Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY MORNING, APRIL 30, 1904 tup PH1PIF8 nnillMN. MORE ARRESTS BUSINESS LOCALS. I 1 1 U I LVI -S- W wva-w-.. . , a . kit r m r r IN BANK UAtt Short Announeementt Representing Their Wants, Trades, Prof tlons and Variout Activities. (Concluded from First Page.) Rates For Classified Notices. Ode insertion per word Three MMi iiloMS ucr sfotu One ri'l pt-r word Om tuonth ter word All umUiv in Nuuitarril IT. No sdvertiseim'iil Inserted lor ir twcut) BteceuU. PUOKKSMIONA L. Dr. Dunn, eye. ear, none and throat. 8UU1 and Washitiiriuri. . .01 - ..., .. .Oh .IS linn depositors. will go as atggeetlon Money to io deposit wealthy, ud be he can. His lira to put 111) MJOUgh ;enu oa the dolljii tlu Gran I siiv Corner if KMi.miAii NoTH MM. Hjeclal one wav aecond class oolonist rates Ui In,- west siol southwest t greatly redut-rU n uresvla Iron Mutnitaiu route from ( alro. NURSE. ftoiifiii.inent nurse best reference j.. t Mississippi Levee. MAIL ORDERS. depositor more than SO will turn over to them t',.t Miss ' purposes to take their claims, wi the written agreement t if tl I bank payi iter cent b difference," David Rothschild. WOT iia;: been In the Tombs for some day s. was latllcl Od today upon the two charges 1 grand larc ny on which he til ar rained before a magistrate, lie will ft great nunc n rambled Under Dress ol Wo man and She Screamed. COOL HEADED ACTRESS PREVENTED A STAMPEDE OF A PHILADELPHIA AUDIENCE INFANT THROWN FROM GALLERY. N AS tir t . to Droe), ionxs: , , and a hair fur Junn wwr. t, , .,, m iAttttln), ! to i, '(';lt Market Bvery thing for dinner, I gij fl Wr UG (00 k r), 8 reakfnt ami it er. .Us a pleasure ..... . .. to trade at this store. i. i ........ ,11. tin , a Uil.i . I, aula oiiniii ' ,. Time, 1 : 1 3 I. l Brsl te We stSfftyou in the mail nH tiMilur an.l .Htntipt' fee Agtnry. MIU'ok iTder busts, fell I, a pterin fttfntal A number one 8yi'ainora. Four carload Address K. n. H Win. FOR SALE. unit evw for sale, Apply n" in cilled upon retiring, in t it siona. tomorrow saac ti cttl leomh, ruin, HI. A BARGAIN. An elegant toldiiiR bed, dresser sad com mod Inquire of eloik M Ihe BiJ " , -, BUSINESS FOR SALE. For sale or exchange, my stOk ina Kood business part of town. Hulleiiu office. FORTUNE TELLER. Mrs. Mathews, Fortune Teller from Hi 40 Watihic(fton aienue. ol grttceries Allilress S. d before Judge ourt of general Sefi The first Indictment note which he hi'ld ransaeiion bet we; n Thomas C, Asphind. He is aliened to have cashed the pa ; per for his own benefit. The other I charge is that he obtained a note foi I $2,350 from Benjamin F. Wise as al IdiUoaal security for a discount of and then hail the money ere' ited to his account and drew it. No testimony was taken in th Untied Stales court today in the in voluntary bankruptcy proceedings agatnal Rothacbl company. The Philadelphia. 1 ic tin , mi.. April 29.- P las ry of flre during trfonnanc i hi the Fourth rice, M lev !V Austin), Idee IU1 iMuurol. boygan, 3 d. H Time. Fifth race six 99 (Stoval). I to C. M t Wolff I, I ittr and a bglf In--i Austin), fi to l. M i fJookei . i to inns, lol Hit land) eple chasa short US (Qayolor), to er, 131 'aU li.i. L4S (J. Car Time, 1:1.'. ten fitftongs: Bug- 1 to 1. firs t ; I'ham 2 to I, second Che- dand), S t,i S, tiiird. Haas Is one clothiers. Hi :lotbthg and people like to of Cairos wideawake i tills his store with ;ents' furnlahinign that .vear. 615 Coml. ave. Ion;;-lirst lith. of Lovable Pour Leaf d? Vales .i L third. stampeded, ru ors. 1'pwar I med ami aeve in the scran. I rime, i : I! JcraU t: Itement a mother throw child, a baby of two vein, from balcony :o the panpnt. Dhcutlng even! men then lb save the in- Tloy ryaoghl ihe bal.y and res : Hubbard So t mother when order rime. 1:89. Second ract Globe iecurft was ad pours i In her the to fatit. Tbey i UwoJ it to th traa restored. Serious reswl ST. LOUIS FAIR GROUNDS. First rated six turioaga; nk';)ra (Jon, ;'. (Cocotl), i to I, first; Pef' mta, 100 (Donetan), 7 to I, second: tains) I to 1 third. pre'. iflneact PERSONAL. Will veiled ladv wearing black liat with rnsi-s ho left Commerce A . csr as stranger enteral; uptown; Monday morning, make ap pointment in Sunday's Hulletiu for next Sun dav alteruoon or Monday A. M. ' KNIUtlr Of TliK i Kit. WANTED. A girl who is a good cook, for general house work in small family. Vy good wages. :wi Kighth street. mil 'I in 11' tiled by exerted e haadt f th i he i id la Alba n sank examine! leral bank was n the attorney he Stale bank it Ion Was with firemen DRESSMAKING. Mrs. V. A. Krauss. -."A) Nineteenth street, for fashionable dressmaking. HOTELS AND BOARDING HOUSES Bl'SSKLL HOU8K -Bvatand cheapest board iathecity. K. M BrowS. RUSSIAN ARMY ON THE RETREAT (Concluded from First page.) FOR RENT. OPTICUS -Steam heated offices, janitor ser vice furnished -will be rotted Ss srately or to gether. Apply to W, I' lialbday E:i:-. FLAT-One five and one sis room Hat, 141 and mi Washington ateaue, for rent. Is lie of Walter Eiclthoff. havi the I an hat she closed M the pussihil ention nic was at its ncignt. ress. ran to um m,l commanded the or play. As the music aros. of frightened men and wo rs retaining their vi:s croWJ into the feats. the beginning Of the third Life's Story" that a mouse the rlresi of a woman s at bafeOtty. She screamed Saearsl bovs in tile S.lllery. it WJ de r-bired bv visitors to the theater. Pannle 0 ootllghtf phestra t the shout men. ot forced tt It was act of "r ran iimb d in th shouted "Art i it arl ' and then (he audienoe feet, pushing and shot i lin'ut lo uain the stree:. tair.i tumbled those ir. n.i r&llerr. Uitiimg In Rte and a half fur hrnga: Kings Cham. 108 lOullett), I to I. first: Short Cake. 103 (Davisl, 8 1 io 1, second; Chirst lie 106 (Wallace) Third race, six furloiiKs: Meran, 101 (Gutlett), ;i to 1. first: Dusky Bee- to 1, secoutl; Itar nrel s to l third I j, seven furlongs: Irby (Foley), " to S, first: S (Crawford), t to i sec dge S2 (Dlckiton). 0 to .; 1; SI , five furloaga: Lamp light, n1' (Pram), 11 to i. first; Brazil j It ii. Bound), 6 to 1 second; Madl oa Square, im (Munro) I to 1, thirl. Time. 1 : 64, ret iH I h nacle. 96 Time, 1:11 Kourth Bcnm Doe Skin, li ond; KnoWh third. Tim.' Fifth ract I) 1 in ixti Ml tllyim t Boiand tenth first; eond : thlr i FU8NI8HED ROOM Ditslrable down l front room. SB Fifth street. HOl'SK Modern ten-room hi. use. John W. King. HfH'.HK- Partly furnished, modern nix-room eotiagf for iviii -f per month; below Eighth street. Address X, earn Bulletin. gWIOIMCE The residence ol the 1st Judge Joseph P. Roberts. Apply to Mih -Gilbert, teener. JAPS BECOME AGGRESSIVE. t'hefoo, April 29. News has reach ed here that the Japanese seem de bermined on a rigorous offensive movement against the itussian forces heard their holding the Manchurtan bank of the j mi n of seni Valu river. Into seat The Japanese operations which hsve been made in common by tin i l.aval ami land forces, have result, f' I the hallway, they rusnea io. mo land exits, which were quickly thrown Open, only to be jammed info th ! great crowd, rrom the stage the act I ors shouted 'Sit down," but none Third race- Sylvian Hell Scratches. -Snow Drift lilih raci words, o forced In the excited p irque! persons Ir. t: .are SITUATIONS WANTED. the island r anil the i tl doii toon if Bama stablish brldgn Aid was given quickly to the swoon mp Women, and as siMin as the excite mciit had abated they were carried into the yird to the west of tin- build Thei Free Announcements of Those Not Employed, Who Desire Positions. Jf SUCCt I Some say the crossing wa iiil and that the Russian opposition sraa tcry slight; others thai tne in r-.-Liisi mua ' It'. In Httlltllltl Advertsnnests of not exceeding three lines , ,,f (l firsf Utat -l.-.ent Is the fact that :n i... i. t..: , . i . '!, .t-t-k's line frtim , . , Ii citught in the t and pinned were scraicil re able to go Conditions of Advertisement. w 11 be secepteillrea tor one ..eek s i irir ....... i.. , I u .it - M.,. i, , i,-i,, ... I ,u ui,.. hi- e. - . . e .1 .loan ' - ii.. v . . . , - vertiserin person, on reg tlar form, at Hie of- flee ofTlle Oilllellil i i.ii.pnuy, iw 'u. !.,, , i...,,,,, iit.u n.oiMtin n.i.iiiv assuiiii s no rcsoonsl- . UT. awive Anillll- liility for any ad' ertlsenient or statement m ot. I i henR. on ih Uanehurinn bank of iln therein anil will not accept the notice of any person known to he employed. Inquiries and replies to advertisements hould be made by mail. POSITION WANTED. Wanted, position by first-class stenographer, salary $5 to start. Addr-ss i c, n. ill, 'in. or in office, li Address, II -I There is eterv re ts II to believe that th Japanese began to cross last Monday, when pontoons were towed acioss th river by torpedo Imats and placed in position under the boats' 1 fin II IH ed HI home. It was when scores of men ami women were fighting to gain the street, blocking the pas -age mi l in creasing the dang.T. that sflsa Hran r. surrounded by Warren Hill, the stage manager, Qaorgl Alt inn, the leading man. and the oiher.- or the cast, commended the orchestra to play. Its mu.-ie had the desired effect. Slowly the mass of humanity was tin tangled, and men and women were persuaded to sit in the seals. Mr Hill advanced n the footMghts again and assured the Budtetce there was no cause for alarm Then the diy lug was resume 1. I heard the shout in the gallery, Innd as it they were hit by lightning in tho bonne arose. With Veat for Berlin. r nTF,fNT few exceptions men and women. W Berlin now gets some of its meat In t INTENS- EXCITEMENT. fr the dor. cold storage cars from fJopenhaKeiv NagasaKi, APr.i J. me sinning -n i, i., u-i.. at,;,, i.,,. t.v tn. -ttnin-, aiei llu" '"ff dun tbtpeJo boat -,, with a number of lapan.s. troops aboard, has caused Intense excitement here and ha? 1 1 roused a feeling of savagery which may gift .!. naval war a more fc roclous aspect. It is ,,afe to say thai should (ho Vladivos tock fleet be over bile the presen' usslan prisoners Quy'a Loan Office, lady's aand gent's clothing cheaper than ever. See our jewelry, rings, watches, pistols, rilles and shot guns. 507 Coml. avenue. The Golden Kaglc Clothing and shoe Jjwse sells shoes and clothing that never fail to please Fit anr workman ship guaranteed. fiOl Com. Ave. Listen to Stone 'tros. Salt $1 per barrel; Mothers' oats, " for i!oC; creamery Imtter. Sfic; tomatoes, o cans for ISc! purti lard. 10c. Fred Sticher, the grocer, Coml. ave. and 19th St., has a line lino of all kinds of canned gQoda, fresh eggs and excellent dairy butter. John A Miller Jewely Store. Cor. uth and Coml. ave, is headtiiartei's for anxious buyers of reliable jewelry lor the least money, see our diamonds' . 1'ncle Joe's Hotel, best $1.00 a day ; house In the three states. You get the best of everything to eat and ! drink, and a nice clean bed. H. K. Hutheuberger, shoe store, sells a first class wearing ristW for 19.50 mid the first quality leather for $6.00. Try a psir of the $::.r0 shoes John Heck Ueliable Bakery will tie liver to all parts of the city all kinds of bakery goods, bread, cakes, pies and rolls. They are O. K. Cairo Sand, Lime and Cement Co., 'successors to Fitzgerald llros.) sriec initios in lime, cement, hair, plaster er's supplies, river sand and feed. Motto's restaurant and bar Is one of the best patronized places in CalfO and yon can get a fine meal for Mfl a.s ordered N. Sandler, the leading merchant tailor, has the largest and best stock of suitings ever brought to Cairo, none can duplicate his work or prices. New ideas new novelties In cards te w and -.lp-to-date lightings and h i s H, S. Blockley, Shoemaker's studio. SOT Washington avenue. 1! Michael Clothing Store and Loat )ffta is doing a fine business. Hun Ireds of satisfied customers take ad rantage of the big bargains offered. Boy-, misses' and children's foot var. The most complete line in the ity; slippers, Oxfords and shoes Prices th- cheapest. B. McManus Jr F ox Brand" high grade groceries Qood all the time trade supplied by v.cKnight Kenton Grocery company Merchants only. Ohoisoa'a Star Clothing House will rig you out with shirts collars and n elegant line of new neckwear. The l SO I styles are swell, see them. D F. McCarthy's wajons always on t ime giving you plenty of heat from ! he excellent hard and soft coal he j '.andles. Phones 393 Cairo. 1C6 Bell. Chas. F. Miller, reliable Jewelry I .tore, will be glad tn show yon a line f watches that never fail to keep ac urate time, very low prices. Going to build or repair this Ipringl1 See Kelly Bros , Lumber Co. for anything In lumber or building naterial. In the Glad j New Spring Time j The children wonld enjoy .i slice of delicious home-utade bread the wad that ean be had J when SYLPH FLOUR isemoyedinbakiog. ; H. L Halliiiy Milling Co. j The Money You save to-day will he the surest step upwards towauls the goa of Success later on . No man, woman or child over regrets saving many regret nol saving don't be one of the latter. We pay : per cent on all savings ainl invite you 10 commence to1 day. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BANK, 000 OHIO LBVtB. Capital and Reserve Fund, $150,000.00 Wanted, a position eollocting a tadv with some exuerleace, care Itulletiu. Wanted, position as steoffrpher by young !...! u. th tu-,t i-.-rirs nera! exuericllCe. fainll- iar wilh lumber business bulletin Address, P-1, care blocks 0( iff and froz n snow. How, the Russian resistance, alihongh dt tt rmiiie 1. was brief, Their artillery did little damage ami destroyed only one toi'pe lo boat. DESTRUCTIVELY REFINED. Mrs M ulisoii-- Your new maid ap pears to be rather refined! Mrs. Barkwe te Yes, she's a little out of the She never breaks anything hut the costliest cut gteaa and the choicest Dr sden. W ;ist, tor ;(e G njoi tiy J. fochran, pCWfeCripUoW drug 111:; Washington av. Watch thi grow. Read his prices on his laities. It will benefit you. A. Swoboda, the grocer, the dry Is man, the meat market, will sup your wants and you will hav ril Coml. ave. A PSIACTICAL MAGAZINE roi TMe GENTEXL HOUSEKEEPER gACM ISSUe CONTAINS BCAUTlfULLY lU-OSTBATEO atlMES. DCCORATIONS TOR THE TABLr, DAINTY MENUS ron AL.L OCCASIONS, ETC. IT 13 THC AMCSICAIl AUTMOBITY ON CUUNAF1Y TOSIC5 AND TASHION. ConaewT Issue 10c t 00 Ycau TABLE TALK PUD. CO.. PMiLA. ;ITO "ti'tl) ll9 CMSSTNOT T. .- hOI ill; ; irom t j i i hea For , Items FANCY JOB PHINTINU. THE BULLETIN HAS JU8T RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF NEW UP-TO-DATE FANCY $ STOCK FOR PROGRAMS, IN- VITATIONS, ANNOUNCE- I MENTS, WEDDING CARDS. ETC, AND IS PREPARED TO SUPPLY THEM ON 8H0RT NOTICE TO THOSE IN NEED J OF PRINTING IN THAT LINE, f 60 YEARS' EXPERIENCE akeii and neau ;t mper lasts f i .till be taken. The fei ling Is strong here that the Russian rqtiadron operating In the .la pan t ea is in a I rap from which N never will I scape. The news of Its i Btrectton at any ttfllS would ra t-, very little surprise here. Cheap Mule:. Have four mules left. Your price El min R A. Burke. MrS-ilO Com AC oi s culled but it was Impoft iblt dev said. n:.. ; letst. the e u i!. There was a ter- I lie uproar, women lainu i tn errrj nil 'if the panpuv. One woman thre . bar baby from Om balm ha I ,t ral men in the Titey caught i: and sav. 1 It. When it was ptOTtsTlT thtS i MJ fainted er. tiksa into the fids yanl and revive!. It was when fgnsls Gr:ni';er tub' UM nciit tra to play that, the audtonc i vas. ( aimed snffici. u;ly for any effort to hs made to care for tho-:e hr: tainted or were injured. Fine Feather Prohibited. A small hotel In the Juras has the Mtewlng notion posted In each of the I,. ,- 'Strange gentlemen will please not to dress for dinner, as this nostnUM flutters the hearts of the maid folk and no trork is accomplished." Fits. BEAR TRIED TO MAINTAIN PEACE Mahk. in r VTWasWaWaWaWaWaT'Wi Trade Marks Df SIGNS Copyrights &c. ig a skHeti and itesrrintton srtsf mlcttir ascsetsm W fsftten free . , ,, Ann to t r. hatdr r iti'titnMS. r..iriaun '-s v-,,. .,r,ielT"MttliteMlnl. It.m.lNinkon Patents . .. ,t l .M4 Hmn f..r swurin pal'tt.. 1 4 I I. SkJCV. SI' now .r, m . ricatt MSSsittifTSnsrl-tteH eVT. Ifi' fi r "-Vloor im ts. L "So'id b all fleclilr i n Hale and Hearty Children. If your rliild Is re"tloM at night, grin-is its t-ciii. wets the bod, Is consti pate. 1, cravei in.iit'KUble fwsl or Is fretful and peevi-li, you ean be sure it has Worms. Kit KAl'OO V OHM KILLKli njitl tin in and mluM the child's licilth. These tablet ,e. pleasant to tako and Went barm tin most delicate child. Ke. a U'i at druggists, or by Mall from us. Your money bsick if not batislai lory. KUKAP00 INDIM WORM MLLER is endorsed s i rocommended by tbousan Is of mothers. ns wiist nr. f)K. r. ri. r us sitii Kiith West St.. Salt Last I II,. sits st out the rsreaf his dssrhter. Ir. (' "rltm Mr little girl. 4 years old, waagreatlT troubles! with worms. I tailed in thredlflVrnt ilmtor,, honght Merttl differpnt kinds of worm nwllclm-. but she got no tx-tti r. Finally- I wns atl vlsod to use Kirkapeo lassisisi Worn Killer, and hong a parhace nl the drng ,.r.. &he fmnmediet. is .ii d gr"t epasMeCSttesi of iw-iii aSsMsisri pnd pin worms, ?Ha ih)W eat" and slecpa well, aud has guli, l luuny pouiids in weight. Writs f-r Itnr.h . It I free. K1CUP0O WCUN Mf DICIHC CO , tlmtssYim. Con- from First Page.) Baby Had Two to Six Every Day. Suffered Terribly Doctors Failed. Dr. Miles Nervine Cured Him. noney left Wood and Rennet t company, whole sale grocers. Mall orders given prompt attention. Wo solicit the i trade of merchants only. Harry W. Schuh's drug store has I ! fine line of brushes, eomhs ami toik" ! articles that he Is selling at remark ! ably low prices. 1715 Com. ave. W. R. O Sliea, 8th at, leading gro rer. Culler's butter. Martin's steam hsiaaS Kineaii's meats. Heinzs' 57 va rltties best noods on the market Schuh Drug Co., wholesale Ann house, paints, oils and window glass Special discounts on large orders money saved by patronizing them. Have you seen the latest pins, rings and charms at W. F. Smith's Jewelr Store on Washington avenue? Tin y would make fine presents ton. American saving slamps given nuav a' the Chicago llepariment Store Ask for stamps when trading tin re Those Awful Hcadacbesl tj jn leatlons oi somn form 01 i I ilk tif-nesd cr & batl liver. Malaria will aruko jroa. Dcn't rlak it, and atv nil, ,,iaii:;lnobo;b.rot.5,ug'.-roia i'-.i ham oil fimtr riituea. ncnt ol their lead I v ofloctfi. 1 iir. t aken rsMtnlariv . ill forestall Iioatiru bukDti tViniHattstlva ortmnsiasiM fleet 1 1 in li st. . hortd , ff i i 'H imnC'is h.'iijltu beo. liver ilk', keep ycu ui goau ucaiin. TRY IT TO-DAY. 50c tt Bottle. All Drugjlata. , rWI Z,T,r iJV At-T. DItVO&IOTa. I (Prepared hy- " ' . 3 F. FJALLARD, StW SOLD BY 8CHUH DRUG CO. at midnight but as a torpedo attack And now 'hat war h M i doe not donM the Is Requiation for Track Walker. Track walkers (or certain Maca ChSSett' railroads are now required to rind a regist ring doBM at certain ,.idnis c. :y hour anil recortls aro ept. to !. examined weekly hy the VS'blte lion rdsy Night Lunc'l. aeh will ! eien at I Inn Saturday night. LUT2 A TH ATCIIKR the Cne Trouble. "Hit makes no dlffnnce ef de worl' Is lat. or roun'." rays Brother Dickey. He thing dat troulle me Is how ter ep m f I M ; -t -ady!" Atlanta ' trstlttitica. Wsrld'r. Faie. At St. Loui. T;rL-.t5 at lnw rafpi nrcc on cnl" For particulars apply to any M iblle ft Ohio railroad agent Weak, ncmes, fret' d, pnnr children r rjure a treatment su h as only Dr. Mdel Nrrrin- kffords. When ItCf Wcted Ihess svmpt-ms !e .d to e;. i'ptic tits or pa-:.i. . " . . l i . .. l,.r,,wn anil r-very in-" i'r s.-.'cifi Bii.iL-ii" " . . bahiei' nerves with Dr. Mrfc' Nervwe, a tnw fresh, crisp. 1 . in ad uervods disorders. Keal in iuOowtngi "When mv Kttkl Ixiy was l8 nKWth old be had cramps m his feet and hands, tiicy would lie .Iravrn "Ut of shat for two or three days. At lirst hmmcat seemed to btlp M in attnut two weeks nothing dM any g'KKl the d- .tor five him. We called sn.i'.ltcr doctor I it Ml me. in . me dtil no good w e change I lo anotlier wlto Called it spinal d,j-Mj-.' ilv tins ti:;ie the ilidtl's lioly drawn esS f b pe hi bacl.u in was. curved to one side and his hands and leet tut ol hspr. li s .suffering w. re tcrril le, ati 1 he was harirnj from t M to f is fits a day. I wis taking Dr. Miles' U-st iratiee Netvinf lo nerrous trtiuhle ard raw it wasrecttnmrn.led for fits, so 1 1 i iwjht I trosdd sif if it sv.mld h-lp htm up. On? I M) 5' -tim. R to Srho. ,! t' -- r.. tr ' in en hie. -.1 Md tie i N M A had in.vvastroTi?.hea.thyboy c,.:n I hue w-etcti to :.-c if the old We 40 hanging and painting env ploying only the best mechanics. Lar gest stock of wall pap'-r and art goods Uneasler & Rice. 213 Kighth street. II BANDCR SON, Farming Im plements and wagons. Flint Coffees a specialty. Vegetable at James jjishan'a, direct from tin- Sunny Botlth, Our lire of canned gUOSn m hi MM t verylhing known to cann r'- irt. M C Metzger Drug Store. 1 the place to get excellent remedies for all your aches ami palm;, giving you its! and comfort. Wash and 2mh nt Walters .nol Rherlck feTOOCT am meat market, is the best patronl.ed gcr-ery and meat market In Cairo Welcome to all. Eighth streeL R. F. Gannon, coal dealer al U'lmelrr's old stand, has a hig trade II 11 SV.WII.I 1 - chen hen ' n coal and kimlling wood. He saves , V'" . Hi you money every time. iWe do Your Mending Free in addition to furnishing the best work and most prompt service. American Steam laundry, 208 Eighth Street. Phones 103. .... . . . A.a.AAAA44 jiHTI. CAR0 It q an I A SY w r-i B w 1U LOS FRANCISCO X ANGELES (.-re v. I '..s ' tf 1. I'Ut it . ... 1 praise Dr. M '.-' V - is I ka"W- it ssrd rr.y hry' ,kl.:i N. t I .. Lin- ii .:, Io. sell an t gu. ran'ce brs? S. I- on Nen sis aid I'eirt & Adate Dr. si.:.. MiiiealU,. Spanih Pride. Nearly one half of the IS I pop- nlatkm In Spain, or. to he exact 8 727,619 per?iirs. acrnrdlng to the last census declare that they have no oc cupation, and they are proud of the tacL AND RETURN . - In Aittwi . T 1 T a - 4 Tickets tola April ju-.way isi. rinai kcuuti Limit June 30, l'XM. Numerous Stop-Overs and Side Trips Knroute. Ih. C. INjwwsimD, G. P. Elmer Smith, &T.A., Pass. &Tkt. Agt., St. Louis. Cairo, 111. I