Newspaper Page Text
THR CAIRO BULLETIN. MONDAY MORNING. JUNE 13. 1 904 THE PEOPLE'S COLUMN. ;.iwl (fir! wanted at ri'V J69 Btghth sire Uf DWELLERS BIG UGH w"5 t- -, n . . nil. :ur Ai' lOOin inrushes ; M. 0. Jle&ger, the Washington anu juth st. -druggist. salU the ooocti cm that com the tough, and some Rn Hf .ALfY 10 MEET I A y 6hort Announcement tepretenting Their Wdntt, Trade, Profes Mons ana Various Ac tivities. Aseptic Vented Backs I v ties itwlie remedies, ai,k about then I As i 'lev L First Page.) Ere. D Nellie, 1 ."ill vwii coal bin coal ilt Will mill Rates For Classified Notice. I .if motley. Tut in your wlnttr's sup ' ply before winter comes. eailor feci try Dr. fteed'i , rii.-hnu ahoes. The easiest shoe ot earth. Bold only by If. ft. Rothen i berger, Twenty-eighth and Coiumer i Hat avenue. One leesftion Par word . i nit . i rtiou- ii. r worn .. .01 h I if he la rrot 'areoptable Hearst fOlIOWCrB, FT3R J. Q Wo ba vv ..:tr i.i oi okhM tooth brualiea from So to 7Suj also the Davis Rosino bltwli, '' On' wa k pel rt.M.I Our nioiti li pel word 1 (1 matter art in ,, roared ivm No ad.-rrtiaeni.-nt inserted for leas lh two..! live c nt s. Dr. Dunn, eye. ,-,ir, w.i,t and throw. Corn. fllUi and WiithiiiKtou. MIS of Al u M4vi-.i Burrow Will II H!!10 me Paul G. Schuh md Sons Drug Store and Colorado, aro reproduced rorj meat will swm be made of a eoaibtni-J traaaact routine buidaaaa Harrison be habitation of real CUB Dwell n I lion ot iheiatuing interests ol nr rl-! Hopkins and Burke, u Cbkiago, will h il" pflto a" the World's tair. and lea, with .) :lm It. Rockefeller at Usleotah with their "delegations oh a .if the li'ti ".' tlit''.' is,', "it abort-1 bo-id t'-i- emits! oi the mem I l special train tomorrow. . MAIL ORDERS. Wr start you ui Um mail order buainei imrtic roars aWl SSnJnl' flee. American AfMtHJ, .Milxnukf, , Wis. FORTUNE TELLER. Vra Mathews, Fortune Teller from 81. 409 Wnsiimifi nil avenue. FOR RENT. OOTTAQI ."itr r. ot, ;i new five room i u Blanche a van ue, ilounda. . Henri tnamtrgr, Mounds, for all information. tli;il.UINU-!i onto I. . n-.woccui frou Mountain raitro.ll ufllje. Apuly t ttub-sWberter. FOR SALE. On amount of bat health t will si ll Bthtng, : tVell formshcit boarding Iioukc Addtem 11 I care Uulle'.in. Fall iinut. Pur- Hit-room frame mm ctas,-r ti reriiov j iiaint' f WORLD S fair accommodations Nicely furnislied f..mily hotel, Sl.l Write h r parttcatara. fevea minut Villi Aubt-ri avenue, st. LoaiH. Sliiftle lied, nor t.. H.uO. The pl -o fur thine W-t A UIK l UHI nil i . i ir.m 1 1 ill s auu -si cij i.i.iit- lorV Ituit. 108 North BleTentb, Hu IamiU. a-agons, carriages a ill harness thai "KuroiKhednHmii.. b..i. -phone.; nearKr..nftH . r louse In southern Illinois. Mmleaies.H.BUpvrday, MM Vfrmm.Si. I.nuia. scsjhUfehM at James MeehanV tegaai room is private, rc.Mioable.t'iailoaUi fresh, crisp, ditect from the Sunny MtttMMriwrllasati enoltlon. M! BarUnsr 1 owt, 0tir uBa 0f rann0,i c,.n,s em umiuv. si. Louis. I """ , 'iraoi's everything lvtiown to canners SITUATIONS WAN ! lil). wree annomicemetits of Those Not Suiployed. Who Desuo Positions. Conditions of Advertisement. Ailertt.,im,Qti if nut exceeitiiiK thrt-t? Wilt b aei't-pti-d tree fur one ei k i ttuie llnej Innn miv reii't'-roi t ue n liifim t-i lie int-.t ny a.Kt urOHiTin penou, on rjjjtar fonn, at the if-. See ot The Bulletin Cotnpany, 70S Ohio Levee- ThS tlulteiin Company awuines no re.ponai- niiii.v tor any wiveni.ciiu -at or nateineui heroin ml will not are,t the notice oi any pertin known in he employed. titqulruM ami replies to advert Louies .Inmld he rnmie by mail. POSITION WANTED. Wantrd. a poHition eolleetios: or in a laay with aonM ea pel if nee. Aildi rare hulletia. nfliee, by r Wanted, position as stenographer by y lad v, w (h two years general (peilenoe ; lamil iar with lumber business. Mtteaat, l'- tin Bulletin. A man of experience desire, a poailuui us b-Mkkaeper or otticn man with gv-nl bran HffCresiet-9. Aiiilress A. B . Rnlletluofflce. PtiSiTI.N WAN rKD By H""c!,u? ; itSsoveaAher. Uraduate fro.i (piinuy, III. Miss Kitua Mulnne, ilive ilranoti Illinois. .WAKTiBOr-A position ioaotiioni:. platw.bjr V.' x UJ I J"l Ifi't i-ii iii ,,r mju . !iii i-iiii I tfi. i t mi ; .1. bui nni felon iii' at e ivu I it (in. tt'pirtblc. Adttrv s- MALEY'S K C SALl ON AND Wholesale Mai1 Order WHISKEY HOUSE .HI Ohio Levee Cairo, 111. BUSINESS LOCALS. Hairy W. Behuh'l drug store has a flae line of brushes, combs and toilet articles that he is selling at remark ably low prices. 1715 Com avo Watermelons, peachi . rles, tomatoes, cucumber, chicken an. I other deli O'Shea's, Eighth street. V ery wagons Both phones. black ber spring P. J. Pttrcell, general Insurance writer, represents the strongest and best companies. All Baltimore fre losses h ive been fully paid. Phono 119. For (rosb vegetables, fancy and staple groceries and choice meal call . at tne waiter & tniTieii marKet, Eighth street. Guy's Ixian Of flee, lady's sand gent's clothing cheaper than ever Bee our Jewelry, rings, watches, pistols, ri'les and shot guns. 507 Coml avenue. The Golden Eagle nothing and shoe lb -ise sells shoes and clothing that r;i Ut i; ler w. Idli nexac ll J;o.lea8e. Fit anr workman- tatioiiH are cards announcing them ahip guaranteed. 601 Com. Ave. ,f oa after September i R. 15. Uaiinon. coal dealer at In rhotniah i' h theii intention Wheolr's old stand, has a big trade In coal and kindling wood. He saves you money evo.ry time. Frank Thomas 4 Co., popular drug store, cor ISth and Poplar streets., D a splendid p'ace to huy your drugs Presc.ritjtions carefully compoundd. John Lattner, bakery ana. confec tionery, makes the lightest, whitesi and wholesome bread, dclicloiu cakes, pies, cookies and cream puffs P. A Doud, the gioccr. ! , of the choicest table delicacies and , all the staple RriA:erlea, good dilt butter and fresh aggl Walnut at Mrs. C. H Brmkett. milliner, is. always busy attending to the n of hr man.'- Customers Hats for all occasslons arttr,flcally trimmed. M's, Farrow has moved her stock ol ml'liio ry to the Oilhert block. A bean lifiil lin of nw griods lust re.-rr i I Stop at th Hotel lllinot. rigbl I the bearl of the business crntei Rate flM per day. Roth lines ot street cars pass main entrance. Refrigerators, White Mountain Ice Cream JVeejtors, Gasolint Stoves, CI 2 Commercial Avenue, one door n' rth of opera house. C. W. Henderson. Yoor crtFh does greater sorvice at Stone Pios., than efsewbere Grrti gni'-aoteed t" sort yon Price? eeulda't be lower if thrown is a tu i8U ecrds front your own state for' mi. John A. Miller, Jeweler, Ninth Don't Wait!, Get a tr.mmcd hst fit cost while they last. Mioi J. L. Wal lace. C'jy Eighth street. Botto's restauraat and bar Is pat ronir.ed by Cairo's loadinR bttslnea: ind profeaalODal tren. NeatfSt. clean . esf and bc.-it meals. kind at this price. We are "top tian.s and fancy silk mixtures R?nch made, shape retaining fronts, hann padded sboatdert. They are the $:'n kind elsewhere. Banner Shoe and lothmg uouse, corner BlghteentD reet and Conunert ial avenue. Three States llntrey and Imp. Co olJ more farlu mscjnery. bOKglOS Anthracite coal Is at bottom flRtires In April. All orders for April delivery will be filled at 3th! P0f ten less than winter price. Cairo City Coal company. Catfish UM-:-c per pouad, hu.Talo So small fish 1t bacon S Kic, rolled oats packages 25c, California hams e.' hams U'Uc All of these at Stone Rrtii. and more. Post office ma . Now stock 1 - ojliv. marhet house. N Fancy firoceries hotce Meats, fresh Vegetables Ititclile & Gillespie, proprietors A HaDey, wire aeroealng, iK.uitr aetting, water coolera, gasollM -U,is and ovens. st;i ladders, brashes, hardware anil stoves. Burse's 1 Ivory, Feed and Hoarding Stables, first class livery service. A line iine of carriages for funeral oc as ton ? Always the best. Going to build or repair this iprlDg? See Kelly Bros., Lumber Co for atnth.t.g in lumber or building material. i O. A. Swolioda, the grocer, the dr ! iroods man, the mt'at market, will RUp ly your wants and you will have money jpft. '7n ComL aro, ' Ai.k 'he man who has used P. F. Mc carthy'9 seal, : the not ! eiflaw and desir Watermelons rles, tomntne?; I children and in will tell you 1' beat and that il If I poach'-s. blackbcr ciictunhers, spring other delicacies at O'Shea's, Eighth treet. Free tie liv ery Wagons. Both phones. P Smyth & Cos spring ppeclals. SchlfU Dock Beer, OaBfOfBlB Apricnl Brandy, Old Ftntueky Whiskleti Phones 212. Wood and Bennett r-ompany, whole sale grocers. Mall orders giver prompt attention. We solicit the tra le of merchants only. WEDDING AMNOUNCr.D. Thi ( I. Pr as saj todaj . Ilarker Jr., left in marriage Miss Maud' Brestter John I v. aiding Jaugjiicr Brassier, occur., at church, a Mr hone ot s. At lanl I Hart hiether to Wayne tod Mf . ( . A. Ilarker M. Hewitt und Louis Clencnu sjso attend. Mi--. Winnie Hanker Wayne, having been Itr isslflf for soni nine ... atread) al v li I ting Miss Accornp my bowev.'T. to return to this city short ly alter thf Mddtag when ihey will m me setup th boom preparsd for them on the n.Hi at piac a, west of the city. Tit many fnen.ts ot Mr Hark er esgmd eoagratulaUaau in a l vases. The roo:n la a nephew of Hon. an-i Mn Walter Warder ot i !i is city, ami Is well know tk here. Effect of Heat Urcr ltlr)lata, A eutlou.t result of the BTS In th IhUp fj2 inn.-" wss the el rt of the nbat spiNi W'vercl hundn ! di ' ir worth frf i ipglass. Af'er the vi ... bT n ti rhe Ami had 1 . removed ftiin he f. or, the iiiat rf the fire to a place r f af. t , pm ooi iittf, ed thttl stoo.1 II was r -. serve th" II affect i but bal its term and sub acta a. p. at I la In o silver foil am! wen a ; t at article.- Bal Peru s Fop'jlation. Peru, with marly 1, titHrc raiies. Las or.:.. 90 inhabitants. and the popit'isiion has been declin ing or Stationary for several years. n iBdlngs 'Addcn Cthtl e an I foil v the i 1 rat; towering p;uta whtca c;r liv- ! (nrttHMin iriil nvi rhf an i where a fine flew !- obtained of iers is throojeh a tunnel which plerc. the cliffs taint arebitscture occupiei thejratir r f ;:;e rfflae. an 1 in Ibis tin- lead Kachii .t is oi i ingui eu ny the beads i f buffalo and h The Snake Kiva, a cavt rn roach i bj ui -as Dane growing in the roem am -ami Lone hid dors reach to the roof, he '!:ff Dwellers, agd poll rs. w iu;:uit.iMri.i.i .-.-rk than th H.iby at the World's lair. II re Dili I seen premature infants thai Won! have dil nithin a day ai'o-r dir. had not th 3 Incubator bees ready : staud in the place of a an t!i f 1 them. It Is now possible to savt U life of a premature baby welghtm 1 tnM two in and al birth where ti WHIRLPOOL TRIP OF THRILLS. To have transport' l the NOrwnj Ma ' Iron to lha St. Lovhi Wortd'n ir v. ni l have been ait f. it -nii Id tii" motion of tin water have Hi - mighty Whirling funnel ot ' . ' ' . i i in n i n. .en ul nagte w nit i- hp j. ., ., in.,i as I Tfaen an thrill pb-nn in M.-fa iitglc whirlpi.ol and nr. or all thotj "; ' ' 1 ' through ':' Igtnal ( .ui'. i :i on lit I 'rn- fare, I to St. futl 'itr trajn.-, en to tasa tntsa tSrd tin- public thai he will not be able to ipen hi.' new Trl-State re itauranl imi cafe until Sunday, June IS NEARLY HALF Phone No. 222 Local and Long Distance P.-st Wholesale.Re HMSal y - 1 ,; , ; i. to con - i,,,.;-,! on tool oi the l'n:te.l iBe Tentc anu Hecia eoppc Michirin. Senator Clark' Utah, and CMftwma, r ami his associate! ; covi any. Mr a;- 010 GUNS BO FROM JAP SHIPS :n First pai of thefforte, tried to ontflank the Rua ians, London June 13. -Tne nmos una fixi correspondent, under date of Chwang, wb ire lb Japanese hive cs rict blocks le I waa Tl-ankc. ik . in- Friends an v h i were i Ind to MRS. THIS IS A n residenilai Year I i ST Keep Posted The way to do this Is read ths WEEK I Y comjiima HENRY WATTERSON, Editor. Iiaued livery Wedneedsy. Twelve Payee. $1.00 a Year. REVENUE REFORM, SOCIAL KBPOBla, MORA!, REFOHV. The Couritfsloumal Issues the btt Almanac published. 8end 3r; cents foi copy by mai. COURIRR-JOURNAL COMPANY, LOI'iSVILLE KY Cy a rpedal arrangement you can flrt 7hE WEEKLY BULLETIN ami the WELKLY COURIER JOURNAL both one var for $1.50. h nibecrlpiloQS All subscript icim imdr thin combma . , . it tlon mind be sent tuloilgj the Bulletin fifTlre. A CENTURY BEFORE THE PUBLIC Cr.TAaLISHCD I OS 3. ' h & Co., JHH a2aVf Fii Brick Build. ng Erected in Cairo. PI. BuSI a aRdFamlly Liquor Dealers 1 " VANGUARD ARRIVES. By the AaauclatoSj line in i oi tne Reputnican national committee united it iched OhicaRo today. 8oha,tor Nu and than It. BcQtt, 04 SVeti Virginia, a. id i t Governor Franklin Murphy, of' New f Payne, is on ths way from Wt ton. and will nacit Chicago ton When Senator Scott went to the Coil' semi! he expressed himself as a r. aUy surprised to titnl everything; in the hall Bntshed and ready for t! c ODentna session. SEVENTEEN YEARS LATER. An I has a hamraer as lar j unr own. tuy and the gang w ill answer. Snonce and they stand ami Be rich and the men will seek An I sour pockets are line ! dough. rjuart Bttl not if you chance fr fall, raise and the cheers are many, Beef anil the world goes by, e imootb and slink and the gang will As close as a linn ery fly. here is always a crowd to help fOl A copious draught to drain. rhon the eang Is gone you must bear alone The harrowing stroke of pain Ella Wheeler Wilcox m W) A) ' Ik RECEIPT LATER I Mrs. Qtwfnan -This ahxef cake I delicious: Have Ms lae rect.ip. for in the baker's today, and ti id in bis bill till Monday. HOLUHTER'S Bocky Mountain Tea Nuggets A Buy jj .; aa fnr Bajy People. irhuf Oil les Ueslth ssd issmred VlfT. A tveelfk f ir Onnailpatlon, le lle.titm. f.iv an-l KJdri' v T,-.rlilcs. Di -i i pl'-x. Ketrit i. It nn" i .e, i h'o w , h-. li'sRoekjrltoitatalnTealnlali I I form. SI rents s Im. Oetinhse made iiy ;, ... ,,. f Madison. Wis. ..i I It-i-.a.'i. iiOMris. n-a mi C'JLOIN N'vCGETS FOR SALLOW PEOPLE 503-505 I ' Ohio Levee Cairo, SB a SI C P O C C KIC doors in ft i i izea window.-! uaoc toorder OUR SCREEN ENAMEL W i SI'sSSsSS." Lanciastor & Rice. .i(fft!ulifif(i,--njsnef)iimnM(i4t t 9 ii TO ST. LOUIS JUNE 16. Via Mobile & Ohio R. R. RETURN LIMIT 7 DA YS t Good going on trains leaving Cairo 2:34 a. in.: 12:16 p, m. and 240 p. m. Kmc 1 rtli. Apply to I. H. loncs Ticlict Agent. Central Union Station, Cairo, Ills. ;t t t jr wnt lift UKtiaivi j i WORMS VERMIF ICES I For 20 YsariTHas uBflTwS z: I BOLD UV AT.t, EHUOOISi'I'a. ;rrepaah, ssA A.VC9 P. BALLArtD, St. Loultu, BOLD BY 8CHUH DRUG 00. OFFICIAL DIRECTORY Cairo, Alexander County Illinois, Pop , .. . 4. ulat.on 16..47. . Mayor, CLAUDS WINTER. Clerk. It. A. HATCBUt Comptroller, P E. PowalL Police Magi, tr ite J. II ROBINSOS Chief of Poiice, 'l'. B. PRICK. Alexander County, population 22,985 l',.,,r,,f hltM ll-n, s; Ill'WI.'V County Ch rk. JF.S.-SE E. Mli.LEtt. Circuit Clerk, LEE & DAVIS. Sheriff, JAS. B. SOCtlp. Coroawr, DR. JAS m McMAlfflfi Assessor and Tress urar, frank I j DAVIS Board of County Commissioners. JOHN A. M1LLBR Chairman, JOHN A. BOHHdOIS, Dr. Edwin J. Gauss. No Ch.mgc in Tito Hooks. Fish hooka nsed ttsday arc of pre luei', the same farm as those of two bOiai Bd V' irs to o. The only diff.T-i.c- Is tn the taateftsj; tlun they . msde of bfonse. tn w- they are rtmiOnrm&AwsKU Fine Family Liquors for Home Use and Medicinal Purposes. Kentucky and Tennessee Sour Mash Whisky, per gal ... $1 50 $2 00 $2 50 $3 R) $3 50 4 00 5 CO C 00 Pennsylvania Pure Ry Whiskey, per gal 3 00 4 00 5 CO Smyth's Old Monarch Wh,.-ley. per gal 3 00 4 00 5 00 Jan. E. Pepper & Co.'s Kentucky Whiske. per case 11 00 Agenta for Cedar Brook Whiskey. Paul Jones and Jas. E. Pepper & "Ce.'s Whiskey, ScMitz Milwaukee Ceer, Etc. Special Pre-Paid Price List Exsrctf Prepaid on FsVswiff Hrands (within a Radius of 20 Mile?), I'ackcd in Plain Box No Marks: WHISKIES Prince Burton Soue Mash or Princeton Rye. Copper Distilled, Six Yeare Old, per gallon prepaid $2 50 Kentucky Sour Ma-.h Burbon or Old Eastern Rye, (Copper Distilled) Eigl t Years Old, rfr gallon prepaid ' 3 00 Kentucky Sour Mash (Hand Made) cr Pennsylvania Pure Rye (Copper Distilled) Ten Yearr, Old. per gallon prepaid 4 00 Four Full Quarts. Eight Year Old Cour "Green Cap Winner," Bcurbon cr Rye, in Tliin Box. expresr. prepa d 3 20 Four Full Quarts Ten Year u'd. "Red-Cap Winner," Bourbon or Rye. In Plain Box. express prepaid 3 95 Four Full Quarts "Pennsylvania Special' Rye, or "Kentucky Special" Bcurbon at SUN a Quart, in Plun Box, exoress prepaid 4 50 Hrlland Gin $2.50, !.C0 and $1.00 per Gallon. cprc&3 prepaid. Califronia Apricot Brandy $t,00 per gallon, express prepaid. Both Woodwork and Wire. Wooden Shoes in Wales. Tin' manufacture of wooden shoos or clogs is unite a picturesqus bad US' "1 l ' 1 '"'"' ,Bru ' : rin mi tor mcse snoe . ioi uu i" ; fl,tu, aI. Bot 0Bj, ,-()r th,, I Welch countryfolk, '"it for hundreds ; "' BWOi women a-nd children who work In the factories. Crcd.t For the Y. M. C. A. Dr. Lymao Abbott cayi the Young Men's Christian AasoettUon baa done i unite the Protestonl 'hnrehei it Pr tat ' and America than an r 60 YEARS EXPEHIENCF Trade Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. AnyeSS nenrang n lUeirh mid di-seriiiltoii may , u .--1 1 1 ' ii mi our i'tlioi''i freo whet her at. "in lion ta prohahly paUmtaht f rrmniniilra istrtctlyeonrktantiaL lliimllHsik on I sient tr . oottt nceio-T for itei-iirlitK ili-n". I is lakn tbrouih Mann Co. reieive 1 1 ' i. "'i without cnane, m mo Scientific American. hwndwiefy maatistsd weekly. Mfssat ejr. , . . ,. , i inn- . K iiOfl.- l-irnal. Ti-rins, S.i a il ,,, !. Sold by all new..'. rj ; luNN & Co.36,B'o3rt New York v St, Waablacton. I a I