Newspaper Page Text
7 i Wh y? THE CAIRO BULLETIN, FRIDAY MORNING, APRIL 22, 1904. J ; " ! Stocks s Bonds Cereals i Iden in g Why do yon still a sack Ut box in tht tlif bam? Don't! Don't yen know that it is absolutely safe in the immens: Steel Vaults and .Safe of the C7Y NATIONAL BANK, 609 Ohio Levee, C A I R 0, I I. I. I N o I S. Capital and Surplus $296,000.00. " '"ni'irfi HI New York Store MEPCAWl ILE Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,Plain and Taney Groceries and General Merchandise Wholesale and Retail. Corner 19(h Street and Commercial Avenue. 1 si i:i Uncle Joe's djj, Ohio Levee, Cairo, Illinois. RATES $1.00 PER DAY. ACCOMMODATIONS FIRST-CLASS. Steamboat and Perry Landings Opposite. Two Blocks From All Railroad Depots. Joseph Steagala, Prop'r. r?r Uncle Joe's "GLAD HAND" j Bar, a Strictly First-Claw GET A HOME IN THE NORTHWEST. j LOW ONE-WAY SETTLERS' KATES TO THE NORTHWEST AND CALIFORNIA. From March 1st to April 30th, IfM, the Puftlattrffl makes very low one way Colonists rates to Montana, Washington. Oregon. Idalc, California. The rt'duction ja ftoni U to 40 per rent. fro:n the rSgtttaW rates. THE WAV TO GO. The Bartiagtoa Northern Pactftc l-ixtiress," with ehair cafl and Tour 1st rdwpers, is tin' great duly through tralStMl I8W Notlhwe. t via WliflgS, IfesdaM Thwmgh rat sad tt I 1 to th Nnrthwcd via M Pstll and the (Jreat North' rn and Northern I'a ciflc roads. HOME SELKF.R V I XCURT.IOri:, on the first snd third Tuesdays of e.ich month. TO C ALITORNIA. Join the Eurllngton'c personally con rl'icted wHsly California excursions in throagh Tourists sleepers via Dst ver, t'aiough Scenic Colorado and Salt Uke City by daylight. Write for rates, rcufv!, train s-r-vire, folders, berths and other tnfor saHnh fi. b. fjit, l. w Watratsy, Tra P. Mt Oetl p- A' 604 Pine Street, 8t. loui, M'. your money ic ur in a tin ' iWIIHIi illli Hi COMPANY, j Are bum Indications cl sows fona of Dtorntcl I DC troublo, biliousness or n bad l!vor. Miliaria will 1 A cert overtoho you, Don't rhk It, r,ni cboro ell, I . .- k r- r. k . i I boa a!) (belt unite. g ;ho l.'!7 ;!.ee!.). MJ--v 1 '!. It raouhiriv will fore itall liead&fihearM thoiligestlvo orgtuuiu porfcot oocelt I lion, hood oil uiliouan mu, uiadaohesi livci' ilia, kaof you ia joud liuulLh. TUT iff TO-UAV. 50c a Bottle. All Druntttots. Saloon, Next Door to Hotel. KANSAS CITY SOUTHERN R'Y. 'Strlgt as the Crow Flies" Kansas City to the Gulf. fasting through a greater diversity )f climate, sol! and rUSXMrSS than an j Othtf railway Id the world for Its length Along Its lines are the finest lands uited for growing; small gr-'n .orn. las, cotton; for commercial apple and pencil orcliatdfi, for olhor fruits and ! BfTieS; Tor commercial cantaloupe, pstaSTA tomato and general truck I farms; for sugar cane U4 rice auM Ivatioa; for marehsatnhls Upher; for Iralsiag Imsmbs nates, cattle, kikji LslwegV IWrthri and Angora goata, at prr. ,i ranging (r-nn fre- gmrrnnicnt smacatpads to taeaty Bve dollars or ora pi r aeva Cheap rosasl trip homcsopkers nd '"19 way 'tiM,e3 or. b9l" Pr.t nd third tWM 4sy:. of pa. h month Write for h 0069 1 of Current Evcnta pnldtshcd ly the Kansas City Southern Railway the short line to "Ineipensive and com loftaMe homps " S O 68 Vi'tr-'Fh OP T A Kansas City, Mo Hotel, Homeseekers and Settlers' Rates To the Sunny South. On flrt and third TitC3day of each Tnh kg and ln-''idlg ApHl, i?0i WHte raft M BsdR a p. a.. Mo Mle A O' !o R R , fi Lonls, Mo., slat 'ng to what poln yn wish rstps. WHEAT, CORf! AND OATS MARKET OPENED FIRM ON NORTHWEST REPORTS BUT CONFLICTING RUMORS MADE TRA0HR8 GUESS. I)y Associated Prosa Chicago, April 21 . WHEAT The markel opsnod firm under the in fluence of decreased receipt in tin ortbw i shade tn ftil 'i higher, m 85. The leading fact r In the early morning trading was the strength ol northwestern, markets. As the seasfc n advanced bearish notion in corn market became ! a powerful Influence. There was al- so enough crop ne ws of conflicting j kinds to keep trailers guessing. In conseqhence wheal became nervous Houses with northwesitern oshnoc ttons wore persistent buyers on crop I daman a resorts from the southwest. Minneapolis reported prospects tor large Hour sale;. The weather condl iions ikowed an Improvement ami re ports from the northwest t! i of fair progress in seeding. Trading was I more ac Ivo than for some tine past. shorts WOrK The dpst Higher; MS as bosttloa :; i.ivi rpool H so of selllni ier. the mar was lit! battet were 9ft low i '( RN eoao Dort big h; Mora which Bent the price ot that deliver)1 Up to V. On the ad v.. nee the market was Hooded with long corn, and before the Hurry ceas-l o.l. .May had ht nearly all the earlier I gals. Within the last few minutes of trading, a partial recovery was made! d'.ir to Hi.' etrengtb In wheat and the Close was a!:out stejdy. May lii':- ('.. ether mouths ttttchtnged to !49t ver. The soaboard repofted pine v tool ' i er ! OATS- Were unsettled with ; -V, early, followed li and a tame cl ise at in rh eavy selling by baar interests a : puns cl improved BCCding ntul pr leiionS of warmer weather. T, lreif?th was in sympatny wen ier '.in. Trading was liberal. ol lint lor 11 WHEAT. iuh Lev A 89 89 V Open II . ,19ft . .sc , !S:i lift IS-, CORN. BOft T i9 1S OATS. '7' . "G'.i PORK. . .41 . . lit May May . 1 1 90 111 an 1 1.85 11 10 1 1.93 July .12.15 12.S2 U.12 1181 11M LARD. May . i;.IT IkCO "I 17 8,81 G.80 July . fcSS sVU (1.05 i; r7 (l.()7 Kins May . 8 87 7.'i ti.''.7 8.87 8,30 Julj . 6.45 6.88 6,48 6.66 6.41 ST LOtJIS GRAIN HARK! St. Louis. April 21, The f ui the rsni of prices for the day; WHEAT. (Suatss h Low April M April Si ;il 60ft !'i 86 81ft 83ft lift II CORN. lift 17 I7', 17ft 17ft 17ft IV'h 47-Tt DATS. 81ft ;;sr-,s :iti7s H May July II K (,'ASII MARKETS. St. ,. .ii . April 21. The following spot prices ruled hi re today for vari ous grains mentioned: No. 2 Red Winter Wh at. 961861.68. No. I Red Winter Wheat, 66061,83. No. 2 White Corn, 66fi 61. No. I Mined Corn. 46. No. White Corn, ISV" No. :; Mixt 1 c re, $, No. 2 White Oats, IEQ 15ft. No. 2 Mixi i nt , I2f l."j. No. .! White Oats, f.lftft V. No. d Mix. 1 Oats, In. LOCAL ORA1N MARKETS . . Cs h prices la the Cairo marl rday -er- si fotlawsi No I R-d Winter Wheat. 87 No. I Red Winter Wheat. !.".. No. 2 White Corn. 6t. No. 2 Mixed rorn. !1 No 3 White Con, 18 No. ; Mtte I t orn. It. No. 2 White ()1t , 4d No. :: White Oats. :!. No. :; MxH Oats. No 1 TlBMthy Hay, per ton. Receipts and Sr. pments. By Associated Prpss. Chicago, April 21. The follow ins were the hipm"nts in carload lo s from thi- mirt; t inlay: It' ' ' :pt Shipment Flour 17 -i. WhesT. -to 18 Corn lit " I Oais, 133 Itt K GRAIN MA- Ry Associated Prats New York, Ajpril 81. 104 elevator i N .. -a b. afloat options neK higher. Way II. i,i a ( 0,000; spot Irregular; . tavatc r and M f. . i -WHEAT R o VTS .mo jatst I 8ic Mlnnespolii Cereals !y Associated Pres.. Minneapolis, April 21. Liverpool Quotations, By Associated Press. Liverpool, April II.- W Spot dull. CORN Baol Brm, America ;u'. is 3ftdi American mlxei !AT LIVE STOCK rVTARKETS. By Associated Press. (i so mr against last week. Todaj -maud from all cl.is6 i ady to firm, beef of i. uyer .. prices c selling largely a) MJH98.16. HOOS With aliout IJl.tMiu on snl 'day there was poor demand) th arket being itiill and w ak. uhoti ,'e lower. SHEEP vr.i all c At St. Loui By Associated press, St. L uis. April 21 Receipts 2,009. Steady 18.75(6 5.25; Btockers CATTLE beef ste td feedc ;;.r,ni 1.80 eows ami heifers 2.20 steers fw.HWti l.w. Houe ran PRODUCI MARKET. 'BR irregular, croamery 1 1 .. BUOS SI ron i COFTEB Ol 1 w rn i n doseti IS" itead net five at in o pom!;; lower. s May 5.9B6.0I Spot rio I 56,000 hiy I steady, 7 Invoice 7,.K: mild steady. wing si't.'Ait itnv steady, iair refining lay ' I-16 3 S 1(1; centrifugal 88 test 38-16; molasses ingar 8 12-10!. m i Are You a Dyspep; ! 88H If you are a dyspeptic yon owe It 86ft to yourself and your friends to r 'I Well Dyspepsia annoys the dyspep-e-"i tic's friends because his disease sours iiH'i tiis disposition as well us his stom ach. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure will not 87ft 1 only cure dyspepsia, Indigestion and 37 sour stomach, but this palatable, re constructive tonic digestant strtiiKtn sns the whole apparatus, and sweet ens the life as well as the stomach. Win n you take Kodol Dyspepsia Cure ft the food you eat is enjoyed. It is li- tissues. r's driiK store. A Curious Misprint. Kor many years the Hiiii.-li and For olgn Bible Society lias offered a To ward of a guinea to any one discover ing a mtspiinl In I copy of the Bible bearing Its ll iprint The other day UtS ntn'-i was claimed and received ly a Mr. Sherlock (htgnificunl name), who ditcrtvercd that the passage in gt V ir' "HI disciples lollow Him," v.. 1 ' fnllnwad hlni." New York ,inrl Lcndon. Manhattan 1-land has an average of 111 people to the P'.e, while lindon B.ckvchc, Paxin in Side, Hips and Groin To mni! caitcs an- direct rcn!ts of wr.AK K1DNKYS and INFi.AMM K TM iN 01 THR BLADDER. The strain on the Kidacys and Inflssaed memhrsaes liaiag the neck oi Uss liladd. r prodt lag tbc!e p.iins. Lark's Kidney Globes WtU CURE IT. 'i wo .lores give relief, and one Iw.a will eue any c niiuary ca-e of EM ncv or Bladder TlUSSlK. ItCSSOVca CraVel, tures DiShatet, eminal Knnsnoii'. We ro d l.amt- I . X heuniaiism. onl all irreeularitie of the Kidireys and Bladder, in both men nn.l women. Bold at f0 c r.ts j,,T 1,. x rn the No Cure No Piv basil hy Panl ;. B halt A- Boas, 6o7Co- SStlCial A" . pS)4 Hatty W. Stlnih Dreg Co , D'h L Corrtnereial Ave., r.'c Sgents for Cairr ; or tent by mail :r,on receipt of t ri t by Ls MM. cine Co.. L"nisvil'u Kv. STOCKS, BONDS, MONEY MARKET WAS ONE SPECIALTIES i AND CAUSE OF MOVEMENT WAS NOT ALWAYS MANIFEST. fly Associated Press. specialties and peculiar grounds i which this class of securities ually moved were not always mant st. The market started opwarfis l by Onion Pacific, which si- m id hi ourt against carr ilan of dlstributii urities leasts, t: b Northern Bee of Northern fc majority vote by Hie N'ortliern Securit'Cs stoe : no ders in favor of the plan seemed to click the advance in Union Pacific, but it held iis firm tone on the ground, that dewy in execution of the plan or dts tributlon wiU be for s time available for negotiation and for arriving st a possible settlement, which would diet laltCly remove this vexed prohletn from its disturbing position in the ma rket. Owing to the firmness ot Union pa clflc Snd the reoovery of I nit d State; BtOSl, preferred, were sympi thetic Influencea in favor ol blghoi prices in an otherwise SOmiStBgnanl ma rivet. Influence en United states steel preferred, which received the mosl recognition, was the Bgreemeal amO&KBl ere plollieei's to reduce the til lllll! to an agreement to limit the output The coalers were subjects of a de monstration, which carried them to H higher level. Kor the day of a divi dend d claraUon, Amalgamated cop pi r was imprecedenle lly dull and The stock lo,st t.i on the day with maintenance of existing dividend rate. Call money loaned here as low la : ne per cent and tinis loans, for all periods showed continue I softness or lone. The stock market closed Irreg i:lhr an i bflow the best Government Bonds Today. Yesterday Refunding 2's registered. Etetunding 2'n cotnon.. i Registered it's ' Coupon 3's ! T... It., ' J 105'., 10.".' . 106) , 1U7', 163 131 HIT'.. 107'., 106) 106 1 106) 107' 138 184 107' 107' iiw t n iryairirvi i .hw ! 8 coupon OM 4s registered U!d 4'n coupon Railroad Stocks. Atchison 72'.. Atchison preferred B8W 88 i iilt me, re St Ohl 7!'' , 70 Chicago it Alton 37', 37 ; Northwestern 168 169 Denvi r & Rio Qraads . 81 20 Den. Itio Grande pfd. till ', 70 ' Illinois Ueniral llOjq 131 Louisville Si Nashville. . ins 108 Metropolitan 1 1 .t 1 ., ii'i1, Missouri TaeHle !' 92) NOW York Cenlrai lid1.. 115'., Pennsylvania 117'.. .mi-', Reading HJi 4 c, Rock Island. 2:i, 2 Rock Island ftl 86k II At. I'aul UP, 11'. Southern Padflo IM'j Is . Southern Railway 21 21 . I'nion I'aeille 85 , M tJnlOM i'aciliu pfd !2',. 81; , Wabash l8- 184 Wisconsin Central. is I s '. Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Uopper . , if 19 4 Brooklyn Rapid 'iranstt. it: jj M ,. ( ok rsdo Puel ami Iron. 88 81 Northern Becnrtties .... 8664 M Paeitle Mail 17 H 2' Peoples Gas 0( 1 , !'7 Sugar 127' , 196)j Tennessee Coal and Iron, i'7 87ft I'nited .Stales .Steel . 10',. KM, United Siau s Sleel pfd- 61 Wastora Union 16 88 Monty aod Exchanye. Mone) on call vary easy K'i'i per c. ni. Closing hid was I; olfereil at . Time loam easy and dull; Hhly ninety da .' 'i-; six months pi r e ut Prims paper it ift Htchange easier, doaiaad 467.40i0 6467.46; ilxty day , 4I6J604I6.3O. , 1 ' A Cure For Headache. Any 11. an. woman or child suffering from headache, biliousness or a dull, drowsy feeling should take one or two of (8 Witt's l.ittl" Kr.rly Risers night and morning. TkMWS famous little pills are famous bOOsUM they are a tonic ti well ns a pill. While they tteaast thn system they strengthen and rOhalM it hj thir tOSdC SSTaet up- SB the IKer and boWUS, Met gi i s drug store .Sold h . King David's Tomb. The tosab of UavM, Khag at Israel is atiii po Bted oat to travelers in rales lire, aid d"pite its age is In a re HllhlW good Stats f pr.servation. Danl di'd in ' 1 " B. C.. and was bailed in the 'City of David." His tomb becaus. the sepillcher of several 1 b'Pipient king-, and one of the "a- cred plact s of the kingdom. It standi jH Mount Zioii, at Jeiuaiem pi-t out- sjfaeCtaacR aO. Pimples, sores, bad breath, head- ache, indigestion and coastipatsoa paaetlvali cared witb HoRtstcr's R ! Mountain Tea Now's the time to lean.-, v ur -vat'-n of all impii'l lias 'ii cents. Paul O. Schuo k 1 mm urn : 4 IF YOU WANT I to eat "the kind of L made" or better, yoi fine white bread sncl dnced from SYLPH the ook is not at fanl H. L. Halltday Milling Co. : ! I ANNA LAKE HAYNES JOHN A. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Choice Butter, Hams, Bfftakfast Bacon, Staple and l-'aucy Groceries, Fine Canned Goods, Btc. f Special Attention toCitv Trade. Prompt Delivery (inaranteed I 619 OHIO LEVEE BOTH PHONES NO. 100. RMC T-SZ- - VV I ) VMS t T V V A. A A A K 7 ' Hr 20 Years Has led aS3 Worn Remedies, fcmSfMj HiT,i) XiV AI1T1 XXiX7CC3rXe3,X'(3. , WiepsMdni JA. SOLD Bw SCHUH DRUG CO. MOBILES OHIO BULLETIN Rates via Mobile & Ohio Railroad to St. Louis, Mo., Account Louisiana Purchase Expos'tion. April 60th in December 30th, 1864, 7.48 round-trip tickets sold daily, commencing April I Rib, and cotittdo ing during the entire period of the Exposition, limited t" return Deccto her 16th, 1804. $6.20 round-trip tleko.ts will be soW daily, commencing April f5th, snd continuing during the period of toe! Exposition, limited to return sixty 1 60) days from date of sale, Low-rate excursion Cairo to Hi. Louis sad return, Thursday, Apjrll :'sth. 83.00 round-trip tickets will be Hold for regular trains on the !8th, limited to return on all regulai trains to and ineluding May 1, 1 904, odd Pellows in 1 ' 1 late An oclatlon, Carbon dale, III., April 88 1904 Ronsd trip ttckoU will he sold to Murph ; bOTO (Uid return Aril 6 and 16th, at 'one fare. $1 S7. limited to return April I 271 h. ! Slate Convention and Reunion llli j nois Kills' Association. ,lio 1 mvile, ! III.. May :: I. 1804. Round trip Hi kt Will he sold May M Bad Id to 00 rifle at rate of $s.:c,, iimin d to return I May 6th Annual F.m anipmt nt D' partment of Illinois 0 A. R . Springfield, III Apr 1 66-16, tt04. Tickets 6)111 be sold to gprtngflt Id and N turn April 16 h. VXt : ;,,) y7th, at oae far, 66 II, limited lo return April 86, 1604 (n ral Conference M. B, Church, t,,,s Angel s. Cil . May :; :l I !!. Na tional Association of Retail Oroe' rs ol I'n ed grates. s.n Praaci sm, 'ai 1 fi I For the ahiac ik i ' ions round trip in k. is will he so. I either to San Francisco or l An tprll to Ml I 1 ,,, 1 j m 0 i to rWtara Jm 1 1 694 , po' Pa part;, tlUl - addr th OS di 1 Ignad. JOHN M MBALL A. c, p a m o r h W Lean .1 II. JONKS. Tick. I g. 111 a.n Opportunity to Visit the World's fair c.ty on Thursda-. April js. ti,,. M .i ; . & Ohio will run a I1.4M pxcur i n (Tm cair-. ka St Lsais, and r t am tickets bt4asj sold for all tram- ol that date, sad Hsjlted to M i nn on e r.;sular fraia. to and Inrlu ling Ma .. . an. znn. ta 3'.. lw- j Mobile k bio, Tbe.rsday April ?, iDl other t HAYNES, 8i "WHITE'S CREAM 5 HVERM FUCE j f ( w mm m u. u a -mr a k ) i 1 m g.i - Ii'"-'. In Qo 1 ES F. BALLARD, St. Louis. THI8 IS A Presidential Year AND YOU MUST Keep Posted Ths way to do this Is read the WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL HENRY WATTER80N, Editor. leeued Every Wednesday. Twelve Pages. $1.00 a Year. M6VMMUE RKFOItM, SOCIAL UK FORM. MORAL UKFORM. The Courier-Journal isaucs the best Almanac published. Send 3j cents for a copy by mail. COUUIKR JOURNAL COMPANY, LOUISVIi.I.K. KY. By special arrangement you ean get THE WEEKLY BU'-LETIN and the WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL both one year for $1.50. Tht.. Is for cah gubscrlptknil .Ml sal illptluas under this cot lion mu . he ... nl through the B fTn n Through Pu'tman Sleeping Cara to California Points via The Iren Mountain Route. Leaving 8t Louis 3:30 a m. daily for Lea Injrtra via "True Southern Koutp slso touret slppplng esrs oa this fame train for I.- Ar.l-' and San Francisco erery Wednesday snd Thursday. Best winter route to Cali- fon,ia. gor further taforastioa call w address Miller O P A, Cairo 11L ' ' .' .. . ... L.ILU--1 ilUliUS, M V . v. 8t iLoaaa, Me.