Newspaper Page Text
ONLY r 1 WEATHER For Cain VOL XXXVI. NO. The Russian Spirits in Consc- ' . quence Raises a Notch JAP SOLDIERS SUFFER ON ACCOUNT !LI IT. i AND ; i Li n i A By MUSGOWITE MVT SOCIETY WOMAN 6 BECOMES ACTIVE IS SMDU A,, s the i whi polar mitid. w ii ii'ii naa net t appreciate UN reason for l:y of the Vladivostok aqua si ivie.'sliu.-g la loaded say there is no nraiiinruj. a king of tli Kin Shtt-Mari trt lion of the K i Bhins sunk i-v ths JananoH0 be all the officer . aoro he crow ami cooito on bo ird a Rne Ian irajPfcaifacRe i oj ind sunk off Asan. 'IV'A FOR P":ACE. nelated Pn as. IITle' e ( 1 1 TV I iCT, 111 UU I'll el i,- slid hla "ovsnmirnl e ew with satisfaction Rtissl i not ilefl ti- i pn patfc n el' IRaneharia, but that was iletermlnoii to naaintaln gooi lations with the Rnssian g.ivern itit War. the tolnlater Bald, was. ,i desired at Pokln China, he ankl, fully aware th.i m mi m migh . ime complleatlcns wntcn wouw net t:il to China hersett Our trained! ' it In not with such a force thai '!; itti-inn army could lc conquered. The landnene would not help us much and. Bkrc3ver. the ctbiI is no, i.av MM In int rodnee the'Ke I tma puna, eeea for the purp j defending the country He said Chi na sol" cause c to ' in Ihe oon . i , .., i ., iilar excite, i.i in and order : ui i 1 , ( tn use even Hi'' 11 ti .1 1 CU li.OnlCl rta r for the pwrpoite of pteventlei risinc-. He conxiden-d the only do. j rer of complications lies in soman I DURING A FOG. fly Aeaocieted Prena. I en Ion, April 28. The Telegraph Toklo eorr espnadent asserts that the ItfiaslW erwleera aBaffl past th, Japanese squieioa miring a f-ig and lecain! the harlmr of Vlalivotoik TWa is tkc mly additional n v.s that (Continued oc Second Page.) NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF THE 117. Jeweler Lose Diamond Sunbursts .. . v . I- .1 Sent Out l or Approval THE PHONE WAS USED AND THE J ELS ANC SENT JEW ilerau igencv. ili it were ri cplauai It SIX PATIENTS HALF TREATED 4 by Bre. The labaratory wai lime I. and sis n gross who ilerg 4n ; ihe bleaching pro re lei ; dlscatisol ite in a cor. tbi ir skins i,ig i.. i)eee , i rottxh i m throwing an X-ray hi;' I n, thereh) destroying iiii si in and chang'ng tar and ebon, inn oes hsve rerfchetl the stag! where the dark color was fading In patches an I ,i singular checkered ef icct was achieved. In u few weeks the wen. prepared to take up tb imnch of dam-ore I :.' eh nlaldi re nnani ci unter until we paratus em be replacwl. lie a matter of weeks. inroen i This m T'i ere is r aaon io belie ely tb i exnetimenl vv i i 1 mill, ;i lei tii'ic mi ,-, ., ,j , ,my n M u , . j.,,,,,,, M . f r i t aii r e r la KM lY! .11 laiAr ONCE MORE Wilt Be Thrutt Upon tl t;, President M I Sesson. ,; .t' ' iated I'r ss. Wasjrfro-.t' a, April eflf!? o.lay ulrecti Presld nt IM reap as colled ton. So th tl, at II ht any 1 IV wili he dispoa 1 ! iUiaity. V sed -ii get wan n- h gi ample funds. Should hoi adi the gwreraownt oil pay hiai the back salary , CAIRO BULLETIN. CAIRO, ILL., FROM CONGRESS Closing Session of Both Mouses .Marked By Good Felling RESOLUTIONS OFFERED RY VVII.LIA lion (were Speaker Ca the absence ol iVIUlarafl. th iui ling vv 11 it'll i .ill parties ei Following II atmliition. wh proinoi I i most '9n American with extraor nd a remark dlnary common of i of thai mosl cbaractorlstK Amortcan nualitiesgoniaJ on utterance provoked vociferous ipnlaus from inn! lies of tat lich had be ion. Wili. in I referrina to a an versa i pe tker aid: "Mr. Bin iker, i will adwa i'linli that you are fair as I lielb rou '.'.ill in." The speaker, he sa ii plied: "John, I am gotag to be i ia.oi tlce v. h n be put that ILuitatioit on bis stal ment, "hot." -aid Williams, ' it was chararterlsthr the Irani ncsa an I camlor of th. nan t nut m limit. II adopt i d a;sl ntonium re m pnl. lie his all" 6"' BSCttBwnta ' - had mounted the tun. loir- I v Can 1 i the sou - . pen ocrat an we a i tram, r was vhiiily afleetei. and racefnl sp " k deeldre i i i . bm of Ike i. solution. At the e mchwios f his i . I speaker deeternd th- in mniel. Tie OWilJan to the ;; he hroWgM his eavel down i ii n'A reiien-bet ! r.s or.e of tl oU . i ll i j ig t e m 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE FRIDAY MORNING. APRIL DEATH PLUNGE II THE fill The Suicide l ights Off His Ill II II.. II Would lie Rescuers. THE MAN IS UNKNOWN LY CLUE THAT MAY LEAD TO I DC. NT I FIC AT ION IS A LATCH KEY AND A WATCH HAD SEVENTY CENTS. 1 struggle to ! was ilrewni E FROM th:: rapacious he ha-j Browned. The man la almtrl "" yeara old, , : nv reel tour inches tail and has .i scar an Inch lo 'g nn bis left cheek. ! tie had on a saeh pmu of gray ma j lerlal, which made up hia suit He wore a slouch hat, hae dark brown halt and mustneUe of the aanio color. In hia BOC et was fonsd a pocke nook containing 79 centu and a latch I I watch, the c i e,l l.;.7u, and l! 4 M(Cmi, AN IMMENSE QUANTITY Of Pni; Tisitcr on Chippewa Rrser vat ion to Be &;ld By the Governrrent. Washington, April g9 The aegf 1:I.y nf ,(, ;t, rj,,r n;,.. roved if BHtfctioB of th- couinii., ion-i :'i the g serai land office providing fm llu. . . , r ,,,,. j,Imj r M ,H,. ui. .u . . .. . . , it ee itnins; I: - U i t of N'orvva) pin ( IT n rS ' i Next Yeva, lia. H!LS& lieu, mamvwth cave I x --'-: Wit -0?) 2?. 1904 HER DEFEAT President Mitchell of United Mine V1..-I. . O .. 1.". ... II: At i Workers So Expresses Himself A SIGN OF WEAKNESS ON PART 0 WHEN TH El IN WHICH ' WAGE EARN HE SORT TO VI WIN A CAUSE THEY ENGAGE Icle by President ! United Mine Work intcii today in Tin1 Mitchell in tlx' art m of Triiilo I 'nil .iii.uliy ill t-hc public No tiow JobI the demand ; iif 1 1 mi matter how i omproreii Ing tltude of the employer, the ctrcumsi ances HVO.I In il. C Bl into 'ii a JST. and the it ,r imite rorce appears tor a rw to i e dentrnMe; ibis, howev t , i oi sighted policy and brim ii , ..vv ii punishim at la better to me I to the hop .;, i ii tory From defiant thar ir. untofl and the strikers ii h i i ma . detet a strike break ,r a i re of them ina'ii I I much -reatei and more lire parable dam D ... , n ib" party giving than uiK'ii be party receiving the blow " mrnen ' leadi r a. rat thai t ine ten misrepresented a i anl ayi in support of Ihi. during an iii lustriai conflict i may dlagtey exe plinlial sell tint stiii il " pit-.', of tin- conn try b dnnsti a singh; man may wield a club or heave a iiriek tin I lb wire g of the i r.-i iwmenl oi Mi" ! prop Ky an I pre .Mr. Mitchell di I ha- rnh . prohibit il ir m tn ii ng ii';ii, i i bodl - H none- opp . e the militia defend thetn. lo- says: ii w ho do oppirs t Y i reeognlee that thi ..t 1 !l ' ''"' "' f t( 1 . ... I , -la ! npp: als in union tnea Ii a: ! es with al! organic e. inclndiag mlHtary ert ntiiiiied on Second Pag IN VIOLENCE BUTCHER GIRLS Rve Hundred Women in New VnJi ll.,nv!n. 4 York vV taring Aprons. WERE EASILY TRAINED TO HANDLE THE CLEAVER AND KNIFE wivh DEXTERITY THE INNOVATION FA VOR ABLY RECEIVED. New Y rk, April 88, "Good a itoak, about two pounds? na'am " The butcher girl turnt d t a ii ii i wielded the keen knife with :i itrong, I'm in stroke and separated . tne looking sirloin from the join: ib i trimmed oS the tat and threw the n.'iik on i ho scales. ("Two pounds and a Quarter' she aid. "Kori i tvi nta, Dlease. Pay buteher giiis i in Weal On i lttn street. vi wnn wiili white mil Twei pre bl i'' 3 ponded i the shoulders igo bow al the back. much like the oo i raRor girls in ra ita i 'kot wus lull of Till buteher girls worked ntly. There was no h rants. The tomers and i swiftly and fhoutlng of "Cash and no rumiinK ( and fro. as i r 1 in depsrtmenl tores KoinetimcH do, BSvery btMeher girl was exnocted to stick to aer own particular block. . The man Who employs thrill ItSI p nt two years training them to Jo ii. He began with two glrla, and round then such a succeaa thai he in- creased Ih number of IS, and per suaded butchers itrtwntown on Hhe i:.i. ami Wesl sides, and in Brooklyn to rollow his example. Incidentally he has stirred up a hoi fighl with tho imalgamal d Meal Cnttera and ,, , , ... ., . , I ner are now alinui 500 butcher . .. , i, ,u is sie.einj i.'iiijiii i e i in ew tori) I anil rtronMyn Tin- nivlv.' from ', to $u a week, as compared with $I'J ; and 16 a week paid to young.ntfn i for the same work. c. Wellman, business ng nt of ihe Anaalgantntad Ueatcntterai Who nas tin oiiee in rirsi avenue, near Korty-sixth street, saya the buteher glrla are lowering Ihe wage scale la Hi trade. He has begun steps t' oust them. The tnoatcuttera' union il affiliated with the American Keien tion of Labor, and can, Mr. WelUnan says, make matters warm buteher girl i. t rancls X. Butler counsel for the meatcuttera' union ays tbal tn i itself mainly i in tdauahter I tnizatlon concerns I'Tair oi men and thai lie ' ii had not yet been a legal proposition VI t None of the glrli in the Harlem l op or in shops on the eisl sldi woulj talk abotti the Lady Meateui ters and Balesladles' Protective -. icialion that they are g tting up Th ; deeiar ihat Mrs k. Julias, who is their organlaer and cot spondrai eon tary, had Instructed thi m sot ti talk until the organisation was com had to refer lo this memorandum, a ; rb ie. They said that Mis. juims h.i.i n, cm.ii.nai.ons were freqnenllji I no offlc i, ami they i . f nut know I changed, ! whi te she lived. Hut she vi di -i; "This case i suspicious, at leist." I around al the various stores where I Commented Judge Unit "She de-nroy- buteher girls are employed, and re , ! the memorandum alter she had re ! ported th at ih i ii ... salesladies' union ( ceived the subpoena to testify and ! was geiiing along swimmingly. Mr he natural Inference is that she did YVeflttlM said ;e knew ihat, alihoi.,;!i ; 11 itit -til in lly and with the ; be did not know Mrs. Julius. Hut the f des roving tin- means of ascerl.iln j butcher girls were tting , fnrmi I : '"' cotiiliinalii ns Th act of eon. able he was going b. mak it his bus j lempt lies therein, and it has not been line to heeomi aeiiualuted with he:i I diown that she acted in (to-sl faitb." i "''he hutch j ofl the ip.i.-t. rg it i,ing Weilm in 'bey send out girls to Invite otiiei glrla to their aie lings. There i ; g disputing (he fact that butcher girl at beeoming popular la New Yovt At s .me of our kienl union we hnti ;;7,,"l) ' frm lhsi their place, were lill.-d by won n Tin , all,,, i that whenever a man was compelled to work overtime, or in any other way to c mllicl with salon rnlra, be was diaeagrced lad his aiaci till..,! by a wnn.ui. We have Inve ti I gated live k tores in which women an emplojn i. and Bgaj that the com I1 lint ; ' H e men ore hi I Th, itmcn r gins are large and stronftjtt rhi y can lilt airl cut im-n as vv 4 i a man Rmpluyera have confessed io sa 'hit women raeatcutters dra custom and bolld up trade." 1 McKELLAR ON TRIAL. Special to the BttUefJl, Wiekliffe. Kv. April t'tii The tut in t, lie if i-, v i ,i-.,. ...... ... day I,.-,. i ,, ,nai ,.,..... Mr Kell-ir. who eh re I with Invicg influence tn our municipal afeJm tm lib d It.dwrt Berry, a: Bandana, in the ureal national partlee." 'ind romrty 'a t HeytemiK r Th A res katiun was aduated protid. I eing irii il hj Jmit: p. t. i i comraitte, on local tax circnll mart, e imm-ie-a.- n n wh.ei- .hall con -ider that changes lerdas The co,.irnimwealih r-.i-t a' n.av be neessary an.l desiral.le in ihe noon an! durin.s the af.ernnon ph tnauttltatlona and Uw - of vari-ie -ieian . tperl ,n tnsinity wtr- fvmi tales and report at ih next meet iro ! by ihe dt.fen i tut, a tv U-agae. K I V E R At Cairo today: 37.a g L feet; rising. , ESTABLISHED IN 1868 f E Rothschilds of the Globe Security T... a ..I 1. 11 J Li . I tun.'d It Over to Her. DETECTIVES SEARCHING j FOR THE WOMAN-THEY LOST ivCK OF HER AT ATLANTIC IT Y AMOUNT IN HER POSSESSION IS LARGE. of money, pro Globe Security in the custody of ha le 1 from tn. attorney money-lending about tin :iii: in' ... . continued II left here suddenly and trace her to Atlantic C RothcbUd waa at tan I d i go to the hotel w where l..ui no. She did re K.dhehihi inippoi . i to I was then living, I :iav Ixeii in e.iiiiiiiiiiilcjiluii with hin Both left Atlantic City and wg havo !n . a unable to locate (hem ninoe then. W'e have had detectives from a pri- vate agenc) looking for them. I have no means of knowing ho much in n ey was turned over to this woman, but I am ertain it was a large sum. "I am confident that when an ex amination is made of the socurltiM held by the trustees of the (ilolio 8- curlty company a groat shortage will be discovered." Through Miss Katherlne RenaMty in the United Siaten court yesienlay tho fact was learned that two minor Irani iiiider Rot.hchild were enKaged in Ims- i.. .i... i -i ..... ..t.. ' ' """'" " ' "1'' "f "M"s" llrms waH J- "ld a1"' -"i,:"'-v "" "''"'' fn S"M"' ''wianwn the officei nt ;h (ii die company. In stead of inakiiu; nans dire.-ilv, turned ... . 1 nver would lie borrowers, to one of Hm linrj usually in rata l win re thu rate was lo be unusually largo. Miss Heimy was tearful and cvl- den.'ly frightened and th' mile 01 last Week were missing Itefore going l i eourl she vhsliel he Globe offices In the American Track building, 150 Nassau .strnt, and protested again that she could not upen ihe sales. Her tens started la the tin lined "safety van!;" She turn- I he handles of the safes, but with ml any result John McKeen, rcreh r oi the company has not yel been B aide in (.pen i Ight or ten of the safes. Miss lloaney lirsi appeared before 1 ludgii Holt to answer lb" charge of contempl of conn fur having fallel the sale.; and for not havlnj I In court in obedience to i appoan ill i i en i Her own physician bad certified ;- e was too 111 to attend but a physlcisn sent by the emirt Ton ml thai he could appear without ; . n I .mm ing her health Her lawyer, in Y VVnlte, made a statement to tM court, savin - she had destroyed her ti c. ni, nudum .1 the cnaitdnalioaa of Ihi sft'S because she had deemwl 't. useb;.' I as she h id been dUchftrgaA In open In r the rafes ihe had alvvayn MUNICIPAL LEAGUE , Stdl io,or.-Many Instructive .. . Speeches Oellvared Yesterday. - t,e Vss'n ! ill il Press ('hingo April 2S - At the afternoon n nf th.- National Municipal I a t;. . -Til- .Ww Urb aii I taG. n. iii I what a parnsan a tm.nisiraiirm ' was the subj dlsCwased rt,i ltiHin nf Nhw bv .1 I orienni The next sp-aker aj Prof. i ..t, ol die Cniverslty of Tiroat, i ,'. ti" spoke i n ' The functions of a ty with special rcferwnce tn public rervices." j Charles J Itonaparie. of Bar'tltnotev ! presideti: of the teegwe. apl-e on l'l.-i lin in munieiual oolitira." . whl(-h he dofitt. I a.- The activity and I filS TH MONEY