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THE CAIRO BULLETIN. Daily Service PUBLISHED J OF THE , ASSOCIATED PRESS fcVfcKY MORN I NO f in int vtAK VOL XXXVI. NO. CIO 10 BE VISITEO SUMUT MOVER IS PRODUCED IN COURT Bl NASHVILLE AND LAWRENCE R GOV. PEABODY S SOLDIERS Lawrence tiack From livansville Sal unlay (o Rejoin Nashville Both Laying Over Sunday and Leaving Monday For St. Louis. It is now settled beyond further ct son able doubt thai ths gunboal Nash tills will arrive at Cairo sonic tine Silurday. in all probability in tile evening and lay In our harbor until .Monday, when she will resume her Journey, to st. Louis, Recomputed by the torpedo destroyer Lawrence, which win return here Saturday even ing from livansville, anil the liRht house teuiler. Lily now laying hen- under orders to accompstsy the boats to St Louis. Captain Began, f the Lilly, vou chsafed the Information thai he, act ing under orders, is awaiting the Nashville, due here Saturday even lag. Taking into consideration thai the Lawrence made a remarkable fast run yesterday lo livansville, leaving here precisely at 8:10 a. m, and ar- rlviag there at 6:31 p. nr. consuming 12 hours and 18 minutes, the last hundred miles of the journey being covered leisurely, it Is probable that the "sealed orders" given her com mander Instructed him to leave Bvans ville Saturday morning, allowing her plenty of time to reach here hefore dusk on Saturday. The message that Mr. Aisthorpc wired Commander Ugbbard at Mem phis, arrived there after the Nashville had departed, was delivered to the Captain of the lighthouse boat, who in turn forwarded it up the river, In connection with the anchoring of two warships, and their lit! hour stay In our harbor, the Big Kour railroad lias arranged for an excursion from Vincennes to Cairo, leaving the start ing point at 0 in the morning and ar ttvine here at no, n. Hie fate for tin round trip being placed al one dollar. In addition, the Dick Kowb r will bring down a big excursion from I'm ilncah and way landings Both, ,.ar- ships will be open for inspection by PLAN APPROVED N0R1RERN SECURITIES DIVIS ON Of the Stock in the (ircat Railroad Merger-Meeting Attended By Half Oozcn Stockholders Who Voted Two- Thirds of Total Stock Issued. Special to The Vutletin New York. April 'J I. The stock holders of the Northers gecuritles company held a special meeting In Hobottea, N. .1 . today to vote on the proposed pro rata plan ef distribu Hon of assets as recommended by the directors. Oflnlala of Die company w ho were present include I ('resident .i .1 Hill. Poarth Vic. President and Crucial Counsel W 1' Clough, geCH tary K. T. Nichols and Nicholas Tat buiie. a director Others present in eluded WlBS low S Pierce and It S Lovett, the legal representatives oi the llHrrimau interest Less than hall a dosefl stockholder att tided the meeting. One of these George i, Richards, of Washington D. c, said he screed ion iharns u siock, and declares! himself befon the meeting opened in favor of fhe pro rati rlejnldatloa plan President mil presided and Secretary Nichols bsiied the call for today's meeting There was then a brief whispen I conference ggtweep Prestdeol inn and Mr Pierre. The latter read a formal protest in which he said that Hie Northern Securities company II led now and never was the owner of the stock sold by L It llarriman and Witislovv B, Pierce, and that the Northern Securiiies company had no light to distribute the stock under the plan proposed. There was IBM another whisMied conference be IWesSJ President Hill and Messrs Pierce and Lovelt. In the meantime inspectors had bet ti appointed lo fount the nimiluT of shares refrg s sjted at the nice-ting Messrs Pierre as I Lovett then rr tired from the m'ottsg and Seerefaiy Nichols read the minutes from the last annual meetings and of the sev eral meetings of the executive com unite,' ot the North rn Securities mpa n y TbSM were adopted With cut a dissenting voire. Stockholder Rl.hOtdl wanted to know kg what prnrews of calculation the figures to, Notthern Purine and $::.I7 for Croat North' rn had been arrive,! at "Hy ratable distribution." MM Vice President Clough. and Mi. Richards was satisfied Mr Richards then voted hi shre for th annHine d plan of distribution No ether out 84. visitors ami it. very probable thai i reception and supper will be tendered the officers of both .ships upon theii arrival Saturday evening, The follow inn la a description of the Nashville taken from the report of the secretary of the navy; Displacement, 1,371 tons, light draugbl gunboat, steel bull, Indicated power. S.&38, twin sarevv, as Bigned to Carribean squadron, anna meat, eight i inch breech loading guns in main battery, one of which, the Krt alter gun. was the lirst gun lire! in the Spanish American war at (iuan tnnama, Cuba; four six pound, i rapid Orers, two heavy i pounder rapid Brers and two 0 millimeters Colt automatic rifles in the secondary hattery. The Nashville la schooner rigged, huilt by the Newport News Bhipbnild and Dry l)ck company, of Ncwpor! News, Va.. building from August !, 1894, lo January I!.'. 1S!; and placed in eoamkalon August in, ixd7. Her lengtll on load water lines is 886 feet ESxtreme length ;is ft. 1H in.Bhe exhlb ited a speed of 16,30 knots per lion i on trial.' She has a bunker capacity baaed en I", cubic feet per tOtt, of 4(HI tons of coal and p, ssosaos a steaming radius at lo knots per hour with this supply of coal of 3,318 knots. The en ;t of hull and machinery was $L'so. uuu. Her full Complement of crew consists of ii officers and li? men. On the Nashville are COtBBtaadCI John Hubbard, Lieutenant Commas dot iris m Wltsel, Lieut Roacoa c Moody, BnBlga James C. Cress. Ku sign w. s. Case, Bnstgn John r .lack son. Assistant Bnrgeoa Herbert shii'iert. Paymaster H, C, Lamar, War rant Machinist James Quill and Pay Clerk L. gj. Coiner Commander Hubbard was assigned the command of the Nashville, Febrit ar II, Dm;;, relieving Commander N K. Nlles, I'. S. N. Bl TRE HOLDERS side stockholder appeared lo have feny Interest in the matter. The polls were closed shortly be fere BOOB, and. when the vole was announced, it appeared that of the 960,000 shares of Northern SecurKiei sleek a total of 8.8 1 1,748 shares had been rated in favor of the IB SH III SI ltd plan for the distribution of the hold Igga of railroad stocks and none agaiasL The Rseottng adjourna l soon afte, the vote was counted Pre i b tit Hill . aid the rC nil was BJ ht) expected it v baM be. The notice present' ii by the UoiOS Pacific interests reads as fotlowe: "Notice is hereby given to the IpS cial meeting of siockholders of tin Northern Securities company that the undersigned claim that the share-, of the capital stock ot the Norther, Pacific Railway company, delivered by Kdward II. llarriman and Win low S. Pierce, to the Northern Be CUftl I' s company, on h about Novem hat is, tfggj and consisting of $.17. 089,008 par value of the eC4MMM stock of the said railway company and Hlj8ie008 par rallN of the pre Ii rn d stock of said railway company uud thC common stock into which said preferred slock has been con verted, belong lo the Oregon Line Railroad company, as the leg il and equitable owner thereof, that the Northern Securities company is nor now and never became the owner thereof, but is simply a custodian and that the undersigned are entitled to the return and delivery to them of cerUgcates for said stork of the Kef there Psetht Railway companv. i'iwn the surrender by them of 19171 par value of the capital stocs o,' tin Northern Securities company ami the payment of S,9t.".r,29 in rasa received by them on such delivery of said Northern Parilic stork to the Northern Securiiies company as aforesaid ' Notice Is further given that thr said Northern Securities company ha no right to rllntrthute the said Northern Pacific i-t xk pro rata among the tockho'drrs of th' North em Seeur i - company, or otherwls dtspnee of th- ame except to return the same fo she SdetVtgBed." Then follons the formal notice if lh suit begun before Judge Kirkpat rjgfe in New Jersey. CAIRO, ILL., After Several Weeks Incarceration at Tclluridc, Where Martial Law is in Force, Not as Recognition of Supreme Court But Act of Courtesy. By Associated Press. Denver, Cot., April :i. President I Charles II. Mover, id the Western Federation of miner.; .who arrived in Denver today in custody of the stale troops alter several weeks' incarcer alien ta Tellurite, where martial law Ii in force in cob sequence of labor troubles, was taken b fore the slate . lupremc court this afternoon under a writ of habeas corpus. Which had been issued In his case. Attomey lot the military stated that Mover was restrained of his liberty under and pursuant to an express command of Governor I'eabo ly and commander inchict of the military forces ol Col orado as a military necessity in the course of the suppression of an insur rection in San Miquel county, denying the jurisdiction of the court and thai Mover was presented not as an act ol recognition of the court's order, but is an act of cottrteay on the part of the governor to the court. The court heard the arguments on the motion of petition1 r lo be admit ted to hail pending a decision on the question of the court s Jurisdiction ONE OLO BAY STATE DEMOCRATS El Pass Through Scenes Marked By Ureal Turbulency Olnc and Hearst Adherents Simple For Master) Hut Victory Rested Willi the Former. My Associated Prrsa. Host' Hi. Mass. April Z fly an overwhelming vote the Masscdm set's Democratic conveniion today Instructed four delegates al large ami twenty delegates from district., to -up iort Richard oinov. of Boston, tor presblemial nomination at tin- BJ Louis convention. Kour delegates at large who aii pledged to the BBppMl of Olnev were elected and the supporters of Hearst as the presidenlial nmin e Itn de feated li a vole of about si nun died lo two hundred Resell 1 1 tli 'i endorsing Hie candidacy ol lieu. I Te voted liy a large majori'v The tollo.ving were ee, t'd ibd -gan s at large William A tJastsa, of Itos ton; Patrick A. Collin-", of BssdoSI William I. D uglas. of BrochtOW, Jno R Thaver. of Worrit, sler. Oeorgi Krei Williams leater of that fartioS of fassarhiisetts Dernrv rriev wpport ing the esndacy if Wm R Ifeeref, niade a vigorons proit agiins' th ailinion of the unit rule but m vent, s lv a rote of nearlv three h ore, rfitwrd In xlrtke fmm tlir plat form the rlause calling for unanimous anion with reference to thi- pnsi dpntial nominees and after adopting the rt.-elutlous prf en'el l.v a onto! FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 22. 1904. an I took the matter under advise ment. Mpycr was then removed lo the ho tel in custody ol the military. DJI im. the detachment of cavalry which bfOaght Mover before the supreme court. W D Haywood, secretary treasurer of the federation, attempts.! to hold a conversation with the prl oiu r while he was being taken from the train. HayWDOd refused to obey the order id' the guard to stand back and struck the commanding officer. He was immediately attacked by a number of the troopers and probably would have been killed but for the in tcrventlon of Capt. Welles, who res cued him from the guardsmen, When the police demanded the re lease of Haywood on the ground thai the military rule did not extend to Denver, General Hell replied that he Intended to hold Haywood as a mill lary prisoner, and would shoot any cue who attempted to take him Nev er! he les-. under orders liom the governor Haywood was surrendered to the sheriff and placed in jail. ISSUE ON WHICH ALL PARTIES PULL ity ..r .losiah ts committee, on mot! 'I! jiiini y, voted that the unit rule govern not only th suppott of Dhiey, but all matters pertaining to lbs convention The platform adopted Bjoagtsted t a singe plank, an endorsemen: oi Olney's rsadldney and Instruction i to the neb'gates to vote as a unit lor him The proceedings were Marked ' limes by scenes of j;rcat tnrbub le It a during the reading of Mjm ity that the eon vention reach d the dfmax f it- turbulence The t rst mention of Olnev reohed troeoMp d appi ms,'. but w ie n th" luti xlurlion of the ado'ton ot ;h, 'lint' '' rub' was made. th'T" wa I an SSfl r Shout of no no.' trom Meant d I egafes ring through the hall arid rrh i of "If . an outrage could lie dhS ,' ?iiih'd in the generil noise and mi fie Ion Snddenlv the Hrai-i it' gat's stood ii(hiii tlnir seat and wi.'h great enthusiasm gave cheer aft, r cbor tor Hearst The spirit seemed to infect Olnev run. for they, ton stood and Cheered hearlllj f r their choice When thi demons! ration (which HMted several minute had sub '.-ltd John A Cou It hurst r ad tbr ll IN CONVENTION ASSEMBLED CHICAGO POLICE MAKE Of Four Men Guilty f Robberies and Hold I'ps. CONFESS OTHER GRIMES AMONG WHICH WAS THE ROU BtRY OF TWENTY MEN IN A MEMPHIS GAMBLING HOUSE. rty associated Press. Chicago, April 31. Kour men, Frank Howard, Albert Bchoeppe, Wil liam McPaddcn and John Mack, were arrested tonight on the charge ef hav lag committed numerous burglarise and hold-ups in the city After they had been locked up. the men confessed numerous crimes of , similar character committed in the south, the principal one being in a gambling house in Ml tnphis, w here the) saiil, they compelled Iwenty men to line up while they searched them, but got less than 8480. Later they planned to P b the State Bank of New Orleans, it is said, hut save Dp the BSdertakieg when they found it would be necessary to kill tWO clerks. "We would have killed them," said Mack, "if it had not been for the work in the ease of carbarn bandits in Chicago, I would not stand lor murder after that, ami we gave up the jcli." rOOETHIR. minority report endorsing Hearst a th" Democratic nominee The read in' oi this report stss the signal fm an Ihei uproar. TIh' question then came upon constitution of minority report for majority report, heated debate followed, several delegates seising the opportunity to maks UnpasaioQed speeches in behalf i . Otne) or Hearst D' b g ites CttB uingham, oi Boskervlile, declared if the Hearst deiegatci were not given a fair show they w mid form s new ! party. Dm Ing tin t di b i cheers, blaoci terjected nets or disapproval hand el ippltig and lap mettoBI of approval ' contlnut d. The vote on id,, ip m of th" Kttbrr Itntl ti resaNed in uierwhwimlag vicloiv for the Olnev forces, the notion io substitute beksg lost. The Majority rcmrt was accepted bv a larie moril.v After the adop ti iii oi the "unit rule itn- convention adjout eed WHOLESALE CONVICTIONS 0' ,viey Out of the Wtcching of a Nattoeal Bank at In dianapolis. By the neaatai rrea ladkaaassifls, aawg l"'n, dir-t ir of the Hoaaf bmM ol ku I ad of the Hepllbllcan -lit' and a m 'iter of Indiana V, nd tiii'tsl' ' coaHaMti inr in hta i ht years in taff WSs 'BteaCed to the p nltentlary for p,n t'eipathm tn I wrecking tin bank lames Rrodrrirk preset, ni. wa. given IsO years, ant U- L ' i i t: vi.-ms CHICAGO CAR BARN 10 DE HUNG THIS MORNING Ncidermeyer Has So Far Recovered That He Will Be Able to Walk to His Doom Governor Yates Refused to Interfere Habeas Corpus Writ Denied. Chicago. April 81.- -Peter Nebler 1 meter, Harvey Van Dine and Ousts Marx, the youthful car bam bandits began their last full day .in eaiih thlt morning, apparently indifferent lo th fai l tliHl they aie to die on the gal lows tomorrow. NeMermeier has so far recovsret from his elf-infllctcd wound, and thi effects Of the pllOlipborOH!' he swal lowed ihal he whs permiti.-l to eat poached eggs today at noon. He also asked lor and smoked a cigarette, hut the guard lighted the match for bin. and held it so Ihat Neid. rnieier c ul,i Bl I BO) tile lo his bed clothe; and thus evade the penalty the l.ivv BBS deci il he meat pay for his crimes Jailer Whitman made t ho announce Ben! a: noon that Nei lermeicr would .valk lo the gallows on Friday Thi. lavaauncemsni was made with sighs :f relief, for the .iail-r and tits aid; lid not relish the th Oghl that Nei l r meicr might have to be carried there m a stretcher and supported to his feet and held while the noose was adjusted. The law, however, com Stands that this be d me if there is a breath of lile remaining in Ibe con demand person, and Mr Whitman had completed the arrangements for this detail on the gallows. Sheriff Barret) arrived in the city from Memphis. Tenn , at 10:39 o'clock :bls noming and went al once to the county jail, where he had a piivHtc TOOference with Jailer Whitman Up on coming out of the jailers room, where the conference was held, the dtorlfl expressed himself as well pleased wiih the present condition of Ncidemclcr. "The prisoner Is in a much better condition than i hail expected t" Bad line He will be able to walk lo I he .allows on I'riday. hut If he la unable lo do so he w i stretcher has ill be carriedi even If to lie provided tor that purpose " Mrs. V.m Din names of her si peilthin to tiov. In ins Vali ur"d In j to a respite mil today ',vns still cngagctl In pro- Hiing information for the state board tf paid n:'. Il Is understood BPS has ailed upon members of the bsndlt jury" and procured live of their uatnes to add lo the pel Ition Neldermeicr's mother, still muni ding threat. , against the attaches ol 'In pail. Htid the police w-as permit ed to visit her ion tad night She raved so vvlieii the (aw him Iving white and apparently unoonscl us 'hal she had to be put out of the hOS ailal for the lime being because of the effect her talk had upon the oilier inmates ol the hcspilal. Today she visited the jail, accompanied by a nephew, who pr talced that his aunt Would be tjulel if permitted to vlsll her .on. Jailer Whitman act d as their escort ami in them to the Jail hospital. NfliderflSfdcr smiled when be sin his moth'M and conversed with her in BormeB When ahe gsesarted bis tpirits issmed to have risen oeasidei ibly and he rasjOWOd his request for ea thing to eat Karller in the day he had warned his guards that he would yet defeat Hieni and Starve him If lo death Before an hour had pi - i d how "vor, he had asked lor some loud and the nurses informed him 'hat al o'clock in the afternoon h" Would he nermitted to partake of i we broth and vegetables At BOOS the rogueal for loud was repealed and poached eggs were given him Jailer WUt B Seeking Safety on Opposite Hank Is Tmloiihtcdlx I ikcliiaily Hie I o tmed RUSSIANS ARE FLEEING NORT By She As.otiated Pres. London, Aprd 22. The td't spoodent of the Timet, tabling from Nsw ChWSOg, says a mcsscngrr ln arrived thrir from the Yalu nvfr vs,ih in formation that the Russians are fleeing north across the ever in overcrowd-r-1 roat'V and are losing hundreds by drowning. The t errrspondent ef the Standard at Tien Tsm says: "Japanese troops ar now embarking from Korea and possibly art bemq reinforced by frrrrs en the Yalu river, from vhtcn the Russians njve practically vi to ri' I wn Th- r-itun r'-'rrepondent of the Telegraph says' P"it Arthur is un doubtedly effectually blocked and that events are culminating around the (looo'ed fcrtreii. SENTENCED TO DEATH. Rv Aswv1atM Press Harbin Manchuria April LM Two , Irb ,-r "t th.- Japan' s' gem i it -t if ., , .! J c;,tsin. arr-'s'i a the railroad gusrl rtghtrxm mile" from this place. April Kith, were found guilty by court martial, and entenced to be bangoU. They lis ESTABLISHED IN J 868 nan warn ;bat they neier to f iny sharp neier was i dull ed) lermitted d lie and guards ist no. permit Neider- I llllliself ,,r get hold of I Iged utensils. Nei ler- 1 d with the assistance of 1 i ii which was not leave i he hand of the nnse holding it After eating lightly if the eggs Neidcrmeier asked for mother c igarette It was given to 3 him. Marx and Van Dine at every op : oil unity ask how Neidermeier is get ting along and both express the hopo ihat he will live io accompany ihent 'o the scaffold Jailer Whitman is of he oplni n that Neidermeier is ham ulus a great deal of his weakness and is only remaining pauoive until ue can exert his fertile brain in the direction of another attempt io cheat ibe gallows, Kvery precaution is taken to prevent any further attempt at suicide. (iovernor Yates, following the rec omnieii'iaiiou of the state board of pardons, declined to stay the execu tion ot Van Dine. The execution of Neidbhniieil was threatened wMh rat gal interference for a time today, when attorney representing James Summons, and John Lynch, under pen alty of death fur the murder of Sa loonkeeper Patrick Barrett, began habeas corpus proceedings. No judga could be found, however, who would agree to grant the requests. The lawyers first sought appointment "f I e, fnnitssion to take evidence ot Nel tlermeler as to his knowledge of Mur l dei of Barrett, Neidermeier some time ago made a statement that he and two mm pan Ions had killed Barrel! and Ihat Sam moiiH and Lyncb were innocent. When the lawyers failed to have the com mi dot appointed. Illcv tiled applica tions for habeas cm pus for Nchler i meler. Judges Clifford, Gary and 1 Brentano, in turn, refused lo gr.iNt, either of the demands of the lawyer.!, declaring Hie writs a;. Ited for would not lie because the accused had al ready been sentenced and no trial was at this time pending. Lawyers for Lynch, and Sanimona stated tonight that tin y will try again tomorrow morning to have the execu tion of Neidermeier slaved. Any ef fori io delay the execution of tho bandits will be opposed by the states attorney fly the Associated Press Hprlngfleld, III. April 1 -Mrs. Van Dine, mother of one of the condemn ed bandits, was on the point of de paif ir for Plttsfbdd to see (Iovernor Vat.s io make a personal plea for clemency, when she changed her mind fearing that If she were not sue ces tui she would not arrive in Chica go in time to bid her son good bye. Sh accordingly sent Gov Yates a telegram t" that effect, and aske,) thar a respite of a few hours at least he granted In order that she could hid lam larewell She left for Chicago at ,110011 Governor Yates tel graphed Sheriff Barrett, of Omk county, fg allow Mi Van Dili" lo see her son tooighl no mailer how late she might arrive t the jail Mr Van Dine r- lieived a copy of this message wb II : her train arrived al Joliet. By the Associated Press. Ch" ago. April L'l With all hope al clemency gone, the three murdererg tonighl seemed usigii'd to their fate, and retired early. SE f the Valu Kncr Port Arthur Hlockcd No Hope I or J ortrcs. eonit. tan Hii!s,tiieiiilv a ''! that their llvi t- -pared general Kuro patl in n nfirmed the hn lings of the !nt taking int" ,-onslderatlon he fart that the aecuseJ were sol (Continued on SUth rag ) A APANE