Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN. FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 3, 1901. 4 THE CAIRO BULLETIN CBtnbllmhod IO8. rwiiliauni Inuly ! Tim Ohio L lis Hu lletm I MSpStty t vfte. 'I'hnnwslWI. I!. W. TlflJSl.BCKE. MaimciiiK Krfltor. ' i iiUlon Unlet; fUn1 month by carrier - ;. 00 Out. One Ml In aiivmii-i- ( ui II . U..H..I . ti '..i ..... - - ... U:ir... it nn ' . 4 - Kntdcrt l the C'r- IVt, fTi . . a- Heroinl i Mail Matter. The time to advertise is all the time; the place is the paper that is most likely to gve results because it reaches the people and is read by them. The morning paper is at the service of the house wife all day and its announcements are sure to meet her eye. No matter what Is done at Spring field today. Illinois has gone al-ur- with Wisconsin column. into the ubtful For slrennoui n Hit s Alice in St. laugh tei I ha-, at sh aown, whih I a worthy if nr mi ff thr h! You tratlon but as may ' till long tali you as are the in 11 li:ih fellow WOO and admira talk very will tight holds the fear tlon of the world, you much In vain. Demorcats up in are booming Judge C the party nomination governor. They belie' McLeans bore B Thomas for for Iteutenant a, not without reason, that ho will add iiiueh 10 the fighting strength of the party if none inated In New York they have introduced a law to compel a prson who has seated an end seat in an open street ear to "move on " ami make room for the next passenger. When the law making power gets down that, there'! no telling where II will stop. Says the Nashville Han nil "John Briatnnl Walker, the magazine ptib lisher. nays be will vote for Rooae velt if Judge Parker he nominated at Bt. Louis Tbuii the Democratic na tlonal couvention will he confronted by tlej awful alternative of rejecting the most popular and promising Dem ocratic candidate or losing John Bri hen's vote " But we will still have Boh Williams, of Illinois Today Is the anniversary of the birth ajf Jefferson Davis, who wa.. horn in our neighboring state of kmi tacky, In that part of Christian conn ty which now forms Todil count) June 3. 1808. The memory of no man Is more venerate. In the Southern i tales for whose cause there was an ahk-r advocate in his time, will probably be oh- i-ru-d mony ia rl i"iis par- of 1 1 of the ooiwvty Tin day cer ctlon Ar 'frrrrdiafiN then ! nine d- velonmetita at (i Id ., which puts a 4iw pha m 'h. im i tlon The re tease of the delegates from their laatructloflH leaves then) free to act, and ii will now be more a question of individual pr ferenci llian It was before. It i, still impi slble to fon- ee what the result will be and speculation would be Idle Al last accounts each of th candidati seemed to have -is forces still well in hand, but It was con ddered quite certain that a break of some on would occur today, which would en 1 In a nomination. STRKKT UtiHT.; AND WfATKR. Yesterday morning a Citizen" com plained that gal lamps were allowed to burn at street corners where are lights were glwng all i SSD light Tall morning a "Waterless Property Owner." has a "tale ol woe, becau water mams are not laid la it - I well built up. and especially because he h i ! n lux- -I foi ia ing a : . w - : where tbore was ao water service. Both the je complaint are Just and deserve tie- attention ol those In an thorlty. Certainly, a gas lamp does look rl iliiulo "pale In the face" when Iti Utile 1 1, -candle power flame is vlea ri und-r a 2,900-caadle-power are light and it ought an to b thus hutnilial ed. The subject was .liscusied at MM length, at different limes, in the city council, and perhaps It will, as It certainly should, receive further stten'ion In the eeir future It 'o rally Mtkgfltood that, where ga limps are plaopd ia efcwe proilmltj tO electric tight the former I hall ! lighted only after 1J o'clock, mill nighl. when the are lights ar etin gnblhei; but a Hie g i , lamps hm- light-id servirdlng to "ni""li .- i le-I'll lic-e j. a time every month wton HHt) tt require i t., I, urn i.etore mi night: and that': when thev eteit th vgltewerlted -mpuhv of the oh 'rvrr If th- e latum were r novel. thrf v, Te'l tf- no it ill 1' TntdB'.e'it. nn ler the e- Mine lig'itinr s'r-inE?n',nt. and thit won: I tws thin two light taring i pir of semie night! m r month, even if one tu, of Ih the tearful them. However; the natter needs ad justment ami will doubtless be adjust til in some sensible, equitable way when (he city council Is ready to take1 TH r. i plaint of I big Tile nates in no less merit iu. the com be uMtflie pot) denl this morn Betel ot extending wain well settled streets, ninl trtl tti'in of manufacturing , Is certainly urgent 1 1 ahl.i-hiiit I;. in 1 thoritlte The correspondents ; l ial complaint is thai the streets torn up and property owners ti for Ikying sewers where no w are taxed w atot (WW mains Many In en j mains have hern laid, and the I Hon is pertinent why water : are not laid at the same time 1 of the streets of the cltj havt Tin i It up in the last few yean and as every one know:, public street im prove men t s have do! kept pace with private enterprise, with the result that citizens have not the conveni once.; of water service an 1 drainage which should really prec-CjQe, rathei than follow, tho erection of buildings etc. in all communities where Hit spirit of pragmas is fully alive. THE oj 58 n ROADS, I Tim Agricultural known. hK been ! Department, as voii;. g a good deal j of study to the question of Rood COUD try roads, and some of the COBClU simis which II has reached are of in terest, perhaps some of the Bgures will neud revision when further light is oleained. bul they are given on tie basis oj the beat attainable know l"llge. It Is estimated that it costs the f irmer slt5A,(MM,QM a year to ni-ve their paducts to the railway stations The disiauees to Iw traversed vnrv greatly In different sections. The minimum average four mile: In New .lor e In Ariznni ll ateli miles. In I'ta miles, and in Wyoming forty mil genei in the southern states the general avrtase' is about ten miles. It i sup poseil te cost atMiiit 2 cents per ton to transport farm produeta I mi'e, aTd it is entlmated that two-thirds of the present cost might be saved if good rdnds were universal. That means kn nnnual saving of over 600, aoii.on'A year. Resides, the Agricul Hlbel Orpartment i-.ii'na'ri tlia' tie vaiV- df ' ' i rm- i 1 . out- a loftefxtent nf pv.- tiillion dollars Thisdmniens gain is not to be had at a Idsy rate There are two million Hffos )f road to be develop -d and thev would cost from $::.noo o, 15,000 iu in i Kv. Tin- average may be in the nelghlnrhond of 83,000, which for the i two million miles of mad iiuaiis siv j billieng of ilollurs. In New Jersey stretrlie, of Telford roads have cost 1 4a atdjh as 810,000 a nfta, bn( the coal has been a go i deal reduced lately y the use of belter machinery and mbre method. Km ja roa that costs $l.o'io a mile in New fx r.iey coats $... in Ma M a eliusiips on aei-oiint of the difference in togngi aphu al "iiltli-ui . In Ti n nessee Vifno roads have been made with convict lalKir as low a:i $."J."i p- r njlje, Uu New York paid 84,000 per mile lot a road with the sane- s at of labor, which would have cost f, 800 with free labor. So it will be oli served that there is a wide margin of cos' in different sections. In gen oral road making i- costlier In the north owing to the greater severity of frosts and These lest i mates are. of course lar-tly guesses, but they show the I'lae.nltjtis'e of the problem ami tli cre'it interests to be served When the country generally bmm te mi derstand tint it cannot affonl bad a way of getting good on'-: ! ad- tar a rn.r TKt TROUBUt IN MOBOCCO. It I- not at all likelf that tin- I'mi 'ti Stales government will be drawn ui1" lerious trouble on aceonnl ot tie abduction of ion c. i i,, aris, by the Moorish brigand Raisall. OtlWf n t tion- are a. ntJCh tail fe ted in th suppres.-ion oi the brlgaadi as la this govern mant, ami they an- iii much beltrr Mjfitlon to enforce tin i mands of rlvlHxBtion However, if it should be aecas ary to repeat the his, lory of good ui. i Denocrafc times, this foiliitrv will probably not l found lagfin'-. no matter who inn;, ui it ; pre ildrot. The operation of those bandil now are but a n petition by lind What 1 III It ixjti l.Oll. I Wile Weill lo do a( B a. Slid tin- , i , ,,t I'ei di, irl i 1 ' hi. ti!t . rei all- the tune . , :' a . iln li out oi th Barhary I il to hwy tribhte on all nations whose hips i njtaged in the Mi .-ii The irnmerei rrt the llarbary pirate n- for pfnttines a terror to the a. I ors who approached tin- African leui ,.an 1 ii remained for the (loll e8 States to administer the rhaatlfl nig that taught tin- ... semi vava : l ople to de dsi from t;...:r pri a:-u ptaeiices and to drive their pirate from Hie . a - it war the eg i rn of the Baropesui nations t, pay annual tiii.ui, to ih government of Morocco. Algii Tun:., and Tripoli to - are luintta! ty fron attack upon their MHHet i un.- in eon, m, n . and t he I'nit Stat.--, for a wbib followi I tin. ,i viP example. I'hor! ,t-i.r ttie revo tettea ti-.- nperntionit nf the Hirbar. pirate . tetgaa to i , rftrected igatest ve .,.-. ft vine tl, - ni- re in Mac. and ifaarusjitea of irevtles w f agm I to ai'h tie rtatCS bv whl'dt the truttc-i ::rit atM gtw laMM to the htrn of eai!- (rthtrte to or- read he tecarrence of th- -. lepreJatioa Thi shameful m i bumllii!ns cutr- IfRSl nj.l-le . ,,v ,-,. of to eJectnal t n i -d a;e. iiry. Bnl a f v afar snip were not together In tin-., and- WfcM Tripoli, in 1S-H. be came di.-atiified with flit amount of tribute paid, ami declared war agalnal tin United States, tin Intrepid Deaa tur: with a few wooden vessels, taught the audacious Barbary wit-- - me consul a) Tunis, forced i ripoit to con chide peace wlthoni demanding nacre tribute. In 1818 there was a similar encounter! v.iih Algeria. Commodore i , catur is enl wiili .1 a ve I.S to, cap chastise the pirates, iit lured the largest of their in rigatea and Id y of Al to tribute He also to pay in S forced delimit purl hary p ippeai Tunis and Tripoli for American losses in their ; This a as the i nd of the liar- i "ates, but the brigand Raianll tn he atte on land 1 what his progenitors did on the wa ter a difference, however, is that Uaisu'i is an outlaw acting in deft anon of the sultan of Morocco, while I the old time pirates had the full sane j if nctr 'in nci .cut i. soman Preach interest iai in complicated by Moroccan atfaii years dominate t. Prance has for .1 Algeria and Funis French territory, w it h in tiie caanisnr of They are BOW reprrsentaitvi i deputies al l't di r French CO leputies at Paris and completely un This French ter ritory extends southward through the Sahara desert into vast region of interior Africa and around Morocco to the Atlantic coast. l-'ranee. them- an lit" Mori tro; ana w ith . and Croat by the re ty Britain, in e tlon of the It ly occupy KB over Mori ice e recognl tedfiflnlte suaerainty d Frame pt. a sort of that France h consulted in regard to whatever is done iu proceeding against Morocco. TWO OF HIM. The New York Sun. after culling from various Republican Btate plat forms tin- tributes paid to Theodore RoodoveK'a wisdom, thus coostructa a pussle for his own confusion. "Yet amid all th's prai-e meeting of his wisdom and other high attri butch, the wlaa statesman may pause and doubf. Wisdom cries out in the streets, and no man regirlelh it. What Is wisdom worth? The Presi dent mslvi ask himself as he reads liU dispatch from Fargo and the Re publican State convention of North Dakota: " 'Vbtl for order e chairman was rapping arge curtate on the back i was dropped, present flew of the delegates a hich the president Ofl : a COWboy was the COO- rhereupon the delegates of the ing to st;i th picture of horseback iral llguri became wildly "It's nice to but in the way nthuslastic. wise and fores lighted stirring enthusiasm, whooping things up, touching the hearts of multitudes, would Bocratei plus Marcus Aurcllua plus Sages and all the phlloso ever were or will be eqt aCtitte person with a patui spirited steed or liloneho hat. a highly spurs omami nt' d saddle, gig, ami fringes on his pints "Cowboy or .-.age: That tlon which Air RooaeveH long." is the must ques chew fa this departieat ni waaar 9i ssfal in lorinti(in wrll lie brii-flv give n ev-ry ly, ny esaaatea sated by readers isiasaealag n-oi tli iiiutliiit'bn-'ii'i attain of it jily lifn will re- oerrs saratel ooaatdtraUoa.l The amount of soap t lie n e i m the toilet depends upon Ihe delicacy Of tlM --kill and the expo. lire to which it has been snhjaated Taoae who have oilv .-kins, partkmlarl) about tn fine and shoulders, depending upon well developed and active oil need much more soap than Hi" ' wlio have harsh and secret ions. dry . km. lacking oily Berries of all kin 1 are greatly en loved ami are, a., a rule. g'od fool. Ka pl-enie,. ar,. not alwavs good tOOd, as they have an astringent effect, otb lis (in not ,-at si raw berries without being iublccted to an acid condition ot tin Id-Hi, I. which eaiiseirrtat lo I, mg of the . km. Mackb rue.- are tin most aouriahlng. Currants and goori ln-rrie: will oft n aid Ihe digestion ol ,-t ! r foods. Bloc i" i i te . art ooting ,i,i. itonuch in i a of burns or kuM ante th teyatwd pirtt with btearbonafc oi soda, or wet With Water in vvhleh n nach ot iii- sola has been dissolved as it will ' il - Waste the burns are o . ran tteM the sate hi broken ami tdi: t. red. often the bib ters ;n one al ' and Willi He- part ,iil'i Soft lieti annotated with i la pie serata or sat urated with awael mi. eastoi oil. or eaaaal part of lin .ee oil and liim water Hum from acM bo-ild be i 'I w I h I v. 1 1 11 vie - i- an I WBll ' X'-v . hull -.' e go or hall it K tie- lake "r i it rteltfosate Vo-o tHU . r-e. ,ng ' tkt "Vti -i,.. f vi' To tUnl a irr j --. it rertand, aj i , petit- vThat'a that? Th-- b itehir want hi pay? !! 11 have to wait a r.e k t aller lm taking up a collection FJJJ riiii.i'soniv. j Kurore. dear. Opening t enl season of t u re given an sire an Uteres di It , igatioi elkin In wa of $i, just a little charitable affi help luiry a politician." Kicke "Ah! Here, take $lo and go and to of thorn." bury "Yt nigkl I picked up his hook hut and I never budged out of my until I o'clock this morning." ens- Wan it thai tatereatiiw?" there i longreaanan Broussard ana. never spoke English came to Georgetown L'nivi age Of 18, and even now uses his mother tongU1 with the greater fluency. at tue ohtthl h Kaon The that passion needs leash of sober mind : that g -nerous deeds - sure reward will Bad; darkest night of the year, In tie When the stat gone out. That courage is That faith i- t Farmer Jone Wrote from Talc "So your son John he thought In would Smith or do Judge. man 'Yes; AV IWVWVN V WW W W IfEARS AGO rODAY. WAtWVVVVVNfVVVVSVirttVVNrAVv From The Messrs. ' to Bnndvil cure such te, tne oi'j; reiiairs as t being to pro maj be brand yee-s.n,y In pM Ihte eo ban, w itii a win probaUi uit.ioli I, nee of lain) in- pi, i in i barge of A imi Httlen, I joining satioii::! bank, an I THE BULLETINS' A EOhnj little ti w i. lor gill l! I n bve to i a .ears ot age m. whits lawn bu ,i with red. Tie . ike .ti,.i broad hem Bit white trimmed with tuckn an I inseniun RaJ ribbon is ,un through the Hon which outlines the yoke, hem and elbow ruff- YP1CAL GREAT LAKE STEAMER te masters and pilots and th to he leas prosperous than i lit steamers under the direct) e unwilling to grant The newspapers are printing n frii ml 1. 1 his whom be a good, tat office; "Dw Uel$ jniiied i he Met had promlsei r Sir W ho have so ; ken all I won t give up the meantime dan sight $.:uu mort . In ami send me PEOPLE AND THLIR DOINGS. Buperiati ! of Scot land service ol i v ill-, the head retired after an baa r thirty -one ecently he Mr. Melril from in ul years. t)n etlf ove, sin, ouo. i ceiv ed orders all the Daniel Vierge, who died re Paris and Who was l-inovu (al her ol modern Illustration as : n was a Spaniard birthday iiy birth elebralii At eightieth lor Hugo with rare courage and perseverenei ollt li Seen I mo tan lorn nil Cortoly m has appolntc I Cornell university. Ir Df vis R. Dew of June 2, IMS. ley ui the Massachusetts Institute of Hallnlav. Oberl) I technology and Dr. Henry QaRteti of i the ri v-nt- ihi'the I nite I Slates g-'silogiral survev I the I and lireelor ol met hods ol tin' thirteenth census IC portrait of th ct which the late Istinguisneti ifessor l.'-u I'r daily fashion plate ; aw n. T , w 0 0 0 ,', u JJ&JJ the prt Tata pi filing inn ii toe cap) s w hie h dc i ed him to pain Whereupon tka ! "Your majesty I he spiriti can hut I st ri ami n mi li own subjects, I n t 1 am a i.erman. and took his departure. The "potato king" of America It have 1 Juuiua i;. u roves, a negro, who nai nirch farina in the best section of Kansas ,l,.lt and whos,. credit la good for f 100,001 eHowf" hail'iS any day. Booker T Washington tells iln- in teres ling story of t he tUCCt ss wife, for thej of this an man and oil he triumphal I dollar. Las! 1,000 buaheli produce potatoei of the Inest mole ivvii to than an) raise on Stanley used to relate the following funny story. One day while he was txinveraing with a friendly tribe dm ing bis travels one of the chiefs pros cut inquired how many wives he pot sessed. Upon Stanley replying that be had none all those present stood up like one man am! unanimously ex claim, d: "What a splendid liar!" They intensely admired the apparent calmness with which lie had, as they 0 pass 1 J, Bn Avenue irk city. on mem a r preached 'resbyteriar, und ay even ii!," lie saie Justi in the church Ing. "A itscourse, n as a minister av on re m as Ol - bench. f P but i occasionally wa w better for ns all.' Then he went to talk about the bible, comparing tin its advantaged with ae koraa al the writings of Confucius. INTO OTHER HANDS. By the Associated Tress. pea Moines. June .' At tin- an nual meeting of tin board of director! of the Dei Moines and Kurt Dodge railway, it was definitely announced that ii would pass ooi of oontraf of tin- Rock Island, January I, and be merged with some other system, the name of which was not given Mint but it MANY INQUIRIES. ti a ' ed Prate, t'hicig.'. .Inn-- l,i imi'iiiie e I ai railroad ollices regan dl opening of Hoseliud Indian n erva tion. South Dakota, in July. BUmber nearly a thousand a dav. and indicate thai ,'iO.inin people will go to the reser vation in the hope of getting a iptar ter section each. il tn ai pus nanipjuu pajnnn fanjt uoin.i peaofqtrtp(o pong jo m jo ip Nyaq 1 1 popafqo x.ui i'i'i 'man; joj Xad oj lORUn Jon ,-:-i'i nffaa lalapl ioj xjk tmu u. ,w .(.mi aaa?a anp pins fat pattrBtdwoa aMfptos oajj A'j.iimp.iutuii lofp teaj8ai ui "i aoaMPAa. teft ao jjert ang psr)nttitQfns sdnua Mteql llo) t ' ui an jo tan soaartarsqas isanpnrs, ter) ndj ill JO JIK'I 'IB i(.i:'j,v 'saan .t.-.t'i!,, .,'i v-t "f,; j sibxn; i-.j i wpnoj e pa "id, taupmpte aiu S vl japiii in. li-mtV "D SI( -Mold s).,,. ours aj ji no a KMS al pur mtej m .i ii .1 .jpti " .iiji i.ii HWO!W SPUd utnaajjp ia aiuipu aan isi-uus atrj not paspjosu natai aaat, ib-i siaod 01 i i..i:ij.i eU-i iib sbw ii )ij pa SMUtt,3 - i pill pnon 1! 'Jliw y .ihkj i (jtnnoj ii e-ii o Ctaaana m asaaaaa, I aasjn asnj oa n te nataj teoanja m pua Mffuaa jiu i-'.t "i sdmui "U oj pananf ii fo sofipnaM Rgssji pan ti ", v rciaaop-ju sapnnuy pub Hi ii 111 I l ; llj V SB UP pcipplMp A 1U.".MJ -"" 'I ' M 1! ' -''PI ''1 P'lB j-uppw UKJ j.' ;- uu no p.ij.u ii mi) si:: ii.BH l uh Stein J-'IPIOS uesuauiy Railrcad cn Cypres. Tlio Man I of Cypress, ir. the Med! tmrnnean. will soon have a railroad from roast to reast. The amount of 5i.iieo.oiiu francs has beea approp'iaud for it. rurstmctrnn. Basjners win. Heir itifls hire already arrived on the gtwfte! ("hltdren Arc Philanthrcptnts. Prime pnof, th-- ten-year -4d neh- ' ew of King p", r. ha., bfCoaM trefl 1 oent of a hiidrei.'s mi on. aio Ii will j rollet gifts tor the snffeflng Macesto j ntan'. The members of this tociety I are all under ten year old. HOW THE TRAINS RUN Tritlns Arrive. Trains Depart. I, C. from North I. No. 103 ;9,a.m.Na Wo. u, 4:17 a.m.No. No. 81, 10:80 a.m.jNo. No. 5, 1:10 p in. No. No. lor., 1 1:86 p.m. No No. l, 8t00 p.m.INo, No. 13, 10 ;M p ui. No t'. going North 3, 18:28 p.m. 4, 8, s, 108, L'lll 84. 1:18 a m. 1:80 p.m. !):frfi p.m. 1 : 18 a.m. 8:30 a m. 5: 15 a.m. 1 1'. from South I. No. 4, 3:00 a.m.jNo. No. 884, 1 1 1 uai. No. 1:1- p in No j No. No. (1, ': 1 1 p.m. No. No. K. 0:00 p.m. No No. 43, 1 1:88 a.m.'Ni 'No. 14, 8:38 p in 'No 'Paducah. 0. going South I, 5:-0 p.m. 303, '.Ma a m. 1!: 10 a m. 1:30 8: 'jo a.m. 0:00 a.m. 6: 15 p.m. .43, 41. If, ,V I) from North I M. I ) going N th No. 1, 1:31 p.m.INo. ", 1:111 p.m. No. 3 , 1:01 a.iu INo. 4, 1:35 a.m. i. ,t O. from South. I M. i O. going S'tU No. 2, 1:86 p. niNo. i, 1:36 p.m. No. 4, 1:20 a. m. 'No. ;!, 3:08 a in. Htg 4 from Bait I Dig 4 going Kasl. No. 3, 13:06 p.m. 'No. 8, 5:36 a.m. No. 0, 7:titi p in. No. 3, 3:06 P ni. Cotton Bell ' I Cotton Belt from Southwest. I going Southwest No. II. 13:30 p m.jNo. 13, 3:15 p.m. Iron Mountain Iron Mountaiu from West oing West. No. "2, 12:38 p.m. No. 21, 3:20 p.m. All Illinois Central, Mobile & Ohio and Cotton Belt trains arrive and de part from Central station, corner of Second street ami Ohio l.evee. All Big Four and Iron Mountaiu trains arrive and depart from the Union station, Second street and Com mercial avenue, Mail may be deposited in the box at the transfer station, located al Con (ral station, 20 minutca before the de par lure of any train, OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Cairo, Alexander County Illinois, Pop ulation 16.T47. Mayor, CLAUD! WINT'KK. t'lerk. K. A H All 'H i;it. Qomptroller, r. B ItewaU. rollco Magistrate. .1. II ROBINSON, Chief of l'olicc, T. II. l'UICB. Alexander County, Population 22,965. County Judge. Win. S DKWKY. County cb rk. JB881 1-1. MILJJER. Circuit Clerk, LSI H DAVIS. Sheriff, JAS. S. ROCHJB, Coroner, DU. JAS. V. McMANl'S Assessor ami Tteiurarar, FBANK B DAVIS. Board of County Commlsslcncrs. JOHN A MtLLKS Chairman, JOHN A. HOI UCOIS, Dr. Bidwln J. Cause. Rew.-rd for Witty Rply. The ten approach of the Vtnooul club's annual show, for Which the Mrnbert ,:r-- WorMil nil the harder this yerir so that the Klory and pro eei ds w ill l,e nil the greater, recalls a pleasant anecdote of one of Boston's gifted and benutllul young ladles, Miis Qordofl Walker, says the Boatoa Journal. Not lone ago at the Sotner cet one of those diarlty fairs took place, and at this gathering f wit, fashion and elegance Miss Walker was o:i- of th" ladles who were reaping contributions in a fascinating way Which made a refusal impossible; an unconditional surrender being the otilv alternative from Him battery of bright eyes. A leading financier In passing Miss Walker placed a 38 bin on her hook, l iving "This is an appreciation of youth and bounty." Oiia-k a; a flash the witty Boatoa flrl again I eld out tfe book and sail: Ani now in appreciation of tin poor In Ihe hospital, sir." Hot cleverness was rewarded with another equally large contribution. She Plays Valft to Lapdoq-v Tlon- is a young woman in This city, snvs the Vw York Tress, who mak-s a :oo( tiring by r.cliiig an the VlatttMg ralet to lapoogi awnad by rich, won, en Ihe girl Bethel ami combs and mal - tin- ti ilets of the dogs, nnd in some few testa none avwn tatew Un pamperad pcti out for airings tn the avenu or in the p'irk. Arotfn voii: g woman MM built up f,,r herself pn8 table haalnassi in th" pollening and kepica te order of the , llv.r M my lady's tolb-t table She maki ;t her specialty and baa rya talri"d for lierretf qnttt I number of fa-hlonnble eiiKlomers Her fee o fl a anted and she doe tie ebanln: and fnrhlshrng wltatete laatesj the siivrr away from the owner'' home. Uiistncjn uone on '.reoit. The cheeks which pass through fha botedon clearing hon;p in six vveeks are more than eii;a, to all the coin In the world. FCLbBLOOD&D ANIMAL. V,,, t ' ,-,-.-mm