OCR Interpretation

The Cairo bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1???-1928, April 30, 1904, Image 8

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn93055779/1904-04-30/ed-1/seq-8/

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w bich i
ber. h
i Hi luni
MMi t Tum'iin'T()rric wi
sound cns kith,
April 30 In History,
lfil-Fmn-ds xavlrr A Lavalle Mfnt"
mnrvm-l. nrst Cnnadian Roman atno-
lie bishop, bora tn Laval'?, Franco;
MB-John Count h- Tilly, f-'
tW-Oeorve Waafcingt on inaugurated first
president at New erk.
U54 Jamw Montgomery, British poet,
died; bora V...
IS3S Oustav Freitag. the popular German
novelist, author of "Soli uiul Habn"
and other notable works, died at Wies
baden ; born lShi.
1303 Tie; Louisiana Purchase exposition at
St. Loids dedicstod by f'r. sklent
RooMVStt. Anti-Snnitlc riot a: Klsh
Notes of Interest Relating to Citizens
Their Friends and Rel
atives. Mr. I.. P. Parki : s
Miss Madge Zlmmei
iends in Centralia.
hss Xorma Pet I
art tats
lives in t na; lesti
Varies Orriek and
Mr. Edward Lewis leaves for St
Lcaiis today to attend the opening oi
the World's fair.
Yesterday was the last day for lil
ine suits with the circuit clerk fo:
the May term of court
Mi.ss Vera (leisi nhof and Miss ,d;
Parks were in Mound C
attending the street fair
uaaries p
ecs Mfllford
Mr. I'. A. Short lias returned to his ,
MM in Eleo, after a visit with his u
iilghte''. Mrs. .less.- Miller. VI
yesterday f r the first tune.
J H. DeLawteri of East Prairie, wa
in the city vesterday. Ho was on
his wnv home from a trip to Indians
daughter Helen, left tor St Louis last
niuht to at'end the World's Fair open
Mr Rnleo K. Deal is at St Mary'
Infirmary recovering from a stirgii a
operation which he recently under
Mr. an 1 Mrs (h orge P n Qeldet
retained ' their home in Bear
Ridge today, after a visil with Mr
George Orl
the guest of his bnuh i in-law. Mr
Martin Bgn and family, returm I i
Chicago tonight.
Mr-. E ('. Rendall and MIhh Orin
Mrs. W. M. Wilson, of Ann i, and
Mtfti Mamie Fleard, of St. I. ids. ar
the gues s of Mr. and Mrn W. Ii
Setiertcl-. . i Eighth sireel
yewteTday fi m Smithland. Ky . and
lelr for Chici" i las- night to visit Mi
and Mrs AH T Hayn
Miss Jeamiette Gilhofer ami the
Miss Edna and Edith Stite spent
yesterday visiting friends in Mound
City and viewing the sights of the
St roe- Fair.
By the Associated Tress .
Dluffton, In t . April 20. Sheriff i
Johnston has received instructions,
from Governor Iturlun to transfei
Jos. N. Terr II to the Richmond ho
pital for the insane, where lie ha 1
la confined until cun i. when in- shall
be removed to the penitentiary tin
Ipsr otherwisi ordered by the govi rn
Terrell Is a millionaire who wan;
last December convicted of shooting
Ids son in law. Molvin Wolf, lie bi
came insane soon aft' r lielng i-on
i- ted. Yesterday he was sentenced
to life imprisonment.
Church Holds Wealth.
A New York church thai keeps si
lence respecting its wealth is the
Dutch Collegiate, which is reputed to
have an income from investments of
M00.OU0 a year. Trinity church has
in Iwenm f"nm i Investments
t .
brief Mention of fcvcnts Concerning
the People of Cairo ana
pod haiku
It 11H
immodate those desiring ti
, V Mound City at ml
Frank Vaugh, thi brutal negro win .(
assaulted a white tad) teacher, aboo
twu moths ,iear CarbondsH?, htti M
been sentenced in "tie year in tiu Vl
penitentiary a: Chester. Foi crimes
ieh as his. hanging should be tin '
malty. Anna Democrat.
jical instrument, from A. H.
a traveling man. was riven a pr
ry in the sum
the count v la
ii tik-i
laces. Tw,
ail acainai
re wanted in
re are in th(
raw hat. as it is predicted that the)
U lie scarce the coming sua) Bier
Ktnt ten-twelftna of the high jrat!
ui abiiul
unati n c
ry narrow escape tram iffl
. Dr. Orinstead dressed tnt
no serious results ar expi
nnntiier of ii.'1 tnusic pi
sndered in a osanaet
i Macao's capabilit
'he following pupil
ivern Armstroni
ties. Masters K;
tule. ! im
Re d Mor
For several weeks past a vottnf '
ntest has bees ii. progress, conduct j
I by the Mound City Enterprise, r I
termine the tie most populai
nnc ladies of Pulaski cooaty j
'e iri-i to tlie Wi rid s f-i-r with pt I
us- nald for one wool mma the nt 1
lontgomery, Mound city. ",olt
lose Maloiiey. Mound City,
I.e. a sttetn. Mound City,
ia Crain Villa Hide -.
iro last Stands
quii until the
1 whiskey brou
Fields aud Ls
a ugl
iie wound shout three inch
long in ill.- nock, and Riklns i
i ad senseless pf a blow from
r b ttlft 'I'd.- wmade t men wer
tight en h rev and are now :!
in. The p;i ;:e tiui did the t u.
: and baocklag were from 8iki stot
Associated Press.
,1'JsviUe, April re- Tin- Ma I
i tit - Lirand jury lias indie
Atexaader w Hope, presj n
.dly four' ar Alton, for miSCOl!
ui lie Mali-oil pool rooms last
et. It is all- ae 1 1 -tie sheriff neglected
to serve warrants on attach : of the
toil Pre.-.s
April 2? I
sident of thi
lee Rand
;ii thous:
ki; r of
y the Associati d Pre? .-
Toll do. April 21t.- J'din W. Mart n
IBd wife were toun d"a-t in thi :r
today as a n su!' of asp ,-,
Hersiay was found short in his
sets in the city water works off
lore h had be, ;i employed
olve yi ar., as sink keeper.
fly Assoi iated Press
Evan viile. Ind.. April 21.- Ah u !
tii- hundred negro's, employed or
st. in boats touching at this point, win
Hf. 0i)i)r$pd Mr y !. and ' " '
mtetftat) d
New 3ooks Ready for Clrct
(a.miraayi ncinuon
O'clock. April 30
im. George, w rks IS rolumea--
the Whitl y Edltlas," is
ifullv Edttcn up. boirad to I
da., Notre Dame
ils., Ninety-mree i niters ot tlie sea,
vols, in- Order of the Kins. 2 vol
History ot Crime, -' vols.. Bug Jarga
Condemned man. and Claude Ore;
Bai-jtioned abot
,' bough: for tin
real reputation el Lea MlseraW
early if not unite world wide
h1'1 standard autho
lia' '' ,iv :l re '"r,i
n wal of aerquaintanc
beautifal ! oks is or.
a ghenhei
Johnston. Mary Bir ..lot timet.
V ":;: nt. E. .- A tiantlbo u 01
Modem japan, rais aoon is weii n
i';-'.rati. I and sai l to be the latent
tu-i most eo:npb-;t' reforen.- I work or
iaimn. and at tip- present time should
nt eucycl
the A t
I John Rami r, a jrouttg far mi
side of which the backwater from
iv ! was StaatiiSf several fc il di
The) had j;. -1 crossed a bridge
Hesse's bayoa, which was siigl
ovc-ed With Water, and in makini
sharp turn immediately alter cr:
lag, tin- buggy ran into the deep
drowned, as was also tie horse.
in i nc
aii nnnsuallj ss
ival now in
My Associated press.
"priagfield III. April 29, ll'ii
! Grand Army before ad ion mi
lohn II Gordtin.
i,f f',ml. il... it. ,
Origm of Pin-Money.
Morsangife (morning gif I
Anglo-Saxon term for pin mr
was iiestowed on the wife on
ins were
ti money
scarre an
wa fl I
on Jan. 1
MfrH fo I
pl-nish t '.:
ans Anna Accused of
Uad r the bead oi "Wake Up."
M ruiltl
.lllleii I!
ami semi-pr
i-!. aid Sony in- compelled to
Wake up, schools, and lot the nub-
, ,. i,IB(j .
ly,, ;n,w ,,a, you
l v
j one who wrote it. He
... . .. ,,
say something ana t 11
atton-hole bomiuel in the intellec-
1 contests at .Marion, lie should
aware, no is not, tnat Kicaant
the bone I cox
rptian Lcag.iie contests, his sch
ord has to he
Etele ",nd ak what do the E
think of me How beautiful
suits of Goverrment Observations
With Prospects for Cairo and
Vicinity Today.
rap raturesj
Hb, 60; mii
V, ,;- ir gion E
1 and probably Sun
e .viruls.
it In- finds that
coaatrtaoat of
at all parts of
ippri ciaiue
viik con- i
o the 1 200 j
egg, from
-,u.l in Hi- I
... .
Virus g Fatal to Rats.
A new virus railed danysg" is
I UtCt and ; I r-laimed to be
irml- s to done tir animals, but
'a! to rats. Hr'-ad Impreenated
a tho.isaa.i rats
i : ia ii sir.-!-- nig!.'. T
Of the experiment w
Secret of Success.
sac ifuL" he remarked,
ittf, ' 'I ' o ! aye o do M to
of a bm 1M of our own
.. .. of the 'Jtizzi that
Conditions and Prospects as Shown
In the Government Report Gen
erl News.
Dancer Stage Than Re
STATION Um of. in 21
feet, water hours
It'shnnr 23 KM LG rise
i Evans
, i lattati m
PfcttoH ah,
Omaha. .
I .
( neater, .
.. .
Ntnv Orleans, .. 16 17.6 0.1 rfcs
y,, a (-airo April 2!. IWJ, 11.8.
ir is believed that the slaae roported I
tine rising for I
teali ami Cairo
. Chester will probably be '!." t
feet. Fro;-.; below Chesti to C
Tlie t'a ipeke wi nt below
af' i'rio- n with two elliptic;
ISC to tii" woods when (he;
imiBK, btai she win nrobah
1 lutl lis. Yesterday a man
rn l!ir levee With the bui
or lew en
; wa.s en tn
d white cat)
vigoroai and repeated ido-.ving i
distress whistle brought a cronrt
view ill the itatUM in Winklitfe,
they di s n disteover he lire tin
ial ot u;i t., It, Arta-g-ment . I
ig ov rnowen, i"tt n
lone a party came n
ml the fire out. Twa
i be Katberint . Church
M rg mi, 1 Id eot i no
am tieca and secur'
I. .11 ' !,., ,.1'inl. l.'r. ..1,1.,,. ,1., M
s""- t no.ii mci v
1 ,: y-w overboard, Taey
901 '! 1 'I' 'i' was an oc.
1 11 where they could reader any ;
I Mm : (Ml bolted for safety.
in now be
hires.- Mr
Cowrtl Loath rs Win
treet, New Orleans. Pa
prs friendly to Cait. Leathers,
i was always libera! patron of w
papers during his loagj anl eventful
I life on the river, are requested bo
The following i , called from th."
Cossmerc Ial-Appeal: "The steamer
V' rnie Mar. b; a rising : the An.ler
sTnll c aipany. landed a tow of
I sippi i iv. r.
boal America,
Of Cr im! -,i el
was hearing it
i too) oi'
1 9
' '
a Kelly, the engine r, ell ilei'l
so oplevy 'and there Was BO one in tii
away the rail of the
ui .1'
, .
igera vor Injured, none serioua
The Steam was no! ihttl off until
S mi:vi o tint) Tie. i
.HUM .1 i t'll 1 1 U
Sut'd.iy. May 1.
Cr- iraed Oyatars in the Chafing D
Extent of $25 By W
Tra i-acjtion.
(me day this b V,'. T. EHegOC
!,,. wnrt-tna ie il... I. on .:
. .'! ; ,tv son, aske i tii,-
;n on the ( Ry
by ii. c. v.
. Rllr
is ins sdveviiseJ -so much
all K'Ui .
y - v.
.... I,
i Me
n.v of hardware, call,
Powers Livery ami Tr:
inw price, i::oy Can
Paul (! Si huh 'v Sons' Drug Store,
G&7 Ooml, avo., will give y-m splendid
sat I faction It's a pleasure in trade
it this store, ask a customer.
(. aft
auie;r business
1 .. ..
ami professional men. Neatest, clean
jest and best meals.
John Latimer, bakery ami cm fee-
tionery, makes the lightest, whitest
and most Wholesome hroaH rlAllclAiM
I If yon want anything; made ir wood,
t Kelly iiras. Planning MiJla will maks
rSl7 Sth St 1'1'oae
s, rit'ts. btooches, cliainn. studs,
I charms and cut glass. Lowest price
jtreei grooer, Is having a line trade,
i, in,! fresh groceries and full weights
Tet days ribhoi
ccnl ribbons for
men's showi and swell
iw in stock. Try a pair
Xo je'velry store In southern Illinois
sella a better stocit of watches, clocks
rings, pin i and charms that chas. 9
Mill ir MM Coml. ave.
i n v. h indtse, leaders for everything in
their line, lei them supply you.
Cut Bowers at Mrs l.. Maiden's
2301 Holbrook, C'ir 'phone (S3,
Angel and flr;-t communion wreaths,
Livery, reed and Boarding
irst elans livery service, a
ef carriages for funeral oc-
Always the best.
writer, represents the strongesl and
besl companies. All Baltimore llro
Three States lliiggy and Imp,
t"Ri more farm machinery, hug;
wagons, carriages sal harnoas t
any bouse in southern Illinois.
Michael .!. Walder. plambs r: ; (
and liot water benllnc aas Rttint
A;nt, r nrk
pi end id place to bay vmr dn
scriptions carefullf compoundci
torc wen
Ft choice Mr
." SOth si. druggist, seUs tlie cough euro
'that, euros the cough, ami some tin?
bee iachs rem-die-, ask about tlnm!
A. M Bpencc A- t'o. the great store
,i. for far&eri to get their general mor
el weiise. Money saved on every ar
Me. 2923 Wash ave. Phone 67.
Fred I) Nelils. the coat dealer, will
ily before winter come
' the staple gr; 8W ies, gOOrl dairy
btlttef and fr"sh eggs. Walnut st.
Cnzola Confectionery Store, leader
in fine eandh a and choloee! frulta, Try
our ehoeatataa, efeams and imn bona,
'p cream furnished in any quaStttty.
Ston nf the Hotel Illinois, HgW in
h. -irt of I ti
.tr et cars pa;:
Your cash do.
?tone p.ne'., thi
rttaranteed to
at i r I
ban yos can buy the
lew arid b st Over sold
cad. cake-; and pies for MM
than yon can make the;n for.
irt Wait I
Gonthor Wa!i" Med ' !.!.
I will (give MiversaJ satimfact1 o tnt
'. everything in the bakery line. .1: . -;
I oi i ic.ti.s piMiuii.iy uiii .i, ;.. 3l

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