Newspaper Page Text
TUf CAIRO BULLETIN, FRIDAY MORNING, jUNF. 10, 1904. The Daily Bulletin. limii at th oino porrofpici ton Tmm- MIMIC TKBiiUMH TUI MilU At aco ice mTm UNION , ,v-- labTl -G-bi CHRONOLOGICAL June 10 In History. 1672-Titer thi ( of Russia b--rn nearMoe c..w; died Feb. v H ISOt The tTnlted B tales tkttred on a war with Xttpoll; THpoll Insti tuted the war mi M iy 10. UM. by cutting down ths tl.ipst..ff of the AaMcan consul ate. Fen r the Great. IgM-L.-UiS Oveen, tin last slave sold on New Haven rt- en. in New Haven: ts-rn ITS Prof. WOT 1 " vtd Burnett Beottof Uiel'olJeav ' City of New Vork died la New for city: hoi n 188. 18 Colonel u. V. !1 force of DM marines at Uuantsnaroo ba and the st. a, and strips on Cuban volt. i lW -Walter llesaiit. mtid Knfilish novel ist, died In London; bora 18 Robert Buchanan, English poet, novelist and dramatist, died In ! ndon; born 1M1. I PERSONAL MATTERS Notes of Interest Relating to Citizer Their Friends and Rela tives. Mr. Israel C Cairo yesterday Laws. ,lay mom A! rs .1 home in : Col. Pn ami Ohio, Harris, ol tin' hoi li Cairo yesterday. tnclur i spendini si. Baden, last, for few -I health. W. i). Wood, traveiiug passenger agent the Wabash, was in Cairo yesterday Messrs. of Bandusl on bnslai -Miss Ma itiiiL- fri la) mis ami World's lair. Miss Bessie McCulkmgh ami Mi Rose Coyle are visiting Mrs. c. Ma:, lev, of Samlusky. iir. John n.)ioy returned troin 81 Louis yesterday mornlnl vcst.rilav moniint:. where lie visito. I tlie World's" fair. Capt. N. 15. Thlstlewootl is cooflped ' to Si. Mary's Infirmary suffering from j an n i tack of rheumatism. Miss Nellie Thomas, of Chicago, Is vi.-itinu her aunt. Miss Kllen M:I)er niott. .".lii Jefferson avenue. Mr. j. IV Morns ami family left this morning for Carml, III., where the) will spend s few days visiting. Mr. John T. ltetinie. the foundry man. is spending a few days ,; St Louis viewing the World's fair Miss Mamie Dunning ha- returned to her home in Princeton, Ky . after a visit with Mrs. Martha Howe Miss Aline Hudson is visrting mo uncle. Mr. Troy Amnion-- ol -le Mo bile and Ohio train dispatcher's i Uo--. Miss Jessie Winter ai eadtes Vincent are in St Mer li ii ing frii mis an I attending lh WorM'i fair. Mrs. Wat Bowand ami children lefi yaeterday for Oklahoma CRy, Okla, to join Mr. Rowand, who has locate there. Miss Lenora Pryor, of Kurd city Mo., is visiting her brother. Mr. Taos J. Pryor ami family, of IU9 Pour tetjttft 'lie'. Kev. .1 A. Sean Itl 1 1 ' UTni fCStl I day from Lebanon. 111. where In- a: tended omnn ncemew exercisei a' McK'-n Iree colli go. Captain O. A. Vincent, m I'nlt) who underwent a surgical opci itiot at Si. Mary s Infirmary recentlj", ' getting aloti nicely. Miss Hazel Alsthorpe Is expected to arrive to lay from t on flu Lac, Wl when- she Is attending school, to bpemi I Ark., is sack i t . Thf 'in Mr . have Im and Mi ne sum im r vaeaiion. f. i,. Throne, ol Marl the guest or the Mis ot park Place v. will strive today. L A Long an 1 Chi 'en Visiting Mr-. -I. s, W. 1" Simon, ret 'their hone in Evantt ii1". Ind terday. Miss Fioremt il ftei, of Cent who has been tin- nucst of Madga Zimmerman several us for ,vnna yesterday to visit fi twforc returning borne. Miss , left recently of St. Louis, who nave visiting her mother, Mrs. Blizabctt Boede, of ISO ('enter street, leavei for Hot Springs, Art,, tomorrow wlier. si," will reside. Mrs. .1. J. laaae and Mi.-s Kate Su sankn returned from Little Ito i. Ark., yesterday, where they bavt been visiting their sister. Mrs Jame lifauw. Sh. accompanied them home aiavft visiting relatives here. .. tBftfT Wm. N. Butler Is attend hit thv c imnieneement i'" Champaign of the 1'niverslty o! 11!:- amis. At the stiironi exercises Jndg Butler acted a" toastmaMer tn- clas.- e?nf of f which he IpOfl this oc ev. of Kan- rssion. 'in mis, ami (In Dakota. Dot of the class Prank Wl -r mother, CENERAL LOCAL NEWS Br ef Mention of Events Concerning thi People of Cairo and Vicinity. anl hoar.l of alden in t atro Louis " members of the higl latlne class this elm A. mibn i memp .r houn is, tomorrow aiternoon Sun Washington avenue. fall lecture course l: if the most attractive Mi.-s Jennie Si.u k. daughti and Mrs. CjHUfh I Stack, of Ington avenue, will celeb ttiU) birthday anniversary afternooa between th' ho meni to Fifteenth and Poplar str j dsf active Hue eaused a sllghl i i I n a cottage occupied by negroes: j tew shingles were burned off tin i - iround tin- chimney- ( giro ilnring the week en 6 ih" temperature was noi he prei-lpitation was deficiea inch. Since March I there an average daily deficit ne; eraiur-- of I 'J i!( gr.-es ami : louse at the Commercial a dreet. araa yesterday eran 'dace tot pabsl i-i ---lor lav morning at PadttCSh at .clock from 'he residence of ll'1 A aiiersii in. a delegation of i 'i Uows, Modern Woodmen and I I- - accom panic I the remains to ral I'nion StaUOD early j . nornlng, some of w hom went to aj a i", at satarnted with gasoliti' morning lo 'in Ralston, at To i.utcd to press ih-- garment when it aught lire am! in fa r excitement sir brew it again.-' her h Ml bend, who ,i ladly burned about the face and arm i is Unsaghi the gaaotiae was ignit l (rum a stove nearby. T 1', wee, a real estate ornatei of I Pine ill u ft". Ark., was in Cairo , Uy looking over the city. Mr Peare street cominis'-ioner at I'm- Bind md has been i.-i'ing several places , by Mayor Wil ier ami appeared ch pleased with ' h Bee gravel 'd on tin U I i t lo-re. FOR VISITOR. Miss June Wright wa ho-1 veiling a; a parly givi n at In r bos (to Walnut street, complimentary Mil Myrtle Ward, of rm Quota, a -ng proajresafvi euchre an 1 v Hine-. ptteeiaal aawag them hi 'elt graph conies!. Prises WeM lirhrt bv Mi s W inifred C , at Lee Reno, while Miss LuUe Tbo Htaa Myrtle Wsrd ami Mr. 1 t ' an were winners in the M b sWtest, Refreshments wire served at 1 the : their , Tlios: in attendance were Misse.i rlalne b raifed ..: be .-, gtroag Ifkadya sVtattarfe, Wmjhad ifiasgswt ga to Bttrnf and frt d Co, Ethel Ciiarl. s. Esther Staple- t ii. Bdj 1 Und. Latfe Thointon. Ketea 11. -n ran Messrs. Honor Crehan, Malvin. Fraaklin Hay . I." Rs - I n . . , .... , , , ., e r ici i.m;. tt"s.- hih,u.i, i-,n- i. CAIRO POLICE LAND THREE SMOOTH GAMBLERS IN JAIL Padlocks and Various kinds ui Gambling PtraphotitHi Were Fouod Upon TbcoH-Thougltl to Hive Swindled a Conntrv Man Out of $25. O'llili -a'-on. 1301 ( 'oromercial men had evidently been ( a short time and paa-jed do of Commercial nven-lal r non carrying a small . tl hoy treat to the Sal i.m hi ie-A mil Chief Price f il- hi I at; ' liai found tan ions kinds, locks and wo: k:. p .! paraptn rnalia i ne a .is as much a my : r as the p or ic- beal the game, ith the arrest of the irv of a green eotm tieved or $:.-. rite estion. whose ; ame e hail a package in the which contained money could not gel without ie charges amounting to th ihl let him on tiding conn- wl them lotked like t lie fellow- ' oorer ami perhaps wiser. he police tailed i Bad any moat e prisoc of crtmi b ciaa : bal men. and be any people are acquainted methods employed in using dice but perhaps verv fi t TWO CAIRO RAILROAD MEN KILLED IN BIG FOUR WRECK Hninccr (icorgc (iibson and linine I orcman John Brewster Met Death Etriy Vcstertlay Morning in the Big lour ards Defective Track Said to Be the Cause. I nil MOD t ana Sneln Engineer (J Foreman .loll 1 1 Main was IT leaver- track eontlaued a on the right tide of the track, follow- ,-fl close!" k the ears of it rain. It, le ot 'i" "ah. 1 1 iking Km ln r been and killing him Instaniiv His el vat brok.ii ami hi" Ghesl and: per rii.- wi re crashed. , line in Foreman Brewstef was on e rear too, iHiard of the engine and MB -. all e i the langor be a' aiyti i to jump from the foot board i i his clothing Caught in a bolt and! was dragged several feet and pin l beneath the truck of see of the rs of grate, li skull, th'gh.- and r w. re flushed and lib; lob ' , Bl eul ofl. wet.- lota Cantwell and "lii:,''' Bam Wesmgi r. and hml before I w r , rnsh esslagei pushed Can o it of the cab ami jumped aft' - I Hearing the groans of KngteccT oib 1 fa climbed back into the cab IN FLORODORA COMPANY That Visited Ca ro. Was Worr,.-"i Who is Now Principal in New York Mur:;.r. The woman errc yprk a: i UHd in Bat met iii a f -while riding With a woman, whose right a ante is Mrs. Fat rswn Ban his was wsitmg on t!- pu r -..le 11 jaoUgwd s hi- death It la sanl rme rpaso he was to jleatt 1 - rid .f the woman ' h-T....... u,,r,.. -,,.,,,. it. f..1l,.l, n.,.s, - ..- ..n i T': Florodora cotti opened will name ' bcini "still" lock Sharper N r getting acquainted with hint in Rtvert usual easy manner, he conduct's j johnst to a disreputable saloon where Padnci ran work without fear.. Bo is lUln mo of the "strangers produe ontflde padlock an I passing I the table asks them 1 1 open me is snccessful and it Is re nt them are ahie to da the trick an, I omplimenl does the ami tuce to persnaae tne vicnm to net ; large sum of money on the ''sure n-i" and this in usually jots if he I the money ills dismay eao be Iraagim I when Bnda that the t01l" lock will not n to his touch, and I)1' lo--e : on a Uo -nor at ni jury sold an mqi n and rendered led In an accident on the Big V . din ad in Cairo, III . June ',, 11 alioui l a. in., eansed by nig K switch engine No, 34, battling i ears of corn, Jampiag 'he track, . b a defect in the track.'' laluoi 'A . Bchhtl a' an I John Fol Engineer 'leorc, Gibson was the a of Win. F. (Jlbsott, ot Ho Bleveatb . foreman of the Itig Four ."01111, boil e. ind was a'.-oiit J." years ot age He i -urvivci by hi Wife, formerly Mi . Roxh Horner, who was j-. wick llge at the time of in accident, bol arrived in Cairo yesterday afternoon 1 1 fnneraJ wBl be heH tomorrnw n -no 11. vvllli burial ai lleecti Orov cemetery. John Brewster, the foreman of the He en 1 a mem I er ol the I. 'I. ( I of Pulaski, nntl the remain -;akn charge of bv the Odd fei "f this city and wii! la- aernvi-'- t-i Pnlaekl IMi afternoon by a coa order, MARRIAGE LICENSES. The following asarriags Bern.c v,i re Im OS i -'-terday: tSile-n A Chan'!! r. eg fd 21. ot i'-i dncah, and Mi s Mary Harrison, ag I Baadaaa, Ky. Tl e conpte a rs mam 1 a- the ni'!. From reatetraal In Ig a. Comiags, ffiriatli g Frank Johnson, agnd IS, ami Mary K Smith, aged 21. loth of ffiCO. Ofovei '. ItcCulkmsrh, ag"i i- nd ('aire at:' Mi.-' Nt Hi.- fllocklev. a .e I Rather Than Pay Rent. Blox -Does Bawl r move in good so ciety? Kt; it I -don't .ka.iw about Ibe so- jet-.- i nt i knr.w a4 iHrttTs inavtec NEWS OF THE RIVERS Conditions and Prospects as Shown in the Government Report Gen eral News. River Stages and Changes, The following table Btmnw the tages of the river at various points ' estorday with changes in 34 hour-: Danger Stage Change STATION Ua of in 24 f.-ct wnter hours Dun Pari . i. Dai srsburg All ' all i (all fall l rise I rise i River Force The Ohio -At ttvanj ntie rlalttg during tin ten commence failim le, will con -xi 1.' hour.;. At Paducah. mnm stage at Cain nring the next wl'l fall toii At Uiv fohnson ster to Cairo, ty-rour -iter UI resterday evening on a main Tin liuhts to Memphla are al- fternooti ami one e onvep as a y. Into her engine room m of her engines, breaking The powder monki y engineer to repair it. w! assist le'a w. beard of Uie boai 111011 r nt, renaioa hi id in Lost lime a'o. II" ! arm d ll sone ilnery of tbo old Thompson l.,- city or Jesters ravil teamboat men. with i:i convi rsailon, of h II :,i!ll ,1 li when a boy and said be couli lit if) the machinery- They weal down to the river ami awaited the arrival oi the .Kffer.e.iivil'e, which was firry lag betweea Louisville and Jefersos ville, as she i today. Whefi she ar lived they went aboard and sun enoega then was the bead 'in hold 0,1' -ii ,1 tin- ,.11 e'loi.-.e dornat Its work Hallidaj bad occrnion , : -, Ballard county oa be :, y-sierday and decided to go ir I his automobile, as he wanted to -qttlte a ways inlo (he eoSBftry. When j ;,- 1 , 10 the ferrj In- iras latormedl by tin' captain of thai eeal that it n ,s contrary to instructions reeelved from the inspectors to take an auto-1 mobile, wiih a gasoHae motor, ab rt f a ferry boa . unb- . the ga. ''line tank was emptied. Mr. Halliday m pal to the ineoti. i ni nee of doing "ii.-. gad tli. d lay oi procuring gase- j Use ' 11 the other -lib' of the rivr to continue his trip. The aatosaobiit i I 1 much a busines- vehicle as a butst ' at.,! baoggy and entitled to tec 1 it privit. ge) of the ruad. and to that pvrt ; of it wl Nte eonfinuc- by ferry. Wfeta automobiles first came out they were excluded from the parks in large Cities but that did not hold lone i They have now become on" of the or j iinaiy v -hifles of b i-in and) ihoa! I not he excluded from f 1- j, - an unreason aad ; . , ... - . i , . , ?" tilei-l' em to I'iiiilO'll I'll . l,r,a: ' i Carry f?1-;Oiir!e nmoil .'ai - when thousand of boats are in oean .it . ;, en the rivers with as nllne m tui, rat r vine pi "to"-r". and many of them ferryKonts. Where i the fm if Cai bride wa B Alls? bridegroom anding, Hi-" Miil Sit; I, o llllill it ha i steamboat ex ilinary advent it this is liable ages to h. carried mo far. cm His Home at id.. Nearly ks Ago. Hat hint to !,i Dyers, wh p i on I, , - . ., ; rieht nrit . ! i i. I mil ami "V" lu re -liitpt'il since his I i tatkative am nri f rs come way NEWS OF THE WEATHER I Covernmcr.t Observntior Prcspects For Cairo and Vicinity Today. Wi lanoma, kola. Nt Kansas, lib I lake westi i n Sou a and westei An ext. 11 Ivo ' '" treme - - ' nornlnt aturi soil - VVcihiogton ullstifl, fly the Assnctated Prat s Washington, Jane ' ll partiv clondy Friday show night or Batut lay Wjtrmi r s in nortbwe i poii ion Ughl 1 ir " north) a.-i -tn 11 a A inds r VlENl FOR TODAY. .J Fray. Jane 10. Breakfast. O. r irai i.m Potato Cohee. Hie, jnch. Fruit CaHM Dinner. Frothed Pet Soup afeed Trout Shrimp Sauci New Potato 's A p tragus Caeaateef salad Wafsra cheese Si rawberry Float Coffe,.. TRIED TO SUICIDE. Dy Associated Press. Oeesaa, Mo June , 11. flttiaaaa. prestdeal ol tin Odessa ooBege, aged To. shot and probably fBteRy wounded MflBSetf. He had (RBrtBSM "f melan choly. Paid 20 Cents After 30 Years. A New York fruit dealer received 20 certs in a letter from an anonymous ; . h atro li c t,.t, . , .11 1 , w ll'l Ii, win, " ....... . . in a , i I .ll, II". mnl, fr..m him . puo-iijilie- '.n, ." --.."- ....... ...... years ago. and has had no rest from his caaacteace jjace mat me it 'o ut no.'.i u.v win j 9 F" rt' BUSINESS LOCALS. chicken ami outer delicacies : O'Bhee'e, Eighth street, Free dH ery waajona. Both phones, John P. Mocklor Ornciry nnd Oc eral Merchandise Store, 28th and Tar Btreeta Every article in his stnr is fresh tBd . 1 1 ictlyflrst class. It. Bmyth v Co'a spring specials: Sehliti Hock Beer, California Apriec Brandy, Phoner ii H. San, menta um 01,1 Kentucky Whlsklei v a m, farming impH ceries ami line eoffeea a specialty. tor faratera to gal their genera) im chandtse. Money r,a,i! on every ar tide, gffll Wash. ave. Phone 67. I'ticio luf j n.a.-i lioni ti mi ,ln house in the throe States. You besl of everything to eat an, drink, ami a nice clean bed. IUWvIB I.I - I nil,, I ..I.,., n baggage to all parti of the low price, L309 Conil. avo. John Beck Reliable Bakery will dt liver to all parts of the cliv all Kind' of bakery roo.Is, bread, cakes, plr an-1 rolls. They are O. K. Cairo Sand. I, line ami Cement Co , r,;n , -r-."i o c ' I I l ill Iii'-.l rn tallies in lime, cement, hair, plas'.c ,.r s supnlirs. river pand and feed. Botto'8 restaurant and bar is ono c the best patronized places in Cair ,,. r. . Si as ordered. w. ewnaier, tne loaning mercMH . .. 1... . ...n .... I .....U - i suunm'. ever eroutni tin airo. non New Ideas new noveltlea in ci new' ami up ro iiate itgiunies an pose II. B. Blockley, ShoemnVt Studio, so? Wa.-hington avenue. I) F. vtcf art iv -t wagons nlwava o : o' e -. io: v i i i'iov 01 leu iiiii t .. i ... .. mM kui I i, ,.v.,.,l 1,, , n. c-,,f. u von want an'''!!!!' or woot i spoci.illy. tret esMmal s and prbr r.ter Zimmerman, the Wasbin, n grocen un in 1 weiam A. n. aici.oi k-i. 1-01 iicr -iiui an 1 optar si., win ui'ii". i' i nun mgwi gant box couch for little money. v.'.-...., w .,,, ... ' id !' i", lea let for everything their line, let them supply you. 1101 n:o su 1 a i s 110. I'aii. "rvit 1 ee I - - 1 11 11 1, 1 1 1 e 1 1 e 01 v .111 c- ro Iron ar.d Uechlnert Sunn Stor '. -I. It Heed, prop , 1008 Le iron, steel and heavy hardware, ..applies, ne.ues. puiniis, gas pin f:irm in.-.ehinet of a l k 111 S. I l est and beat '.-bice in si ut.he Hint la to get tvarytntag you nee a. B. Qaanoa, coal deabr VVheeler'a old stand, kindling wood verv low Dries, it win nay yen r.i T.,lt.. .V.I-n,lii.l WsM Man in never b- Iter satisfied th ahea smoking this choice cigar. , .... .. ..... ,.. i ii'iu.'-i. ,,1 'I 1,1, - ,-5iov ri"i' -usi .-"inn, . -in si Mvmsn's for BS cents a yard di hagj llih week. AmericsB lavteg itempg given Mj a the Chicago Department Btr ', for atampa whe n I rading tht 217-ill Eighth street. Qunther & Wafke, Model Pake 'Will give universal aatlafaet'wi f li ever blng In the bakery line. )rd for soi laJi premptly filled, 22 sth roofing and FrankJln'a paints, p. I - ii".-o, -:ib- aeenf. . 'MM. ( Oiiimercl Bl f r: uo. r amors orei. 11 s tne nest iu,i lor Ih" money in Cairo. Ask the 1 ha 1 ': U . ii. -" 11 ii giant jmi ami will reeommend it. in fin" candies and choice-1 frwttg, T v sin.iior miTf i. 1 t or. niK m ire sails to order than all DtlM combined, Beat nroof of pood an .lie OV ' I .' - m'-i,B', Rolnhird. photr.?-rart"'r. Riakef tin" phototrapbs. Trv this irtllrv, j will got line artistic work at siles f lory pries. 211 Slxtn street. lirrv lie', ,Irnt ti,.r., I , a larRU ninne eon oniy ac. can't be b- at. Try it. P. C. Seiillin, leadine caterer. R taitrrint and bar, 21.1 Ievee, right Central Station. Travelers prompt supplied. Best cuisine and service. . . , a , dvj ,"'ii i.iy k i ' "'i i' f n shoes from Ehs d Oreaney, 2Mr!)2d none aatteti try it. , M. C. Metzgor I-ug Wore. Is ill vnnr nnhr. in,l niins irlv-nff tr J. F. Kolb's Pnlon Tiakcry will you bread, cakes and pl"s for lei I MAn,,, .k H , - -- - - ml i ill, ,11., iiirtll .',.-1 .Mil e - ' i e e 1 1 1 ii ttO nLn. . X-o-- iie-i, e-iu. . ; Ask '.he man who has need P. F gl is earthy coal, he will tell y.-.;i glv the most heat an-1 that it - le.ii, and lit siiaiue.