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Image provided by: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL
Newspaper Page Text
... THE CAIRO BULL RIDAY MORNING, IUHL. 1U , 1904. Try t)f o out New Tooth Brushes .... BASE BILL CHAT FOR CIO FANS 4 Until further notice all , 4 week day league base ball ! jiames at Sportsman's Park will be called promptly at 3:30 o'clock. On Sundays 4 at 3 o'clock. THREE-E AflUE 7 KOLKfORU. A SCALP FOR PADUCAH. ami tl AT DAVr.M-ORT. Aseptic Venial Hacks Price 35c. it 4 We - .i to) f i'l inent nl itlier tooth liru i he Davis Ri mine hi iimIi, : 5 t f , j Pdul G. Schuh and Sons Drug Store C & s C 5 t . W O R MSI v rm s FucE ?; ! ForlOYeai'S Km ISItfi ri83M(i!8S.7L,iv!v-.' ; AT SPRINGFILD. Wu rv in reporting It. H. B I in : SOliO AIiTi X ON. TJ" C5r Cir -X fij T S3 . For A huiulread Years. JA.7JES F. BAULARD, St. J-ouis,' 80LD BY SCHUH DRUG CO. ILLINO IS CENTRAL R. R.CO AT BLOOM I NGTON. At Vino.'ii a whole Ot Hoth teams It. H. K (naming a 16, IT. IS. 1!1 and 20, at rate of $11 0 sited to return June 89th 1904. Par fiJi particulars call or aihlrosi I the nuclei sijjiieil. Bulletin of Rates. A. II HANSON, World's Fair: Louisiana PttrchatO Bx ! General Passenger Agent. I. II. JONB8, Ticket Agent SULLIVAN WINS. AMERICAN LEAGUE. BASE BALL RESULTS KITTY LEAGUE. HOW THEY STAND. AT CLEVELAND. Net is He Wante Good Pa Dr. a Holt: osltton. St. Louis, Mo., April 30, Do ember 1st, 1804 $7.4 ". round trip, iekets sold daily eottnitnclng April .".til. to November l.'.th inclusive. Itnlttd to return December IStlt, 1904 G.iO round trip, tickets sold 011? ommeiioin April 1 5th to November loth .hearing return limit. Of .sixty BO), days from date of sale. Summer school Knovil. Tenn. Coineue Like Swiss Watches. jwlu wttehna, according to a r in t'hiua. Thorn with tsnias Urns (Mi the face ti ti it the Us Examination rever. MADISON WINS. AT DETROIT. Kv Paducah, CAIRO. in venues, 10 that IVahody Normal summer schools Nashville" TelHl .luiie 8th. A lit 3rd NATIONAL LEAGUE. A DRAW. Where They Pi.iy. Cairo at VI I'.l'ilH By the As ne SO, He saya that the average effect of an 2th, , examination is to make the puis from beat twenty to the minute quicker. in tin-1 .... HOLLISTErt'S Rocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy Ktllshu for 3a:y rwM. Brians SUH Ufalth nd ItMWW Vigor. A p iOu f CouiUimUuu, Iwligaitiou, Uw id return and khluey Troubles, Punpkw. K.nai, uup i '. tickets J Vu.'klu-I.X' "it V il'iitif M..uu!:i 'u'T. a In lav .in and i D Acute Rheuma tetvriOK or wn from Hou4rBa nana Oommht, lurihwt, WU 30LOEN RUCGET8 FOR SALLOW I COi'L A Gallant Eutt Results Yesterday. Cairo 0; Vlacetu " Paducah 5; Clarkuvlll HondersoR i; Hopklnav LOSE NICE GAME. Vineennes. June 9. In a g tad full of ginger, replete wl noiiai hall till the very laal utj the Calroltes were defe lenlay at Vincewtieg, Thi scored on either side con nothing and the one run n earned. Roth teams put up f hall And that Cairo lusl Is no AT BOSTON. ft. II tf Coal Consumption by AMERICAN ASSOCIATION, 1 whirh ilutor she mt butter, AT INDIANAPOLIS. Indtanapolia, 1; st Paul, ". AT COLUMBUS. Kaiser's Servants, Shark a Fast Sw mmer. The shark holds the record for Mil MWI ! i T. g m M Mil,,,,, Wiiw,iiiiW mi in w ill will 1 1 1 WW MWMMWInWaWWM WW mwn i ni muhmhmi ,.ih hiwiihimhii ii mm iiiini ilium 9mm-r -t- : Trr.- - -'t hihi i hi mammm mammas mmaammatmrnm s nnriT umni n'n rim n k.J 5 "ti m B Bum "19 11 D I I m i V t I m m Vf"TfJifl ... , ' . L. i -J j t i iirsionn rffl ! ii inyrn rnp pnnrp !SiU ! US I hiained. S :J ttm. wni Bit nimi M l LJ ML UULLL l 'il I wmmmmm mmmm mm P A triumph of Art-Four Hundred Square Feet of Superb Fine Art Engravings From Photographs, Illustrating Every Feature of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition With Appropriate Descriptions By Waiter B. Stevens, Secretary of the Louisiana Purchase Exposition. THE BULLETIN IS FOHTUNATE IN HAVING ARRANGED TO BRING IT TO ITS READERS FOR PERMA NENT PRESERVATION AT A COST SO TRIFLING AS TO MAKE IT PRACTICALLY FREE A NOMI NAL CHARGE ONLY FOR COST OF HANDLING. TEN CENTS PER COPY EACH WEEK SENT TO THIS PAPER TO COVER COST OF POSTACE, MAILING, HANDLING, ETC.. WILL SECURE THE COMPLETE SERIES (THE RETAIL PRICE TO NON HEAD ERS BEING 25 CENTS PER NUM3ER.) THE FAIR REPRODUCED ON PAPER IN ENDURING FORM IN ITS ANIMATE AND INANIMATE, ITS AR CHITECTURAL, ITS INDUSTRIAL, ITS ART AND OTHER EXHIBITS. IT IS AN EPITOME OF THE WORLD OF TODAY, INCLUDING ITS WONDERFUL VARIETY Of MANKIND ONE FOR EVERY FIRESIDE. THE LOUISIANA PURCHASE IS THE CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT IN THE WOHLD'S CRT AT EXPOSI TION. PARTS I AND II, NOW Administration Building An Impression of Distance East Front of Electricity A corner of Literal Arts The National Commission Palace of Machinery Varied Industries. Dedication Group. Entrance to Palace of Ma chinery The House That Grant Built. Palace of Electricity The Era of Staff China's Debut at a World's Fair. Missouri's Mansion House The Blizzard Mexico's Forwardness READY, CONTAIN: United States Government Building Canada Building The Plaza of St. Anthony Louisiana Building North Front Palace of Manufactures The Japanese Commission General View Embracing Palace of Electricity, Man ufactures and Education The Galvestion Flood The Protest of the Sioux New Jersey Building Chinese Building Palace of Mines and Metal lurgy Waterway Promenade Facade and Lawn Why "The Forest City? Each portfolio will consist c described, printed on high grade e manent preservation, 30 parts ccr To those who visit the Fair visit the Fair it will be a record of Here is the opportunity at i gay throng on the giddy "Pike" ant a dim memory you will still have l-.;gcs. eleven by fourteen inches, with sixteen views appropriately aper and substantially bound in heavy durable cover paper for per le series issued weekly. , in indispensable souvenir of whit they see. To those who do not nterest as illustrating In detail a great historic event, t cost to enjoy its wonderful scenic beauties, to marvel over the of all is, that when the glamor of the big display shall have become pictorial library as a perennial reminder and an ever fresh delight Offer to Bulletin Readers How to Secure It. i f Kit f thic paper only ar .ition, entitled The Forest C of postage, handling, wrapping. To those who art NOT reader-, e accompanies the order the r these portfolios nominal sum of ten ci rj the Louisiana Purchase for each number la cover is 20 cents per part. If no coupon Reader's Cer- enclosed. PARTS III AND IV, NOW READY, CONTAIN: Twilight on the TifflKOI Crand Bttfa and I laza of At Lhe ld of Hie Cru.ld s.lint Umi(. Jcfftrffffl Bridge Btoetric fr"m 0tm Uuy. BMta cotooaOe of state.. Bast gee '"'' 'rl'' The plaw of th lean i . v.n.. The CM mission of Mexico A iiy without Nails, i.-t Virginia bEIMMM sketch ol BonUi AROM i bul ... Batat Anthony Pitta Varied Industries at Night, The (double page.) ,"aK'" Palace of Tra.isporMtio,,. J he W. ) CtX Official building or Itpta ''1h1u Napoleon Bridg, Sonfh LtV T"" 'l'"'",,U' "f ""' T""Ul goon. T,ie l''i",l,'rs Tnmnlii at lie T P Siatut B 01 In Sot. i Chief hiv'si of l-'vliil il" W aterway pNCMMMto I'tillioolne ReKcrratlon Flilpitw Anhitecture i ' THE FOREST CITY" II lust niting the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, in St Louis, camera esent an It is confidently believed that ten n The Exposition in its marvelous sp ficenre will exist sev. n months and pas . But ere the substance fades the sh The written word fails; thousand chapters Ion? of pas These photographic views, issued weekly, in the World's Fair Officials, will constitute, when comnlc!d Ita Architectural, Industrial and Art Exhibits, with special humankind in types, costumes and occupations representing tivities of the various countries of the earth, including the isl today. ItHWI copies of this Official Portfolio will he cai indor and its wonc'orful detail its life and HMtfa rd for. n and d,i.v! ny exclusive arrangement i rial record of the Wood's Fai s more wonderful assemblage the life and veritable epitome of the worl 6f I The animating purpose is to transfer the Fair in enduring form to the printed page, not only in its superb architecture and. scenic effects, but in its personnel, ita industrial and magnificent Art Exhibits. Nothing will he omitted which will serve to convey the same impression as an actual visit to the great Fair. The Louisiana Purchase Exposition Official Art Series will embrace thirty numbers of sixteen photo graphs to the number, appropriatelybound. and will be issued weekly covering a period of thirty weeks, begin ning April 14. As a permanent, pictorial and descriptive presentalion of the most varied and comprehensive exposition in the word s history, it will be invaluable to all who visit the il rm-k!? with it CKN OK NTS na i Mm lat they saw. It record of perpet who do not visit the Fair lean citizen who reads Art presentation of this World s Fairs. (Retail price is 2Fc per part). To readers of the BULLETIN 1C cents per part. greatest N kkm Tfce Gttro Htiia, Osko, III Urr -ir.: Kin.) I KV ' K.N 1'S n.-h. . .1 . f mailiiip Jin. of ' The Ki.r, Call on or address THE CAIRO BULLETIN, Cairo, Illinois.