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ONLY NEWSPAPER WITHIN A RADIUS OF 150 MILES HAVING DAILY ASSOCIATED PRESS SERVICE THE CAIRO BULLETIN. WEATHER RIVER For Cairo and vicinity today: At Cairo 4 n. in. yesterday; Part'y Cloudy. feet; fell 0.1 in 21 houri VOL XXXVI. NO. 168. CAIRO, ILL., SUNDAY MORNING, JUNE 19, 1904. ESTABLISHED IN 1868 BIG BATTLE OF IRONCLADS WILL SHORTLY BE FOUGHT WITHOUT A WHIP OR SPUR HIGH BALL WON THE DERBY REPUBLICAN HOSTS GATHER READY FOR THE CONVENTION t NARROW SCAPE Repairs on Port Arthur and Vladivostok I loots Having Been Com pleted I itfht Will Make a Place in History When They Moot Japanese. BATTLE OF IRON CLADS. By tii' Associated Press. St. Petersburg, Juae l8.--Tho au thoritlcs are clatdd over feports thai both th' Vlafflmtoi and Part Arthur Heeling arc In righting trins. The re port on the condition o)f the Port At thur Mnel makes H apparent inai the v. els are read; for Sea, and it 'hey meet the Japanese the resuH "ill lie H battle "t Ironclads, which will make place In hlstorj GREAT LOSS OF LIFE. By Mio Mandated Preaa, Uao Yang. Jim'- ui QWcers re turning from Vataagow estimate the losses in lighting ol Juft IS :"' oflTcera and I.700 nun The Chlae report th Japanese ki rt 8,000 naa ON MORE EQUAL TERMS Hy Aaaoctated Preaa, Llao Vang, Inne 18.- The rotlren of the Russians before the anpc Body of Toledo C.rl Who Had 'iepa rated From Husb.vel Found In Chicago. Chicago, June A solution of Ihe mystery surrounding the death of the young woman whose body wa loun I early Wednesday mi rnlng m the rivei' near iiteenlh atri l, was m.ide ;o in when l-'ra k Povser called at Ihe Mi he thought f his naugntei i.erly ol' Toledo us employed as aVOOUC resi n: t ihlo Mi , wb Wah cachier in rani disj.pp ari d the evening ol March a. Her father would not say whethe committed bo! v er ills tlanajh married ahuni ii f 'I i n .iter separatee came to Chi ill yean old M i f IN EASILY Ort Wells Caoturcs the Tidal Stakes Yesterday at Sheepshead Bay. B) the AMtOCtatad Press. New York'. Juii- IS.- Amid the mil i, e'le r of 36,000 person ', Join Drake's (Ir: Wells. I t I in the betting, wiih HUdebraad up, eaall; caplurel Hie 120.000 Tidal Stale' i 'tie mllfl ami I . hi Bkeopahead Kay U day. Jam es K cue., Delhi, fowl it al i io 5, Ralshe i second with H, it Thomas, Si Valenrjue IhrTri Tin time I'.ltf, is a new r. cold I tr Hi STriANCELY MISSING. By Associated Press It l.ouis, June IS fJr, W V Hi diop. of Minneapolis, Minn , is n pone I Bllssing in Mils city, and hi WlfV, Who hecame sepiraled fron him afTatal days ago while visitin" ihe fair, la much alarmed our Ms dlaappearaacc. she retumed to Mia m apolis, hoping to Bad aim then hut was disappointed. BIG RAILROAD NOMINEE. Itv the Associated Prana D Ji U The Tribune of tboaa whom it syndicate which d the Claclanati, yton railroad, as adu il .h'vidopni' tit mhtaahag 'hal Una, Kri on syateta, the and tin Pere Mar Hamilfiifl ann i: vldence of ihe of a coartaaafl n i the nM-k lata d. f'.-ahoard Air Line qui lie TOOK OVER THE BUSINESS. Pv the Associated Press La Crosse Wis , June IS -The First Nate.iial beak of ii Grange Uaaaf over the hu daes i of MM Qernsnw Amer 1. an baak ,sil the tWttl Wftl he ime in r 'i'ution hereafter ThS combine I capital wil! he fOO,090, tUpB Its 3JJ0 fMMI POSSIBLE NOMINEE. Py Associated Press Pittsiittre. .inn - is Oeaefal Nelson A Mile- is e.iet today itf Col. tlutfev. Democratic leider, of P. nnsThanii itcal r'di;ieal cosip declared as will Ik Democratic vicn pr ideutial nami- FOUND DEAD forces from Yufungow and advance ot the Japanese eaal ami northea&twar. makctS immlm nl a still nv re ttnpor tan) ejigngi moat in the outhern re gion. The hate now arrive. l at a point where the forcei are mori than Banal and whale they must fight on more v 'ii torate. The loas of 2,001 men by the two Russian divisions al Vat ! -v show t!i" courage and abil Ity of officers and hoop; to retain their po tlon under a percentage of loss almost uaprecldented. The lapaae e attach on Port Ar:hu ha been delayed. REPAIRS TO SHIPS FINISHED By the A v elated Press. Bt. Petersburg, June ' is. A! ifi telegraph: thai he baa advtc M Ironi port Arthur under date of June H thai repairs i all s h h 4 of the Bouadror T j The Jetti if. Munroe Match Has Ben Postponed On Account of Jeffries Ry the Aaaocfatad Press San Francisco, June 18. The .lei frles-Munroo match has been pootpon nd to the last week h Auguat, Jei fries declared his ability and willing nes to mei t Munroe June 30, bn) Manager (xdfroth, alter coaauttiay wiih tic surgeon decided t'nat il. would lie wiser lo allow .1. lines more tlnM io recover from iii- injury. Muaroe'l manager coaaentad to the postpone men) otu condlth.a that Jeffries pes 15,0(1 by next Monday ui'nt. guaran teeing his nppearancs In the rim- lati in Auiiuit. Jeflries agreed to tkU, LONG CHASE Awarded hy Success Capture of An Emheizling County Clerk. By Ihe Associated Press. It Lonl .. June 18, After pursuit bt more than. 1,600 mile , the herilf of Mills, county, Iowa, today attested Clayton C, Rotter, clerk af thai conn ty, on charge of embezzling 18,000 of ihe county funds potter disappeared three weeks ago and before his ar t est hare b A Mk pursuers a chaac ex ending flXMh Denver on Ihe west to Vrkansas on the south NEW ILLINOIS CORPORATIONS. SnritiL'fleld. 1 -(' I caies for tacorporatlnn It) the secretary of 1 1 ih I The Porester Coal ! i hiQnoln : capital 6O,0O(i and manufacturing coki tins. John Pofcster, Ja K , and M ('. Wiighl. The Wal Muddy Coal Co., C rt lie; capital 1 0,900; mining Incorporators, Cicero Barber, coal A nrut i. Anderson and v u Brlngham. The IIIM Laundry Co. Aurora: cap Ital 1 1 2,000i laundry business. Ineot poratOrs J R Hfll, M.iry (i. Mid ami 3. 9. Sears. The Kenia Creamery association Keais; capital fS.OOrt; mannfactnrinf: batter Incorporators, J. s Andet son and T W Kopley The I.or.iini Cream rj Co., l.o nine; capital 10,AOO; tntinufac' nriti'T batter and checs - and operating an electric plant. Incorporators, John 0 roves I, a. Autos and Charles Wneatoa, WON LYSISTRATA CUP. Ry (he Associated Press, j New Yuri;. June 18. H. H. Roger's eii u .-team yacht Kanawha today Won the Lysiatrttaj eut and 2,&00 of fi red by former Commodore James Cordon Beneetl if tne New Tm-k fachi dub. by he it lug V. M cmlth' llaooll, bj three anfetntea and fortj seconds tn a sixty mile race. Il was the second race of the aeries, the lind 'of which Was won hy the Kanavha last acajou Hid today's victory give her absotttte poaacaalai of the cup. FIVE DAY WORKING WEEK. , Ry Ihe Associated Press. Bhcanaha, Mich. June is After I cutting the working day froni nine to ci;ht hours three weeha ago. ihe MeathWranrara railroad tolay in -1 it n ted a five day working wer-k In the enaanrffly'ji hops h r. Over 250 m n arc affected and Ihe cut came with i.v.t aotiflcation of any kind. TO U From Lynching Lawrence Msrtin Shouted "I'll Kill You' and Crushed Womans Skull. Stenbenvtlle, Ohio, Jane is. a fiendishly brutal aaaanll which was made on Mrs. John Hook al Qotlld .station today, and which will prob ably resuli fatally, has stirred up the male portion of that neighborhood to i point whore Hip alleged assailant narrowly escaped lynching Her al leged assailant clainut to ! Law rence Man in. of RaymiRon, Venaa jo county, Pennsylvania, The Hook house Is situated in the midst oi the Could oil held. While Km. Hook was working In the kltch en after dinner she HMked Up to see a man enter the door Bare-hbad d, without coat or test. He carried pari it a fence rail, and yelled "l will kill you!" Mr;, Hook started to gel the Winchester rifle behind the .lour, hu he pressed BO close the kepi on through the house int the yard I screaming for help, in the yard M. r tin caught up to her. and two blow: j from the bludgeon crushed her skull and left her dying n the gram. Men at. the barn heard tat scream land started for the house, and the as saltan! started to meet them. He threw the club al the foremosi mac j Prank Marker, who grappled with him, and Edward K. Key used the (dub in beating the man down, frac turing his skull, tie was tied, hand land feet. During the struggle thi UNCLE SM: "EVERY ONCE IN hUSbaad and I hired 111:111 SMBO Bp and waatad to shoot the man with Hie Winchester, and were only pre vented hy force, Oil nam and farm en flocked io ihe ptaaa after the news inroad, and only the appearance of the sheriff's posse pre etiteil il lynching Martin was lodged in Jail this afti r noon. GUEST OF HONOR. Ity Associated Press. London. June In Lot I ROberl I was the gue-1 of hoaor nl the annual linnet of the pilgrim rlab Ambassa dor Choate, proan Ing the I Ing'i beahh, declared King RdwarJ wa the stea.ifast friend of the i'nl i States in all circumstance; II snokl glowingly of ltrd Robert ' ace : pllshaaenta in the cause of peace, ant ofgeJally Invited him to vi ii Mil I Hit el States. Rohens melestly n-pli il and exptes:i'd til" hope to vi-il tie I fnlted State i soon. WILL DISMISS SUITS. By the Asoeiate0 Pratt Colorado Springs, .Inn- Is Inrlatg itawhart, one r MM leading directors and heay MaattsMers of the port land mine. s;ii,l Ratal thai the dir c tors of the company wRI ii mi - al litigation hronaht by President Hum again.-- 0 nernor Tea body. Il hi mid the eatlf haaaM M opposed to Rums' course. JesTediy ImJ i English Lad, the Favorite Finished Lonitli Belting Ring Was Without Bookmakers and Whatever lUts Wore Made W ore Handled Secretly. Colt 1 High Ball 2 WooriKOe, :l Rapid Watfr fly Ahso( lated Pn Chteap .. June i the touch of whip 1 entirely on his ( Weii)lit 122 1?.? 122 flail. Hie thl ear old K.e t. t wan the American Derby at w i hingtcn Park. Dickerkon'a Woodson, one ol the long Shots, see .lid, half u lea front oi Dial Ei glhh L lt:i tlx hi Wate favorlti f re the race was fourth, Impel, sly heat g st long Lest lime s Derby en although he was al the end. The time, eQua ever made for this ev com 1 1 The Picket won i i I iij exactly Ih For the Bn without bookmi A WHILE I FEEL LIKE I AIN'T AS USED TO 3E." polict neti and hand Io enfold ever Lets were secretly. Laal peat M,i day Ihe crowd thousand lcr . Sixteen pnrsef day and Hie 0. inrrier eleven word was givn. v.el on tin I I hal - handled race To r Idle n '.a atw the aaa ten o faced tin Id wa be! minutes I.- Proceeds fr m and remained the Journey, peter long I an; i h l ad j aeal to his km - i back. All thla Hu Hall had fated his there a o going i'iigin heron ill of the ta Rapl i Wal hi in Herd kmg It id ll' i kfter gi .ing w :: ie. ilsdi La I h fell h i 1 f th o Ihlrti nth place, an I tb re he r -naiaed for mo- than two furlong lomiaick worked dc favorite thl agh ie field in front of him, oar. 0 lind lint if cut off again. Moharib next it BagilshLad, the m. i ; heavfty achevi hor.--e in the race, was let 'Rtarfdfred with. Jockey Muiw, who tad the mount of Mohatih, avoid'-1 the rnah ar. und the turn and w as third HtO Ih" slretch. but the Mf" ' a I a t for him ajshaaj Mm laMt cava -Meantim- Proceeds had s I MM lid I mi rr;- dM t . with High flt'l an i t.-ipid Water la' atlen:laiw". . On the a(k sir tch .Proceeds- fad d away to lOthlng. wl.i! - High Hall novr-d up II ,1 took command The lialincc of Jockey Fuller Coul v Lyne Owner Sheftel A May Dickinson Drake I strung ou( Cor an eighth of a mil '. I Moiiarii. hung n gamely Rapid Wa thoal reeling j,,,. ,. ., ;sl.,nt fell hack, but eame at, i ruanUi again and headed Wood n. The lat mran . Highjtcr came with a line hur t of speed H the clo: - an 1 Bntshed half a length in fron! of Rapid Waotef English Lad, who had found clear BalUng at la i. tailed Hit r the leaders. Mean time High Bali skinned the rail, fol lD I lowed by Woodson. Fhrrel had High . itaii well in hand and a ixte mil from ihe wire had iii 1 1 thoroughly beal n. Woodson and Rapid Water m re under whip and .spur. httl High Rail kepi in Ironi of Rapid Water, Hie lal ter being three-fourths to the good oi Bngliih Lad M.iharih was a distant fifth, and Hie rest ol Hie held badly strung "hi 'I he race had a gro s value of $ ".I, 575, of which I2G,57G went to the win tier. , The odds were i to I against High Hall. 35 to i again I Wood ton, J to i again: t Rapid Water. PEACEABLE A CRITTER AS I WAS DECLARED INSANE. Ry the Assoelnted Praaa. Sprini liel.l, HI . June Is John I Harvey who wrote letters hi Hover .,or Yut" aad sh 'iift Drainer threal ealng their lives aad also tare : n lag to hum their property, waa de dared laaaaa h) a lur) Uwlaj ami will in- committed Io the hospital nl Jack GIVEN TO THE JURY 'iv Ihe Associated Press BJodmiagton, June IS The case ol Mr Anna CoRca Work -. charged wiili the murder of her hu hand in isit. w.e io ihe hnrj toalghl The del mi. in. waa BrraateNl in Hel en.i. MwaC, after a search of seven years PREtMDCMT OOf 3 VISITING. nv gswietntMl Peeaat Philldrdahla. June II President RooeereR and his party arri'.id at Devon it in Ml Ue was ntet at th station by Atovawy Qeaeral Kama nd a 1 1 grim ha the katara home lim: mile-, distant, PROMINENT ELK DEAD. aja Hnnos'tainsl frpn. Ilarri ' wrv Pa . Jan.- is lea ! D. Del il-r, fOT'ner fiiti-1 exalte. I ruler of ' fjlks, and p"- i : t liard cf governors of the IBM na Uoaval home, died tonight. From Advance Indications Assemblage Promises to Lack Previ. ous Enthusiasm Opposition to Cortetyou Abating Fairbanks For Vice President. By the Associated Press. Chicago, June is. The advance guard of nelegaticma to the Republi can national Convention lave airiu.l in ChieafP and the greater number ol them an- expected to come tomor roa and Monday, Kieiu all advance Indications MM convention promises to lack jome thing of the excitement of otiui gath erings of its kind. The chief inter e i -,o t.D nntert iii the vice presi dential nomination. The opposition against ieVMarj tJbrtalyou lor chair man of the tathajial committee seemi to be dying out and van ou members oi the national commit; tee predicted he would be elecced without tfajttiMlati The lyjht against him, ihey de clare, is no! strong enough to mai.e any irotihlo. The nil il ude ol Benatoi l-'aii hanks regarding th nomination for vice president h many of the arrivin say ih. i lie should not pleasing to : deiegatea, w ho de. dure himself morn explicitly The great majority ol dolegatei who have so far arrived favor him, oi are not glctlvety opposed to him. bul Ihey desire a statement of some kind The New forti del gatlOO, Ihe m.l jorlty of which arrived during Hie if ternoou and evening, made it evident that the Kmpire state is not in favoi of Fairbanks for rloa president Bllhu Root, who i' to he temporary chair man of Ihe con ventiou, aid: " Tin tv is a strohi Hit I sentiment in New York, and v.e are of the opinion thai he "ill make a trORg candidate. Thi fact thai K.iiihanks has expressed no wish for Hie place lias served Iii aid the. candidacy of Httt.M Chauncey M Depew la In favor of Speaker Cannot) and would like to o I him nominated, but Ihe trouble is thill CaOOOU delates he d i not want the place. "As to Senator Fairbanks," said Depew, "I under litrtd thai he will not say Hint he Wfutjs Hie plurp, nnd thai he will nei :;eek it in any way. I do not think that he can he elected to I he putHtli ft ii he will gOl . e l il II little hit. .An Illinois man In Ihe sec nad place on the ticket would please Its ill Neu York." The California delegation arrived on ;i peiiai train. Chairman McKIn ley said ilui' he cattld not say deflntte ly who the state would specify tor vice president, The state waa rath er favorable to Fairbanks, but though! he should diubire him-idf more del lalteiy tkan he aaa dome. Delegates are a) o here from Ohio Indian ", and Vermont. Congressman Hemonway, or ludi DAY OF MANY FUNERALS OF GENERAL SLOCUM VICTIMS One Hundred and Fourteen funerals til Two HttRtlred Victims FfMI St. Mark s tluirili Hope I hat I ist af l atalilies Will Not Be I mdid By I irsl EMMMtC. Pv Associated Press New Yet-k. Jin: IX I nc -a tiaf search hu o. er i iiree day an I nichi resulted in the recover of 'nt bodies ,1 iirtiu . of the fire on ihe steamer Qeaeral Bloeam im Wcdaesday. i i ibis number Ml have ben i.trntineti kithowgh this appallng number dues lint represent the lull extent of the calamity, hopes are expreael thai mparatrvely f w bodies reaaain h ... reeotiaud. i he iiaahlu t slid reported ml I a i uiiglit :is in sing i bul of He -, nanv have lie en aenunted for. wlie Poison Sk Pcn.ons In Iowa All Ar In a Very Critical Con- Hy Associaieil Preaa. Iow a f ity Iowa. June IS - ix p r ..ii . ji isoned bv impure milk sre in t critic il PundRhm at their fmtee on Vea Hilh. west ot thf.; citv Thai ire Willard Fdw n I had ir.' tlil Lett EM wards. J'n Brown, Fa.niie lme and John Watkin- Tin y either the ptomane ladeo fluid or ati -,rt,kei1 ftKj in which it had be. n use I MULTO MILLIONAIRE DEAD. Asaviafd Pres it bur:', June IH Kdminid More .1 KerRieum, fer many w-ir- pnm nt in gaaacial and busiin s af r; in Pitufcurg. i- dead.-aged, Tl -I t ha ;t": i IMPURE M una. who-is a close friend of Fair hanks, said that the senator should not make a statement of any klud; I hat he Would accept the nomination if it waa presented to him. but he will not declare that he wants it, nor would Indiana present his name. General John I.. Webster, .of Ne btas.k.1, who i:t a candidate for vice president arrived thi:; afternoon. He refused a av a word regarding hij caudt la. t. except to remark that U9 eras satisfied with the outlook. The M FWeite people are making pttparati.His for a desperate tight be fore the committee on credentials, and expect to carry on the struggle io the bitter cud. II W. Chynoweth, who argued the case of Governor La Kolletie before the national commit tee, fijiid today : "There i going to In- a light lo the finish There can he no compromise and if the national convention follows the lead ol Hie national committee we must make a final appeal to thi voters of Wisconsin." Anion;; Ihe arrival! today were "li.l men from western Pennsylvania, a large number ol delegates being In He- party. The Hawaiian delegation, headed hy Governor (! R. Carter, ar rived about hoon Following is the official program: Tuesday Convention called to or der by Chairman Payne. Prayer lo Rev Timothy P. Frost; nailing ol the call for the conven tion; introduction of Temporary Chairman RTYhu Root, who will art ddre the convention and report the names of the temporary officers; ap polntmenl of commlttean Wednesday--Prayer by Rev. Thomas R, Cox; report of commit- .tees on resolutions and permanent or ion; introduction and speech of Permanent Chairman Cannon; re- ! port ol committee on rules; naming by state delegations of member., of the naf1rtvTa1,r1in.inliiee. Thur .lay ttrayer by Rev. TbaJ- I clous A. Snively; call for presidential nomlutllions1; presentation of tho name of President Rooseveii by Prank C. Blank, of New York, and .sec onding speeches b) Senator Revei Idge and others; nomination of vice president, selection of committee for notification i candidates. The light sign of light in the com mittee on reaol ul ions came into sight j today In Ihe efforts of Senator liana borough, of North Dakota, to enlist recrulta in favor ol a declaration for a rev isloit of Ho tariff The la I touches were put to the convention hall (his morning and it is now complete. unite hive Del In n taken from tho li t. and others are among the .lead whose identification Impossible. The region in lb vieicity of St. Mark's Herman l.uihernn church was today the scene H 111 funeral . re pn ... tiling the hut in of nearly '.'m iHldle . .lilt. ' ' id 'lie e ot Wlllllell attd cliildn ii KnoiUKius ei.iwdi thtongej the ti,.is of ihe ipiai er and a larga tore, nf iHilieemen was teeessary to prei. i,i ili.,,rih r and l.e. p clear a pas-is- for the .in-, iiios of hcarae-1 and i .uria....' Knuet il i vies w.T held In no i s than churehea. ADOPT OUR DOLLAR. By the AiS'iehin d Preug W:i ' in 1 ut Pine ly The rommiax i..n . i ii i .p it "I'll the pieparattoH of : a .on in v vy ', in Pinama, today i aebed an agreement which estah II ihe i roln eipiivalent in flnenesa mid weight lo the Culled Slates dot-' lar bgai tender In Pan aaa, CONFESSED TO A MURDER. tv the Ifnrfntnd Pre Philadelphia June IS A man gives- (he nun 'f William (lerster-. r i ten lere.l him elf tn the po toda; mi 1 nte ei r.i havingj niurderoil a woman in Berlin la HK1. fti r the murder h- li-aiemberady Hn body and threw it into the river. THREE DROWNED. ftv the Associated Press Toledo. Jnne IH Hy the capsizing of a mwhoa' na- Hrand Rapt.M, l N Hryan and daughr t. r. Gartruda, "f Mciorah. and a Mr. Holcu .t , ..f Hort ville, Ohio, aaajaah drown i. j 1 .-,