Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY MORNING, MAY 14, 1904 Young Man ..Cairo Opera House Stocks Bonds Cereals IAMSON. Manage. OR" r young Woman To stop spending ail of your earning and DEPOSIT a portion of them with this bank and ;it 3 per i cut interestcompottndtd every i-ix months! Later on von may want to go t housekeeping, build a home, or go iuto business. And the money you saw today will come in mighty handy. Take out a Savings Book with us today. Enterprise Savings Bank, 609 OHIO LEVEE STREET, CAIRO, ILL. capital and Reserve fund, $150,000.00. New York Store MBPtASVLE COMPAN Y, WHEAT, CORN AND OATS LOWER CABLES AND HEAVY AR GENTINE SHIPMENTS CAUSE LOWER OPENING CLOSE WAS WEAKER. Hy Associated Preen, Ckkagc, May 13. WHEAT Low er cab 9a aiul heavy Arsjoiitine skip i meets caused a lower openinjt, July I 1 etas down i shade to KQ84i to 'l j I Principal siclliiiK was by holders 01 ! September, ajthough July was also of I i Wet. cold weather in ilu northwest 13. WHEAT leptember, 7'.'-"-, Mtnncspe Uy the Assoei iii it MlnneapottSi H May, 92: July, M- fj ; ... On track. No. 1 I No. I northern, 93 1 j 9 i 93. Liverpool Quotations. Hy AMOCtnfced I 'reset I le n,..l V.-w 1 :: WllRAT STOCKS, BONDS, MONEY I O N D AY, MAY JACK C. TAYLOR COMPANY 9 STOCK MARKET MADE A STAND AGAINST PREVIOUS DEPRES SION AND SOME RECOV ERY RESULTED. 1 CORJJ B t. arm; d: Ann LIVE STOCK MARKETS. Chicago, May rousht out bnylhg orders early and I day's run was a thou as link' Armor feeling ro&ulted. White isatall even for Friday. TLB r ins betas depression today ami early In the day sumo recovery was effected in o yt . rday1 sharp declines. Firmness j -::.r tmlpod by Koxe light buying rar for Ign account London continuing I to show a, wholes imc huso, with lle-j Iclininx annoy market Trunk line ! stocks ""in rally were operations Id the Red ritei were heiiiH delayed by rains tor wheat votiona were being benefited by additional moi.v u consequence, many early dianoaed ol t Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,PIain and Fancy Groceries and General Merchandise offerings rather ordinary In quality, soil at low range prices. HOQS- There has been a goad de mand most, of the weea, tmt as east ?rn shipping Inquiry was not especial wheat and I fa' large, there .;;-; imt much competi t!i market weakened rapidly. During jtlon between buyers. Prices reached the latter part, ol the session many j a Kill lower 6vel, hogs are selling b bearish crop report.-, received, addedftrlfle tower Ihan al the eta s ol lasi to th weakness. ftradst root's fle 1 week, although sales today we e ures on exports of wheat fkmr show I largely 85 higher than yeeterdaj the smallest shinaient for any week BHBBP With smaller supplies and re:i copper r.aa some feet in sustaining t although it bad no yond the usual ragt settlement of the (iig per Interest. United states stel Sot nearly level But probably aBec the threatened a considerable traffic la prom i in Amalgam sentimental ef e eariv nni'do" Wholesale and Retail. Corner 0(h Street and Commercial Avenue. T. B. REESE I Dry (food?.--K hi Gloves and Hosiery a Specialty til COMMERCIAL AVSNUB. active general demand prlees ha-. Raffled up, clipped lambs sold as lii a:; at tiny time this seat on, bill th best woolod flocks weru 20 lower thai lower. At the set last week. Sii -i-p also were active taken. I but failed to recover, all of their re eporls a;:.i I ;' an decline. Ottlj two thou. ;:in;l hi 1 1 vo. I . price a linn. In sixteen year.;. Theio was hoavj liquidation late in the session, The close showed Jail off f?l, .Ma) down 14, September 08 I pool steady to board 15 boat) CORN Bcai the sluaip in wheal caused general selling tho latter part of the session" There was some covering by the shorts, but offerings wen so liberal thai a shrtrp break occurred. Reports from the west showing freer country acceptance Increased the weakness. At St. Louis. fly tbr Associated Press. si. Louis, May 13. -CATTLE Re celpta, LOM. Strong; beef steers $ I.OflC I stoeki rs and feeders 3,25j 1.3s; cows and heifers. $3.50f f6; Texas Bteeora, 3.504.75, HOG 8- receipts, 1,060. Five high point over last nignl 1 nrersare was. ren wod upon ti'e Ueited state , steel stocks c the day progrosaed.i Volume and mj icry of source of the selling have a very unsettling InAeuace and seoai to hi' regarded as ,1 portent by the usual operators la market. Common stock made successive new low re enrds down to 8 without the slight est apparent effort ai support. Call money loaned al -'1 per cent but ran iff again to below f.vo per cent. Weil nesa of United states steel carried the whole market off in later trading and made losses on the day. Government Bonds Provision Markets. BUTTiSR- Creamer n-uiiuvg. CHBB8G Irregular, large aw smaU, 9 ll: new 7:ii. teady; westen net I Si 2.'iti baa ; Louis Herbert ? v OOS Ohio. Lovo-, Cairo, lllinoin 4 tuuiVk ' Liquors, Keg and Bottled Beers, j 4eeeeeeeeXfeeeea4-eeeeeeO'eooeee vWe do Your Mending Free In addition to furnishing the beet work and msct prompt ssrvice. I Z American steam Laundry, 208 Eighth Street. 4 Phonc i I03. is 1 closed at a low point. Compared with yesterday's Una! Bgurai July closed I'tt ''. lower. May a com. IA rpool unchanged to v; lower. On the poaiboard five boatloads Wero ac I copied. OA'i'S The market held quite firm early under tho Influence of small ra- p lots, hut offerings increased its the KjQGfi Barely stea ...-.'0 n advance and prices gradual-1 firsts Lso detdini'd. Late in the BCMlon U COFPUIfi options el 1. ' el was affected by Ihe WeikneSl I SO points higher, Salt in whe ii and corn. At the close I July, 5.CO5.C5. Si e Mi itnw iinu: fair renntng SHIfa-'N; centrifugal, !t; test. 3fl 3TKt1al to The llulletln. 1 mowsiies sugar, jwwoi renacu Chicago, May 13, The following H'"'"1 a.; the range of prices for the dav: WHEAT, Herbine , . i Will overcome Indigestion and dys- ofeiaag i open Mint) i"iw Msr ii. Ms.vN. I pepsia; regulates the poweJa and cure ay. ...Itla !'l I'll 90 iil'jlivor mid kidney complaints. It is ily. ...M .si; 1 siT, ,sr. w 'he best blood eniicher nnd tavigora CORN, tor in the WWld. It is purely reget- y i; " 17". I able, perfectly imruiless, end ihould ily, ...I.S'k 18 ti -17 lS"s I you be a sufferer front disease, yen: will use it if von tire wise. it. N. Androws, Editor and Mgr. Cocoa anil RodtledgO News,- Cocoa Fla.. writes: "I have used your Her Dine In my family, an:! find it a most excellent medicine, its effects upon myself aave been :i marked benefit I recotnjnend ii nn hesitatingly." 50c, Sold by Bchuh Drag Company. Today. Yesterday RefnndingS'arejgiatefed. 106 108 Refunding sPs coapon . , lOfi id") Regittereo 3'a 106 108? Coupon 3's Km lOi New li registered 1. "" . 188!. New 1's coupon 139 : j b'-k Old I'm recisterod 107 107 Old t's eoupoi 107 107 Railroad Stocks. ! Atchison f Atchison preferred Baltimore & Ohio ( Ihicago A Alton Northwestern Denver it Hio (irande ', Den. & Uio (Iraiule pfd j Illinois Central 1 Louisville & Nailiville Metropolitan Missouri Paoiflo Now York Central 'onnsylvania !'J ItiO 10' ti7 120 107 1 loa.i aa4 113! 113 ,5H Mtill 20 (IS:I 12!' 1 107 1 1083 Nil''' 1111 113? i AT8. 41: I! Max. .. .Inly. II May, . July, 0 May. . PORK. 11.02 11.10 11.27 1146 II.1B 11.21 l ltD. RIBS. EVERY BUSINESS MAN Individual nr Corporation who place their bankttig in our ItanHs. Mir conservative uetbods, capital and efficient board of di rec tor , .ill nn an mk t i" j "i. W'e oflct depositors every facility fot ;;'.)'l banking which theii accotttifa, buMness and credit warrant. CITY NATIONAL BANK, f309 LEVEE STREET, CAIRO, 1I.UNMIS. Cmplttti nd Surplus, $2( 000.00 :;r. louis grain MARKtTs. j Special to Tlie Bullottn. St. Louis. Mo. Mav 13. -The lol lowing was the range of prlees for tk da . W 1 1 BAT. Closinit Open II it'll bti May II Mm I". May. ...16J 10.'! 102 tfl 191 .Inly, ,..3H Uk K-r' af b-i'-s CORN. ...M r.i .'.I .M 51 I'o lo i'l I e Olll :i POUT route Sun hi opening of Li A Woirnn's Way. shopping?" "Whut i "Not bin hopping. I've only boon Mi May, .Inly. ,n ,n im i is mi ii i iii - m"mrW nww"iMwiii. ii ia nit, m mi sj mm MBW iw" f WhRl ii vo'i Rhon!d line a PI RE TONIGHT? Are yiiti pro tected by insurance? Have you sufficient in amount? AreyoU Mtisficd tlut the compainy t safe la the form as liberal and as much irt your favot as it slmnld be? If vott air at all tin CerUiil in regard lO any of these points, "phone 145. H. H. CANDEE o SON Established 1 8 5 8. "1 7 'hio Lt .ee, Cairo. 1 1 A T THE CA8H MARKET Doa'l I fe( Ihc date. Sunday. May 15, : rand excursion to Terre Hants $1.5e round trip from Cairo to Terre ifaute 41 Si. Louis. Mo.. May 13. The ft lowing SpOl price: rated here till fur various grains mentioned: 2 red wintor Wheat, MO" 107. .: r d wlstter wheat, 1930, tel. .No. 2 white corn. 56ftfS7e. No. 2 mixed corn, ttftt. :, white corn, 52(9 53c. 2 mixed corn, 51 !c. 2 white oats, Me. 2 mixed osts. IH tte white oils. 4 r 45IAC : mixed oats. 1 1 tfce. .No. No. No. No. No. No. Not No. JOHN A. HAYNES, G5 C? C5 Eu. Sf ii nos f ANNA LAK.r HAYNLS t WMOLOSALH AM) RliTAIl W , . i r . y.- r, l t . . . t-T.s... u,iO,r Hit,ic Mr.TL-tacr onn .s a p a in nrmrt- T V 1 1 ' J 1 V. ULUUl, , 1 1 1 1 L , m toHH. i iii " 1 ' ' 1 ' " " .m. j t Groceries, l ine Canned Goods, Etc. , (SmcI! flrnt imi toCit v 'I r.ide. I'lomnt Delivery (inaiantecd I 619 OHIO LEVEE BOTH PHONES NO. 100. t j Receipts and Shiprrents. Hy the A sociated Press Chicago, May I:! The following were tin- receipt S and shipments in carload lots from this Market today: i!' ietpts. Shipment Fiour 20 IS Wheat IS 4. Corn IH 225 Oat? HI MM NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET. By AFRoeUtcd Press New roth. Ma It WHKXT U coipts. 211.0011. Spot easy: No. 2 re SIM okvalor and Lt7Lil f. o. b afloat OettOM liOHti fil cent nt lower. May 91. CORN Receipts Mil; export. 1. Nil Spot barely stra,;y; No. 2. 194 10 atevator, and re,i f. o. b. afloat No. 2 yellow, 00: No. 2 white. 57. Op tions weak 4)1M net lower. May M Ml (ATS Receipts, S7.000; export 200. Spot barely steady: mixed, 4f,'r 47: -vhite. 4850; clipped white, bOU famous remedy doeifortr.estom ac.a thai w"; th It Is ur abie to do for Itself, even If but slightly disordered or o verburdenea. Kodol a Comet j nriv a ln sky comes I 1 1 Ilia the Mar of health I , .- i. n itonicn EJ troubles and I j digestive I disorders. R ii I I i I a ! bill I x n x Kodol DyspepsiaCui? Reading ':1 'i Rook Island. Wh MS Roek island pfd ii : H (W St. Paul MO Up 'i Sunt hern Paelllc hi Hi', Southern Railway 20 ' 2b1,; Union Pacific 83T, 83 Union Faeilie pfd !U ' !'l Wabash Hi7 17 W Wiseonsin Central 17 174 Miscellaneous. Amalgamated Copper.. . 50 ID Brooklyn Rapid Transit,. 4! j Ifi '.; Colorado Fuel and Iron 34)1 . 1 30) Northern Securities. ,.. B7) Its Pacific Mall 25 ' -. 85 Peoples (las ; I'l 'i Bngar . 127 127 lenuossoe Coal and Iron. ".'-'', United States Steel s i, United Slatos Steel pfd- M ', 51 ' Western Onion hh hh', fix, liv. Hid. MONEY AND EXCHANGE. MONEY on call easy; highest ZVf ; wr c.'iii : Invest 14, mlintc rate an I' in. in s per cent, etoelng bid , offered a 2. Time loans sightly irm r, CO day. VCn t. N days m month . ::i.'f "!H. Prime paper 3f I p. r i al Exchange Brn di tnand I84I2MK 4SC95 i il days wt.POy 186. j Bar sliver, K. Growing Aches and Prins. Mrs. Joels Sumner, Hremond, Tt vas. writes, April 15. tfOSt "I have m ed Ballard's Snow UnliheUt in my family for three years. I would not be .villi out It in the house. I have used i; on my little girl i'r jfrowtfig paias and aches in her knees, it cured her riKht awa. I have also used it for' frost bitten feet., with nood Meet It is IAS best liniment 1 ever used'" 25c. IOC, $1 "0. Sold by Schuh Drill? Company. supplies the natural u,"C5 of 'jigeii.on and d OS tho wr. of the ot '-na-h. rikudag the nrv ms tension, whlie ini ln:.a.'.:ed muscles and membranes of that organ are showed to rest and heal. It cures Indigestion, flatu'enre. palpitation of the heart. nervous dysr'psia and all stomach troubles bv cleans. rig, purifylr.f and strengtheniirg the glands, membranes of the stom ach and digest; ve crgaAs. Ttsr B-!lr fin Soppfy Tm. Boeie? nv i -? 7'i OlBSS trmnt ky t, C DtVin 4 CO.. CBICA00. For Sale by Merger's Drug Store, Gold in Central Africa. Auriferous Ores have been found In parts of the British Central Africa Bfta teetorate, and it Ir considered prober Mi that goM is present in workablo iuantiti. -. cmnese M iierman Army. The Oi rman Baipefor has complied with the requesl of the Chinfso kov- ' afanwol to permit eight Chinese otn- ecrs to eater the Gorman army for yuvu I tndy. Grand eixntikW to Terre Haute next Simla.. Mav 15th. Only L20 round trip fnun Cairn. Accommodatee BM Hobllc. Owing t" increase ol trafflc. the Ber lin etty OtCUUK railway will now run on wok days and Sundays with in tervals between tho train- ef only two and .n" half BriWIM The . xrurri'in train hHUfhsg Cairo 4-?.n Sun-lav. Mav 15th. wilt mal. fl : tops between Cairo and Pari . Iii. 'jffon'-tng an excellent opportunity to (lilt your friends alenp 'h" lin st a very low rate, oniv $LM r und 'rip. I i the most inn i" tht tson, open-dramas, I High-class speualties between all the acts. Kntire chanye of program nightly. Ladies admitted free Monda Bight when aecoinpanied hy person hold ing a paid .50 cent ticket reserved at box office be fore 0 p. in. Monday. Prices Id, 20 and 30 cents. HATiNEES WEDNESDAY AND SA TURDA m I mm for voi.r ; ii'rinliil iniillcme Without, I would bv bees a ohildleu, in!. ;iit v! a hauy aud wt II laoiln r. Trials of Motherhood S! i gfeM Street. I'uiLuranoA, I'a., Juat II, t9oa. I suffrrH for nlnT'''"', wlthovarinn IroablM stafelagHN a biinlen to m.vit'tf ivs WW a lo BIX family. OuriitK th at lime I Imd two inUk'i.rrhiKen and althougtl We hmgw (srachlld mMiu our homo this .seemed impoKHi ble. 1 lent oOMtsul ou t inir besrlaf-dowB puiiw in tin- pebrto ursaus and a mdHna tiiroimti my umba with frmurat hssdachts. 1 felt net at my Momach anil vomited lo-queutly und uo medicine h.-lncd luo until 1 tried Wine if Cnrdui. Thi n BM SCSMml health baptoxed, the pains Brmbrillv leRHened and after is weeks t v is well. I am now the lmiipy mother of a iov eight, en loutln old :i-nl my hi:stmmi joins me in seuilmg henrtfilt 0 you 4u 0tAmt&nk CUAPLAIS, PT. ASDBEW'i AhdOCIATIOS. me ef Cardui is the niost successful menstrual resrulator. By regulating menstruation, A'in' of Cardui banishes inflammation from tin1 entire female organism and the strengthened linnmnta bring tho org u back to their prow r place. This is what Wine of Cardui did fur Mrs. Nirdlim'i r. It baa tibed the racking naineaod burning inflammation and brought ber relief. She was restored to health and strength ami rriven Wine of Cardui the credit of making her able to become a happy mother. This medicine equips 11 woman for every duty ol wifehood and motherhood, There arc many suf fering Women who think that health can never betheirs bet MSB they cannot secure the services of a great specialist, but we want to say rih! while Mrs. Nirdlinovr live;', in Philtdelphia, a Btew medical center, she dapendsd on Wine of Cardui for a cure ami she was cured. '1 his name medicine is within jour reach. Will you take, it y All ilniKefisU sell $1.00 bottles Wine of Cardui. jlni ikVell )) JFoited On the Merits of Sylph I lour before di order any other kind. It i--wholesome and nutritions and gives at all times satisfactory results in baking. Try it and we ate sine you will lie pleased be yond otir expectations. H. L Halliday Milling Co. 4 i mm I IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE A TRIP TO Chicago, Kansas City OR ANY POINT NORTH OR WEST write for maps, time tables and U. O W RATES to the Chicago &, Alton Ry. fall infrmntinr nnd detnili rbperfnlly pivpn.. The pqnipraent of "The Alton" h matchless ir. rvory respect, its superb apointments having earned for it the title of "THE OIML-Y WAV." D BOWES Asst. Gen i Pass. Aftnt, - - - ST. LOUIS, MO.