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ONLY NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE THE CAIRO BULLETIN. -'s'V. WEATHER RIVER For Cairo and vicinity today t i. At Cairo 4 p. m . yesterday : 1 lilJCUl MlOWeiS. .' 7 feet; rise 1.0 in 21 hours. rii i n m tti Bi 1 1 r' to -J VOL XXXVI. NO. 158. CAIRO, ILL., THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1904. ESTABLISHED IN J 868 ANARCHY NOW IN COLORADO Battle at Dunnville Between Union Miners and Deputies. SIX DEAD AND Sheriff Bell Has 1,000 Deputies Under Arms and the State Militia is Ready to Move. By Associated Press. Cripple Creak, June 8 - -A pitched battle has been In progress during the l;i:e afternoon between 200 deputies ccfumanded by Sheriff Bell, of Tel' luride county, Colo., Wftl ISO miners from the Cripple Creek district sad the news of the bnttw has thrown the riiy Into a fever of excitement. As a special train bearing deputies ire up al Dunnville, the union miners bv trenched in the neighborhood opened tire. Sheriff Bell got his n , -: mil anil stormed the sn trenched pdsltloai capturing fifteen, the arms and ammu nition on these men being captured, in the fierce light which followed six union mitten were killed. Tfleir names are no) obtainable at this time. At I . "n o'clock the bait lc Is still i.i pro- grass, the union miners Dghtlng stub bornly. The miners an- well in trenched positions in the hills, and are she " : 1 11 ; down Si 'he soldiers and guards al every opportunity. The sur roundifg couutrj Is favorable to the millers, and it BCefflS Hint Bell will have i" last every defense separately, Dunnviii sprang Into importance tail week when It was reported that enor mous amounts of free gold had heen disoovered ami there was an lamed' late rush to the place by union meet who declared that no others shoul I bo permitted in the camp. .ui others were barred. The camp was of mush room growth and thousand i who en camped there! the lir. il two flays dwin dled away. General Bell believes the camp wa nothing but a decoy ami won I I he used by the miners as a base Of op 'rations. Munnville la about miles lob h of bete and la said to be in Premond county, Which has not been declared by the governor to be in a slate of Insurrection and rebel lion General Bell today appointed a com mission 10 try all prisoners, The run mission is composed of Mayor French, r Victor, Captain Bail Hong, of the Colorado National guards an i Judge m. Bray. Bell says the prtaoTors win be treated fairly, thai every man Itt- nocenl ol crimes that have been per petrated in Hie district shall go free, and every one guilty shall be punished On request of the oitisen's alliance, Justice of t hi' i'i ace Kelly resigned. ITnkmtsts ridiculed utu theory of the mine operators that any significance attaches to marked photographs of non union miueis found ;U the Victor union headquarters, a union leader : aid l lay 'ml tin purpOSi in print ing the pictures is to prevent strike ADMIRAL CHADVICK LANDS FORCE OF MARINES AT TANGIER The Sultan ol Morocco Will (irant the Demands of Naisnli, lint the Bandit Requires a (inarantie of Good Faith. Washington, June It i staid a i Uhe stale desaitweni thai there is ample pri'i'iileat for Hie i inployineiil of Ho American naval force for tem porary protection to caponed Interests other BSWIVf have no availabl" tofSS al band M ny of th--e pnTcdeatS are cited H la staled therefore that Chsdvtiek in landing his marine-; in Africa f rr the firsl time in hsU a century was MM meeting th reipiire meiits of inlernational ODSHttj WnsfeingtOW, Jun. , Tin I'e de prtment has receive I an iinnfficial assurance ihnmch Hiinimere, who DENIES THE GRAFT. By the Associated I'rens. Grand Rapid . Mich. June N - Bi smc i OoagOC, BMHSag r of flic Grand Rapids Herald tcstiffc! in his Till to lav in comii-ction w ith the Lake MtchSgnSI water dal. He pro nounce I as absolutely false SN bury's statement thai he had paid hitn i Conger i Jlo.ooi'. MANY WOUNDED breakers assuming an. allias and so curing wiiil; in union camps. Hun ircda of strike breakers have left here luiittg Hie past tew months and by neans of photographs we have made :i impossible for them to secure work in union camps, though many have tried, These markings Indicate uoth- I :.: and h ast , f all con pirucv lo mill' By the Associated lrcss. Victor. Colo.. June S, i p. m. A see ond battle lias just taken ptece, Sev en soldiers ordered to Big Hill, two miles east of Victor, to arrest some union mini is, found them en trenched. The men refused to sur render, and the soldiers opened fire. Over J00 sliois were tiled. The miner, opened lire on the soldiers as eon as they saw them coming up the sill. No one wis wounded. Boven men w re captured by the guards and taken to Cripple Creek, Intense ex THE "RECORD" KILLED. My lb? Associated Press. Victor, Colo., June 8. Chrls Miller .'tend the otfiee of the Record to night, broke up the machinery ami Or dered the employes to hive lln; ills ; t rift as quickly as possible, There ; is no elew al present to the Identity f Hie nn ti. The Record has been kttown a-' the organ Of the Western Federation of Miners in this section, STARTED THE RIOT. By the Associated Press. Vivlor. Colo.. June S. Chris Miller, unto leader, eh irced with having lived the Shot which 'tailed the riot H Victor Monday has been arrested at Csnyan city. He will be brought here tomorrow. SITUATION LOOKS BETTER. I!y Associated I'rcss. DeO VI r, June x. Although tile In lid of opinion Is thai order will soon be restored la the Cripple Creek district, there i- an evident feeling of few that more serious Clashes may occur. This feeling is due tu p rslstent report, which has mini -I elrcnlatlon, bu1 which is given little crodi nee, Hun al! meal ers ol labor union-, regardless of their oc cupation, will be asked 10 h ave the district under paid deportation. No deftnlte elm- to tie perpetrators ot the outrage at Indepea lence has de vologed yet. it from the British con set at v-.. that the Sultan of M irroccn will accede to all of Raiautl's terms The bagdits demand thai great Britain ami the United Males- shall guarantee the r-x-ecuHon of the MttSSt'l promises, how ever, is the sticrinK liint SSld this prohabty can be gotten arotmd only by the acceptance of this nMlgaUun by Croat Ftrilain or Kranre. or BOBtC other country mil so stroncly bound as the I'nil 'd Stales by its traditions rot to BSrtaagte itaeM in b)tbnaa af fairs of other SonMfMa. It u Stated positive!? that under no I im lilt lull I en the ITnlted stat s govwcMwrnl ts ecntc these jnaranioes ASSAULTED BY HOODLUMS. By the Associated Praam Cutnber'an i la l ine I - I nknown hoodlums la.-t niiriit a aaalms a m s paper man named CjlletMl ami Miss Mary CUMMlly. who were rtdWg in a boggy. The iiootllnniK threw r I ties a1 the mepio, injuring Miss C mn lly'i ees so that shn probably wilibe to taly blind. WOULD I In Church Choir, But Wife Objected H.d His Clothes 'o Keep Him Hem . Bellefontalne, Ohio, Mm s. When Mrs. Lou Burtfctte, of I"j.:r.iff. DM Ball tot divorce from Mat! Burdette tin.' exetttstvc Bel of thai town hail a morsel tor gossip, for she allege! thai he bad been tho companion of anoth er woman hi, Columbus and Cincinnati hotels. Mr. Burdette baa Bled his snswei in hi'r sut i . lie sets forth some rea sOaa why he left bis" wife. I i- suys Bhe would ooi permit him to alng in the ofaurch choir and hid his cloth ea in keep him homo. She refused to allow him to go higher than the lirsl degree to Masonry. He nyera iimi she objected when he wasted to hold evening prayer services In their home. Both parties arc prominent and wealthy. TO SECOND NOMINATION. By the Associated Press. Waehingtotti June . H was of ficially announced today thai the fol lowing persons have been selected to make speeches seconding the nomi nation of President Roosevelt at Chi ea.:o: Senator Bevcridge, Indiana: tieo. a. Knight, California; Hurry Btillwell i'Mv.aris, Qeorgla; Joseph B. Votton, Minnesota; Harry s. Cum mings, Maryland. 1 i " . T" Ol - i . . ! JL i f I f . ACT IrV t r sjv" 1 THteOTT-H! Mtvy 131, TEDDY : "DON'T GET SCARED OLD MAN: I WON'T LET HIM HURT YOU!" OLD MAN: "HE MAY BE SAFE NOW, BUT SUPPOSIN' HE'D GE T AWAY FROM YOU.' DOUBLE MURDER Mystery Surrounds the DiBappr-ar-arcc of N. O. Dake and Daughter. By Associated Press f tool -ton, Minn.. June S . - The news of a double murder was recelv i I here loda and warrants hMMd for those supposed to have committed the crime. , f) fJake and daughter, god .v, disappeared April &, from Quiriag InvestigaUofl hi saM to hive eBtahllahed the fad 'hat they were murdered and their bodies hidden So far no trace of their remain.- hat. been fmsni. Robbery is Hie siippo-el motivi . MINER'S CONVENTION ADJOURNS By AK-ociated Press DM III I ''olo.. June S The Wi -tern Koler;, lion of Mirer complete! i its election f officers bv choo inf t eXecOtiVe iMiard yesterdav. Anton:: ,11s members is .laieo Kir in Terry. 8. I). No election for presiib nt v.a hel l. This lies the i ffect of i -intinu Mom r president A mi"iler of ileoort 'd miners w ho r a he,) Ien r last nisht w- re before t ie con., nit n today and rhvc an aectiiint of the :ii ; nation in-Cripple Creek district BALTIC FLEET' : FULLY" 11 Itnportatit War News Frum the Front liKfJklcd Soon. RELIEF ARMY DEFEATED JAPS HAVE CUT CABLES AND ATit EVIDENTLY PREPARING FOR IMPORTANT OPERA TIONS. By Hie Associated Press, London, June 8.- Tho midden in terrupt ion of l he cahl ' betw. 'V' Korea and Japan is considered signiilrani i r tin- Imminence of Important oper ations al Port Arthur, the Japanese having taken Hie precaution, as usual to cut the only means of communica tion willi the outside world and thus enable her naval and military forces to work with absolute secrecy. No attention is paid in London lo the rumors of the Storming of the fortress already began, because it is known that al the battle of Kin chow Gen eral Oku had exhausteil his ammuni tion and an Insufficient period lias elapsed during which Hie stores of ammunition could be renewed and soige muis brought into position. It is considered likely that Toko is not averse to Port Arthur wasting ani- 'monition of constat': encounters with gunboats This may explain the ru i moled bombardments, while tin nr I lag on the Ian I ltds may be due t He ir purKsc Hie dfftWMg in of the , Rui . iau lore Leaving Port Aithur. I Hy the Associated Press. i Ckefow, ,lur4' ;fsj a. m - Tim Chi I none an- leaving Port Arthur with the ; permission of the Russian suthorltle Reports 'f the Istest arrivals varv ! in minor details, hut !ro- in tin gen I eral statement that a tattle has been I rmnkig four days within ten miles of I Port Arthur. All Raaakng sbtdfjera have, il is said, left port Arthur for the front, and only three larci- ships and a number of smalter ones remain j in the harbor. The Chine,, an una bb to explain what has become of the oilier larire ships Th-v further r ; port thai all the forts at Port Arthur : are more or les- damaged by rectal bombardments, and thai a number of ; mines recently hMd in the entrance i lo the liarlsir exploded during a ihe,iners-oriii MET DFFEAT AND RETREATCD llv oi iateil Press I ond n. June S. Th" 8h-nf Mai correspondent f the post telegraph! ander dale of June K: '; neral S. I'clliert with a Russian marCkrag in the rlirectlon of Port Artkof suffered a reverse Sarnr'Ja;- I Concluded ou second pag ) COURT DECIDES MIsS Taylor Cannot Recover Position Lost by Writing for Newspapers. By Associated Pi ess. : Washington, June 8, The court of appeals Ol the District of Columbia t ! v affirmi I Hie decision ol the I court below in refusing to compel Hie .- eei clary of var by mandamus pro "i- idings to reinstate Miss, Rebecca J Taylor as a clerk in the war depart i:u ui Mi is Taylor admitted the au thorship oi a newspaper article which the defense claimed lo be a severe re (lection on the president of the United State;. F. r this she was dismissed. Reinstatement was sought through the courts on Hie ground thai Miss Taylor was removed because of her political belief and that Was contrary lo civil service law. WILL NOT MARRY DIVORCEES. Hy Associated Press. Rockford, III.. June g Minis'.o-s of the Bweedlsh free Church America in conference hero today, voted to mar ry no divorced persons hereafter. The election of officers was as, foil us: President Rev. a. c. Lcgrva, Gree ley, Colo: vice president- Rev. (!. F. Johnson, Rockford, ill , Secretary Hev. (;. A, Young, Chicago; assistant secretary Rev, ic. A. Hot ten, Minnea polis; treasurer M. Wickstiom, Kon slad, S, D. EIBL SLEEPS jince Friday and Doctori in Marion Are Unable to Awaken Her. Harioa, lad . June I Mrs Albert larvh hs been asleep since last Kri- lay nielli He husband Is an oil op eratof. He lefl home Saturday ni'irn ing without awakening Ins wife tVfeen he returned Snlurdav alghl ho hau not awakened lie w as on al b1 lo arouse lo r and cat ler on. vv ho worked Uh h . without success. Nearly everv phv u I SB I has l en calb I in on oi I I' Pat liKht at I on, b-ii the cas" Is one of inyslery and they :ir unabb to diSKttiN e it in Pnttetrson said ha hoBevml a cioi of biood ha i termed on the brute, ; bill there j - no sinu of Bgopttsy Bt par. ilv i- The WOmiS apiieir tO I have y,' ed nae of her body, hut i lap!) in d-ep slumber from which I : In e.-miiot In awakened. ELECTS OFFICLTvO. St. LentS, lams V Tho National Waterworks . association iola le i el Morn-: Hi, liar' N' -nrk. N ! president, and Dabn y H Maury, pe oria, III, one of the vice prcsidcats. BIG BLAZE AT CHICAGO l ine Seven Story Budding On Canal Street Burned. FORTY FIRE ENCINES OUT IN THE MIDST OF MANUFACTUR ING DISTRICT THIS FIRE CAUSES CRT AT ALARM. By the Associated Press, Chicago, June s -Damage estimat ed al KOtfrioo was caused by a fire whi-.ii tonight destroyed a eevctj story building at r.t and 60 South Canal Street, known as Mtchiaery Half, and occupied by several lirnis of uianut'ae- taring machinists. The Use was in a district occupied solely bv large man I nfactnr: lb establishments ami ware I" iims, and lor a lime a guiieral con Bagratlotl was feared Forty fire en Kines were called lo the scene ami it was only by the hardest work that (lie Bremen prevented the Are spread ing. Forty Feet F-r Twelve Hours Is the Record Made by Submarine Boat. Newport, R I. June s. Navy men spent twelve hours last night and this morning in the tiny living room of tin submarine torpedo boal Pulton as she rested 10 feel below I he sill lace of Nnrragw i etl Bay. It was a lest of the splendid nerve of naval lighting men and tin.' supreme lest of the deep under I he sea War OV glne, and both emerged triumphant ah communication with the land was mi off. Tin' loof of I he (Conning lower was boiled in, a, id sipi, the MrR waters of the bay closed over the Brlm I tiklns craft al 11:15 last night as sue slowly sank below the surface, having on board nine officer! and men who had ventured for the test. II was jus! like Hie fore a man of war," said ana of tin ssstm of off! cent today, A few minutes pail I this morning Ike surface of the bay just off Iho torpedo station began to show air bubbles i a a scale slightly larger than those thrown bj a porpoise. There vas an interval of live minutes and slowly fri ii oi the depths r ise a great hulking mass of Iron li look ed exact j like ;i whale rising for s sunning There Are Many in Republican States--Committee Convenes June IS. Hy the Associated Prsa. i 'hicago Hover, of co mini! let June S Seeret,i i v LI tier the Republican nation?! today completed the wW , nrhlch the national com (ui Idi r when it begins of contests, nrhlch m It tee win con Idi its sessions on the te;;ts OS llelei'ale vVisconsin, Tc Louisiana District 15th. State eon it large are from Delaware and contest : Ah bams, Kouitb aia, Second Delaware, First: Geot Ml i ippi. Fourth . Ohio, Charts, Twcn aroilna, l'n ; Texas, Missouri, Fifth: ii "Hi. Bouth c.i Second. Seventh ven dl trie!.; in l.ouh Hnrry H New chairman of Hie mtb onimiitee in charpe of the conven 'ion has begun Sltetllng the feel reserved for the prsns He stressfj ana received i.nos agpltentions for tiros seats Assignments will not made until two days Before Ihe convention begins 1. C. BOILER MAKERS STRIKE Ity the Associated Pros. Chicago, June S A hOWl two hun Irel Iwiilermakers employed In var ous - hops on the Itttenis Central en tnek todai to enforce Hi" mini mini sale of )'-. cent per hour Officials of the railroad claim th" or ! b rine of the slrik' vv,a in violatb'ti of ! he agreement made in Mg The .1" narids of the striker would-moan ar InwresHs of pay exceeding $i"". . r aiin im DIG CUT IN PRICES. H th" gnSOCteted PrMn PHI bnrrt June Another cut In .'. in tow gla.;.i prb e. develop,,.! Iks tMwNmwMMtd f a Inrge fab- ii M and I i per CCOl off m,.mifaetur r I.-' tie gteta t" lM deliverel at ntS i - This is' ( piiva.i nt SS prices at Pitt. -.huts of to a:Ml 2-'i per ienl. off the lowest price at which glss has been sold for owe! ten years. LENDER WATER CONTESTS ,1 He Was Clcctcd Temporary Clmlr. man of the Convention at Louisville. By Associated PrcH Louisville. Ky, , promised to be a li the control of tho W catiu up in the Dene 8 What contect for orsanl.ttltoo lc slite con- lo lay. The vention, winch met here resnli of the ih i struggle, the elec tion of j temporary chairman, was a led ive victory for the a Imin 1st ra tion forces led bv Gov. Beckham, wbo was elected temporary chairman by a vole ui M7 to The light against the adminisi ration was led hy Senator Blackburn Commit! lo'ir t'oiuptofed and a recess wa. t.ikcrt until evening, tjnly one district, the Kilih, declared for Parker of the iwenty delegate!! natned at other distrtcl meetings, three are rega''di 1 a Kissible Heir t men, six Park' r and eleven dcllm-i ! to expresr; any preference There w as a short but spirits I de : bale in the committee on resolution-", j over Hie platform, five members dc 1 manding Hie reaffirmation of the : Kansas City platform. A compromise was reached, however, which declares i the Democratic party in Kentucky "affirms its faith in and adherence to , the great and fundamental principles of Democracy as expounded by Jef i (ei'Mui, exemplified by Jackson ami ably defended by Bryan." ! The resolutions condemn the Re publican national administration and the so-called "unneccessary and un just system of federal taxation maln laiii'd by the Republican administra tion," and demand a revision of the tariff in a conservative spirit The increase of expenditures of the fed eral government under Republican rub' is condemned, and what Is term ed "dm encroachments by the presi dent uxin the constitution" are de nounced. At this morning (Thursday) Ihe convention is discussing two re port, on permanent organization and prospects are good for tin all ntgbl Ion. The majority report recom mended Senators Blackburn and Me Creary, Governor Beckham and Cuu-. ci ssman .lame i'el. k ifrT rf "'tflfFf " to Hi national convention' and' la w-is Mctjnowii chalrmin of the siate committee. The minority, while concurring aa to the delegiile.i at large, called for Ihe election of Congressman KehoS us chairman, Tin- majority report was adopted.' A heated discussion followed the Introduction of a resolution Indorsing Barker for pre Jdent The convention by a vi f li iM I v :: to I. declined to consldei the resolution. At 1 : 1 j the coin cut ion adjourned. Demands the Life of a Cold Blooded Wife Murderer, Who Attempt ed Suicide. Caimi III, June S A mob. mad ! ni d ii n 'I wild with excitement, in i.aniMiuii: ler f v bfi of John Robm- ,n. whi yi terday -hot (t,d h wife, brothT in law, and then put a bullet in his ov n he-id Sheriff Con nory and a dozen deputies surround- d R bin on. and are maklne a dPS- porate effort to save him from the i rupe Robinson was supposed 'o ; have received fatal injuries ycr.ter I lay. but lossy recovered sufficiently : from hi injurb s as to he able to c n ! ver a, on ihe detail- of the diabolical i crime he yesterday committed Ho ,pie . no ropTPt for th killing, simply statlnc, People don't kill one .anolh'r for nothing" The principal iiopuUHnn of tfcgjj ' town i- romp" cd of mussel dlggTS," md a thev came back from thrlr word tonicht i hey o'ganUed wtth the avowed intention of hanging Robln .im Hop. procured and the ih, mce licun Stones and sticks weie thrown in an eieteavoi to fiight eti the guards, but at II o'elork to nithl fin v hive b. -i imable to get their viiM-n Robin on. who hss loaf j his eves, i beggln t the officers to nrrender bim n the m'-rcv of the mob The mob say ther will not dg. ii. i-o until the-. nre th-dr victim. midnlcht m'.-ag from Maunle iv . the Ksar-i ha v hrn increases TO MOVE ITS OFFICES. nr th Mmwhsted Prana st i eph vio. Juoe The ao . coior '. depanmeiif of h Burllag ton litw M: oiirl will be removed i, .. st Joseph t'hicaao July I. in., hnndreil mm sre employed mj the department. SENATOR'S SON MARRIES. Rv thp Associated Prws St I o n- . June v Mi s Ma'lha ii, ,a.kweii. aan.'-i" of H. R'aps-weH of St Louis an : S'.-v-ot A ilrleg toa iiat u Ahlucm 4 Wniie Isianii were married here this evening. BECKHAM WIS 1 I