Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO BULLETIN, SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE 4, 1904. T. B. REESE ! ( . j Stocks Bonds - Cereals fl ; Dry Goods--Kid (I loves and Hosiery a Specialty. " A. ''V,'; i,,.; :, i . ni!aiy u. Dor.'l i i ik i:., .-.:.) r K oil, I R Mmff k.v. :.ei.r .v. a WHEAT, CORN AND OATS 4 Lus bfj (Mr rtrtogv-uoMi ( lliolr j dctuIlT effect. HBR8IWK lakon fc ' 'I '4-n ! "''''i J;; I rjULLISH SENTIMENT PERVADED;', thotligoBtlvo (innu)Hiu perfevd, oondi- I (H ill. UUil'll II IUtlOU1UC!3l, .'K"iAl"llU.I, liVw-r ilia, kop ytu In good health. TRY IT TO-DAY. 50c n. Bottle. All DrugSlsts. Minneapolis Cereals. aiKilli. Juno 8 VVHE STOCKS, BONDS, MONEY f MARKET AT OPENING ON SENSATIONAL MINNEAP OLIS REPORTS. St'llt'll I) IUIU CO WHEAT SpO IF YOU INTEND TO MAKE A TRIP TO 0 M gj J Ch EAJ. h 1A jg 1E ITO ? r sa n re n s i a i v I OR ANY TOINT ROETH OR WEST write lor maps, lime tables and tL- O W RATES to the Chicago & Alton Ry. Full information and details cheerfully given.. The equipment of "The Alton" is matchless in every respect, its superb npointments having earned for it the title of "THE OWLY WAY." D. BOWES. Asst. Ccn'l Pass. Agent, - - - ST. LOUIS, MO Uy Associated PMM. Liverpool, Junt ChlcWtQ. June ::. VYHKAT The ! easy. market opened Btrong on refcua in thel corn -Spot southwest, July being up to ' nt j mixed, new, I s i; '' 7 ' ' r " i Commission houses hnjifofd, I s 7 d. plenty buying orders hut the otter- . Ings were light, a rumor thai a large live stock markets. i business In 'lour had been done yes- : tcrday at Minneapolis, on an ord r Ifjrora Japan helped the bullish senti i inent during the firs! hour. The mar- i Ki t soon became ussier, how I profit tuning. A denial nt reported Hour Minneapolis helped bring tlx action and July 1 ANNA LAKE HAVNES a i -xi nt Fk ii n vairc r Gin nnxi bus y s is it m r e, t July, y.i-'i ; hcpieinocr, ; ,; sepiein . v;i , ,,... I HBfi'. 9S'A I LAKvifc BUY'NU UhUtKo Of A northern, 97; No. 3 northern NUMBER OF STOCKS hard- j 95. CNED MARKET BUT IT RELAPSED. .'. Livernool Quotations. I vV ! 1 i W Si I A r 1 1 k I : I A 1 1 . . . r i - " !v KK'iaicn rress JOHN A. HAYNES, GROCc-RI Us Associated Now Vol k. J a iiH't'ic;iu nt today's tna in mix'".! . i., i ;,, t It - Plmio. Hnflfr Rime Ttfaiairfact Rnrntl. Sl.lTilt' ailfl I?fltirv Ourlng the flrcllf Gtoccries, !'in. Canned Goods, Etc. number ol Block littini iiy the Associated Press. CHICAGO, June ". There was a better dem usually seen so Inte in price;-, (ii'ni at recent BdVI cholse beeves being seal higher. Cattle have adva lined to 87,S14 h!5 iliis week and 7Bto85 higher than ,,re8en' in tin- ihiu iiu Bimtifi i Asrniii I ukA h. n great regions imn ("XfHn p I . I r.I V hlllllRIl til !tu',ll.,a nm iii(.r.i-i.:iiii. lm M0 movement was nol pursued ami tii' market fell into an intense dultoot I Special Attention to Cii v Trade, Prompt Delivery Guaranteed 619 OHIO LEVEF BOTH PHONES NO. 100. sarirtly I ,,y tili ! BDe,ce of seSMng , nvc pressure, but market wan as uearl .. . stagnant as at any time since the in. Rates In Hie .I pminnl Increasln l.v t ie llll nl The Smart Set ; .4 Magazine of Cleverness. Magazine should have a well-defined pnrpose. Genuine entertainment i amusement and mental recre ation are the mOtivtS Ol The Set, the Mos: Successful of Magazines It - novels ( i complete one i" each onmbet most inilli.iiit authorsol both h( mispheres, In. shuii stones are mate lile i lean am interest. fts poetry covering the erfdre field of vei se --patlms, love, hum i, tenderness is bj the most popnlai poet, nun and women, of the day, Its jokes, witticisms, sketches, etc., are admittedly the most mirth-provoking. m Pages Delightful Reading. No Iaes grc wasted on cheap Ulntratkms, editorial mporiags or w tttying essay and idle dis umsious. I'.ve'rv pajje will interest', ch mu and refresh yon. Sufcfcrtbc now- per year. Remit in cheek, P. o. or Express order, ot registered letter to The Smart Set, 4S2'Futh Avenue, New York. N, 15.--Sample copies sent Ftce on a Bcsatipnul and bullish report of th I Minneapolis crop report, ctalniing likelihood ol greul ilauiagc in thu Bouthwes,! by Moods. The demand was eMivmeiy active during tiM last hail ii iur and tho price advanced rap i.ll. July closed i 7 higher; Sep I f)in lie 1 up Liverpool 'i. lower to higher. At the boq hoard (our boat I loads veto taken. TORN -HcaVJ rains and the strength In wheal created a strong tone. The active demand tor easii stuff, except low grades, assisted in starting no advance. Volume ol ius- ut confined mainly lo I, Closing prices were blghor. Liverpool un- inn :i t,rv. .., WmtBim promise oi an increase in . sheep sold 4.Z55.03, yearlings, 5.0J fff 5 C5 : lambs. I3.90w0.0r. Guaranteed to Every Depositor Iness larg local oper "s to 1 : hanged t OATS t rengi n that in lint mil . otno rat t but wero still smaller Hum recent cr ,li""'t' ' vear.:. while average weights are very WaU stroet "f ,UmHv bl aMxl8' much I 'ss than nasi seasan There BstunateB of the week s currency n . ' .. i. '," I .... i . j j . . j mo emcut Indicate a continuance of . live. r than vesterdov I lo ''''s ('"Mer, although til'' ind aro S10 better than last Satur- x,'w V"'K !r(ms hv ''' s ,iu,"l la.-l wceh. and New York exchange in I rhkrp Primps have lien weaken Chicago is rising Bughtly. With the Inc an i io,ia ew.-s sold off to $2.1 1 galn 00 1 ' ,.,va"!"- "l"'r:,1.i"l" '' whether dome business in or out of town. We .solicit the accounts ..f r. i : ...i t.. .. t... i' t e,,...: :.. ver $T,ooM,uii(. t,, be shown by tomoi i l" 111,1 vuu" " "i ! ",LV- ' ' ' y ,,IV' ,i;m; statement The state-(department oi bankiug. i-Jiere are times wtien every business man tuent of tho June firs! money in the I stands in need of a little bank accommodation. Here we extend Country was Of interest am! showing L. a decrease of about 123,805.218 for business together t. day. put oi spne in mo uqfij uma , gold coin and certificates, Rut com pared wiih a year ago the amount of 1127 105 092, of which 10,291,979 was 009 L,EVEE STREET, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 1 til 111 j Chicago, June :;. The following ta i.:c range oi prices for the day: VVllKAT. UkwtlM 0..'n With l.ew Jim.' i Maysl. jh ...SS". ;mi!'. SS".t SS'., !U ...M7i H'.'7.. SI'j SL":s tt CORN. . .:.n'i 51$ l 51 in:s , .49 ISM 18 ls OATS. . 3994 0 ..31 Hl 31 ol-, 81 PORK. U.18 n.vo 11.37 11.65 I I'-T LAR0. ti.tit; 0.(17 ass aW ail RIBS. ! t.'i B.60 ti.7."i aei 1 'i July Sept AT ST. LOUIS. Uy the Associated Press. SI. Louis, June ". CATT1.H lie celpts, 8,000. Steady; boot steers. MJioii; Btockera and feeder, 3.004.40; eows and heifers, I2.25QI J.06; Texas steers, 3.00(fj)5.25. lltitiS Receipts, 7,000. Steady; range, 4.10fl 1.80. , Provision Market, BUTTER Easy ; 1 rcamery IQ CliBESR- Irregular; large and mall, (Mi Si 8. BOGS firmer; weatorn 17 18 COFF75E Options closed Steady ; net 6 15 points lower. Sale-. 32.000 IMtgB, July $5-00. spot uio, Bteaily; 7 invoice 6 1 mild, steady. SrcjAR Raw, steady; refined. 1 itosdy. Gather the roses of health for your cheeks, While the parks are shining with dew. till mil in the Doming early and bright l)y ISklng Rocky Mountain Tea at Bight.- Paul (!. Schub & Sons. 0.01 iplication, U Lawrence Barretfs Memory. And I have seen Mr. Lawrence Bar I rett, the actor, receive 800 visitors most of them stranger at a party, i.di IS QRAiN MARKETS, ,lni nfterward bid them all farewell Loul , June The tolloWiuglby name, making no mistakes so far Urn ranuc nl nrlcoa lor the day don Expn Reports ol net earnings tor April ol the (Jnipn Pacific and Southern i'a cific were docidely more favorable then has been the rule for that month, Stocks of tfiOBB roads were ecnj more dull and indifferent than the average Of the list. The fall in price, Of copper Wilt: Without ellecl 09 slocks. Fractional advances in coal I -rs and UnRed States steel proferred made Uno cloelng firm with prices well maintained. Government Bonds Today. Yesterday Refunding 8'sNglstarad. 1m1.. 1m1, Refunding it's coupon... 108 108 Registered 3'i 105. 105, Coupon :i's tW l N( w I'h I'eeisi.ereii. too VCn ' bankinc courtesy vour credit entitles you to. Let us do business together ti day. CITY NATIONAL BANK, oi)') LEVEE STREET, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. C apltat, $100, OOO. OO. Surplus. $200. OOO. OO. 0 ' (few 4's oonpon 182;' Old I'm ragisUMwd.. . Mi Old coupon 1D7 Railroad Stocks. 132' 1 0K 107 Jtf Julv A July Sept j fnh Sept . . IS" . I71 WlllVT. Illllli I.iw June I . May il S"h 86 1 1 K7V, h-r-.H x:i S2',a s:i 82 ('( tRN I!)', 48 (1 18 1 , 17 IT 7 -I OATS. 71.'. I I ;i 31" TUB cash UARKtrrS. si Louis, June ;;. The following imt prices ruled here to. lay lor ari Happy reop M In. ill! tetl iv peopH yr thno. onler 1 SYLPH PLOUR i'" 1, on . lite nutritious ( e.isary to strcutben 1 j S well as the ( It J'OU want ?v a batul It JJ Li H. L. HALL IDA Y s .. MILLING COrVII'ANY 1: I t SfciCBS I I Wirr-B""""'"" '" -' IIBBBM S5SS - 1111 grains mentioned: No. 2 red winter wheal. (lOgffl.OS No, red winter wheat, t.02fj 1 06 No. -2 while corn, M6&1- No. 'j mixed com, 19 B St. N'u. .; white corn, 504 :i . I No 3 mixed coin. 484j 18. No. 2 white oatS, 16. No. 2 mixed QttU, l-'j'o !!. I No. ,! white oatSi I if 18' No. ;i mixed oats, 193 lt. LOCAL GRAIN MARKETS, e.i. ii pi ii ea hid in the Cairo markt ' VI iterdS) were U follows: No 2 o I Viatel wheat, N. No. :: red winter wheat. '.It. No. .. wdiiii cool, hi. No. 2 mixed rorn, r,(). No. 2 white corn, SI. No. :' mixed corn, 4! No. 2 White oats, 12. , No. 2 mixed o.i's, 11. No. 2 white oats, 42. No. mixed oats, to. No. 1 timothy hay. p r ton. fast. Run down, broke down, all played out feeling', canned eat or sleep, Tai.e Hollister'B Rocky Motintafo Tea. See n reconstruct your entire body. M cuts, tea or tablets, Paul ti. Bcbufa ,t Sons. Was Wages in Italy. in Northern Italy are: I a 0 cents; bricklayers, 10 Btons 1 niters and car- 711 ci nts; painters ai d borers. 40 1 rents to $ nenters. 60 fiesroers. lo to '0 cents; experts, 00 to 75 cents a day. Cairo to Vine tnnes, Sunday fitlt, to' count baseball pane' between Vlacen- Bes .oi l Clari s lllo. $1 'Ml round trip ia Hit: hour route. Atchison 99 Atchison preferred .. 2'.; Baltimore A Ohio 7s Oblcngo eY Alton M 36! Northwestern 1 '. ISSJti ! Denver & Rio (Irando... I'"'., 1 0 1 , Dan. dt Rio Orande pf d . ii7 68?, Illinois Central IS9 Louisville & Nashville 107 "loti .Metropolitan 1H 100 '. Missouri Pacific VH i,H'' Now York Central 11 V.. Ml I PennBylvnnta 1 1 ! i':t :.- Reading vi Rock Islam). HI'1,. -'"'i Rock IhIhihI pfd til'n H. Paul 139 137J .'out hern Ptclfk 45 46!t Southern Railway lOjfcj ID', i Dnlon i'acifte h:i h2 i I'nioii Pacific pfd, 91X W i Wabash hr' 4 "i Wisconsin Central.. 10' 16'v What if yon should have a FIRE TONIGHT? Arc yon pro tected by insurance? Have yji sufficient in amount? Are you satisfied that the compauy is safe? Is the form as liberal and as inucll in your favor as it sbould be? If you are at all un certain in regard to any of these points, 'phone 145. H. H. CANDEE & SON Est a bl is h e (1 IK 5 8. 617 Ohio Levee, Cairo. New York Store MEHCAS1 ilb company, KANSA9 CITY SOl'THtRN R Y. Rc'jipt; and ihipmcnts. ilv the i(ssn laletl I'resn. ChtCSJtO. .lime 2 -Tin fofioWiM 'Were the receipts ami shipmeoui Hi ejrload lots fiom tkla market tode Ri ( f ipts. Shipment I Vim,, 47 I 2 - I "I I . i.... ... ,.. h, ! Wh if ... i y in n " 1 106 Strslflt as Cr. file" Kna Clt- ? the Gu'f. NEW YORK GRAIN MARKET. beep, poul'ry an-i Angora goats, at . prices ranging from free government homesteads to twenty fl e dollars or I moro per acre Cbsp r';"nrf trip j honcscckrrs and one way coloni.-.ts By the A -o iatnl Press I sing thmntrh a greater dlverstty j urkels on sale first and third Toes- N Vork, Juat W 1 1 BAT Re of climate toll and re uree than anv j day of each month. Writ for a fiayy eel pi . i: sfOl strong; No. 2 r t MM rattwaf I. the world for its! of OtfWgd m.tdihcd kf t sooinsi sterol . No S u-l IL14 IKaMM City Southern Ri'llwar tke nominal iftoal I o. b. Options ci i I ,",Ph' Uoh lino tn "metiienRive and coir.- " ,-'"'T J"iv tlnr it- lines are th finest lands !...,. k 1 "i! N l: " ' ----o iiuuitto. lilted for grnv Ins Vmall grVn ern, ' g. q, WARNEh. G. P. T. A. flax, cotton: fur eommerrial sp:de and , Kansas City, Mo Sour Stomach No app'tlte. loss of strength. nervousness, headache, constlpstlon, had breath, general debility, sour fil ings, and catarrh of the stomach ars all duo to Indigestion. Kodol cures Indigestion. This new discovery repre ss. ta the natural juices of digestion as thry exist tn a healthy stomach, combined vl:h the greatest known tonlo ar.d reconstructive properties. Kodol Dyspep.v.a G iro does not only curs In-Ige-.t'.on ai.d dyspepsia, but this famous remedy cuies ail stomach trouble by cleansing, purifying, sweetening and eienigthcntng the mucous membranes lining the stomach. p'nrh orchards, for other fruits and . , ti for rommrreiai raw win. n.-:- Iflcai ariu w,,r,. i(i". tnmsto and general truck grrr jsin :rr orl production of fqrrp' for sirar in and rice eultf Qjcat ha' Intreaed 51 pnr cr.' an ! atlon; for merchantable timber; keigrais vj pet No. 2 at "S elevator and r.S t. o. Ii. afloat: No 2 yellow, St; No 2 whit ."!. options eloseil net advhAce July r.iirH. OAT8 Receipts, 33 .ow. etpnri 200. Spot steady: mixed Ufj 4C v.hite, 48'4?19; clipped rrhite, T,n' :.. Kodol DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT i Oiv't Health o the Sick Strength, to the Weak Bottlea onV tl 00 Site hoMtnf IX h trial (tie. which aillafar 19. r l 17 S 0. PtWltt 0 , Miicell.incoui. Atnah'atiinted t'oppor.. . I'1 Brooklyn Rapid 'I naaall . Colorado Fuel and Iron Northern Securities Pacific Mail Peoples Gas Sugar Tennessee Cool and Iron. Coiled Hlaten Kteol United states Steal pfd- tl' . . . t - 1 '. ii iiin s? ajstyejpsnsj is w bwp mtm Bid. tBl. (UT. I9i l(i' Teas, Coffees, Spices, Sugars,PIai.i and Fancy Groceries and General Merchandise Wholesale and Retail. Jorner 19th Street and Commercial Avenue. 4 M 12fl)i a:i'. n j. A . A . A A v v en a trtrvT.? -v -v - -w 13 BOS OHIo lV, Cairo, 1 1 1 1 n cj I i Money and txihanijp. Honey on call ea y. 101, 1 It ini hid i. offere i tl I ' Time loons ats Mm I II ' a t- 111 .il Jfl Y a ... iauh w Liquors. Keij ana DOiuea neers : jWe do Your Mending Free fin addition to furnishing the best work and most prompt service. . aAmern.'in Sl :im I mutldtV 2()S Kichth Street. Prime paper, Iff i',. Bxchange firm demand $tX.Y.Mr IS., .",.",; sixty day:; 4gt.4SCj 1HT kl. Bat silver, Herbine Will overcome Indigestion and dys p( p ia; reeulates the bowels and cure Href and kidney complaints. It is the liet hlood enrielier and Invlii'Ma tor In the world It kl purely vi get able, perfectly hsrttlleM, mid thOttkl you he a sufferer frotn ili.sease, you will use 11 If you are arfc s, it n. Andrews, MMor and Mgr COCOa and RoekledKe NWS, OonOO, I fli., write.-: 1 ha..- nOd vour H r I bine in mv fmnilv. and find it a most ' excel leW medicine Its efforts upon myaoH have bOCfl a matked hen' fit I recommend It nnhetitattngly." 50e ; fioM by gchnh Drag Company. aj n mcomrs or nuicra. The income of ti mperoi of Ko Mv ncr tier cent intctevt adikd lo ii .-t uii-annualh . This is our j pIa 13 ,2r,'00 ,,ay: ,h, HU'ta" "f mvrjositkm to every one who depoaits ihdr sivin with us. 11- ; ( mprT''T'"Jr 1 ! wi,c,, vou tr-. ivin thenrie, vou can't always get noil- (jerman emperor, fsooo, ktnu win 11 ywu nnxsi jun l,,,t - r 1 of' itaiy. $ ktng of Knciand it when the need arises. Don't forget this when tempted to invest . king of awigiasi, io; pre-o in sotte salt thine. . lent of France $.",u("J, president of the United States. 1 130. j For Sale by Merger s Drug Store. Enterprise Savings Bank, 609 OHIO LEVEE STREET, CAIRO, lUL Aeeounl hall game betWOSS Vince-j-n and Clail villi of tin K I. T. CAPITAL AND RLSERV E H Mh $lO,OOO.O0. "-'f - J"nc : 11 : Open Wclncv'.av and Saturday ICvemngs. round trip. .