Newspaper Page Text
ONLY NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE r THE CAIRO BULLETIN. WEATHER R I V E U At Cairo 4 p. tn. yester- For Cairo and vicinity today: day: 35 6 feet ; fell IM. VOL XXXVI. NO. 1 31. CAIRO, ILL., FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 13, 1 904, ESTABLISHED IN 1568 D1ETI DEFIES I STATE MILITIft RUSSIANS SWEEP AWAY THE LABOR OF YEARS MOn W PARKER FORCES MIES STRENGTH Hiin on Canl tiauie and ! hcatrcs Hoosier State Sends Thirty Dele- Attempt of Deputy Sheriffs Also May He Raised. gates to National Convention Make Arrest Is Abortive. Convention Adjourned Until To day in Consequence. LOIN PERMIT DU OL By Applying Torch Than Surrender It JAPS ATTACKING PORT ARTHUR Ami Report of Firing South of New Chwan Gives Color to Rumor That Fighting Is in Progress. St. Petersburg, May 12. -Telegram received here this niter noon indicate that the whole of Port Dalny has been destroyed by j (he Russians. The dispatches do not say this was done today, and it is rc girded 18 likely now that the city was blown up and burned Ctrl tr in the week and that al! I lie Russians there have fled. t This ma account for the explosions heard near Port Arthur Monday. Dalny was to have been the Moscow oi the Bast, but before its completion it is destroyed, as was the real Moscow when Na poleon was advancing on it. It is reported that the Japanese are attacking Port Arthur today. IMUI Hal Kw.m. May 12. Finny oi' New Chw.iny and a battle s probably Tokin, May I;!. Official inquiry rn; ti nt railroad coirimunic.'ition with Pert o iy )a untrue. RUSSIAN CASUALTIES. By Associated Press. Tokio, Maj 13. According to lh official report, Russian rasnaltien h ed to over fifty. Oho officer and i tnen (tilled ami others wounded. Tin Cot sack ri gimcnt. They reached I, :r-:r by train ami marched thence Anjn. JAPS WITH SIEGE CUNS. By Associnted Preen, Shan it ii Kwen May 13 10 p. m. i within three and three Quarters miles The report received from London thai j ' Itsewo. then- bad been fighting al Wn trung The progress of the Jspnn se Is Tien is discredited here, it la report outhers Manchuria Is reported ia of ed the i i. nnlv :i moll Jaonncse Wal dispetehes. The pa i.ion of the force In this vicinity The main fore I llvtslon following the direct road, to oi tho i in oi ;e is ssihl to be ("inc..' Hal Cherj! bns Sol yet bees disclosed, t rated near Port Arthur, with stage j cauthm Is shw ippareM in o i svss siini their fstcntkm is heiiced to ions on the peninsula of Llao Taflg,. be io alt imnt si reo tltlrsi i tin 10 western seetton of ike. penlnmrhi t-.trategy or naval and miHt.irv force; "id in the vicinit v oi ami beiof Pilse Of the United Mates bnfore Siintiaun j v" 1,,,ii I in.'. i;ig tae opiratMns and to drive 4ha Rnslsn Reel on; tc usnned. battle There la no ews here of thl The report is current that the talks ... .v ,.,,.!) i Io, answering! a roesriagi of congrat Throe hundtred and fifty thousand I ilnltoti rm the ftslu victory, sen; b) soMlers aro at New Chwsng and thai students ot tko instil r ol Minet . itv is (cdet. ' i ' Si- Petersburg, expressed Ws The censorship at New Cnwang It I severs, t'olted States Consul Mid i bas not been allow .1 to answer Minis sis to the local sltUStiota ADVANCING ON 5!U YEN. Itv the Associated Press. St. Peiersburg, Mav 12 G-.-nera KsrtevltchTln s ifspato'i to the g'ner id ,-tssiT is s'm! OS M ty I part of lie .:p,i!ssse s.lrSnce guard appeared ii the ;illev of the Bedzl river ami thm si eonsldershle body of the enemy cos Unites to occupy Douanmyo. Anothei ileiachisi -p i .eiiio ed apparently ot one Ii ot-,otu of infant,') and half i Kquadron ot cavalr) is shout live mile: rortn of TskusssA Other mi irmaMon Indicates that or liny io. i jnpsseM foseo oi IMO tofsjftrj M l nit: gnu chiefly of Oh metthtsla tyfsj, halted for the day st Huns'; Ktapasze and advance I on M.i 1 1 towards Sin a COMMLNiCATION INTERGUPTID ftv ASSOCtnted Prosa. St pi t rr.-burs-. Mav ):;. 6: IS a nr. An attempt to si ml a rwsyon C to r private telegram from Port Arthur received yewtefday, (May u fall d the post officials rSfSSlSg to aec pi it. HAS NO SUCH SUBJECTS. Pv Associated Press. St. Petersburg. My 12. Genersl Knrkesftet reports hat Inp'ssteat detach men' of fmu or five co pints'. m May I atteehed ftnslaa poiati near (he .iHaee oTJM Hot, kitli,-r four of lee frontier guards an I arauwdl nj e.,'. lie aiso saiii so ititii-lita of the .Hi .mw advance pn ird occupied on Ma) 9. and 10. the village of Mut to Dalny Rather z reported to have been heard ,outli in progress. .re tuit Viceroy Aloieu rcpr-rt Arthur been recrer! r.ince Men- I la til I and Siat latin. Bins mil., sou; Is i' Poland iono. Other detachments ol 'he Japanese advance guard have tak n op positions T'. raUes we-,: of Pit' a squadron of the opemy'ii cavalry ! approached within fifteen miles east avalry, artillery and Infantry, Can on fire was opened by the Jnpal i n coming into contact with our small letaehment. which had penetrated '",;s "' wlahes; but praised j 1 1,.,) be had A PLEASANT b ni r n f s &i"f CHURCH EVENT leceetic 1 to Fathers Dowrey astd Gi! len by Member? of St. Patrick's ard St. Joseph's Parishes, Catholics tit both parishes gnthered il the Assembly room of si, Patrick' hurch last night, by Invitation of he nowl- or::;i'ii. ' d St, .limes Conn t II Knieht a of Ksiihcr Matthew, to par itiptt' in. a very pleasant reception .) f ither On vii' . and fathi i ntftoa 'In- latt.-r had chaeg of St Pa risk inrtsb, but on flep irture of Pather , tp pen brock took ehsrgf of S'. Jo-1 isi's parish, and is sncceedkrj ,-t Si aiiiik's by Pnther i;W! (y, win iters front St Prnnctsvllle, in.,j nd eohflnetnd hi tirsi service kcfi f enterdny morntng The rec?ptkm wss tn ttspromptn affair, not at all eialair I .e or formal, bur it brought togethei venal hundred ksfrksi and gentleiMn ! i si r-poi; of isiUtual gn.. will, an 1 , . rve.i io prove to the two bswePclsr- SI eft he vent thai tle-re was B ,-:-fd"some spirit ,-x'tan:. in the two; larisb. s. end 'hni fnev s oo.l hieh is he i em of mj p oste whose ipir- j us ,!.", t !' y were to rervr. Mi ('. . ' , " .",i in : e r of c"r awnirs and be deSvctni a short ail ! frees, setting for'-' i- fs rsw s On h'lssnsfTMl n. PVUfssga ivn -y and iitlcn MHS r.-spopiieii m (sttia istsKs (Continued on Third Page ) ADVANCE yp I THE LADDER Illinois Centra! Officials Affected By the Resignation cf J. F. Wallace. By Al delated Press. Chicago, .May 12. Owing to the ineer oi lave been lc in the stall oi the Illinois Cenvihsn mi the pleasures of dsnolng, Sard as follows: w. .i. Harahan, lor playing ami theater going. Ij assistant general manager, to ..II- ral manager. tnti niii ni ol sistant gene D. v. itos agi m, io be portal ion. former C. I'". Parker, formerly coal traffic tannger, to be purchasing agent. SHE'LL BE ARMOUR SOAP WORKS BURNS Number of .People Hurt at the Fire But None Ser iously. Ry Associated Press. CM SHJSO, May I.'. The plant of the rniour nop works burned tonight, t.os. , $200,0(1 1. A number of p pb well- bun in a pank that took place in the crowd when ii was, reported that ;i gas lank contntnlng Moo,ooe feet was; about to esptodet Nohody wiisi seriously irjiire I, however. WAITRESS BURNED TO DEATH. Ity Associated Press n '. n iint burned today. Cm ma Dam dyi. of Winona, head waiter, in :it ,enip,i: g lo sail' fOSM of lu r clothing, FRIEND 0" LINCOIN D!rS. Ry the T;r,cialed Presa. Oregon City. Ore. M y 12. Ali'rel llis..'l'. a veteran of the Mexican arrt civil srssn -flssnV- tsSfM S Kb; .. ii ,vr. a d. '.."gate from u!no!r ti tv. - - tn.t fir nominate,! Un - cat and .vac I friend of Lincoln's. RADIOAL CHANCE URGED RFCOMMEDNATION BY COMMIT TEE MAKING IT SIMPLY AD VISORY INSTEAD OF MANDATORY. Loa Aug- May 12,A question the pas I 12 hours, ts that Invotv- 'ing a change in discipline to the ex of entirely removing tho churcu " unUkely that tho con rence will vote to remove the pros ni rigid rest riet inn regarding the In Thn sub-coarnjittee ol the consult pc pa state of the church, of which J. 1, Sibley i chairman, has reported act to the main body IU recOH) lendatton upon this matter, in which urge;) a radical change in the I church rule on the subject, mahlng it simply an advisory restriction, in WITH US VERY SOON. CHARMING j ry hibitlon as I'm!' : the prevailing rule the men her of the church who attends a lance or theater Is gulKy of a direct Infraction of the rules of the church ind may be punished by euputston suit ii the reenmmen d attests now pr Tosed i- adopt e 1 this ponslty will In rendered entirely optional with tie minorities. ' Tin e imi'si1 Ii " on st ate of 1 1; shores has not decidsd deSnltely jus! j what form the recommendation of the j -ommiltee to the y.- m ral body will tske, bin it st ems assured that it wilt propose some radical changes in the i liselptfne along the lino outlined. I Thl committee is skw considering other important queattems, amon- I which i- one tsvsstignUng t;i rsth i repri' eni ition in the general ron erenOf. 'l ie- plan which has met fi I vur .if adopted, will re nte the mem rhrrshlp of th' general conference I no a 7is to EM, Aside fro ii this', business moved I iowly today and the events ol the !sn s session were dull and nntstri . i ing to the crowds th it title 1 I. e galleries, and at times tailed even ti bet l tic tttenttef ot tie- dN Ii sr n Most ot the tisss was occupied in dl sssntsa of the repent ni the eomniit tee on rulps. LAKE NAVIGATION OPENED. r is j H the he id of th - lakes was formally' Up m I tkes afternoon nrhen thejBv the Associated Press. i ctmni-r Mav H. Bovee. from flh-lesro. t Wsshinston. May 12. Secret ir 1 reached Dulttth. the first vp si I to ar Taft today b-rt here for a vacSthm of rive from a lower lake port. UNIT RULE IS ADOPTED FIRST TEST VOTE SHOWED NEW YORKER TO BE WINNI-H HEARST LEADERS AD VISE BOLTING. i By the Associated Pres Inditnapolia, May i j The most in tercatlng Democratic state convention sine,' I8S2, when Cleveland and Isaae I'. Cray, contested lor the Co:: trol ol the Indiana -delegation to the national convention was Held today The sole purpose of tha convention was to elect national delegates, The feeling ot the delegates was m tense when the convention opened to ia. Hearst followers and been wrought to a Ugh pitch of determine lion by addresses beforehand by Rov Sam Small, ol Georgia, and C. A. Win die, of Chicago. Small advised against voting ler Parker, if he were nominal The convonth n Instructed the thtf ty delegates to the national conven tnm to vote as a unit for Parlo r, ol New fork, fm president, indorsed AS EVER. Thomas Taggarl for national commli tee man and recommi tided him to tin national committee as its chairman The llr. l lest vote on Ofg&hiXatiOS of tho convention showed tin- Parkei forces to liuinher l.o'.H, Hearst. 4::s The vole on Instruction for Parker asm ,"ii to r,s2. Many aVrfegntes being ti sympathy with the pica of the l Twelfth district that its two dt le stents for Hearst, the plea being ih ii otherwise it ratght mi danger the swat ot Robert Robinson, th" Dinsoeratte rongre men from tin- di-n-ict. This - n , 1 he only dial rlcl carried I y H sirs. The retture of the convention wa tbi demonstration that followed the mention ot the nasie of G fge lie Clellsn, oi New York, for president, The cheering lasted for seiersii min iin-;, several hiindred delegates an i spectSStors risinn and waving hats and handki rchfet SIDCNTIAl. APPOINTMENTS Ry the Asviciateil Prrn Wa Isine'on. May I 2. Tie pro stent ha -, appointed Alee C, Mrtlilllvra; Dickinson, N. D Th' office Witt M THE MOUNTAINS. day i in the Adirondack mour STRONGLY INTRENCHED IN HIS HOME WITH GOOD SUPPLY OF FOOD, WATER AND AM- MUNITION, RIFLES READY TO POP. By the Associated Press Chippewa Pails, wi ;., Ifsj 11 Chippewa Lumber and itoo.n ct The i:inv has abandoned its drive at Caraet Dhm on account of the Diet trouble. About ISO.O00 logs lie Sigh and dry as DieU will not allow the gates closed. Trouble may delay all opera.' tiona of the large mill here if rantio ued long. Diet.: sent a note to the leputlea defying them to cS SSJ Ittg it w ill take a whole to do so. and Stay cost in lure h regiment niy lives is now fortified m his home in company witn his wife, Valentine w. f&seobach and three children. They have six Win cheaters live revoh i rs and nt I III IIHIIU t li III in the wall which riflei first deputy ni ami have made port holes oi the house tnrougtt peep ready to kill tnt CTOSSiSg the dead lino t he doors and ed. win. lews are barricsd IMPOSSIBl.t: TO GET DIET2. S the Aaaociated Press. 'Hayward, wis, May 12 - Deputy tonight from holds forth impossible to Sheriff cildin r lie osmp wbet rthllfl s.ays it is (el Diets allvo, behind the locks i tinted Diets almost is he la en trench ed of the dam, and kss i commsiudiiii view of the snrrouAd Ingn. Diets had, he said, secured a fresh supply of ammunition, t bus, en tbllng him to hold out lor a long per mil Qiblln SSys thai as he and hi. lepqtles were approaching, the dam Diets and another man stepped from ii"tiiml ii tie,. Im nan thlug uposi them, ontf hirffet passes! through the hat of the drive,', atitnuing him and he ell out ol the wng in, while theit team took Mghl and ran. Deputies tllhtln snd Rttliotl spent the night ten miles below their objective point, hut in lurni i next day to the lumber camp .ii is-.iit of the dam, White they wets it liintier (iilslin said Diet tireij through a Window and struck a man b) the nam.' ol Tracy. Shattering .", hone of his left arm. Another shot ;ratcd the throat of William Trunin a few sfat deputies an turned I th Ifa iplntoa thsu Welsenbscbi the settlei sliding Diets, is seriously wounded. II not l iih d. Twenty four KrsJorgen S0 rifles and ammunition sent from Ashland are si the express office bare consigned to Sheriff Peterson. The express sgenl has been notified to hold the consignment until he re celves orders from OoveTnor Lsfol h Its I'ipl ItfOWStt, o Ashland, Who ni the rifles on order of, Judge Psr i n. does ot beHeee the stuns win ht rdered turned over to the sheriff out that he win he ordered to proceed ith h'ls company from Ashland. MISSING CIRL FOUND AT LAST Vycdgeo Tightly in a Cli.mney Into i I Which She Had Tallen Ten Days Ago. 'ty Assoclsiteil i're New York, May IS The kS lly d 'olup iKi'l body ol six year old Joss phlne Cahlll, who disappeared May . as found tonight wed -.i nest th top ot a chimney at her home n Third avenue. It wa; BUppOBCd tin i, -I recovery, The children ot ti" neighborhood had I eeti HC-'t ,'o d to tilde III chimneys while sit plsy OS USe roots and ihw potlce believe the iittle tsiil climb) .1 on tin' ehissney sue! fell into it. Gi!E A'SOME riND. ity Associate-l Press. Neenah. WI . Mav 1:' Six .-'... le tos.i were ssesrthed in the net in part of the city today by wo-kni.-n dig ,'inn a stud pit The ske) -1 ti i arc lielleved to le the remains o per I on:', murdered at a ma I feosae which ! ens bteated there in the anrty days of Wi .n in Many disapp ir BBW J from 'In- road were n ; -t i -d. : bin ii i arrests were ever made PERPETUALLY ENJOINdD. Rv AsnoetaSnd Pvesjn SprlnsftVIJ. 111.. Mav 12 - Judge CrciK!',, .. of Ih- BBSBjPsaSBSI con: ty ircnil eourt this allerte-on entered ,i ,1,'C'e,- enjidtiing the s;at' It us r-r from i . x 1 1 rt out any nionev of the ap propriation mail.- by the gi-ner-i a--HBhty m am ot me lUtStui and Ukh , pU I anal. VAST THRONG PRESENT WHO CHEER THEIR FAVORITE CANDIDATES A3 THEY EN- TER HALL DELEGATES AT LARGE. Bv Associated Press BprlngSk4i May 12. publican state centre) n . r , , . ., , the commit ot ready to takes until tee on credential wt report and a recess wa 7 :!o oclock. No such crowd has cer been uvea in a state convention sis that which is i in Ided in He state armery at 7:30 o'clock for the evening session of tn.' Republican state convention, Fully I 'll thousand persons crowded the hsill The credentials, committee wat still in s 'sslon had the people enjoy ed themselves by cheering fsvorita candidates as they entered the ball, ("hears greeted the Deneea contbv gents' banner upon which was perch ed a live rooster. Governor Yatej s i with the Morgan delegation and for a time was the storm center of enthusiasm. t 9:25 the credentials committee sitated they would not be ready to re- poit Deiore i.::,;u ami pertiap!, not then. Ii was hoped the convention would remain in ses.-don until the can didate tor governor was nominated, hut the ttatemenl of tho committee decided the matter and the conven tion adjourned until tomorrow. It is reported late tonight that lis' l.owdt n men in the committee fe tred tiiat it si candidate were nominated tonight the convent ion would be stampeded to Yatesi. It la certain the Yates men had planned to hold tin' ci u.'iiiiou all iiiKhr and consented s , lie iiutly lo the adjinunnienl. The Yates-t nwdeh men are acting in harmony mi all contests, the only inferences between them lieint; which ii th- two Candida tea shall be noml listed A significant circumstance ia thai the Sherman representatives m the committee is voting with tin' Yates Ixiwden organization. It Is cer tain the temporary organisation was made permanent and Speaker Cannon v ill preside over the convention until Iti tmsil adjournment The committee on resolutions elect d e Congressmsh Walter Reeves, of Streator, chalrnisn and ,1 T. Ilafferty. of Chicago, at- secretary Resolutions were adopted by district caucuses', in dorsing Fairbanks, of Indiana, for vice president were presented, but sulme quently withdrawn, it being stated lliat Congressman Hilt would accept the nomination if tendered him. After informal discussion of vari hi mattei the following sub-commit' tee wan appointed to dratt a platform: ' haii man W alter Reeves, of Streator; Mart In H Madden. Graeme Stewatt, I nine McKwen, of Chicago; W. R. I w.ll. oi Danville; John W. Psritat, -i Koek Island; C .1 Doyle, of Green lei I Cue rotnmiltee ....t, a recess at I 0 clocK. State convention's committee to ae b et delegate!' at liner to the national otivenlion selected Senators CulkMH ind Hopkins, Sp aker Cannon and Qovemor Yates, ATROCIOUS MASSACRE rtebclt in Borneo Sweep Down and Murdered Men, Women and Children. :iv the Associated IVea. Victoria n C. May 12 MI:islo is i ; i on Ih" liner Ktupr -. a if India, ' rin advice of an atrocious ii t e re of a i dony on the west -ni. t ,f flrltl h North Borueo. on dan, i .1 A ban! of rebels fro:;, thu nieib r ai i r-dlte ! with kllMng 131 rsm, women ami children, nun: of ii, ! noil, i hit: a le-.r Kn it!, r s aud burn The relets swept down upon the ohmv sit uiKht. tii st attacking the inms ijs of Chin. - .; Tin- car nag fin illy became gmeral arsd men, women ami children r- hii(chers4 ii i crirmn i ely. Al i burning tin) tillage the r-' ' ; . n'.d. leaving v ..- , n . I. woundi-d and i of their homes rh -uni'..; en nun AreagMPj H. station nit or. whose wife was i, i i -I entiles, es- iw i to Jisselion from wbere OH IP A BANKRUPT. rty Associated Prens New York. Msy 12.-4Jenrge W. Leb rer. theatrical manager. AledJ S! vol,. n'arv retiu. n in bankruptcy t- di.v. f! " V" Vr kn are JiT-i :G'. a. svt: 1H. t -.unites