?evre liead ache and in a hail hour he came in'o the , store sotklai j. The headache wan gone, we I lite them in tVc and I'.i-t t'.cni 1 1 j lent lot th woraea folks. This high altitude kes thrs renr DCfSNMt. Grandma Mrs II should o il llr. Mian ihe. coul.! nut live liere j were P. nl for the Anti t'aei IMI- that she tike .... r. . ..' -L. B. Mom.-, Ileleni, MoMaaa, Alt dToffritts 6-U Pf' ce'iarante first bot tle 1.. M'irs Rerrtd:es. tt I tor free heok 00 Ktnvi aad Heirt I '.- a-e: Aiueta Dt. u. . . , Eli 1 . lad. 96, i CORN Receipts all! MARKET hi A STANDSTILL Bl LOST LITTLE GROUND A i- ' TEMPT TO DUPLICATE LAST " WEEK'S ADVANCE FAILED By tiie Aaarwlated Press I New York, April ll. market was ai a standi ti the greater part of the lime ground. Prices sin ' W pc BUCC ISS1 ittemst labject in i mere waa a lit to urgency in s ling, Consomt nee was n return tc dull and sluggish market, but with iUiderfi'ne ol ivood resistance and : rnai disposition to await a Gave ' ;,!'' dovclopmt nt. 1B Hesitation oi probably du in pa bearing o : , . " "' '" aocum some r i war loan The i n funds there Wl d surai ires of of money h I it;iiruiuo i - goh ton. ni ot the e luntl ;n trade for March enforce ing of former months in exjla if the turn in foreign exchani last month's expanding tende: if imports is still maintained, impair- tni at of trade balance in 0 easily explains the outward ro Bdenth Government Bonds Today. Yesterday Refuiiiline .2'h reeiHtorcd. lOfl Itofutiilinn - h oonpon Regietnred -i's 100 It Mi 107 1 1, ' ."'"; Now 1 h reuistered. Now 4'l coupon old l's rssjrtstered Old 4's coupon. . . 133 I07J 107 107 Rallread Stocks. Al l(:U i , Atohison preferred. j,a,t)moreOUoi Ills, ill :ii 38 171'; 171 '4 2 21 1 71'., 70., i:il 130 lOfiJi 106 I llflji 117 94 i 91', llTW 117 119 IIP1., 24' 2 M 117 fili uv; 1444 oO7,, M 23g 22 j HI ' ffl ' j !).'! N 1DW 10'., is1. is1. I Chicago & Alton ' Northwestern iDsnvr dtRlo Grnnd 1 DlinoisOsntrnl Louisville iiasoviue. Metropolitan Missouri Pacific Nov,' York Central . Psnns; IvanLa Reading Rock Island. Rock Island pfd MS ,""" Southern Paciflo 8ooth'epn ,Ui!wav. rjnoa Pnolfk i Union Pacific pM I Wabash. . Wisconsin t'ontral Miscellanecus. Amalgamated CopptT... 2u 'o Brooklyn Ha pit! Transit. IS Pi, Colorado Fuel and Iron. 39 i 9&h Northern Securities . . . 88fl 99k Pacific Mail 28 27 '. Peoples Ona 9IH Sugar 127 'a Tennessee OoaJ andiron, in ;;, t'niti'd States HUxil 1 1 United Hla'es Steel pfd. IIj, Western Union 8'.' 1 . S.1 .. 1 j;, i so ' Mercy and Exchange. MNUV tin call easy 1 1 , r 1 5 1 closing bid !','. offered ai 1, Tim loins nteady; SO :. ; 2fj& 1 nt 90 day.-; 2 '1 " : six Uoathi 'rime paper !'., U-... Hxchauge Irm Demand iv7.: 187.40; 80 days 184. "5 sQp SKIPPED "Jones, (hi cashier, is in n,,,!,. ial dlffleultv.'' What - hn doing about if" Wtl. just at i;-.-tnt bv'a it pstst treatment. BF WHOLESALE J q 1 Batter. Hams. Hrrakfast Haron. Staple and Fancv f Groceries Fine Canned Goods, Etc. ? if Special Attention to City Trade. Prompl D- I'.very Guaranteed $ C19 0HIO LEVEE 'BOTH PHONES NO. 100. 0 ' I You a '- to luccesi later e nay :t per cent 0:1 all savings and invite you to conunci ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BANK, 609 cilio LBVCBi Capital and Reserve Fund, $150,000.00 1 We do Your In addition to furnishing the best work and most prompt service. I American Steam Laundry, 208 Eighth Street, i t Phonos I03. o--'o,'!''r,','t'' tL. ouis Herbert t r.:x f 1 0 ri Ohio l. v-c-, Cairo, lllinoia - i SSaW Liquors, Keg and Bottled Beers. io YX "X, T. t m ;;;; f v v uix.ivioi?vit m a .t v . 9 f, i fFor 2G Yesrs Ku Led ill T!rd tr esJS JA. - . IOL0 BV SCHUH DPUG CO. 3.00 T- :iro tc i o K .1 i I r ted to return and Including May 2, l John M. Ii I'ltilp'e 1, ache, la ireath, head constiisatioa Mountain Ten, Nos sanse foul system o tie,:. cent Sons. Paul c. at his birth, marrtags and Mieei H . 7A A S IIIIIK 1111'HMIl OH ,111 IM.IIIIMU'I, . , ,., ..ii ..M...1 There's Bathing like HoHistera Reek Mountain Tea tO make one strong, healthy and robust. Keeps the whole family well. :!." cents, tea or tablets. Paul Q. Schuh Sons. Winter at Citronelle. A healthful, restful, InCXpeBStve re- sort In the pines of Alabama, thirty ilea north of Mobile. It is high an dry. Address too. M it-aii, Mobile a 1 Ohio railroad, St. Louis, for ilhi.-trated booklet For Litest ds&igns and prices nought iron fence write M. W. RICHAHDSON. K22 Thirty tb rd Street. I IB V ! C C!- lllln'.' Manh !l Ui. !.'... . i fa. ltaaaat 1 soliutcrs. t Vaotdea, C CERi E3 AND RETAIL ' . A The Money HOI to- t : : J Mending Free I O WHiTE'S CREAM Klfl II ObiuiUIj-. - PMill Ww m Remedies, r;' - E3 F. DAU.ARD, -St. touf8. THIS IS A Presidential Year AND YOU MUST Keep Posted The way to do this Is read the WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL HENRY WATTERSON, Editor, Issued Every Wednesday. Twelve Pages. $LOO a Year. RKVBKUS RKPORM, SOCIAL RBlXMUt, MOHAI, HKKOBM. 1 ! The Courier-Journal issues the best 1 AmjnHC published. Send 35 cents for a copy by mail. COUR1BR JOURNAL COMPANY. LOriSVILLE. KY. Qy a spec'al srraogement you can jet THE WEEKLY BULLETIN and the WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL both one year for $l,50 I le 1 f i c ,1 Ii ub "t'tiona only. All . io rriptiona under tlit ctmhimv 1 1 : be ucat thtoiic'i th': Bulletin Through PuUmsn Steep'ng Csra to California Points v'a The Iron Mountain Route, leaving St. liuis ":S0 a. m. daily for 1 . .;. lea, Tin "Tr ie aonthorn Route," a! ng rars on this . am train for li--s Angeles aad l San Francisco ' very Wednesdajr sastt Thnrsday. Best wiutcr raols fa Call- font in Cor further information call on or address, I r o Millar, O. P. A , Cairo RL timer Health, It. T. A.. CaJr HI, H L lowcnd, tr P. ATA. St. i i.oui. Mc. 4