Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY MORNIN THE CAIRO BULLETIN ..-. I lot-" IB, T03Jhio Lkve. 'I'hnne li U I Ui A. W. TBtt-'M'KK. Mnn1ii(t Krtttor 4at,a-rliibi Rates: On, mnnth by rrrle. .. Osntt On vm In Hunt- Wwkly Bulle'.ln.t-t K er. In dnc,$l. Entrfd l th DaH rol"ffl.o M H "ml cl Mull Mi el vent reinforcements from reaching tne befttefml, which, aeoerdlni to tin. morning's dispatches, tows beee. ordered there. The Russians gee Jut as i!.'tn-iiiijf'l. to hoi 1 'tire fort, for to lose tfofl nght v.ill mean urrenr, it they an not retreat, and H nia , ,n the end of ih.' war. Jt what ,,,,t the crippled Russian Beet will plH3 e difficult ( mrecasi II la now i ,, .;,. ,! np in the harbor, an I none but the rinallr tassels can pass through the channel, if H sbonld succeed in getting out, it would in evttsnty he destroyed, toy Togo's .m mensely superior Reel II aaa reader I.., nttu uitrtBiHS to the land when the difference In doctrine itre trifling and easjly reconcile J without rtiabone i lurrea ler Two churcHta ceak in resources and numbers can do. the most for the r common cause iv getting on$ churcti aftited on ,i nutations oi cati J, JUNE i, 1931 ' s -rrm how the trains run gether; I'tit the prosper organ) lations, already (light i plane than mei government dl wiplws accompUaa the most by separate ctioit Cincinnati Baqulrer. Tin: ruoMisK Illinois, complains that rail, m! on to BoleaniK i 1 1 1 i : i troops In the battle, when the general matrimony, although mix-up comes, a " iw" much damac'" on one otlii r The tf, et la tt dtlon not unlike t!i I .he n DMA ie has the all rity to do BO. She alinliutes tin: the prt imlire ol the tin n, who dl like her ceremony becanaa she er exacts a promts.' from the In idt ..i... .r kit a hand She think) Th time to advertise la all the time, the place is the paper that is most likely to gve results because it reaches the people and is read by them. The morning paper is at the tervlce of the house wife all day and its announcements are sure to meet her eye. Now let's have Alsehuler agslBSl the Yatea-Deneen combination. Maj. Dan Hogan wi Dl up In yaatei lay ami t serybody will anxiously to ae if he comes di his f. ( I lie an w a l c h va on In some respects it was a notde fight, after all. and Gov. Yates ei aa much glory out of ii as anybody. Any way, he 'saved hi bacon." operations of the Japanese sa ressfu! THH NBQRO Vul i: The importance of the negro rote to the Miceess of the Republican party j la rations states In.- been ( "tnmentel 'upon a various times, and the Repub 1 1, m press has ralher sought to dis credll the assertion that, bat tot this vote the petty OaStU not cany a mini her of what ar nsiderel reliably R.ublican tares TIM Pivsident uL I n the need of hoi line this rote (has been amply demonstrated by his !:;iou in a arb".v of ways, mote es-oe.-iaiU fi fcrcinc nemo appointment I ! S offices In the southern states, where Scii anion - mil 1 not jeopardise hi.. ..-an e In the Republican states, by the aflspleasure of whl'e people, which i would certahaly be the ease if he dar j b to make Mich appointment in tn. r Takfna fnSB the c iimis of 1900 I th number of negro j In the stales it) , tnekv. Indiana. New . Then' is Utile reason to suppot that Mrs. Woolley'a business is ittte fered with by reason of the sort i ceremony which she adopts, it la ru!-' almost universal that the bride vm bee a to th- officiating nuuisti are respected by the bridegroom. ir;. Wooliey's failure n exact ,. gpeciall would JH iai i imonial of voting S4P niifornla, ! raey and New hem with tin pl aaing to tne nnoe, aw double lly be a great fa would be doing more thai ful share in lyiuu the I knot The men have ve say 10 such matters, an most of them are Indiffs p irticular forms obsen e l would 1 now In'it me p.iru uiai m enage use i in aojemnicug marrtagt iia. no bearing Whateror upon the aa tare of the h eal obligations of the parties, and these are precisely the j -ame whether the ntes are solemni'. j .wi i.u minister or another, or by v MtdKB or justice of the peace. 80 fat 4 i INFORMATION. I in iht dcii'ii i iii"t sll manncrol !) m j (..nimiK'n will I"' hru llv Kivi-n , vct v day , uuv mesUon asked ty nMMtsn seanraiag aagsj ! Um inulliliidiiieiiH MhVhS f daily life -will re ceive i-arcfiil I'linsidi ralinn 1 'Trains Arrive. Trains Popart. I., ij, Inuu North I. C. going North lehd. I ini. e: Bvgar ,,f d opium. dr.: and wash the day. No. tf:: No. No. No. No No No OS ii tn 'Ni. 4:17 a. in No I, 111; ,,M a m No. ;, I : tt) p in So, K, 1 1 1 30 p in I, 8:00 p m No p m No In: 4. 0. N. 204 Si. I : pin. 1 :3I a.m. 1:M p.m. 9:nr. p.m. 4:4a a.m. ::'i a.m. ! Li a in Klesh w- mis are permanently re moved hy washing Jfltb warm water and sevtre friction with I towel, and then appi;. inu a little of the foMosting preparation: liquor of pptasB. l osj Cologne, - o.; while brandy, 4 OS. I The srarm srater and friction alone ,aie aoknetlmes .sufficient. To drive rats away put Beotch IsuaTand pnlrerited cayenne pepper, mixed or separate into their borrow rowing holes. Pulverised potash will I C. from South I. 0. going South No. 4. 2:m; a m No. 1. 6:20 p.m. No. L'ol. L' 11 a .m: . No. 2, 1 1 1- I'.m No. 203, No. 3, No. C. 2: 1 1 P n No. f, No. S, BitM p.u INb. X5, No. 4', 1 1 : 26 a n No. 12, No. II. DO p.n.,Nos 41, 'Paducah, 2:15 a tn. B440 am. 1 :30 p.m. 8:80 a.m. r:im n.m. f: 11 p.m. e a like purpose. Dissolve a tenapoonfnll of anil in atet and s prink I? the hay with tin.. ilxture, it pleases the taste of (he tame and aids digestion, M & 0. from Noibi I M. & Oolng N th i No. I, U31 ptn sNo. 8, 1:8 p.m. I No. 3 . 2:04 am ;No. 4, 2:25 a.m. m 410 from Boulh. ML & . going s'tb No. 2, 1:26 pm No. i, 1:34 p.m. No. 4, 2:2U t in No. 3, 2:mia ui. i Mix I from Bast i HlR toKi Kaat. I Nn :: i .'. no . m No. S, r .o a.m. N( 7:iiu ,i.iu Nn p m, r FUN AND PHlLOSOPfiY, I cotton Kelt I Ootton Bet, ! rrom Southwest going Soiithwt ! No 1 1. 12:30 p m No 13, 3: 15 p n. iron Mountain ; from West No. 22. 12:36 I Iron Mountain tolng West. p.m.INo, 21. 3 20 I'm. A helllgerenl wren t tin e watched an old yvhen - By wrage and wresentatent wlndneetl itut i he wrow wasn't wrong, for the wren, wyuutiK and u .troii",. W rushed the wrathful old when off the wroost I When Yates came in i machine became by am Tauner-Yates machine dimes in it will bee 'inc. agreement, umriiin; Dent es aoothei I Republican plnralitles u ! at the latest elections o rs and the gre U imp tale.; i as the law makes Hie husband tin . I i.,. ,,i ,,t rt, family be cm enforce bit ,f the rigb whi the Tanaer-Yates Dene n A merchant down in Arkansas re fused to advert is-. "Rfcjuse," he said, "If I do somebody will be pestering me all the time to show 'em my Roods" He lb the- same man, wh. when a i u donier went in to buy a Mil' of clothes .vhen he slttim; down smakJpg, told him to "rome bark .s-mietlme when I'm standin' up." Should Chna. 8. Deneen be elected governor of Illinois Hon. Walter Warder'., power In Southern Illinois polities would have another two year U use ami he more potent than ever; .negro ttlearli ot to the RepttWlnnn party i- I wh appealed tO one Hence CROWN PRINCESS OF ROUMANIA. The condition oi unreal tn the BnihaB states has tenthm to the Crown Princew of RojimMli, who is a ,,. .:.. .....i 1. 1 i,., in lino of succession to directed public at granddaughter of the English throne had she not forfettei Roman Catholic. her rights in c mnectlon therewith by marrying that Repubticaa Negro vote, plurality .. 3.711 1.6M 4,r,7ti 16.008 IS.ISr, ,24 . 21.474 17 ,133 31.125 8.380 view, the pai i. on hows that the Re-1 The church would have lost California. I nartlea be 4i aL. ii.. .!., Ikw Jcr.a-y Hli l New York except lor , ui uiv khf necro voters, and that in i onner- mv ticut the Republican majority wool' mission u , . i . in t to rnel , ' ll.lti ,.'. v , ii. ,,. nut, ,,.n i fourth and In California. Connecticut. Indiana. . N aw Jeraey, New York. . This cotnp BUblk an Kit the marriage be legal: if ne, the obligations follow ae j a matter of course. in saying this we are treating mar rinse aa a civil contract. Bui it it b I numrded from a religious point of nn egnctly . ant i mat-bin-. he same: Dec enndtdnte, the" hoio mcluaton la not different any church to which tin nc has us own rulff ai m ol the married, which tnoiii the people noli fi nemy govern 'hilie'' ise it uh' Ya the prlCI ernor, g vernmeni for sin, as ndmlnistrn Institutlons, th oeuring -iu - destruction the storm slate last torv is very . ui adopt the Yates "ma ,i!h all its infamies, an I to mil his official posit! !:i into the IT, S. si-nate f his nomination for goy- contains Indiana by more than full digest oi an tne nm j nlate the duties of husband and Wll ,t, U ,.,-,rnetl 'and the omission of the promise i of Tanner, fined the I tlu s i v y v - - - lean for, surely, in bargaining for the Cl188, I88 and 189 . . ..... ... A iu .i,,m1. rftil I he r nekn tlbl for ll an : obedience lerlal-Cc therefore, r Journal tpiit. the Democrnta carriei WINS i leni 1 ti aom .it. ner asp bargain s uiaior out, al-Will ion of which Although much diincu perienced last ntghl in p news ai all. OWlng to tie -,i telegraph wires by which swept across the evenins. The Bulletin's i complete in its details, omitting none ,f the Impoftanl facts, ami will leave Utile to be sought for in the bis eltj la: ii -s. which will reach our readers grime time tiuring the 'lay. In respOnSa to the requests of oqr agents in a number Ol towns, a large number of evtra papers are etu out this morning, showing that the peopli fieogllie The Hnlleiiu's superior new service in cnaea oi special im I, , i the wry hembleni man know thai he may "'ie day have it in his ! power to help the yery strongest man u- has ever known Joseph Parker. My rife vi in in der kitchen to ash rot van for dinner, und Phyllis egR.-i claimed, "l am a roman. Ii la tru . iecret," Yen tier meal came on der I .able ve as compelled to keep del' ' s,-..,et mil her Dlnkelsniel. All Illinois Central, Mobile it Ohio anil Cotton Belt Kauis arrive and tie pan from Centra! atntton, coiner of Second street ami tjhuo Levee. ? lie; Four and Iron Mountain trains arrive and depart from the- Union station, Second street and Cot mercial avenue. Mail may he deposltea i" the hey at the transfer station, located at Cam tral Btatlon, 20 mlnuttn before the de parture of any train. SUICIDE lOENTIffltD. ,,f bis friend with Hen, en. the gov ernor must have made special pro rluin for Mr Warder, who. at l eoli-1 fereiice of leaders called by He- ernor early In the campaign to const 1 er the advisability of running again foi gnvernor, assured bim, with all the fervor and patriotic eloquence ef a Patrick Henry, that the people of Illinois demanded hi; reelection and would not permit him to retire Even at that time. Mr Warder "gave" the povernor Alexander county and hp de llvercd the "goods" al the proper time tiv m doubtful stab counts. Very much the same iltn-l The nomination of Charles s D lion i demonstrated by the Bgurea in aeen for governor of Illinois be tl Im lima Mr Bryan was defeated 11 Uepubllcan conventloo yesterday eve that state In ItM hy a plurality of ling waa not Mtpected by many of tt WMl, ww the negro voting njsjsmffth rank an 1 til- of 'he party an I m was 18UM. In other .vords It was ', wjt, varying comment nmon the k .i,., nr, vote which cav. th" Repub j ser leaders here Mr Deneen hi Kepnblicaiis may not likt-. chief i - ii m being that it a, a hard President Kooseyelt WbO , a.s wna haJlca of the nenators li: Angeh ,vho commlti hotel in this illf, - I tiiy ha. last Wi ii, . n i n lav il lied llaih - trie!, en pay breast with 01 rjlsiracted and tortured, I'm W( By complex devices iii fit t ires t .- thai swell from the W! il vealing a fhuml thai Is cha' Then narrow gnd clinging at knees (Aa per the importers decrees), nd then to the hem flaring ottt, Itut chiefly I'm singing about The way that the cute little train Keeps flopping again and again; Twill surely Mere Man yei convert - j That pert IRtle Hlfl "f our skirt Milwaukee Journal Th.- briah toasts of the future fl il upon Ho- lightness of by i he past. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Cairo, Alenaiulcr County Illinois, Pop ulation 16,4. Mnyor, CLAUDE wintkr. Clerk. K. A. HATCHKR Comptroller, P B. Powell PoUea Magistrate. ,1 II HtHHNSON. Chief of Police, T, H MIIOE Alexander County. Population 22,965. County Judge. vVm. 1 DBWBT, County Clerk. JK88H K afJLLIR. Circuit clerk, UBM B. DAVIS. SherifT. JAS. S ROCHB. , Coroner, nit. JAB v McMANUS Jtssaaaor and Treasurer, PRANK B. DAY IS. Beard of County Commissioners. JOHN A MILLKR. Chairnian, ji HN A BOURQOtB, Dr. Bds in .1. (an. e Ohio E I firm. Home cau lie ,n natty the majority is upon a i, umber of then. it Thpie is much in Mr 1 frm which all r.iKid Democrats anw jsjttod citizens can approve and n it .s be lako-i im ii idt r lot nli wti h has suns. In Rhode 1 land, in which the trend of riemocracy is running pn itj 'rone these davs. then are about 3 to cru votes. In 1832 Cleveland wa beaten tu that state by a small-if .ie than tha' In recent : tat cj tts the Democrats have been vlot' r Iftuu i litfania I'otineciicnt. Indiana. to uei thi I thai tie not been looked upon a most likely, of she big thi ,,. m 1 1 1, ,n ii was beli' feeling between these three wa inch that combinall n upon either l them would he Impossible ami tint hi the break of the lines, aotne one ol the lotsar lights would he favored Wari'r or Kamliii The latter WOUlil probably hav:- been the most pofW lar of all. as he was in BO way con leveral mnchlm Rttlb will fleld four couhl t aus, mncli ib crlbe of suici b BANK CLEARANCES. prrog from Neyv York, Jut eh trings cotnpth the principal dtl hHates .luring the ol il bank dstreet fOl it- United I were si, ,' .-.i per rorrespi unl i last yen Battleships Are As Necessary As Ever Bv CBORCI MELVILLE, H-nr Admlril I), h N Mflirrd h mi Jr nected with II" the I . . . - , V, " . It, r-' . . s. , , i, rs, v at . ' i "i n ailoi'.lry the St I cm. ution. ; ... .,, .,. ,.i.,etion bv , wlis.tb. ' ,'.,:, i .,, TI.7M. while the Unma WB ,,. thM II3IDQ K IT I fi t l 1 ' iii.i eTpH Democrat: to ubniii me -I lv to his dtci ition, after neb ubrats sirm has twice brought ihem defeat An apt reply Is made In yesterday's fCnnutrer. to his declaration that he stands now exactly where h gtood m iftt'o Says the Banuirer Pour y h h one sp-d la a good record The Col has beaten tt" "stont" of the boy win. "qtood on the burning 4eck." There Is a great deal of differ, tie.-, though between the Col. ami th" boy The older and more deliberate reader of the gaJRsrnted poem long Im reached the conclusion that the boy was a condemned fool " A a result of th. .u-'i-.n of m nsnrrilli state conventlona tb Hearst biwim has practically collar ' eiite.t. Warner I the eonareaiional I as thoOght, with I Vttom with his : i Ltsrwdarn a the reptesentnttve of Lorianer a uoos county machine, night "get Wfeth ,-r somewni . and this seemed 1 1 he Hkelv at one liana after th feat few ggj pi the cm vi nt u m Denn n I the representative of the antl-ndmha 1st ration element of Cooh county, tie rwididate "I the Chicago Ne i !": a , mm . - a an uMBt number of seg ro - res on, of votmg age In those Rtab to le tatt machine 70.3.2 These figures might be SUPpb m B led by ahowlng the lugro vote in cer tain other stati -. some of them - wee anil some "f thi m not For in itnnc ramajttanls r.i Sea an I Ohio -1 135, in neither of whbSh tat. . , an then k ,,.i, i,ni of Damocratk victory, titoiigh tin negr ot go wny toward mnktng the total liian plurality Then there IB llllnol RO t cire whih ha- a t-ital n gri mnaeal to anv combination hy which rota f "!t.7fiL', Ranaa . which Is de Deneen would be nominated. Thai ri.iu,ii ueentic swiawiiir. tit t tnt" """ ii,.. ., .ninth Imnossible thing hi com" to pas i: sttwlclenl iroot inn en,. . yrraot linary iadncemet Were h-!t out kt tie gifrot, tb llnitai .stale, senatwrahlp to - --iiniaim a "a I trust, bead Ml by Victor r bnvaou i BefKh-agsmwl which Yates had directed an J his bitterest Invei iic: ; and M was not i- time - ,1,,,.,,,-t negulble thai Yates sronW I n.i tluti'iftto ititi otnet. Il r., v A, ol ill lllli l IS U ,f lis, ami is Is, It., where- the Repttldicflrt'. 'I'll" ' t the tariff qu Of ifl.tali CHCRCH UNION ie ti etMtni ui-- pi"' n.r . and Mr Hears! has htmlf admitted ' ,"4','V! as much by cancelling engig meni '""' " for rooms "t Bt Louis during th' - i vrntlen period, and hf other dirte ; ti ns which Indicate that hi heart ll no lancer tn ihe content bo far a hi. j foe ' own can'dMaev s eonrernd Thi ' ' ...n .iiff,r. attitude toward i i"U al Si him or, the part of tho i Democrat! ?bfflr bi vw- -1 - - n who have opposed him lie has d -f " f- Congregational . .... . ... . i I -,n.t M.ihoii .i churches A num -' i . o rco na i c iv ! n si i e i -iti , but a pS" eetl Cnllom I., pi.hibl f tM pii''' There j . every renaon to hetlei j that the ban.-tin ' wa -xa'tly th ...cntion of ih- Preabvtariai .-Am as that entered hato hntww omhlv of fanala in John. Ne Brunswick, pi e of the sit i.ont rtmventlnn, who ever he ma be. in which n-.p-ei ie has been more of a party mail ttnn Mr Rrvan has mown himself to be : nnd 'hi-- entitle him and hi foil iw on, to . tfnl consider ition Iron itf Jhe district conventions of Ihe thre, ilenonlinallons have Indot,. , rti kinifln i. Ian ho' thMP i don'" R -n .11 foil wthd ii will ma through thi general bodj machine candidal an i Tannei two renin aeo Th sttuatmn th ti was the same Ta-i ner had com into the ' nventem with hi ufk hobb-rs and with bis .'an nmchine but wna not aide to gatn nfflclent 'rength to nominate htm aie. was there with romoaratltfU a the anv: . and aft r O'n' , . , ...... ,.,.,,1.1 ,l..l.t!.. s ' in, K 1. tun Ion I ' ai- iemmiwi ,y ilia - i,i " - hailed by the world a. a ilhrlloct step! ted that Tann i coul-l nol he noughts .. - ail nem.H-rats Mi Hearst can we'd forward '' ' much inflnene. with a larg class ol ore to unite will mar no detei -pple a large majority of whom are tlon Bach church will conitntu In DaaiocrM and h.. believe he stand . Its work, differing iom vbal In g tor noliciee and doctrines which tbey Urnment and discipline and on minoi har-Jly agmrovs Th lupport of points of doctrine, but ail put those is wanted and node I to the general road i he better s-orld . -. i - ,...,.r ; in V,.rm -l,.,,i,tim. , I r ni : 1 1 1 TI A 1 s ttl ,1 1 1 Ol i'S IE innee w,.. r-,...... .. , ,,ni ft therefoie lets have done with noranMv -Irtt-aio t lie- uprnc. n mi- huvth, harsh criticism of them and their ! person arcoe that only owe of the de of a bn mes idmlelstratl n ' ,,,,,, nom-nsM ... an I right, and on - tjti InftRutlon It WS igre I thai . ,iKht roa.l other hold th it a a Ie should, as k v. mor takerar- of Vnj.e gnnhnhly, the bbtodlest battle ' te t-,- of denomination each Tanuet 'am ''' ' !'- ' nf the campaign in (be far ea-' wtfl what obstmstelj homing to Its vten own both in Hi pi mnsn I and In Iff . . i . ' i I . tLi. f..- n.. otit,etit 'i t i t iiir rvf'.n a 1 a a in Its . orrnn! . . n ,,i,,n infi r. . .1 ,en na, . oi .itt. ee. in ; n'i ,.,,,,,,-,, ..... !' ItJUilli lit t ter and an agreement v. . entetel la . iv th- inrnmof nhfch fate imsnll ! aomlnntpd governot i'h Tanner' ahJ and the mtti i howl I go to ms t'nit i st it- aennti Tntes, as gov ertior. to use hi offb i il infl.i" nee tn thai entl Hut H wa al o agreed that 1 ai.- tb ant i Ml' hoe- I an tidal' i v 1 1 t it h t ; and not iniuri"iis to .be S'neral rriei"its caiuo It Is regit I d as one of Ihe Mtlwarks aeiini in.on of church and state, and It a' the ame time a euarsntec of r.dici ,.,,o HK.irt. I hn,,tiiiieii i,m do aom all hs7,rd,. ,nd they 111 make -he time, combine hut It Is u.nallv sitions as m tnose . wna ""Mmn attack as rapidly aa possiblet to pre- j through practical considerations ,j two vtars ago. and the term, of na two weehs tne t.S"ln "I t-ir. ne.n Tl.'- Japanese, since thir terrible, but Ttrtcrtotr flgh' for the ir -' .-cm t Naastma Hill, have beep bn y pi ing for tht great eonflin They are determined to take fort Arthur at How wll Vat's h" t..n" thi h public eenrrallv knows Now ;h". peotpM of Illin -i- an I i fr nt-. bv th" am" Btnh "f thine . n..rher hareain Is made betwe n th two candidates who h 1 1 the same po I fTZ J T ' N ?ii ,n h-r- i - .1 da'nty little frees lot no age It U na' jf white InJia linan. ifimmd hVrth 'mi 'oi.lery. Th? yoke is tnck.-a CM are kil ler, b.-n-aih the deep ber'ha. , I, broi l 13 ;. ars of gnunct P'.-I I'tifle I eft w sle.. I EITHER torpedo bostf nor iubingriie cwfl ta Um pwa eoi itatc of development ens nuuw IW Dtitinanip nn atTair ol the pnii IT 8 i l l I :i:i.y PREP08TEKOU8 TO TALK Of THE ELIMINATION 01 THE BATTLE SHIP. The fact thai several f tbU sort ol emit were tlestrovcil or Ki.llv dMtmfed by torpedoei or sobiBWW mint la the .CtioW lictween the to inns gtd Jp tl Port Aftbui BWiM notbmg o far a- the efficiency ol Um BATTLESHIP tmmntA t il fully un.ler t 1 by all nnval Ml tMt Um lorprfo, in itselt B eonparnrttrely bxpenve eontrivwaee, y brttMtlup oat of MMnmiMton. But thin proves nothinir in the fBUnrJ nmn f nayal power. THE TORPEDO DOAT AND KINDRED CRAFT ARE DANGEROUS JUST IN PROPORTION TO THEIR SCOPE OF OPERATION. TO DE LIVER CRUSHING BLOWS TO AN ENEMY THE3E VESSELS CANNOT BE DEPENDED ON. Whai It riMilnl ii the Uttltnhip to? t'ir Mi "" fln', m,iet be Mg Mrmg- t.. iMnarj btrd kmmh nnd awifl eawrugh to leei gad Bad poeitioni ol adVnnue. Then Umw must be the nrtfl armored. emi or UnK eu either light Of slum a eh ati pair ol heels, and lat, bat ptrhnpi U in-rtnnt M Um other-. I p try tipply of scsbipn lgfat enrmtn they nay ba afathtM tbm m THE El ES OF TIIK FLEET. It i, ,, very g 1 principle rrf warfare to know what, the enemy is op to, The batUenbif cannot find oat, but Um Hgbt, gwifl uuitflf can and 'I'HFV comes the time the cnishlng f'.rce of the 1,,,,'yiK n 1 and emorej shtp t tte-ded. Often the venafja of the are locator and in n measure their mbvementt learned the . agoati i in reaviuy turn the real fiphtim: nsrnr to the btg fettovi and nt Um MIM time protect them from th" attack of torpedo bonK for the latter cannot Maod any well dfNeted fire frmn the quick loading gud automatic puns of today. THFRE 15 NO QUE3TION IN MY MIND THAT THE REAL CON TROL OF THE SEAS RESTS ENTiRFLV WITH THE POWER THAT CONCENTRATE ITS FORCE IN A REAL LINE OF BIG 8MIP8 The tinr tion of coat gl not to ba i i mawd, even though a torpedo , at. .- ting p., hap- $.'"'."''. 'tin. imd'f certain favorable coftdt j tions dr-troy a battleship VPOfflh ibflOOjIQQ, The prin-:ial qggMitiiill i; to pr - idt- a means of protection for tbe , ebath cTid'c- ol war. THIS IS SOLVED BV THE SCOTT BH1P& They gnal br fa.-t and N armed aa t prevent t!,.- frfl'irr- el twrjawlo hmil loU. If Use scotsl tValt hi properly, handled the battleships are comparatively safe and are ready to deal tfm realW CRrSHIKtt blow when the .p-y. rtnnity nffera. j