J. j. J. .
Filigree Ball
Anthnr nl "The Mystery of Agatha Wehb," "l ost Man's Ijinc," Htc.
ft TV.
i t fi 4 t 4 t
' W W v i
Copyright, 110.1, by
4f tllttTf'Tf't"t'tttlifftttf
CH AfVRR i Several my erlou death have
occurred in the Mnoro Iomim' in W.i.lnnuton.
It I- v;i':oit. t :ncle Diivid Moore, i prospective
heir. :i widower rteluse. lives across the street.
Iti nice,-, Veronica Moort, la ft Mi ofcepriee
opens the house to colehrate tier wedding witn
Kratteis Jeffrey. A supuosied Kiict Is toned ly
BjC dead in the fatal room betoro the 0 reiiionv
teas Hnisle-d When the st-uryop"tis, the house
teaasiia empty, and I'nele David notifies the
police thai ft light is an there at II it'll t.
II A detest i e goes with I'nele David and af
ter a view Iron the outside ootteltidNH that
there i someone In the house. BtimfnMiaa
aid. he enlers, while facie Dal id retires with
in his own home and begins plaving the oegas.
The detective rinds the nod) of a woman oa the
Hoor in front of a nett'e which Bai
played a part in previous tragedies, A pis
ti l is attached to hjr wrist by a ribbon.
III In Bii up,tiiir.i room the detective rinds
i limed SlSlonm candles, a lich wrap lying
with the hridal hoiopiet and a hamlki rehi f
in-vrkcit 1 Verotica." with dust upon it. tin
niintelHie finger marks in the dust, and a
picture on lit wall ha re. elit ' been dusted.
IV- Verooioa's hRif sis er. Cora Tattle, Is
st r uigtly affected oa i he seen" of t he i ragedy.
'I h 1 dead woman's watch ha I l.i'lcn and stop-
pedHt TMi Jeffrey com ts la with a aafroVa
his wife saying she did sot love him as she
Ihiugbt, Miss Tattle ev riently bjvei him.
V Ifaoia Havid takes the newsoalailv. Melius
candles in t he house, ait lenerh it is lit lv gas
VI Jeffrey had eourtsd penniless Miss TllttU,
lie n turned to Veronica. VII and VIII The
dcteetlic finds souie uilt metal tilinifs left he
Irud ill the house a'ter all "elews ' had heell
nttelaPy removed. Jeffrey's f i nnr r marks ae
se 'ii to correspond With those found in the
tne repeat. The person who
lad left the marks of bis pros
up e in the uptier chamber of
the Moore bouse was not the
man i ii 1 1 1 ii i" I km
le I hiv id.
one u. i me
off icy.
to reach
or me to
laglna me
door bad
since liis
Who. then, had il I'
Suggested itself to i
It was not so ea
(bis man as it In:
reach his singular
lltiele In the I'll st
been closed to ev
euV But
nc Mr. .1
y for no
d 1 11 f
and uoin
place, bis
ery one
wife's death. Neither friends nor
strangers coaM gain admittance there
unless they came vested with authori
ty from t he coroner. And this, even if
l could manage to obtain it. would not
answer 111 niy ease. Wlint I hail lo say
and do would better follow a chance
encounter. Hut no chance encounter
with this gentleman seemed likejy to
fall to my lot. nnd dually I swallowed
my pride and asked another famr of
the lieutenant. Would he see that I
was given an opportunity for carrying
some message or of doing some errand
which would lead to my bavin;; an in
terrlew w ith Mr Jeffrey? H ho would
I stood ready to promise thai my curi
osity should slop at this point and that
I WOllfr cease to make a nuisance of
I think lie suspected me by this time.
bin' he made no remark, and in
or so I wassnmi:ioiied to carry
to the house in K streel.
Mis Jeffrey's, funeral Had
place Hie day before, and the
taken I
house I
I le
lily brought to ibe door a neat
fig but very nervous maid, whose
took on an unmistakable expres
of resists nee when I announced
irand nnd asked to see Mr. .lef
The expression WOUld not have
k me as peculiar if she had raised
Objection to the interview I bad
tted, I'oil she did not. Her fear
antipathy conseipietitly sprang
line than her in
tore: t
lev i
n most threuli
it. ennM it l e. mi bor
rrwn minutit 7 Iteenlltng what I pad
heard trhlsftered nliotil the stntiofi eon
rfrulng a inakl of tho Jvffreys who tl-
tfrnys seemed on the point of
something which never realfy
li)'-. I nfuppetl her as she was v
slip npstnlrs and quietly asked
"Are on tiri Ha ?"
'I lie May she lurnMli the H
looked at tin', as she gave Ine
,1't line
a v
ic a short
ifllrmatlrsj nnd then qttMily pwcessj-
r! op her vray. fJOttrtlWid me tliat B
COlleggWa were fight .'is to her lictng
WOmag who Inol SBSm raUM for dread
in. p. dice iBterfereoce, 1 instantly
mad' up my Blind that here srae a
nnoc p, be worked and thai l knew
Just the demure little s ml beet equip
ped to in I the part nt miner .
In n ntOBieat she egaM back, and I
had a ijp 1st ii to note again het prettj eln essionless features, among
whn li the restless Bfrea Blutte bespoke
chnrsiier or decision.
lr Jeffrey is In the back room
tip t.iirs." She nntioiiii, . d. lie .
for oti to (SM up.''
"Is: it ill POOSS Mrs. Jpffrry SjSed tot
oiiupi?" i asked, with open curbssity,
as: I pas spd brf
An invoiuntsry hndder proved that
she mis not without feel : ig, Rsl atkl I
the meek dssTatittsrr :
"No, h i. I hose rooms are t
lllees the "lie MkS Tllltl
Iwloio she Npsjl away
nil. thPtl. Miss Tntlle is"
1 orrtta di-dn'ued in snwarer, She
had slrewsly aaM iaNaak m raawe bet
In Lite PHsr lip as sin- d issgsse ire i dw st a
i l wr ear nt stair, law-BtHll iieieo-i
le riL'bl. All lllieasi fwdilli: fellnwiil:
in i . i!M ' siition with (Ma Bttl Vcr.
rtilBB there was slyness in Iwr
mr, lesere was a isrtauu LtauL u sty
isihle :il it. 1n Srhb ll iailse me tn
hink that if sbeconW ever If made t-i
ae her e iderce 'oul l bsj rolioii ssj
Irom some other so
Lxrrlla, Ihr Jrllrryl mn I
' in
I In-
the IIobbs-Mcrrlll Company
, .;. !
: ;- : ; : ; :
.111-. .It'll
back t the
uoor ivimmi t entereu, nut
turned us I
ipoke Ids n u toe and held
111)! his liu ml ft
the null' I carried, He
:iiioiiroil I'
brink from oliaorratfou
.'mil ahtfted unetuiily as long ;is i atood
in front ir blm, tbottgb be aaid notnltiR
lllltl llitl lint lift liis e.ves from the letter
he was erualng till he be&rd me step
buck t" (he dobr I purpoaely left
open and soft ly closed if, Then
gbi m oil up w ith n Ueeii If got
alarnied look, which Bccmed an e.
I geruted one for Ibe uccaaloti that
' it' lie bud no setrrel to keep,
: ;i
: "u you suiior go trot
b in
llsKeil, l is iil; iii n way wliieli 111 II
wtis a diauilaati I.
1 Bulled an amoaed i
I with the Kiinpic dlrectuet
! must likely to ivin mo hi
entered atrnlclil upon my
I ill
; these plain word:
( "Pnrdoi . Mr, Jeffrey. I have
! Rometbiug to say which is nor exactly
! fitted for tlio enfa of Bervnnts." 'I'lien
us be pushed his clmir auddenly back
; I added retisKuriitglyj "It
is not a po
ntirely per
you as iiu
Mr, .led' ley.
j lice matter, sir, but an i
sonal one. It may strike
I portaot, ami it may not.
1 was the ii
discovery ii
who niiide the unhappy
Moore mansion which
lias plunged tins bousf
This announcement i
into inonming."
toi tled lilm and
odlleed a Isib
chn ii
vv first
His eyes I
to I
f il
tlu-n to an
ther. a'.
ision not
irdon foi
e," I we
ready t
iat I can
feared inti
beg vonr i
so painful a to)
its I saw lie wi
"My excuse is i
i lo me.
ui a lit
i I have
(le thing Ibal same night
i r.i print
h iv n d
not though! of sufficient Importance to
moBjtlofj to any one else, but which It
may interest you to bear about.'1
I i
ok from ii book 1 held a .
It inn paper. 1 1 was white
and blue on I ii" id her. 'I bu
I had thickly chalked. j
was not apparent. Laying
piece of blotting paper, ;
nil o!l(
while side
though tins
down this
CUtUKnl siile lip, ell 1
table pear whk h we
took out an envelope
were atuudlng, I
from my pocket
and. siiiiuint.' ii gcotly to and fro. re
marked: "In itn uief room of the Mnore
house you reii'oiulier the southweai
chamber, ah? f
Ah. didn't he! There was M mis
doubtlug the iiiick emotion the
shrinking and the nlnrm rrltli w
i id t!
I fe
Tipping '.lji the envelope, I scattered
j over the face of the lilotfer a lew of
the glistening particles. I had collected
: from the place meutloncd.
i lie Lent over lliein. cnitWtlshed! then,
I us was natural, brusbed them together
i in a heap witii the tips of ids Rngerf
nnd ic'iis'-d to look Rgttin just tt I
breathed a beayy ilgb which sgnttoretl
them fur and wide.
Instinctively he withdrew liis bnnd
whereupon I em braced the opportunity
of turning the blotter over, uttering
mewnwhtls the moat profuse Apologies.
Then, as if amlous not i" repeat my
j inisadv enlui'e I l'i He hlotter lie
where d was. and, pouring not the few
I remaining particles Into my palm. I
helil theiii toward the Itgllt m SOItl a
way that he was compelled to lean
ncfViss the tatde in order to see them.
Naturally, for I bad planned the dis
t.iue.' v.-eii. ins Bngef tip'. Wbl.te with
the talk lie Inni unwnsclously ban
dlei. loiniied ibe nine sir face of the
liiolt-'r now lying uppermost and left
their marks there,
I i. mid have (Iviiiliil in my elation
nf the success of this risky teaneui nr.
Imt BMnaged to snpress my emotion
nnd to stand qtttte still while lie took
I io..k at the Mfaasst Tbey seeisjed
to h ive great and nniisnsl interest for
him. and ii was dh n diuary etoa
bofl thai Iip BSgtHy Baked;
H i al do rOSI make mil of these, ntl'l
Will do vnll bftH) tbsSJB lie e V
My answer WSS written BgdsaT bis
hainl. Ian this il v. as far Inmi nil i
! v to imoart. So, put ling on ntj Wend.
list j
I re' unit
1 di. n't know e ; il f" make ttnu.
Tlie.t look like liold. I'll! Ibal is fof .
to U11 ide. Dof'ou xv.iTit them, .ir'r"
'No.'' ho repliii. starfina ons-t jirnl
withdraw iiu: bi haml f r--m the blot
Is, "Its but a trifli-ct "rh rBB
pes a r i a I s a
o I Jeffrey's
Am! again his manner
tjfstn total.
Tills time I jh ! it rt it fts BUCIl With-
out .ju..sii.n. Carelessly restoring the !
piece 0( blotting paper tO tho I'.n ,k ;
from widen l Had take
bow and withdrew tot
lie Beemed fo be tblnltin
hirrowH whHi l am i
I made il :
e dobr.
he deep
, i
Decant Btartllugly Isiblti. Finally hi"
"Mta .left rev was not m her rlgM
m i m 1 w lien slie so iintMPpily took her
life. I see uow Hun '!" change In her
tlates back to her we.hlinu May: conse
quently any little jieiailiarity s!ii may
lulve ahown at thai time is not to it)
wondered at "
"Cortnlnly not." I boldly ventured,
"if such peculiarities were shown aft
er the fright given her by the cittns
(roplie which took place in the library."
liis eyes, which were lici on mi le.
flashed, anil Ins hands closed convul
sivclv. "'e will not consider tlu subject,"
he ninttered. reseating himself in tho
chair from Which lie had risen.
I bowed ncilill ami went out. I did
not dwell on the Interview in my own
mind, nor iiiti i nilow myself to draw
any conclusions from it till I had car
ried tim blotter Into thfl southwest
chamber of the Moore house and care
fully compared tli' Impressions made
on it with the marks I bad scratched
mi the surface of the mantelshelf, I Wash. avc. ruer
This I did by laying the one over the none better, try it.
oilier after baviilrj made boles where. Renter, a Craft
bis linger tlpa bad touched the bloller !;l beautiful line o
The holes in the blotter ami Ibe
marks outlined upon the shelf coiucid
ed exactly.
(To tfl continued.)
Schuh Drag Co, wholesale dn
homo, paints, oils and window filas
Special discount I on large order
money saved by patronizing them.
Jttsl arrived boatltifnl line of piettiri
In hsrdwootl Irames for 20C to 1.00
each. Handsome novelties,
LANCASTER RICK, 118 Sth street.
Goodwin A practical dyer and
cleaner of SO years experience, will
opt n up a steam dyeing ami cleaning
establishment al ill Eighth street,
mi Monday, April 11. Ladies and
gentlemen's work done perfectly.
R. Smyih A Co'l sprint,' specials:
Sell I i i Bock Heer, California Apricot
Brandy, old Kentucky Whiskies,
Fahr ma'tra a specialty of copy
rfflht books. Appropriate for a pres
ent to your friends. The very latest
hu hi I cations ahvavs in Stock.
(iholsou's Star Clothing House just
received fine line of new Spring
suits for men and boys. The" price
makes you an anxious buyer.
For an up-to dat.e Oxford in tan or
black, or ladies' pat. kid. vici kid
sltoes. all prices, cull on I!. MeMatilis
.Jr., NO Commercial avenue.
Jog, Yoltnor. tnerehair tailor, 215
mil st.. win mike .von a practical
business suit to order, clean, pjess
and repair ladies' and cents' ClOthlBg
Mrs. C II. Brackett, milliner, Is I
always busy attending to the wants I
of her many customers. Hats for all j
oecassions artistically trimmed.
The American Steam Laundry latin-1
dries everything worn by man from j
his socks to collar and return it first I
class when you want it.
,.....!.. T....- -,i i n.a. j tt..i-.,-nw,t i
l in , e ,nit:.s vn.iioi iiaioi ncoMuiou
and Bar si ill takes tlio lead, serviti;
in. .ils and lunches in Cairo.
Calm Iron and Machinery Simply
store. J. H. Re id, Prop., 1008 Leeve,
iron, steel and heavy hardware, mill
supplies, beltlns'. pumps, Ras pipes.
, Anierlean Btcani Lauadry, t
niy I
His t class laundry in the city. Your
shirts, collars and cuffs will wear ft
long time when laundriod by us.
Three States Buggy aid Imp. Co..
firm niacjiiiiery of all kinds. The
cheapest and BOSt place in southern
Illinois to get tverything you i i
it. k. Cannon, coal dealer
pier's old
ind. kindling 'wood at
put in a supply while price is low.
l Toirhtnan s eeltbrgted l.uliej
Jack cigars are the smoker's choice.
Mag is never better satisfied than:
when smoking this choice cigar. I
Mrs farrow has moved her stock ol
millinery to the Gilbert block, A beau-
tit'ill line of new BOOlil jilsl reeeivetl.
IV T. I Mlfin wish. .- to call your
attention to aeraei doori and win-
do'.vs. Kly time will soon he here.
To secure piompt service order arly.
Planters Hotel, it's the best place
for the money In ( airo. Ask the man
wlio has tried it, be is a good judgS
and Will roronuneiid if.
N. Sandler. merctiaBl tailor, makes
more suits to ordr than all others
eorniwc-d UcSl PfOoi -,f good work , ,,,, SSBB I Bd a
and low prices. Leave jtenr measure.. .,,,,.,,, t,. , ,,h i,v
roinf. 1 ue mieiu paiunw 111 . ano, eu-t:-
1 1 M- BiaasBSge, hot and I'old liaths
HijiiitT -1 hi - ' iroware ft on la bav
in:: a wondeiul sale on the electric
e e l mi a i nmtion kceosone lamp
The pfBjblei of kiwerlng coal H
otii titui'iiins nii.iiiiv ex
prove isn't ;.n easy one Hut Mutb.-'
.'u.-. e.d- . ,:. :'" m Ji"iv
eaatages ew tas
Cosm in at any
Tho ftostori Hentat PBrtOrB, ryinlt.-s
dentistry a BpeeiaJty. They wlH tell
" ,
;.ini how l,i take I he proper care of
vo,.r teoth
vot.r teetn.
Roinhard. phoforapher, maker of
nne pnoTocrapas. iryinispM
will get fine artistic work at sales fac
tcry prices. Ill Sixth street.
Mast Ilafr l.iimirinnt snil Olossy 'Inlr,
K Matter What ("lor.
m. ' r f nl far II
iWeetaBamleta female mouth, loses
sometllng: if tho head la cruWned with
scant hair. Scant und falling hair, it Is
now known, is caused by a parasite that
burrows into the sculp to the root of tlio
hair, where it saps the vitality. The lit
tle Willie scales me KCim UMUB3 Ui m
tuirrowinn fire
; dandruff permanently, then, and to stop
falling hair, that germ must ho killed.
rpicldfl an entirely new re-
suit of the chemical laboratory, d.vtr r. i
the d.inilrttff Kerm. and. of course. Btopa
the falling hair, and prevents baldnes?.
leading druggists. Send 10c
for sample to The Hcrplcidc Co.,
Petrott. Mich.
Paul G. Shiih & Sons, Special
Harry W. Schuh'a tit
the cough cure that cures the cough.
A largo bottle, costs only 25c. It
can't be beat. Try it.
P. C. Soullin. leading catorer.Jptos
tan runt and bar. 213 Levee, rigfli at
Central station. Travelers promptly
supplied. Ile.-it cuisine and serve.
The Haul (!. Schuh & Sunn Dnig
store, tin? Cotn. avc , is one of the
best patroui.od d ru stores in Cairo.
Reliability and politeness count.
Buy your dry goods, groceries and
shoes from Anthony p, Klis, 2009-201
t o., are snowing
l'jol wall paper
your home cheejgjral with nice,
taper. Seo them first.
in paper, bee tnem nrst.
Ask the man who has used 1) F. Me'
Carthy'a coal, he will tell you It
gives the most heat and that it is
i clean and desirable.
W XI O'fihea's menu, strawberries .
, ..i.Im. -i,.v
Ulliim,-:-, o i i in . , , i ooi.suv o, vvioj,
green onions, spinach, apples, line ap
pies, oranges, dressed chicken.
II. Sander ,t Son, popular grocery,
iill Coml. avc , aire making a specialty
of fine Mocha and Java coffees, try
them with your next order.
Cor standard hitilt grade wash
Lwiwids see what
fuc 15c 20c
, ,, lini, ipa (;rl
l '.'.ic a yard, uairo
P. Car ties.
a lii.h grade silk tine
ue and dark red. plain
handsome border for
phono 400; Geo. T
Call on Miss ,1. L. Wallace
reel styles in children's an
dress hats. Always a pretty
tailored hats to be seen.
Schuh Drue Co.. still takes the lead
supplying the retailers in three states, J
me are tue pi oures uuomo, special i
discount! on large orders.
John 1'. Mockler Grocery and (e n j
rial .Merehandise Store, S8th nnd Pop
ir sti, eta Every article in his store
i fresh and ntrlctl Brsl rhi s.
of Lite
pal in
the hone, and tie bone must not ho
taker in the lingers ami gnawed. The
(er than
the ''in nnd the dog are infh-
the master ami his family.
New York Press),
Good For Children,
Tin- pleasant to take and barmlen
One Minute Cough Cure gives imini
dhjtC relief in all crises of Cough:
Croup and Laurlppe bee. test1 it floe
not pass Immediately into the stem
arh, but takes effect right at the teal
of trouble, it draws out the iaitam
niatien. heall the
d cures
permanently by enabling the Rings to
contribute pure llfe-gtvinf and iii"
Rstainisg oxygen to the blood am
II-. ue line .Minute t ollull 1 lire IS.
pleasant to take and il is good alike
for young and old. Sold hy Metsger'a
drag store.
Dislikes Sunday "Atlaiis. '
Bishop Sattetiie iir. Hamlin and
ither Washington ch rgymeti are loud
in dennitnetnc the fashion of Sundat
kften,(j0B g0clal entertatnltieots in thai
A Dandy For Burns.
Mr. Berrtn, T'ana, III., writes: "I
have used Ballard's Snow I.initneni:
always recommended it to my frh'nds
M I am ConBdenl there i no hotter
made. 'It is a dandy for hum
Those who live on farms are BBSSX tal
ly I label to many aecidcnlal cuts,
bsjrns, braises, sthii k heal rapldlr
when Ballard's snow UaiBnenl la ap
piled. Ii should always he kept in
))(, nn,ls0 fr ,.M ,,f eaergewcy."
-c i fjg bottlea. Sold tty lelnh
prr.- c0.
Tatooinq Caused Blood Poison.
Thronch latlooini: uti his riant arm
.rawit Wnn eopsiru; 1111. IH'nri:.
i3.oo st. lo. s and ncturn via Me-
bile and Ohio Railroad.
Tic -is Will he sold for all SSOTUlng
;xtb sood foi return to and Including
May M, 1: are rlayi ,,, s- Urn i)
.-nalilini; von lo he r.i nrc.r- if
wnriiis ia'r ror uratis aim parn--
''htrs apply t- .1 II ifJMB, tick-t
t HH ',,ntral I'ni-n station. Cairo.
$3 00 Cairo to St. Louis and Return
Thursday, April 28. Via Mobile
7 F
, nn Ra,rCJH
omo Ki"loat,
. Tirk,. wj hf. ,,,, fr regular
trajri, m th jmj,( tn return
resular trait
hshl If. Btl
number of i 1 1-1 h s in Herman
the last few decades, Froi
jtiK the f(
am! from
; than I
The Best Family Salve.
DeWttt'a Witch HBJcel gives instant j
relief from Hums, cures Cuts, Hruis- I
. Mire-. I'.e. imt. ine.i huh nn "
raglQIM of the skin. In buying Witch
t ., , , . t s;.,K,. ii is onlv necessary to '
and a cure is certain. I here are
nianv cheap counterfeits on the mar-
DeWitt'a Witch Hazel Salve is per
fect Iv harmless and cures. Soil by
Railway Journeys.
in the United States the distance
the average railway journey is in
ly nine miles, in Bllgland it ii scat
Iv ten miles, while in Germany it
Health is Youth.
Disease and Sickness Bring Old Age.
Hetrblne, taken every morning be
fore breakfast, will keep you In m
bust health, lit you to ward off dis
ease, it cures constipation, bilious-
iess. dyspepsia, lever, skip, iner tiiui
kidney complaints. It
blood and clears the CC
It imrilies the
blood and clears the complexion. Mrs
I 1). W. Smith, Whitney, Texas, writes
(April Jj 1902: "I have used Heroine,
j and (tad it the best medicine for con
it (pat ion and liver troubles It does
cW for it. 1 can rocom-
mend it " Sdcts a bottle. Sold by
Schuh Drug Co.
Port a Disappointment.
Dalnay harbor, near l'ort Arthur,
built by Russia for an ice free ter
minal port for the Siberian railway
at a cost of 1, nun rubles, is a
disappointment, for the breakwater
freezes over as it tlid at Vladivostok.
County National
commercial Ave. and Eighth street,
ani unwvTpbo PROMTS
E. A. ELDER President
jCHAS. FEUCHTER JR., V. President.
if ,eJ. H. GAU.IGAIN Cashier
. AsEist.ifit Cashier
k. A. Under. .i ii. Galilean,
Thu Boyd W. A Gholaon,
C, M o.Jerloh. 0, l'alior.
Win Kliipe. 0. V. Neff.
t'has reuehter, Jr. ,1. M. Herbert.
Accounts of corporations and in
dividuals especially solicited. Ex
change furnished in any part of the
Alexander County
Savings Bank
i E. A. Bider, ...
. .Vice-President.
! Thos. Boyd
J. H. Galligan, Cashier.
F. Spencer, Assistant Casnier.
CAPITAL - $50,000
st I'I'I I s
- WW
strictly a Savings Bank.
Interest Paid on Time Deposits at
rate of three per cent per annum.
Once A Reader
of thn
Chicago Journal
Always a
Reader . . .
5 Yc3rs the Home I'spcr.
ninrr Via;flip mn;t rnrn-
, ' ' . , . , ,
TicU' 1U W5 strv!CC obta 1 nahl c
from ail DAttS of the world. It.s
coiuiiiiih air nnni .-iniiivtciiu
cditetl. Society, music tad
litcratiire ami ant atl aJaly
cOMOiented upon. Its fin.inciai,
, , ;.,? an, jvc slcJ. rv.
, i i s
views arc acknowJcfljjrtl to lie
. , , ,
tiVroaerilv ctnnplcte and moal
,,-K, 1
f i'l-Ai THI: Wl-'Fk KV CiB.
' sw , , ' i ML, " iji-li n r m a
An ideal country for cheap
lioiiies. Land at jr, $10, HI!
oats, grasses,
in the year.
South east Missouri, Ar
kansas, Louisiana and Texas,
are full of opportunities
tho climate is mild, the soil
is rich, the lands are cheap.
Low home-seekers' rates
about half fare via the
Cotton Belt twice a month
First and third Tuesdays.
For descriptive literature,
maps and excursion rates,
write to
G. P. A. and T. A.
Cotton Belt, St. Louis, Mo.
Cairo to St. Louis and Return, April
28, Via Mobile & Ohio Rail
road. 13,00, Cairo lo St. Louis and re
turn, tickets Will be sold for all reg
ular trains, Thursday April "S, and
will he good n t inning on all regular
trains to ami Including Monday, Ma
L'nd. 1901.
John M. Heall, Asst. 0. V . St Louis
Low rates to World's Fair on April
28, via Mobile A Ohio railroad. On
regular train, good returning May ".
Apply t,
M. A 0. Agt
Winter at Citronelle.
A healthful, restful, Inexpensive re
sort In the pines of Alabama, thirty
miles north' Of Mobile. It is high and
dry. Address Jao, M. Heall, Mobile
Ohio railroad, St. Louis, for illustrated
River Transportation
I or Memphis and Way iiandlnsjs,
: i ,t II K.
: ukKM I.EB
a Kssjn I .Sin iicrnaie -
I'BTERS I.KK Tuexdav 0 ' 1 '"'
STACKER LBJK Wednesday ; p. III.
A UKORlHA LKI I- rldsy . p, m.
J i BHD ii KKOi.n Saturdsj Ii p. m.
Fur Hit, t.iiuin ami Way Lndinis.
'MRO llf.m
;l. III.
for t Inelnnstl and tVny Lanitlnas.
4 Pi ri :;m R
Iil. I - LEK
Alternate '
Sunday! a. in.
Pol Frelsht oi'1 Passage Apply at
Haillday Phillips Wharfboal, ustro,
ROHKIIT K. 1,1 i:
i tenersl Manager,
(ieneral Oltice, '.". Front SHeet.
Mi Ti sui -- i d
The Big Store
1300-B Washington Ave
That is Good to Eat Use and Wea'
spiiH Vnur Oritprc Tn
.'Villi IUUI lIUVI.I
I ranklln s Wholesale Mail
Order WHiskes House
407 OBtS I .e ee.
f CAIRO, - - I
me Fan
ner gallon
t 1 11 1 net,
$4 00
W hen in Cairo iit
.noAt o n o 1
SA L4 )( )N
Wholesale Mai' Order
311 Ohio Levee Cairo, III.
Bkytt Repairinv:
Gun Repairir.y. Safes Opened and
a'l kinds of keys made. Lock
work. Bicycle Sundries of all
k nds for a'e. a'so Guns. R'
wolvers, fishing tackie. etc.
;12 Commer
Ave Cairo. Ill
Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets
A Bajf Ksdisiss fur Bsny ttJI
P: its 0 '. 11 Bsatti a-d aVateBi Vifw
A sperHlc f..rr"f.trll... In hesn. live
ni.rr, lYm Cinrt.T W.l,.,n. W
colpln nugglts for sallow Ptor' E
Office 707 Commercial Ave.
Illinois Central
Corrected to April nl 1804.
St. Louis & Chicago
S1'rainR leave Cairo:
IttlO a. in. iiiiii t im-Hcn Veemlbate
l.iiiiiteit. : rt I v i nc In Chicago at 10.50 a. w.
eottneetinff with ;i! e itiKm trains for all point
see! -mil north.
3UIO h. in. Daily -t. l.nnlaNlsrhl MsH4
arriiinir in St. Louis at 7:01 m.. e nnectiiiK
at Union Station for all point west. Slcepinc
' ears open at 9rlsi a. Ol.
I ." a. in., hieacn ImyliKht r re,
except Sunday, make all stofs between ral'm
ami i hieiiKo. ai ri -ini; in Chienge at -s;,Vi p. n,.
:l."a. in . St. I nuia Morninic Kiiim,
exoept Sunday, arriving In 8t. Lou in at
making all stops.
I'ltlT." n. m. t. I.oali Kst Mail, arriv
; iug in St. Lonia at fUSS p. m.
'ittiS p. in I liirair'i M iil-ilar Sjnifial,
arriving in I bicago, U):Mi p. lit.
2:SOp.aa Uailj I. imltod, ar
riving in st l.o.ii. ..' ' i p. 'm, connecting at
i'nion Station for K c itv. Omaha, Hen
vcr -an t'lancisio iinil ail Kiints west.
'ir'iu p. in. t nut Rxprees (or Odin, Ef
fingham, MatUion, Toloua, Champaign, Chi
cago. i:'-'t Thebes A' "innnindation.
tlUI., p, in. I hh-HKo anil l antern Y.x-
pre arriving in I hiengo at M a. m.. Indian
spolis. rr'.'j ('ftwinaati, 10:36 a. ni Buffalo, s.jii
p. in.. New York 7:50 a. m. Sleeping car to
Passengers eutesN.ZuiltbeSrd isfid .
that the I llmui- t t nt nt! is th- duu'kest routt
hy many hours, leaving Cairo Rt p. m. n n
arrivnif( in New Wirt at 7:-t0 the second morn-
Sill S, in. " The Dixie Flyer." Memphis,
Nasi v ille uml .laeknonville.
ill III a. in Memphis and New Orleans Limit
ed via V in; ic. arrl Inu in Mempllia Ht 8:15
a. m. and New Orleans 7 T it. in.
Midi) a, m.. daily, Fulton, radweas and Ijonis
ville Kxpress. arriving in Fulton 10:15 a. tu.
Pad u cab n : lo a. m. and Louisville g-.u p. m.
I :IMI u. :.. daily. Memphis and New Orleani
Fast Mail arriving in Memphis at 7:10 p. nt. and
New Orleans at IrsS a. in.
1 :IHI p in., daily, Nashville, Cliataneogaatid
ittO p in. Memphis and New Oiieans Hpecis 1
a,- r i v j n Memphis al 1U :.10 p. in., New Orleans
10:1X1 a m.
3 iil 5 p at. Paducab, HopkiasTllte sad Ittl-
00 For through tickets, sleeping car fSnSBMi
, nndationi and further information appiv at
' tllinola t'ential Pa"i nger Slat ion, Cairrt, 111.
,1 H. JONKS. Tkl. At.
A. II. BANSONrfOSU i'ass. Agt. Chicago.
Elegant New
Quickest and
Most Reliable
Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska,
Colorado, Utah, Pacific Coast,
Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas,
New Mexico and Hot Springs.
Observation Parlor Cafe Dining Cars,
mealH a la carte ; elegant Iranini,
Boom Sleepers, lighted iy electricity
and cooled by electric fans; new Re)1
dining Chair Cars (seats free); com
ortahie Day i loaohtt,
Hpeicisl lailsi' Sllll offered to heme neeers
for points SOBta and SOathwest. l ew tounU
rates tn RoelT Mountain reports and Pacific
Poaiit from rniro. St. Itui, etc.
No -
Jill p ni
II'.SJ p ni
Local Kr.-ls;ht and Passeagei N ". "J l:S) am
luteal Kreliftit and Passenger No. 8:10 p m
H. 0. TOWNHKNO, Oen 1 I" I. Agt. Mu
Pac Ky , St. boats. Mo.
f. O. M1LLKR. City Ticket. Aeiit, I'alro,
R1.MRK SMITH. D. T A. Ostl I
cloiis VW10N : station
fyncn os'iui'o
llhtt Or TKAiNS Af
Ms, J I'ares dm 1 l Up.sS
Nr. I Lear, daily - J:. m
No. 11 Lae wees days l:p n.
sm'Tci Hot'n
No. t IUN ilailjr, !: p.
No. t flares datlT' :e.
No. II LaTe weV dare ": n
c. n. c: r::.i.
1r -,' -. ST ' ri.
Bntraai mm - t,'' - t
Best tod Qttitketl Line
Kvansvillo. radticah, VinccntM,
Danville, Tcrrc Hatttc, tacUaa
,iji'::s, v.isvilic, Cincin
nati, Pittsburg, Ba'tiniore
Philadelphia, Washing
ton, New York Bos
ton, and all East
ern Cities
tar Tral at leai
No s- .i . a. m -Oti
Tore.fa c-a;! and en
le Nea)
'I et a- a
apetia. Col
ons for Is-
i ,
SsS.T'ae" a' OScst II aon. ' : f- m
and ;.a m a" i 'n .1ai: etrept Saa.iar
r. r ra.e, map ra-'tad ffiidee and feoera
!nr.ratatifB.eellnn or address BLMKBSIf ITta
Tirset Afent. l's-" I'.u,
W J. tTWCH. O. P T. A.. Cineiaaatl. O'
W e !lri'K. A.O e A . ! Tlf Mff.
i i. at. dTONK, T. P. A . I aire. tu.