Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 4, 1904. At3NR,f. - ,ut)t wizard" lIus whs entire pMMHT.ItM ST 0 P SuInam S MM uariK'S. ('iii.-iii'Ts anoxpectod When Hi Barnes, lied mane the remark too, he would i glad to wrtore her her own, he had inne so reeling safe, because to obtain it she wonM need to admit that 1 Bhe had lott it. flow it seemed thai she j bod deprived bim f but pi"'"-'1 of en-j denco. ll" did not know what to say when Mr. Michel walked across to them and remarked nleanantfyi 'Well, Brolly, i too f i l my friend Mr. Barnes entertaining?" Mr. Barnes hns been moat agreeable, ltov, and, Ren, b has actually given me i present, ' ' laying which she handed the button to Mr. Ilitohel, acroes whoee covntfUftaee Mr. llurnes tbongbt ho saw Bee ting smile of triumph dim "I dm proud of yoa, Kmily You command lioin:in- wherever yon extend ; yoar influence. Doyoaknow,Mr Barnes refused, to give that cameo to me only tins morning. Von i a guess why I wanted it." "Because It has my picture eopled on it?" "Exactly- Mr. Barnes, allow ma to arid my thanks to those of Mies Rmusen Yon can readily appreciatowhy we pre- for t" have tbifl bauble in mir own DOS session?" Mr Barnes thought that becoald H suw that be was fairly caught, and thai hpriiuM il" nothing without making a scene 11" niet u glance from Mr. Mltoh el which We lnt v was meant to re mint! him of his promise not to annoy Mis Remften He had abnni decided that bo had been a fool to make such a promise Mid tn have visited tlx place at all whni he suddenly c&anged his mind as n servant announced : "Mr. alpbouse Tbaoret." Immediately the detective remember ed the name, it was opon the card given to him by the Frenchman w ho had h fl Ibe train at Stamford. Hewmt watching Mr Mitehol when tln newcomer was Le pas motinced, ami (laneeof dlsplt men nctuuiul h ul Mr thus, unexpectedly i thonghl hedeteeted 11 ui" Were tins- iv accomplices perhaps? "Mr. Mltchel, lei mo pr Tbaaret," mid Dura. "1 have had the pleasnro "f t ting the gentleman before," roplied Mr. Mit('h"l, and sil!i a stiff bow he CI surd to the side of Kmily as th sigh to pre vent, an introduction to her. Tins uf eonrse was impossible, and Mr Mitcliel was plainly annoyed. Kmily stepped forward, extended her hand to Ml Tbaoret, and then, laming, pw sented him to Mr Barnes, who had arl wn, and who aimply buw I "Ah! Mr Berucs," said the French man, "I em delighted to meet yon again. " "Why, do yon know Mr, Barnes also? ' cried Is-ni, greatly surprised. "Who does nol Know Mr Barnes, the rnleiirated detective?" Resold this ill tiiat be has misled me. He thinks that when l directi a mat nil .'the pnaaengera should be seatebed J did so hoping to find the lost jewels, whereas 1 was not looking for tha juw- els, bni for the thief. " "How could von do that?" "You may think mc egotistic, but 1 hoped to d. teel him by ins conduct. ) was entirely successful. 1 kfflOW WOO stole 1 1 11 jewels. " This was a bold as sertion, especially as Mr. Barnes had; Dot decided the matter in his own mind. He wished to note the faces of these men when he mad" the statement He gained nothing by the maneuver, for Mr. Mitch el seemed not to have beard, while the Frenchman quickly said: "Bravo! Bravo I You are better than a. It is like n wizard s tricic. i on the suspects before you in review, j and then, presto! you pica oni toe emu- Inal with your eye. That is a charming method, and SO simple!" "Mr. Thauret,'1 said Dora, "yon are laughing at Mr. Barnes, and that is not good natural Mr. Baruessays he knows the thief. I believe him. " "Pardon I 1 believe him also, 1 did not mean to laugh. But tell me, Mr Barnes, how did the man secrete the diamouds1 suppt SO they were Ola monds, were they not'.'" "Diamonds and other jewel But lei me ask you how would you have hid den them had you been iii his place?" This tune the shot went hi inc. Plainly the Frenchman did not like the sngges Hon of being himself the criminal He quickly recovered his equanimity, how ever, ami answered : "Do you know, I have thought of thai verv thiiiH. t,f eoursa 1 would probably make bungle ol it. BtlH 1 have thought of ii w ay. " "A way by which b" could have hid den the jewels, so that a seaicll could not have found them, and yet In a place aoMMrthk to himself afterward?" "I think so. Perhaps I tun wrong, but 1 think my little plan would do that much. The newspaper says the L ..l. I .1.1 l,vt wels Were illisn somes, i snwiu., ...... men nan mono we.en no suggested that the stolen property had been hidden elf tlio train still remained to be explained. "Come, come, Mr. Bunion, " saidMr. Miichel. patting his sb mldor familiar ly. Don't let this' case upset ymi Sfi. When rou go so far for a theory, you da not show the skill which you displayed in tracking Pettingill Why, even I can et you B belter OUC than that. " "Von must not think mC quite ii fool, Mr. Mitcliel. U my theory seems pre- posteroua, it does not follow that it i the only one at my command. We de tectives must look at these cases from all lights. 1 will wager that I can tell yuu what your theory la?" "(Joodl 1 am glad New York lias such a clever man to defend her. 1 ae . cept your wager. Here, 1 will write my ' irlea on a bit of paper If you guess u, i I owe you an, invitation to n good dm ! ner. " Mr. Mitchel wrote a few hues on I the book of an envelope and banded it I to Dora. "You think," said Mr. Barnes, "that the thief might have simply handed the 1 satchel and jewelry to a confederate at a station decided upon in advance." "BraVO. Mr. Dames!" said Dora. i "Yon area gireat detective, Yon have won your wayur. That la What is writ ten here. " "1 owe you ii dinner, Mr. Haines, and it shall 1)0 a gtfod one," remarked Mr UNHAPPINESS DISPELLED. Men nnil Women Iniinlniini Aliout It. Many women weefi and wall mid refwe) to he romforteu uOCSUSe their once mag mhcenl tresses - have become thttjaU-! fUded. Many men incline i" I'lefahit.-' because 0o flies liite throUK-h the thin thatch en their cranlun'is. It will b go i qi ; to the miserable of both sexes, t l learn that Newbro's Herpieide has been jilted upon the market. This Is the iio-v acalP BMtnicidC ami antiseptic that art n by uealroyini; the gann or microbe lhat ts the underlying cause of all hair d". ptruction. Herpieide Is a new prepara tion, made after a new formula on mi entirely new principle. Anyone who has tried it will testify as to Its worth, 'lry tt yourself and o convinced. Hold by loading druggists. Send 1"- in stamp, f r v ,.;.;.. to The Herpieide Jo,f;fte- trott. Mien I Paul U. Agents. CENTRAL tfluih & Sum. SP'fib'l . Convivi all-nlghl a il Bargain, Mr J' Mltchel. "Would Mr. Barnes lik" to win an other V asked the Frenchmen, with fIow distinctness, "I would, "said the detective sharply. "Then I will wager with you that if you ever clear up the mystery yon will be obliged to admit that none of the theories advanced is the correct one." "I cannot accept that bet," said Mr. Barpes slowly, "because I am sure that 1 we have not mentioned the true method adopted, " il, von have another theory Thauret almost sneered. "1 havo,-aiid it is the correct one," j retorted Mr. Barnes, "but prefer hot to disclose it. "1 think you are quite right, Mr. Barnes," said Kmily. "In fact, know ing you by reputation as a mm of gnat shrewdness, I have not thought that you j were telling us your true ideas. It would j have been foolish to do so. " "Perhaps, though sometimes what Mama foolish may be wise. "Quite true, Ami now, gentlemen, I regret the necessity Of dismissing you, j hut 1 have a ball OU band for tonight and must beg you to excuse us that wo may prepare for it. You know in the 1 fashionable world we train for a ball as i athletes do for their sports. You will j ' forgive my lending you away. " This was her way, and men never re- J lie of the late Phil Ma) th furnished material for ' Joe Tapley, the singer, came across May oil" hk thai th" latter had not for four nights and day strate-i ;::: bLt ' raid: oeV we'll mak a harga lose coj sleep on my a tt-day liahlts - artist, have mny a story, tolls thai he hi and hoard bi en to bod He remote 'Never mind, a : don't you ; 1 feel tired r.. Mon fare, Tic ul. it tit'' . ( Ine trip. I reg- Wll Helplessness of bturgeons. Stun:, on: an lb" weakest of all Qah in proportion to their size. A Ktureeon wfiubiur: over a ton is per fectly helpless if attacked by a s;mall swordflsh. THIS 18 A Presidential Year AND YOU MUST Keep Posted The way to do this Is read the WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL HENRY W ATTERSQN, Editor. hi t' St. 1 , June (Ah ), ttlltiul sold or ;iii u's of that 1 be limited to return June 13th. Tickets will not be good in sleeping carsi but will be honored in Chair Cars or coaches IN REGULAR k TRAINS i k you Want aeook, Want a clerk. Want a partner, Want a situation, Want a servant ttirl, Want to sell a piano, Want to sell a cerrhuje, Want to sell vour property. Want to sell your (troceries, Want to Hell your dry goods, Want to sell your hardware, Want a customer for any thing, BULLETIN Advertising brings nevr customers, Advertising keeps the old ones, Advertising showe confidence, Advertising insures success. Advertising shows enrgy. Advertising showe pluck, Advertising is "luck," Advertising is "bis," Advertise or'lmst,' Advertise longer Advertise well, Advertlee at O N C H ! Arkansas Texas Louisiana An Ideal country for cheap homes Lead at $f, $10 $lf per aere; grows corn, cot ton, wheat, oats, grasses, traits and vegetables. Stock raafM 10 months In the year. South east Missouri, A? kansas, Louisiana and Teas arc full of opportiiuiUoa the climate Is mild, the soil Is rich, the lands arc cheap. Dow home-seekers' rates about half faro via the Cotton Belt twice a month First and third Tuesdays. For descriptive literature, maps and excursion rates, write to E W. LABEAUME, G. P. A. and T. A, Cotton Belt, St. Louis, Mo. DR. MORRISON, Dentist Office 707 Commercial Ave. Illinois Central j Corrected to May llt, n04. THE KA-I MAIL HOI ! Shortest and Quickest Routt lo St Louis & Chicago tiT-T rains leave Cairo: 1:110 r. in. Daily I'btpsyo Watibule . Limited, arriving in Obtain t 10.W a. in. OOUWOttna with :i!iernoon trains for all point I I east and north. 2:2t a. m. Mnily St. I.oniaNlrbt Limited i arriving in St. Louis at 7:0 a. m., (.'onnectina ,it t'liinr htation for all points west. Hleeiung ' f -iirs open ;.i V: 15 p. m. ,i I : I ." 11 Thebet Accommodation. 5:1 .", u. in., i liicneo liayllfht Kpro, ! exceut Sundnv, mskn all stooc bilween i.airo )K ill Ullliwi at.i. w 1-. M BtSHjl TOi Knt Mail, arriv- St I nuiS R. R. Meiiptii- & SotitlifAiKTii St. I.ouis & Qui Ry- TO THE the dike of coup in brad it. Thev simply obeyed. Jlr. . . : i...u .1... ..,1. No ouo would think to. Barnes was oeiigniw issi wu i if i 1 mam wrmrrl leave with Mm. IV n.u nrnuared a tran for now he woidd iTo bo Continued Monday.! iiini train. VI Ul ti ti i ho ruueu as I . . 1... L i Mr lininel'f' i sinister tuo ininiiiiK his eoniieetuSi Was it to proven! liini u thesu women agaiii? i male the desired im ti that ettreujely p turned by his rti most romplimen tliniiht that he live in ihtis proe wiih tiie police, from calling apt If so, h failed I prtwiou upon Dora, for thai woman set uied fairly eurapturi d. "A detective?" said she. "Are really the great Mr. Barnesf" "I am ii detactlve, but searcel great one. "Oh, but vuuiu: ui art u an ! I read all ay in win mill. At d now man n the 11' Nevertheless Mr. Beniei about the woud eaugbi that mini Pettin 1. 11 me, are you golog t who robbed the womau train yesterday (' ' "Hew do yon know that it is a man'.''' asked Mr Haine-. amused at hr Impetuosity and pleased ;it the turn j takes by the conversation. "Ob, ii is not a woman I I am sure of that l n ad sboal it in the papers j this morning. 1 bought throe, 10 as not to miss anything. Ho woman would have been clever enough to plan it all, and then curry it out so thoroughly. " "This It very Interesting." said Mr. Thauret. l COUnW, I. 100, have read the papers, but besides that, us yen kte w. Mr. ftariie... I was mi the Irani myaelfj aiul the first hb scar-he.! 1 have IhoagM of the case evei luce. lr nivriMu conntty Wf claim that.ourde (actives can hnravei a"y mystery, and 1 nm enrinu to know l)ow yon will UWU ajM in an affair of this ktud, The thicl evident ly Is clever ; do you nol H.lns so? Mr. Mitchel had drawn apart nd ap raretitlv was ghtorbed in a conversatia - .. .. . i ........ with rally. o . ci nfldeut what M l-'-mg said by the group ' I which he himself was i ne. VnA r ordl nurv cirnimi tanees he wrmtd imtfori matmtH have thought of sp aklug m e importaal a case before w u h i si i- a-i iiTi i ,. ..,,.,1 ,,f cMiimlt'-itv Uni theC wet Hf ro w re tw ne 11, whom mere wosa rrtystt ridusct with the rtueu, or crtmea, whichM i Investigating. If ettber, r U th, wrrt , ntiry, it was evtdsejl from their emu- IgC mvi-itoig nn-.te-erne.llr at th" " IgMMtagJ in whi. h the murder h id bar rnmniittwi that extreme skill would 1 Mnsjfed to nPtiiniae .iivietmn fheoa Mttrve ihuteftee eoeuteViwd thee the ihpii gM i"' '"rt with ltiPth'Kls as hoM ag Ha ir ow gpeaktug In kmd iaaigh t.. mmk Mr. MJiuhel cars hi ?aid : I think thai the tin. f is Vver. but that he Is not fo clever as le runsi-W himsoif. " "How is that?-' He aatieved 1 suy he, Mm . Mi Ib ins'-n, I think it is a man" "lloxvdcliahtful of fei hf aree w ith rrre. " said "TLis we then." erertrBuan unshed them into lb.' u ash room look for them there, am there would be nothing against me Afterward I shonM have none back taken the soup, and the Jewels would have been mine " "You ur mistaken. " "How so?" "Vou worn Hie lirst person searched, I walehed you till you a" KW It would have iiet'ii at menu ior nine to New Xk ttOK StatUl iiothcr train, and then gaiu wi- cess to the ( "aches mi a side track and In the hands of the scrubwomen. Even then y. u would have failed, fur 1 took all the swap away and substituted new cakes before the saoond man was . Marched. " A smile on Mr. Mitchel s fane proved m was Hsteiiittg, and thn- .ie was pllascd at the detectives cleverness The Frenchman shrugged his shoulders a . , . . and said, lauuuiiijj "There, you see, I BnOUI'l llver HPM a thief. Besides, there was the satchel 1 had forgotten about that 1 rue eouM not bide n satchel in a eako of soap." "Hut he could throw it out of the window to mislead the man who picked it up," replied the deteotivo. "Vmi are shrewd, Mr. Barnes," said Mr Thauret, after p keen scrutiny, which Mr. Barnes though) betokened 'haouununuu, win u think the thief bid itainV' He hid it otf the tram, said Mr iiarm s quickly, and tn bis sat Wfacl ion both his men started slightly. Evident ly Mr. Mitchel decided thai M was nine for bim to enter t ho game, for ha crossed Iseued Every Wednesday. Twelve Pages. $LOO a Year. Louisiana Purchase Exposition nn.l I hicAile. am . ill ., . I a, in.. M. I Mi'ibbttt ' Mieeaa, eTc.-i.t ann.lav. arru mi; in St., ,3fTTifr 1 making all slops. I Z ::'.. p. hi. t. l .'iui ing in St. I... ai at r,:Wtp. in. p.- ,- y. i nu. Mnl-lay. JccIhI, arrlv Ing in Ohl Mb, IJ ;M p. mi 2:20 p. m, I in , ! stt l.ouia l.iralfed, sr r.Miig in rtl. bmis iSWIp. in. .oiinctii ic a Onion Si itn.n tor RlUPIla Ctty, OduUm, Vhu Tor. San Francisco ami ail pointa iuiatf 2:2o t int I '.x proa for (Klin, K.t- finghaui, Mattoon, Tolona, Crknipaign, Chi cago. u OiOS p. m. blcaco and iTiattrn l-.x- pre arriving In Chicago :e h-.iis a. m.. I nanus- annUa,T:lS ( incinnatl, 10:S5 a. m Buttato, K:iift p.m., New York 7:S0 a. in. Steeping-cars to Chicago, . , , - . . Daccannore i'l'r Ne" Yor" no ca' tn I ttM.ii;i.i b ,1 ibsn that Ihe Illinois i cntrul is the miwkeiU ,'onle hy manv boars, leaving Cairo at H: p. n. nun arriving in New York at 7:W tire MSOdd inorn lOg. ' SOUTHERN DIVISION. TH I'. ONLY' DIRECT LINK TO MIIMfHtS. NASHVILLK, CHA.TTANOOQA, AT LANTA. lACKSONVILLB, HA V VNNAH, VICKHHCUO and .JACKSONVll.LJv 2:1.1 a. in. The Dijis Flyer," Mempbts, Naanville and Jacksonville. rti io ' c.i via '. . ,,. il New Orlraaa , M . ni. , I'liiiucaii anu uoan villi-Express, arriving in Hulton tuo.i . 111. Paducah 11 :4U a. in. and Louisville 5:W p. ni. I :;; p. m , ,l.ui Memphis ai.d New (u It-ana gut Mail ai -o ing'iii Memphis ai7:10p. BU and New Oil-ans at :i" a. m. 1 tntl p in., dai'y, Nashville, Chutanoogaand Atlanta. . -, -2(1 p.m. Memphis ami New Orleank Special inn. ,n Memphis at 111: SO p. m., New Orleaua 10:00 a. in. 5il .' p m, Psdscab, BooktRSVnts sua umuh- ' For Hi rough tickets, sleeping car W mod aliens and further infniwieu .apiy t Illinois Central l'a i longer Station., III. j h. jotnMr.Tgt Agt. A. II. HANSON. Hen Pa3. Agt. ChicSgo.' HIP HUH .'HMllv, a. m MemphU and NewOrlssns Until- ..Memphis, arriving in MemphU at s:l 1 11 1 1 i.r v. ie ..lif ' " S:2tl a. in., daily, Pulton, A I'llACTICAl MAGAZINE FOR THE Mr. Mitdiel, hut Utice two birds into it- A Positive Necessity. Having to lay upon my beil for 1 1 days from a severely brttlSCtl leg, 1 only found relief when 1 used a bottle, of Ballard's Snow Liniment. I Call cheerfully recommend it as the bosl medicine for bruises ever sent to th! afflicted. Il bee now become a poai the necessity upon myself. U K Byrnes, Merchant. DoVersvillo, Toxas. J6c ."iiie, $io0. Bold by Svhuh Drug i'omiiany. MmSNUH EUUrORM, BOCIAL HKKOKM, MORAL RMFORM. The Courier-Journal Issues the bssi Mrnanac published. Send 35 cents for i copy by ma!'. GENTEEL HOUSEKEEPER EACH I3SUI: CONTAINS CrAUTIFULLY I U-LUSTHATED UISMLS. DECOnATIOMS t jii Tut tab;.! , dainty kcnus i or all occasions, ere. It 13 TKS AMERICAN AUTnoniTT NABf TOPICl AND FASHIONS. $1.00 Pta YjaR Through the Pictarcsqtia Mis sissinpl Valley. Bklrtlrtg the ( real .Mismismii.i.i ior red Miles, Priaenlliuj liiiiu'iis ranorain.-i oi Beauty. U llun- a Oon Natural .. Low Kxcursion Rates ON COU CuaatNT Ijsuc lot Short Introductory Speech. Senator Bpoonei of Wlsconslti isyji the heat Sliced: of ill! roiluel ion ll' ever heard was delivered hy a t',.1 tnaa mayor of a small town in Wlacofc Sin, where BpOOOeT hud emmNI ' speak. The mayor mild i "Ladles uni Bhentlemens: I asked haf been t Indrotooae you to the Honorable Bcui lor Bpooner, who to you nil mn' peach, yea. I he Will now dt if now done 0OUS1BR JOURNAL COMl'ANY, LOU1BV1LL1, KY. Uy a special arrangement you can uet THE WEEKLY BULLETIN and tho WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL both one year for TABLE TALK PUD. CO , PMILA. fOL'cnnaa HAWTM ,,3 CMts-NUT 3T LincnAL -te.-iM.i For (farther Particulars ami D eiodive l.itoralure, call on nearest ;i"eiil ndilresH, EUROPEAN HOTEL pit Onmmerclal A sue, Cairo T, W. DOtJUUTY, I'mpnelor. III. $1.00 I't. R $!.50, DAY. ie c lias jii II. ne c has ins! been rfinouieu ami rvturniaben aecniBinonsnona nei class. Koun anil board MAS per week " a and Thti la for eaah lubeerlptio&i only All subacrlptltmi under this couibins Hon must be sent lliroiigli the Bulletin office. 00 YEARS' EXPERIF.NCF W. R. POWE tleu. PMe.Agt. fapctiirartlcMii, Mo. Half Rates i Alexander County National Springfield, Ills., Bank ,J Rctura VI nneasiui ss. icn vou tell me how , the 1 reasnre on 1 1 and J'liii' d the p si 1 : Veil all dls In g the train rob- "Ai lierv" (lb, yes!" s.iid Don. "And it is just li vely, the way Mr. Bnraea has toond out all ahoot it I" "fowad out all tamt It! H he la deed ? ' "Yes'. Be knows who the thief is, and that ho hid th" jewels ..IT the train." "ifiirverv eb-ver ef yuu, Mr. Barnes, 0 disCO Yet that. Whero else could he have buldi n them, since the ttain its' If and evei vii. dy en it waowrehedr'' It lrritaled Mr. Pat BOS (he vvay m which Mr, Jfltehel alwayaseemed to be little his nklll Be was Ifiie amjry i bet ef ore as ha made hie nest hold stroke. "I will tell too. ladies and gentle that he missed little ol Men, where the thief might hare hidden train . place which if "carchllii;, D1 t even jew 1 Is, el one thans tn t orrttmtrt rrcniijiin .-. aln lit h"lh el I er.Mhp "Oh, tell ns!" ixclaimed I"ra. 11H" two ni' n hjuhjrf interested, nothing mure Kmily hal OOOW hehiiid Mr. Mitchel and -iv!v sliiied her hand with in his. The in m iii carried the Jewels In a laiUml Seppoeitthe thti f had nahmtln satchel rnd Ihcowa it from Usswimlaw. Missing that, the woman woM BWfe ataialljmaw lndrjd tlsat the jewels were pmie, w-iild she 11. t? Very well The thief might have bidden the jewels ta her OWfl p. '-ket while she -lejit. " Mr Hum had b pel mm h from 'his pTSB' -wition. hnt ii was a distinct failure. Either that was n the tkWCs method 1. Grr.vlng Aches and Pains. Mrs. Joule Sunnier, BrcmOttll, fOXBS, vrttee, April 15, 1903: "I bare used Ballard's Bnow Llnlmetrl In my famllj for three years. I would not be with out it in the house. I have BSCd H on mv little girl for growing nataa and aches In her knees. It cured her right away. I haw atom need ii Bar frost hitton feet., with Boofl success j It Ii the beal liniment I ever ased. " I He, SOe, I LOO. Sold hy Bchnb Drag Company. Never Mind Who Says -Rubber." A medical journal :-as Hull in the continued us., of the eyes in such work as sewing, typewriting, book keeping, reading end studying M tirmg pole! is looking up from the work at akort Interralg and looking nround the room. This peaCtloed n ery tea or fifteer. mintiti s relieves the niusetilsr tension and rests tho eyes - Hartford l'ost. Exposute To cold draughts of air. to keen ami cuiiinjf winds, sudden ttmagns of teaa pcrature, scanly eWthtag, ninlue OX- posnra to Urn throal ami tuck after public speaking ami singing, bring m much and colds. Mallards bosM Syrup is the host. Mrs. A. Ilarr. MMatofl, Texas, writes, Jaa lai UW: ",,( hbUmol BaHanJ's Horehonnd Svrup ciin d nu pi "r lia.l COUgll. It ts very phttsaRl to take- j.-.c, r.uc. ium wm m itrug Company Commercial Ave. and Eighth Street, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. CAPITAL $100,000.00 $50,000.00 An' IDE Marks Demons IrSna iiKkfl.h si"! (tiwrlfrf'"!' n mv riain wtr opmU'ii l.eo iK'O'i r nr. i iv MUMituble. nmgonK t).!,. ' li.l. I e."H'M'"R "C . "' - itl. kly h.. .' I ,. v .... I ' ii I" II,., , ,,,, I . y,. it !.(. ,l'l''-l lit. I" ? "" ' '" ' , Hril'mti 'as-" ISrosih A I .... ri-irlv, .-,.., ,,fi,r wii I. nit churire, in th'. SI IHMLU8 ili IINDIVIIIliK I'KOI 1 1 8 OFFICERS: E. A. BUDER President CHA3. FEUCHTER JR-, V. President, j. H. CALI IGAN Car.hier F. SPENCER Assistant Cashier Directors Semitic Hmcrican, x MMhnmptf ItltaSSsM w-'ltlv- ii el nr .lenlltts lonrnnl. I coin. n e ir ". ilba,ai Selil l TH "c'!eii cr. WM,,wwwTorl( J. H ClilligAO. . B. (iholaon. 0, o Patter. ft V Neff. FANCY JOB PRINTING. THE BULLETIN HAS JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF NEW UP-TO-DATE FANCY STOCK FOR PROGRAMS, IN VITATIONS, ANNOUNCE MENTS, WEDDING CARD 3, ETC., AND IS PREPARED TO SIjPPLY THEM ON SHORT NOTICE TO THOSE IN NEED Or PRINTING IN THAT LINE B. A. Under. Tho:;. BoH C. M. Osterloh. Will. KIukc. Chaa. fesjehter, Jr. J. K. Herbert Accounts of corporjtions and In dividuals especially sclidted. Ex change furnithed In any part of the world. 0 i i I i A o C MMTAI. Alexander County Savings Bank CAIRO, ILLINOIS. E. A. Bgaf President. Tnos. Boyd Vice-President. J. H. Galhyan, F. Spercer Assistant .Cashier. Casnier. Big Four Route Annual Meeting Of Travelers' Protective Association of America. I .... Ticket: sold to BpriBgOeld, in . ami return will be n sale OB June Rh ami ,th, 1904, ut half rates, Filial return limit to h ave Spring liehi io and Including June le, 110 For full Information as to patttcu !arn to rates, tlcl etd, limits, etc.. ill on BgtSte Bt Four Roule or ad Iroaa the undersigned. J M. ttega, T. P, A , Cairo, III. SMITH BROTHERS The Big Store 1300-8 Washington hi EVERYTHING 'hat Is Good to Eat Use and Wei IRON MOUNTAIN ROUTE Elegant New Service, Quickest and Most Reliable Route TO- m Missouri, Kansas, Nebraska, Colorado, Utah, Pacific Coast, Arkansas, Louisiana, lexas, New Mexico and Hot gforillgg. Observation Parlor Cafe Dbalng Otare, meals a la carte; elegant Hrawuif. Rnr m Slooners. llL'llted 1)V oloetrieilV I and cooled by electric fans; newKn- clining Chair Cars (seats froo;; com ortablo Pa Coaches. ttpeclH lndueciiifiitiiitf(T(.d to tu'tne neor erpeinti. outh nrt wmthwsl. I " to'ifita fttefl to ftockj M ountai ii resorU unit l'Miiflc 'lomt from Cairo, t. Loals, etc. , THAI LKA II CA1HO so. ii -M e m THHINH AHHIVK AT CAIRO Van tl:pss TRAI1KLRAVK Bllllld r.MST uici Freight nri Passsntsr Ne. 79, l:H i ui Aii ovK at mnii SorSH Cxteal Kremht mid I'liHsenger No. 7H... .S:1S p m H. TOWWBfND, Qm'l P As' Mo ...r llo M I nillfl MO. I HI.MEtl SMI TH. Paitaeof" :it Ticket u' iil I Oslro, tlilnola. , . m www M. - m " Uss.-i f5-vw-riw 5TLOVIS ANION siTATION LAIBO nolite I .r am Mr. Mitchel mid Mr. Thann-t WWaVMli inrirnt. Uothsniiledinerefi uionciT. The f mmt -rn'r tw. u u.y farfetched. Mr Barnos. H iw do to'i papp'w that he WaaM re n ,i r"-e'''i' n of 'he KlIMl 'ajM giaidsriag the emaaNh " aagmaT i tn,. detsctree. Agam ha taiM, for neither of the wii irtaaael Mr lams waf foiled fcT the nc tnent, 1 nt BOt en , tireis-ow--.i aei T.a fsr whLii ti; Deserves I Memorial. That rennv!vania Inienor Who hn dorlaed an alnrm i lock Which romm ha the relief ,,f tired imsbandi hy automat-, any lujntmg m fire has rend, red a WMMati lea to the prorni'tieti "I the di rmtracrnn i t of dlmi prohibition f ra i ah h . iw.,1 1 nCas.arUi aMHttpmllnr I i aches, rie-amasm or atrmwrtt inMiMe HntrMof's naiy Hmmtarn Tea maUe yon well and ke,'p .mhi well IS f-nts. tea or inhlcts. Paul U. Jchoh !?ri- E I Wilis FSOCU11D 10 or.rtNUL I mil. "iy. n d the urn si mi i s 4ND i niiin intiii PRffl irs wm (iver Transportatioi 522.1HMl HOT pjiaMMaMi 1 1 0e 1 MAINS gf CAIRO NORTH BOUND No. 1 !,, (ilnily1 Jfo. I !Ten frtiiilT1 -" No. II Lef f (WSM ar' aoora Bot'NB ! Mo. 1 tae rlniljri ! n. bsasas niiyi No. 11 I.eifft week (tT' c. a. ciAmtr. C.SS.SHEPASO. !0 M.BfAlU. ItHt i ! . .,'- I'm i .,e i IgJ 1;0C p. i . r. l!Sf H.tio a. Strictly a Savin-s Bank, t , ( ,; , N, Sii. vNU ys '" ,W I' I't M ' '"" ; IN ALL COUNTRIES ': ui." Mrrfi r ith It" '.tngton jar . ,.).- -ft. Hike Mnt. PatfH n4 IsMsfSSWM Practice E V. t.. .r . i" t,. -i- .1 i Smth St-wt. opp tJnitH P'aUi rivrc. WASHINGTON, 0 C. Interest rate of Paid t'iree on Time, per cent Deposits at per annum. Reliable fori Michael. I he Old Yaw nbroker. Menu- le !" 'l lWrf. nRrSmlSo te h, hwl in disn.-.nrts. wt. hr-. (i'm r,rt ,..!. ' Cirrv full line ..! lenlhi-r it e.iexn. "pnrt afaet AK re;.,,r il r ICS rB"hl'!e Pl HOLLISTER S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuqqcts A kSf Mei.ciL for Busy P"? T,r net 0. . ia Hfi-h r.'l Run" ! Vifwr. ae-t Ki In- v Tr mble. Cimpi.-v trrrm-K "'r ' ic p , I t-o.. m irrri nm " Rn. HBTteiefce. It x R.-ky Moenum 1 in t. . .... B eean a Vx. Hen .'re r..,Mlc tiy Hl-l-rl t- -. ! esv. M Wc, 601 NE HUC6CTI F0H SALLOW PLO1'' E Established 1 76. M. J. Mowley, HI i ESTATE MilM Mi m W PHUC Real Estate Bought and Stld. Rents Collected. Taxes Pa d and Con veyances Written. 702' j Commtn-'al Avenue. i i,r t.mi.iiii aia "' sjUmmas. XrASTTBS. r. a n- (fsuasm. Rl.KH I.KK I'KTKRH I.KK .- IM KKI1 I.KK oti , I I.KK I 1 HP HRROI.I) . Alter;. . Tusodaj WertnewUv K-rt. iOira p. ni . m. For Ok. Koun anil W l.anilln. t ' Kirn i v i- - p u raao hkroi.o Tvseiai p. m. l r lneinniili nnil Wny l.n.lin. PKT1 SS 1.1. K RKK" l.l-'K for Kr. ifrhl in.t II, ! U. A I"'.' Altemst. if . II.. !'' Apply t I Whifhot Ctire. ROSlin V.. I.KK, Tt. rStitwef e I BIG FOUR RUJTK. Best and Ouiekcrt Unt TO . , ., I Evanslle, raducah, ViMCuaajgt Danville, Terrc Haute, Indian apolis, Louisville, Cincin nati, Pittsburg, Ualtimore Philadelphia, Washing ton, New York Bo ton, ant'. aTl Past ern Cities aa Tislat lesrlsi Clre: i nns A v , Terk mII ipr oferte NW Ver nd No. r- m C'Sio t mi eMtrrn e tpn CiMMVH cnfrtleev No. IM M a. m. Uwl ! , M -. i ftod IS SS m. All lin Ker rte. BMao, rilrfi inferast ioa. e. 1 oe er .t rickei Afent. fnlni ITor j LYNCH n.P T A- Olacln M, Ct w t-. utrri-.A n r it i H. U .. . i ; I A Ce UB'. nppH Ct" t tin for , . m. ru-4tion. ' R "HiTH