Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1904. 5 p tvvvtv Filigree Ball By ANNA Author of "The Mystery ol Copyright. 1903, by zzzxxxxxx "H PTKK I Several myal irnii ..eH h h ' awwrtd in the Moon bimin m WaahiBgiaa. It vacant. I nclt-ll.n i t M ,'ir,-, a prnviMi'tive Ht-tr , a wMoWor seehaae, Mvesaftiosa t tie xtmt. Hla BMOB, Veronica Moofe, in I fit at OBprloa NeM HM lii'tice t" celebrate Iter wed ting with Francis Jeffrey. A snpposi'd Kaeit is round Iv int dead In the fatal room before the c Mnon) ra laulMd. When tin MotTOMU, the house lss(aiii empty, and I'nelc DaVM notiHis the MlMM that a Hunt i seen th' re at Bight. II A detective goes with l'nc!c Omul nnil af ter a view from the outside concludes that there is someone in the house. Hnmmoninir aid, he eiders, while I'nele David retires with in hit own hoin- and OMriBI playiiiKlhe OfM' The detective Hints the body of a woman on the floor in front of a eettie which has played a part in previous tragedies. A pis tol is attached to her wrist hy n ribbon. III In an upstairs room thedetcct:e finds burned matches, candles, a rich wrap lying with the bridal houtirt and a handkeichlef marked 1 Vcroiica," with dust upon it. On a mantel are finger marks in the dust, ami a picture on th wall has recently been dnsud. IV Veronica's half sister, Cora Tattle, is strangely affec'.rd on the scene of the tragedy. The de id woman's watch had fallen and stop pedal T:t:t. Jeffrey conic in with a note from tits wife saving she did not loe him as she I bought. Miss Tuttle ev.denftv loves him. V- l'ncle fav:d takes the ncwsealmlv. lie has candles in tin house, although It is lit hv Ml VI Jeffrey had courted penniless Miss Tuttlr. then turned lo Veronica. VII and VIII -The detective finds some gilt metal tilings left he hind in thu house aftor all "e'ews" had htcn iifllcial y removed. Jeffrey's linger marks aie IBM lo eorrcssnHl with those lound in the dust in the r onu. IX and X -Detective cm p.oys a young wom iti named Jinny to inter view .leffn-v's maid. Lor dtii. Jeffrey ordered landles of his grocer before his wife's death. Mi admits thai he was in the Moor, bouse the night before his wife's death, that he was jealous aid had words with her XI l'r.tta savstnat Jeffrey mid bis wife quarreled the day before h, r ifeath. MtssTettMj nail Jeffrey were . ot at home at the hour ol the tragedy. I b" deed woauui'e weddtM nng ley on her jvwel ease st home It shewed blood marks. Sims Tuttle wa exc teif over the news o1 the tragrdv and Jeffrey was vcrv calm. XII and Nlfl Jeffrey found the note 'left hv his wife In a book. Miss T attic handled both book and note before him n 1 1 lamp tc I with the drawer where his pistol was kept. Jefferv admits that h left ftrger marks in the dust of the Moure house: also matches, eard'es, etc l' and XV Unle David saw lights in the Moore hoe the night of the tiegedy, Wednesday, and also Tuesday night. One Ta'lman swears to u alibi lor Jeffrey, Miss Tuttle tied the libbon on Vt roniea' wrist and was at the door of the room wh"it the f ilalshot was fin d. Hhe and Jeffrey talked together n French soon after XV and XVII Uitt'iMive finds from guests that she wedding was detisyed; the bride dressed alone, left her boijuet upstairs and Beted oeoefi A Ihv whehfeoghil e hurried verbal incsag 1 and carried away an answer was KM rieher soon after the incident and loiii 'd th" rough riders as a pr it Age ol .leffrev . XVIII and XIX A ring had been tiled fr am I lie bride's finger, lea ing awoui d Ttie mes' sage given by the bride to the hoy was. "Take the gentleman into the library." XX and XXI Tm i dpath's had oec irred in the library pre vious lo the wedding, holli victims having previously quarreled with the lawful owner. Among the lif-ir'oOBI was a filigrc i ball BOB" t'dulug a inatiiitier which, snptied to a certa n i i i ore in he chamber, re veals a s'"' ret method for killing a person seated on the library settle, XXII Dnrli g a te-l of the ilca'h m i f him rv a Btaoe of V ronC'V-. lam fntitnl e ingtrig toit. .xxui and XXIV Veronica bed married Hfelffer, h i map i rtewa of h' npeddteg niiht. wh na sehooJ gin. sin i dled him and told or it in her sleep CHAITKH xxiv. IMAI'K my way to llio front ilnor, inn returned almost I ni mediately, Drawing the major gelde, i whla pored a rgQueett, which 1I to l certain email ertlela bring paaaad ottt to rue, after which I ganhtared out on the itOOp jtnl in time to eocoanfrW tbe tprnce imt Irate figure of Ur Monro, wbo bad feraaatd (nun the oppoalta atdc, "Ah:'' s.iiti i. "Good morning r ind in;:do bin my inotl deferential bow. Mo glared, tad Radge glervd from it ift place on tin' farther curb, dottfiy the police were do! in with Ihg ocenpenti of tbe cottai Kvi favor o that morning. "'on Is tills to CMMT1 Iio nrtly tletnaoded. "When an ttieea early moning (tMpaseea upon an iionost ritiavn'e property coming to an eatH i witko with a light heart i expecting dint wy hoaee, whicli la certainly us hrach mbrte na hi gay aian'a in Wmb. Ing ton, woald be banded over Mils very day fur my habitatloo, wbea whal da I are? Owe police afllcer tearing the front goor and mother loaning him self in ilm ireetlbale, How uiffW) wore of yon arg rtthla I do not praaaaM to nsk. Boac imif docen, no dOnbt, and not one of yoa imart enough to wind up this matter tad hare done with it." "Ah! I don't know about I hat" I drawled, and looked reey wise. His curiosity was amused "Anything Bewf ho Mapped. "Pnttsihly. ' I irtt null, in a way to exeaperate a Mini lie sioppod on to the perch bealde mo. i was t(v abetrtcted to notice; I Kaa engaged in eying Rudge "Io you hnow," said I, aftr an in fsaiit of what 1 meahl should ho Cfne of nncomfgtabgV raepenae on his pan, "iliat I have n greatcf reaped thnh ot r for that nnlnal of yours gince leurnlng the very reaaou ho has for refuging to i piss the etreett" "Hn! What's that'" ho askod. with (iil k look lchlnil him nt tlio watch' fui brute (training toward Mat with OUe over the pnttor "1 to see farther than wo ran His oyos penetrate wails and partitions." I reunited. Then, rareteaily ami aith Uncle Divvid anfferid the eaJia drawing forth if fatdeil i bit of paffCff wl.i. ii I bcW out ton mil ' litin. I aaWei, "Hy tbe v...y. here la 1 soinc'liiiiK of yours." 'His hand n'.se instlnttively to tale it: lh ut ilroppwl. ' j I Ami'i know !. roti mnu n i rfmarbeil. "You hate imthlns of min-." i "o? Thru John Jm'.son Moore liad I tmm mm ani her brother." And 1 tLruat the 5fe KATHARINE GREEN, Ajiths Webb," "Lost Man's lane," the Botibs-Mcrrlll Company Etc. pap'-r BacK into my pocket, lie followed It with his eye. It was (lie memorandum I had found in the old hook of memoirs plucked from the library shelf within, and he recognised it for Irs nnd saw that I did nigh, But lio failed to show the white feather. "You are pood at ransacking," ho ob served. "Pity thai it cannot ho done to more purpose." I smiled and nifido n frosb start. With my hand thrust into my pocket. I remarked without even so much as n glance at him: "I tear that you do some injustice la the police. Wc are not such bad follows; neither do wo waste as much time as you sim iii to think." And, draw ing out my hand with the little filigree ball in it, I whirled the la'ter inno cently round and round on my finger, As it Hashed under his eye 1 cast a penetrating look. He tried to curry the moment off sue eossfully; I will give him so much credit. I!ut it was baking too much of his curiosity, and there was no mis taking the eager glitter which lighted Ids glance as ho saw within his reach this article which a moment before he had probably regarded as lost forever. "l'nr instance," i weal on. watching him furtively, though quite sure from his very first look that he know Bo Btore now of the secret of this little hall than ho know When he lotted down the memorandum I had just pocketed before his eyes, "a little thing, such a little thing as this." 1 repeated, giving the bauble another twist, "may lead to discoveries such ns no common search would yield in years. I do not say that It has; but such a thing Is possible, you know who hotter''" My nonchalance was too much for him. He surveyed me with covert dis like and dryly observed: Your opportunities have exceeded mine, oven with my own cITeets. That petty trinket which yon have presum ed to thunt in my face ftnd of whoso value I utu the worst Jndge in tbe world, since I have never had It in my hand descended to me with the rest of Mrs. .lefiicy's property. Your con duct, therefore, strikes me in the light of an Impertinence, especially as no one could be supposed to have more in terest than myself in what bus been for many years recognised as n family talisman.1 "Ah." i remarked, "yog own to the memorandum, then. It was made on the spot, hill without the hcilelit of the talisman." "i own to bothlng!1 he mapped. Then, realising that denial in tins re Card was fatal, he added more genial ly; "What do you mean hy memoran dum) If you mean that recapitulation of old time mysteries and their gecout- h na ihi' fo'llm-i'S u itll which I IlIll'O 1 whiled Stray an idle hour, I own to It. of course. Why shouldn't H It is only a (grant of my curiosity in regard to this old mystery which every ineiu her of my family must feel. That u rio.sity has not boon appeased, If it would not he Indiscreet on your part. in. iy I now ask if juil have found out What that little golden hall of mine which yon sport so freely before my gyeg Is to be used in connection with?" "Heed the papers." I said; "read to morrow's papers. Mr. Moore, or. bet ter still, tonlght'a. IVrhaps they will Inform' yrj " He W is as Bttfl7 as I bad OXpeoteil bint fo he; hut. as this Ire proved eon rlusirely that his strongest ematldn bad ben curiosity rather than fear, I feit assured of my yrounil and turned to reenter the biiuse. Mr. Mome did not aeoofapany me, The ma lor w as Standing In the hall The others had evidently retreated to the parlor. "The man Opposite knows what he known." MM I. "hut this does not In clude the facts concerning the picture in the southwest chamber or the devil Ish mechanism." "You are sure?" "As positive as one of my Inexperi eneo can he. I'.ut. ajar, I am eipially positive Hint he knows more than he Should of Mrs. .TefT rev's death. I am oven ready to state that in my belief be was In t lie house when it occur rod." ' Has he acknowledged this';" "Not at nil ."' "Then what tiro your reasoua for this belief';" "They nro nutny." "Will you atatS thorn';" "f'lndly, if you will pardon the pre sumption Some of my pom lesions cannot he new to you. The truth is that I have possihly seen jnore of this old man than my duty Warranted, and I feel iiiif nt-ady td dd lare that h" knows moruf what illnat taken pla. o In this liotfSo titan be i rea'lj- 10 avow. I am sure that he has often visited it in secret and knows ahont a certain hroken window ns well as we do. 1 ani aksa UTS that ho was here on the uipllt 'f Mrs. Jeffrey's suicide. He trrt too little surprised when I in formed him of what had li.tppeneil not to have had some secret inkling of It beforehand, oven if wo had not the lefjJ.iHoli) of ti e lighted . and!'' and the book he so hurriedly replaced. Dcsklts, " "", ,nnu '" "r:1- aiBtaeii am fit BigM for H siatpM n iMj as the which be rndearatH v im I"'"'' "4 " 1 w "1::t w lmnl..l find in this haaaa ' '-ry ga4. If Mr .lefTrey s prent exidaualiuliS an tHI?, thfW dednttfnft' of .T,M" :,rr P"''bly eorrerl Put Mr. )'' den .iL has been positive f ir that it will turn out a mere qiiet "Not necessarily," I returned, "I think I sco ii way of forcing tbla man to Acknowledge ttkit in1 was in or about this house on that fatal ni'ht." "You do';" "Ye. sir; I do not want to hoast, and I I should ho gtgd if you did not oblige gts to confide lo you the means hy I which i hope to bring this out. Only I give me leave to inaafi an advertise I meat in both evening and morning I papers and in two days I will report failure or success." The major eyed nie with an interest that made my heart thrill. Then ho quickly said: "You have earned the privilege, I will pve you two days." At this moment Dturtdn reappeared, I He had the book in bis pocket. 'Ink ! ing it out, he handed it to the major, j with this remark: "You won't find anything there. The .u'ont's boon fooling you." The major opened the hook, shook It, looked under the cover, found noth ing, and crossed hastily to the drawing ' room We as hastily followed him. j The district attorney was talking with l Miss Tuttle: Mr. Jeffrey was nervous . ly pacing the tloor. Tbeyhittcr slopped i as we till entered ami his eves Hashed to the hook. "Let mo take It." salat h'e. "It was absolutely eighty. " remarked ! the major. "The letteaF'has been ab 1 straetod, probably without your knowl edge," "I do not think so," was Mr. Jef frey's unexpected retort. "Ho you sup- I post? that I would intrust a secret, for the preservation of which I was ready : to risk life and honor, lo the open paes if a When 1 found my The concealed letter self threatened with nil soils of visits front the police and realised that at any moment my effects might be rag. mcked I sought a hiding place for this loiter which no man without super human insight could discover, Look!" And, pulling "IT the ouiside wrapper, he inserted the point of his penknife Under the edge of the paper lining the inside cover and ripped It off with a jerk. "i pasted this here myself!" he cried and showed us where between this pa llor and the hoards, in a place thinned out to hold it, there lay a number of folded sheets, w hich, vilth a dis'p sigh. In; banded OVer for the major's inspec tion. As he did so bo renin iked: "I had rather have died any natural death than have hail my miserable wife's secret know n. lint since the j crime has come to light this story of her sin and her repentance may Serve' In some slight degree to mitigate, pub lie opinion She was sorely tempted, and she succumbed, The crime of her ancestors wtis in her blood." He again walked off. The major un folded the sheets, (To lie Continued Monday.) A Positive Necessity. Having to lay upon my bed for 1 1 days from a severely bruised leg, I only found relief when I used a bottle vi Ballard's Snow Liniment. I can cheerfully recommend it as the best medicine for bruises ever .sent to the afflicted. It has now become a posi tive necessity SpOg myself. II. K. Byrnea, Merchant, Doversvillp, Texas. 16c, ""e. 1.00. Sold by S huh Drug Company. Herd Fate cf Public Off err. s. c. Carpenter, a former Dob policeman Who served with credit for eleven jears anil lost a leg during nn election rloi a little over a year ago. has been dismissed from the force ami is eotapelled to resort lo beg j ';iiig to keep body and seal together. Chicago rhremlol". LivoH Without a Brain. Ikiciurs in Vicuna have certlfijjd j Hint a i ixy ar-old girl, who lad Just I tiled, was born without n br;.I;f She had never learned to eat or to move without assistance. If you are pale. BR) energy, no ambi tion, irritable, cross, ugly, lake Hol lister's RnCkf Mountain Tea. ami SSC It revolutionize your whole system. ht will do Lata husiiies!. thoroughly. cents, lea or tablets. Pattl (.. Si huh & Sons. Germans Eat Mere Fish. Tin' Inhibitory mmmten ol Denaany B!;ainct the importn'ion of An-.eriran eattie and nu at produtta bare greatly adranrod the price of meat in the country. In jfeaieOteBCC of thla the (otMimplioii of freah, dried and i.tlteu fish has laru' ly hMSTUMOtl. A Hani luirg eonipany has opeMfl a depot and packlne 1 . i : . at Malaricn Mt -nzalen, Bgypt, for the CSTtag and hlppiin; of eels taught In tha Nil- and afflu-nt Exposure To cold drauehts of air. to keen and Cutting winds si rlden changes of tern peratur-. scanty clothlnie. HMuu ex posure to i h throit and neck after public spoa'i.inu and Staging, hriiiR on ODUgha and colds. Il;i Hards IfatU hound Syrup Is the licst.. Mi ;. A. llarr. Houston, Texas, writes, Jan :;i. IStl: "OBM tattta of Itallard's Morrhound Synip eur-d me of a very had cough. It la very plmsnnf to take.'' 2r,e. :.0c. $1.Ch. Sold hy Schuh Drug Company HEALTHY PLANTS Require he Moil Careful Attention a Well as Good Soli. Did you ever see a rosebush which despite the most beneficent environment of soil of sunshine and of atmosphere, -seemed never to achieve a healthy growth. A ton of manure will not help a pl.tnt that has a canker eating out its heart. You must destroy the cause before yotl can remove the effect. You cannot cure Dandruff and rtalil noss ly nibbing on h.ilr lotions, and rubbing In vaseline, etc. You must look to the cause of tha trouble It's ft germ at the roots of your hair which causes It to fall out. N'cwbro'a Herrdeldo destroys the.eerm, and healthy hnlr Is the sure result Sold by leadlne drugttlsts. Send Ho, In stamps for rample to The Herpidde Co., Detroit. Mich. fgul U. rfhuh & Sons, Special Agents. , ,4 jf 'JJJ The "Missing Link." Down In New Seal and, comparative ly small as Hie land is, there are many animal and bird mysteries still. They say that there is a brand-new that is, new lo the world -type of animal on the order of the duckbill down there yet. Darwin always though) that somo day a Veritable Uaard bird (not a Hy ing birti, but a true missing link he twoottft'ho birds ami the reptiles) might be found there. T reatest tonic, strength giver, blood producer, life prolongcr ever offered the sick. Such is Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea a family bles sing. ;!;" cents. Paul Q, Bchuh nnd Sons. Condensed and Private Debrte. mo most oonoensea oeoata over heard in the house of commons is sail! to have been one once taking plars be tween Sir William Harcourt, recently retired from public life, ami Lord Ran dolph Churchill. Irritated beyond en durance at Lord Randolph, Sir William leaned Ticross the table to where l1( sat and raid: "You little ass!" "You.d d fool!" returned Lord Ran dolph akd that was all. isn't i: true tine a homely woman knows only half of life's pleasures, Ladies why not take Hollister's Rocky Mountain Tea i other half. 'Twill do :!."i cents, tea or tahlotl Bchuh ft Sons. mm bus) tin No Question About It. One of the questions of the day Is, "Should a wife have an allowance?" Oh, by all means, Let a good, libi ral allowance he settled upon her by her lather just before the marriage cere mony. No persons bul those who have had experience know how neces sary this is. World's Fair, At St. Louis. Tickets at low rates now on sale. For particulars apply to any Mobile & Ohio railroad agent. B I G FOUR 0, . .season. SI. U Grand Railroad Ural exi urolon to of Terre Haute, Account Grand opening Laks arU. Sunday, May 15 Very leaving soiled ill low rait -i i n i lona for unci! 'cial train Cairo 3:30 n. m. 1.50 Hound City, . 3:41 a. at 1.50 Olnatead 4:01 a. im. 1.50 Grand chain, i : 1 1 a, m. 1.60 lluililinp i;2(i a. in. 1.50 Vienna 1:1! u. nt. IS Tunnel Hill. '''s ''' t.26 Parker SUM fl. m. New Bnrnatdea 513 a. m. 1,23 Stone iVtoat, . . .vii a. m. 'l25 Carrier .Mills.. sM a. ui. J "' Ledfonl Hit a. rn. 1 1,25 Hatriaburg:, . . Itll a, m. 1,00 Terre Haute 1 1 : l'o a. in. t Returnlna tickets will be ; '"' "' ' "' on special cram leaving I erre rtauic C:00 p. ni. same data, Hnndny May 18, 1904, The celebrated Wrifclit Car nival company baa heaa .-ccured for tha Qrand Opcoing ami tha at tract ion off t d will lie second to n is e. For lickols mi l full information call on mciiiAl I.i.L- I '"ii route. .1. M. Stone. triTelllm pii-'senser apent, ('Hiro, II'. H. it I".; ill . president; C. B. HlmlT. gcBcral manager; rVarrai J. Lynch, general paaaaagaf and ticket ageat. Blmer Smith. Ticket Agent. Cairo, III. liij; Poiir lo the World's lair. St. Louis. 1 1 v Q r Wantacook, V'ant a clerk, Want a partner, Want a "ifuation, Want a se rvan'. uirl, Want to mD a piano, Want to sell a carriaire. Want to pel! your property. Want to sell your HOCCnfre, Want to nell our dry roikIs, Want to sell your hardware. Want a customer for any tiling, BULLETIN AdVertlaing brings ne w customer'. AdvertisinK keeps the old ones. . Advertising ihoWl confidence, MTertMug btaam suecei, Ad crtiinir shows energy, Advert i si iig Knows jilu k, Ailvertisin in "luck." Advertising is "hi.," Advertispor'bnst,' A '.verti'e longer Art vertise well, Adveriiae at O N 0 L ! S: Louis, Memphis & Southeastern R. K. St. Louis & Gulf Ry. TO THEss Louisiana Purchase Exposition Through the Picturesque Mis sissippi Valley, Skirt Ing tha (Ireat Mississippi for One Hun dred Miles, Presenting a Con tinuous Panorama of Natural Beauty Watch for announce ment of opening and Low Excursion ail Hates Pur Further Particulars and De scriptive Literature, call on nearest agent or address, W. R. POWE, lien. Pass. Agt, Cape tlirardcau, Mo. Hen Michael, the Old Reliable Pawnbroker. Molit y to 1"in mi tilt vjilii;tMrn. It;rains to be b;ul pi dilMAOlMU, Wftlchts. tfinis .mil pltioll Curry i full line of leather a it QMQH and Iport (ng f004i A No ropftlr wati'hia at rtasoiiiiltlt' Once A Reader of tha Chicago Journal Always a Reader . . THE OLDEST DAILY NEWSPAPER IN ILLINOIS 58 Years the Home Paper. A paper that lias the most com pletC netrl service obt a i n a bl e ftom all parts of the world. It.1 coluttina arc most cotnpetently edited. Society, music and drama, literature and art are ably commented upon. Its financial, commercial and live stock re views are acknowledged to bt thoroughly complete and most reliable. 6 cunts run week by car i i'ii i 'I'm: uriin ti Mill KICK JO NIC I CAR il ffUlIU Alexander Countv National m Bank Commercial Ave. and Eighth Street, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CAPITAL SIIHUWUN) SURPLUf AMI UNDIV lllhil PRONTO OFFICERS: $m,m)M E. A. BL'DER, President CHA3. FEUCHTER JR., V. President J. H. GALLIGAN Cashier F. SPENCER Assistant Cashier Directors B. A. Buder. Thus. Hoyd C. M. Osterloh. J. II. Galllgun. w. k. Qhotaoi C. O. Patler. C. V. Neff. Win. Kluge. Ckaa. ruchtar. Jr. J. M. Herbert. Accounts of corporations and In dividuals especially solicited. Ex change furnished in any part of the world. Alexander County Savings Bank CAIRO, ILLINOIS. E. A. Buder President. Thos. Boyd Vice-President. J. H. Galligan, Cashier. F. Spencer Assistant Canier. CAPITAL - $50,000 l W 1 s - $2? WXI ami I NMVIDBB I'VOi ns tiuw Strictly a Savings Hank. Interest rate Of Paid three on Time per cent Deposits at per annum. HOLLISTER'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Bt- Y: r-r B-. j P-'' Erlan Gil i n H ikh aad Seaear-d Vijfur. A pwi.V fnr CrsMtilMtloa, ItsHiawllnai, Urn a- I Kidii 'V Trnvblss, PisaaaBB, l v.mi. fmpnr TV ml, tTwi, SI'i rr sli Howl, H'tt-1'h-' . '; i iM.'kiwii'-. It L .'. M .itbUilft T' in la I- fWm. V, rnis a Ih,t. OfMstse maiV bf II li wraa Pnr o rom-iT, MsH-n. Wl. .GOLDLff NUGGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPIE World's Fair Cheap Excursion St. May 21i tor i'( turn any date to and including May the Tin dsi- to st. Louis THE St. Louis Train the Mel v fast tr aches St. superb ars. dinin an of tl Louis ut 1 1 ( otton a. m equipment, coach I cars, sleepers. cha i For Infcfrma ' hi corning rat time it ti COTTON BELT TICKET AGENT. Very Low Rates TO Cleveland, 0., AND RETURN VIA Big Four Route On Account Of National Baptist Anniversaries May 19th to 25th, 1904. Hound trip tickets to Cleveland, O., Will he on sale May 11, Id, 17 and IS lliol, from all llig Kour points, at tin title of one fare for round trip, (plui ric.) Tickets good for return passage 1 May Sffthi with privilege of extension in June 1". LD04, For full Information ami partiot! I, limits, t'U', Route, or ad J. M. Stone i i.i ilS I on it s Hie '. A., i rates, ticket tents Hie Four undersigned. Cairo 111. Half Rates TO Springfield, Ills,, And Return Via Big Four Route Annual M'-itm Gf Travelers' Protective Association of America. Tlcketi sold to Bprlngflehf, III., and return will lie on sale on June Itli and ."ith. IM4, at half rates. Final return limit to leave B print Held to and Including Juno Hi. IMi, For full information, as to part ic 11 lars a to rates, tlrkots, limits, etc , 'all on ageatl Big Four Route or ad- dress T. V. the A., ( underalgni lairo, in. d. J. M. Btone Excursion Rates TO Ohio, uayiuii, AND RETURN VIA BIG FOUR ROUTE On Account Of Annual Conference German Baptist Brethren Tickets Sold May 19. ?0, 21, 1904. Limit May 38, 1904, unlaaa exien-1 yina piivile' hi availed in. For full jafttraiaitluw as to fmttieu Lara an to ratee, ficheta, limits, etc . call on agents HIk Four lloute or ad i ihe DttUersignvd. j M Btvne, T IV A.. Cairo 111. River Transportation LEE LINE STEAMERS l'nr M'-ini!iia anil ny Lniellns. TKlf K RKK1 UE PKTI Ra ' KK STACK KK LRB .1 OR(l v LRK KKI! I) HKKOI.H DRraBTCRK. Altornfttr -TaBsasjrs ' ni Wi rlaf sitay .", ,. as, Kr,,lai ." p. m. Saturday ." p. an. For t. I.ouia aail War Lnmllna-s. Tt KKR J KK KBRD IIF.ROI.D n'lav b. m W BBM . m. I r i ini inoiili ami AVaj I nmlinars. i i ti iw : kk i;i.: - i t i Altrmatr Sun -iys a. n For Krfieht and l'a, Apply at Hi" l;n Thi'lipi WharfU';, ("aim. rtontg I It 1 I , ( no M.mafr. .0 r. ral i f. , Fr- "ft!, ni. his . .. Tfnnr. . DR. MORRISON Office 707 Commercial Ave. Illinois Central Oorrrotf ri to April 3rd, 1304. THK. FAST MAIL ItOUTR Shortest and Quickest Bout to St. Louis & Chicago SrTrain leave Cairo: I 1 1.IO a. m. Daily I hiemto Vestibule Limited. nrrmiiK in Chicago at 10.50 a. m. ! connecting w ith afiernoon trams for all points . cast aul north. it'JOa. m. DallrSt. LooUNight Limtttd arriving in St. Louis at 7:0S a. m., connecting ai Union Station for all points west. Sleeping cars open at 9:tA a. ni. .': I ." a. in., I... , Daylight Kiprcua, i except Sunday, muk, all -tops between Cairo' I and Chicago, arriving in Chicago at f:S0 p. m. li.'lS a. ra., St, l oom Morning l iprem, I eicept Sunday, arriving in St. Louis at lt:j i making all stops. P "i -t. Loull Fast Mail, arriv ing in St. Louis at 6:1 p. in. 1,2: 35 . hi lilrngo M id-day Special. 1 arriving in Chicago, 111 .-Ml p. m. '- I3U p. m. 1 t. I.ouia ; riving in SI. Louis nt :3S p. ra, I'nion Station fat Kansas Cityi ; ver. an Francisco and all point -i-.'iit p, m. Fast Kxprraa N I. looted, nr. tpnnecling at iniaha, Den sest. I Odin, Kf- nngham, Mattoon, T'olona, Chad Ipaign, Chi- Cairo. ,f tat:.'!.' Tbabas Accommodation)! ):. p. m. hirago and Kaalern Vx- prt'M arming In Chicago at :05 a. m.. Indian apolis. TsiM Inclnnati, I0:3ia. ni Buffalo, ;2A p. m.. New York 7:."iU a, ui. Hlet ping cars t Cliicago, , PuiJfrKrprc ''"' N'w v"rli ,Hl eastern i asaiuwis cjUes ,,j hear in mind that the Illinois I cntral i the quickett route by many hour, leaving Cairo at 9:05 p. m and arriving ta New York at 7:50 the second morn ing. SOUTHERN DIVISION. I'll I ONLY DIRECT LINK TO MEMPHIS NASH VILLI, CHATTANOOGA, AT LANTA. JACKSON v ILI.E. HA VANNAII, VICKsnt'Rd and JACKSONVILLE. :I5 a. in. "The Dixie Flyer." Memphit, NaaaTlUa and JaokaosrUla, ;!: Ill a. m Memphis and New Orleans Llmll ed via Menif liis. arriving in Memphis at 8:15 a. in. ami New Orleucs till P. ill. S:'2ll.i. in , daily, Kulton, t'aducah and Louin Vtlte BxSrau. arming in Kulton 10:16 a. 111. l'adiicah 11 :40 a, m. and Louisville .5:45 p. m. I KMI p. '.n., dally, Memphis and New Orleans l ast Mall arming hi Memphis at 7:10 p. m. and New Orleans at :M a. Bt, 1 Hill p. ni., dailj , Naslnillc, Chatanooga and Atlanta. .-."JO p in. Memphis and New Orleans Special arrive in Memphis at 10 l&O p. in., New Orleans lli iio a, m. .":'."i p in. l'adiicah, Mopkiimillc and lxuis rUIt. Knr through tickets, sleeping car aceoni' ; BKraatlons aad further information apply at Illinois Central Passenger Station, Cairo. III. J. H. JONI.S, Tkt. Agl. I A, H. HANSON, den Pass. Agt. Chicago. IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTK Elegant New Service. Quickest and Most Reliable Route ; Missouri, Kausas, Nebraska, I Colorado, Utah, Pacific Coast, Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico and Hot Springs. Obsorvat ion I'arlor Caf o Dining Car, meals a la carlo dopant Drawing Kocm Sleepers, lighted by electricity aijidooojod by aleotrlc fans; QeurBe clining (J hair Cars (seats free); oofti ortable Day Coaches. Special ladnoasjMata oCstad to home seekers (or points soulh and southwest. Low tmiriu ritUs tn K.H-ky Mnuiitain resorts and PftciBc Coast trow Cmro. St. Uiuls, etc, TRAINS t.K4 H MUM No. il M p in TKHtNS ARRIVN AT CAIRO No n U:8t p ra TRAINS LRAVH SIRPH POINT Lock! Freight sml Passrnger No. 7V h 10 m TRA1NH A Hit VII AT BIRDS POINT Local Freight and Passenger No. :.... 8: 10 p m H. O. TOWNHKNI), Ueu 1 P Agl Mo Pa. Kv . Ht. 1miIs Mo. NBMI ., lllln Cain Ordr. ri iB . fl- M-WI ",w"'"' - SttXMA WvnvSn 5TATI0fM CAIRO imp niAN Jf wmsite umxjowiuh NtW 0Bi.AN5 w 1 1Mb OF THAIN3 a. CAIRO NORTH BOOTS I LeaTM (daily, I:tt p. i Lmti , dally) t:V-. m 12 Irfarps Waf days' IM p. n SOUTH BOUND 1 Iatrs daily) I M p. H .ilaily) . 11, II l.fSTrt imrt yf. :W a. No No No No C. S. CtJtRSE, .a.MlAD, JHO. M. HCALL. U..irai f. " A W n.aii.1 rt u. . Itll BIG FOUR ROUTE. Best audQuiakest Line -o- Bvtagvillc, I'aducab, Vincenueg, Danville, Terre Haute, iiidian apolis, Louisville, Cincin nati, PittabtUf, Baltimore Philadelphia, Washing ton, New York Bos ton, and all East ern Cities Bar 1-alr.s 1TfrJti a l o 6 a. na Cinc'-nat: t-nlsTn, Ufa) V,"k fat oiall am! prraa. Onfy one Changs frarto Nw Y.-rk and Poston. No. 2 J; r- ' Ospafi . Inii aaapolia. Tin nnnatl and t rn riprvas. T!st tins Bi a illaBBBolal; can ft sieprat l:M p. at. No. M 1 :00 p a. Loal acooamneaWIOB. BSi.Traiod arme at rai". it am. r-a . at and tt Ms. m. All tiain dai'yiraa Pr ri. map. rilroad uid Bad r,ra lnfortk.a.ca4lonoraaMwa K:,vtFRMn ,'a.; . ' " .- :. W. J. LTNi'H. O. P T A . Olarlnratl. O W. P. t'Kt i i r, p A t lnlt. Mo. J. M. STONE. T. r. A., Cairo. 111. .khiML..