Newspaper Page Text
8 THF CAIRO BULLF.TIN. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MAY 18, 1904. 1 The Daily Bulletin. GENERAL LOCAL NEWS IRlllU AT THK I'll til' 1'OSTOFFICI fO Tint MIMIOS TUSOIUI1 TUB MAIL! AT CORD CLASS BATH. Brief Mention of Events Concerning the People of Cairo and Vicinity. U N I ON (jfctlA BEL CHRONOLOGICAL Mrs. 1'. H. Schub will I Bcbiller club tomorrow I her home on Seven) li si May 18 In History. 1804 Napir"ii Bonaparte ciaml emperor In J'lty. XS04. and crowned Doc. x'5 r KM iegbtotng iHis wet m wilt dose at s i oi inf i nuns pproaeli work n In ill" sun "- -' Hav. (borne distinguished Amer! M W novelist and sketch writer, died In Plym outh. N H. : born In Sa have been before the public forty odd make special arrnngome; Hawthorne. The public school picnic ibis will be lii-lil at Ferndale next ' (lay. the .'1st. The His Four are ar.d still rc-taln a hold i . j n r- a 1- i. His "Scarlet Letter," published It In MES, lifted him at once to the mt rank of contemporary novelists, 'lerre storm on Lake Michigan, foi led by numeroua wrecks and heavy s of life am"nc; sailors. uto Camphausen, noted Prussian aacler, died at liorlin: horn U1Z 19Uo -M :' i relieved bj lis. British ar my after a sa g" of Hi lays. o; 1 1 ill ; lich will be ami! 1S!U u lag better aequal pastor, Father D is a plan for futur PERSONAL MATTERS Notes of Interest Relating to Citizens Their Friends and Relatives. Miss Anna Grear is visiting friends in I'ortia. Ark Mrs. .1. 0. Zimmerman spent yes terday with friends in Paducah, Mrs. A. Terrell returoi from a flail with frien Is i lie excursion given on t, la-: night under the K. M K. 0. was fail izeil considering the weather. The K. M g msiderable sum. 350 t William A. Br, a broker of N m Ork a well known an.l , i laty lawyer. HI. several rears ago. ves vera! little negro ay craw lishin' " Ml: lag, Mr. David 8. morning from i phis. Miss Emma St. Lou! i today lie Bayle. Mr John Ct c itniTiH returnee o Memphis Hi Uaadea retut . husiness trip Hallhlay lea mi a v nit in .' lie lias Mnrnei iiirhter. Mrs. P M. Button has purchased 1 1 i market a: isii Washington a from Hen-y Ru r. Mr. Sutton i ixperieno ! ma... h rag been ! ! I ::; the n , r . ' the I .. iii tairo yesterday. Mrs. Alice I.. Holmes has return from a visit of four months with r aiives in Paragould, Ail.. Mr. M. Ejasterday has gone to li falo on husiness. lie will also vi "The Confession 1 will be held this clock and tonight ; Chk la 1 1 i; to Cain a Triage licenses were ay to Charlc W. Rolii lie Mi... Marv k. Bamb W. Barclay will return in from Quaymaa, Mexio has been visiting his daugl J. A. Nuugle. clock by Judge w s. I tea i The memorial addreaa for Cain immaadery, Knlgtrtf Templar, ; eech Ridge come t ery . Sunday. Jun will he delivered by Rev. F. A. I . (issct, of Springfield. He trill a: " V . f.- eC,'- . ' ''li- , i 1 . ' said: along i rj BUSINESS LOCALS. uonoht A Btmrtle, grocarr, dry i gooafl and meat market, and general " ,! leaders foe everything to th( i I, lie. lot them supply yon. i Duel Joe's Qlttnd Hand Restaurant igfiM Mir -til! takes thfl lead. scrTlng : ; 'ho lien , lo-ils and Int'ches in Cairo, It's the people i' choice. Cairo Iron an 1 Maohlneiy Supply ;1 Store, .1. B. itee.i. Prop, I COS i.o, ve, iron, si col ami supplies, laii in American Bte first claaB lanni Wrta, collars ; Ums time when ardwaro, mill s, gu pipes, ilry. the only e city, Your win wear ha larlx i her If. i 'ti l: in iSION TO J i he Opening pa ay ri ning sN brass bands, da ;: WHEAT AVERAGE GOOD IK EXPOSITION BROUGHT TO 1 Th i h 1 1 t h f "j (ir ! (i i Dues l or Our R:adcrs. AN EDUCATIONAL WORK NEWS OF THE RIVERS Conditions and Prospscts as Shown In the Government Report Gen eral News. nrn, 1 machinery of all kinds. The Wiliiai . boa pet and beat place in southern c j yjr : Illinois to net eveiything yon nead. Spragne H R. Oannon, coal dealer at th( mam Wheeler's old stand, kindling wood at e brought i very low price. It will pay you to ir.r- i i n- po.1 in a supply while price is lo-.v toil pro F Teiehman's celebrated LoM ,; - Jack Cigars are tbo smoker's choice. Man Is never better Batlsflcd than g , . m'. Farrow baa moved her stock of millinery to the Gilbert block, A beau ' 1 1 T 1 line of new goods just received. fly breath T,!, ,H'-,! " tnairket, Parold and madelroon8 ;!'"' WnWto'i Paints. P. T. ! of ptefc LanwOi ! agent, lOOfi Commercial i. , , avenue. STATION The wi a: if Act!- Lc AS A REC: JUVENIR OF iangerousl id planting u pted by geaer etirrtne the Rr If) orn plant lei;. 'f the crop Is i In the Qorthi be central am ome adtri rse l rived. bMt the i he mil ;ii. )l!v Jo Fcr;c.its i j an Hid paa 1 1 Planters I . for the motii one who has trii e best place Ask the man i good Judge changes in :M hoars: Parser Stain Change line of in 21 feet water hOOfS NEWS OF THE WEATHER Results of Government With Prorpccts For Vicinity Toda tcrv.iticnt o and i comotneo, nest pnxit of pood work and low prleea. Leave your measure. Reinhard, photographer, maker of fine photographs. Try this gallevy, you WW gel line artistic work at sales f.ic- uencral W?atner Conditlrris. B h i i the valley, in I i, Missouri, I Dd oistarnl tory prit Harry the colli; v targe t entral stati j supplied, lie. I Buy your ; shoes from I Wash, avo. none batter, Renter, La I'h tth street. i drug store has ernes the OOUgll ta only r:,c. it c k rs prompt ly and service, groceries and Fhs, 200tV20tl re others, but o., are showing i beautiful Hue of 1904 wail paper. W ike your home cheerful wltk nice gives t ie most to at and that it in cle m a id dot liable. W, K. C'Bhea'a menu, strawbefttea, tomatoes, lettuces, radishes, celery, r en onions, spinach, apples, flue up- plea, oranges, stressed chicken. John P. Mockler Drocery and 0n i ral kferehasdisc lar streets. Kve; Phoni . Ban : s ami t It ami I'. ii- lu his at i a icky whlikies, farming imple High grade gm- Gull Rtatei cart i "rid Rne coffeci a apoekilty, a. M 8 pence & Co., the grtal store for farmers to gol rtoir geaeraJ mer ehudlse. Money saved on ever? ar whop trioads m vcral days. Mr.-. Frank McCabe, of ! Mo., are guests of the li -nts. Mr. and Mrs. Pel 7 Washington avenue, art !' Monteourl and Mi W. it. Bafron I .f pgr ni hi of th Marie De Monteourl will no to VIII Oiilf'e t'li'iV t.t tub,, nor, i n i.hovnl coneer. to he given there this ei , ! " r" Vl's" r,a) " " " ta i lag .n a special car, The party ; Kmnia and Mat u; g lo Villa Ridge to Mr. Frank llaRiy and family, o i- 309 Seventeenth stmt, have move; ; to Canithersf llle, Mo., where Mi ill gey has accepted a position with ai Mr-. John A. Miller left for Louis yesterday to attend tin . i mi biennial of the ; i neral fi h ration n Women's clubs, which will be in se ' afOBt one we:;k,. beginning tIay. Mr... W. F. Simon and little t j have returned from EvansvIUe, In! accompanied by Mrs Simons sisier 1 Mrs. L. K. Iing. who will is;; h . ! parents. .r. an,i ilrs. J. p. Shea, of I 809 W'ainir. street. Mr F L. Rouirms, of Kansas C'li; president of the Brotherhood of Rail way Carmen, is In the city making r rev iew of th" local order 1 1 vvll- j b'ieSS the Cair'i I clge lntiiht a matti noli hall. ISu; t'opiar itn-ei. Hon. Wall Williams, of Herein j ill., and Hon. Hush Mason, of Am i ca. can lldates for the Democratic , nomination for rcpresentativo, w.ti j in the city yesterday Ihtervii wing tin hadiiiL' local Oemocratie politician f)r F. H. Thornton, son of w. v Thornton, a former Inmiwr dealci ; and prominent citisen ol Cairo, wa ie Cairo this week en route from the! World's fair to his horm in lilac- j fields. Nicaragua. praises thf Louisiana Purchasi cximi ition ana i was delighted with his :.-it to St.! OllVe Ilraueh tgt no nt oi Fre lei ick . Uphai Mi.;s Helen Hall, daughter Mi Mrs. Philo k. Hall, of Cedar Raj la., was asaouaced on Baturda the aarenta of the prospect i ave town, while llnuii Kilgore a-a mad drunk and wa locked an n vhich all Odd FpIIoh i, R rfeads Of both orders i t large crowd v. a pTt bt memot la) ad in -1 bj hkh was prooottnet 1 ' - of its kind ever i 'airo. and a synafMl - d in The BuRetta la i lomo vocal neb ci kn - b) tiller were also greatly tn -'ROM HEART FAILURE ivc D- In F,i: li laklmaa Are Economical. Eskii ... ,. les rothine. rda in!o i.ri!- "" Rear Admiral VVInfiebl Scott Bchley st,lthe hero of Santiago, m tra I minutes In Fulton Sunday en mire Mr. George W. Dewey went from Wahingt m 0 ( Tamnis yesterday, where be is en- Roe.,. Ark on a ,ti. ,- .. :. , gage i in surveying and adding about , tend ih nring tJgty hmckN to thai growtior ish Rite Masons of the V of L I There are already thirty blocks ir ' Rock - ,. , this enterprising place and if it re,. , ., ,,,, ffrt,rw. r, e-r-riy in f,.,.r r . J ' , - oi cue Aiasonic i rnitv. aajat it will be qiiil,-a thiivin.u (, y s ';. P.i,;.i-ih , arnival is in nr, " 5f'ars- jgress and is aitracting; large crowds $5 Reward For the arrest and conviction of party or parties who arc tU ling the BULLETIN on up -town routes k " j The Bulletin Co. cap.ain j Wa ;hingtoi It notarted v.i:m, for today, Waanasday, Break! r nign ( aries e erytl .;. hi i socks to (lass when y 1 ..Uneli .lot's honae in the 1 f Hm beat of bes( J 00 r ,), v states. nu fn t lag tfi eat and ariak, ami a utca cl as nasi, II. It. Roiheriberner, shoe store, 'eiis a Oral (lass wearing shoe for 9 50 and th" first quality leather for 15 00. Try a pair of the $.;..',() shoes., .lohn Beck Reliable Bakery wlD de parts, ol the city all hind., (Ood bread, cakes, pie 'her to all part f bad , goo, and rolls. The Cairo Sand, 1 (snccaaaora to laitli I in lime, Cement Co., I imp. siec hair, ptaater er'a lupplles, river sand and feed. Botlo'a raatauranl and bar is one of Sd places in Cairo a line meal for ...e the beat putrrj ; as ordered, N. Sandier, tailor, has th- f Suitings ever can duplicate h Nov.- ideas t sew ami up-to data leading mere ban I t and best stock ifclit to Cairo, none 'irk or prices, novelties in cards lightings and 1 (-' li HOWING HIS AG! poses, it. s. Blockley, ghaemaara Studio, mi Washinglon avenue. D, fi M Canity's wa.;ons always no in yon plenty of heat from the SX ostites! hard and soft coal f.o liandlss, Phonaa 393 Cairo, icr Bell plain Uttcn c iiars,"! an i the ne v ribbon , n n para i 1 1, tbo If yoa war ' in.' es.r - ide - f wno,. Kelly Bros. Planning Mills WtR make it for y m. Irti rior fnrnl ihltt - lombe' 1 1 soeei, iity, get eatlmatea and prices. Toliri A Miller, jewib r. baa I conr ' plete linn of di'imonds, WUtebcs, docks, rinrts l ioocbes, chains, stnd.i, karma and cut glass Lowest prico. Peter Zimmerman, the WaabtagtOU ':. 1 1 grocer, la haviag a Rata tr In '- I fresh groceries and full wights pleas' - the people, Bdef from him. A. It M'-f'orm!c':. COrUa ?nd and P'idar St., will Uphol.-ter and raSMll rrMir furniture an ! Mtkt ytM an lis) pa il box conch for littlp reonev V'l ie-i try storn In eoij'b' -n Rlfocla aeBs bet) ir stock of watches, clocks rlaga, pins and charms tha Chas. F i Miilnr, , Com!, ave. I