Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO Bin I RTIN. FRIDAY HORNING, JUNE 10, 1904 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. Shost Announcements cteprssentlng Their Wanta, Trades, Profea lon and Various Ac tivities. Rates For Clasilied Notices. Om loMrtioD per wuru 01 'I liree iuarrliuiui uvt word .at I i Wetftik per word --- .u lint month i r word .la AM IMKU.T .,1 Ml N J."ufll IVI. Ni advortiawineiil iin.ort.-d for lee than tweuty flvecents. I'HOKKXKlOk A I. Dr. On i-.t '-v , ar. uose aud th Mi i It mM U iiliionli.ii. tWner tf MAIL OR OCRS. - start yu in th'' luiil or.lrr buninraa. hull iarhi iilrti nd mtiuuti- tree. Auu-i n-.oi Spci-ml Agency. UUweill-ee. Win. FOHTUNK TELLER. Mrs. Mathewi, Fortune 'IVllt-r from St, Louis; 40a va slou avenue. FOR RENT. O TTr()R- Kwi' rent , ;i imv livt- room on H'h ti'' tivcmif, MuuoiIm r Henri It ub u i-jft rx WtHihiK fur .ill luforiuatitiii. Hl'tUrlN 308 Ohio Lvr, a-jwomii Iruu Muuuittiu t.tJI r Apply i . 1 1 I.i i i t i' . tor SALE. Kindling u 1 TI perl Itk-Iivori .Mill . 1,'iintii'i i ... . . ;. HELP WANTED WANTED 1 1 i .. j, ... i Two bpeiat,ni. i n,ii SITUATIONS WANTED. free Announcements of Those Employed, Who Desire Poattiena. Not Conditions of Advertisement. Ailt rti-mi-ui - -.t -. .'. fii-i-rding thrr.- linns Will be aeoepted fi-ti for'ii tinn- from lay rviMtt-r of The Unll-iiu i" Ik- tlli-il by ml vertinir in pernon, n;i r.-utar form. t the of ce of The Bulft-tin (1iiikiii.v, TIB Chin I i e Th ItuHetifl Oiin.aiiy s!iiiiii.- nu rt-Niioiini hititv for nuy tti irtiH.iiiieiit or stall iihmii therein ami n i!! not .n.'i flit the notii-v of any pen on known 1 1 n-1 nijil.ij t . Inqulrieji and roolie.1 to aiheilm.-nit.nti hould lie made h. null POSITION WANTED. Wanted, a poiiilioii eolleetlttf or in ofhe 1 a lady with some eaperlouee. Address, N-2. care Bnlletie. Want. tl. BOtdtloo u atenogTaplier by youuK lady, w tk two yearn general eiperieni-e; fanill ir mih 1 ii nu.. r Uuainetia. Addrew, f it, i-ure Wulli-tin A man or eiperieni-o ilvsirea a position as bonkkevpi r or office man with food Uouae BeferenreK. Addreu A. H.. Hnlletiu oftl. e. POSITION WANTED By yonn lady ftetiographi'i-. Oraduate from i, ', H. i ., ttuineIll, Mihs Rdna Haloar, Olive llranch, Illinois. WANTKI) A position in some nice place, by ladj' eapfriton ed in dry gie..d and t-inifei-tion ary; twv ureter r Ho 1. Inn any nice .lace ac . I , cure hnlletiu. ceinahle. Adureiis t' MALEY'S K C. SALOON ANl Wholesale Mai Order WHISKEY HOUSE 311 Ohio Ivcvee Cairo, 111. BUSINESS LOCALS. (I. A Swoboda, the grocer, tbe dry gooos mhn. the meat market, will sup ply your wants and you will have nioaey left. Tll Coml. av. Wood ahd Bennett company, whole sale grocers. Mall orders given prompt attention. Wo sullslt tbe trade of merchants only. Harry W. Bekuh's drug store has a flue line of brushes, combs and toilet articles that he is selling at remark ably low prices. 1715 Com ave. Watermelons, peaches, black ber ries, tomatoes, cucumbers, spring chicken and other delicacies at 08hea's, Eighth street. Free deliv ery wagons Both phones. P. J. Purcell, general Insurance writer, represents the strongest am) best companies. All Baltimore fire losses have been fully paid, l'hone 119. For fresh vegetables, fancy and Staple groceries 4111.1 choice at call at the Walter k Sherlck market. Eiglith street Otiy's Iian Office, lady's asnd gent's clothing cheaper than ever. See our jewelry, rings, watohes, pistols, rifles ami shot guns. .'07 Coml. avenue. Tbe Oolden Eagle Clothing and shoe House sells shoes and clothing that never fall to plea Its Fit anr workman ship guaranteed, fioi Com. Ave. John P. Hockler's Crorery and Meat Market Every thing for dinner, breakfast aud supper. Its a pleasure to trade at this store. K. fi. tlannon, coal dealer at Wheeler's old stand, ha a big trade In coal and limiting wood. He saves yon money every time Frank Thomae & ( popular drug store, cor L'8(h aud Poplar streets., i a splendid place to buy your drugs Prescriptions carefully compounded. JafcU iattnur, bakery and eonfei tlonery. makes the lightest, whitest aud inns' wholesome brand, delicious cakes, pies, cookies and cream puffs P. A. Doud. the grocer, has some of the c.hoiecgt table delicacies and all the staple groceries, good dairy butter and fresh eggs. Walunt st Mrs. C. II. Bracken, milliner, Is always busy attending to the wants of her many customers. Hats for all nccaslons artistically trimmed. Just reeeivrrf a swell M of while dres hats, iil.-jj a nobby line if white d.iek hats. Miss J. I,. Wallace, L'lKI Eighth street M" Farrow has moved her stock of aiilllnerr to the C.llbert block. A bean tlfiil lir" of new gonrls just received 8top at th Hf te! Illinois, right in he heart of the business center Hates :00 per day. Both lines of atr et cars pass rnstn entrance R fi aerators, White v cn.i.i Cream Freezers, Gasoline Sloven, 1112 j Commercial Avenue, one door north I of opera Ininse. C V. Henderson. Yonr cash does greater service at stone Brae., tliau else w her u iluuils guaranteed hi Rllit Vim l'lire i oouldn't be low it ir throwp In a woli M. C. M-t.-;i r, tin- Washington unit joth si. ilruggtst, sells the cough Hir , that euros Hi" ! if It . and saflfO line lei' m he Tene-illes, ask about tli'-i' Fred 1 Nollls. the coal ili-nli-r. will ,111 yuur l' H small uoaouoi .if I'ni in your winter's aup- nly before winter co dim. Fred Socber, t lie grocer, Coml. svo .mil i otu it.. baa tt Ane Hue ul ail kinds "I cacned goods, treeb eggs and excellent dairy butter. For tender feet try cushion ilnvs. The i' earth. Sold only by I Dr. asie Ui I. It ami Hoi tu n t lommer litrgt r, Tw rial itvonuc. name script I anil loo cards my ol liili VCjj in a lain from t your on n plate fur Hofto'a reaiaunat ami liar Is pat raolzed bj Caio'a U-ading boalaeata am) professional im-n. Neatest, clean sal ajid boal tueals. Kvi ry olodltng house in existence has $1.". oo suit-:, Imt they are tint our kind at ths pru e. W e are "top notch r$" in giving tiie treat eat . values. See our line ef Black Vene tians and tniitiy silk mixtures lleneh iiiade. shape retaining fronts, bajM pu.hleil ahoflders, They are the Kind rtaewhere. Banner Bboe and Olottring House, corner Klghtevntti -triet and C iintuercial avenue. Three Sta!te Bnggy and Imp. Co -.ells more farm machinery, bltajjea, wagons, carr!-it;es anl harness than isy house in southern Illinois. Vegettftfa at James Meehan's. fresi, crisp, direct from the Sunny Smith. Our line of canned piods em braces ever., tiling known to canuer's art. Anthracite coal ia at bottom figures in April. All nril-rs fur April delivery will be filled at one per ton less than winter priee Cairo City Coal company. Catfish H'jC per pound, buffalo 8c small tisli 7i...c bacon X l-3c, rolled oats :: ptekagei 35c California hams He, hams 12!jC. Al! of these at Stone Bfot. and more. Poat office market liortse. New store. New stock. Fancy Orocerles. .hoice Meats, fresh Vegetables llltchie & Gillespie, proprietors. A Halley, wire screninp. pouitfJT I :ietlinK. water coolers, Rasolina SIOVSS ami ovens, step ladders, brushes, hardware and stores Hurke's Livery, Feed and Hoarding Stables, first class livery service. A tine line of carriages for funeral oc "anions. Ahrtys the best. Oolng to build or repslr this sprlnK See Kelly Rros , Lumber Co. for anything in lumber or building material DANCE AT PARK, A nun bar OUtlg it. Man I" ople park f tin ipenl danc rwd the UCfl pleasure. in attendance were: Messrs anies Hair. Had Sail, Osgood. Wiliiiij- Thiatlewood, Arthur Those and M Siaehl-, T hist I wood. Terrell, Cunningham. Alsthorpe, Gross, Mrs. IL A. ! QatM, (livens. Mrs. w.c. Clarke. Missea otis, .li ne.. Tenay, Bettor, Margaret i.nns den Qaajpnaa, Marie ami pearl Hal ley, Jeiiuell-, Leila Hastings, Sutlier land, Heiiekle. Wenger, Kerth, lieat-rleo-' Lntca.sicr. Ethel Winter, Una Wool ward, Cumllla Halliday, Messrs Norman llailida), Irwin Preetorlus Block. Kleb. p-etly, Irwin, DeMonl eourt. Stark. Lewis. ByTOO and lease ONea, Montifiirt. Qilhofer, Bird, Fn 1 Halliday. tlMU, McLaughlla, Yellow Jack Diaappears. There has been no yellow fercr In the Cnlted States fur three years ex renting th- develop weal on the Meat- 111 bord Some cases of yellow f.ver have come Into Cuba from Mexico in the last three years, but no Instance was the ilisoasu dented to others. The First Cultivated Rate, Is said that the first cultivated was planted In Belflum In the It ro. year Itn 'Ue getaeei roes was taken to Engliind iroin Pra&ee in IC7I, the safiu rose about I Tit Ud the China lose fifty years later. MtCAN THING. In uffers ot marriac I "I had this I slimtlMT. ' Yes. I understand that Me. ;, ii-i. I aatl is very per- itent. ' a DEATH TO UNIONISM" j . . . . IftUi u oUlfllflLR uUI I U . . a . I .'!'.' .' "I'leei. !u,V waVuTi-iW ki'ii'i JN--v 1 Ncw sii-n' ipw .-. M"' w'"" a Mn ags, who co onusi to 2 9Kn - a e-l.-.i th.- dexan id thMii. n sthen si0p :,. w;,s tbraatenud with death a , wTV! .. ' . T the trike ws Inaugurated last ti n,,.-, gougl pre ml Baton Tv l-"' Beatvi a" TroU8er8 0,1 f ... ij. I in a Quarrel with .i i . , l. , , , L V V.ijo ly elMl wmt coinetiiing smart . named Clark Katun had drawn oi- 4 yuj a g" uc-" Jtri , Ami) -krf I j A , I.H Pistol and was about to .. . . )M J J tt a.. iiiiloMt w..en lierry came in.o th- a!.. -ti. car IJ AsfiSh '. f t 'WT" top-notch, want to A piece o! Ice Berrj land .(v! ' ' W - ' I a w' 1 'i Baton to top ami th- latter tun, .. gQ ' 1. Wr rf yZ- ! the weapon upon undei nd we're talking o f 4 . -: v -'' t)ct here ami tee. If youf from semiring hm through the breast. Baton then f HI i- 7 v--- f the tobdec. I I i.; : . ' ngean rromtti Mine Ownors' officer Cuaunfcgs met Wat atnl com veo-plece,skeleton lined, Hot J ijl 'i 'fWiMri.- Hf :o,rt want to buy Ultt'af ' fieneral Bell saya tb mandad him to atop: but Baton again 3Fy I j , rT" ir1' mine wa clwiod tocanse of a "mltl- drew- his pistol and snapped it al . r. f' l j I If' ''-Wit I , - I tary necessity." as men working in it ofticer when the latter shot bin dead f e ,tlltr Su,ts' r,ner Fjb It TTBMIi 'our P"Vilfe- I e lippon -I :. . 1 , ' ff.lti ' J strikers, therebj continuing present . ' H p t i !A'fl ft i e .,oi r.- ,h ,jtowla(, languace of the umbrella irka, mora ctyie. v I I R ,'- fff? LmSfuj Spfc,dl y Brourn,! ' ' ' "' .'" lint i "' Some Points cf Interest Noticed by A 1 ji ;i i ; ij rV 'If ' . . .. . ,. A uouni d ili.u tin mines will begin to th 01 t M I! '1 iv 1 fif flf'- if i ''0h' striper; and There Is a langnase of'uml , . I Dp.V 1A jft ;(j . i ' ' il l-.a . ii a I l!tW3 tPIW III tP-.U 1 j , i - jverplald-seam, bound ind ! ; : 1-, t !l tilrffl if' ,,.J card MORNING Keek was the progressive euchre par ty Riven ly Mrs Halliday Alsthofpe ii; her home. Ill Sevecth street, yes terlay morning in honor of Miss laisy Seiler. of Mount Vernon. Ohio, and Miss Maud Suth rland The progreastve euchre (Mutest re- suited in seven perw prize, winning sers cut tins; for the prizr nell.' won. receiving fi fir a handsome fan of Bpuitansburg, Miss Aieda Teaney, S. C. received the Cairo souvenir spoon Maynie Ciisliman wni eonaolathm prise a if iiniune design, ana to .miss awarded the wail .iecoration 1'oilovviiiK the e and caiie were games served itrawberry ici Thoai guest i A. C.ive iau ' lh& ney. of bodge, present if honor addition to the re Mrs, Richard t. of WlnneM, K BpartaiBBhnrg, ol Car boo dale; . Al. iiia Ten S. C, Mary iesdames ii. Mi William Read, Max iwn, Wilbur Thistlewbod : T. Bto hens, Lloyd Qa Cunnlagham, Robert B, Kaufman, John i'. Br Thiatlewood and Arthur tiie Misses Flora Bchutter, Maude liaatings, June Jcuuelle, Mayme Cueh man. Una Wo Iward. Emma Ilalli. day. Alice W-ng -r, Bessie Tur .-r. Pearl Hallet, Lyda It. tlmaa. WORLD'S FAIR NOTES The official name of the building used by the board of Lady Manager ; at the Wet! 11 fair la the House of ! the Lady Manager ; The pa Laaalte Institute will send a basketball team to compete in the tatorsefcofaatte chain pfcbshipa at tbe 1 World's fair. The hi Iji Salle Is on j of the fastest college Ihiv organi.a ' lions in tiie east. The Austrian building la unique I among the foreign buildings at thc W 1 1 H fair in that in it is installed the uit exhibit of that country. California desnonatrai a Uitii the ami ntatBUtag in tiie Mining Gulch a; tbe Wol Id s fair In thi:. exhibit i . the first stampng machine ever m e I in i gold mtnlag. At the Amertcag Amateur Athlet ic Benkn Chnmptonahlp games held; recently at UK World's fair the win 1 ners received their medals from Miss1 f corn. On rows of which an I i n KTWI red, exactly cthwis.. of the c,b. is a in th- T.iissouri eihlbil me white dii li d km cereal ilea u i in- aahw f culture at the W rl II fair. A gaodel of a aatlre work d alawbe go crapiiit mine j.. exhibited in the Ceylofl space in the Mines and M tal Brgy palace at the World's fair Coy Ion plumbago Is world famous I - t n s of its pure, flaky character, and it II at present the island's only mineral of Basjaereisf Important One of th, exhibits in the Chines- sec: ion nf th. Liberal Arts palace at law World's fair Is a collivtion of plamaay of ihe blrda of CSUaa a aaaabet of cases are filled with Ihe tail rest ben, wings an-l crsts of tbeac binia, making a realistic repre 'Hfa:ion of life in China. Feather- from the eagle, vulture, buzzard and the goMca pheasant are smoiig Usai - -how n I plaste relief map of San Hi man dino rminty is exhiblteil in the Call hsrwia iispiav in tbe palara of Hortl- citlture at th" Worbl's fair. Small ire-s inilieate where the oreharil- are Ida n ie.. and in each tree i an inean-(lese.-ut lor-ii'O lji;lit ilium inatitig t he pctnre The map shows also how the are be fill are irrigated. Somewhat Ambiguous. "My d-ar fellow," said Brown to his friend Jones who was bespeaking his at'endanre at Smith's funeral, 'i never go to i i-reinoiiiaia of this description unless I have loved and liked the man through life. This Invitation 1 must, thereiore. decline. If it were I you alsmt to In- buried, I would go wilb u'eai,ure." from the M Owner a MnoH attun bat tna driantnaa of the ran I we d.ctated the nomtJ - ;M Lfi , ?'-' I tlon- signifies ponrtehlp When tin- ? hi -M'y': A i the (eg Ait1' 8i,k- 1 !hed Ti I about those tuitl and follow ' WGk mittees Bucceetled in securing signs . yo iver your h T Cr lahn every way throughout. a two business houses signifies i nuisance c ji HS a in tiie agree man I not to employ help myself." To carr; .. at right angles Ted them up to see that what nr a " ' MEN'S Skeleton Coats and Vests and Stoate Caata t C AA a who follows I 4 o rr v IvtW 4 you Opening an umbrella quickly, it Awf w-,nted done was dona, Si 2 50 tO SlaC.vlU a " ;ai'!' wt" - !"ai' I r v r i ii.' i eo 1'nii iv i '. 35 .Hi WVWvWvvVvVWW vvWWSvv To lend an umbrella ladb ates. "I a fool." To return an umbrella means well, never mind what it means; no body ever does that. To carry an um-l.r-lla just high enough to tear out men's eyas and knock off men's hats signifies, "i am a woman." To press an umbrella on your friend, saying, Oh. do take it; I had much rather you would than not." signifies lying. To i arty It from home in the morulng ! means. "The rain Will clear off." Ex- :C0 POOR TO BE BANKRUPT Plioiit of Man frcn Debts Who Sought Relief fcy Leoal Action. Bankruptcy is a word that means the limit ot financial mlefOTtUM to I liusiuess men. but it isu t tiie j iitnit by any moan. This truth was i nought out most forcibly yesterday oi iloi office of Henry K. Csssin, U. S , i ummlssliiner. Mr, Cassin was approached by l man whose tailor-made garments had 1 crown slippery In some spots and i .ifUd in often. He wore a caii j worn expression and the need of a i halr i ut on his face. rnptc) pi th u. an. "It is, said Mr. Cassin. 1 want to file a petition Well. I bare been years aud of it." "The pr about $1V "I have- in business for sevi rai ave made an awlal tie tings ,ald Mr. will cost Cassin. you md can't 1 get it." was the response. "Surry then, hut we can't do any lung for yon," said the commissioner. "I knew I was hard up. but blamed If I thought It was possible to be too blamed paor to become a bankUUpt," said the avpiiiant m he tamed up all coat collar anS made; for the dOOT. Louisville CourierJouraal, Aunt Mandy's Economy. BUy, Mandy." said Mr. lligt to say gall game 0' nu t economy. This here enrtln' railroad ties six miles ter save us'.n' tb firewrsnt 's ' ail right hi a why, even If it is bard et. the bosses, An' your hie.' o' usln' tl i platm on the table, 'stead o' china, o's to savs wearla' out par new din ner set, ni:,'t Wbal ye mirjht call aes : thetle. I, ir I I'unn i's I've kicked very ; loud so fur 'bout it. An' even youf mikln" over my old overcoat later a jacket for fereelf I ain't ral ,ed no ' gn at Mme bout, spite o' the fict taat i baa ter take ye to meotln' in it I every Inaday an' hear n lot o' go. ! dnrneel tools whlsperln' the! I mint be gettta' low la the w-orld not ter he ! aide tir any ye a new one, Bat by the bom pin' thuader! cried Mr. ilig citis, "when yen go t ori an' mike a eom-husk r,;attr ss an' th.o in stalks, i ob-i an' all. jest ter save the me.nley In .ks. that's where the old SSAa steps iii fcr once an' savs an' tef cr-thS dickens with )r confounded economy!" Comfort. Something Tillman Forgot. When tie Waahlngton frl ml" of the Mil to give former Quasi Mlluokahi'il, $i:,oiion were talking the matt' r oVtl In the senate lobby utter the adverse vote, Mr. Tillman, who had voted against the oteoeavo, expre - . i r. gn I that the dnaky dangMet of snvags kings did not seem aide to HWdi r land the strong prejadlce existing In some parts of the country against the black rares. "N'ow. If she could how a etrain of white blood," he exclaimed a .d 1 nk i d deflartly around. "Beg your iardon. Tillmar," retort ed Senator Logga, "Have yo i i rgo' ten 'bat h"r great gran 'uni le .:"i 'l ip tain Cixik?" In the roar that fc.llowel Vr Till man said something about M03Slder ing the vote. New Yi rl; Mall and Ex- pmaa AM Nat-ens Adopt Hello!" The American Inn rjei tlon. "hello," has been added to all lint Isueuages in which the telephone la aaed. ? s, Ii:.U, .U.O IW I.l . 5 , .-a. I ? s a n m bf n 1 1 AiiniiFn iiifi EUCHRE. '" !l A - OaOl rf lJ1 0. !J I Dsnish Bacon Factories. Danish cooperative bacon factories tow have about hi.OOO members, and last year thev killed t'.3ti,0oo pigs and 10, head of cattie, amounting in money to llOJi 70,000. Tiie price re Delved for bacon in the English mar ket averaged 4 cents a pound abort the av-rage urico for bacou from t I.e. r countries. A Strong Heart la assured by perfect, digestion. Indl .re tiofl swells tbe itomacb and puffs t up againel the benrt. Thin causes .bortness of breath, palpitation of the leart and general weakness. Kodol i)ysi)"psi.i Cure cures Indigestion. r levea the StOtnAch, takes the strain ff the heart and restores It to a full performance of its function naturally.' fCodol Increases the strength by en- tbUhg tiie stomach and dlgeattve or gans to digest, a.'similate and appro pritite to the blood 'issues all of the food nutriment. Tones the stomach and digestive organs. Sold by Met gerl Drug Store. Women Replace Men. Women are now betel substituted for men In the Italian postal service. Btgaar Qailmbertl, the minister of rts ami telegraphs, is reapoaalble tor the change. That Tired Feeling. if you ere langotid, depressed and Incapable for work, it indicates that your liver is out of order, licrbiue ill assist nature to throw off bead .K-hes. rheumatism und ailments akin to nervousness and restore the enc gtca and vitality of sound and perfect health. .1 .1. Hubbard, Temple, T'-xa;: writes. March tl, IfOf! "I have used Merbine for the past two years It lias done me more good than all the doctors. When I feel mad and have thill tired feeling, I take a do.-e of Herbiae. it is the best medicine ever DMsle for enJfis and lever" Heti a bottle. Sold by Si huh Drug Co. Persians Like American Goods. Am ricun lamfis. clocks, watcher and locks have a steadily Increasing ante in the boaari of Paraia. Pbono- graphs, electric fans, hand pumps and e.oklng and warming stoves find ap preciative purchasers. Ba-ckache, Pain in Side, Hips and Groin In most cases are direct results' of WEAK KIDNEYS aid INTI AM MA TH IN OP Till' HLADMEK, '1 ! . strain on the Kirhjcvs end Inflamed membrane lining Ine Neck of the it ladder prodm iag these pain.. Lark's Kidney Globes WILL CURE IT. Two doses give relief, and one boa will ruie anv i idn ary case of Kid sjaj) or Bladder Trouldc. Rt-nn vts Crawl, cures Diabetes, Seminal Emissions. Week ai d Lame Bock, Khciitnatistn. and all irregularities of the Kidneys and Bladder, in both men and women. Sold nt &0 cents per In. on tin- No Cure No Pay heaia by Paul G. S huh ,V Sons, 6.17 Cent anerctal A . apul Hany w. Sslmh Drug Co., lS:h 1 Commercial Ave, sole agents for Cairo; or sent bv mail upon receipt of pri.e lis Lark Medi cine Co., Louisville Kv. eefevee I o m TOST. LOUIS JUNE 16 a e e Mobile & Ohio R.R. '. RETURN LIMIT 7 DAYS Good going on trains leaving Cairo 2:34 a. m.; 12:46 p, m. and 240 p. m, Juno 16th. Apply to I. I . loncs Ticket Ay;:nt( Central Union Station, Cairo, Ills. 9 a a- screens; OUR SCREEN ENAMEL Will trim Comrnertlfll Ave US Hlhih Pewer of Silence. A person that would secure to mM trr-at defense will, perhaps. I lin eal I his point by silence as efOfi oally as enatona anything be can say. One fare. $l turn via Mobil to St. Louis and re Ohio railroad 6th, for three regW Thursday lsr truini turn .Inn .inn 011 that 23rd, date, limited to re- Excursion to St. Lou. 3 June 16. Special low round trip rates to the World's fair, going on any regUltl trains June K',. I'tol. Rftun limit evi n days. Apply to at. ti 0, railroad agents for tickets aud particulars. THE BULLETIN HAS JUST RECEIVED A 8UPPLY OF NEW UP-TO-DATE FANCY STOCK FOR PROGRAMS, IN VITATIONS, ANNOUNCE MENTS, WEDDING CARDS, ETC., AND IS PREPARED TO 8UPPLY THEM ON SHORT NOTICE TO THOSE IN NEED OF PRINTING IN THAT LINE. a.DMinieTUATon's arrricn. ataUS of Obrlatlan Merti, df.-s.-.l. Tin ind. t-iReed haung been aetnin ted adiiiioin traior of the eatate of ( kristfan Mem. lte of 'ne ( oun'v or a lexaa.ier. sou me man- in , Illinois, deceased, herehy give entice that lie will appear beton? the ro-intv court of Alexan der ,-111111. at the court house in Cairo, at the I kmm iit-ri'i, on the Font Mnads.v in Anl, which lime all p. ror hsvinn eMlms IgStaaS satf awtaas ire aotifled and reqioted in attend for 11, e ,arin' ef l aving Hi mnr ailpi'led All person- inrlelit-d lo naid estate are feuoired to make immdiat,- payne-nt to Th- end. rif r ' 1 ,1, ,1 th-. 'th dv of .Tune A II . 1M. H II. WIl.t.fH. Arlmini-lralor, V roirv inn pnii.nuo A aeeeettttttttt-t 4.65 Via eeeaaeeVeeeeaaee noOIIfi I M ALl RIE8 WINDOWH MAOETOOODEH Paint Both Woodwork and Wirr. Lancaster & Rico. THIS 18 A Presidential Year AND YOU MUST Keep Posted The way to do this Is read the WEEKLY COURIER -JOURNAL HENRY WATTER80N, Editor. laaued Every Wedneedsy. Twelve Pages. j $1.00 a Year, BEVENLTR HEFOHM, SOCIAL HEFOHM, MORAL REFORM. The Courier-Journal Issues the best Almanac published. Send 35 cents for a copy by insi'. COURIER JOt RNAL COMPANY, LOUISVILLE, KY. By a special arrangement you can get THE WEEKLY BULLETIN and the WEEKLY COURIER-JOURNAL both one year for $1.50. This Is for cash subscriptions only. All subscriptions und"r this couibina Hon must Iks sect throng,! the Bulletin ciTlce. i