Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1904. US BALL FDR CIO FANS presume PaducaJ) wishes now ?he hn.ln't transferred those hollda) BASE BALL RESULTS The Champions with a badly crip pled team, Joe Schwab being out of ' the game on account of a badly lac- ,, crated thumb, sustained Sunday catching a hard fly in the Clarksville scries, anil Cad Haas, sick with .-. The ro; stomach trouble, incurred In oooae-jdinal red nuence of (lie change of drinking vv.i- -en Blue ter, he being accustomed to cistern picture, water, managed yesterday to lake the the team first game away from the Henderson before tin Blue Birds in a close contest mark .1 by fast fielding on the parr ,t the Thi. is visitors and two errors, one on each man'. Pa aids, that were responsible for the courtei fill and The visitors are a gentlemanly sot f young fellows. There arc three ices among the lot thai arc familiar j Cairo, Crowd, ;-. ItcNutl aim Cope ind. CAIRO. .. Padircan, . Tie second game of the ?ones with Vlnconnes, .11 be piayed this after Henderson,; tame will be called ai Clarteville, KITTY LEAGUE Won Plaj . I Lost Pet. ti rllle, Header ciart .rille, v pretty vincetines,. TUESDAY'S RESULTS. il: Henderson, Hopkinsvllle 5; Paducah, .. WHERE THlY PLAY. son at ' liro. aducaii at Vlheennes, CUrksville at ii pi WESTERN LEAGUE AT SIOUX CITY. Game postponed on aceoun grounds. AT DES MOINES. IV- Moines, .:: Denver, 4. wu rtu utwi r mm mw m mm m mm mm w m TO INVESTORS Receiver of Arnold Get-Rich -QuICX Concern io Pay a Dividend. RAGES OF YESTERDAY WORTH. ILL. First race, half mil 1 ' ( Honrj 0 to i, flrsl ; Pal 1 .:i i gen i, G to i. second : yiu .mpany. sen ln&x 100,402,500 BOTTLES OF Budweiser SOLD IN 1903 11 IO, ?02,r00 Bottles Sold from 1ST" lo f)04 The Brcwory is the Greatest Attrac tion of the Work!',; Fair City. Competent Guuies to welcome and conduct Visitor? throughout the plant. Orders Promptly I'lltcd by A. LOHR BOTTLING CO., Distributors. Cairo. 111. so since the Champions managed to retain that 1,000 in the percentag column. Smithers was at the rubber for the Blue Birds, and while he was toucher) up freely, (sensational Oeldlng behln : him saved many apparently safe base hits being credited against his -;y-try. Big Doll pitched his first gam for the Champs and he held the vi itors, who show a v.-e.ika--.-s with t: stick, down to three n'ts. The visitors scored their only rut In the first inning. McNutt was pre sented with a pass to flrst on four bad halls, went to third on Bensley-n hit to right, scoring on Slevert's av. ful fumble of the ball in right. In the fifth the Champa at two runs across the rubber. Larsen gled. Made a clan steal of i and when Rutledge hit to pi; went on home on the pitcher's wild (throw to third. Rutledge going i third on the same wild throw, sc r;ng a moment later on Sei vert's sacrific which the fielder by his ind - i :: failed to take advantage of ami t. eill'.er runner at first or the plate. There was no run getting for eith- yat.' and Petit; Bomai LTmplre Setley, Anot l! .:. ain me pa: clubs preai .1 into The .-r. re: Henderson Reddlck, 2b McNutt, rf ii Bensle Bohannan, Prowder, Copi land. Wernicke, McKenna, Smithers, Totals . Cairo Wagner, ef . Crotty. ;:i . Tuohey. 2b . I lushes, lb . Larsen, ss . Rutledge, c . Seivert, rf . llolyeross, If Doll, p . .-. . in AR R Bl! V . i 0 0 I , " 10 ..4 01 I . 4 0 2 : .4 oo : eennes last aunuay to the Old Post by I mp; failure to present its i grounds ready to pla; minuter, after he had play bail, an I 'hen 1, Playing an exhibition $1 has been placed as tor violating section .vhieh prohibits ;be h: bit ion sanies. As excess of 1,200 paid itierson at ire Zinkins for team upon the ,y within five irdered thetB to :aiBBt Vil, play vi.ce:,nes banker town. Vtncenaea, May it- Amid a dria zling rain and on Wei grounds the lo cals tooh the first ::nme a a ay from the visiting Paducah Indiana, Pered val for the locals banged the boll over the right lie I! fence for a hone.' run when the baset v. re full scoring tow run . X twith.-tanding the Mid a Ither, the capacity of the grand stand was taxed to its utmost and the association in the face of anon eft couragement will immediately begin the erection of a large addition. The score: Paducah 2 '! 2. Vineonnes ". f Batteries Brnhic and Land; Crr.n cle and Lemon. I'mpire- Zinkins. AMERICAN LEAGUE AT WASHINGTON. Washington AT NEW YORK. If II 'ill I AT PHILADELPHIA. A II R BI 4 0 () 1 1 2 I) 0 I Tend) rs however Stiver! out for being hit by bai (ed ball. McNutt out for attempt to bum third strike. By innings: Henderson .1 o o o o o 0 o o l : , Cairo . . ..0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 i! .' t Summary: Two base hits Crotty, I. stolen bases Larsen, 1. Double plays Wernicke to Ri ; dick. liases on balls Off Doll, Ii; off Smithers. 1. Lett on bases Hendergon, r: Cairo n Hit by pitched ball By Doll. 2. Struck out By Doll, 4; by Smith era, 4. I'mpire Sinister. Scorer Ladd. Time 1 : 20. Heroic Love Custom. This is th" trial imposed upon their suitors by Dongolowee Kirk When in doubt as to th respective merits of two rivals the young woman fastens a sharp-pointed knife to each elbow, then, Mttftg feerseU between the lov ers, she drives the blades slowly into inelr thighs, and the hero who takes AT Batteries Young and Criger ah'.to and liemis. Doi NATIONAL LEA0UE. AT CINCINNATI. le postponed on aCCOUnt ( the greatest length of iteel without el n ; n,i,r .( .i i . ",UIUUL , Qamc postponed oti account murmur v Tb. hundi, an. II aduli There Of the but six kill i AT CHICAGO. Lamest Hu-nan Brain. largest human brain of nine isored traa tiiat of a worn- " euidc iiKiios; the smalb'st male... s;x!y-tv.o cubic inches. is n atiuncd the skull of o:.e nca Peruvian race which is ty cubit;. The Caucasian ! larger that that of an;- other I Pittsbur Now York 7 11 1 , 1 Batterte -Phillipa and PMpa; Me Chicago Brooklyn Batteries LnBdgrea and Cronln and Bergen. AT PITTSBURG. It. If. F, i ; " it l O N. Ill: H. If 0 2 2 DIAMOND DUST. The Bluo Birds are m fielders, but are weak wilt low. The Hoppers are rounding Into! shape. They are repeating their stunt of last year by playing extra in ning games. ytocenneg Is easily the banner town of thp leagit" in point of attendance.! This is a hard blow to Cairo and Pa ' dimah. but we'll have to gracel submi: or turn out better crowds Wo I mt take a timely drii ocky Uoontain Tea, -Paul G. Bcituh & s Mutilate Corpse of "Witch. After the death of a r. poti d some peasants of Hungary mui the corpse in the belief that she AMERICAN ASSOCIATE AT KANSAS CITY. lame postponed on account of rain. A T MINNEAPOLIS. Hinn i polls, :;; Columbus, 7. For Piles. Sample mailed free. One application gives relief. The continued use of Hum phreys' Witch Hazel Oil per manently cures Piles or Hemorrhoids-External or Intei nal, Blind or Bleeding, Itching or Burning, Fissuresand Fistulas, i Relief immediate cure cert, un. nweMxea, Me., Mr. nod 1 Oft. N Krincsl.t.. iw wnt irrpld un rrn int nt prU HmlV' Mrdirine to., Cor. H'Ulian sM !.. Mm rk. NERVOUS DEBILITY Vital Weakness and Prostra ' tton from overwork and oti causes. Humphreys' Homeo j pnthic Specific No. 28, in us. over 40 years, the only su( fulremedy. $lperviaI,oi iai package f r seriousca: t r UnarlaU, or wo t prtipaM oa nn I , HimipHeyt' mi. Co., w Urn 4 I. - ' :" it 1 AT MILWAUKEE. THREE-EYE LEAGUE AT CEDAR RAPIDS. irlngfleid Btttl rio. 1 Lattim u. ii. t: l n I t i Ludwig; Clark AT ROCKFORD. It II K Bock ford j 4 4I D' -atut 2 S HntieriC: Rnymond and Starke; W' igan I and O'Connor. ; Oiu- Wa l2 (FiseHer), 6 to t, araij Modred Law im (Sheehan), ; to i, I second; Broadway Girl t05 (Booker), I 8 to 1. third. Time .".t Si:;th race, mile and three-six-I teentha Thane 163 (Oliphano. S tc V firs;: Mauser 103 (Harris). 5 to 1. I second; Marcos 98 (Saenrood). l" to . ST. LOUIS DELMAR TRACK. First, race, mile and seventy yars (Sister Lillian 95 (Stovali, 2 to l. ! first: Miss Kon 102 fWstlaeel. I to I icon, i; Nabocklish 109 (BarringerJ t !. third. Time l..;u. Second race, half mile Jardin de Parta 108 (Austin . to i, font', SBa leika nor 104 (Qllmore), 10 to l, n Mnd; Psaaire i" : (Cbeolo), 8 to i Ihird. Time ,68, Third race, five fui loir,'? Matt Wadletgh c, (Austin). 7 lo :., Bm; . Mac io;, (MeGhm), LI to l, se- r:i: Brick Fowler 164 (Vanderboui 5 to 1, third. Time 1.11. Fourth wee, six farlonsaBlastlc 121 ((Males, s to S, Brat; Autumn Leaves 103 (Bodges), 3 to 2, second; to Ion 100 i Raraor) ! to I thtr,- BUSINESS LOCALS. M. D, Meizger, the Waahlltgton nvi'. HKh ?.r. druggist, sells the cough curt hat euros the rough, and some fin tea laefce renadtes, ark about them ft i D. Nellla, the coal dealer, win Mi jour coal bin for a small amount f money. Put In your winter's sup ily befOf. winter comes. P, A. Pond, the grorer, has some , if the choicest table delicacies anrt ill the staple groceries, good d.'.iry better and eggs. Waltmt st 'Iizzo'a Confectionery Store, leader in One caadlei and choieest fruit". Try nir ehi Mleiet, creams and hon eons Ire ereaa furnished in any quantity. Stop at the Hotel Illinois, right in 1 the heart of the business center. Rates 11.00 per day. Doth lines of str et can pass main entrance. Your cash does greater service at Stone Pros., than elsewhere. Goods I teflUl d to suit you. Prices it. t be lower if thrown in a well J F. Kolb'l Dalai Bakery will sell you breed, cakes and pies for less money then you can make them for. i Phone No. 27.1. Ti) good t be passed by I Beautiful Bilk Shirt Waist Suitings "ran be had at Hyman's for C5 cents a yard dur- i ing this week, American saving stamps given a-,vav a the Chicago Department Store. f"r stempa when trading there, 31T-218 Kighth street. Ottnther & Walke, Model Bakery, vi'l gi-e utiiver.-aJ i'. iaetm for In the bakery line. Orders srytfcl tot loeleli promptly filled, 2:;? gin st and i as, . te: leddera, brtishea, hardware end itores, Powefl Livery and Transfer, spe ial attention g-v n to rrenafcrrini bntflgl to all parts of tbe eity lew price, (309 Cotnl. ave. CM Bowen at trs f. Madden's, .'301 HotbfMk, tialro 'phone l.l. TERRO HIS R MEETS DESERT -kola Cattle Rustic y Oificers in a Fight. f Relief for Women. - ., No CenUsl vr. ,wv ' ,i(f r -- Hot Brsisaa, Au., Asrll M, 1IN. 1 .w : M U .... 1 t ' r-in Amm i fi ' ij that my body u bed tt tu brsd to foot . teemrd 1 UK W to !ir al. 111 two mid 1 lUflVred intense i tin in the inwnr B lent, By the Associa Chamberlain, Sully, lor mat Rosebud count running tigi Rosebud realm tne terror Hied today i tic irs on t iriOrT f . I Mr, Mil in the lower Oft Ulul Oik, ritfhtrt'n rnontbs ao I was M that my body ftch4 from btad lo foot. to !m ;l ill two mid i SUflSKd UltDtM bdoawa, I oottld not stlonl to lay tun no iiK inciue Mipee in i nay. A friend t id i iono bni n win.? of Ostdal bslll her up am) mli ised EM by U BMM to take it. TjffidtJ I tool in,' in-it dow, in... rciweiv of in .- Iiealth I titui. it was Msrl urM Muth4 before I was entirely eared, bet st 11 l ,, li. . . "eu.T liranu inuii t li.i.i ot-Mifor wveu years. hi, -M il medicini that a wonisa could powibly Use whsa . lit tt-eli kick aad tired of life. L-CxVVX 9u& llil.IOK, Vl'l.i I.ESOiV CUAlTAl'dLA C'Ltl. llv the nervous svetetuirivei wav i.,o affected and the pains rack Un body from Ne lson desmlic the eond'ri.m f rl-m.Ij of Tt,.. . - . ....... .... ,,, r, I, L, 1 . 1 V WIT union comes by kIuv stag' s. Usually the imnortnni function of mmstruation bat iirst sluhtly irregular, Then oonwi the painful periods. Hearing down inuia wm uvuruui inwunntauon follow r tnslh and tne whole t.s::-iu has bet beet tii fool Win,, of Ctrdviii buenstnaJ lenlatorol establitned reputation, No woman who takes it sailers as Mrs. NelMU sidlcred. It yives i peedy and com- inneniia iiom toe lormrihg menstrual agonies winch are making to "any women invalid today, lionet let yoortetf cootc to the pitiable condition .Mrs. Nelson describes. secure a bottle of Wine ot Cardnj from begin treatment immediately. 1 SALES 8,000 A DAY your druggist today and If jj3f QREA :E8S that IDDE The New Repc man and b is vl tatur fact eni has b Important i not p ' ' Itntag. On. to a pabll duetlon. at) has boon !t months Wl plac f'i rep The enperic Of the p :; dri.'twi in the new rrpi are a . , oysteri and 1 he BS)W re; In? ;ir- en Bdenee, whb torial el tit lighted Wl ferii.o in Utii runs recently he eenl r to write an IntM y I - tg reporter who 0 bUSittCSI almjt ifa i signed to fli" name some f the tpcech I. ; n porter baa bail nil inert be wants, so he the uherens '. to whom Mieh 'bicTR II CO hand to got ire his share of drink, r is a youth of Inpoi 1 magnificent lotf-oon ill iaud him in an edl time. He had just ir when the expert- iii and took his Feat, - of the cirele of t wo nn n who Sgure 'Lmm batches Ttoia i- tin Incrsoll Dollar Watch, which sells at the lowest price, carries the strongest guarantee inn! has a larger sale than all other watches. Perfect in accuracy, ; ic and style, other Injjerstdls 1 1 f 1.50, 11.75 and $ 1.00. Sokl by dealers every where or postpsUI by us for $1,00, iiookiet i:re. ROBT. H. INGERSOLL & BRO. rir,r,f. t. r,! Mrtld. n Lime. iEW YORK Palm a Ohrlttmu Tree. The tialm Irte, as la well known, puts forth a branch every month, M the auciert Bgypuan used a iprlg of palm heitag twelve u hoots upon It as th'-ir Chrtataaai tree, ari a ajabol of ,1()n ,J' "'"::t iu ii;!Vna- the completed year. j i THIS IS A Mir.t "c:er- PICKpOCKCTO, pofeigneri i aould beWare of tbe Mis lean "rater i, ' or pickpockets, nj. they are th I net adept f any of their Kind in the world, wiih the possible ixeep- Arkansas Texas Louisiana n E bo rim i-.ezi it; n'i'i oiii ;,ores, cuts. bM i vory kind are .".old by M true 1 jre For Piles. Atlanta, Oa., "and cob- d in el aiivised me to DeWttt'S Wileh Ha.el lased a box and was en It is splenilid for piles, tsttafry, and I heartily to all mffei 'r-." Dri Hazel Halve is un its hailing mialiti'-s. her skin diseases, aiso urns and wound! of I v.iy cured by it ; AT DAVENPORT. It. II V. Dareeeort ?, Wo imhutoai n 0 1 Battetiei Hrolt nnd WUUanti; Mr- ur vj nnd Donoran. Temperance in Japan. The ip stance motmrnm) which begaa in apna la i?:i with a aurietr of ftin icn residents of Yakohama. has WWWa until now there are forty-six of these si i"ies united in a national teat pel nnee 1, ague. The letirue repre eat 1,617 netnbert, A i a result of tludr asitaMon a bOI ha? been passed prohibit!) r the u-e of tobeeee by chil dren ur.ib r twenty yars of age. HAD FOR Tiirc fViMpr fVlf.v "Yon l(a in-. ou rrit a.vay from vicinity of dr.; bah el y youah ban's ail black.' AT DUBUQUR. i -i 1 :- . r ;, It. H. F. knows only half of life's plea-nros. :: fi 4 indies whv not take Hoilisters Ititekv Rer Island - 11 Ifamtain Tea and nd.l the other hnlf Kill Itailorio fVwil- n,l Tk, r "T .. ; 1 1 .1.. . v. . 1 I n- ... " mm io-,.. iHfn 1 oii 00 int loiMiit' .. , r:'lli:,. li'U !or tilde' , iaui G. Scliuh &. 8ocs. de Dubi f.nd Mi Catrolics in Mexico. There fen UMNM Catholic churehM and ehai is ii, Mexico. Six arch bishop's and twenty one Mlhepl admin i ; -r the .-."sirs of the rhurcb. All i Catholic chureh property in the repub lic of Mexico belongs to the ft ivem lor.., ...'.re- I87t when the reform haws were eracted. Aid for Mafia Mcrr'jer. For the defenso of a niomlvr of the ?' ii,., viol t i.t tried Cm Bswrd i In Klorenre. it Is statrl that $7 I M has been contributed aoonymoiHly in Mmwi nine An Ideal country for cheap . homes. Land at $5, 10 $1S acro-s j per acre; grows corn, cot "t tot,, wheat, oats, grassen, " ''-' fn.Hs and vpRetaldes. , Moeh ranifes 10 monthr In the year. j Q South east Miescurt, Ar kansas, Ixiuisiana and Texas are full of opportunities the climate Is mild, the Mfl Is rich, (he lands are cheap. Low home-seekers' rates about half fare via the Cottoa Bell twice a month First and third Tuesdays. Fur dt crip'ivo literature, nia;is and excursion rates. write to t W. LABEAUME, G. P. A. and T. A. Cctton Belt. St. Louli, Mo. Presidential Year AND YOC MUST Keep Posted The way to do this is read the WEEKLY COURSER-JOURNAL HENRY WATTERSON. Editor. tawed Every Wednesday. Twelve Pages. $l.CO a Year. HKVKNI'R ltKKOIlM, ROCIAT, P. F FORM, MORAL HKKOrtH. The Courier-Journal Issues the bt Almanar published. Send 35 cents 'or I copy by mail. COl'RIEK JOURNAL COMPANY, LOriSVILI.K. KY. Established 1876. M J. Howley, RI AL ESTATE ACifiNT AM) NOTAPV rauc Real r-.ta.e Bought anrl So'd. Rent Collected. T.-.xrs Paid and Con veyances Written. 702', j Commercial Avenue. By a special arrangement you can get THE WEEKLY BULLETIN and thn WEEKLY COURIER JOURNAL both one year for Trd Is for cash stibsc.-!pt!ar.s az.-. Ml subscriptions nnd. r ibis eombins lien nm-t be e.i,t lhnUR.i 'he ItulleHn fftce