Newspaper Page Text
I THE CAIRO BULLETIN, MONDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, J904. PLANT ;s WEATHER PfiGPHET. Earon v:n Nowscfc i ajbj cf lis Chance ;vcry. Baron Pridian discoverer of t th a describes "T anty v. era southeastern li'i a hawker soja seriblinK roHpd da-k spol n ; fc sc?ds a;:.; I .fo that queer obje; ; rating in 111 .rum .yd:: re a !':n.i!l pi ai: .itii the n it. up, i nil, c.My r. tiiiv !'l .', 1 .ill When, oa Wi near icsp "'in;-, one of toe I fi v tto dark spot's consid er :: rf:cl. Two' months later -.:r, ia kttob pooped out of the mold. I recognised it ns a tropical plant Indigenous to India and pr ta cf f?oclh America.' To his sur- Hi;-i the twigs ami leaflet of the) plant i.i 1 1 in continuous movement, j At last ho found the electricity In the atmosphere with its changes ac counted tor the strange behavior of! tho plant. Qradually he learned to! predict the weather unerringly two; or throe days in advance. "The more the leaflet! tend upward the liner the J weaftiQT tiiat may be expected; the I more dovnv. anl the worse the oomnig weather, If t:nie sta;"! el rain ; if i: roi leaflets at the same ) together, prepare for j fi lor tide; if slanting, f r ! ti n, and 80 on. The llrcctloa !n which the twig points! is the direction of the indicated weather and the distance is shown by the color of the leaves." A Strong Heart is assured iy perfect dVfestton. Ittdi i'lii swtdls the stomach and puffs II up against the heart. This causes shortness of breath, palpitation of the heart and general wtakm-ss. Kodol DySpcpata Cure cures Indigestion, re lieves the stomach, takes the si rain off I he heart and restores it to a full performance of its function naturally. Kodol Increases the strength by en abling the stomach and digestive or gans ( digest, assimilate and appro priate to the blood tissues all of the loud nutriment. Tones the stomach and digestive organs. Sold by MeU gor's Drug Store. , I aft; 44 - Hll HIS THREE LEADING ARTICLES. Montana Man's Extremely Simple but Comprehensive Creed. Maj. Frauois Preston Fremont, son of m. "pathflndar," utile stopping brern'Thi In a Montana betel scv ral eirs ago, got into conversation with a nan who afterward became a Unit' erJ States senator. Learning of Maj. Ftemonfa parontace. the stranger "drew up and sat down," whereupon the major Invited him to have some thing to drink. The future senator meditated an In itant. Then, looking up, he asked: "Do you happen to be aware of my creed?" Upon receiving the anticipated neg ative, he proceeded 1 "Well, sir, I never ask a man to iinn tor tear 01 leaning Dim into temptation; I never refuse an Invitl tlou to drink for fear of hurting somebody's feelings; and"- bringing Ms fist down on the table-"! don't "ive a d what happens, so long as It don't happen to me! "Whisky neat, waiter:" Now York Times. Have You a Cough? A dose of Ballard's Borehountl Syrup will relieve It, Have you a cold r A dose of Herblne at bod time and fratpiMl mall doses of I lore hound Syrup dining Lhs day will re B3OV0 it. Try ii for Sfhooplng cough for asthma, for consumption, foi bronchitis. Mrs. Joe. McOralh. '.'"T K Lt street, HutOhiniOn, Kan., writes: '1 have used Ballard's Horcbdtra ' Syrup-in my fauiily for , an Ibid it the be I aM tuo.l ibh medicine I ever used." L'.'.o. S0C, 1.M Snld by Soliuh Drug Co. Weather and the Wireless Ttl-j-i,. "We never had no a neb sreatl 1 In fore them there poles was put then so It must he they." said a Newly; 1. .sherman the othi r dnv. pointing t' the four wireless tofogj, ph poles ol the Maroenl s'aron In Connvall. BttC! Is the Wet CoTSfnUI flsbei'man's e planatkm of tho continuous downpour. .vd bfs Imarlnatlon Is SjUlckOnod the approach of the mackerel season. It was announced that a petition was being slgnH for prssMtntkm to Far liamont Ml (Kg fer the removal of tin .larcoui station because "the trtSMI dous voltage He-it out from tl,-)s towers" is respoiisiblc for the recent For A Hundread Years. For a hundred years or more Witch Hazel has Ik en rOCOgalSed as a sup erior remedy, but it remained for B, ' Dewii; Co.. of rhicapo. to dis- COVi 1 how to combine th-S virtues of Witch Basel with other sntlssptloi in th" form of a salvo. DsWfU'l Wlteh Hist! salve is the best .salve in the world for sores, cuts, burns, bruises and pile;;. The hi(?h htandinc of this salve has given ri:;e to oountorfci!: , ipap-tire public is advU-,1 to look for Um name "Ih Witt" on the package and aei ( p; no other. Sold by Met ger s Drug Store. Fees of Old-Time Physicians. A century or so ago a physician's fees were measured, not by P ngth of attendance of by the skill displayed, but by the value of the medicines giv pn. for then th" doctor was In a mj" lire an apothecary and provided hll own druts SAMUEL HASTINGS .... OATS, OORtIM, MAV Mo. MS t v. Htret, ID IT HIS. Auction. A'.tendart '..Id Crnta When He Should Have 3ld L ollar:. An rat i f t iwn visiter St spfce. l lnt an aucti :: room tl:o other day to s wi t sort of kflickknachi were bein sol '. He did rot k tendance was compoi faasiona) buyers an looked shabby. th' m pi i lonee o wit rest, rrtd the B a simple 'Irtln "Hi Chin signs. Wi at am I War Ho held np a dusty, diminutive piece of porcetala, wMch looked er pretty ttircngh tbe dust. "Five." : aid one. "T"n." s i hi a r.econd. Ttfteen " raid tho Interested on looker, Jingling his available thirty five cents ia his pocket. The little vase was bid up until the man from out of towu reluctantly bid bis thirty-five cents. "I'll have to walk home." he re fleeted, but it isn't far to the hotel. I don't see how those people make any money." But the price seared up till the vase was finally knocked down to the last bidder r.t eighty. Then the out of town man's knees were loosened, and his tongue cleaved to the roof of hll mouth when he saw the purchaser nonchalantly hand over four twenty dollar bills Chicago Inter Ocean, ARE FOND OF MOTTOES. Prominent Men fhsm in T1' Homes in Profu.ion. Above the fireplace In a home i usually a motto and if people 1" any feeling of hospitality tor the vho enter their home it I a one ol MM come. Sometimes the motto has sou. i particular significance regarding t', ! family themselves. There are a lev i that decorate the walls of well fcmrfl i men: IB Mark Twain's drawine room I 1 one of hospitality, "The ornaments 1 a house are the frlenih who fr qui 1 It." j "0. ye fire and heat, bless ye th I Lord," wns the legend above the piece at Cbauncey Depew's countr, hi. se at Ardsley. Andrew Carnegie has an affect li for legends of all kinds .Mid descrl Hons, but they figure mainly In hi library upon the walls, ceilings, sol pillows and backs of chairs. T'lkin the baek of a QUCCf leather a; bolstered chair is painted in red, "Bl : thee down nnd rest." In his littl, daughter's nursery, upon a tiny ehali ; are Inscribed the lines, "Love me lit tie, love me long." Upon the frame of a n 'rror nothlni Ci. 0 be nioro suitable than, "Be to m virtues VeCy kind, and to my faults 1 little blind- MAN AND HIS YEARS. . . j Poetess Well Asks Whit Ads fie Lot of Creation. "Thou madeal him to have domi on over the works of Thy hftrf" I Thou hast put al! things under I: feet." Psalt s Vilt-d, I What ailoth man. to Whom waa ; ; en d iminlon over all. That he should stoop and yield 1 awry to error, gi 'at or sma Id' fears to live, be tears to die, He fears each cloud that ill t sky; Ho fears the devil and his Man, lie fears his own dear brother man. He fears to eat, he fears to drink, He fears to fast his strength migl lie fears to buy. be fears to soil, He fears the naked truth to tn. He fears the damp, ho fears t: storm. He fears the heat will make hi wa ran, lie fears the cold, lest him 'lv freeze. Or bring on Mm some droad dlsCSS lie fears his Cod the mo1 of ;;1, Who Is bis Life, bis All in all; Who would his feet in aafet gttldl If he would oast all fear n-i lo, Adeline S. .1. Hopkins When You Don't Wsnt to Sneeze. "There are times when to assess I? to be omharru' ! od," Mr. T. B. Liar chard confided to mo. "At a'dlnnsr table, a social function of some nut, or in the theater, for example; im most people console theftsetves wit! (he thought that it is BOTSthtng that can't be pnvsatsd. Thsy are mis taken In this belief, bowver. for it can bo prevented, and by 11 very slin nle experiment. When one feels the premonitory symptoms of ri ?r:ee., rxmlBg on, if be will test prsss firm! down on the !i; on either side of and a little below tie RoStrilS, the symp toms will never cash in and the spfi'70 will Im avoided. A doctor told me about this trick several years ago and on a number of occasions rlnc I have had opportunity m tost Its efficacy. It has never y t rail-.,!" St Louis (!' die Democrat. Dropping a Subtle Hint. "It's curious, mighty curious," ob served Mr. Slypurr as he picked up his overcoat, "how sonic lucky follows get a reputation without half trylnt lyiok at Job, for iustaiice, as a syc onym for patience." "Why, wasn't he tried to the limit of endurance?" cried the shocked Mrs- Blytssfr, Not much." replied Mr. Rvnnn calmly, "At IsSSl there is no rec-,rd of Ms bnvlnrr to stniTTle with n orr rleevs imiac in Hi nt crowd nil wis h r." Hi'- pt'j Bstar a Cairo, Illinois. I ... Farmers The World's Fair Full cf Interesting and Instruct ve Feature: For Farncrt. 8t Louis. June school of in true fruit growers and ever exlatad is the BtOC men that Worl fair I theme of the Bios striking artulnioK to e uis. The whoh fair let- haca 11 instruction, us lire:: are those tion. To the farmer especially .'.lucational features are valuable the la tacr more can DC l urried in up-to-date, practical farmlhi dentine, at (he can be Y.'orlr learnt fair at al th. of fain 01 It) everything is th' and every fort chinery and mot soil is carefully Tho1 palace of d oomph t ! no.' tti agncuitur an ildrtng on the j :o Importance a tUe Ebcposition farming Besides awiside culture, tore is thl the . there are many I' d t, acres 1 building devc and the palace devotod to fruit an 1 fruit of agrlcul growing. In tore the var the palaces ins states o and the leadin have exhlbito, pal product s. wiih excellent 1 he Held and 1 artistic decor pictures. With the va ed are given f Ing whore the ! nutiona showing their princi The ire arrange e products o ing an urned 111I1 be mi iiu ! and tae tor en I var lame merits ol the dif-l ties of grams, fruits, veg Some id the loading ire made special features exhibits and are Itspiay- to imparl much useful in ii. Held ( ops of the state ed in a way formation t farm from all Ii ili proving the see 1. .-rossing varieties. The United 811 perimental station; oils of cultivating and d crops . I roving in The del ails cis thai injur: of disposing of uest ruc he Ian"- ' millions pradtteSsB live insects, if studied by era of the country, will sav of dollars worth of farm which are annually destroyed bv these insect pests. Il will be monev well Invested by every farmer in the land to visit the World's fair and siiidy the agricultural exhibits thor oughly and learn how lo protect bi orops from the ravages ol insects now to got ens best lvsuits from plaining, how to cro.s varieties to tho best advantage an 1 how to strengthen and fertilise the boII moat effectively. 1 be experiments made by .'.ill be utilized by the farm isii the World's fair. They ivhat. crops thrive best in d lolls and climates, whai cro eed best wini different fes when crops should bo varied in or lei io rest the soil, and a thousand va! liable pointers aboul farming. 1 he destructive insects are in their several stages, the 01 .vorm and the motli, and the n if destroying tha Insects are li ilained, The outdoor exhibit show (rowing plants and explains inbiis and proportions! This United Btates out loor agriculture libit, under Hie control of the part meal ol agriculture, in iln irnmenl farm are shown the tucas 01 me soil mat do oesi tain localities ; what to plain (erenl soils aim what crops best by alternating the v, Here is given Instruction ia tre planting and in producing wind breaks by systems of tree planting in such ways as to ptotccl the farm from he SOVere western wiuuh. Sha.b "reel id all varieties are ahOWB and 1 11st ruction, are given lor their Anting and oul iire. In tie naiaco ol horticulture can be seen the liii":,t fruits prodl&Cd In the United states and Canaua, and man) ralcable pototers in fruit gl ow Ipg t to tile ! bulfd bind is -nsy be obtained from several state exhibits iti u. Farm machinery of -how a In the pal ice von and every kind of tabor-savlhg fle vice imaginable can be studied there, a thai farmers have tae whole world fore them from wlrcc select t is best machinery an I farm mpteucnts ia Well as the beat seeds to plant . Iu the model posUtf) uirm, tusi last 01 the palace of agricuKstti can 'vn the linest ehickeas, '.;: !': sbssjsj and poultry ol all kinds, witU instructions guiding larmcra In the laprovaasat of thaar poultry. The several live took ethjl II eu. I the farmer the best IdOSJ of the Improvetni at la 1 he results of saa si a what vai . vodk bit ling Cfua In e i n 1 Nat of stock ii and lb in fact. i;,e farmer will find In the World'- fair a world full of hsforma tion that i well worth the time ;i, money th" trip will ro-! HC will be sasaadad to ssja at a staaaa th.- 1 1 Vaassfng world anl to share in the "' "LT ,""Mr" "" ' '"-I" "'""'"" ' He can reap the reward of the study sun lauoi- 01 inuivivuais ami cov?rn men) and jrarner a barvesl of know ledge, tiiat will nakt him riCBM r. hap nier and better and will ligBteS afs ii- : and ,.we-ren the fruit of hi? j industry. , A. WJEfBiRF, OFTfCIAN, in itire Sat isfnt't'oii i OommoT Del! Tel. MV1 ttfOm II F1RFS Thirty Firemen Suffocated By Tcbac co Smoke and Liqucr Fumeo i:i New York. I caion to" alco-j e to "fel In ' ore,!. . Dated I JTOre who and ! were tempoi bSCCO smoke nrily and overcome the fumes Holts a cafe in BroAi was confim?d to the uprcciia at 1100,000. occupied by 1 ae upper door wholesaJe mlllim lost Slue 100 by smoke. Another lire in storage lieu, es 0 Brewing compan $200,000. the ' tin wa, .1:'. era of this paper to to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure sous Who! have used it been cured by it, do 1 recommend it to their digests what you eat, lio. dyspepsia and all bios. Increases strong ih" stomach and digo: the value ol Those per frionds. Kodol ciu.'s Indigos stomach iron ii by enabling ivo organs to contribute to the Id od all of nutrtmenl contained in the food, dol Dyspepsia Cure is pleasant palatable. AUTOMOBILE ACCIDENT. ih'' Ko and , Ry Associated -w fork, ,( New York 6 j era lied into Press. line 1L'. Putnam an! a train oc lh railroad today noddle owik I by George Noah . a paper mSUUfai wa- killed; the Ni 'ill; I bad her s. Frank II. Head urer of ibis eJty daughter of Mr l"fl loot out off bv the train and gro chanffeur John Sin ncer, 'hauffeur was Injured. 1 r. Mr. and Mrs. Noal six year old daughter B few bruises. laia! llu ir with A G (TLB IS p ting, HINT m. I Don't yen I can read yom Mr. know, tkougl Mitt I lor. MlSM 111: Kut Kuttlng -Indeed you can't. H you could, you ttould have been home an hour ago. AFTERNOON AT PAPK. An outing was gfvon by Misst Gladys Alstborpe and Ai' Strong Saturday afternoon ai Si. Mary'o park in honor of Mis. Margaret Farr. of Pafrfax, ' . whh has beaa vlsltlas her aunt, Mrt p. p. rjop tiag Lone', ara - servod picnic style no 1 ths time was pleasant 'y spent Hiss Fai r re nirned home yesterday. The party was chaperoned by aft dames Kalilday Alstborps and Lloyd Gates Among tho 1 who attenied we:-. : Ml I St I kdttl ! ia I, luui Wrigh; Myrth Ward, uiniin 1 Cox Ethel Charl' 1, Hehn Lewis. Al 1 :-t' ;;. Masters Kewnats : n r Feb r Uad, Albert Lane, Raw, L M Hurt on i irchan Lsa Rt no, Bo n Btroaj drom, Malvln Pfaaklta, ruder at Torn fn 1 Wm Mart A'b man Kun eit b e lown. broke down, all gfspi inc. ranaol eat or sleep Taki llfltllrters Rocky Mountain Tea. ei it raorssatruct poar entire body. ?.: rents, u-n or la' lets Paul r; Bcbnl excursion to Si. Louis June 16. Special low round trip rates to th' World ( fair, goina on anv regulst tK!ini) j,,n , ml ,,,,. ,ia rCven davs Apply to M. & O. railroad tickets and particulars. agssjfs fo otrls Wanted. Two operators wonted by the Cairc Telephonf- company ,,K' 1 fif &Surh others jfc-. , 111 Cor j ST ; y-v V M In 4if- 4 ijT thrive .-t,w 6 JjT Secret Societies 9 e President Roosevelt has been elected nn hooornry member of Pentatftha mage, wasiungton, rentaipnn ioo was founded in May. 181)0, and .lames A. Garfield was one of the charter, members. The president bus for sev eral years been aft honorary member of Federal lodge. No. 1. the oiii'st! lodge in the District of Columbia. This lodge was organised in iT'.);t. Reports presented al ti e recent com' inunleatlon of ti e grand ledge of New; York shew there baa been im increase in membership la the Jurisdiction tutl 7,W2 during the past year. Kensington lodge of Kensington, Pa.,' has decided to build a Imndisonie Ma sonic temple, it will cost bctwewi (30,000 and gT6,000. the annual repert of the Masonic home in pbiihdelphia shows that this; Institution, now nineteen years old. Isj supported by 1113 Masonic bodies, has l!" Inmates and Is worth S'.'JI ,.'iT."..".'l. w prank Pierce of Oakland was re-1 ceatly elected grand commander of the grand commahdery of California for the ensuing year, so mUdl of the1 responsibility of making the triennial -onelnve a sueeess will devolve on him. TbUt is the second time Mr. Pierce has! been grand commander, lie wnS pe chilly requested to take the position this year in view of the trienulul eon The grand roaster of Georgia decided practically that a lodge cannot enforce the payment of duos in advance when lie decided that "a member can only be charged for nonpayment of duos when be is in arrears for more than une year." The supreme grand master of Eng land and Wales, the Karl of Kiislin, v ill be present at the triennial conclave of the grand commandery, which will be held In San Franeisoo in Septem ber, dakdale, Cal.. Is to have 11 $1H0,U.H Scottish Kite cathedral. At the reeent annual communication of the grand lodge of New York the grand secretary reported I be largest amount of fees and dues ever collected iu one year, 110018.50, The drsl German Masonic lodge was Instituted (it Cologne in IT Hi. In Hol land the first Masonic lodge was start ed at The Hague in 17:ti. Masonry was Introduced into Sweden In 1T54. Poise lodge of Bolfle, bill., Will erect a $T.",tOU Masonic temple. s strive to cultivate sociability, more frlcadbt With our broth er, become better acquainted each with the other, and the effoel w ill seen bfl seen in the increase In nt tends uee and a much greater interest manifested, When strangers are present make tuein feel that they are at home, among true brothers, who are only too glad to w oi cssne them to the meeting. Knight, Illinois is the sefond largest grand domain la the order, with 511,000 mem bers. It is led by Ohio. The total number of Knights of Pythias subordinate lodges on the lii'L of the vi r was 7,258, crand domain of Ii ew Y at present il. 00 Knights I lain IS (he order 00,000, During the largest grand domain in wttl 1 membership of about pa? oar it;; new irdlnate lodges Knights of Pythias hi 1 ! were Instituted, UNITED WORKMEN Fr Mossifcwes (. OsM lesjasalaiteA oiUh.i (.If-nitl! At a gseetlug of a lodge in Illinois re cently I bey bud what they l- rined BR acquaintance recess. During the even big's bWSlncSS there STSS a f eess of a low niintites. trhea it was every mem ber's duty to Speak to every other tncmbet so far us poagtMe, nt"i the of fleers BUW that every DSCmber Wgs no de aeqnaiwted WMh the other m bj bers. Kebraaka has paused Kansas Iu memberstttp, and ths Jorisdlctlon is working for 4o.ij') BMssbers by tb time the supraiue kxlge meets Rerersl lodges in Mlamesota have ini tiated large cfaaSM ixontly, and the juriwli' tion is forging abend rapidly III laWS there SM Pow e,-,;- ll'SHt members, and Grand Mnstet Karvts says they must have ifayOQo by January next. Cfatfasa K Woods, grand recorder est the pirlsdlctlon of D laware, w ho died recently, carried ft .uo fraternal In sura nee. HiitbI PessTSiSMrea of asnetssst, rtaring Ml only 518 kaassfM cettlfl rnti-s SrSN issued to men During th" same lime lll bSSSSfN certificates were IssimiI to women. Purina th past year there were 6,052 siiKpenilonM. but of tbix number a.!C were reln-f:i'.ed. kWVfSI the total numtx-r f aapsasl aassabers fat tbe year MM On I ee fj ti,er,. r:ere a total of ?,"'?. local camps. Tie- net gsjil in ; nunils-r of ratjiris last peat wns 14. HnlshM I olii-i:t.T.. Tile order now bus a Membership ill Raw Jersey of .-i.2.vt, an lacfeaas ef etM dnring the iast y sat , The KnlgbtS of OteSBt) WSS Intro 'm-e. Into weslen i'-:-sylvi'ti.l only j seven years spa Tbre are h.-tt sixty councils in Ppnnsrtiniii having s to ' til membership ol h.iss). Let II become ODD FELLOWS. Avolber Vrn t of Gjrrat I'ro.iiirlty. Triple 1.1 nk Italra. In reviewing t'lp work of the Odd Fellows througlieni the world recently 1 a prominent offlclal of the order said: "The (milM in nirtftersBlp o'.oeed l,y far those of anv previous rear, and from every part (mini another j oar of oven 1 Wo new have 1,!U0,1 bers In full msmbei d; HIS of ye iiieiii if whU-h ;' the Be ship. number S(i8,ii8 iwv sisie bekab degree, who ari sen iee in building up tin d and ennobling ii principles and teachings by unselli.slt devotion to the werk of friendship, love and truth." 'there are now .".ill subordinate Odd Follows' lodges In California, with a membership of i:.nm. The odd Feliews 01" Noni-town. Pa., will erect :i costly temple In that city. odd Fellowship is booming iu Illi nois, and M Is predicted the year will be the most prosperous in the history ef the order in the jurisdiction. There are eighty ttvo eucumpmsflts in Massachusetts, Che grand lodge and grand encamp ment of Indiana own properly In Iji dtanapolla for which It has been offer ed $.'ioo.oi .ii. The original cost was only 10,000, liut additions came tojlT, 080 moio. The Odd Fellows' Orphans' home iu I.oekuort. N. t . now tire, n well eipiip pod hospital, a gill of the I. O. o. F. Pan-American eamisBtfe, which at the close of the exposlllon in AfUfhlo, hav big a surplus on band, resolved to do nate the money to the homo. ORDER OF THE IROQUOIS. Suiirrmi- lre'.IUMi( Stl 0- Socl'(. SlotSa ami (iiHitlp..- .''.. The supreme president of the Order of the Iroquois, Dr. KrnesK W'en'do,. Is one of the best known pbysiel'iins of Buffalo and a pr.n.iiucn't Hiein'lier,-,of: many medical rssocla tioiis in the state lie was born in PC!; and after' . swnsn wasna, Hilling from the Dalvojrsity of Penn sylvania In ishi apleted bis atudlea abroad, taking satotal courses in ths Universities of Bert hi and Vienna. Since lfW(i be has practiced Ids pro fession in Buffalo and bus served as health commissioner of the eity for ten years. Dr. njCttdc Is giving the order a splendid BdujiTUptrntJoo and In spite of bis hianlfokl duties Is do voting eonsldorabh- time to It. The Order f the Iroquois Is only six years old. but already lias n member ship of 273,0011, Since the Anal Incorporation of the order it has Wmi admitted by the M snrance departments of I'ennsylvanis, Ohio, Keetncky, Mtahlgan, California, Oregon, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Jersey, VA'est Virgteta, Alabama and 1 list 1 Set of Columbia, and work is opening In other healthy states of the Onion. oiih- the best risks are admitted to DtefnoVrshlp. No men engaged in asl srdous occupations m-o accepted, and no lodges will be formed III BRg 1111 healthy sections of this country. The foetal and frateiiul features of the order are marked eh.inicteristlos. and the quality of Ha membership is of the highest degree. Recent reports sl ow the order is growing r.'i'idly and Is oM-eptioually strong and prosperous. WOODMEN OF THE WORLD. IISSSS of lOtsresl I onrrrnlim thr l'r.:lr-riiM-. The Women of Wooderaft now tavs a naenibershlp of 11,023 from eir efas, 'I'bey have Insurnneo iu force of $40,001400, The nppBesSfloti of Governor Pardee of California haf been sent In to S"t 1 rsnrtscs tent The Woodmen of Missouri have or giinwed a proteine m-sm atlon. fur uisldiig health and hccIiIi nt lin'ir.-.n'-". The tinlferin rank Is cettiuz OB 0,1110 boom In California and growing i t 'i rapid rate. FJtATWNAl 1 Wi Fraternal aoclettes will each have a special day at the St. Loo hi exposition. .Mid th" committee appointed ly gas national fraternal congress has sr raagSSl fOt the world's fi.fTiWnnl con cress to be Ik-M In September, at wl-Pb time the leadiust fra torn a lists of th" worhl w ill be presssat Tile Ku'bjs cud Ladies of IIon-r I. - p ild t-tUsjO,ota) in tienefita M.ik.- ih" lltUaMtUc work of tb- so ciety as it ( ,in fve raa-lo ly diwnlBeil end Intelligent traasl.i ttea. I. ,eh FneritHT own soni"t!i'iu to the onler Nkies the psyuicnt-of bia aa sessffient atd dins. Liqu9t' Osc of hobbits ii cxeralsii g 1 1 " in ii coltectk ;i th. Pi n.ient '"ination ovaf ' v. If Is tha fit all kinds of empty ration of ' cabinets, which l h Hquetir b Tl ntc .It ware, in liqueur hrapdj if IF.llland Is stored,' Is especially pretty and artistic. Daily ciii'miclo. An Alarm Clock If you want to get a 1 good all aaun hike for 25c. up early and a little Karly ; t hiscr or two at b -d time. These fa inous Mule pills relax the nerves, give ; lot rest and (..'freshing slep. with K neral ajovemant of the bowels abottl breakfast time. H. W. I'ohvell, Houston, Tex., says "Early Risers are the best pills made for constiuu tioa, idek iioaiUtlio, biliousness, etc." I !ol:l by Ae '.ger Drug Store. Poct'3 Pet Goose. Lord Byron at one time was deep ly attached to a pet goose. He had. bought the Mad to fatten up for his X. ., Year's dinner. In the meantime th' poi t and the bird became so mu tually attached that he could not kill it. Instead, lie bought another for his dinner nnd hud the pet goose swung in a cage under hia carriage when lie traveled. Don't suffer with constiuatir ache, rheumatism or slom' ItolHstor's Reeky makes you well am. !;."i cents, tea or tt Schub & Sons. German Mail F. In anv large cltv o. "Vllicah and Lou id- peouu uenven card or stain,,,;; "p m. j ir.g less than cents, will cans -d Ntw (' , .'sage to bo shot by i tube anywhere In ii ! olty. A messenger wi'l carry it from the point of reception to the re ! ' nnd will wait for an answer. :- -kigo and answer In Ik-rlin ti'.ke I : abbut t.wo hours. Acute Rheumatism. 'Deep , tearing w wrenching pains, 'ieeas'iiHieil' by petting; wet through; wujse when ttl rest, or on first moving th'evlipibs and iu cold or damp weatht er, .is cured quickly by Ballard's Snow DlhimenL Oscar Oleson, Gibson City, UlUlOlS, wriles, Feb. Hi, 1!)0: "A year ago I was troubled with a pain in my back. It soon got so bad I could not bend over. One bottle of Ballard's Snow Liniment cured me." Lific, 50e, $1.90. Sold by Schub Drug .0. Comctimes Fatal, i haf rood vair much alsmt zo what you call pnuunionia!" said tho despairing frenchman who ha rscest- ly became B citizen "but ect ec- fln othair roii . eii for me not to under stand 7" language I learn how to pronounce ss word 'hoomonls,' ami en I teim zo doftalres aosaetlsassi pronounce it 'fatal ! By gar ' That Tirtd Feeling. you are ktnuulid, depressed and If Incapable for work, it Indicates that your liver Is out of order. Ilerhlno will assist nat'ii" 10 throw off head aches, rheumatism and ailments akin lo nervousness and restore tho ener gies and vitality of sound and perfect, health.-' .1 J.; lubbard. Temple. Texafa writes. March 22, IMS: "1 have used llerbi'no for the part two years. It ins done me-. more good than all tho doctors. Whfa ffert bad and hava that tired folding, I take a dose of Herblne Cts the iest medlcins over made for chills and fever." EOcts a hot t lei .-Sold by Schuh Drag CO. Kaiser Enbelllshes Memorial. The (tern s emperor has drawn nn orn.sra'efital aketoh, hhh Is descrtb i sa a "memotdsl sheet," t-i be pre nented, with the official aurounce monr of diith. to the relatives of those soldier! ef the Southwest Afrl 1 nn folor.y v. ho hsi ' fallen, or will all, In battle nflaffcist the Herrcroa, (lather the roses of health for your cheeks, While the narks an- shining with dew, i b l out in the morning early and bright P) taking Kooky Moun:ain Tea at night l'ul ti Sohtih At Sons. W' c S3 Merchandise. A Itusslaft peasant idvsstised In sa Irkutsk journal that he wanted to sell hi? wife snl tw ynbrfg plsts for twen- t Mv- . s ie i it. It was SUp- iM-. ' I to b a .telle, hnt wa. tound to 1 fact; nor did the wife seem to enro much hat became of hfr as long he get awai from Mm. Cures Old Sores. Westjion !nn l (Cans . May :., 1902. Ha i- ! Baon Lthltttenl Co.: Your Rnow I. iil'ie tit run 1 an old sore on the side o toy din that v.aj, supposed ., i a , -oic-i- Tto sore at ah Ixirn and would not yield t treatment until I tried Snow Liniment, which did the W"'k In short order. My aj ti r. Mrs Bophia J C u. "n. Allensvllle, pftln ". Pa., has a and aats ! i thsi i' i. a cancer ptea send h. r a '. bottle, Sold bv Shuh Drug Co. Models cf Sobriety. Throughout the townshirs of Meat Ii jr. Mltton. Heathorn Coldcostaa, Twlsto and W- ret m Eaglassf, all in the vicinity of Cllt roe, not a single Ijidtviiinal r "cn convicted at -nee for n yes-.-. Irrcortant Cbange. Illinois feetra! rr'itr.Tad. effective Sunday, ThebcwOBve branch trains Will ai ii,.. at Cairo.'. 10 p. "as. and depart st C:l p. m. No other clianjeiv ip, U.,Ml.llil ricuf .e,u. .uphls lit StlS