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ii Hill I lllll lill iiwiiipiww WWF THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1904. i t c o . tYvvvm a ta NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS j HIIU 9-tt If 1 1 ML f . . tA4-3 1 t fjt 1 1 ftti ?... t U r. t dren. They art' to lie commenced ULLIN. f!i?tKii&7rtreJJSS t ! ducau I J. D Quart I lay. 1 i I I : B n mil W ILL. May 13, 1904. Tbos. .Myers Is in Surinuiield the Polaski delegation this week look inn after the Interests o the futur governor of the state. Mi. sprii' Brown aha wife, of Pop lar Hhift, are pnests of Mrs. Browns either, B. vv. Mtf., this wt'oiv. .1. W. Hennevay. of DuQuoin, w.t , a (Jtlta visitor tin.' past re wdays. hit village Saturday oh business, Mrs. c. ,. Gillespie made a trip to Mound City Thursday. Dr. Harris and wife accompanied by Will Neibaur, of Doogola, wore seen on our streets Wednesday. Low Newell la reported sick; rheu matism being the cause Miss Clara To h, who has hvhn vis iting relatives In Qrand Chain, has re turned to I ilia. J, W. Thornton spent Sunday in Mounds Wnitlng Ira Hudson. thai will not aff sci the atl n i-mee ! cell Oil our W. W. Mil the ML ic. s Cttl lo the I night, Thlt dav. Mav h visitor tins week. HARRISBURG. May 13. 1904. Irs. John C I the sick. Mrs. 11. U li In Our friend 1 is in let a few the Marin COBDEN. May 13. 190,. mfo flafanHi nam il g .rg: UftlltU WMHUWflL BANKj ' I A i 1 -V LA CENTER, KY. May 13, 190-4. Vernon W1 ere on bus! II. (. Perr ii Bandana, wa adnesday. ent to Loulsvllh s a man of man; i i i diiion to the moral and religious forces of the community. V. H. Viet and wile lvlurueil hone from Now Harmony, Ind , Thursday night. ' Dick Wilford. of Harlow, was in town Thursday on business, BELKNAP. May 13. 1904. SeVj&gl of the members of the I Q. f. V. wont to Brand Chain Tuesday 'verai Viell Can be Relie ved and Cured by the use of "IMGRO W " a ik grow : f ingrow : 0 INGRUW ; IK GROW Evety Bottle Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction or money m I J; INGRCW refunded. Price 25c per bottle. Sold by all druggists. I uhw iicEnToFPKicB Schuh Drug Co., Cairo, III. 7 ? SAMUEL HASTINGS .... ? ! OT"3, OOPgiSi, HAY, ; A Tel phone . ! ! : V-aifO, IHUIOIS. f Weighed Only Fire ; Founds. t Clinton, Ky i Mrs. Massio. Mabry, of Uai Mrs. J, C. r village b ' hoiUel i ami aei ie has r a nun Dii Quoin, ! contrtbut ilule orphan iwn .1 J. Hunsali rnafhr. Pi Resilcss, Cried Day and Night. Dr. Miles' Nervine Did Wortk.rr, Cured Her. W'alni Mrs. v :ll in s Miss Maud Bvcrs has retui from a few days' visit, in (li' Chain. Which Is In session. P. J. Walker, oJ Oaiatia, was in City Monday. V. V. Pemborton, Of Brushy, nierly deputy I heriff of Saline 60U was in i he city Tuesday. 3. l. LewJi, ii x. linney an nunibor of witnesses were here T day taklnf depositions In a hi rapto esse, lixtensivc preparations are In made for I lie laying of th,- coi stone ot the new Saline county ci bouse in this city Mav IS The a M lot the occasion. Kd Anderson Is having tht nd ( apt. (1 MOUNDS. Dr. W. V May 13. I904. enee Sims, of V. iday soliciting t L 111 ' I V - miss tsmma .i tailing La Cost) 3ohn Williams. n return airing oui of onlor phones. I!. I). Wilson spent Tuesday , eve in as a Mound City visitor. Clarence Lane, of Mound city, wi visitor here today. Mesdaraes fClla Fitznatrick as -o I had a little, nut slepp wjthoa' Ous that t did WI say a good deal about low prices, and nothing at all about qua! very low ami w and get quality that is quality, i., wnose prices are itill lower. Try ....MUTfilO The oHly LIVING MFRMAH. i I yr end 1 Nervine and Heart od results from the ive since flic ted amend Dr. Miles' f u I did."--Mrs. ing mei un wrvous Di.MUcMt Addreu JlboseAwfolHeayfJack regularly v.-ilitoroitan Ia.4(1;.I)c . IhodigostiTO ornan;ii i jKrfoot i-urdl-tlon, h .ill oif biliouaiiesa, henxtaoiteb, liver ilia, keep you ia good health. TRY it TO-DAY. SOei a. Bottle Ail Druggist . . . mi impi i nropert v. T .III inn. inv lias I i i hej and e- lor several hour ; were admired djy USS a crowd ol lovels of l;oo'I horse-; i Deputy Sherlfl .. b.-LocKw ' bai S gone south to recuperate, W tame uros. mmuei companj now mm pnrnbasej a team of One u were brought up town Tin ardware Co. into t: iw offices, haviu lie Brat of the i ov.iimiip, uiiii very suaaen- r dav nlchi of i.c in railnr.. ! . . ... ,i. uiun . r larron lias returned from wh.'le he Blienl several ! ' iii. sp. iii si versa ng bis daiiKiiter. W. F. 8c tl Is In Carmi g attending court. ' rrismirg and Qaualit) ballj play at Don-is' park Mav , W. A. (Iran; lias moved into hi 1 new residence. l'$ Uncle Henry Conpton has sold his c' rcsldenco property on Boutb Vim .; sircct to J, ll. Pearce and will move S to California, ( J. It. Metcalf has be u quite slcli 1 for several dhJ Mi AUTOMATIC REFRIGERATORS. pen, I, Iv S' team lx. Ie , (,i a haii urant, inv i ina,;i d the Hai city Tu ' ' 1 , . , MOUND CITY. J. K. Roll ine; -.a in Ing resigned Ol the Ii -Iii Harry Pel 'in county Ii ds v. , , ... i SMSSMI'Wuft nt in f-'trMaaaM-''J'"M"'- ' AOr WEATHER IS COMING You will need a Refrigerator, Peerless lee Cream Freezer,' Water Cooler, Screen Doors. Screen Wire and Window Screens. We Have them in all sizes and styles, and at prices to suit any pocket book. SCREEN DOORS. mm H m i i t in efj 5t ; WW 9 WW it M Wa lit M l"iTC A Beautiful Lawn Use jwr HOSE to keep if green, l ... . . . a i i r .fttww i tctsii 'L. ' our DnLL DcAKIml LAW 11 MOWER wW do I he rest. -iljj- Ki, 4 '4 s COLO We have a complete and el i HANDLE ,1.1 cut fiorted stock of nardware, '''? I in. tiranito. Dresden, i;n i!i -i , Jii and (ialvanicd ware. "v. EERLESS ICE CMHM'I.K fv UT May 13, 190i. sinned on a to have tO accomi Mrs. ciara BH chi' It 'ii an I ii "InttH," iMisn Bhno baa alree ity, on the ii v ill follow this Dbecllve iwini Perlln, bat Hi will tl Yi i ' choni . mi h ii i The Aulomalic is the Best, LAWN MOWERS. I IT Hrattd of Scfsaora, Hfuore, Pocket and Table Cutlery the Kat made and (oily warranted. CREAM CHURNS cy will visit o'lvr lto I rtan point:, in Ccrmaiiv, Havana at and Pniasla. Mr. BIobi If in t iu I ' difiotcnt health a. i be makes Ik tenr in the hw of hi" nht ileal t! ' fwniewt re party wjll sail from N'cw York next Kanirdav as in st. i on tn that didn't b m o 1 i Special Price Mk. CHARLES TURNER i g Scc our linc before birying. sizes and kinds. All Teorat;np. Paper Hanu'lngana I Painting. Offli e Lane Hotel. J WOODWARD HARDWARE COMPANY, BOTH PHONES 101 Free Delivery to all parts of the city. 10I7-I0I9 Ohio Levee St. SCRLI N Wl I j .'i i j I 1 J.!; . ffl! .ail . t l it-1 ' t, t ml; t - , . f To suit anv window. w i a i f r i" i t i' i I. s o ..... . . It.MI'iMttMMM tllMIM;itl!llllMIIMMHMMMUIMIIH(HII 14 IS UUIIUIULUIU